* Copyright 1998-2009 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* Portions of this software were developed by the Unidata Program at the
* University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.
* Access and use of this software shall impose the following obligations
* and understandings on the user. The user is granted the right, without
* any fee or cost, to use, copy, modify, alter, enhance and distribute
* this software, and any derivative works thereof, and its supporting
* documentation for any purpose whatsoever, provided that this entire
* notice appears in all copies of the software, derivative works and
* supporting documentation. Further, UCAR requests that the user credit
* UCAR/Unidata in any publications that result from the use of this
* software or in any product that includes this software. The names UCAR
* and/or Unidata, however, may not be used in any advertising or publicity
* to endorse or promote any products or commercial entity unless specific
* written permission is obtained from UCAR/Unidata. The user also
* understands that UCAR/Unidata is not obligated to provide the user with
* any support, consulting, training or assistance of any kind with regard
* to the use, operation and performance of this software nor to provide
* the user with any updates, revisions, new versions or "bug fixes."
package ucar.nc2.jni.netcdf;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.AbstractIOServiceProvider;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.IOServiceProvider;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.IospHelper;
import ucar.nc2.*;
import ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask;
import ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile;
import ucar.ma2.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.ShortBuffer;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.NativeLongByReference;
* IOSP for reading netcdf files through jni interface to netcdf4 library
* @author caron
* @since Oct 30, 2008
public class JniIosp extends AbstractIOServiceProvider {
static private org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(JniIosp.class);
private static boolean debug = false, debugCompoundAtt= false, debugEnumAtt = false;
public boolean isValidFile(RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException {
return false;
public String getFileTypeId() {
return "netCDF";
public String getFileTypeDescription() {
return "Netcdf/JNI";
private NetcdfFile ncfile;
private int ncid = -1, format;
private boolean isClosed = false;
public void open(RandomAccessFile raf, NetcdfFile ncfile, CancelTask cancelTask) throws IOException {
load(); // load jni
this.ncfile = ncfile;
// open
if (debug) System.out.println("open " + ncfile.getLocation());
IntByReference ncidp = new IntByReference();
int ret = nc4.nc_open(ncfile.getLocation(), 0, ncidp);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
ncid = ncidp.getValue();
// format
IntByReference formatp = new IntByReference();
ret = nc4.nc_inq_format(ncid, formatp);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
format = formatp.getValue();
System.out.printf("open %s id=%d format=%d %n", ncfile.getLocation(), ncid, format);
// read root group
makeGroup(ncid, new Group4(ncfile.getRootGroup(), null));
private void makeGroup(int grpid, Group4 g4) throws IOException {
makeDimensions(grpid, g4);
makeUserTypes(grpid, g4.g);
// group attributes
IntByReference ngattsp = new IntByReference();
int ret = nc4.nc_inq_natts(grpid, ngattsp);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
List<Attribute> gatts = makeAttributes(grpid, NCLibrary.NC_GLOBAL, ngattsp.getValue(), null);
for (Attribute att : gatts) {
ncfile.addAttribute(g4.g, att);
if (debug) System.out.printf(" add Global Attribute %s %n", att);
makeVariables(grpid, g4.g);
if (format == NCLibrary.NC_FORMAT_NETCDF4) {
// read subordinate groups
IntByReference numgrps = new IntByReference();
ret = nc4.nc_inq_grps(grpid, numgrps, Pointer.NULL);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
int[] grids = new int[numgrps.getValue()];
ret = nc4.nc_inq_grps(grpid, numgrps, grids);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
for (int i = 0; i < grids.length; i++) {
byte[] name = new byte[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
ret = nc4.nc_inq_grpname(grids[i], name);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
Group child = new Group(ncfile, g4.g, makeString(name));
makeGroup(grids[i], new Group4(child, g4));
private void makeDimensions(int grpid, Group4 g4) throws IOException {
IntByReference ndimsp = new IntByReference();
int ret = nc4.nc_inq_ndims(grpid, ndimsp);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
int[] dimids = new int[ndimsp.getValue()];
ret = nc4.nc_inq_dimids(grpid, ndimsp, dimids, 0);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
IntByReference nunlimdimsp = new IntByReference();
int[] unlimdimids = new int[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_DIMS];
ret = nc4.nc_inq_unlimdims(grpid, nunlimdimsp, unlimdimids);
int ndims = ndimsp.getValue();
for (int i = 0; i < ndims; i++) {
byte[] name = new byte[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
NativeLongByReference lenp = new NativeLongByReference();
ret = nc4.nc_inq_dim(grpid, dimids[i], name, lenp);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
String dname = makeString(name);
boolean isUnlimited = containsInt(nunlimdimsp.getValue(), unlimdimids, i);
Dimension dim = new Dimension(dname, lenp.getValue().intValue(), true, isUnlimited, false);
ncfile.addDimension(g4.g, dim);
if (debug) System.out.printf(" add Dimension %s (%d) %n", dim, dimids[i]);
private boolean containsInt(int n, int[] have, int want) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (have[i] == want) return true;
return false;
private String makeString(byte[] b) throws IOException {
// null terminates
int count = 0;
while (count < b.length) {
if (b[count] == 0) break;
count++; // dont include the terminating 0
// copy if its small
if (count < b.length / 2) {
byte[] bb = new byte[count];
System.arraycopy(b, 0, bb, 0, count);
b = bb;
return new String(b, 0, count, "UTF-8"); // all strings are considered to be UTF-8 unicode.
