* Copyright 1998-2009 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* Portions of this software were developed by the Unidata Program at the
* University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.
* Access and use of this software shall impose the following obligations
* and understandings on the user. The user is granted the right, without
* any fee or cost, to use, copy, modify, alter, enhance and distribute
* this software, and any derivative works thereof, and its supporting
* documentation for any purpose whatsoever, provided that this entire
* notice appears in all copies of the software, derivative works and
* supporting documentation. Further, UCAR requests that the user credit
* UCAR/Unidata in any publications that result from the use of this
* software or in any product that includes this software. The names UCAR
* and/or Unidata, however, may not be used in any advertising or publicity
* to endorse or promote any products or commercial entity unless specific
* written permission is obtained from UCAR/Unidata. The user also
* understands that UCAR/Unidata is not obligated to provide the user with
* any support, consulting, training or assistance of any kind with regard
* to the use, operation and performance of this software nor to provide
* the user with any updates, revisions, new versions or "bug fixes."
package ucar.nc2.iosp.gini;
import ucar.nc2.*;
import ucar.nc2.units.DateFormatter;
import ucar.nc2.constants._Coordinate;
import ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType;
import ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.*;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.projection.LambertConformal;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.projection.Stereographic;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.projection.Mercator;
import ucar.ma2.Array;
import ucar.ma2.DataType;
import ucar.unidata.util.Parameter;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.zip.Inflater;
import java.util.zip.DataFormatException;
import java.text.*;
import java.nio.*;
* Netcdf header reading and writing for version 3 file format.
* This is used by Giniiosp.
class Giniheader {
static final byte[] MAGIC = new byte[] {0x43, 0x44, 0x46, 0x01 };
static final int MAGIC_DIM = 10;
static final int MAGIC_VAR = 11;
static final int MAGIC_ATT = 12;
private boolean debug = false, debugPos = false, debugString = false, debugHeaderSize = false;
private ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile raf;
private ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile ncfile;
// private PrintStream out = System.out;
static private org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(Giniheader.class);
int numrecs = 0; // number of records written
int recsize = 0; // size of each record (padded)
int dataStart = 0; // where the data starts
int recStart = 0; // where the record data starts
int GINI_PIB_LEN = 21; // gini product indentification block
int GINI_PDB_LEN = 512; // gini product description block
int GINI_HED_LEN = 533; // gini product header
double DEG_TO_RAD = 0.017453292;
double EARTH_RAD_KMETERS = 6371.200;
byte Z_DEFLATED = 8;
byte DEF_WBITS = 15;
private long actualSize, calcSize;
protected int Z_type = 0;
public boolean isValidFile( ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile raf)
return validatePIB( raf );
catch ( IOException e )
return false;
* Read the header and populate the ncfile
* @param raf
* @throws IOException
boolean validatePIB(ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile raf ) throws IOException {
this.raf = raf;
this.actualSize = raf.length();
int pos = 0;
// gini header process
byte[] b = new byte[GINI_PIB_LEN + GINI_HED_LEN];
String pib = new String(b);
pos = pib.indexOf( "KNES" );
if ( pos == -1 ) pos = pib.indexOf ( "CHIZ" );
if ( pos != -1 ) { /* 'KNES' or 'CHIZ' found */
pos = pib.indexOf ( "\r\r\n" ); /* <<<<< UPC mod 20030710 >>>>> */
if ( pos != -1 ) { /* CR CR NL found */
pos = pos + 3;
} else {
pos = 0;
return false;
return true;
* Read the header and populate the ncfile
* @param raf
* @throws IOException
byte[] readPIB(ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile raf ) throws IOException {
this.raf = raf;
this.actualSize = raf.length();
int doff = 0;
int pos = 0;
// gini header process
byte[] b = new byte[GINI_PIB_LEN + GINI_HED_LEN];
byte[] buf = new byte[GINI_HED_LEN ];
byte[] head = new byte[GINI_PDB_LEN ];
String pib = new String(b);
//if( !pib.startsWith("TICZ")) return (int)pos; // gini header start with TICZ 99....
