package ucar.nc2.iosp.sigmet;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import ucar.ma2.Range;
import ucar.ma2.Array;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayFloat;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayInt;
import ucar.ma2.DataType;
import ucar.ma2.Index;
import ucar.ma2.IndexIterator;
import ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException;
import ucar.ma2.Section;
import ucar.nc2.Attribute;
import ucar.nc2.Dimension;
import ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile;
import ucar.nc2.Variable;
import ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType;
import ucar.nc2.constants._Coordinate;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.AbstractIOServiceProvider;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.Layout;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutRegular;
/** Implementation of the ServerProvider pattern provides input/output
* of the SIGMET-IRIS dataset. IOSP are managed by the NetcdfFile class.
* When the SigmetDataset is requested by calling, the file
* is opened as a
* The SIGMET-IRIS data format are described in "IRIS Programmer's Manual" ch.3
* The SIGMET-IRIS file consists of records with fixed length=6144 bytes. Data is written in
* little-endian format. The organization of raw product SIGMET-IRIS file is:
* Record #1 { <product_hdr> 0,0,0,...}
* Record #2 { <ingest_header> 0,0,0,... }
* ---if there are several sweeps (usually 24) and one type of data:
* Record #3 { <raw_prod_bhdr><ingest_data_header>...Data for sweep 1.. }
* Record #4 { <raw_prod_bhdr>...Data for sweep 1... }
* .............................................
* Record #n { <raw_prod_bhdr>...Data for sweep 1... 0.... }
* Record #n+1 { <raw_prod_bhdr><ingest_data_header>...Data for sweep 2.. }
* Record #n+2 { <raw_prod_bhdr>...Data for sweep 2... }
* .............................................
* Record #m { <raw_prod_bhdr>...Data for sweep 2... 0... }
* Record #m+1 { <raw_prod_bhdr><ingest_data_header>...Data for sweep 3.. }
* .............................................
* Structure of "Data for sweep" is: <ray_header><ray_data>...<ray_header><ray_data>...
* <ray_header> and <ray_data> are encoded with the compression algorithm
* ("IRIS Programmer's Manual"
* ---if there are "n" types of data (usually 4 or 5) and one sweep:
* Record #3 { <raw_prod_bhdr><ingest_data_header(data_type_1)><ingest_data_header(data_type_2)>...
* <ingest_data_header(data_type_n)>...Data...}
* Record #4 { <raw_prod_bhdr>...Data... }
* .............................................
* Record #n { <raw_prod_bhdr>...Data... }
* Structure of "Data" is: <ray_header(data_type_1)><ray_data(data_type_1)><ray_header(data_type_2)><ray_data(data_type_2)>...
* <ray_header(data_type_n)><ray_data(data_type_n)><ray_header(data_type_1)><ray_data(data_type_1)>
* <ray_header(data_type_2)><ray_data(data_type_2)>... <ray_header(data_type_n)><ray_data(data_type_n)>...
* <ray_header> and <ray_data> are encoded with the compression algorithm
* ("IRIS Programmer's Manual"
public class SigmetIOServiceProvider extends AbstractIOServiceProvider {
private static final String def_datafile="SIGMET-IRIS";
// org.slf4j.Logger logger=org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestNetcdf.class);
// raf=null;
// static String infile="C:\\netcdf\\data\\sig00.dat";
// static String infile="testdata2\\200705162030~~CONVOL-URP-XNC-RADAR-IRIS--20070516203210";
// static String infile="testdata2\\200705162030~~DOPVOL1_A-URP-XNC-RADAR-IRIS--20070516203241";
private ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile ncfile = null;
ArrayList<Variable> varList = null;
RandomAccessFile myRaf = null;
//Ray[][] ray=null;
int[] tsu_sec=null;
int[] sweep_bins=null;
String date0;
public static java.util.Map<String, Number> recHdr = new java.util.HashMap<String, Number> ();
private SigmetVolumeScan volScan;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String infile=" ";
if (args.length == 1) {
} else { System.out.println("Usage: java SigmetIOServiceProvider inputFile");
System.exit(0); }
try {
System.out.println("ncfile = \n"+ncfile);
} catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("MAIN!!! "+e.toString());
e.printStackTrace(); }
public String getFileTypeDescription() {
return "SIGMET-IRIS";
public String getFileTypeVersion() {
return "SIGMET-IRIS";
public String getFileTypeId() {
return "SIGMET";
/** Check if this is a valid SIGMET-IRIS file for this IOServiceProvider. */
public boolean isValidFile( raf) {
try {
return (raf.readShort() == (short)15);
} catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println("In isValidFile(): "+ioe.toString());
return false;
/** Open existing file, and populate ncfile with it. */
public void open( raf, ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile ncfile,
ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask cancelTask) throws {
this.ncfile = ncfile;
this.myRaf = raf;
//java.util.Map<String, Number> recHdr=new java.util.HashMap<String, Number>();
java.util.Map<String, String> hdrNames=new java.util.HashMap<String, String>();
volScan = new SigmetVolumeScan(raf, ncfile, varList);
this.varList=init(raf, ncfile, hdrNames);
// doData(raf, ncfile, varList);
// raf.close();
// this.ncfile.close();
/** Read some global data from SIGMET file. The SIGMET file consists of records with
* fixed length=6144 bytes.
