package net.sf.xbus.admin.html;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.Constants;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.XException;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.config.Configuration;
import net.sf.xbus.technical.database.DBConnection;
* <code>ReadJournal</code> reads information about the activities of the
* middleware from the database and handles the information which is stored in
* the database-table <code>journal</code>. An instance of
* {@link net.sf.xbus.technical.database.DBConnection} is used for handling the
* database-connection.
public class ReadJournal
private int mNumber;
private char mType;
private String mSystem;
private String mFunction;
private String mMessageId;
private String mRequestMessage;
private String mRequestTimestamp;
private String mResponseMessage;
private String mResponseTimestamp;
private String mReturncode;
private int mErrorcode;
private String mErrormessage;
* Gets the number from the journal
public int getNumber()
return mNumber;
* Allows you to set the number in the journal
public void setNumber(int number)
mNumber = number;
* Gets the type of the message from the journal
public char getType()
return mType;
* Allows you to set the type of the message
public void setType(char type)
mType = type;
* Gets the system from the journal
public String getSystem()
return mSystem;
* Allows you to set the system
public void setSystem(String system)
mSystem = system;
* Gets the function from the journal
public String getFunction()
return mFunction;
* Allows you to set the function
public void setFunction(String function)
mFunction = function;
* Gets the message id from the journal
public String getMessageId()
return mMessageId;
* Allows you to set the message id
public void setMessageId(String messageId)
mMessageId = messageId;
* Gets the request message from the journal
public String getRequestMessage()
return mRequestMessage;
* Allows you to set the request message
public void setRequestMessage(String requestMessage)
mRequestMessage = requestMessage;
* Gets the request timestamp from the journal
public String getRequestTimestamp()
return mRequestTimestamp;
* Allows you to set the request timestamp
public void setRequestTimestamp(String requestTimestamp)
mRequestTimestamp = requestTimestamp;
* Gets the response message from the journal
public String getResponseMessage()
return mResponseMessage;
public void setResponseMessage(String responseMessage)
* Allows you to set the response message
mResponseMessage = responseMessage;
* Gets the response timestamp from the journal
public String getResponseTimestamp()
return mResponseTimestamp;
* Allows you to set the response timestamp
public void setResponseTimestamp(String responseTimestamp)
mResponseTimestamp = responseTimestamp;
* Gets the return code from the journal
public String getReturncode()
return mReturncode;
* Allows you to set the returncode
public void setReturncode(String returncode)
mReturncode = returncode;
* Gets the error code from the journal
public int getErrorcode()
return mErrorcode;
* Allows you to set the error code
public void setErrorcode(int errorcode)
mErrorcode = errorcode;
* Gets the error message from the journal
public String getErrormessage()
return mErrormessage;
* Allows you to set the error message
public void setErrormessage(String errormessage)
mErrormessage = errormessage;
* <code>readSelected(HashMap, String, String)</code> builds the SQL
* statement, connects to the database and executes it. All data from the
* <code>ResultSet</code> strore erst in the <code>ReadJournal</code>
* object and then in the List.
* @param selectionMap - HashMap with items should be selected
* @param orderBy - String (by wich data should be ordered)
* @param sorting -String (descending or not)
* @return List with the ReadJournal objects
static public List readSelected(HashMap selectionMap, String orderBy,
String sorting) throws XException
String sqlBefehl = "SELECT * FROM journal ";
if (!selectionMap.isEmpty())
sqlBefehl += "WHERE ";
List keyList = new Vector();
for (int i = 0; i < keyList.size(); i++)
String fieldName = (String) keyList.get(i);
String fieldValue = (String) selectionMap.get(fieldName);
if (fieldName.equals("RequestTimeMin"))
sqlBefehl += "jo_request_timestamp >='" + fieldValue + "' ";
else if (fieldName.equals("RequestTimeMax"))
sqlBefehl += "jo_request_timestamp <='" + fieldValue + "' ";
else if (fieldName.equals("RequestMessage"))
sqlBefehl += "jo_request_message LIKE '%" + fieldValue
+ "%'";
else if (fieldName.equals("ResponseMessage"))
sqlBefehl += "jo_response_message LIKE '%" + fieldValue
+ "%'";
else if (fieldName.equals("Type"))
sqlBefehl += "jo_type ='" + fieldValue + "' ";
else if (fieldName.equals("Returncode"))
sqlBefehl += "jo_returncode ='" + fieldValue + "' ";
else if (fieldName.equals("System"))
sqlBefehl += "jo_system ='" + fieldValue + "' ";
else if (fieldName.equals("Function"))
sqlBefehl += "jo_function ='" + fieldValue + "' ";
else if (fieldName.equals("MessageId"))
sqlBefehl += "jo_message_id ='" + fieldValue + "' ";
List params = new Vector();
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_ADMIN_ADMIN, "3", params);
if (i < (keyList.size() - 1))
sqlBefehl += "AND ";
String order;
if (orderBy.equals("Number"))
order = "jo_id";
else if (orderBy.equals("Returncode"))
order = "jo_returncode";
else if (orderBy.equals("System"))
order = "jo_system";
else if (orderBy.equals("Function"))
order = "jo_function";
else if (orderBy.equals("MessageId"))
order = "jo_message_id";
else if (orderBy.equals("type"))
order = "jo_type";
else if (orderBy.equals("RequestTimestamp"))
order = "jo_request_timestamp";
List params = new Vector();
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
Constants.LAYER_ADMIN, Constants.PACKAGE_ADMIN_ADMIN, "4",
sqlBefehl += "ORDER BY " + order;
if (sorting.equals("Descending"))
sqlBefehl += " DESC";
String dbConnectionName = Configuration.getInstance()
.getValueOptional("Base", "Journal", "DBConnection");
if (dbConnectionName == null)
dbConnectionName = DBConnection.UNNAMED;
DBConnection dbCon = DBConnection.getInstance(dbConnectionName);
ResultSet result = dbCon.executeRead(sqlBefehl);
Vector list = new Vector();
while (
ReadJournal journal = new ReadJournal();
if ((result.getString("jo_type") == null)
|| (result.getString("jo_type").length() == 0))
journal.setType(' ');
return list;
catch (Exception e)
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
Constants.LAYER_ADMIN, Constants.PACKAGE_ADMIN_ADMIN, "0",
* Gets all necessary information from the journal as one String in the
* following format:
* <pre>
* number | messageId | function | type | system | requestTimestamp
* | ResponseTimestamp | Returncode
* </pre>
* @return String
public String toString()
return mNumber + " | " + mMessageId + " | " + mFunction + " | " + mType
+ " | " + mSystem + " | " + mRequestTimestamp + " | "
+ mResponseTimestamp + " | " + mReturncode;