/* $Id: CreaturesXMLLoader.java,v 1.14 2010/12/03 19:51:15 martinfuchs Exp $ */
* (C) Copyright 2003-2010 - Stendhal *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
package games.stendhal.server.core.config;
import games.stendhal.common.constants.Nature;
import games.stendhal.server.core.rule.defaultruleset.DefaultCreature;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.creature.impl.DropItem;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.creature.impl.EquipItem;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
public final class CreaturesXMLLoader extends DefaultHandler {
/** the logger instance. */
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CreaturesXMLLoader.class);
private String name;
private String clazz;
private String subclass;
private String description;
private String text;
private String tileid;
private int atk;
private int def;
private int hp;
private double speed;
private int sizeWidth;
private int sizeHeight;
private int xp;
private int level;
private int respawn;
private List<DropItem> dropsItems;
private List<EquipItem> equipsItems;
private LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedList<String>> creatureSays;
private Map<String, String> aiProfiles;
private List<DefaultCreature> list;
private String corpseName;
private int corpseWidth;
private int corpseHeight;
private boolean drops;
private boolean equips;
private boolean ai;
private boolean says;
private boolean attributes;
private boolean abilities;
/** Susceptibilities of a creature */
private EnumMap<Nature, Double> susceptibilities;
/** Type of the damage caused by the creature */
private Nature damageType;
CreaturesXMLLoader() {
// hide constructor, use the CreatureGroupsXMLLoader instead
public List<DefaultCreature> load(final URI ref) throws SAXException {
list = new LinkedList<DefaultCreature>();
// Use the default (non-validating) parser
final SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
try {
// Parse the input
final SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser();
InputStream is = CreaturesXMLLoader.class.getResourceAsStream(ref.getPath());
if (is == null) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("cannot find resource '" + ref
+ "' in classpath");
try {
saxParser.parse(is, this);
} finally {
} catch (final ParserConfigurationException t) {
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new SAXException(e);
return list;
public void startDocument() {
// do nothing
public void endDocument() {
// do nothing
public void startElement(final String namespaceURI, final String lName, final String qName,
final Attributes attrs) {
text = "";
if (qName.equals("creature")) {
name = attrs.getValue("name");
drops = false;
ai = false;
dropsItems = new LinkedList<DropItem>();
equipsItems = new LinkedList<EquipItem>();
creatureSays = new LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedList<String>>();
aiProfiles = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
description = null;
damageType = Nature.CUT;
susceptibilities = new EnumMap<Nature, Double>(Nature.class);
} else if (qName.equals("type")) {
clazz = attrs.getValue("class");
subclass = attrs.getValue("subclass");
tileid = "../../tileset/logic/creature/" + attrs.getValue("tileid");
} else if (qName.equals("level")) {
level = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getValue("value"));
} else if (qName.equals("experience")) {
// XP rewarded is right now 5% of the creature real XP
xp = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getValue("value")) * 20;
} else if (qName.equals("equips")) {
equips = true;
} else if (qName.equals("slot") && equips) {
String item = null;
String slot = null;
int quantity = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
if (attrs.getQName(i).equals("item")) {
item = attrs.getValue(i);
} else if (attrs.getQName(i).equals("name")) {
slot = attrs.getValue(i);
} else if (attrs.getQName(i).equals("quantity")) {
quantity = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getValue(i));
if ((item != null) && (slot != null)) {
equipsItems.add(new EquipItem(slot, item, quantity));
} else if (qName.equals("respawn")) {
respawn = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getValue("value"));
} else if (qName.equals("corpse")) {
