* @(#)$Id: DeepEqual.java 3619 2008-03-26 07:23:03Z yui $
* Copyright 2006-2008 Makoto YUI
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Contributors:
* Makoto YUI - initial implementation
package xbird.xquery.func.seq;
import java.text.Collator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import xbird.util.resource.CollationUtils;
import xbird.xquery.XQueryException;
import xbird.xquery.dm.NodeKind;
import xbird.xquery.dm.instance.DocumentTableModel.DTMAttribute;
import xbird.xquery.dm.instance.DocumentTableModel.DTMElement;
import xbird.xquery.dm.value.*;
import xbird.xquery.dm.value.node.DMAttribute;
import xbird.xquery.dm.value.node.DMElement;
import xbird.xquery.dm.value.sequence.ValueSequence;
import xbird.xquery.dm.value.xsi.BooleanValue;
import xbird.xquery.expr.comp.ValueComp;
import xbird.xquery.expr.func.DirectFunctionCall;
import xbird.xquery.func.BuiltInFunction;
import xbird.xquery.func.FunctionSignature;
import xbird.xquery.meta.DynamicContext;
import xbird.xquery.misc.TypeUtil;
import xbird.xquery.misc.QNameTable.QualifiedName;
import xbird.xquery.type.*;
import xbird.xquery.type.xs.BooleanType;
import xbird.xquery.type.xs.StringType;
* fn:deep-equal.
* <DIV lang="en">
* This function assesses whether two sequences are deep-equal to each other.
* <ul>
* <li>fn:deep-equal($parameter1 as item()*, $parameter2 as item()*) as xs:boolean</li>
* <li>fn:deep-equal($parameter1 as item()*, $parameter2 as item()*, $collation as string) as xs:boolean</li>
* </ul>
* </DIV>
* <DIV lang="ja"></DIV>
* @author Makoto YUI (yuin405+xbird@gmail.com)
* @link http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery-operators/#func-deep-equal
public final class DeepEqual extends BuiltInFunction {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5614122631562133090L;
public static final String SYMBOL = "fn:deep-equal";
public DeepEqual() {
super(SYMBOL, BooleanType.BOOLEAN);
protected FunctionSignature[] signatures() {
final FunctionSignature[] s = new FunctionSignature[2];
s[0] = new FunctionSignature(getName(), new Type[] { SequenceType.ANY_ITEMS,
SequenceType.ANY_ITEMS });
s[1] = new FunctionSignature(getName(), new Type[] { SequenceType.ANY_ITEMS,
SequenceType.ANY_ITEMS, StringType.STRING });
return s;
* @see DirectFunctionCall#eval(Sequence, DynamicContext)
public Sequence eval(Sequence<? extends Item> contextSeq, ValueSequence argv, DynamicContext dynEnv)
throws XQueryException {
// If the two sequences are both empty, the function returns true.
Item param1 = argv.getItem(0); // convention to be SingleCollection
Item param2 = argv.getItem(1);
if(param1.isEmpty() && param2.isEmpty()) {
return BooleanValue.TRUE;
final Collator collator;
final int arglen = argv.size();
if(arglen == 3) {
Item third = argv.getItem(2);
final String collation = third.stringValue();
collator = CollationUtils.resolve(collation, dynEnv.getStaticContext());
} else {
collator = null;
Iterator<? extends Item> param1Itor = param1.iterator();
Iterator<? extends Item> param2Itor = param2.iterator();
int p1ctr = 0, p2ctr = 0;
final Type anyatomicType = TypeRegistry.safeGet("xs:anyAtomicType*");
outer: while(param1Itor.hasNext()) {
Item p1 = param1Itor.next();
while(param2Itor.hasNext()) {
Item p2 = param2Itor.next();
Type p1type = p1.getType();
Type p2type = p2.getType();
if(TypeUtil.subtypeOf(p1type, anyatomicType)
&& TypeUtil.subtypeOf(p2type, anyatomicType)) {
// If $i1 and $i2 are both atomic values, they are deep-equal
// if and only if ($i1 eq $i2) is true.
if(ValueComp.effectiveBooleanValue(ValueComp.Operator.EQ, p1, p2, dynEnv)) {
continue outer;
} else {
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
} else if(p1 instanceof XQNode && p2 instanceof XQNode) {
// If $i1 and $i2 are both nodes..
XQNode n1 = (XQNode) p1, n2 = (XQNode) p2;
// #2 If the two nodes are both document nodes then they are deep-equal
// if and only if the sequence $i1/(*|text()) is deep-equal to the sequence
// $i2/(*|text()).
if(deepEqual(n1, n2, collator, false)) {
continue outer;
} else {
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
} else {
// The result of fn:deep-equal(1, current-dateTime()) is false;
// it does not raise an error.
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
// If the two sequences are of different lengths, the function returns false.
return (p1ctr == p2ctr) ? BooleanValue.TRUE : BooleanValue.FALSE;
private static boolean deepEqual(XQNode n1, XQNode n2, Collator collator, boolean descOfItem) {
// TODO performance improvement!