pos = pib.indexOf( "KNES" );
if ( pos == -1 ) pos = pib.indexOf ( "CHIZ" );
if ( pos != -1 ) { /* 'KNES' or 'CHIZ' found */
pos = pib.indexOf ( "\r\r\n" ); /* <<<<< UPC mod 20030710 >>>>> */
if ( pos != -1 ) { /* CR CR NL found */
pos = pos + 3;
} else {
pos = 0;
dataStart = pos + GINI_PDB_LEN;
// Test the next two bytes to see if the image portion looks like
// it is zlib-compressed
byte[] b2 = new byte[2];
b2[0] = b[pos];
b2[1] = b[pos+1];
Inflater inflater = new Inflater( false);
int resultLength = 0;
int inflatedLen = 0;
int pos1 = 0;
if( isZlibHed( b2 ) == 1) {
Z_type = 1;
inflater.setInput(b, pos, GINI_HED_LEN );
try {
resultLength = inflater.inflate(buf, 0, GINI_HED_LEN);
catch (DataFormatException ex) {
log.warn("ERROR on inflation "+ex.getMessage());
throw new IOException( ex.getMessage());
if(resultLength != GINI_HED_LEN )System.out.println("Zlib inflated image header size error");
inflatedLen = GINI_HED_LEN - inflater.getRemaining();
String inf = new String(buf);
pos1 = inf.indexOf( "KNES" );
if ( pos1 == -1 ) pos1 = inf.indexOf ( "CHIZ" );
if ( pos1 != -1 ) { /* 'KNES' or 'CHIZ' found */
pos1 = inf.indexOf ( "\r\r\n" ); /* <<<<< UPC mod 20030710 >>>>> */
if ( pos1 != -1 ) { /* CR CR NL found */
pos1 = pos1 + 3;
} else {
pos1 = 0;
System.arraycopy(buf, pos1, head, 0, GINI_PDB_LEN );
dataStart = pos + inflatedLen;
} else {
System.arraycopy(b, pos, head, 0, GINI_PDB_LEN );
if( pos == 0 && pos1 == 0 ) return null;
return head;
void read(ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile raf, ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile ncfile, PrintStream out) throws IOException {
this.raf = raf;
this.ncfile = ncfile;
int proj; /* projection type indicator */
/* 1 - Mercator */
/* 3 - Lambert Conf./Tangent Cone*/
/* 5 - Polar Stereographic */
int ent_id; /* GINI creation entity */
int sec_id; /* GINI sector ID */
int phys_elem; /* 1 - Visible, 2- 3.9IR, 3 - 6.7IR ..*/
int nx;
int ny;
int pole;
int gyear;
int gmonth;
int gday;
int ghour;
int gminute;
int gsecond;
double lonv; /* meridian parallel to y-axis */
double diff_lon;
double lon1 = 0.0, lon2 = 0.0;
double lat1 = 0.0, lat2 = 0.0;
double latt = 0.0, lont = 0.0;
double imageScale = 0.0;
//long hoff = 0;
// long pos = GINI_PIB_LEN;
byte [] head = readPIB(raf );
ByteBuffer bos = ByteBuffer.wrap(head);
//if (out != null) this.out = out;
actualSize = raf.length();
Attribute att = new Attribute( "Conventions", "GRIB");
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
byte[] b2 = new byte[2];
//sat_id = (int )( raf.readByte());
Byte nv = new Byte(bos.get());
att = new Attribute( "source_id", nv);
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
nv = new Byte( bos.get());
ent_id = nv.intValue();
att = new Attribute( "entity_id", nv);
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
nv = new Byte( bos.get());
sec_id = nv.intValue();
att = new Attribute( "sector_id", nv);
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
nv = new Byte ( bos.get());
phys_elem = nv.intValue();
att = new Attribute( "phys_elem", nv);
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
bos.position(bos.position() + 4);
gyear = (int) ( bos.get());
gyear += ( gyear < 50 ) ? 2000 : 1900;
gmonth = (int) ( bos.get());
gday = (int) ( bos.get());
ghour = (int) ( bos.get());
gminute = (int) ( bos.get());
gsecond = (int) ( bos.get());
DateFormat dformat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(gyear, gmonth-1, gday, ghour, gminute, gsecond);
String dstring = dformat.format(cal.getTime());
Dimension dimT = new Dimension( "time", 1, true, false, false);
ncfile.addDimension( null, dimT);
String timeCoordName = "time";
Variable taxis = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, timeCoordName);
taxis.addAttribute( new Attribute("long_name", "time since base date"));
taxis.addAttribute( new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.Time.toString()));
double [] tdata = new double[1];
tdata[0] = cal.getTimeInMillis();
Array dataA = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[] {1}, tdata);
taxis.setCachedData( dataA, false);
DateFormatter formatter = new DateFormatter();
taxis.addAttribute( new Attribute("units", "msecs since "+formatter.toDateTimeStringISO(new Date(0))));
ncfile.addVariable(null, taxis);
//att = new Attribute( "Time", dstring);
//this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("time_coverage_start", dstring));
