package ucar.nc2.iosp.noaa;
import ucar.ma2.*;
import ucar.nc2.*;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.AbstractIOServiceProvider;
import ucar.nc2.ncml.NcmlConstructor;
import ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Nomads IGRA files.
* Can open all data by opening "igra-stations.txt", with data files in subdir "igra-por".
* Can open single station data by opening <stationId>.dat with igra-stations.txt in same or parent directory.
* @see ""
* @see ""
* @author caron
* @since 3/3/11
public class IgraPor extends AbstractIOServiceProvider {
private static final String dataPatternRegexp =
"(\\d{2})([ \\-\\d]{6})(.)([ \\-\\d]{5})(.)([ \\-\\d]{5})(.)([ \\-\\d]{5})([ \\-\\d]{5})([ \\-\\d]{5})$";
private static final String dataHeaderPatternRegexp =
"#(\\d{5})(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})([ \\d]{4})$";
private static final String stnPatternRegexp =
"([A-Z]{2}) (\\d{5}) (.{35}) ([ \\.\\-\\d]{6}) ([ \\.\\-\\d]{7}) ([ \\-\\d]{4}) (.)(.)(.) ([ \\d]{4}) ([ \\d]{4})$";
private static final Pattern dataPattern = Pattern.compile(dataPatternRegexp);
private static final Pattern dataHeaderPattern = Pattern.compile(dataHeaderPatternRegexp);
private static final Pattern stnPattern = Pattern.compile(stnPatternRegexp);
private static final String STNID = "stnid";
private static final String STN_FILE = "igra-stations.txt";
private static final String DAT_EXT = ".dat";
private static final String DAT_DIR = "igra-por";
private static final String IDX_EXT = ".ncx";
private static final String MAGIC_START_IDX = "IgraPorIndex";
private static final int version = 1;
public boolean isValidFile(RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException {
String location = raf.getLocation();
File file = new File(location);
int pos = location.lastIndexOf(".");
if (pos <= 0) return false;
String base = location.substring(0, pos);
String ext = location.substring(pos);
// must be data file or station file or index file
if (!ext.equals(DAT_EXT) && !ext.equals(IDX_EXT) && !file.getName().equals(STN_FILE))
return false;
if (ext.equals(IDX_EXT)) {
// data, stn files must be in the same directory
File datFile = new File(base + DAT_EXT);
if (!datFile.exists())
return false;
File stnFile = getStnFile(location);
if (!stnFile.exists())
return false;;
byte[] b = new byte[MAGIC_START_IDX.length()];;
String test = new String(b, "UTF-8");
return test.equals(MAGIC_START_IDX);
} else if (ext.equals(DAT_EXT)) {
File stnFile = getStnFile(location);
if (stnFile == null)
return false;
return isValidFile(raf, dataHeaderPattern);
} else {
// data directory must exist
File dataDir = new File(file.getParentFile(), DAT_DIR);
return dataDir.exists() && dataDir.isDirectory() && isValidFile(raf, stnPattern);
// stn file must be in the same directory or one up
private File getStnFile(String location) {
File file = new File(location);
File stnFile = new File(file.getParentFile(), STN_FILE);
if (!stnFile.exists()) {
if (file.getParentFile() == null) return null;
stnFile = new File(file.getParentFile().getParentFile(), STN_FILE);
if (!stnFile.exists()) return null;
return stnFile;
private boolean isValidFile(RandomAccessFile raf, Pattern p) throws IOException {;
String line;
while (true) {
line = raf.readLine();
if (line == null) break;
if (line.trim().length() == 0) continue;
Matcher matcher = p.matcher(line);
return matcher.matches();
return false;
public String getFileTypeId() {
return "IGRA-POR";
public String getFileTypeDescription() {
return "Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive";
public String getFileTypeVersion() {
return Integer.toString(version);
private RandomAccessFile stnRaf, dataRaf;
private File dataDir;
//private HashMap<Long, StationIndex> map = new HashMap<Long, StationIndex>(10000);
private int stn_fldno;
private StructureDataRegexp.Vinfo stnVinfo, seriesVinfo, profileVinfo;
private String stationId; // if a DAT file
public void open(RandomAccessFile raff, NetcdfFile ncfile, CancelTask cancelTask) throws IOException {