static public java.util.Map<String, Number> readRecordsHdr( raf) {
java.util.Map<String, Number> recHdr1 = new java.util.HashMap<String, Number> ();
try { int nparams=0;
// -- Read from <product_end> of the 1st record -- 12+320+120
// -- Calculate Nyquist velocity --------------------; int prf=raf.readInt();; int wave=raf.readInt();
float vNyq=calcNyquist(prf, wave);
recHdr1.put("vNyq", new Float(vNyq));
// -- Read from the 2nd record----------- 6144+12(strucr_hdr)+168(from ingest_config); int radar_lat=raf.readInt();
int radar_lon=raf.readInt(); //6328
short ground_height= raf.readShort(); //6332
short radar_height= raf.readShort(); //6334
short num_rays= raf.readShort(); // 6340
int radar_alt=raf.readInt(); //6344;
int time_beg=raf.readInt();;
int time_end=raf.readInt();;
int data_mask=raf.readInt();
for (int j=0; j<32; j++) { nparams+=((data_mask >> j) & (0x1)); };
short multiprf=raf.readShort();;
int range_first=raf.readInt(); // cm 7408
int range_last=raf.readInt(); // cm 7412
short bins=raf.readShort(); //7418
if (bins % 2 != 0) bins=(short)(bins+1);
int step=raf.readInt(); // cm 7424;
short number_sweeps= raf.readShort(); // 7574;
int base_time=raf.readInt(); //<ingest_data_header> 3d rec
short year=raf.readShort();
short month=raf.readShort();
short day=raf.readShort();
recHdr1.put("radar_lat", new Float(calcAngle(radar_lat)));
recHdr1.put("radar_lon", new Float(calcAngle(radar_lon)));
recHdr1.put("range_first", new Integer(range_first));
recHdr1.put("range_last", new Integer(range_last));
recHdr1.put("ground_height", new Short(ground_height));
recHdr1.put("radar_height", new Short(radar_height));
recHdr1.put("radar_alt", new Integer(radar_alt));
recHdr1.put("step", new Integer(step));
recHdr1.put("bins", new Short(bins)); //System.out.println(" bins="+bins);
recHdr1.put("num_rays", new Short(num_rays)); //System.out.println(" rays="+num_rays);
recHdr1.put("nparams", new Integer(nparams));//System.out.println(" nparams="+nparams);
recHdr1.put("multiprf", new Short(multiprf));
recHdr1.put("number_sweeps", new Short(number_sweeps)); //System.out.println("IN HDR: number_sweeps="+number_sweeps);
recHdr1.put("year", new Short(year));
recHdr1.put("month", new Short(month));
recHdr1.put("day", new Short(day));
recHdr1.put("base_time", new Integer(base_time));
} catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString());
e.printStackTrace(); }
return recHdr1;
/** Read StationName strings */
public java.util.Map<String, String> readStnNames( raf) {
java.util.Map<String, String> hdrNames=new java.util.HashMap<String, String> ();
try {;
String stnName=raf.readString(16); //System.out.println(" stnName="+stnName.trim());;
String stnName_util=raf.readString(16);
hdrNames.put("StationName", stnName.trim());
hdrNames.put("StationName_SetupUtility", stnName_util.trim());
} catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString());
e.printStackTrace(); }
return hdrNames;
/** Define Dimensions, Variables, Attributes in ncfile
* @param raf corresponds of SIGMET datafile.
* @param ncfile an empty NetcdfFile object which will be filled.