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("time_coverage_end", dstring));
bos.get(); /* skip a byte for hundreds of seconds */
nv = new Byte ( bos.get());
att = new Attribute( "ProjIndex", nv);
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
proj = nv.intValue();
if( proj == 1) {
att = new Attribute( "ProjName", "MERCATOR");
} else if (proj == 3) {
att = new Attribute( "ProjName", "LAMBERT_CONFORNAL");
} else if (proj == 5) {
att = new Attribute( "ProjName", "POLARSTEREOGRAPHIC");
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
** Get grid dimensions
byte[] b3 = new byte[3];
bos.get(b2, 0, 2);
nx = getInt( b2, 2);
Integer ni = new Integer(nx);
att = new Attribute( "NX", ni);
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
bos.get(b2, 0, 2);
ny = getInt( b2, 2);
ni = new Integer(ny);
att = new Attribute( "NY", ni);
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
ProjectionImpl projection = null;
double dxKm = 0.0, dyKm = 0.0, latin, lonProjectionOrigin ;
switch( proj ) {
case 1: /* Mercator */
** Get the latitude and longitude of first and last "grid" points
/* Latitude of first grid point */
bos.get(b3, 0, 3);
int nn = getInt( b3, 3);
lat1 = (double) nn / 10000.0;
Double nd = new Double(lat1);
att = new Attribute( "Latitude0", nd);
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
bos.get(b3, 0, 3);
nn = getInt( b3, 3);
int b33 = (int)(b3[0] & (1<< 7));
// if( b33 == 128) //west longitude
// nd = new Double(((double) nn) / 10000.0 * (-1));
// else
nd = new Double(((double) nn) / 10000.0 );
lon1 = nd.doubleValue();
att = new Attribute( "Longitude0", nd);
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
/* Longitude of last grid point */
bos.get(); /* skip one byte */
bos.get(b3, 0, 3);
nn = getInt( b3, 3);
nd = new Double( ((double) nn) / 10000.0);
lat2 = nd.doubleValue();
att = new Attribute( "LatitudeN", nd);
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
bos.get(b3, 0, 3);
nn = getInt( b3, 3);
b33 = (int)(b3[0] & (1<< 7));
// if( b33 == 128) //west longitude
// nd = new Double(((double) nn) / 10000.0 * (-1));
// else
nd = new Double(((double) nn) / 10000.0 );
lon2 = nd.doubleValue();
att = new Attribute( "LongitudeN", nd);
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
** Hack to catch incorrect sign of lon2 in header.
// if ( lon1 > 0.0 && lon2 < 0.0 ) lon2 *= -1;
double lon_1 = lon1;
double lon_2 = lon2;
if ( lon1 < 0 ) lon_1 += 360.0;
if ( lon2 < 0 ) lon_2 += 360.0;
lonv = lon_1 - (lon_1 - lon_2) / 2.0;
if ( lonv > 180.0 ) lonv -= 360.0;
if ( lonv < -180.0 ) lonv += 360.0;
** Get the "Latin" parameter. The ICD describes this value as:
** "Latin - The latitude(s) at which the Mercator projection cylinder
** intersects the earth." It should read that this is the latitude
** at which the image resolution is that defined by octet 41.
bos.getInt(); /* skip 4 bytes */
bos.get(); /* skip 1 byte */
bos.get(b3, 0, 3);
nn = getInt( b3, 3);
nd = new Double(((double) nn) / 10000.0);
/* Latitude of proj cylinder intersects */
att = new Attribute( "LatitudeX", nd);
latin = nd.doubleValue();
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
latt = 0.0; // this is not corrected // jc 8/7/08 not used
// dyKm = Math.cos( DEG_TO_RAD*latt);
// dxKm = DEG_TO_RAD * EARTH_RAD_KMETERS * Math.abs((lon_1-lon_2) / (nx-1));
// double dy = EARTH_RAD_KMETERS * Math.cos(DEG_TO_RAD*latt) / (ny - 1);
// dyKm = dy *( Math.log( Math.tan(DEG_TO_RAD*( (lat2-latt)/2.0 + 45.0 ) ) )
// -Math.log( Math.tan(DEG_TO_RAD*( (lat1-latt)/2.0 + 45.0 ) ) ) );
// dxKm = DEG_TO_RAD * EARTH_RAD_KMETERS * Math.abs(lon1-lon2) / (ny-1);
projection = new Mercator( lonv, latin) ;
case 3: /* Lambert Conformal */
case 5: /* Polar Stereographic */
** Get lat/lon of first grid point
bos.get(b3, 0, 3);
nn = getInt( b3, 3);
nd = new Double(((double) nn) / 10000.0);
lat1 = nd.doubleValue();
//att = new Attribute( "Lat1", nd);
//this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
bos.get(b3, 0, 3);
nn = getInt( b3, 3);
nd = new Double(((double) nn) / 10000.0);
lon1 = nd.doubleValue();
** Get Lov - the orientation of the grid; i.e. the east longitude of
** the meridian which is parallel to the y-aixs
bos.get(); /* skip one byte */
bos.get(b3, 0, 3);
nn = getInt( b3, 3);
nd = new Double(((double) nn) / 10000.0);
lonv = nd.doubleValue();
lonProjectionOrigin = lonv;
att = new Attribute( "Lov", nd);
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
** Get distance increment of grid
bos.get(b3, 0, 3);
