* Copyright 1998-2009 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* Portions of this software were developed by the Unidata Program at the
* University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.
* Access and use of this software shall impose the following obligations
* and understandings on the user. The user is granted the right, without
* any fee or cost, to use, copy, modify, alter, enhance and distribute
* this software, and any derivative works thereof, and its supporting
* documentation for any purpose whatsoever, provided that this entire
* notice appears in all copies of the software, derivative works and
* supporting documentation. Further, UCAR requests that the user credit
* UCAR/Unidata in any publications that result from the use of this
* software or in any product that includes this software. The names UCAR
* and/or Unidata, however, may not be used in any advertising or publicity
* to endorse or promote any products or commercial entity unless specific
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package ucar.nc2.dt.fmrc;
import ucar.nc2.units.DateFormatter;
import ucar.nc2.util.DiskCache2;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter;
import org.jdom.output.Format;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import thredds.catalog.crawl.CatalogCrawler;
import thredds.catalog.InvDataset;
import thredds.catalog.InvAccess;
import thredds.catalog.ServiceType;
import thredds.catalog.InvCatalogRef;
import ucar.unidata.util.StringUtil;
* A collection of ForecastModelRun (aka "run").
* The Set if {Run, TimeCoord, Grid} are grouped into "run Sequences" {{Run, TimeCoord} X {Grid}}
* The FmrcDefinition object defines what is to be expected.
* The TimeMatrixDataset object keeps an inventory for all variables for the ForecastModelRunCollection.
* The set of possible valid times vs run times is thought of as a 2D time matrix.
* All this rigamorole is because NCEP grid files are so irregular.
* <pre>
* Data Structures
* List RunTime Date
* List ForecastTime Date
* List Offsets Double
* List VertTimeCoord
* double[] values
* List TimeCoord
* double[] offsetHour
* List RunSeq // sequence of runs; ie sequence of TimeCoords; ie actual time coord
* List Run run;
* Date runDate
* TimeCoord
* List UberGrid
* String name
* List RunExpected // corresponds to the runs in the RunSeq, matches to expected inventory
* Run run; // actual time coord
* ForecastModelRun.Grid grid; // contains actual vert coord for this Run
* ForecastModelRun.TimeCoord expected; // expected time coord
* FmrcDefinition.Grid expectedGrid; // expected grid, vertCoord
* </pre>
* @author caron
public class FmrcInventory {
static private org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(FmrcInventory.class);
private static SimpleDateFormat dateFormatShort = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd HH.mm");
private static SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH.mm'Z'");
private static boolean debug = false;
static {
dateFormat.setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); // same as UTC
dateFormatShort.setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); // same as UTC
private String name; // name of ForecastModelRunCollection
// list of unique ForecastModelRunInventory.TimeCoord
private int tc_seqno = 0;
private List<ForecastModelRunInventory.TimeCoord> timeCoords = new ArrayList<ForecastModelRunInventory.TimeCoord>();
// list of unique ForecastModelRunInventory.EnsCoord
private int ec_seqno = 0;
private List<ForecastModelRunInventory.EnsCoord> ensCoords = new ArrayList<ForecastModelRunInventory.EnsCoord>();
// list of unique ForecastModelRunInventory.VertCoord
private int vc_seqno = 0;
private List<ForecastModelRunInventory.VertCoord> vertCoords = new ArrayList<ForecastModelRunInventory.VertCoord>();
// list of all unique RunSeq objects
private int run_seqno = 0;
private List<RunSeq> runSequences = new ArrayList<RunSeq>();
// the variables
private Map<String,UberGrid> uvHash = new HashMap<String,UberGrid>(); // hash of UberGrid
private List<UberGrid> varList; // sorted list of UberGrid
// all run times
private Set<Date> runTimeHash = new HashSet<Date>();
private List<Date> runTimeList; // sorted list of Date : all run times
// all offsets
private Set<Double> offsetHash = new HashSet<Double>();
private List<Double> offsetList; // sorted list of Double : all offset hours
// all forecast times
private Set<Date> forecastTimeHash = new HashSet<Date>();
private List<Date> forecastTimeList; // sorted list of Date : all forecast times
// optional definition, describes what is expected
private String fmrcDefinitionDir;
private FmrcDefinition definition = null;
private TimeMatrixDataset tmAll;
private Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); // for date computations
private DateFormatter formatter = new DateFormatter();
* Open a collection of ForecastModelRun. An optional definition file may exist.
* Call addRun() to add the ForecastModelRuns.
* @param fmrcDefinitionDir put optional definition file in this directory
* @param name name for the collection, the definition file = name + ".fmrcDefinition.xml";
* @throws IOException on io error
FmrcInventory(String fmrcDefinitionDir, String name) throws IOException {
this.fmrcDefinitionDir = fmrcDefinitionDir;
int pos = name.indexOf(".fmrcDefinition.xml");
if (pos > 0)
this.name = name.substring(0,pos);
this.name = name;
// see if theres a definition file
FmrcDefinition fmrc = new FmrcDefinition();
if (fmrc.readDefinitionXML( getDefinitionPath()))
definition = fmrc;
log.warn("FmrcCollection has no Definition "+getDefinitionPath());
cal.setTimeZone( TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
public String getName() { return name; }
public String getDefinitionPath() {
if (fmrcDefinitionDir != null) {
return fmrcDefinitionDir + name + ".fmrcDefinition.xml";
return "./" + name + ".fmrcDefinition.xml";
public List<ForecastModelRunInventory.TimeCoord> getTimeCoords() { return timeCoords; }
public List<RunSeq> getRunSequences() { return runSequences; }
public List<ForecastModelRunInventory.EnsCoord> getEnsCoords() { return ensCoords; }
public List<ForecastModelRunInventory.VertCoord> getVertCoords() { return vertCoords; }
public String getSuffixFilter() {
return (definition == null) ? null : definition.getSuffixFilter();
/* public void report( PrintStream out, boolean showMising ) {
if (definition != null)
definition.report( this, out, showMising);
out.println("No definition found");
} */
public FmrcDefinition getDefinition() { return definition; }
* Add a ForecastModelRun to the collection.
