Package java.text

Examples of java.text.Collator

        fireTableRowsUpdated(0, getRowCount() - 1);

    public Comparator<CatalogPieceOfFurniture> getFurnitureComparator(final String propertyKey) {
      final Collator collator = Collator.getInstance();
      Comparator<CatalogPieceOfFurniture> furnitureComparator = null;
      if (FurnitureLibrary.FURNITURE_ID_PROPERTY.equals(propertyKey)) {
        furnitureComparator = new Comparator<CatalogPieceOfFurniture>() {
            public int compare(CatalogPieceOfFurniture piece1, CatalogPieceOfFurniture piece2) {
              if (piece1.getId() == null) {
                return -1;
              } else if (piece2.getId() == null) {
                return 1;
              } else {
                return, piece2.getId());
      } else if (FurnitureLibrary.FURNITURE_NAME_PROPERTY.equals(propertyKey)) {
         furnitureComparator = new Comparator<CatalogPieceOfFurniture>() {
             public int compare(CatalogPieceOfFurniture piece1, CatalogPieceOfFurniture piece2) {
               String piece1Name = (String)furnitureLibrary.getPieceOfFurnitureLocalizedData(
                   piece1, controller.getFurnitureLangauge(), propertyKey, piece1.getName());
               String piece2Name = (String)furnitureLibrary.getPieceOfFurnitureLocalizedData(
                   piece2, controller.getFurnitureLangauge(), propertyKey, piece2.getName());
               return, piece2Name);
      } else if (FurnitureLibrary.FURNITURE_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY.equals(propertyKey)) {
        furnitureComparator = new Comparator<CatalogPieceOfFurniture>() {
            public int compare(CatalogPieceOfFurniture piece1, CatalogPieceOfFurniture piece2) {
              String piece1Description = (String)furnitureLibrary.getPieceOfFurnitureLocalizedData(
                  piece1, controller.getFurnitureLangauge(), propertyKey, piece1.getDescription());
              if (piece1Description == null) {
                return -1;
              } else {
                String piece2Description = (String)furnitureLibrary.getPieceOfFurnitureLocalizedData(
                    piece2, controller.getFurnitureLangauge(), propertyKey, piece2.getDescription());
                if (piece2Description == null) {
                  return 1;
                } else {
                  return, piece2Description);
      } else if (FurnitureLibrary.FURNITURE_CREATOR_PROPERTY.equals(propertyKey)) {
        furnitureComparator = new Comparator<CatalogPieceOfFurniture>() {
            public int compare(CatalogPieceOfFurniture piece1, CatalogPieceOfFurniture piece2) {
              return, piece2.getCreator());
      } else if (FurnitureLibrary.FURNITURE_CATEGORY_PROPERTY.equals(propertyKey)) {
        furnitureComparator = new Comparator<CatalogPieceOfFurniture>() {
            public int compare(CatalogPieceOfFurniture piece1, CatalogPieceOfFurniture piece2) {
              String piece1Category = (String)furnitureLibrary.getPieceOfFurnitureLocalizedData(
                  piece1, controller.getFurnitureLangauge(), propertyKey, piece1.getCategory().getName());
              String piece2Category = (String)furnitureLibrary.getPieceOfFurnitureLocalizedData(
                  piece2, controller.getFurnitureLangauge(), propertyKey, piece2.getCategory().getName());
              return, piece2Category);
      } else if (FurnitureLibrary.FURNITURE_PRICE_PROPERTY.equals(propertyKey)) {
        furnitureComparator = new Comparator<CatalogPieceOfFurniture>() {
            public int compare(CatalogPieceOfFurniture piece1, CatalogPieceOfFurniture piece2) {
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      if (ourSortValue instanceof String && otherSortValue instanceof String) {
        // Collator.getInstance cache's Collator object, so this is relatively
        // fast.  However, storing it as static somewhere might give a small
        // performance boost.  If such an approach is take, ensure that the static
        // variable is updated the user chooses an different language.
        Collator collator = Collator.getInstance(Locale.getDefault());
        return, otherSortValue);
      try {
        return ourSortValue.compareTo(otherSortValue);
      } catch (ClassCastException e) {
        // It's possible that a row was created, but not refreshed yet.
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        String name = readAliasIdentifier();
        if (equalsToken(name, CompareMode.OFF)) {
            return command;
        Collator coll = CompareMode.getCollator(name);
        if (coll == null) {
            throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("collation", name);
        if (readIf("STRENGTH")) {
            if (readIf("PRIMARY")) {
            } else if (readIf("SECONDARY")) {
            } else if (readIf("TERTIARY")) {
            } else if (readIf("IDENTICAL")) {
        } else {
        return command;
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        final RuleBasedCollator collator;
        if(arglen == 3) {
            Item thirdItem = argv.getItem(2);
            String collation = thirdItem.stringValue();
            Collator coll = CollationUtils.resolve(collation, dynEnv.getStaticContext());
            if(!(coll instanceof RuleBasedCollator)) {
                // If the specified collation does not support collation units an error
                // may be raised [err:FOCH0004].
                throw new DynamicError("err:FOCH0004", "Collator for the collation `" + collation