String location = raff.getLocation();
int pos = location.lastIndexOf(".");
String ext = location.substring(pos);
File file = new File(location);
File stnFile = getStnFile(location);
if (ext.equals(IDX_EXT)) {
stnRaf = new RandomAccessFile(stnFile.getPath(), "r");
} else if (ext.equals(DAT_EXT)) {
stnRaf = new RandomAccessFile(stnFile.getPath(), "r");
dataRaf = raff;
//extract the station id
String name = file.getName();
stationId = name.substring(0, name.length() - DAT_EXT.length());
} else { // pointed to the station file
stnRaf = raff;
dataDir = new File(file.getParentFile(), DAT_DIR);
NcmlConstructor ncmlc = new NcmlConstructor();
if (!ncmlc.populateFromResource("resources/nj22/iosp/igra-por.ncml", ncfile)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ncmlc.getErrlog().toString());
//dataVinfo = setVinfo(dataRaf, ncfile, dataPattern, "all_data");
stnVinfo = setVinfo(stnRaf, ncfile, stnPattern, "station");
seriesVinfo = setVinfo(stnRaf, ncfile, dataHeaderPattern, "station.time_series");
profileVinfo = setVinfo(stnRaf, ncfile, dataPattern, "station.time_series.levels");
StructureMembers.Member m =;
StructureDataRegexp.VinfoField f = (StructureDataRegexp.VinfoField) m.getDataObject();
stn_fldno = f.fldno;
/* make index file if needed
File idxFile = new File(base + IDX_EXT);
if (!idxFile.exists())
makeIndex(stnVinfo, dataVinfo, idxFile);
readIndex(idxFile.getPath()); */
private StructureDataRegexp.Vinfo setVinfo(RandomAccessFile raff, NetcdfFile ncfile, Pattern p, String seqName) {
Sequence seq = (Sequence) ncfile.findVariable(seqName);
StructureMembers sm = seq.makeStructureMembers();
StructureDataRegexp.Vinfo result = new StructureDataRegexp.Vinfo(raff, sm, p);
int fldno = 1;
for (StructureMembers.Member m : sm.getMembers()) {
StructureDataRegexp.VinfoField vf = new StructureDataRegexp.VinfoField(fldno++);
Variable v = seq.findVariable(m.getName());
Attribute att = v.findAttribute("iosp_scale");
if (att != null) {
vf.hasScale = true;
vf.scale = att.getNumericValue().floatValue();
return result;
public void close() throws {
if (stnRaf != null) stnRaf.close();
if (dataRaf != null) dataRaf.close();
stnRaf = null;
dataRaf = null;
public Array readData(Variable v2, Section section) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
StructureDataRegexp.Vinfo vinfo = (StructureDataRegexp.Vinfo) v2.getSPobject();
if (stationId != null)
return new ArraySequence(, new SingleStationSeqIter(vinfo), vinfo.nelems);
return new ArraySequence(, new StationSeqIter(vinfo), vinfo.nelems);
public StructureDataIterator getStructureIterator(Structure s, int bufferSize) throws {
StructureDataRegexp.Vinfo vinfo = (StructureDataRegexp.Vinfo) s.getSPobject();
if (stationId != null)
return new SingleStationSeqIter(vinfo);
return new StationSeqIter(vinfo);
// when theres only one station
private class SingleStationSeqIter implements StructureDataIterator {
private StructureDataRegexp.Vinfo vinfo;
private int recno = 0;
SingleStationSeqIter(StructureDataRegexp.Vinfo vinfo) throws IOException {
this.vinfo = vinfo;;
public StructureDataIterator reset() {
recno = 0;
return this;
public boolean hasNext() throws IOException {
return recno == 0;
public StructureData next() throws IOException {
Matcher matcher;
while (true) {
String line = vinfo.rafile.readLine();
if (line == null) return null;
if (line.startsWith("#")) continue;
if (line.trim().length() == 0) continue;
//System.out.printf("line %s%n", line);
matcher = vinfo.p.matcher(line);
if (matcher.matches()) {
String stnid =;
if (stnid.equals(stationId)) break;
return new StationData(, matcher);
public void setBufferSize(int bytes) {
public int getCurrentRecno() {
return recno - 1;
// sequence of stations
private class StationSeqIter implements StructureDataIterator {
private StructureDataRegexp.Vinfo vinfo;
private long totalBytes;
private int recno;
private StructureData curr;
StationSeqIter(StructureDataRegexp.Vinfo vinfo) throws IOException {
this.vinfo = vinfo;
totalBytes = (int) vinfo.rafile.length();;