// #1 If the two nodes are of different kinds, the result is false.
final long n1pos = n1.getPosition(), n2pos = n2.getPosition();
if(n1pos != -1 && n1pos == n2pos) {
return true;
final byte n1kind = n1.nodeKind(), n2kind = n2.nodeKind();
if(n1kind != n2kind) {
return false;
switch(n1kind) {
case NodeKind.DOCUMENT: {
// If the two nodes are both document nodes then they are deep-equal
// if and only if the sequence $i1/(*|text()) is deep-equal to
// the sequence $i2/(*|text()).
XQNode n1child = n1.firstChild();
XQNode n2child = n2.firstChild();
if(n1child == n2child) {
} else if(n1child == null && n2child != null) {
return false;
int n1cnt = 0, n2cnt = 0;
for(; n1child != null; n1child = n1child.nextSibling()) {// childs match
n2child = null;
// siblings match
for(; n2child != null; n2child = n2child.nextSibling()) {
if(!deepEqual(n1child, n2child, collator, true)) {
return false;
n1child = n1child.nextSibling();
if(n1child != null) {
if(n1child == null) {
if(n2child != null) {
return false;
if(n1cnt != n2cnt) {
return false;
case NodeKind.ELEMENT: {
// #1 the two nodes have the same name, that is (node-name($i1) eq node-name($i2)).
if(!n1.nodeName().equals(n2.nodeName())) {
return false;
// #2 the two nodes are both annotated as having simple content or
// both nodes are annotated as having complex content.
// TODO aware schema (typed value)
XQNode n1child = n1.firstChild();
XQNode n2child = n2.firstChild();
if(n1child == null) {
if(n2child != null) {
return false;
} else if(n1child != n2child) {
int n1cnt = 0, n2cnt = 0;
for(; n1child != null; n1child = n1child.nextSibling()) {// childs match
// siblings match
for(; n2child != null && n1child != null; n2child = n2child.nextSibling()) {
if(!deepEqual(n1child, n2child, collator, true)) {
return false;
n1child = n1child.nextSibling();
if(n1child != null) {
if(n1child == null) {
if(n2child != null) {
return false;
if(n1cnt != n2cnt) {
return false;
// #3 check if the two nodes have the same number of attributes
if(!attributesEqual(n1, n2, collator)) {
return false;
// The content of a comment or processing instruction that appears as a descendant of an item
// in one of the sequences being compared does not affect the result.
if(descOfItem) {
case NodeKind.ATTRIBUTE:
case NodeKind.NAMESPACE:
if(!n1.nodeName().equals(n2.nodeName())) {
return false;
if(!n1.getContent().equals(n2.getContent())) {
return false;
case NodeKind.COMMENT:
if(descOfItem) {
case NodeKind.TEXT:
case NodeKind.CDATA: {
final String n1content = n1.getContent();
final String n2content = n2.getContent();
if(n1content == null) {
if(n2content != null) {
return false;
} else {
if(!n1content.equals(n2content)) {
return false;
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid node kind was detected: "
+ NodeKind.resolveName(n1kind));
return true;
private static boolean attributesEqual(XQNode n1, XQNode n2, Collator collator) {
assert (n1.nodeKind() == NodeKind.ELEMENT && n2.nodeKind() == NodeKind.ELEMENT);
if(n1 instanceof DMElement) {
assert (n2 instanceof DMElement);
DMElement e1 = (DMElement) n1, e2 = (DMElement) n2;
Iterator<DMAttribute> a1Itor = e1.attribute().iterator();
Iterator<DMAttribute> a2Itor = e2.attribute().iterator();
while(a1Itor.hasNext()) {
if(!a2Itor.hasNext()) {
return false;
DMAttribute a1 = a1Itor.next();
DMAttribute a2 = a2Itor.next();
QualifiedName a1name = a1.nodeName();
QualifiedName a2name = a2.nodeName();
if(!a1name.equals(a2name)) {
return false;
String a1val = a1.getContent();
String a2val = a2.getContent();
assert (a1val != null);
if(collator != null) {
if(!collator.equals(a1val, a2val)) {
return false;
} else {
if(!a1val.equals(a2val)) {
return false;
} else {
// TODO performance improvement!
assert (n1 instanceof DTMElement && n2 instanceof DTMElement);
DTMElement e1 = (DTMElement) n1, e2 = (DTMElement) n2;
DTMAttribute att1 = null;
for(int i = 0; (att1 = e1.attribute(i)) != null; i++) {
DTMAttribute att2 = e2.attribute(i);
if(!att1.nodeName().equals(att2.nodeName())) {
return false;
final String att1val = att1.getContent();
final String att2val = att2.getContent();
if(collator != null) {
if(!collator.equals(att1val, att2val)) {
return false;
} else {
if(!att1val.equals(att2.getContent())) {
return false;
return true;