// follow what happpens in the Java side
private String makeAttString(byte[] b) throws IOException {
// null terminates
int count = 0;
while (count < b.length) {
if (b[count] == 0) break;
count++; // dont include the terminating 0
return new String(b, 0, count, "UTF-8"); // all strings are considered to be UTF-8 unicode.
char[] carray = new char[count];
for (int i=0; i<count; i++)
carray[i] = (char) DataType.unsignedByteToShort(b[i]);
return new String(carray); */
private List<Attribute> makeAttributes(int grpid, int varid, int natts, Variable v) throws IOException {
List<Attribute> result = new ArrayList<Attribute>(natts);
for (int attnum = 0; attnum < natts; attnum++) {
byte[] name = new byte[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
int ret = nc4.nc_inq_attname(grpid, varid, attnum, name);
if (ret != 0)
throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret) + " varid=" + varid + " attnum=" + attnum);
String attname = makeString(name);
IntByReference xtypep = new IntByReference();
ret = nc4.nc_inq_atttype(grpid, varid, attname, xtypep);
if (ret != 0)
throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret) + " varid=" + varid + "attnum=" + attnum);
NativeLongByReference lenp = new NativeLongByReference();
ret = nc4.nc_inq_attlen(grpid, varid, attname, lenp);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
int len = lenp.getValue().intValue();
Array values = null;
int type = xtypep.getValue();
switch (type) {
case NCLibrary.NC_UBYTE:
byte[] valbu = new byte[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_att_uchar(grpid, varid, attname, valbu);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
values = Array.factory(DataType.BYTE.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[]{len}, valbu);
case NCLibrary.NC_BYTE:
byte[] valb = new byte[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_att_schar(grpid, varid, attname, valb);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
values = Array.factory(DataType.BYTE.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[]{len}, valb);
case NCLibrary.NC_CHAR:
byte[] text = new byte[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_att_text(grpid, varid, attname, text);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
Attribute att = new Attribute(attname, makeAttString(text));
case NCLibrary.NC_DOUBLE:
double[] vald = new double[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_att_double(grpid, varid, attname, vald);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
values = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[]{len}, vald);
case NCLibrary.NC_FLOAT:
float[] valf = new float[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_att_float(grpid, varid, attname, valf);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
values = Array.factory(DataType.FLOAT.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[]{len}, valf);
case NCLibrary.NC_UINT:
int[] valiu = new int[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_att_uint(grpid, varid, attname, valiu);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
values = Array.factory(DataType.INT.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[]{len}, valiu);
case NCLibrary.NC_INT:
int[] vali = new int[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_att_int(grpid, varid, attname, vali);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
values = Array.factory(DataType.INT.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[]{len}, vali);
case NCLibrary.NC_UINT64:
long[] vallu = new long[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_att_ulonglong(grpid, varid, attname, vallu);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
values = Array.factory(DataType.LONG.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[]{len}, vallu);
case NCLibrary.NC_INT64:
long[] vall = new long[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_att_longlong(grpid, varid, attname, vall);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
values = Array.factory(DataType.LONG.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[]{len}, vall);
case NCLibrary.NC_USHORT:
short[] valsu = new short[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_att_ushort(grpid, varid, attname, valsu);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
values = Array.factory(DataType.SHORT.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[]{len}, valsu);
case NCLibrary.NC_SHORT:
short[] vals = new short[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_att_short(grpid, varid, attname, vals);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
values = Array.factory(DataType.SHORT.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[]{len}, vals);
case NCLibrary.NC_STRING:
String[] valss = new String[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_att_string(grpid, varid, attname, valss);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
values = Array.factory(String.class, new int[]{len}, valss);
UserType userType = userTypes.get(type);
if (userType == null) {
log.warn("Unsupported attribute data type == " + type);
} else if (userType.userType == NCLibrary.NC_ENUM) {
result.add( readEnumAttValues(grpid, varid, attname, len, userType));
} else if (userType.userType == NCLibrary.NC_OPAQUE) {
result.add( readOpaqueAttValues(grpid, varid, attname, len, userType));
} else if (userType.userType == NCLibrary.NC_VLEN) {
values = readVlenAttValues( grpid, varid, attname, len, userType);
} else if (userType.userType == NCLibrary.NC_COMPOUND) {
readCompoundAttValues(grpid, varid, attname, len, userType, result, v);
} else {
log.warn("Unsupported attribute data type == " + userType);
if (values != null) {
Attribute att = new Attribute(attname, values);
return result;
Array readVlenAttValues(int grpid, int varid, String attname, int len, UserType userType) throws IOException {
NCLibrary.Vlen_t[] vlen = new NCLibrary.Vlen_t[len];
int ret = nc4.nc_get_att(grpid, varid, attname, vlen); // vlen
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
count += vlen[i].len;
switch (userType.baseTypeid) {
