* Created on 04.10.2004
* To change the template for this generated file go to
* Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
package net.sf.xbus.protocol.xml;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.Constants;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.XException;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.config.Configuration;
import net.sf.xbus.base.xbussystem.AdditionalAddress;
import net.sf.xbus.base.xbussystem.XBUSSystem;
import net.sf.xbus.base.xml.IteratedNodeOperation;
import net.sf.xbus.protocol.Message;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
* @author Duewel
* To change the template for this generated type comment go to
* Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
class IteratedStyletApplication implements IteratedNodeOperation
* The XML document, in which the stylets are applied. Used for node
* creation.
private Document mDoc;
* The message, in which the stylet application takes place. Used for
* pasting message information into the result document.
private Message mMessage;
* Key/value pairs for mapping values.
private Hashtable mStyletValues;
* Construct an object for stylet application.
* @param xmlNew the XML document, in which the stylets are applied.
* @param message the message, in which the stylet application takes place.
public IteratedStyletApplication(Document xmlNew, Message message,
Hashtable styletValues)
mDoc = xmlNew;
mMessage = message;
mStyletValues = styletValues;
} // IteratedStyletApplication(Document xmlNew, Message message)
* @see net.sf.xbus.base.xml.IteratedNodeOperation#iteratedProcedure(org.w3c.dom.Node)
public void iteratedProcedure(Node node) throws XException
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
&& node.getNodeName().equals("XBUS_Stylet"))
Node parent = node.getParentNode();
String styletName = ((Element) node).getAttribute("Name");
if ((styletName == null) || (styletName.length() == 0))
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_XML, "18");
} // if ((styletName == null) || (styletName.length() == 0))
String tagName = ((Element) node).getAttribute("Tag");
if ((tagName == null) || (tagName.length() == 0)
&& !styletName.equals("Value")
&& !styletName.equals("AddressMapping")
&& !styletName.equals("FormatDate")
&& !styletName.equals("DateComparison"))
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_XML, "19");
} // if ((tagName == null) || (tagName.length() == 0) ...
if (styletName.equals("Id"))
insertValue(tagName, mMessage.getId(), parent, node);
} // then (styletName.equals("Id"))
else if (styletName.equals("Source"))
insertValue(tagName, mMessage.getSource().getName(),
parent, node);
} // then (styletName.equals("Source"))
else if (styletName.equals("RequestTimestamp"))
insertValue(tagName, Constants.getDateFormat().format(
mMessage.getRequestTimestamp()), parent, node);
} // then (styletName.equals("RequestTimestamp"))
else if (styletName.equals("Value"))
String section = ((Element) node).getAttribute("Section");
String keyName = ((Element) node).getAttribute("Key");
if ((keyName == null) || (keyName.length() == 0))
List params = new Vector();
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_XML, "20", params);
} // if ((keyName == null) || (keyName.length() == 0))
String value = null;
if (section == null || section.length() == 0)
value = (String) mStyletValues.get(keyName);
} // then (section == null || section.length() == 0)
value = Configuration.getMappingOptional(section,
if (value == null)
value = Configuration
catch (XException e)
{ // Catch XException to past the missing key
// value into
// the (second) error message.