* @param hdrNames java.util.Map with values for "StationName.." Attributes
* @return ArrayList of Variables of ncfile
public ArrayList<Variable> init( raf, ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile ncfile,
java.util.Map<String, String> hdrNames) throws {
// prepare attribute values
String[] data_name={ " ", "TotalPower", "Reflectivity", "Velocity",
"Width", "Differential_Reflectivity"};
String[] unit={" ", "dbZ", "dbZ", "m/sec", "m/sec", "dB"};
int[] type={1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
String def_datafile="SIGMET-IRIS";
String tim="";
int ngates=0;
String stnName=hdrNames.get("StationName");
String stnName_util=hdrNames.get("StationName_SetupUtility");
float radar_lat=((Float)recHdr.get("radar_lat")).floatValue(); //System.out.println("rad_lat="+radar_lat);
float radar_lon=((Float)recHdr.get("radar_lon")).floatValue(); //System.out.println("rad_lon="+radar_lon);
short ground_height=((Short)recHdr.get("ground_height")).shortValue(); //System.out.println("ground_H="+ground_height);
short radar_height=((Short)recHdr.get("radar_height")).shortValue(); //System.out.println("radar_H="+radar_height);
int radar_alt=(((Integer)recHdr.get("radar_alt")).intValue())/100; //System.out.println("rad_alt="+radar_alt);
short num_rays=((Short)recHdr.get("num_rays")).shortValue(); //System.out.println("num_rays="+num_rays);
short bins=((Short)recHdr.get("bins")).shortValue(); //System.out.println("bins="+bins);
float range_first=(((Integer)recHdr.get("range_first")).intValue())*0.01f; //System.out.println("range_1st="+range_first);
float range_last=(((Integer)recHdr.get("range_last")).intValue())*0.01f; //System.out.println("step="+step);
short number_sweeps=((Short)recHdr.get("number_sweeps")).shortValue();
int nparams=(((Integer)recHdr.get("nparams")).intValue()); //System.out.println("nparams="+nparams);
short year=((Short)recHdr.get("year")).shortValue(); //System.out.println("year="+year);
short month=((Short)recHdr.get("month")).shortValue();
short day=((Short)recHdr.get("day")).shortValue();
int base_time=(((Integer)recHdr.get("base_time")).intValue());
// define number of gates for every sweep
sweep_bins=new int[nparams*number_sweeps];
if (number_sweeps > 1) { sweep_bins=volScan.getNumberGates();
} else {
for (int kk=0; kk < nparams; kk++) { sweep_bins[kk]=bins; }
// add Dimensions
Dimension scanR=new Dimension("scanR", number_sweeps, true);
Dimension radial=new Dimension("radial", num_rays, true);
Dimension[] gateR=new Dimension[number_sweeps];
String dim_name="gateR";
for (int j=0; j<number_sweeps; j++) {
if (number_sweeps > 1) { dim_name="gateR_sweep_"+(j+1); }
gateR[j]=new Dimension(dim_name, sweep_bins[j], true);
ncfile.addDimension(null, scanR);
ncfile.addDimension(null, radial);
for (int j=0; j<number_sweeps; j++) {
ncfile.addDimension(null, gateR[j]);
ArrayList<Dimension> dims0=new ArrayList<Dimension>();
ArrayList<Dimension> dims1=new ArrayList<Dimension>();
ArrayList<Dimension> dims2=new ArrayList<Dimension>();
ArrayList<Dimension> dims3=new ArrayList<Dimension>();
ArrayList<Variable> varList=new ArrayList<Variable>();
Variable[][] v=new Variable[nparams][number_sweeps];
String var_name="";
for (int j=0; j<nparams; j++) {
int tp=type[j];
for (int jj=0; jj<number_sweeps; jj++) {
if (number_sweeps > 1) { var_name=data_name[tp]+"_sweep_"+(jj+1); }
v[j][jj]=new Variable(ncfile, null, null, var_name);
v[j][jj].addAttribute(new Attribute( "long_name", var_name));
v[j][jj].addAttribute(new Attribute( "units", unit[tp]));
String coordinates="time elevationR azimuthR distanceR";
v[j][jj].addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.Axes, coordinates));
v[j][jj].addAttribute(new Attribute("missing_value", -999.99f));
ncfile.addVariable(null, v[j][jj]);
tsu_sec=new int[number_sweeps];
String[] tsu=new String[number_sweeps];
String[] time_units=new String[number_sweeps];
for (int i=0; i< number_sweeps; i++) {
String st1=Short.toString(month);
if (st1.length() < 2) st1="0"+st1;
String st2=Short.toString(day);
if (st2.length() < 2) st2="0"+st2;
for (int j=0; j<number_sweeps; j++) { time_units[j]="secs since "+tsu[j]; }
// add "time" variable
Variable[] time=new Variable[number_sweeps];
String tm="time"; String tm_name="";
for (int j=0; j<number_sweeps; j++) { tm_name=tm;
if (number_sweeps > 1) { tm_name=tm+"_sweep_"+(j+1); }
time[j]=new Variable(ncfile, null, null, tm_name);
time[j].addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "time from start of sweep"));