nn = getInt( b3, 3);
dxKm = ((double) nn) / 10000.0;
nd = new Double(((double) nn) / 10000.);
att = new Attribute( "DxKm", nd);
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
bos.get(b3, 0, 3);
nn = getInt( b3, 3);
dyKm = ((double) nn) / 10000.0;
nd = new Double( ((double) nn) / 10000.);
att = new Attribute( "DyKm", nd);
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
/* calculate the lat2 and lon2 */
if ( proj == 5 ) {
latt = 60.0; /* Fixed for polar stereographic */
imageScale = (1. + Math.sin(DEG_TO_RAD*latt))/2.;
lat2 = lat1 + dyKm*(ny-1) / 111.26;
/* Convert to east longitude */
if ( lonv < 0. ) lonv += 360.;
if ( lon1 < 0. ) lon1 += 360.;
lon2 = lon1 + dxKm*(nx-1) / 111.26 * Math.cos(DEG_TO_RAD*lat1);
diff_lon = lonv - lon1;
if ( diff_lon > 180. ) diff_lon -= 360.;
if ( diff_lon < -180. ) diff_lon += 360.;
** Convert to normal longitude to McIDAS convention
lonv = (lonv > 180.) ? -(360.-lonv) : lonv;
lon1 = (lon1 > 180.) ? -(360.-lon1) : lon1;
lon2 = (lon2 > 180.) ? -(360.-lon2) : lon2;
** Check high bit of octet for North or South projection center
nv= new Byte(bos.get());
pole = nv.intValue();
pole = ( pole > 127 ) ? -1 : 1;
ni = new Integer(pole);
att = new Attribute( "ProjCenter", ni);
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
bos.get(); /* skip one byte for Scanning mode */
bos.get(b3, 0, 3);
nn = getInt( b3, 3);
latin = (((double) nn) / 10000.);
nd = new Double(((double) nn) / 10000.);
att = new Attribute( "Latin", nd);
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
if (proj == 3 )
projection = new LambertConformal(latin, lonProjectionOrigin, latin, latin);
else // (proj == 5)
projection = new Stereographic(90.0, lonv, imageScale);
System.out.println("unimplemented projection");
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("title", gini_GetEntityID( ent_id )));
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("summary", getPhysElemSummary(phys_elem, ent_id)));
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("id", gini_GetSectorID(sec_id)));
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("keywords_vocabulary", gini_GetPhysElemID(phys_elem, ent_id)));
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("cdm_data_type", FeatureType.GRID.toString()));
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("standard_name_vocabulary", getPhysElemLongName(phys_elem, ent_id)));
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("creator_name", "UNIDATA"));
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("creator_url", "http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/"));
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("naming_authority", "UCAR/UOP"));
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("geospatial_lat_min", new Float(lat1)));
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("geospatial_lat_max", new Float(lat2)));
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("geospatial_lon_min", new Float(lon1)));
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("geospatial_lon_max", new Float(lon2)));
//this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("geospatial_vertical_min", new Float(0.0)));
//this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("geospatial_vertical_max", new Float(0.0)));
/** Get the image resolution.
bos.position(41); /* jump to 42 bytes of PDB */
nv = new Byte( ( bos.get() ) ); /* Res [km] */
att = new Attribute( "imageResolution", nv);
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
// if(proj == 1)
// dyKm = nv.doubleValue()/dyKm;
/* compression flag 43 byte */
nv = new Byte( ( bos.get() )); /* Res [km] */
att = new Attribute( "compressionFlag", nv );
this.ncfile.addAttribute(null, att);
if ( convertunsignedByte2Short( nv.byteValue() ) == 128 )
Z_type = 2;
//out.println( "ReadNexrInfo:: This is a Z file ");
/* new 47 - 60 */
nv = new Byte( ( bos.get() ) ); /* Cal indicator */
int navcal = convertunsignedByte2Short(nv);
int [] calcods = null;
if(navcal == 128)
calcods = getCalibrationInfo(bos, phys_elem, ent_id);
// only one data variable per gini file
String vname= gini_GetPhysElemID(phys_elem, ent_id);
Variable var = new Variable( ncfile, ncfile.getRootGroup(), null, vname);
var.addAttribute( new Attribute("long_name", getPhysElemLongName(phys_elem, ent_id)));
var.addAttribute( new Attribute("units", getPhysElemUnits(phys_elem, ent_id)));
// var.addAttribute( new Attribute("missing_value", new Byte((byte) 0))); // ??