List params = new Vector();
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
} // catch (XException e)
} // if (value==null)
} // else (section == null || section.length() == 0)
if (value == null)
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_XML, "21");
} // if (value == null)
// replace the stylet node in the DOM tree
insertValue(tagName, value, parent, node);
} // then (styletName.equals("Value"))
else if (styletName.equals("CDATA"))
String keyName = ((Element) node).getAttribute("Key");
if ((keyName == null) || (keyName.length() == 0))
List params = new Vector();
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_XML, "20", params);
} // if ((keyName == null) || (keyName.length() == 0))
String value = (String) mStyletValues.get(keyName);
if (value == null)
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_XML, "21");
} // if (value == null)
Element newElement = mDoc.createElement(tagName);
parent.replaceChild(newElement, node);
} // then (styletName.equals("CDATA"))
else if (styletName.equals("FormatDate"))
String oldFormat = ((Element) node)
String newFormat = ((Element) node)
if (newFormat == null || newFormat.length() == 0)
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_XML, "22");
} // if (newFormat==null || newFormat.length()==0)
String keyName = ((Element) node).getAttribute("Key");
if (oldFormat == null || oldFormat.length() == 0)
if (keyName != null && keyName.length() > 0)
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_XML, "22");
} // if (keyName != null && keyName.length() > 0)
} // then (oldFormat==null || oldFormat.length()==0)
else if ((keyName == null) || (keyName.length() == 0))
List params = new Vector();
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_XML, "20", params);
} // if ((keyName == null) || (keyName.length() == 0))
Date date = null;
SimpleDateFormat formater = null;
if (oldFormat == null || oldFormat.length() == 0)
date = new Date();
formater = new SimpleDateFormat(newFormat);
} // then (oldFormat == null || oldFormat.length() == 0)
formater = new SimpleDateFormat(oldFormat);
date = formater.parse(keyName);
} // else (oldFormat == null || oldFormat.length() == 0)
String value = formater.format(date);
insertValue(tagName, value, parent, node);
} // then (styletName.equals("FormatDate"))
else if (styletName.equals("AddressMapping"))
{ // for value mapping from the AddtionalAddressImplementation
// the originating value type
String section = ((Element) node).getAttribute("Section");
// the destination value type
String toSection = ((Element) node)
// the key to map
String keyName = ((Element) node).getAttribute("Key");
if ((keyName == null) || (keyName.length() == 0))
List params = new Vector();
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_XML, "20", params);
} // if ((keyName == null) || (keyName.length() == 0))
if ((section == null) || (section.length() == 0)
|| (toSection == null) || (toSection.length() == 0))
List params = new Vector();
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_XML, "23", params);
} // if ((section == null) || (section.length() == 0) ||
// (toSection == null) || (toSection.length() == 0))
AdditionalAddress addressImpl = XBUSSystem
// the mapped value
String value = addressImpl.getValue(section, toSection,
if (value == null)
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_XML, "21");
} // if (value == null)
// replace the stylet node in the DOM tree
insertValue(tagName, value, parent, node);
} // if (styletName.equals("AddressMapping"))
else if (styletName.equals("DateComparison"))
{ // Compare a given or the actual date against an time
// interval
// or a single date.
// Begin of the interval or single date to compare against.
String beginString = ((Element) node)
Date beginDate = null;
if (beginString.length() > 0)
{ // Begin date is specified. Get it as date object.
String beginFormat = ((Element) node)
SimpleDateFormat formater = new SimpleDateFormat(
beginDate = formater.parse(beginString);
// Any problem in date handling is handled at the end of
// the procedure.
} // then (beginString.length()>0)
{ // The begin date is mandatory.
List params = new Vector();
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_XML, "26", params);
} // else (beginString.length()>0)
// The end date of the interval to comaper against.
// Or empty if comaprison is done date-to-date.
String endString = ((Element) node).getAttribute("EndDate");
Date endDate = null;
if (endString.length() > 0)
{ // The end date is specified. Get it as date object.
String endFormat = ((Element) node)
SimpleDateFormat formater = new SimpleDateFormat(
endDate = formater.parse(endString);
// Any problem in date handling is handled at the end of
// the procedure.
} // if (endString.length()>0)
// The date to compare against begin and end date or begin
// date
// alone.
// If the compare date is empty, the current date is used
// for
// the comparison.
String compareString = ((Element) node)
Date compareDate = null;
if (compareString.length() > 0)
{ // The compare date is specified. Get it as date object.
String compareFormat = ((Element) node)
SimpleDateFormat formater = new SimpleDateFormat(
compareDate = formater.parse(compareString);
// Any problem in date handling is handled at the end of
// the procedure.