case NCLibrary.NC_INT:
Array intArray = Array.factory(DataType.INT, new int[]{count});
IndexIterator iter = intArray.getIndexIterator();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
//System.out.print(" len=" + vlen[i].len + "; p= " + vlen[i].p + ";");
int[] ba = vlen[i].p.getIntArray(0, vlen[i].len);
for (int j = 0; j < ba.length; j++) {
//System.out.print(" " + ba[j]);
return intArray;
case NCLibrary.NC_FLOAT:
Array fArray = Array.factory(DataType.FLOAT, new int[]{count});
iter = fArray.getIndexIterator();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
float[] ba = vlen[i].p.getFloatArray(0, vlen[i].len);
for (int j = 0; j < ba.length; j++)
return fArray;
return null;
private Attribute readEnumAttValues(int grpid, int varid, String attname, int len, UserType userType) throws IOException {
int ret;
DataType dtype = convertDataType(userType.baseTypeid);
int elemSize = dtype.getSize();
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(len * elemSize);
ret = nc4.nc_get_att(grpid, varid, attname, bb);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
Array data = convertByteBuffer(bb, userType.baseTypeid, new int[] {len});
IndexIterator ii = data.getIndexIterator();
if (len == 1) {
String val = userType.e.lookupEnumString( ii.getIntNext());
return new Attribute(attname, val);
} else {
ArrayObject.D1 attArray = (ArrayObject.D1) Array.factory(DataType.STRING, new int[]{len});
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
int val = ii.getIntNext();
String vals = userType.e.lookupEnumString( val);
if (vals == null)
throw new IOException("Illegal enum val " +val + " for attribute " + attname);
attArray.set(i, vals);
return new Attribute(attname, attArray);
private Array convertByteBuffer(ByteBuffer bb, int baseType, int shape[]) throws IOException {
switch (baseType) {
case NCLibrary.NC_BYTE:
case NCLibrary.NC_UBYTE:
Array sArray = Array.factory(DataType.BYTE, shape, bb.array());
return (baseType == NCLibrary.NC_BYTE) ? sArray : MAMath.convertUnsigned(sArray);
case NCLibrary.NC_SHORT:
case NCLibrary.NC_USHORT:
ShortBuffer sb = bb.asShortBuffer();
sArray = Array.factory(DataType.SHORT, shape, sb.array());
return (baseType == NCLibrary.NC_SHORT) ? sArray : MAMath.convertUnsigned(sArray);
case NCLibrary.NC_INT:
case NCLibrary.NC_UINT:
IntBuffer ib = bb.asIntBuffer();
sArray = Array.factory(DataType.INT, shape, ib.array());
return (baseType == NCLibrary.NC_INT) ? sArray : MAMath.convertUnsigned(sArray);
return null;
private Attribute readOpaqueAttValues(int grpid, int varid, String attname, int len, UserType userType) throws IOException {
int total = len * userType.size;
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(total);
int ret = nc4.nc_get_att(grpid, varid, attname, bb);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
return new Attribute(attname, Array.factory(DataType.BYTE, new int[] {total}, bb.array()));
private void makeVariables(int grpid, Group g) throws IOException {
IntByReference nvarsp = new IntByReference();
int ret = nc4.nc_inq_nvars(grpid, nvarsp);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
int nvars = nvarsp.getValue();
if (debug) System.out.printf(" nvars= %d %n", nvars);
int[] varids = new int[nvars];
ret = nc4.nc_inq_varids(grpid, nvarsp, varids);
for (int i = 0; i < varids.length; i++) {
int varno = varids[i];
if (varno != i) System.out.printf("HEY varno=%d i=%d%n", varno, i);
byte[] name = new byte[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
IntByReference xtypep = new IntByReference();
IntByReference ndimsp = new IntByReference();
int[] dimids = new int[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_DIMS];
IntByReference nattsp = new IntByReference();
ret = nc4.nc_inq_var(grpid, varno, name, xtypep, ndimsp, dimids, nattsp);
if (ret != 0)
throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
// figure out the datatype
int typeid = xtypep.getValue();
DataType dtype = convertDataType(typeid);
String vname = makeString(name);
Vinfo vinfo = new Vinfo(grpid, varno, typeid);
// figure out the dimensions
String dimList = makeDimList(grpid, ndimsp.getValue(), dimids);
UserType utype = userTypes.get(typeid);
if (utype != null) {
vinfo.utype = utype;
if (utype.userType == NCLibrary.NC_VLEN)
dimList = dimList +" *";
Variable v;
if (dtype != DataType.STRUCTURE) {
v = new Variable(ncfile, g, null, vname, dtype, dimList);
} else {
Structure s = new Structure(ncfile, g, null, vname);
s.setDimensions( dimList);
v = s;
if (utype.flds == null)
for (Field f : utype.flds) {
s.addMemberVariable(f.makeMemberVariable(g, s));
// create the Variable
ncfile.addVariable(g, v);
if (dtype.isEnum()) {
EnumTypedef enumTypedef = g.findEnumeration(utype.name);
if (isUnsigned(typeid))
v.addAttribute(new Attribute("_Unsigned","true"));
// read Variable attributes
List<Attribute> atts = makeAttributes(grpid, varno, nattsp.getValue(), v);
for (Attribute att : atts) {
//if (debug) System.out.printf(" add Variable Attribute %s %n",att);
if (debug) System.out.printf(" add Variable %s %n", v);
private String makeDimList(int grpid, int ndimsp, int[] dims) throws IOException {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < ndimsp; i++) {
byte[] name = new byte[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
int ret = nc4.nc_inq_dimname(grpid, dims[i], name);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
String dname = makeString(name);
sb.append(" ");
return sb.toString();
private class Vinfo {
int grpid, varid, typeid;
UserType utype; // may be null
Vinfo(int grpid, int varid, int typeid) {
this.grpid = grpid;
this.varid = varid;
this.typeid = typeid;
private class Group4 {
Group g;
Group4 parent;
int[] dimids;
Group4( Group g, Group4 parent) {
this.g = g;
this.parent = parent;
private class UserType {
int grpid;
int typeid;
String name;
int size; // the size of the user defined type
int baseTypeid; // the base typeid for vlen and enum types
long nfields; // the number of fields for enum and compound types
int userType; // the class of the user defined type: NC_VLEN, NC_OPAQUE, NC_ENUM, or NC_COMPOUND.