// get dimensions
int velems;
boolean isRecord = false;
ArrayList dims = new ArrayList();
Dimension dimX = new Dimension( "x", nx, true, false, false);
Dimension dimY = new Dimension( "y", ny, true, false, false);
ncfile.addDimension( null, dimY);
ncfile.addDimension( null, dimX);
velems = dimX.getLength() * dimY.getLength();
dims.add( dimT);
dims.add( dimY);
dims.add( dimX);
var.setDimensions( dims);
// size and beginning data position in file
int vsize = velems;
long begin = dataStart ;
if (debug) log.warn(" name= "+vname+" vsize="+vsize+" velems="+velems+" begin= "+begin+" isRecord="+isRecord+"\n");
if( navcal == 128) {
var.setDataType( DataType.FLOAT);
var.setSPobject( new Vinfo (vsize, begin, isRecord, nx, ny, calcods));
/* var.addAttribute(new Attribute("_Unsigned", "true"));
int numer = calcods[0] - calcods[1];
int denom = calcods[2] - calcods[3];
float a = (numer*1.f) / (1.f*denom);
float b = calcods[0] - a * calcods[2];
var.addAttribute( new Attribute("scale_factor", new Float(a)));
var.addAttribute( new Attribute("add_offset", new Float(b)));
else {
var.setDataType( DataType.BYTE);
var.addAttribute(new Attribute("_Unsigned", "true"));
var.addAttribute(new Attribute("_missing_value", new Short((short)255)));
var.addAttribute( new Attribute("scale_factor", new Short((short)(1))));
var.addAttribute( new Attribute("add_offset", new Short((short)(0))));
var.setSPobject( new Vinfo (vsize, begin, isRecord, nx, ny));
String coordinates = "x y time";
var.addAttribute( new Attribute(_Coordinate.Axes, coordinates));
ncfile.addVariable(null, var);
// add coordinate information. we need:
// nx, ny, dx, dy,
// latin, lov, la1, lo1
// we have to project in order to find the origin
ProjectionPointImpl start = (ProjectionPointImpl) projection.latLonToProj( new LatLonPointImpl( lat1, lon1));
if (debug) log.warn("start at proj coord "+start);
double startx = start.getX();
double starty = start.getY();
// create coordinate variables
Variable xaxis = new Variable( ncfile, null, null, "x");
xaxis.setDataType( DataType.DOUBLE);
xaxis.setDimensions( "x");
xaxis.addAttribute( new Attribute("long_name", "projection x coordinate"));
xaxis.addAttribute( new Attribute("units", "km"));
xaxis.addAttribute( new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, "GeoX"));
double[] data = new double[nx];
if( proj == 1 ) {
double lon_1 = lon1;
double lon_2 = lon2;
if ( lon1 < 0 ) lon_1 += 360.0;
if ( lon2 < 0 ) lon_2 += 360.0;
double dx = (lon_2 - lon_1) /(nx-1);
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
double ln = lon1 + i * dx;
ProjectionPointImpl pt = (ProjectionPointImpl) projection.latLonToProj( new LatLonPointImpl( lat1, ln));
data[i] = pt.getX(); // startx + i*dx;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
data[i] = startx + i*dxKm;
dataA = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[] {nx}, data);
xaxis.setCachedData( dataA, false);
ncfile.addVariable(null, xaxis);
Variable yaxis = new Variable( ncfile, null, null, "y");
yaxis.setDataType( DataType.DOUBLE);
yaxis.setDimensions( "y");
yaxis.addAttribute( new Attribute("long_name", "projection y coordinate"));
yaxis.addAttribute( new Attribute("units", "km"));
yaxis.addAttribute( new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, "GeoY"));
data = new double[ny];
double endy = starty + dyKm * (data.length - 1); // apparently lat1,lon1 is always the lower ledt, but data is upper left
if(proj == 1) {
double dy = (lat2 - lat1 ) / (ny-1);
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
double la = lat2 - i*dy;
ProjectionPointImpl pt = (ProjectionPointImpl) projection.latLonToProj( new LatLonPointImpl( la, lon1));
data[i] = pt.getY(); //endyy - i*dy;
else {
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
data[i] = endy - i*dyKm;
dataA = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[] {ny}, data);
yaxis.setCachedData( dataA, false);
ncfile.addVariable(null, yaxis);
// coordinate transform variable
Variable ct = new Variable( ncfile, null, null, projection.getClassName());
ct.setDataType( DataType.CHAR);
ct.setDimensions( "");
List params = projection.getProjectionParameters();
for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) params.get(i);
ct.addAttribute( new Attribute(p));
ct.addAttribute( new Attribute(_Coordinate.TransformType, "Projection"));
ct.addAttribute( new Attribute(_Coordinate.Axes, "x y "));
// fake data
dataA = Array.factory(DataType.CHAR.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[] {});