} // if (compareString.length()>0)
{ // The compare date was not specified. Use the actual
// date.
SimpleDateFormat formater = new SimpleDateFormat(
compareDate = formater.parse(formater
.format(new Date()));
} // else (compareString.length()>0)
// First comparison against the begin date.
int comparison = compareDate.compareTo(beginDate);
if (comparison > -1 && endDate != null)
{ // The compared date lies not before the begin date and
// there is an end date.
if (beginDate.compareTo(endDate) == 1)
{ // Check the begin-end-date interval.
List params = new Vector();
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
} // then (beginDate.compareTo(endDate)==1)
{ // Begin and end date form a sensilbe interval.
// Compare against the end date.
// Already sure: the compare date is not before the
// begin date.
comparison = compareDate.compareTo(endDate);
if (comparison == -1)
// Before end date means that it is in the
// interval.
comparison = 0;
} // else (beginDate.compareTo(endDate)==1)
} // if (comparison>-1 && endDate!=null)
// Convert the comparison value into one of the specified
// keys.
String value = null;
switch (comparison)
case -1 :
value = ((Element) node)
case 0 :
value = ((Element) node)
case 1 :
value = ((Element) node).getAttribute("AfterValue");
} // switch (comparison)
// Insert the value into the DOM tree according to the
// specified
// tag name.
insertValue(tagName, value, parent, node);
} // if (styletName.equals("DateComparison"))
else if (styletName.equals("Max"))
{ // Calculate the maximum of two integer values.
// The values are stored in the attributes "Key" and
// "Value".
// This stylet is only needed to combine stylet results
// after
// the XSLT transformation.
// Usual comparison is possible in XSLT directly.
String keyString = ((Element) node).getAttribute("Key");
int key = Integer.parseInt(keyString);
String value = ((Element) node).getAttribute("Value");
int val = Integer.parseInt(value);
if (val < key)
value = keyString;
insertValue(tagName, value, parent, node);
} // if (styletName.equals("Max"))
List params = new Vector();
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_XML, "27", params);
} // else - name attribute unknown
} // if (node.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
} // try
catch (XException e)
throw e;
} // catch (XException e)
catch (Exception e)
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
"0", e);
} // catch
} // IteratedStyletApplication(Document xmlNew, Message message)
* <code>insertValue</code> replaces the stlyet node of a value mapping or
* generation within the DOM tree. The new value may be placed
* <ul>
* <li>into the node where the stylet node was in,</li>
* <li>into a new node labelled <code>tagname</code></li>, which itself
* replaces the stylet node,
* <li>into a attribute node labelled <code>tagname</code> if
* <code>tagname</code> starts with '@' and the new attribute is linked to
* the node which surrounds the stylet node and the stylet node is deleted.
* @param tagName tag for a new value node, <code>null</code> to put the
* value into the node where the stylet node was in, addressing
* an attribute if beginning with '@'
* @param value the value to store into the DOM tree
* @param parent the node surrounding the stylet node
* @param child the stylet node
private void insertValue(String tagName, String value, Node parent,
Node child)
if (tagName == null || tagName.length() == 0)
{ // No tag name - insert mapped value as value of <parent>
Node valueNode = mDoc.createTextNode(value);
parent.replaceChild(valueNode, child);
} // then (tagName == null || tagName.length() == 0)
{ // Tag name given - create new node for mapped value
if (tagName.charAt(0) == '@')
{ // Tag name indicates an attribute name.
((Element) parent).setAttribute(tagName.substring(1), value);
} // then (tagName.charAt(0)=='@')
{ // Tag name indicates an elemnet node name.
Node valueNode = mDoc.createTextNode(value);
Node newNode = mDoc.createElement(tagName);
parent.replaceChild(newNode, child);
} // else (tagName.charAt(0)=='@')
} // else (tagName==null || tagName.length()==0)
} // insertValue(String tagName, String value, Document xmlNew, Node
// parent, Node child)
} // IteratedStyletApplication