EnumTypedef e;
List<Field> flds;
UserType(int grpid, int typeid, String name, long size, int baseTypeid, long nfields, int userType) {
this.grpid = grpid;
this.typeid = typeid;
this.name = name;
this.size = (int) size;
this.baseTypeid = baseTypeid;
this.nfields = nfields;
this.userType = userType;
void setEnum(EnumTypedef e) {
this.e = e;
void addField(Field fld) {
if (flds == null)
flds = new ArrayList<Field>(10);
public String toString() {
return "name='"+name+"' id="+getDataTypeName(typeid)+" userType="+getDataTypeName(userType)+
" baseType="+getDataTypeName(baseTypeid);
void readFields() throws IOException {
for (int fldidx=0; fldidx<nfields; fldidx++) {
byte[] fldname = new byte[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
IntByReference field_typeidp = new IntByReference();
IntByReference ndimsp = new IntByReference();
IntByReference dim_sizesp = new IntByReference();
NativeLongByReference offsetp = new NativeLongByReference();
int[] dims = new int[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_DIMS];
int ret = nc4.nc_inq_compound_field(grpid, typeid, fldidx, fldname, offsetp, field_typeidp, ndimsp, dims);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
Field fld = new Field(grpid, typeid, fldidx, makeString(fldname), offsetp.getValue().intValue(),
field_typeidp.getValue(), ndimsp.getValue(), dims);
addField( fld);
System.out.println(" add field= "+fld);
private class Field {
int grpid;
int typeid;
int fldidx;
String name;
int offset;
int fldtypeid;
int ndims;
int[] dims;
DataType dtype;
int total_size;
Array data;
// grpid, varid, fldidx, fldname, offsetp, field_typeidp, ndimsp, dim_sizesp
Field(int grpid, int typeid, int fldidx, String name, int offset, int fldtypeid, int ndims, int[] dims) {
this.grpid = grpid;
this.typeid = typeid;
this.fldidx = fldidx;
this.name = name;
this.offset = offset;
this.fldtypeid = fldtypeid;
this.ndims = ndims;
this.dims = new int[ndims];
System.arraycopy(dims, 0, this.dims, 0, ndims);
dtype = convertDataType(fldtypeid);
Section s = new Section( dims);
total_size = (int) s.computeSize() * dtype.getSize();
if (isVlen(fldtypeid)) {
int[] edims = new int[dims.length+1];
edims[dims.length] = -1;
dims = edims;
public String toString() {
return "name='"+name+" fldtypeid="+getDataTypeName(fldtypeid)+" ndims="+ndims+" offset="+offset;
Variable makeMemberVariable(Group g, Structure parent) {
Variable v = new Variable(ncfile, g, parent, name);
v.setDataType( convertDataType(fldtypeid));
if (isUnsigned(fldtypeid))
v.addAttribute(new Attribute("_Unsigned","true"));
try {
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
return v;
private Map<Integer, UserType> userTypes = new HashMap<Integer, UserType>();
private void makeUserTypes(int grpid, Group g) throws IOException {
// find user types in this group
IntByReference ntypesp = new IntByReference();
int ret = nc4.nc_inq_typeids(grpid, ntypesp, Pointer.NULL);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
int ntypes = ntypesp.getValue();
if (ntypes == 0) return;
int[] xtypes = new int[ntypes];
ret = nc4.nc_inq_typeids(grpid, ntypesp, xtypes);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
// for each defined "user type", get information, store in Map
for (int typeid : xtypes) {
byte[] nameb = new byte[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
NativeLongByReference sizep = new NativeLongByReference();
IntByReference baseType = new IntByReference();
NativeLongByReference nfieldsp = new NativeLongByReference();
IntByReference classp = new IntByReference();
ret = nc4.nc_inq_user_type(grpid, typeid, nameb, sizep, baseType, nfieldsp, classp); // size_t
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
String name = makeString(nameb);
int utype = classp.getValue();
System.out.printf(" user type=%d name=%s size=%d baseType=%d nfields=%d class=%d %n ",
typeid, name, sizep.getValue().longValue(), baseType.getValue(), nfieldsp.getValue().longValue(), utype);
UserType ut = new UserType(grpid, typeid, name, sizep.getValue().longValue(), baseType.getValue(),
nfieldsp.getValue().longValue(), classp.getValue());
userTypes.put(typeid, ut);
if (utype == NCLibrary.NC_ENUM) {
Map<Integer, String> map = makeEnum(grpid, typeid);
EnumTypedef e = new EnumTypedef(name, map);
} else if (utype == NCLibrary.NC_OPAQUE) {
byte[] nameo = new byte[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
NativeLongByReference sizep2 = new NativeLongByReference();
ret = nc4.nc_inq_opaque(grpid, typeid, nameo, sizep2);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
String nameos = makeString(nameo);
// doesnt seem to be any new info
System.out.printf(" opaque type=%d name=%s size=%d %n ",
typeid, nameos, sizep2.getValue().longValue());
private Map<Integer, String> makeEnum(int grpid, int xtype) throws IOException {
byte[] nameb = new byte[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
IntByReference baseType = new IntByReference();
NativeLongByReference baseSize = new NativeLongByReference();