* @param fmr add this ForecastModelRun to the collection
void addRun(ForecastModelRunInventory fmr) {
if (debug) System.out.println(" Adding ForecastModelRun "+fmr.getRunDateString());
// track all run times
runTimeHash.add( fmr.getRunDate());
// add each time coord, variable
for (ForecastModelRunInventory.TimeCoord tc : fmr.getTimeCoords()) {
// Construct list of unique TimeCoords. Reset their id so they are unique.
// Note that after this, we ignore the nested variables.
ForecastModelRunInventory.TimeCoord tcUse = findTime(tc);
if (tcUse == null) {
tcUse = tc;
// create a Run object, encapsolating this ForecastModelRun
Run run = new Run(fmr.getRunDate(), tcUse);
for (double offset : tcUse.getOffsetHours()) {
Date fcDate = addHour(fmr.getRunDate(), offset);
Inventory inv = new Inventory(fmr.getRunDate(), fcDate, offset);
forecastTimeHash.add(fcDate); // track all forecast times
offsetHash.add(offset); // track all offset hours
// Construct list of Variables across all runs in the collection.
for (ForecastModelRunInventory.Grid grid : tc.getGrids()) {
UberGrid uv = uvHash.get(grid.name);
if (uv == null) {
// we may not have this variable in the definition
if ((definition != null) && (null == definition.findSeqForVariable(grid.name))) {
log.warn("FmrcCollection Definition " + name + " does not contain variable " + grid.name);
continue; // skip it
} else {
uv = new UberGrid(grid.name);
uvHash.put(grid.name, uv);
uv.addRun(run, grid);
// call after adding all runs
void finish() {
// create the overall list of variables
varList = new ArrayList<UberGrid>(uvHash.values());
// create the overall list of run times
runTimeList = Arrays.asList((Date[]) runTimeHash.toArray( new Date[ runTimeHash.size()]));
// create the overall list of forecast times
forecastTimeList = Arrays.asList((Date[]) forecastTimeHash.toArray( new Date[ forecastTimeHash.size()]));
// create the overall list of offsets
offsetList = Arrays.asList((Double[]) offsetHash.toArray( new Double[ offsetHash.size()]));
// finish the variables, assign to a RunSeq
for (UberGrid uv : varList) {
uv.seq = findRunSequence(uv.runs); // assign to a unique RunSeq
uv.seq.addVariable(uv); // add to list of vars for that RunSeq
private UberGrid findVar(String varName) {
for (UberGrid uv : varList) {
if (uv.name.equals(varName))
return uv;
return null;
/* public void report(PrintStream out) {
// show all the forecast time coordinates
for (int i = 0; i < times.size(); i++) {
ForecastModelRun.TimeCoord tc = (ForecastModelRun.TimeCoord) times.get(i);
out.print("TC"+tc.getId() +" =[");
double[] offsets = tc.getOffsetHours();
for (int j = 0; j < offsets.length; j++) {
if (j > 0) out.print(",");
TimeSeq tseq = null;
for (int i = 0; i < varList.size(); i++) {
UberGrid uv = (UberGrid) varList.get(i);
if (tseq != uv.seq) {
tseq = uv.seq;
out.print("\n" + tseq.name + "= [");
for (int j = 0; j < tseq.seq.size(); j++) {
ForecastModelRun.TimeCoord tc = (ForecastModelRun.TimeCoord) tseq.seq.get(j);
if (j > 0) out.print(",");
if (tc == null)
out.println(" "+uv.name);
if (false) {
out.println("matrix for " + uv.name + ":");
List rtimes = uv.tm.getRunTimes();
List ftimes = uv.tm.getForecastTimes();
for (int k = ftimes.size() - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
Date ftime = (Date) ftimes.get(k);
out.print(" " + DateUnit.getStandardDateString2(ftime) + ": ");
for (int j = rtimes.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
Date rtime = (Date) rtimes.get(j);
if (uv.tm.isPresent(rtime, ftime))
out.print(" ");
} */
private class Inventory {
Date forecastTime;
Date runTime;
double hourOffset;
Inventory(Date runTime, Date forecastTime, double hourOffset) {
this.runTime = runTime;
this.hourOffset = hourOffset;
this.forecastTime = forecastTime;
// another abstraction of ForecastModelRun
static class Run implements Comparable {
ForecastModelRunInventory.TimeCoord tc;
List<Inventory> invList; // list of Inventory
Date runTime;
Run(Date runTime, ForecastModelRunInventory.TimeCoord tc) {
this.runTime = runTime;
this.tc = tc;
invList = new ArrayList<Inventory>();
public int compareTo(Object o) {
Run other = (Run) o;
return runTime.compareTo(other.runTime);
// Instances that have the same offsetHours are equal
public boolean equalsData(Run orun) {
if (invList.size() != orun.invList.size())
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < invList.size() ; i++) {
Inventory inv = invList.get(i);
Inventory oinv = orun.invList.get(i);
if (inv.hourOffset != oinv.hourOffset)
return false;
return true;
double[] getOffsetHours() {
if (tc != null)
return tc.getOffsetHours();
double[] result = new double[ invList.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < invList.size(); i++) {
Inventory inv = invList.get(i);
result[i] = inv.hourOffset;
return result;
/** Represents a sequence of Run, each run has a particular TimeCoord.