dataA.setChar(dataA.getIndex(), ' ');
ct.setCachedData(dataA, false);
ncfile.addVariable(null, ct);
ncfile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute("Conventions", _Coordinate.Convention));
// finish
int [] getCalibrationInfo(ByteBuffer bos, int phys_elem, int ent_id){
byte nv = new Byte( ( bos.get() ) ); /* Cal indicator */
int navcal = convertunsignedByte2Short(nv);
int [] calcods = null;
if( navcal == 128 ) { /* Unidata Cal block found; unpack values */
int scale=10000;
int jscale=100000000;
byte [] unsb = new byte[8];
byte[] b4 = new byte[4];
String unitStr = new String(unsb).toUpperCase();
String iname;
String iunit;
nv = new Byte( ( bos.get() ) );
int calcod = convertunsignedByte2Short(nv);
if ( unitStr.contains("INCH") ) {
iname = "RAIN" ;
iunit = "IN ";
} else if ( unitStr.contains("dBz" ) ) {
iname = "ECHO" ;
iunit = "dBz " ;
} else if (unitStr.contains("KFT" ) ) {
iname = "TOPS";
iunit = "KFT ";
} else if ( unitStr.contains("KG/M" ) ) {
iname = "VIL ";
iunit = "mm " ;
} else {
iname = " " ;
iunit = " " ;
if ( calcod > 0 ) {
calcods = new int[5*calcod + 1];
calcods[0] = calcod;
for (int i = 0; i < calcod; i++ ) {
int minb = getInt(b4, 4) / 10000; /* min brightness values */
int maxb = getInt(b4, 4 ) / 10000; /* max brightness values */
int mind = getInt(b4, 4 ); /* min data values */
int maxd = getInt(b4, 4 ); /* max data values */
int idscal = 1;
while ( !(mind % idscal != 0) && !(maxd % idscal != 0) ) {
idscal *= 10;
idscal /= 10;
if ( idscal < jscale ) jscale = idscal;
calcods[1+i*5] = mind;
calcods[2+i*5] = maxd;
calcods[3+i*5] = minb;
calcods[4+i*5] = maxb;
calcods[5+i*5] = 0;
if ( jscale > scale ) jscale = scale;
scale /= jscale;
if ( gini_GetPhysElemID(phys_elem, ent_id).contains("Precipitation") ) {
if ( scale < 100 ) {
jscale /= (100/scale);
scale = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < calcod; i++ ) {
calcods[1+i*5] /= jscale;
calcods[2+i*5] /= jscale;
calcods[5+i*5] = scale;
return calcods;
int gini_GetCompressType( )
return Z_type;
// Return the string of entity ID for the GINI image file
String gini_GetSectorID(int ent_id )
String name;
/* GINI channel ID */
switch( ent_id ) {
case 0:
name = "Northern Hemisphere Composite";
case 1:
name = "East CONUS";
case 2:
name = "West CONUS";
case 3:
name = "Alaska Regional" ;
case 4:
name = "Alaska National" ;
case 5:
name = "Hawaii Regional";
case 6:
name = "Hawaii National";
case 7:
name = "Puerto Rico Regional";
case 8:
name = "Puerto Rico National";
case 9:
name = "Supernational";
case 10:
name = "NH Composite - Meteosat/GOES E/ GOES W/GMS";
name = "Unknown-ID";
return name;
// Return the channel ID for the GINI image file
String gini_GetEntityID(int ent_id )
String name;
switch ( ent_id ) {
case 99:
name = "RADAR-MOSIAC Composite Image";
case 6:
name = "Composite";
case 7:
name = "DMSP satellite Image";
case 8:
name = "GMS satellite Image";
case 9: /* METEOSAT (using 6) */
name = "METEOSAT satellite Image" ;
case 10: /* GOES-7 */
name = "GOES-7 satellite Image";
case 11: /* GOES-8 */
name = "GOES-8 satellite Image";
case 12: /* GOES-9 */
name = "GOES-9 satellite Image";
case 13: /* GOES-10 */
name = "GOES-10 satellite Image" ;
case 14: /* GOES-11 */
name = "GOES-11 satellite Image" ;
case 15: /* GOES-12 */
name = "GOES-12 satellite Image";
case 16: /* GOES-13 */
name = "GOES-13 satellite Image";
name = "Unknown";
return name;
// Return the channel ID for the GINI image file
String gini_GetPhysElemID(int phys_elem, int ent_id )
String name;
switch( phys_elem ) {
case 1:
name = "VIS";
case 3:
name = "IR_WV";
case 2:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
name = "IR" ;
case 13:
name = "LI" ;
case 14:
name = "PW" ;
case 15:
name = "SFC_T" ;
case 16:
name = "LI" ;
case 17:
name = "PW" ;
case 18:
name = "SFC_T" ;
case 19:
name = "CAPE" ;
case 20:
name = "T" ;
case 21:
name = "WINDEX" ;
case 22:
name = "DMPI" ;
case 23:
name = "MDPI" ;
case 25:
if( ent_id == 99)
name = "Reflectivity";
name = "Volcano_imagery";
case 27:
if(ent_id == 99 )
name = "Reflectivity";
name = "CTP";
case 28:
if(ent_id == 99 )
name = "Reflectivity";
name = "Cloud_Amount";
case 26:
name = "EchoTops";
case 29:
name = "VIL";
case 30:
case 31:
name = "Precipitation";
case 40:
case 41:
case 42:
case 43:
case 44:
case 45:
case 46:
case 47:
case 48:
case 49:
case 50:
case 51:
case 52:
case 53:
case 54:
case 55:
case 56:
case 57:
case 58:
name = "sounder_imagery";
case 59:
name = "VIS_sounder";
name = "Unknown";
return name;
// ??