NativeLongByReference numMembers = new NativeLongByReference();
int ret = nc4.nc_inq_enum(grpid, xtype, nameb, baseType, baseSize, numMembers);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
int nmembers = numMembers.getValue().intValue();
String name = makeString(nameb);
//System.out.printf(" type=%d name=%s baseType=%d baseType=%d numMembers=%d %n ",
// xtype, name, baseType.getValue(), baseSize.getValue().longValue(), nmembers);
Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<Integer, String>(2 * nmembers);
for (int i = 0; i < nmembers; i++) {
byte[] mnameb = new byte[NCLibrary.NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
IntByReference value = new IntByReference();
ret = nc4.nc_inq_enum_member(grpid, xtype, i, mnameb, value); // void *
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
String mname = makeString(mnameb);
//System.out.printf(" member name=%s value=%d %n ", mname, value.getValue());
map.put(value.getValue(), mname);
return map;
public Array readData(Variable v2, Section section) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
Vinfo vinfo = (Vinfo) v2.getSPobject();
Array values = null;
int vlen = (int) v2.getSize();
int len = (int) section.computeSize();
if (vlen == len) return read(v2); // entire array
switch (v2.getDataType()) {
case BYTE:
byte[] valb = new byte[len];
// int nc_get_vars_schar(int ncid, int varid, int[] startp, int[] countp, int[] stridep, byte[] ip); // size_t, ptrdiff_t
int ret = nc4.nc_get_vars_schar(vinfo.grpid, vinfo.varid,
convert(section.getOrigin()), convert(section.getShape()), section.getStride(), valb);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
values = Array.factory(DataType.BYTE.getPrimitiveClassType(), section.getShape(), valb);
case CHAR:
byte[] valc = new byte[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_vars_text(vinfo.grpid, vinfo.varid,
convert(section.getOrigin()), convert(section.getShape()), section.getStride(), valc);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
values = Array.factory(DataType.CHAR.getPrimitiveClassType(), section.getShape(), IospHelper.convertByteToChar(valc));
case DOUBLE:
double[] vald = new double[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_vars_double(vinfo.grpid, vinfo.varid,
convert(section.getOrigin()), convert(section.getShape()), section.getStride(), vald);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
values = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE.getPrimitiveClassType(), section.getShape(), vald);
case FLOAT:
float[] valf = new float[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_vars_float(vinfo.grpid, vinfo.varid,
convert(section.getOrigin()), convert(section.getShape()), section.getStride(), valf);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
values = Array.factory(DataType.FLOAT.getPrimitiveClassType(), section.getShape(), valf);
case INT:
int[] vali = new int[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_vars_int(vinfo.grpid, vinfo.varid,
convert(section.getOrigin()), convert(section.getShape()), section.getStride(), vali);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
values = Array.factory(DataType.INT.getPrimitiveClassType(), section.getShape(), vali);
case LONG:
long[] vall = new long[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_vars_longlong(vinfo.grpid, vinfo.varid,
convert(section.getOrigin()), convert(section.getShape()), section.getStride(), vall);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
values = Array.factory(DataType.LONG.getPrimitiveClassType(), section.getShape(), vall);
case SHORT:
short[] vals = new short[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_vars_short(vinfo.grpid, vinfo.varid,
convert(section.getOrigin()), convert(section.getShape()), section.getStride(), vals);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
values = Array.factory(DataType.SHORT.getPrimitiveClassType(), section.getShape(), vals);
throw new IOException("Unsupported data type = " + v2.getDataType());
return values;
private long[] convert(int[] from) {
long[] to = new long[from.length];
for (int i = 0; i < from.length; i++)
to[i] = from[i];
return to;
/* private Array read(Variable v2) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
Vinfo vinfo = (Vinfo) v2.getSPobject();
Array values = null;
int len = (int) v2.getSize();
switch (vinfo.typeid) {
case ENUM1:
case BYTE:
byte[] valb = (byte[]) read(vinfo.grpid, vinfo.varid, vinfo.typeid, len);
values = Array.factory( DataType.BYTE.getPrimitiveClassType(), v2.getShape(), valb);
case CHAR:
char[] valc = (char[] )read(vinfo.grpid, vinfo.varid, vinfo.typeid, len);
values = Array.factory(DataType.CHAR.getPrimitiveClassType(), v2.getShape(), valc);
case DOUBLE:
double[] vald = (double[] )read(vinfo.grpid, vinfo.varid, vinfo.typeid, len);
values = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE.getPrimitiveClassType(), v2.getShape(), vald);
case FLOAT:
float[] valf = (float[] )read(vinfo.grpid, vinfo.varid, vinfo.typeid, len);