* keep track of all the Variables with the same RunSeq */
class RunSeq {
List<Run> runs; // list of Run
List<UberGrid> vars = new ArrayList<UberGrid>(); // list of UberGrid
String name;
RunSeq(List<RunExpected> runs) {
this.runs = new ArrayList<Run>();
for (RunExpected rune : runs) {
name = "RunSeq" + run_seqno;
* Decide if this RunSeq is equivilent to the list of Runs.
* @param oruns list of RunExpected
* @return true if it has an equivilent set of runs.
boolean equalsData(List<RunExpected> oruns) {
if (runs.size() != oruns.size()) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < runs.size(); i++) {
Run run = runs.get(i);
RunExpected orune = oruns.get(i);
if (!run.runTime.equals(orune.run.runTime)) return false;
if (!run.equalsData(orune.run)) return false;
return true;
// keep track of all the Variables with the this RunSeq
void addVariable( UberGrid uv) { vars.add( uv); }
List<UberGrid> getVariables() {
return vars;
private RunSeq findRunSequence(List<RunExpected> runs) {
for (RunSeq seq : runSequences) {
if (seq.equalsData(runs)) return seq;
RunSeq seq = new RunSeq(runs);
return seq;
private ForecastModelRunInventory.TimeCoord findTime(ForecastModelRunInventory.TimeCoord want) {
for (ForecastModelRunInventory.TimeCoord tc : timeCoords) {
if (want.equalsData(tc))
return tc;
return null;
private ForecastModelRunInventory.EnsCoord findEnsCoord(ForecastModelRunInventory.EnsCoord want) {
for (ForecastModelRunInventory.EnsCoord ec : ensCoords) {
if (want.equalsData(ec))
return ec;
return null;
private ForecastModelRunInventory.VertCoord findVertCoord(ForecastModelRunInventory.VertCoord want) {
for (ForecastModelRunInventory.VertCoord vc : vertCoords) {
if (want.equalsData(vc))
return vc;
return null;
// The collection across runs of one variable
class UberGrid implements Comparable {
String name;
List<RunExpected> runs = new ArrayList<RunExpected>(); // List of RunExpected
ForecastModelRunInventory.VertCoord vertCoordUnion = null;
ForecastModelRunInventory.EnsCoord ensCoordUnion = null;
int countInv, countExpected;
RunSeq seq; // which seq this belongs to
FmrcDefinition.RunSeq expectedSeq; // expected sequence
FmrcDefinition.Grid expectedGrid; // expected vert coordinate (optional)
UberGrid(String name) {
this.name = name;
if (definition != null) {
expectedSeq = definition.findSeqForVariable( name);
expectedGrid = expectedSeq.findGrid( name);
String getName() { return name; }
void addRun(Run run, ForecastModelRunInventory.Grid grid) {
ForecastModelRunInventory.TimeCoord xtc = (expectedSeq == null) ? null : expectedSeq.findTimeCoordByRuntime( run.runTime);
RunExpected rune = new RunExpected( run, xtc, grid, expectedGrid);
runs.add( rune);
// now we can generate the list of possible forecast hours
if (rune.expected != null) {
for (double offset : rune.expected.getOffsetHours()) {
Date fcDate = addHour(run.runTime, offset);
forecastTimeHash.add(fcDate); // track all forecast times
offsetHash.add(offset); // track all offset hours
void finish() {
Collections.sort( runs);
// run over all ensCoords and construct the union
List<ForecastModelRunInventory.EnsCoord> eextendList = new ArrayList<ForecastModelRunInventory.EnsCoord>();
ForecastModelRunInventory.EnsCoord ec_union = null;
for (RunExpected rune : runs) {
ForecastModelRunInventory.EnsCoord ec = rune.grid.ec;
if (ec == null) continue;
if (ec_union == null)
ec_union = new ForecastModelRunInventory.EnsCoord( ec );
else if (!ec_union.equalsData(ec))
if (ec_union != null) {
normalize( ec_union, eextendList);
// now find unique within collection
ensCoordUnion = findEnsCoord( ec_union);
if (ensCoordUnion == null) {
ensCoordUnion = ec_union;
// run over all vertCoords and construct the union
List<ForecastModelRunInventory.VertCoord> extendList = new ArrayList<ForecastModelRunInventory.VertCoord>();
ForecastModelRunInventory.VertCoord vc_union = null;
for (RunExpected rune : runs) {
ForecastModelRunInventory.VertCoord vc = rune.grid.vc;
if (vc == null) continue;
if (vc_union == null)
vc_union = new ForecastModelRunInventory.VertCoord(vc);
else if (!vc_union.equalsData(vc))
if (vc_union != null) {
normalize( vc_union, extendList);
// now find unique within collection
vertCoordUnion = findVertCoord( vc_union);
if (vertCoordUnion == null) {
vertCoordUnion = vc_union;
* Extend with all the values in the list of EnsCoord
* .