public StructureDataIterator reset() {
recno = 0;
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return this;
public boolean hasNext() throws IOException {
boolean more = (vinfo.rafile.getFilePointer() < totalBytes); // && (recno < 10);
if (!more) {
vinfo.nelems = recno;
//System.out.printf("nelems=%d%n", recno);
return false;
curr = reallyNext();
more = (curr != null);
if (!more) {
vinfo.nelems = recno;
//System.out.printf("nelems=%d%n", recno);
return false;
return more;
public StructureData next() throws IOException {
return curr;
private StructureData reallyNext() throws IOException {
Matcher matcher;
while (true) {
String line = vinfo.rafile.readLine();
if (line == null) return null;
if (line.startsWith("#")) continue;
if (line.trim().length() == 0) continue;
//System.out.printf("line %s%n", line);
matcher = vinfo.p.matcher(line);
if (matcher.matches())
System.out.printf("FAIL %s%n", line);
return new StationData(, matcher);
public void setBufferSize(int bytes) {
public int getCurrentRecno() {
return recno - 1;
private class StationData extends StructureDataRegexp {
StructureMembers members;
Matcher matcher; // matcher on the station ascii
StationData(StructureMembers members, Matcher matcher) {
super(members, matcher);
this.members = members;
this.matcher = matcher;
// nested array sequence must be the stn_data
public ArraySequence getArraySequence(StructureMembers.Member m) {
String stnid =;
return new ArraySequence(, new TimeSeriesIter(stnid), -1);
// sequence of time series for one station
private class TimeSeriesIter implements StructureDataIterator {
private int countRead = 0;
private long totalBytes;
private File file;
private RandomAccessFile timeSeriesRaf = null;
private boolean exists;
TimeSeriesIter(String stnid) {
if (dataRaf != null)
exists = true;
else {
this.file = new File(dataDir, stnid+DAT_EXT);
exists = file.exists();
private void init() {
if (!exists) return;
try {
if (dataRaf != null)
this.timeSeriesRaf = dataRaf; // single station case - data file already open
this.timeSeriesRaf = new RandomAccessFile( file.getPath(), "r");// LOOK check exists LOOK who closes?
totalBytes = timeSeriesRaf.length();;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public StructureDataIterator reset() {
if (!exists) return this;
if (timeSeriesRaf == null) init();
countRead = 0;
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return this;
public boolean hasNext() throws IOException {
if (!exists) return false;
if (timeSeriesRaf == null) init();
return (timeSeriesRaf.getFilePointer() < totalBytes); // && (recno < 10); LOOK not perfect, eg trailing blanks
public StructureData next() throws IOException {
Matcher matcher;
String line;
while (true) {
line = timeSeriesRaf.readLine();
if (line == null) return null; // only on EOF
if (line.trim().length() == 0) continue;
matcher = seriesVinfo.p.matcher(line);
if (matcher.matches())
System.out.printf("FAIL TimeSeriesIter <%s>%n", line);
return new TimeSeriesData(matcher);
public void setBufferSize(int bytes) {
public int getCurrentRecno() {
return countRead - 1;
private class TimeSeriesData extends StructureDataRegexp {
Matcher matcher; // matcher on the station ascii
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>(30);
TimeSeriesData(Matcher matcher) throws IOException {
super(, matcher);
this.matcher = matcher;
String line;
long pos;
while (true) {
pos = timeSeriesRaf.getFilePointer();
line = timeSeriesRaf.readLine();
if (line == null) break;
if (line.trim().length() == 0) continue;
matcher = profileVinfo.p.matcher(line);
if (matcher.matches())
else {; // put the line back
// nested array sequence must be the stn_data
public ArraySequence getArraySequence(StructureMembers.Member m) {
return new ArraySequence(, new ProfileIter(), -1);
// sequence of levels for one profile = station-timeSeries
private class ProfileIter implements StructureDataIterator {
private int countRead;
ProfileIter() {
countRead = 0;
public StructureDataIterator reset() {
countRead = 0;
return this;
public boolean hasNext() throws IOException {