values = Array.factory(DataType.FLOAT.getPrimitiveClassType(), v2.getShape(), valf);
case ENUM4:
case INT:
int[] vali = (int[]) read(vinfo.grpid, vinfo.varid, vinfo.typeid, len);
values = Array.factory(DataType.INT.getPrimitiveClassType(), v2.getShape(), vali);
case LONG:
long[] vall = (long[] )read(vinfo.grpid, vinfo.varid, vinfo.typeid, len);
values = Array.factory(DataType.LONG.getPrimitiveClassType(), v2.getShape(), vall);
case ENUM2:
case SHORT:
short[] vals = (short[] )read(vinfo.grpid, vinfo.varid, vinfo.typeid, len);
values = Array.factory(DataType.SHORT.getPrimitiveClassType(), v2.getShape(), vals);
case STRING:
String[] valss = (String[] )read(vinfo.grpid, vinfo.varid, vinfo.typeid, len);
values = Array.factory(DataType.STRING.getPrimitiveClassType(), v2.getShape(), valss);
case NCLibrary.NC_OPAQUE:
UserType userType = userTypes.get( vinfo.typeid);
values = readOpaque(vinfo.grpid, vinfo.varid, len, userType.size);
userType = userTypes.get( vinfo.typeid);
values = readCompound(vinfo.grpid, vinfo.varid, len, userType);
throw new IOException("Unsupported data type = " + v2.getDataType()+ " utype= "+vinfo.utype);
return values;
} */
private Array read(Variable v2) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
Vinfo vinfo = (Vinfo) v2.getSPobject();
int len = (int) v2.getSize();
return read(vinfo.grpid, vinfo.varid, vinfo.typeid, len, v2.getShape());
private Array read(int grpid, int varid, int typeid, int len, int[] shape) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
int ret;
switch (typeid) {
case NCLibrary.NC_UBYTE:
byte[] valbu = new byte[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_var_ubyte(grpid, varid, valbu);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
return Array.factory( DataType.BYTE.getPrimitiveClassType(), shape, valbu);
case NCLibrary.NC_BYTE:
byte[] valb = new byte[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_var_schar(grpid, varid, valb);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
return Array.factory( DataType.BYTE.getPrimitiveClassType(), shape, valb);
case NCLibrary.NC_CHAR:
byte[] valc = new byte[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_var_text(grpid, varid, valc);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
char[] cvals = IospHelper.convertByteToChar(valc);
return Array.factory(DataType.CHAR.getPrimitiveClassType(), shape, cvals);
case NCLibrary.NC_DOUBLE:
double[] vald = new double[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_var_double(grpid, varid, vald);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
return Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE.getPrimitiveClassType(), shape, vald);
case NCLibrary.NC_FLOAT:
float[] valf = new float[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_var_float(grpid, varid, valf);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
return Array.factory(DataType.FLOAT.getPrimitiveClassType(), shape, valf);
case NCLibrary.NC_INT:
int[] vali = new int[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_var_int(grpid, varid, vali);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
return Array.factory(DataType.INT.getPrimitiveClassType(), shape, vali);
case NCLibrary.NC_INT64:
long[] vall = new long[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_var_longlong(grpid, varid, vall);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
return Array.factory(DataType.LONG.getPrimitiveClassType(), shape, vall);
case NCLibrary.NC_UINT64:
long[] vallu = new long[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_var_ulonglong(grpid, varid, vallu);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
return Array.factory(DataType.LONG.getPrimitiveClassType(), shape, vallu);
case NCLibrary.NC_SHORT:
short[] vals = new short[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_var_short(grpid, varid, vals);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
return Array.factory(DataType.SHORT.getPrimitiveClassType(), shape, vals);
case NCLibrary.NC_USHORT:
short[] valsu = new short[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_var_ushort(grpid, varid, valsu);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
return Array.factory(DataType.SHORT.getPrimitiveClassType(), shape, valsu);
case NCLibrary.NC_STRING:
String[] valss = new String[len];
ret = nc4.nc_get_var_string(grpid, varid, valss);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
return Array.factory(DataType.STRING.getPrimitiveClassType(), shape, valss);
UserType userType = userTypes.get(typeid);
if (userType == null) {
throw new IOException("Unsupported data type == " + typeid);
} else if (userType.userType == NCLibrary.NC_ENUM) {
return readEnum(grpid, varid, userType.baseTypeid, len, shape);
} else if (userType.userType == NCLibrary.NC_VLEN) {
return readVlen(grpid, varid, len, userType);
} else if (userType.userType == NCLibrary.NC_OPAQUE) {
return readOpaque(grpid, varid, len, userType.size);
} else if (userType.userType == NCLibrary.NC_COMPOUND) {
return readCompound(grpid, varid, len, userType);