* @param ecList list of EnsCoord, may be empty
public void normalize(ForecastModelRunInventory.EnsCoord result,
List<ForecastModelRunInventory.EnsCoord> ecList) {
List<ForecastModelRunInventory.EnsCoord> extra = new ArrayList<ForecastModelRunInventory.EnsCoord>();
for (ForecastModelRunInventory.EnsCoord ec : ecList) {
if ( ! result.equalsData( ec ) ) {
// differences can only be greater
extra.add( ec );
if( extra.size() == 0 )
for (ForecastModelRunInventory.EnsCoord ec : extra ) {
if ( ec.getNEnsembles() < result.getNEnsembles() )
result = ec;
* Extend with all the values in the list of VertCoord
* Sort the values and recreate the double[] values array.
* @param vcList list of VertCoord, may be empty
public void normalize(ForecastModelRunInventory.VertCoord result, List<ForecastModelRunInventory.VertCoord> vcList) {
// get all values into a HashSet of LevelCoord
Set<LevelCoord> valueSet = new HashSet<LevelCoord>();
addValues( valueSet, result.getValues1(), result.getValues2());
for (ForecastModelRunInventory.VertCoord vc : vcList) {
addValues(valueSet, vc.getValues1(), vc.getValues2());
// now create a sorted list, transfer to values array
List<LevelCoord> valueList = Arrays.asList( (LevelCoord[]) valueSet.toArray( new LevelCoord[ valueSet.size()]));
Collections.sort( valueList);
double[] values1 = new double[valueList.size()];
double[] values2 = new double[valueList.size()];
boolean has_values2 = false;
for (int i = 0; i < valueList.size(); i++) {
LevelCoord lc = valueList.get(i);
values1[i] = lc.value1;
values2[i] = lc.value2;
if (lc.value2 != 0.0)
has_values2 = true;
if (has_values2)
private void addValues(Set<LevelCoord> valueSet, double[] values1, double[] values2) {
for (int i = 0; i < values1.length; i++) {
double val2 = (values2 == null) ? 0.0 : values2[i];
valueSet.add( new LevelCoord(values1[i], val2));
public int compareTo(Object o) {
UberGrid uv = (UberGrid) o;
return name.compareTo( uv.name);
RunExpected findRun(Date runTime) {
for (RunExpected rune : runs) {
if (runTime.equals(rune.run.runTime))
return rune;
return null;
/* ForecastModelRun.TimeCoord findExpectedTimeCoord( Date runTime) {
if (expectedSeq == null)
return null;
return expectedSeq.findTimeCoordByRuntime( runTime);
/* String showInventory(Date runTime, Date forecastTime) {
if ((rune != null) && (null != findByForecast(rune.run.invList, forecastTime))) {
return "X";
} else if ((rune != null) && (rune.expected != null)) {
double offset = getOffsetHour(runTime, forecastTime);
if (rune.expected.findIndex(offset) >= 0) {
return "O";
return null;
} */
} // end UberGrid
class LevelCoord implements Comparable {
double mid;
double value1, value2;
LevelCoord( double value1, double value2) {
this.value1 = value1;
this.value2 = value2;
mid = (value2 == 0) ? value1 : (value1 + value2)/2;
public int compareTo(Object o) {
LevelCoord other = (LevelCoord) o;
//if (closeEnough(value1, other.value1) && closeEnough(value2, other.value2)) return 0;
if (mid < other.mid) return -1;
if (mid > other.mid) return 1;
return 0;
public boolean equals(Object oo) {
if (this == oo) return true;
if ( !(oo instanceof LevelCoord)) return false;
LevelCoord other = (LevelCoord) oo;
return (ucar.nc2.util.Misc.closeEnough(value1, other.value1) && ucar.nc2.util.Misc.closeEnough(value2, other.value2));
public int hashCode() {
return (int) (value1 * 100000 + value2 * 100);
class RunExpected implements Comparable {
Run run; // this has actual time coord
ForecastModelRunInventory.Grid grid; // grid containing actual vert coord
ForecastModelRunInventory.TimeCoord expected; // expected time coord
FmrcDefinition.Grid expectedGrid; // expected grid
RunExpected(Run run, ForecastModelRunInventory.TimeCoord expected, ForecastModelRunInventory.Grid grid, FmrcDefinition.Grid expectedGrid) {
this.run = run;
this.expected = expected;
this.grid = grid;
this.expectedGrid = expectedGrid;
public int compareTo(Object o) {
RunExpected other = (RunExpected) o;
return run.runTime.compareTo(other.run.runTime);
int countInventory( double hourOffset) {
boolean hasExpected = (expected != null) && (expected.findIndex(hourOffset) >= 0);
return hasExpected ? grid.countInventory(hourOffset) : 0;
int countExpected( double hourOffset) {
if (expected != null) {
boolean hasExpected = expected.findIndex(hourOffset) >= 0;
return hasExpected ? expectedGrid.countVertCoords(hourOffset) : 0;
} else {
return grid.countTotal();
/* inventory for one variable
private class TimeMatrix implements ForecastModelRunCollectionSave.TimeMatrix {
private String varName;
private ArrayList forecastTimes = new ArrayList(); // list Forecast
private ArrayList runTimes = new ArrayList(); // list of Run
// private int ntimes, nruns;
private byte[][] present; // present[ntimes][nruns] = 1 if Inventory present
private byte[][] expect; // expect[ntimes][nruns] = 1 if Inventory expected
private HashSet offsetSet = new HashSet(); // hash Double
private List offsetHours = new ArrayList(); // list Double
private int total = 0; // total # Inventory
TimeMatrix (String varName) {
this.varName = varName;
public List getRunTimes() {
ArrayList result = new ArrayList(runTimes.size());
for (int i = 0; i < runTimes.size(); i++) {
Run run = (Run) runTimes.get(i);