return countRead < lines.size();
public StructureData next() throws IOException {
if (!hasNext()) return null;
Matcher matcher = profileVinfo.p.matcher(lines.get(countRead));
StructureData sd;
if (matcher.matches())
sd = new StructureDataRegexp(, matcher);
throw new IllegalStateException("line = "+lines.get(countRead)+ "pattern = "+profileVinfo.p );
return sd;
public void setBufferSize(int bytes) {
public int getCurrentRecno() {
return countRead - 1;
private void readIndex(String indexFilename) throws IOException {
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(indexFilename);
if (!NcStream.readAndTest(fin, MAGIC_START_IDX.getBytes("UTF-8")))
throw new IllegalStateException("bad index file");
int version =;
if (version != 1)
throw new IllegalStateException("Bad version = " + version);
int count = NcStream.readVInt(fin);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
int size = NcStream.readVInt(fin);
byte[] pb = new byte[size];
NcStream.readFully(fin, pb);
StationIndex si = decodeStationIndex(pb);
map.put(si.stnId, si);
System.out.println(" read index map size=" + map.values().size());
private void makeIndex(StructureDataRegexp.Vinfo stnInfo, StructureDataRegexp.Vinfo dataInfo, File indexFile) throws IOException {
// get map of Stations
StructureMembers.Member m =;
StructureDataRegexp.VinfoField f = (StructureDataRegexp.VinfoField) m.getDataObject();
int stnCount = 0;
// read through entire file LOOK: could use SeqIter;
while (true) {
long stnPos = stnInfo.rafile.getFilePointer();
String line = stnInfo.rafile.readLine();
if (line == null) break;
Matcher matcher = stnInfo.p.matcher(line);
if (!matcher.matches()) {
System.out.printf("FAIL %s%n", line);
String svalue =;
Long id = Long.parseLong(svalue.trim());
StationIndex s = new StationIndex();
s.stnId = id;
s.stnPos = stnPos;
map.put(id, s);
// assumes that the stn data is in order by stnId
m =;
f = (StructureDataRegexp.VinfoField) m.getDataObject();
StationIndex currStn = null;
int totalCount = 0;
// read through entire data file;
while (true) {
long dataPos = dataInfo.rafile.getFilePointer();
String line = dataInfo.rafile.readLine();
if (line == null) break;
Matcher matcher = dataInfo.p.matcher(line);
if (!matcher.matches()) {
System.out.printf("FAIL %s%n", line);
String svalue =;
Long id = Long.parseLong(svalue);
if ((currStn == null) || (currStn.stnId != id)) {
StationIndex s = map.get(id);
if (s == null)
System.out.printf("Cant find %d%n", id);
else if (s.dataCount != 0)
System.out.printf("Not in order %d at pos %d %n", id, dataPos);
else {
s.dataPos = dataPos;
currStn = s;
//System.out.printf("ok stns=%s data=%d%n", stnCount, totalCount);
// write the index file
FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(indexFile); // LOOK need DiskCache for non-writeable directories
long size = 0;
//// header message
size += NcStream.writeVInt(fout, stnCount);
/* byte[] pb = encodeStationListProto( map.values());
size += NcStream.writeVInt(fout, pb.length);
size += pb.length;
for (StationIndex s : map.values()) {
byte[] pb = s.encodeStationProto();
size += NcStream.writeVInt(fout, pb.length);
size += pb.length;
//System.out.println(" index size=" + size);
private StationIndex decodeStationIndex(byte[] data) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
ucar.nc2.iosp.noaa.GhcnmProto.StationIndex proto = GhcnmProto.StationIndex.parseFrom(data);
return new StationIndex(proto);
private class StationIndex {
long stnId;
long stnPos; // file pos in inv file
long dataPos; // file pos of first data line in the data file
int dataCount; // number of data records
StationIndex() {
StationIndex(ucar.nc2.iosp.noaa.GhcnmProto.StationIndex proto) {
this.stnId = proto.getStnid();
this.stnPos = proto.getStnPos();
this.dataPos = proto.getDataPos();
this.dataCount = proto.getDataCount();
private byte[] encodeStationProto() {
GhcnmProto.StationIndex.Builder builder = GhcnmProto.StationIndex.newBuilder();
ucar.nc2.iosp.noaa.GhcnmProto.StationIndex proto =;
return proto.toByteArray();
} */