time[j].addAttribute(new Attribute("units", time_units[j]));
time[j].addAttribute( new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.Time.toString()));
time[j].addAttribute(new Attribute("missing_value", -99));
ncfile.addVariable(null, time[j]);
// add "elevationR" variable
Variable[] elevationR=new Variable[number_sweeps];
String ele="elevationR"; String ele_name="";
for (int j=0; j<number_sweeps; j++) { ele_name=ele;
if (number_sweeps > 1) { ele_name=ele+"_sweep_"+(j+1); }
elevationR[j]=new Variable(ncfile, null, null, ele_name);
elevationR[j].addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "elevation angle"));
elevationR[j].addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "degrees"));
elevationR[j].addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.RadialElevation.toString()));
elevationR[j].addAttribute(new Attribute("missing_value", -999.99f));
ncfile.addVariable(null, elevationR[j]);
// add "azimuthR" variable
Variable[] azimuthR=new Variable[number_sweeps];
String azim="azimuthR"; String azim_name="";
for (int j=0; j<number_sweeps; j++) { azim_name=azim;
if (number_sweeps > 1) { azim_name=azim+"_sweep_"+(j+1); }
azimuthR[j]=new Variable(ncfile, null, null, azim_name);
azimuthR[j].addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "azimuth angle"));
azimuthR[j].addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "degrees"));
azimuthR[j].addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.RadialAzimuth.toString()));
azimuthR[j].addAttribute(new Attribute("missing_value", -999.99f));
ncfile.addVariable(null, azimuthR[j]);
// add "distanceR" variable
Variable[] distanceR=new Variable[number_sweeps];
String dName="distanceR";
String dist_name="";
for (int j=0; j<number_sweeps; j++) { dist_name=dName;
if (number_sweeps > 1) { dist_name=dName+"_sweep_"+(j+1); }
distanceR[j]=new Variable(ncfile, null, null, dist_name);
distanceR[j].addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "radial distance"));
distanceR[j].addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "m"));
distanceR[j].addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.RadialDistance.toString()));
ncfile.addVariable(null, distanceR[j]);
// add "numGates" variable
Variable numGates=new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "numGates");
numGates.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "number of gates in the sweep"));
ncfile.addVariable(null, numGates);
// add global attributes
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("definition", "SIGMET-IRIS RAW"));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("description", "SIGMET-IRIS data are reading by Netcdf IOSP"));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("StationName", stnName));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("StationName_SetupUtility", stnName_util));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("radar_lat", new Float(radar_lat)));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("radar_lon", new Float(radar_lon)));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("ground_height", new Short(ground_height)));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("radar_height", new Short(radar_height)));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("radar_alt", new Integer(radar_alt)));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("num_data_types", new Integer(nparams)));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("number_sweeps", new Short(number_sweeps)));
String sn="start_sweep"; String snn="";
for (int j=0; j<number_sweeps; j++) { snn=sn;
if (number_sweeps > 1) { snn=sn+"_"+(j+1); }
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute(snn, tsu[j]));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("num_rays", new Short(num_rays)));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("max_number_gates", new Short(bins)));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("range_first", new Float(range_first)));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("range_last", new Float(range_last)));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("DataType", "Radial"));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("Conventions", _Coordinate.Convention));
// --------- fill all of values in the ncfile ------
doNetcdfFileCoordinate(ncfile, volScan.base_time, volScan.year, volScan.month,, varList, recHdr);
return varList;
/** Fill all of the variables/attributes in the ncfile
* @param ncfile NetcdfFile object which will be filled.