return result;
public List getForecastTimes() {
ArrayList result = new ArrayList(forecastTimes.size());
for (int i = 0; i < forecastTimes.size(); i++) {
Forecast fc = (Forecast) forecastTimes.get(i);
return result;
public boolean isPresent(Date runTime, Date forecastTime) {
int time = findForecastIndex(forecastTime);
int run = findRunIndex(runTime);
if ((time < 0) || (run < 0))
return false;
return present[time][run] != 0;
public String showInventory(Date runTime, Date forecastTime) {
int time = findForecastIndex(forecastTime);
int run = findRunIndex(runTime);
if ((time < 0) || (run < 0))
return null;
if (present[time][run] != 0)
return "X";
if (expect[time][run] != 0)
return "O";
return null;
public int getTotalNumberGrids() {
return total;
void addRun(Date runDate, double[] offset) {
Run run = new Run(runDate, null);
DateUnit du;
try {
du = new DateUnit("hours since "+DateUnit.getStandardDateString(runDate));
} catch (Exception e) {
for (int i = 0; i < offset.length; i++) {
Date forecastDate = du.makeDate( offset[i]);
Inventory inv = new Inventory(runDate, forecastDate, offset[i]);
offsetSet.add(new Double(inv.hourOffset));
int idx = findForecastIndex(forecastDate);
Forecast fc;
if (idx < 0) {
fc = new Forecast(forecastDate);
} else
fc = (Forecast) forecastTimes.get(idx);
void finish() {
present = new byte[ntimes][nruns];
// make sure everything is sorted
InventorySortByRunTime runTimeSorter = new InventorySortByRunTime();
InventorySortByForecastTime forecastTimeSorter = new InventorySortByForecastTime();
for (int i = 0; i < runTimes.size(); i++) {
Run run = (Run) runTimes.get(i);
Collections.sort(run.invList, forecastTimeSorter);
for (int i=0; i<ntimes; i++) {
Forecast tc = (Forecast) forecastTimes.get(i);
Collections.sort(tc.invList, runTimeSorter);
// construct the isPresent array
int fcIndex = findForecastIndex(tc.forecastTime);
for (int j = 0; j < tc.invList.size(); j++) {
Inventory inv = (Inventory) tc.invList.get(j);
int runIndex = findRunIndex(inv.runTime);
present[fcIndex][runIndex] = 1;
offsetHours = Arrays.asList(offsetSet.toArray());
// the expected inventory
if (definition == null)
expect = new byte[ntimes][nruns];
FmrcDefinition.RunSeq seq = definition.findSeqForVariable( varName);
for (int i = 0; i < runTimes.size(); i++) {
Run run = (Run) runTimes.get(i);
FmrcDefinition.OffsetHours oh = seq.findOffsetHoursByRuntime( run.runTime);
int runIndex = findRunIndex(run.runTime);
for (int j = 0; j < oh.offset.length; j++) {
double offsetHour = oh.offset[j];
Date forecastTime = addHour( run.runTime, offsetHour);
int fcIndex = findForecastIndex(forecastTime);
if (fcIndex >= 0) {
expect[fcIndex][runIndex] = 1;
} else
System.out.println(" cat find Forecast= "+forecastTime);
int findRunIndex(Date runTime) {
for (int i = 0; i < runTimes.size(); i++) {
Run rt = (Run) runTimes.get(i);
if (rt.runTime.equals(runTime))
return i;
return -1;
int findForecastIndex(Date forecastTime) {
for (int i = 0; i < forecastTimes.size(); i++) {
Forecast rt = (Forecast) forecastTimes.get(i);
if (rt.forecastTime.equals(forecastTime))
return i;
return -1;
} */
private class TimeMatrixDataset {
private int ntimes, nruns, noffsets;
private short[][] countInv; // count[ntimes][nruns] = actual # Inventory missing at that time, run
private short[][] expected; // expected[ntimes][nruns] = expected # Inventory at that time, run
private short[][] countOffsetInv; // countOffset[nruns][noffsets] = # Inventory missing at that run, offset, summed over Variables
private short[][] expectedOffset; // expectedOffset[nruns][noffsets] = expected # Inventory at that run, offset
private int[] countTotalRunInv; // countTotalRun[nruns] = actual # Inventory missing at that run
private int[] expectedTotalRun; // expectedTotalRun[nruns] = expected # Inventory at that run
TimeMatrixDataset() {
nruns = runTimeList.size();
ntimes = forecastTimeList.size();
noffsets = offsetList.size();
countInv = new short[ntimes][nruns];
expected = new short[ntimes][nruns];
countOffsetInv = new short[nruns][noffsets];
expectedOffset = new short[nruns][noffsets];
for (UberGrid uv : varList) {
// sum each run
countTotalRunInv = new int[nruns];
expectedTotalRun = new int[nruns];
for (int i = 0; i < nruns; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < noffsets; j++) {
countTotalRunInv[i] += countOffsetInv[i][j];
expectedTotalRun[i] += expectedOffset[i][j];
// after makeArrays, this gets called for each uv
void addInventory(UberGrid uv) {
uv.countInv = 0;
uv.countExpected = 0;
for (int runIndex = 0; runIndex < runTimeList.size(); runIndex++) {
Date runTime = runTimeList.get(runIndex);
RunExpected rune = uv.findRun( runTime);
if (rune == null)
for (int offsetIndex = 0; offsetIndex < offsetList.size(); offsetIndex++) {
double hourOffset = offsetList.get(offsetIndex);
int invCount = rune.countInventory(hourOffset);
int expectedCount = rune.countExpected(hourOffset);
Date forecastTime = addHour( runTime, hourOffset);
int forecastIndex = findForecastIndex(forecastTime);
if (forecastIndex < 0) {
log.debug("No Forecast for runTime="+formatter.toDateTimeString(runTime)+" OffsetHour="+hourOffset+
" dataset="+name);
} else {
countInv[forecastIndex][runIndex] += invCount;