String getPhysElemUnits(int phys_elem, int ent_id ) {
switch( phys_elem ) {
case 1:
case 3:
case 2:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 13:
case 14:
case 15:
case 16:
case 17:
case 18:
case 19:
case 20:
case 21:
case 22:
case 23:
case 29:
case 43:
case 48:
case 50:
case 51:
case 52:
case 55:
case 57:
case 59: return "N/A";
case 26: return "K FT";
case 25:
if( ent_id == 99)
return "dBz";
return "N/A";
case 27:
if( ent_id == 99)
return "dBz";
return "N/A";
case 28:
if( ent_id == 99)
return "dBz";
return "N/A";
case 30: return "IN";
case 31: return "IN";
default: return "Unknown";
// Return the channel ID for the GINI image file
String getPhysElemLongName(int phys_elem, int ent_id ) {
switch( phys_elem ) {
case 1:
return "Imager Visible";
case 2:
return "Imager 3.9 micron IR";
case 3:
return "Imager 6.7/6.5 micron IR (WV)";
case 4:
return "Imager 11 micron IR" ;
case 5:
return "Imager 12 micron IR" ;
case 6:
return "Imager 13 micron IR";
case 7:
return "Imager 1.3 micron IR";
case 13:
return "Lifted Index LI" ;
case 14:
return "Precipitable Water PW" ;
case 15:
return "Surface Skin Temperature";
case 16:
return "Lifted Index LI" ;
case 17:
return "Precipitable Water PW" ;
case 18:
return "Surface Skin Temperature" ;
case 19:
return "Convective Available Potential Energy" ;
case 20:
return "land-sea Temperature" ;
case 21:
return "Wind Index" ;
case 22:
return "Dry Microburst Potential Index" ;
case 23:
return "Microburst Potential Index" ;
case 25:
if( ent_id == 99)
return "2 km National 248 nm Base Composite Reflectivity";
return "Volcano_imagery";
case 26:
return "4 km National Echo Tops";
case 27:
if( ent_id == 99)
return "1 km National Base Reflectivity Composite (Unidata)";
return "Cloud Top Pressure or Height";
case 28:
if( ent_id == 99)
return "1 km National Composite Reflectivity (Unidata)";
return "Cloud Amount";
case 29:
return "4 km National Vertically Integrated Liquid Water";
case 30:
return "2 km National 1-hour Precipitation (Unidata)";
case 31:
return "4 km National Storm Total Precipitation (Unidata)";
case 43:
return "14.06 micron sounder image";
case 48:
return "11.03 micron sounder image";
case 50:
return "7.43 micron sounder image";
case 51:
return "7.02 micron sounder image" ;
case 52:
return "6.51 micron sounder image" ;
case 55:
return "4.45 micron sounder image";
case 57:
return "3.98 micron sounder image";
case 59:
return "VIS sounder image ";
return "unknown physical element "+ phys_elem;
String getPhysElemSummary(int phys_elem, int ent_id ) {
switch( phys_elem ) {
case 1:
return "Satellite Product Imager Visible";
case 2:
return "Satellite Product Imager 3.9 micron IR";
case 3:
return "Satellite Product Imager 6.7/6.5 micron IR (WV)";
case 4:
return "Satellite Product Imager 11 micron IR" ;
case 5:
return "Satellite Product Imager 12 micron IR" ;
case 6:
return "Satellite Product Imager 13 micron IR";
case 7:
return "Satellite Product Imager 1.3 micron IR";
case 13:
return "Imager Based Derived Lifted Index LI" ;
case 14:
return "Imager Based Derived Precipitable Water PW" ;
case 15:
return "Imager Based Derived Surface Skin Temperature" ;
case 16:
return "Sounder Based Derived Lifted Index LI" ;
case 17:
return "Sounder Based Derived Precipitable Water PW" ;
case 18:
return "Sounder Based Derived Surface Skin Temperature" ;
case 19:
return "Derived Convective Available Potential Energy CAPE" ;
case 20:
return "Derived land-sea Temperature" ;
case 21:
return "Derived Wind Index WINDEX" ;
case 22:
return "Derived Dry Microburst Potential Index DMPI" ;
case 23:
return "Derived Microburst Day Potential Index MDPI" ;
case 43:
return "Satellite Product 14.06 micron sounder image";
case 48:
return "Satellite Product 11.03 micron sounder image";
case 50:
return "Satellite Product 7.43 micron sounder image";
case 51:
return "Satellite Product 7.02 micron sounder image" ;
case 52:
return "Satellite Product 6.51 micron sounder image" ;
case 55:
return "Satellite Product 4.45 micron sounder image";
case 57:
return "Satellite Product 3.98 micron sounder image";
case 59:
return "Satellite Product VIS sounder visible image ";
case 25:
if( ent_id == 99)
return "Nexrad Level 3 National 248 nm Base Composite Reflectivity at Resolution 2 km";
return "Satellite Derived Volcano_imagery";
case 26:
return "Nexrad Level 3 National Echo Tops at Resolution 4 km";
case 29: return "Nexrad Level 3 National Vertically Integrated Liquid Water at Resolution 4 km";