* @param bst number of seconds since midnight for start of sweep
* @param yr year of start of each sweep
* @param m month of start of each sweep
* @param dda day of start of each sweep
* @param varList ArrayList of Variables of ncfile
* @param recHdr java.util.Map with values for Attributes
public void doNetcdfFileCoordinate(ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile ncfile, int[] bst,
short[] yr, short[] m, short[] dda,
ArrayList<Variable> varList, java.util.Map<String, Number> recHdr) {
// prepare attribute values
String[] unit={" ", "dbZ", "dbZ", "m/sec", "m/sec", "dB"};
String def_datafile="SIGMET-IRIS";
Short header_length=80;
Short ray_header_length=6;
int ngates=0;
float radar_lat=((Float)recHdr.get("radar_lat")).floatValue(); //System.out.println("rad_lat="+radar_lat);
float radar_lon=((Float)recHdr.get("radar_lon")).floatValue(); //System.out.println("rad_lon="+radar_lon);
short ground_height=((Short)recHdr.get("ground_height")).shortValue(); //System.out.println("ground_H="+ground_height);
short radar_height=((Short)recHdr.get("radar_height")).shortValue(); //System.out.println("radar_H="+radar_height);
int radar_alt=(((Integer)recHdr.get("radar_alt")).intValue())/100; //System.out.println("rad_alt="+radar_alt);
short num_rays=((Short)recHdr.get("num_rays")).shortValue(); //System.out.println("HERE!! num_rays="+num_rays);
float range_first=(((Integer)recHdr.get("range_first")).intValue())*0.01f; //System.out.println("range_1st="+range_first);
float range_last=(((Integer)recHdr.get("range_last")).intValue())*0.01f; //System.out.println("step="+step);
short number_sweeps=((Short)recHdr.get("number_sweeps")).shortValue();
int nparams=(((Integer)recHdr.get("nparams")).intValue()); //System.out.println("nparams="+nparams);
// define date/time
//int last_t=(int)(ray[nparams*number_sweeps-1][num_rays-1].getTime());
int last_t = volScan.lastRay.getTime();
String sss1=Short.toString(m[0]);
if (sss1.length() < 2) sss1="0"+sss1;
String sss2=Short.toString(dda[0]);
if (sss2.length() < 2) sss2="0"+sss2;
String base_date0=String.valueOf(yr[0])+"-"+sss1+"-"+sss2;
String sss11=Short.toString(m[number_sweeps-1]);
if (sss11.length() < 2) sss11="0"+sss11;
String sss22=Short.toString(dda[number_sweeps-1]);
if (sss22.length() < 2) sss22="0"+sss22;
String base_date1=String.valueOf(yr[number_sweeps-1])+"-"+sss11+"-"+sss22;
String start_time=base_date0+"T"+calcTime(bst[0], 0)+"Z";
String end_time=base_date1+"T"+calcTime(bst[number_sweeps-1], last_t)+"Z";
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("time_coverage_start", start_time));
ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("time_coverage_end", end_time));
// set all of Variables
try {
int sz=varList.size();
ArrayFloat.D2[] dataArr=new ArrayFloat.D2[nparams*number_sweeps];
Index[] dataIndex=new Index[nparams*number_sweeps];
// Variable[][] vv=new Variable[nparams][number_sweeps];
Variable var=null;
String var_name="";
Ray[] rtemp=new Ray[(int)num_rays];
// NCdump.printArray(dataArr[0], "Total_Power", System.out, null);
Variable[] distanceR=new Variable[number_sweeps];
ArrayFloat.D1[] distArr=new ArrayFloat.D1[number_sweeps];
Index[] distIndex=new Index[number_sweeps];
String distName="distanceR";
for (int i=0; i<number_sweeps; i++) {
if (number_sweeps > 1) { distName="distanceR_sweep_"+(i+1); }
for (int ix=0; ix<sz; ix++) {
if ((var.getShortName()).equals(distName.trim())) { distanceR[i]= var; break; }
distArr[i]=(ArrayFloat.D1) Array.factory(DataType.FLOAT, distanceR[i].getShape());
// for (int jj=0; jj<num_rays; jj++) { rtemp[jj]=ray[i][jj]; }
float stp=calcStep(range_first, range_last,(short)ngates);
for (int ii=0; ii<ngates; ii++) {
distArr[i].setFloat(distIndex[i].set(ii), (range_first+ii*stp));
// NCdump.printArray(distArr[0], "distanceR", System.out, null);
List rgp = volScan.getTotalPowerGroups();
if(rgp.size() == 0) rgp = volScan.getReflectivityGroups();
List [] sgp = new ArrayList[number_sweeps];
for (int i=0; i<number_sweeps; i++) {
sgp[i] = (List)rgp.get((short)i);