expected[forecastIndex][runIndex] += expectedCount;
countOffsetInv[runIndex][offsetIndex] += invCount;
expectedOffset[runIndex][offsetIndex] += expectedCount;
uv.countInv += invCount;
uv.countExpected += expectedCount;
/* for (int i = 0; i < uv.runs.size(); i++) {
RunExpected rune = (RunExpected) uv.runs.get(i);
int runIndex = findRunIndex(rune.run.runTime);
// missing inventory
for (int j = 0; j < rune.run.invList.size(); j++) {
Inventory inv = (Inventory) rune.run.invList.get(j);
int missing = rune.grid.countMissing(inv.hourOffset);
int forecastIndex = findForecastIndex(inv.forecastTime);
int offsetIndex = findOffsetIndex(inv.hourOffset);
countMissing[forecastIndex][runIndex] += missing;
countOffsetMissing[runIndex][offsetIndex] += missing;
// the expected inventory
if (rune.expected != null) {
double[] offsets = rune.expected.getOffsetHours();
for (int j = 0; j < offsets.length; j++) {
Date fcDate = addHour(rune.run.runTime, offsets[j]);
int forecastIndex = findForecastIndex(fcDate);
int offsetIndex = findOffsetIndex(offsets[j]);
} */
int findRunIndex(Date runTime) {
for (int i = 0; i < runTimeList.size(); i++) {
Date d = runTimeList.get(i);
if (d.equals(runTime))
return i;
return -1;
int findForecastIndex(Date forecastTime) {
for (int i = 0; i < forecastTimeList.size(); i++) {
Date d = forecastTimeList.get(i);
if (d.equals(forecastTime))
return i;
return -1;
int findOffsetIndex(double offsetHour) {
for (int i = 0; i < offsetList.size(); i++) {
if (offsetHour == offsetList.get(i))
return i;
return -1;
/* private class Forecast implements Comparable {
ArrayList invList; // list of inventory
Date forecastTime;
Forecast(Date forecastTime) {
this.forecastTime = forecastTime;
invList = new ArrayList();
public int compareTo(Object o) {
Forecast other = (Forecast) o;
return forecastTime.compareTo(other.forecastTime);
private class InventorySortByRunTime implements Comparator {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
Inventory inv1 = (Inventory) o1;
Inventory inv2 = (Inventory) o2;
return inv1.runTime.compareTo(inv2.runTime);
private class InventorySortByForecastTime implements Comparator {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
Inventory inv1 = (Inventory) o1;
Inventory inv2 = (Inventory) o2;
return inv1.forecastTime.compareTo(inv2.forecastTime);
} */
private Date addHour( Date d, double hour) {
cal.setTime( d);
int ihour = (int) hour;
int imin = (int) (hour - ihour) * 60;
cal.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, ihour);
cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, imin);
return cal.getTime();
private double getOffsetHour( Date run, Date forecast) {
double diff = forecast.getTime() - run.getTime();
return diff / 1000.0 / 60.0 / 60.0;
public String writeMatrixXML(String varName) {
XMLOutputter fmt = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
if (varName == null) {
return fmt.outputString(makeMatrixDocument());
} else {
return fmt.outputString(makeMatrixDocument(varName));
public void writeMatrixXML(String varName, OutputStream os) throws IOException {
XMLOutputter fmt = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
if (varName == null) {
fmt.output(makeMatrixDocument(), os);
} else {
fmt.output(makeMatrixDocument(varName), os);
* Create an XML document for the entire collection
public Document makeMatrixDocument() {
if (tmAll == null)
tmAll = new TimeMatrixDataset();
Element rootElem = new Element("forecastModelRunCollectionInventory");
Document doc = new Document(rootElem);
rootElem.setAttribute("dataset", name);
// list all the offset hours
for (Double offset : offsetList) {
Element offsetElem = new Element("offsetTime");
offsetElem.setAttribute("hours", offset.toString());
// list all the variables
for (UberGrid uv : varList) {
Element varElem = new Element("variable");
varElem.setAttribute("name", uv.name);
addCountPercent(uv.countInv, uv.countExpected, varElem, false);
// list all the runs
for (int i = runTimeList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Element runElem = new Element("run");
Date runTime = runTimeList.get(i);
runElem.setAttribute("date", dateFormat.format(runTime));
addCountPercent(tmAll.countTotalRunInv[i], tmAll.expectedTotalRun[i], runElem, true);
for (int k = 0; k < offsetList.size(); k++) {
Element offsetElem = new Element("offset");
Double offset = offsetList.get(k);
offsetElem.setAttribute("hours", offset.toString());
addCountPercent(tmAll.countOffsetInv[i][k], tmAll.expectedOffset[i][k], offsetElem, false);
// list all the forecasts
for (int k = forecastTimeList.size() - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
Element fcElem = new Element("forecastTime");
Date ftime = forecastTimeList.get(k);
fcElem.setAttribute("date", dateFormat.format(ftime));
// list all the forecasts
for (int j = runTimeList.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
Element rtElem = new Element("runTime");
addCountPercent(tmAll.countInv[k][j], tmAll.expected[k][j], rtElem, false);
return doc;
private void addCountPercent(int have, int want, Element elem, boolean always) {
if (((have == want) || (want == 0)) && (have != 0)) {
elem.setAttribute("count", Integer.toString(have));
if (always) elem.setAttribute("percent", "100");
} else if (want != 0) {