throw new IOException("Unsupported type = " + typeid+ " userType= "+userType);
private Array readCompound(int grpid, int varid, int len, UserType userType) throws IOException {
int buffSize = len * userType.size;
ByteBuffer bbuff = ByteBuffer.allocate(buffSize);
int ret = nc4.nc_get_var(grpid, varid, bbuff);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
decodeCompoundData(len, userType, bbuff);
StructureMembers sm = new StructureMembers(userType.name);
for (Field fld : userType.flds) {
sm.addMember( fld.name, null, null, fld.dtype, fld.dims);
ArrayStructureMA asma = new ArrayStructureMA(sm, new int[] {len});
for (Field fld : userType.flds) {
asma.setMemberArray( fld.name, fld.data);
return asma;
private void readCompoundAttValues(int grpid, int varid, String attname, int len, UserType userType,
List<Attribute> result, Variable v) throws IOException {
int buffSize = len * userType.size;
ByteBuffer bbuff = ByteBuffer.allocate(buffSize);
int ret = nc4.nc_get_att(grpid, varid, attname, bbuff);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
decodeCompoundData(len, userType, bbuff);
// is its a Structure, distribute to matching fields
if ((v != null) && (v instanceof Structure)) {
Structure s = (Structure) v;
for (Field fld : userType.flds) {
Variable mv = s.findVariable(fld.name);
if (mv != null)
mv.addAttribute(new Attribute(attname, fld.data));
result.add( new Attribute(attname+"."+fld.name, fld.data));
} else {
for (Field fld : userType.flds)
result.add( new Attribute(attname+"."+fld.name, fld.data));
// LOOK: placing results in the fld of the userType - not for production
private void decodeCompoundData(int len, UserType userType, ByteBuffer bbuff) throws IOException {
if (userType.flds == null)
for (Field fld : userType.flds)
fld.data = Array.factory( convertDataType(fld.fldtypeid), new int[] { len});
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
int record_start = i * userType.size;
for (Field fld : userType.flds) {
int pos = record_start + fld.offset;
switch (fld.fldtypeid) {
case NCLibrary.NC_UBYTE:
case NCLibrary.NC_BYTE:
byte bval = bbuff.get(pos);
if (debugCompoundAtt) System.out.println("bval= "+bval);
fld.data.setByte(i, bval);
case NCLibrary.NC_USHORT:
case NCLibrary.NC_SHORT:
short sval = bbuff.getShort(pos);
if (debugCompoundAtt) System.out.println("sval= "+sval);
fld.data.setShort(i, sval);
case NCLibrary.NC_UINT:
case NCLibrary.NC_INT:
int ival = bbuff.getInt(pos);
if (debugCompoundAtt) System.out.println("ival= "+ival);
fld.data.setInt(i, ival);
case NCLibrary.NC_UINT64:
case NCLibrary.NC_INT64:
long lval = bbuff.getLong(pos);
if (debugCompoundAtt) System.out.println("lval= "+lval);
fld.data.setLong(i, lval);
case NCLibrary.NC_FLOAT:
float fval = bbuff.getFloat(pos);
if (debugCompoundAtt) System.out.println("fval= "+fval);
fld.data.setFloat(i, fval);
case NCLibrary.NC_DOUBLE:
double dval = bbuff.getDouble(pos);
if (debugCompoundAtt) System.out.println("dval= "+dval);
fld.data.setDouble(i, dval);
UserType subUserType = userTypes.get(fld.fldtypeid);
if (subUserType == null) {
throw new IOException("Unsupported compound fld.fldtypeid == " + fld.fldtypeid);
} else if (userType.userType == NCLibrary.NC_ENUM) {
} else if (userType.userType == NCLibrary.NC_VLEN) {
//return readVlen(grpid, varid, len, userType);
} else if (userType.userType == NCLibrary.NC_OPAQUE) {
//return readOpaque(grpid, varid, len, userType.size);
} else if (userType.userType == NCLibrary.NC_COMPOUND) {
//return readCompound(grpid, varid, len, userType);
System.out.println("UNSUPPORTED compound fld.fldtypeid= "+fld.fldtypeid);
} // switch on fld type
} // loop over fields
} // loop over len
Array readVlen(int grpid, int varid, int len, UserType userType) throws IOException {
NCLibrary.Vlen_t[] vlen = new NCLibrary.Vlen_t[len];
int ret = nc4.nc_get_var(grpid, varid, vlen);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
//DataType dtype = convertDataType(userType.baseTypeid);
//ArrayObject.D1 vlenArray = new ArrayObject.D1( dtype.getPrimitiveClassType(), len);
Object[] data = new Object[len];
switch (userType.baseTypeid) {
case NCLibrary.NC_INT:
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
int slen = vlen[i].len;
int[] ba = vlen[i].p.getIntArray(0, slen);
data[i] = Array.factory(DataType.INT, new int[]{slen}, ba);
case NCLibrary.NC_FLOAT:
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
int slen = vlen[i].len;
float[] ba = vlen[i].p.getFloatArray(0, slen);
data[i] = Array.factory(DataType.FLOAT, new int[]{slen}, ba);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Vlen type "+userType.baseTypeid+" = "+convertDataType(userType.baseTypeid));
// if scalar, return just the len Array
return (Array) ((len == 1) ? data[0] : new ArrayObject(data[0].getClass(), new int[]{len}, data));
// opaques use ArrayObjects of ByteBuffer
private Array readOpaque(int grpid, int varid, int len, int size) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
int ret;
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(len*size);