Variable[] time=new Variable[number_sweeps];
ArrayInt.D1[] timeArr=new ArrayInt.D1[number_sweeps];
Index[] timeIndex=new Index[number_sweeps];
String t_n="time";
for (int i=0; i<number_sweeps; i++) {
if (number_sweeps > 1) { t_n="time_sweep_"+(i+1); }
for (int ix=0; ix<sz; ix++) {
if ((var.getShortName()).equals(t_n.trim())) { time[i]=var; break; }
// if (time[i].getShape().length == 0) {
// continue;
// }
timeArr[i]=(ArrayInt.D1) Array.factory(DataType.INT, time[i].getShape());
List rlist = sgp[i];
for (int jj=0; jj<num_rays; jj++) { rtemp[jj]=(Ray)rlist.get(jj); } //ray[i][jj]; }
for (int jj=0; jj<num_rays; jj++) {
timeArr[i].setInt(timeIndex[i].set(jj), rtemp[jj].getTime());
// NCdump.printArray(timeArr[0], "time", System.out, null);
Variable[] azimuthR=new Variable[number_sweeps];
ArrayFloat.D1[] azimArr=new ArrayFloat.D1[number_sweeps];
Index[] azimIndex=new Index[number_sweeps];
String azimName="azimuthR";
for (int i=0; i<number_sweeps; i++) {
if (number_sweeps > 1) { azimName="azimuthR_sweep_"+(i+1); }
for (int ix=0; ix<sz; ix++) {
if ((var.getShortName()).equals(azimName.trim())) { azimuthR[i]=var; break; }
azimArr[i]=(ArrayFloat.D1) Array.factory(DataType.FLOAT, azimuthR[i].getShape());
List rlist = sgp[i];
for (int jj=0; jj<num_rays; jj++) { rtemp[jj]=(Ray)rlist.get(jj); } //ray[i][jj]; }
for (int jj=0; jj<num_rays; jj++) {
azimArr[i].setFloat(azimIndex[i].set(jj), rtemp[jj].getAz());
//NCdump.printArray(azimArr[0], "azimuthR", System.out, null);
Variable[] elevationR=new Variable[number_sweeps];
ArrayFloat.D1[] elevArr=new ArrayFloat.D1[number_sweeps];
Index[] elevIndex=new Index[number_sweeps];
String elevName="elevationR";
for (int i=0; i<number_sweeps; i++) {
if (number_sweeps > 1) { elevName="elevationR_sweep_"+(i+1); }
for (int ix=0; ix<sz; ix++) {
if ((var.getShortName()).equals(elevName.trim())) { elevationR[i]=var; break; }
elevArr[i]=(ArrayFloat.D1) Array.factory(DataType.FLOAT, elevationR[i].getShape());
List rlist = sgp[i];
for (int jj=0; jj<num_rays; jj++) { rtemp[jj]=(Ray)rlist.get(jj); } //ray[i][jj]; }
for (int jj=0; jj<num_rays; jj++) {
elevArr[i].setFloat(elevIndex[i].set(jj), rtemp[jj].getElev());
// NCdump.printArray(elevArr[0], "elevationR", System.out, null);
Variable numGates=null;
for (int i=0; i<number_sweeps; i++) {
for (int ix=0; ix<sz; ix++) {
if ((var.getShortName()).equals("numGates")) { numGates=var; break; }
ArrayInt.D1 gatesArr=(ArrayInt.D1) Array.factory(DataType.INT, numGates.getShape());
Index gatesIndex=gatesArr.getIndex();
for (int i=0; i<number_sweeps; i++) {
List rlist = sgp[i];
for (int jj=0; jj<num_rays; jj++) { rtemp[jj]=(Ray)rlist.get(jj); } //ray[i][jj]; }
gatesArr.setInt(gatesIndex.set(i), ngates);
for (int i=0; i<number_sweeps; i++) {
distanceR[i].setCachedData(distArr[i], false);
time[i].setCachedData(timeArr[i], false);
azimuthR[i].setCachedData(azimArr[i], false);
elevationR[i].setCachedData(elevArr[i], false);
numGates.setCachedData(gatesArr, false);
// startSweep.setCachedData(sweepArr, false);
// -------------------------------------------------
// int b=(int)ray[0][0].getBins();
// -- Test of readData() and readToByteChannel() -----------------
Range r1=new Range(356, 359);
Range r2=new Range(0, 15);
java.util.List arlist=new ArrayList();
Array testArr=readData(v[0], new Section(arlist));
NCdump.printArray(testArr, "Total_Power_sweep_1", System.out, null);
WritableByteChannel channel=new FileOutputStream(new File("C:\\netcdf\\tt.dat")).getChannel();
long ikk=readToByteChannel(v[0], new Section(arlist), channel);
} catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); }
} //----------- end of doNetcdf ----------------------------------
/** Read data from a top level Variable and return a memory resident Array.
* @param v2 Variable. It may have FLOAT/INTEGER data type.
* @param section wanted section of data of Variable. The section list is a list
* of ucar.ma2.Range which define the requested data subset.
* @return Array of data which will be read from Variable through this call.