int percent = (int) (100.0 * have / want);
elem.setAttribute("count", have + "/" + want);
elem.setAttribute("percent", Integer.toString(percent));
* Create an XML document for a variable
public Document makeMatrixDocument(String varName) {
UberGrid uv = findVar(varName);
if (uv == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No variable named = " + varName);
Element rootElem = new Element("forecastModelRunCollectionInventory");
Document doc = new Document(rootElem);
rootElem.setAttribute("dataset", name);
rootElem.setAttribute("variable", uv.name);
// list all the offset hours
for (int k = 0; k < offsetList.size(); k++) {
Element offsetElem = new Element("offsetTime");
Double offset = offsetList.get(k);
offsetElem.setAttribute("hour", offset.toString());
// list all the runs
for (int i = runTimeList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Element runElem = new Element("run");
Date runTime = runTimeList.get(i);
runElem.setAttribute("date", dateFormat.format(runTime));
RunExpected rune = uv.findRun( runTime);
for (Double offset : offsetList) {
Element offsetElem = new Element("offset");
double hourOffset = offset.doubleValue();
offsetElem.setAttribute("hour", offset.toString());
int missing = rune.countInventory(hourOffset);
int expected = rune.countExpected(hourOffset);
addCountPercent(missing, expected, offsetElem, false);
// list all the forecasts
for (int k = forecastTimeList.size() - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
Element fcElem = new Element("forecastTime");
Date forecastTime = forecastTimeList.get(k);
fcElem.setAttribute("date", dateFormat.format(forecastTime));
// list all the forecasts
for (int j = runTimeList.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
Element rtElem = new Element("runTime");
Date runTime = runTimeList.get(j);
RunExpected rune = uv.findRun(runTime);
double hourOffset = getOffsetHour(runTime, forecastTime);
int missing = rune.countInventory(hourOffset);
int expected = rune.countExpected(hourOffset);
addCountPercent(missing, expected, rtElem, false);
return doc;
public String showOffsetHour(String varName, String offsetHour) {
UberGrid uv = findVar(varName);
if (uv == null)
return "No variable named = " + varName;
double hour = Double.parseDouble( offsetHour);
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
sbuff.append("Inventory for ").append(varName).append(" for offset hour= ").append(offsetHour).append("\n");
for (RunExpected rune : uv.runs) {
double[] vcoords = rune.grid.getVertCoords(hour);
sbuff.append(" Run ");
sbuff.append(": ");
for (int j = 0; j < vcoords.length; j++) {
if (j > 0) sbuff.append(",");
sbuff.append("\nExpected for ").append(varName).append(" for offset hour= ").append(offsetHour).append("\n");
for (RunExpected rune : uv.runs) {
double[] vcoords = rune.expectedGrid.getVertCoords(hour);
sbuff.append(" Run ");
sbuff.append(": ");
for (int j = 0; j < vcoords.length; j++) {
if (j > 0) sbuff.append(",");
return sbuff.toString();
/* private Inventory findByOffset(List invList, double offset) {
for (int i = 0; i < invList.size(); i++) {
Inventory inv = (Inventory) invList.get(i);
if (inv.hourOffset == offset) return inv;
return null;
private Inventory findByForecast(List invList, Date forecast) {
for (int i = 0; i < invList.size(); i++) {
Inventory inv = (Inventory) invList.get(i);
if (inv.forecastTime.equals(forecast)) return inv;
return null;
} */
* Create a ForecastModelRun Collection from the files in a directory.
* @param fmrcDefinitionPath put/look for fmrc definition files in this directory, may be null
* @param collectionName the definition file = "name.fmrcDefinition.xml";
* @param fmr_cache cache fmr inventory files here, may be null
* @param dirName scan this directory
* @param suffix filter on this suffix
* @param mode one of the ForecastModelRun.OPEN_ modes
* @return ForecastModelRunCollection or null if no files exist
* @throws Exception on bad
public static FmrcInventory makeFromDirectory(String fmrcDefinitionPath, String collectionName,
ucar.nc2.util.DiskCache2 fmr_cache, String dirName, String suffix, int mode) throws Exception {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
FmrcInventory fmrCollection = new FmrcInventory(fmrcDefinitionPath, collectionName);
// override the suffix by the definition attribute suffixFilter, if it exists
if (fmrCollection.getSuffixFilter() != null)
suffix = fmrCollection.getSuffixFilter();
File dir = new File(dirName);
File[] files = dir.listFiles();
if (null == files)
return null;
for (File file : files) {
if (!file.getPath().endsWith(suffix))
ForecastModelRunInventory fmr = ForecastModelRunInventory.open(fmr_cache, file.getPath(), mode, true);
if (null != fmr)
if (debugTiming) {
long took = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
System.out.println("that took = "+took+" msecs");
return fmrCollection;
private static boolean debugTiming = false;
public static void main2(String args[]) throws Exception {
String dir = "nam/c20s";
FmrcInventory fmrc = makeFromDirectory("R:/testdata/motherlode/grid/inv/new/", "NCEP-NAM-CONUS_20km-surface", null, "C:/data/grib/"+dir, "grib1",
FmrcDefinition def = fmrc.getDefinition();
if (null != def) {