corpseName = attrs.getValue("name");
String value = attrs.getValue("width");
// Default to 1 for width and height to save the fingers
// of the people writing the creatures
if (value != null) {
corpseWidth = Integer.parseInt(value);
} else {
corpseWidth = 1;
value = attrs.getValue("height");
if (value != null) {
corpseHeight = Integer.parseInt(value);
} else {
corpseHeight = 1;
} else if (qName.equals("drops")) {
drops = true;
} else if (qName.equals("item") && drops) {
String tempName = null;
Double probability = null;
String range = null;
for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
if (attrs.getQName(i).equals("value")) {
tempName = attrs.getValue(i);
} else if (attrs.getQName(i).equals("probability")) {
probability = Double.parseDouble(attrs.getValue(i));
} else if (attrs.getQName(i).equals("quantity")) {
range = attrs.getValue(i);
if ((tempName != null) && (probability != null) && (range != null)) {
logger.debug(tempName + ":" + probability + ":" + range);
if (range.contains("[")) {
range = range.replace("[", "");
range = range.replace("]", "");
final String[] amount = range.split(",");
dropsItems.add(new DropItem(tempName, probability,
} else {
dropsItems.add(new DropItem(tempName, probability,
} else if (qName.equals("attributes")) {
attributes = true;
} else if (attributes && qName.equals("atk")) {
atk = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getValue("value"));
} else if (attributes && qName.equals("def")) {
def = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getValue("value"));
} else if (attributes && qName.equals("hp")) {
hp = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getValue("value"));
} else if (attributes && qName.equals("speed")) {
speed = Double.parseDouble(attrs.getValue("value"));
} else if (attributes && qName.equals("size")) {
final String[] size = attrs.getValue("value").split(",");
sizeWidth = Integer.parseInt(size[0]);
sizeHeight = Integer.parseInt(size[1]);
} else if (qName.equals("ai")) {
ai = true;
} else if (ai && qName.equals("profile")) {
aiProfiles.put(attrs.getValue("name"), attrs.getValue("params"));
} else if (ai && qName.equals("says")) {
says = true;
} else if (says && qName.equals("noise")) {
final String states = attrs.getValue("state");
final String value = attrs.getValue("value");
final List<String> keys=Arrays.asList(states.split(" "));
// no such state in noises, will add it
for (int i=0; i<keys.size(); i++) {
final String key=keys.get(i);
if(creatureSays.get(key)==null) {
final LinkedList<String> ll=new LinkedList<String>();
creatureSays.put(key, ll);
// no such value in existing state, will add it
} else if (creatureSays.get(key).indexOf(value)==-1) {
// both state and value already exists
} else {
logger.warn("CreatureXMLLoader: creature ("+name+
"): double definition for noise \""+key+"\" ("+value+")");
} else if (qName.equals("abilities")) {
abilities = true;
} else if (abilities && qName.equals("damage")) {
damageType = Nature.parse(attrs.getValue("type"));
} else if (abilities && qName.equals("susceptibility")) {
Nature type = Nature.parse(attrs.getValue("type"));
Double value = Double.valueOf(attrs.getValue("value"));
susceptibilities.put(type, value);
public void endElement(final String namespaceURI, final String sName, final String qName) {
if (qName.equals("creature")) {
if (!tileid.contains(":")) {
logger.error("Corrupt XML file: Bad tileid for creature("
+ name + ")");
final DefaultCreature creature = new DefaultCreature(clazz, subclass,
name, tileid);
creature.setRPStats(hp, atk, def, speed);
creature.setLevel(level, xp);
creature.setSize(sizeWidth, sizeHeight);
creature.setCorpse(corpseName, corpseWidth, corpseHeight);
corpseName = null;
corpseWidth = corpseHeight = 1;
} else if (qName.equals("attributes")) {
attributes = false;
} else if (qName.equals("equips")) {
equips = false;
} else if (qName.equals("drops")) {
drops = false;
} else if (ai && qName.equals("says")) {
says = false;
} else if (qName.equals("ai")) {
ai = false;
} else if (qName.equals("description")) {
if (text != null) {
description = text.trim();
text = "";
} else if (qName.equals("abilities")) {
abilities = false;
public void characters(final char[] buf, final int offset, final int len) {
text = text + (new String(buf, offset, len)).trim() + " ";