public Array readData1(ucar.nc2.Variable v2, Section section)
throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
//doData(raf, ncfile, varList);
int[] sh=section.getShape();
Array temp=Array.factory(v2.getDataType(), sh);
long pos0=0;
// Suppose that the data has LayoutRegular
LayoutRegular index=new LayoutRegular(pos0, v2.getElementSize(), v2.getShape(), section);
if (v2.getShortName().startsWith("time") | v2.getShortName().startsWith("numGates")) {
temp=readIntData(index, v2);
} else { temp=readFloatData(index, v2); }
return temp;
public Array readData(Variable v2, Section section) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
// Vgroup vgroup = (Vgroup) v2.getSPobject();
// Range scanRange = section.getRange(0);
// Range radialRange = section.getRange(1);
// Range gateRange = section.getRange(2);
Array data = Array.factory(v2.getDataType().getPrimitiveClassType(), section.getShape());
IndexIterator ii = data.getIndexIterator();
List groups = null;
String shortName = v2.getShortName();
if( shortName.startsWith("Reflectivity"))
groups = volScan.getReflectivityGroups();
else if( shortName.startsWith("Velocity"))
groups = volScan.getVelocityGroups();
else if( shortName.startsWith("TotalPower"))
groups = volScan.getTotalPowerGroups();
else if( shortName.startsWith("Width"))
groups = volScan.getWidthGroups();
else if( shortName.startsWith("DiffReflectivity"))
groups = volScan.getDifferentialReflectivityGroups();
if(section.getRank() == 2) {
Range radialRange = section.getRange(0);
Range gateRange = section.getRange(1);
List lli = (List)groups.get(0);
readOneScan(lli, radialRange, gateRange, ii);
} else {
Range scanRange = section.getRange(0);
Range radialRange = section.getRange(1);
Range gateRange = section.getRange(2);
for (int i=scanRange.first(); i<=scanRange.last(); i+= scanRange.stride()) {
readOneScan((List)groups.get(i), radialRange, gateRange, ii);
return data;
private void readOneScan(List mapScan, Range radialRange, Range gateRange, IndexIterator ii) throws IOException {
int siz = mapScan.size();
for (int i=radialRange.first(); i<=radialRange.last(); i+= radialRange.stride()) {
if(i >= siz)
readOneRadial(null, gateRange, ii);
else {
Ray r = (Ray)mapScan.get(i);
readOneRadial(r, gateRange, ii);
private void readOneRadial(Ray r, Range gateRange, IndexIterator ii) throws IOException {
if (r == null) {
for (int i=gateRange.first(); i<=gateRange.last(); i+= gateRange.stride())
ii.setFloatNext( Float.NaN);
r.readData(volScan.raf, gateRange, ii);
/** Read data from a top level Variable of INTEGER data type and return a memory resident Array.
* @param index LayoutRegular object
* @param v2 Variable has INTEGER data type.
* @return Array of data which will be read from Variable through this call.
public Array readIntData(LayoutRegular index, Variable v2)
throws IOException {
int[] var=(int[])(;
int[] data = new int[(int)index.getTotalNelems()];
while (index.hasNext()) {
System.arraycopy(var, (int)chunk.getSrcPos()/4, data,
(int)chunk.getDestElem(), chunk.getNelems());
return Array.factory(data);
/** Read data from a top level Variable of FLOAT data type and return a memory resident Array.
* @param index LayoutRegular object
* @param v2 Variable has FLOAT data type.
* @return Array of data which will be read from Variable through this call.
public Array readFloatData(LayoutRegular index, Variable v2)
throws IOException {
float[] var=(float[])(;
float[] data = new float[(int)index.getTotalNelems()];
while (index.hasNext()) {
System.arraycopy(var, (int)chunk.getSrcPos()/4, data,
(int)chunk.getDestElem(), chunk.getNelems());
return Array.factory(data);
/** Read data from a top level Variable and send data to a WritableByteChannel.
* @param v2 Variable
* @param section wanted section of data of Variable. The section list is a list
* of ucar.ma2.Range which define the requested data subset.
* @param channel WritableByteChannel object - channel that can write bytes.
* @return the number of bytes written, possibly zero.
public long readToByteChannel11(ucar.nc2.Variable v2, Section section, WritableByteChannel channel)
throws, ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException {
Array data = readData(v2, section);
float[] ftdata=new float[(int)data.getSize()];
byte[] bytedata=new byte[(int)data.getSize()*4];
IndexIterator iter=data.getIndexIterator();
int i=0;
ByteBuffer buffer=ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bytedata.length);
while (iter.hasNext()) { ftdata[i]=iter.getFloatNext();
bytedata[i]=new Float(ftdata[i]).byteValue();
// write the bytes to the channel
int count=channel.write(buffer); System.out.println("COUNT="+count);
// check if all bytes where written
if (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
// if not all bytes were written, move the unwritten bytes to the beginning and
// set position just after the last unwritten byte
} else { buffer.clear(); }
return (long)count;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Convert 2 bytes binary angle to float
* @param angle two bytes binary angle