System.out.println("current definition = "+fmrc.getDefinitionPath());
//def.addVertCoordsFromCollectionInventory( fmrc);
System.out.println( def.writeDefinitionXML());
} else {
System.out.println("write definition to "+fmrc.getDefinitionPath());
def = new FmrcDefinition();
def.makeFromCollectionInventory( fmrc);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( fmrc.getDefinitionPath());
System.out.println( def.writeDefinitionXML());
def.writeDefinitionXML( fos);
String varName = "Temperature";
System.out.println( fmrc.writeMatrixXML( varName));
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("C:/data/grib/"+dir+"/fmrcMatrix.xml");
fmrc.writeMatrixXML( varName, fos);
System.out.println( fmrc.writeMatrixXML( null));
FileOutputStream fos2 = new FileOutputStream("C:/data/grib/"+dir+"/fmrcMatrixAll.xml");
fmrc.writeMatrixXML( null, fos2);
System.out.println( fmrc.showOffsetHour(varName,"7.0"));
/* private static String[] catalogs = {
private static String[] catalog24hours = {
// 24 hours
}; */
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
for (String cat : FmrcDefinition.fmrcDatasets) {
if (cat.contains("/RUC"))
doOne( cat, 72);
doOne( cat, 12);
public static void doOne(String cat, int n) throws Exception {
String server = "http://motherlode.ucar.edu:8080/thredds/catalog/fmrc/";
String writeDir = "D:/temp/modelDef/";
new File(writeDir).mkdirs();
String catName = server + cat + "/files/catalog.xml";
FmrcInventory fmrCollection = makeFromCatalog(null, catName, catName, n, ForecastModelRunInventory.OPEN_FORCE_NEW);
String writeFile = writeDir + StringUtil.replace(cat, "/","-") + ".fmrcDefinition.xml";
System.out.println("write definition to " + writeFile);
FmrcDefinition def = new FmrcDefinition();
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(writeFile);
* Create a ForecastModelRun Collection from the datasets in a catalog.
* @param catURL scan this catalog
* @throws Exception on bad
public static void writeDefinitionFromCatalog(String catURL, String collectionName, int maxDatasets) throws Exception {
FmrcInventory fmrCollection = makeFromCatalog( catURL, collectionName, maxDatasets, ForecastModelRunInventory.OPEN_NORMAL);
System.out.println("write definition to "+fmrCollection.getDefinitionPath());
FmrcDefinition def = new FmrcDefinition();
def.makeFromCollectionInventory( fmrCollection);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( fmrCollection.getDefinitionPath());
def.writeDefinitionXML( fos);
* Create a ForecastModelRun Collection from the datasets in a catalog.
* @param catURL scan this catalog
* @throws Exception on bad
public static FmrcInventory makeFromCatalog(String catURL, String collectionName, int maxDatasets, int mode) throws Exception {
DiskCache2 cache = new DiskCache2("fmrcInventory/", true, 0, -1); // dont scour - messes up the TDS!
return makeFromCatalog(cache, catURL, collectionName, maxDatasets, mode);
public static FmrcInventory makeFromCatalog(DiskCache2 cache, String catURL, String collectionName, int maxDatasets, int mode) throws Exception {
String fmrcDefinitionPath = (cache == null)? null : cache.getRootDirectory()+"/defs/";
System.out.println("***makeFromCatalog "+catURL);
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
FmrcInventory fmrCollection = new FmrcInventory(fmrcDefinitionPath, collectionName);
CatalogCrawler crawler = new CatalogCrawler(CatalogCrawler.USE_ALL_DIRECT, false,
new MyListener(fmrCollection, maxDatasets, mode, cache));
crawler.crawl(catURL, null, System.out, null);
if (debugTiming) {
long took = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
System.out.println("that took = "+took+" msecs");
return fmrCollection;
private static class MyListener implements CatalogCrawler.Listener {
FmrcInventory fmrCollection;
DiskCache2 cache;
int maxDatasets;
int mode, count;
boolean first = true;
MyListener(FmrcInventory fmrCollection, int maxDatasets, int mode, DiskCache2 cache) {
this.fmrCollection = fmrCollection;
this.maxDatasets = maxDatasets;
this.mode = mode;
this.count = 0;
this.cache = cache;
public void getDataset(InvDataset dd, Object context) {
if ((count > maxDatasets) && (maxDatasets > 0)) return;
InvAccess access = dd.getAccess(ServiceType.OPENDAP);
if (access == null) {
System.out.println(" no opendap access");
if (first) { // skip the first one
System.out.println(" skip "+access.getStandardUrlName());
first = false;
System.out.println(" access " + access.getStandardUrlName());
ForecastModelRunInventory fmr;
try {
fmr = ForecastModelRunInventory.open(cache, access.getStandardUrlName(), mode, false);
if (null != fmr) {
} catch (IOException e) {
public boolean getCatalogRef(InvCatalogRef dd, Object context) { return true; }
public static void main4(String args[]) throws Exception {
/* String work = "R:/testdata2/motherlode/grid2/";
fmrcDefinitionPath = work+"def/";
cache = new DiskCache2(work+"inv/", false, -1, -1);
File file = new File(work+"def/");
for (int i = 0; i < catalogs.length; i++) {
String urlFragment = catalogs[i];
String catURL = "http://motherlode.ucar.edu:8080/thredds/catalog/model/"+urlFragment+"/catalog.xml";
} */
String dir = "nam/conus80";
FmrcInventory fmrc = makeFromDirectory("C:/temp", "NCEP-NAM-CONUS_80km", null, "C:/data/grib/"+dir, "grib1",