case 28:
if( ent_id == 99)
return "Nexrad Level 3 National 248 nm Base Composite Reflectivity at Resolution 2 km";
return "Gridded Cloud Amount";
case 27:
if( ent_id == 99)
return "Nexrad Level 3 Base Reflectivity National Composition at Resolution 1 km";
return "Gridded Cloud Top Pressure or Height";
case 30: return "Nexrad Level 3 1 hour precipitation National Composition at Resolution 2 km";
case 31: return "Nexrad Level 3 total precipitation National Composition at Resolution 4 km";
default: return "unknown";
** Name: GetInt
** Purpose: Convert GINI 2 or 3-byte quantities to int
int getInt( byte[] b, int num )
int base=1;
int i;
int word=0;
int bv[] = new int[num];
for (i = 0; i<num; i++ )
bv[i] = convertunsignedByte2Short(b[i]);
if( bv[0] > 127 )
bv[0] -= 128;
base = -1;
** Calculate the integer value of the byte sequence
for ( i = num-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
word += base * bv[i];
base *= 256;
return word;
public short convertunsignedByte2Short(byte b)
return (short)((b<0)? (short)b + 256 : (short)b);
// this converts a byte array to a wrapped primitive (Byte, Short, Integer, Double, Float, Long)
protected Object convert( byte[] barray, DataType dataType, int byteOrder) {
if (dataType == DataType.BYTE) {
return new Byte( barray[0]);
if (dataType == DataType.CHAR) {
return new Character((char) barray[0]);
ByteBuffer bbuff = ByteBuffer.wrap( barray);
if (byteOrder >= 0)
bbuff.order( byteOrder == ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile.LITTLE_ENDIAN? ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN : ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
if (dataType == DataType.SHORT) {
ShortBuffer tbuff = bbuff.asShortBuffer();
return new Short(tbuff.get());
} else if (dataType == DataType.INT) {
IntBuffer tbuff = bbuff.asIntBuffer();
return new Integer(tbuff.get());
} else if (dataType == DataType.LONG) {
LongBuffer tbuff = bbuff.asLongBuffer();
return new Long(tbuff.get());
} else if (dataType == DataType.FLOAT) {
FloatBuffer tbuff = bbuff.asFloatBuffer();
return new Float(tbuff.get());
} else if (dataType == DataType.DOUBLE) {
DoubleBuffer tbuff = bbuff.asDoubleBuffer();
return new Double(tbuff.get());
throw new IllegalStateException();
// variable info for reading/writing
class Vinfo {
int vsize; // size of array in bytes. if isRecord, size per record.
long begin; // offset of start of data from start of file
boolean isRecord; // is it a record variable?
int nx;
int ny;
int [] levels;
Vinfo( int vsize, long begin, boolean isRecord, int x, int y) {
this.vsize = vsize;
this.begin = begin;
this.isRecord = isRecord;
this.nx = x;
this.ny = y;
Vinfo( int vsize, long begin, boolean isRecord, int x, int y, int[] levels) {
this.vsize = vsize;
this.begin = begin;
this.isRecord = isRecord;
this.nx = x;
this.ny = y;
this.levels = levels;
int isZlibHed( byte[] buf ){
short b0 = convertunsignedByte2Short(buf[0]);
short b1 = convertunsignedByte2Short(buf[1]);
if ( (b0 & 0xf) == Z_DEFLATED ) {
if ( (b0 >> 4) + 8 <= DEF_WBITS ) {
if ( (((b0 << 8) + b1) % 31)==0 ) {
return 1;
return 0;
/* Change History:
$Log: Giniheader.java,v $
Revision 1.15 2005/10/11 18:44:11 yuanho
change missing value attribute to variable
Revision 1.14 2005/10/11 18:09:06 yuanho
adding missing value attribute
Revision 1.13 2005/10/11 15:25:05 yuanho
variable naming changes for satellite data
Revision 1.12 2005/10/10 21:02:56 yuanho
adding changes for satellite data
Revision 1.11 2005/07/28 21:46:36 yuanho
remove the static from Vinfo class
Revision 1.10 2005/07/12 23:00:58 yuanho
remove static, add global attr
Revision 1.9 2005/05/11 00:10:03 caron
refactor StuctureData, dt.point
Revision 1.8 2004/12/15 22:35:25 caron
add _unsigned
Revision 1.7 2004/12/07 22:13:28 yuanho
add phyElem for 1hour and total precipitation
Revision 1.6 2004/12/07 22:13:15 yuanho
add phyElem for 1hour and total precipitation
Revision 1.5 2004/12/07 01:29:31 caron
redo convention parsing, use _Coordinate encoding.
Revision 1.4 2004/10/29 00:14:11 caron
no message
Revision 1.3 2004/10/19 15:17:22 yuanho
gini header DxKm update
Revision 1.2 2004/10/15 23:18:34 yuanho
gini projection update
Revision 1.1 2004/10/13 22:57:57 yuanho
no message
Revision 1.4 2004/08/16 20:53:45 caron
2.2 alpha (2)
Revision 1.3 2004/07/12 23:40:17 caron
2.2 alpha 1.0 checkin
Revision 1.2 2004/07/06 19:28:10 caron
pre-alpha checkin
Revision 2003/12/04 21:05:27 caron
checkin 2.2