* @return float value of angle in degrees with precision of two decimal
static float calcAngle(short angle) {
final double maxval=65536.0;
double ang=(double)angle;
if (ang < 0.0) { ang=maxval+ang; }
double temp=(ang/maxval)*360.0;
BigDecimal bd=new BigDecimal(temp);
BigDecimal result=bd.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN);
return result.floatValue();
/** Convert 4 bytes binary angle to float
* @param ang four bytes binary angle
* @return float value of angle with precision of two decimal in degrees
static float calcAngle(int ang) {
final double maxval=4294967296.0;
double temp=(ang/maxval)*360.0;
BigDecimal bd=new BigDecimal(temp);
BigDecimal result=bd.setScale(3, RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN);
return result.floatValue();
/** Calculate radial elevation of each ray
* @param angle two bytes binary angle
* @return float value of elevation in degrees with precision of two decimal
static float calcElev(short angle) {
final double maxval=65536.0;
double ang=(double)angle;
if (angle < 0) ang=(~angle)+1;
double temp=(ang/maxval)*360.0;
BigDecimal bd=new BigDecimal(temp);
BigDecimal result=bd.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN);
return result.floatValue();
/** Calculate distance between sequential bins in a ray
* @param range_first range of first bin in centimeters
* @param range_last range of last bin in centimeters
* @param num_bins number of bins
* @return float distance in centimeters with precision of two decimal
static float calcStep(float range_first, float range_last, short num_bins) {
float step=(range_last-range_first)/(num_bins-1);
BigDecimal bd=new BigDecimal(step);
BigDecimal result=bd.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN);
return result.floatValue();
/** Calculate azimuth of a ray
* @param az0 azimuth at beginning of ray (binary angle)
* @param az1 azimuth at end of ray (binary angle)
* @return float azimuth in degrees with precision of two decimal
static float calcAz(short az0, short az1) {
// output in deg
float azim0=calcAngle(az0);
float azim1=calcAngle(az1);
float d=0.0f;
if ((az0 < 0)&(az1 > 0)) { d=Math.abs(360.0f-azim0)+Math.abs(azim1); }
double temp=azim0+d*0.5;
if (temp>360.0) { temp-=360.0; }
BigDecimal bd=new BigDecimal(temp);
BigDecimal result=bd.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN);
return result.floatValue();
/** Calculate data values from raw ingest data
* @param recHdr java.util.Map object with values for calculation
* @param dty type of data ( "Total_Power", "Reflectivity", "Velocity",
* "Width", "Differential_Reflectivity")
* @param data 1-byte input value
* @return float value with precision of two decimal
static float calcData(Map<String, Number> recHdr, short dty, byte data) {
short[] coef={1, 2, 3, 4}; // MultiPRF modes
short multiprf=((Short)recHdr.get("multiprf")).shortValue();
float vNyq=((Float)recHdr.get("vNyq")).floatValue();
double temp=-999.99;
switch (dty) {
default: // dty=1,2 -total_power, reflectivity (dBZ)
if (data != 0) { temp=(((int)data & 0xFF)-64)*0.5; }
case 3: // dty=3 - mean velocity (m/sec)
if (data != 0) {
temp=((((int)data & 0xFF)-128)/127.0)*vNyq*coef[multiprf]; }
case 4: // dty=4 - spectrum width (m/sec)
if (data != 0) {
double v=((((int)data & 0xFF)-128)/127.0)*vNyq*coef[multiprf];
temp=(((int)data & 0xFF)/256.0)*v; }
case 5: // dty=5 - differential reflectivity (dB)
if (data != 0) {
temp=((((int)data & 0xFF)-128)/16.0); }
BigDecimal bd=new BigDecimal(temp);
BigDecimal result=bd.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN);
return result.floatValue();
/** Calculate time as hh:mm:ss
* @param t number of seconds since midnight for start of sweep
* @param t0 time in seconds from start of sweep
* @return time as string "hh:mm:ss"
static String calcTime(int t, int t0) {
StringBuilder tim=new StringBuilder();
int[] tt=new int[3];
int mmh=(t+t0)/60;
tt[2]=(t+t0)%60; // Define SEC
tt[0]=mmh/60; // Define HOUR
tt[1]=mmh%60; // Define MIN
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
String s=Integer.toString(tt[i]);
int len=s.length();
if (len < 2) { s="0"+tt[i]; }
if (i != 2) s+=":";
return tim.toString();
/** Calculate of Nyquist velocity
* @param prf PRF in Hertz
* @param wave wavelength in 1/100 of centimeters
* @return float value of Nyquist velocity in m/sec with precision of two decimal
static float calcNyquist(int prf, int wave) {
double tmp=(prf*wave*0.01)*0.25;
tmp=tmp*0.01; //Make it m/sec
BigDecimal bd=new BigDecimal(tmp);
BigDecimal result=bd.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN);
return result.floatValue();
// dummy implementations of other methods
public Array readNestedData(Variable v2, List section) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
return null;
public void close() throws {
// public void close() throws IOException { }
// public boolean syncExtend() throws IOException {
// return false;
// }
// public boolean sync() throws IOException {
// return false;
// }
public void setSpecial(Object special) { }
public String toStringDebug(Object o) {
return null;
public String getDetailInfo() {
return null;