                        + "` is expected to be rule based collator, but was " + coll);
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        Item param1 = argv.getItem(0); // convention to be SingleCollection
        Item param2 = argv.getItem(1);
        if(param1.isEmpty() && param2.isEmpty()) {
            return BooleanValue.TRUE;
        final Collator collator;
        final int arglen = argv.size();
        if(arglen == 3) {
            Item third = argv.getItem(2);
            final String collation = third.stringValue();
            collator = CollationUtils.resolve(collation, dynEnv.getStaticContext());
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            return min;
        } else if(TypeUtil.subtypeOf(firstType, StringType.STRING)) {
            AtomicValue min = (AtomicValue) firstItem;
            final int arglen = argv.size();
            final Collator collator;
            if(arglen == 2) {
                Item sec = argv.getItem(1);
                Type secType = sec.getType();
                if(!TypeUtil.subtypeOf(secType, StringType.STRING)) {
                    throw new DynamicError("err:FORG0006", "second argument is expected to be xs:string, but was "
                            + secType);
                String uri = sec.stringValue();
                collator = CollationUtils.resolve(uri, dynEnv.getStaticContext());
            } else {
                collator = Collator.getInstance(); // compare in default locale
            while(argItor.hasNext()) {
                Item it =;
                Type cmpType = it.getType();
                if(!TypeUtil.subtypeOf(cmpType, StringType.STRING)) {
                    throw new DynamicError("err:FORG0006", "imcomparable xs:string and " + cmpType);
                if(, firstItem) < 0) {
                    min = (AtomicValue) it;
            return min;
        } else {
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            return max;
        } else if(TypeUtil.subtypeOf(firstType, StringType.STRING)) {
            AtomicValue max = (AtomicValue) firstItem;
            final int arglen = argv.size();
            final Collator collator;
            if(arglen == 2) {
                Item sec = argv.getItem(1);
                Type secType = sec.getType();
                if(!TypeUtil.subtypeOf(secType, StringType.STRING)) {
                    throw new DynamicError("err:FORG0006", "second argument is expected to be xs:string, but was "
                            + secType);
                String uri = sec.stringValue();
                collator = CollationUtils.resolve(uri, dynEnv.getStaticContext());
            } else {
                collator = Collator.getInstance(); // compare in default locale
            while(argItor.hasNext()) {
                Item it =;
                Type cmpType = it.getType();
                if(!TypeUtil.subtypeOf(cmpType, StringType.STRING)) {
                    throw new DynamicError("err:FORG0006", "imcomparable xs:string and " + cmpType);
                if(, firstItem) > 0) {
                    max = (AtomicValue) it;
            return max;
        } else {
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        final int arglen = argv.size();
        assert (arglen == 2 || arglen == 3);
        if(arglen == 3) {
            Item thirdItem = argv.getItem(2);
            String collation = thirdItem.stringValue();
            Collator collator = CollationUtils.resolve(collation, dynEnv.getStaticContext());
            cmp =, comparand2);
        } else {
            cmp = comparand1.compareTo(comparand2);
        return cmp == 0 ? XInteger.valueOf(0) : (cmp > 0 ? XInteger.valueOf(1)
                : XInteger.valueOf(-1));
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            if(sortAlpha) {
                final TreeMap<CollationKey, YMarkTag> sort = new TreeMap<CollationKey, YMarkTag>();
          final Collator collator = Collator.getInstance();
                tit = tags.iterator();
              while(tit.hasNext() && count < top) {
                t =;
                sort.put(collator.getCollationKey(, t);
              tit = sort.values().iterator();
            } else {
              tit = tags.iterator();
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  public void assertTreeIsSorted(JTree tree) {
    TreeModel model = tree.getModel();
    Object    root  = model.getRoot();
    Collator  comparator = Collator.getInstance();
    // For each category
    for (int i = 0, n = model.getChildCount(root); i < n; i++) {
      Object rootChild = model.getChild(root, i);
      if (i < n - 1) {
        Object nextChild = model.getChild(root, i + 1);
        // Check alphatical order of categories nodes in tree
        assertTrue("Categories not sorted",
            getNodeText(tree, rootChild),
            getNodeText(tree, nextChild)) <= 0);
      // For each piece of furniture of a category
      for (int j = 0, m = model.getChildCount(rootChild) - 1;
           j < m; j++) {
        Object child = model.getChild(rootChild, j);
        if (j < m - 1) {
          Object nextChild = model.getChild(rootChild, j + 1);
          // Check alphatical order of furniture nodes in tree
          assertTrue("Furniture not sorted",
              getNodeText(tree, child),
              getNodeText(tree, nextChild)) <= 0);
        assertTrue("Piece not a leaf", model.isLeaf(child));
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Related Classes of java.text.Collator

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