ret = nc4.nc_get_var(grpid, varid, bb);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
byte[] entire = bb.array();
ArrayObject values = new ArrayObject(ByteBuffer.class, new int[]{len});
int count = 0;
IndexIterator ii = values.getIndexIterator();
while (ii.hasNext()) {
ii.setObjectNext( ByteBuffer.wrap(entire, count*size, size));
return values;
private Array readEnum(int grpid, int varid, int baseType, int len, int[] shape) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
int ret;
DataType dtype = convertDataType(baseType);
int elemSize = dtype.getSize();
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(len * elemSize);
ret = nc4.nc_get_var(grpid, varid, bb);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
switch (baseType) {
case NCLibrary.NC_BYTE:
case NCLibrary.NC_UBYTE:
return Array.factory( DataType.BYTE.getPrimitiveClassType(), shape, bb.array());
case NCLibrary.NC_SHORT:
case NCLibrary.NC_USHORT:
ShortBuffer sb = bb.asShortBuffer();
return Array.factory( DataType.BYTE.getPrimitiveClassType(), shape, sb.array());
case NCLibrary.NC_INT:
case NCLibrary.NC_UINT:
IntBuffer ib = bb.asIntBuffer();
return Array.factory( DataType.BYTE.getPrimitiveClassType(), shape, ib.array());
return null;
public void close() throws IOException {
if (isClosed) return;
if (ncid < 0) return;
int ret = nc4.nc_close(ncid);
if (ret != 0) throw new IOException(nc4.nc_strerror(ret));
isClosed = true;
private boolean isUnsigned(int type) {
return (type == NCLibrary.NC_UBYTE) || (type == NCLibrary.NC_USHORT) ||
(type == NCLibrary.NC_UINT) || (type == NCLibrary.NC_UINT64);
private boolean isVlen(int type) {
UserType userType = userTypes.get(type);
return (userType == null) ? false : (userType.userType == NCLibrary.NC_VLEN);
private DataType convertDataType(int type) {
switch (type) {
case NCLibrary.NC_BYTE:
case NCLibrary.NC_UBYTE:
return DataType.BYTE;
case NCLibrary.NC_CHAR:
return DataType.CHAR;
case NCLibrary.NC_SHORT:
case NCLibrary.NC_USHORT:
return DataType.SHORT;
case NCLibrary.NC_INT:
case NCLibrary.NC_UINT:
return DataType.INT;
case NCLibrary.NC_INT64:
case NCLibrary.NC_UINT64:
return DataType.LONG;
case NCLibrary.NC_FLOAT:
return DataType.FLOAT;
case NCLibrary.NC_DOUBLE:
return DataType.DOUBLE;
case NCLibrary.NC_ENUM:
return DataType.ENUM1;
case NCLibrary.NC_STRING:
return DataType.STRING;
UserType userType = userTypes.get(type);
if (userType == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown type == " + type);
switch (userType.userType) {
case NCLibrary.NC_ENUM:
return DataType.ENUM1;
case NCLibrary.NC_COMPOUND:
return DataType.STRUCTURE;
case NCLibrary.NC_OPAQUE:
return DataType.OPAQUE;
case NCLibrary.NC_VLEN:
return convertDataType(userType.baseTypeid);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown type == " + type);
private String getDataTypeName(int type) {
switch (type) {
case NCLibrary.NC_BYTE: return "byte";
case NCLibrary.NC_UBYTE: return "ubyte";
case NCLibrary.NC_CHAR: return "char";
case NCLibrary.NC_SHORT: return "short";
case NCLibrary.NC_USHORT: return "ushort";
case NCLibrary.NC_INT: return "int";
case NCLibrary.NC_UINT: return "uint";
case NCLibrary.NC_INT64: return "long";
case NCLibrary.NC_UINT64: return "ulong";
case NCLibrary.NC_FLOAT: return "float";
case NCLibrary.NC_DOUBLE: return "double";
case NCLibrary.NC_ENUM: return "enum";
case NCLibrary.NC_STRING: return "string";
case NCLibrary.NC_COMPOUND: return "struct";
case NCLibrary.NC_OPAQUE: return "opaque";
case NCLibrary.NC_VLEN: return "vlen";
UserType userType = userTypes.get(type);
if (userType == null)
return "unknown type " + type;
switch (userType.userType) {
case NCLibrary.NC_ENUM: return "userType-enum";
case NCLibrary.NC_COMPOUND: return "userType-struct";
case NCLibrary.NC_OPAQUE: return "userType-opaque";
case NCLibrary.NC_VLEN: return "userType-vlen";
return "unknown userType " + userType.userType;
private static NCLibrary nc4;
private NCLibrary load() {
if (nc4 == null) {
//String dir = "C:/cdev/libpath/";
String dir = "C:/dev/tds/thredds/lib/binary/win32/";
System.setProperty("jna.library.path", dir);
System.load(dir + "zlib1.dll");
System.load(dir + "szlibdll.dll");
System.load(dir + "hdf5dll.dll");
System.load(dir + "hdf5_hldll.dll");
//System.load(dir + "netcdf.dll");
nc4 = (NCLibrary) Native.loadLibrary("netcdf", NCLibrary.class);
System.out.printf(" Netcdf nc_inq_libvers=%s isProtecetd=%s %n ", nc4.nc_inq_libvers(), Native.isProtected());
return nc4;
private static class MyNetcdfFile extends NetcdfFile {
MyNetcdfFile(IOServiceProvider spi) {
this.spi = spi;
public NetcdfFile open(String location) throws Exception {
MyNetcdfFile ncfile = new MyNetcdfFile(this);
try {
open(null, ncfile, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
close(); // make sure that the file gets closed
throw e;
return ncfile;
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
JniIosp iosp = new JniIosp();
NetcdfFile ncfile = iosp.open("C:/data/test2.nc");
System.out.println("" + ncfile);