/* $Id: RPEntity2DView.java,v 1.62 2011/01/05 18:17:27 kiheru Exp $ */
* (C) Copyright 2003-2010 - Stendhal *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
package games.stendhal.client.gui.j2d.entity;
import games.stendhal.client.IGameScreen;
import games.stendhal.client.entity.ActionType;
import games.stendhal.client.entity.IEntity;
import games.stendhal.client.entity.RPEntity;
import games.stendhal.client.entity.User;
import games.stendhal.client.sprite.AnimatedSprite;
import games.stendhal.client.sprite.Sprite;
import games.stendhal.client.sprite.SpriteStore;
import games.stendhal.client.sprite.TextSprite;
import games.stendhal.common.Debug;
import games.stendhal.common.Direction;
import games.stendhal.common.constants.Nature;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import marauroa.common.game.RPAction;
* The 2D view of an RP entity.
abstract class RPEntity2DView extends ActiveEntity2DView {
private static final int ICON_OFFSET = 8;
/** Number of frames in attack sprites */
private static final int NUM_ATTACK_FRAMES = 3;
private static final Stroke ARROW_STROKE = new BasicStroke(2);
private static final Map<Nature, Color> arrowColor;
static {
arrowColor = new EnumMap<Nature, Color>(Nature.class);
arrowColor.put(Nature.CUT, Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
arrowColor.put(Nature.DARK, Color.DARK_GRAY);
arrowColor.put(Nature.LIGHT, new Color(255, 240, 140)); // light yellow
arrowColor.put(Nature.FIRE, new Color(255, 100, 0)); // reddish orange
arrowColor.put(Nature.ICE, new Color(140, 140, 255)); // light blue
* The attack sprites. The top level map contains all the
* strike sprites sorted by damage type. Those in turn are
* retrievable by the attack direction.
private static Map<Nature, Map<Direction, Sprite[]>> bladeStrikeSprites;
private static Sprite eatingSprite;
private static Sprite poisonedSprite;
private static Sprite chokingSprite;
private static Sprite hitSprite;
private static Sprite blockedSprite;
private static Sprite missedSprite;
/** Temporary text sprites, like HP and XP changes. */
private Map<RPEntity.TextIndicator, Sprite> floaters = new HashMap<RPEntity.TextIndicator, Sprite>();
* Blade strike frame.
private int frameBladeStrike;
* Model attributes effecting the title changed.
private boolean titleChanged;
* The title image sprite.
private Sprite titleSprite;
* The drawn height.
protected int height;
* The drawn width.
protected int width;
/** Put ideas on top? */
private static final boolean ideasontop = (System
.getProperty("stendhal.ideasontop") != null);
static {
final SpriteStore st = SpriteStore.get();
final int twidth = NUM_ATTACK_FRAMES * IGameScreen.SIZE_UNIT_PIXELS;
final int theight = 4 * IGameScreen.SIZE_UNIT_PIXELS;
bladeStrikeSprites = new EnumMap<Nature, Map<Direction, Sprite[]>>(Nature.class);
// Load all attack sprites
for (Nature damageType : Nature.values()) {
final Sprite tiles = st.getSprite("data/sprites/combat/blade_strike_"
+ damageType.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.US) + ".png");
Map<Direction, Sprite[]> map = new EnumMap<Direction, Sprite[]>(Direction.class);
bladeStrikeSprites.put(damageType, map);
int y = 0;
map.put(Direction.UP, st.getTiles(tiles, 0, y, 3, twidth, theight));
y += theight;
map.put(Direction.RIGHT, st.getTiles(tiles, 0, y, 3, twidth, theight));
y += theight;
map.put(Direction.DOWN, st.getTiles(tiles, 0, y, 3, twidth, theight));
y += theight;
map.put(Direction.LEFT, st.getTiles(tiles, 0, y, 3, twidth, theight));
hitSprite = st.getSprite("data/sprites/combat/hitted.png");
blockedSprite = st.getSprite("data/sprites/combat/blocked.png");
missedSprite = st.getSprite("data/sprites/combat/missed.png");
eatingSprite = st.getSprite("data/sprites/ideas/eat.png");
poisonedSprite = st.getSprite("data/sprites/ideas/poisoned.png");
chokingSprite = st.getSprite("data/sprites/ideas/choking.png");
public void initialize(final IEntity entity) {
titleSprite = createTitleSprite();
titleChanged = false;
// RPEntity2DView
* Populate keyed state sprites.
* @param map
* The map to populate.
* @param tiles
* The master sprite.
* @param width
* The tile width (in pixels).
* @param height
* The tile height (in pixels).
protected void buildSprites(final Map<Object, Sprite> map,
final Sprite tiles, final int width, final int height) {
int y = 0;
map.put(Direction.UP, createWalkSprite(tiles, y, width, height));
y += height;
map.put(Direction.RIGHT, createWalkSprite(tiles, y, width, height));
y += height;
map.put(Direction.DOWN, createWalkSprite(tiles, y, width, height));
y += height;
map.put(Direction.LEFT, createWalkSprite(tiles, y, width, height));
* Calculate sprite image offset. Sub-classes may override this to change
* alignment.
* @param spriteWidth
* The sprite width (in pixels).
* @param spriteHeight
* The sprite height (in pixels).
* @param entityWidth
* The entity width (in pixels).
* @param entityHeight
* The entity height (in pixels).
protected void calculateOffset(final int spriteWidth,
final int spriteHeight, final int entityWidth,
final int entityHeight) {
* X alignment centered, Y alignment bottom
xoffset = (entityWidth - spriteWidth) / 2;
yoffset = entityHeight - spriteHeight;
* Create the title sprite.
* @return The title sprite.
protected Sprite createTitleSprite() {
final String titleType = ((RPEntity) entity).getTitleType();
final int adminlevel = ((RPEntity) entity).getAdminLevel();
Color nameColor = null;
if (titleType != null) {
if (titleType.equals("npc")) {
nameColor = new Color(200, 200, 255);
} else if (titleType.equals("enemy")) {
nameColor = new Color(255, 200, 200);
if (nameColor == null) {
if (adminlevel >= 800) {
nameColor = new Color(200, 200, 0);
} else if (adminlevel >= 400) {
nameColor = new Color(255, 255, 0);
} else if (adminlevel > 0) {
nameColor = new Color(255, 255, 172);
} else {
nameColor = Color.white;
return TextSprite.createTextSprite(entity.getTitle(), nameColor);
* Extract a walking animation for a specific row. The source sprite
* contains 3 animation tiles, but this is converted to 4 frames.
* @param tiles
* The tile image.
* @param y
* The base Y coordinate.
* @param width
* The frame width.
* @param height
* The frame height.
* @return A sprite.
protected Sprite createWalkSprite(final Sprite tiles, final int y,
final int width, final int height) {
final SpriteStore store = SpriteStore.get();
final Sprite[] frames = new Sprite[4];
int x = 0;
frames[0] = store.getTile(tiles, x, y, width, height);
x += width;
frames[1] = store.getTile(tiles, x, y, width, height);
x += width;
frames[2] = store.getTile(tiles, x, y, width, height);
frames[3] = frames[1];
return new AnimatedSprite(frames, 100, false);
* Draw the floating text indicators (floaters).
* @param g2d
* The graphics context.
* @param x
* The drawn X coordinate.
* @param y
* The drawn Y coordinate.
* @param width
* The drawn width.
protected void drawFloaters(final Graphics2D g2d, final int x, final int y,
final int width) {
for (Map.Entry<RPEntity.TextIndicator, Sprite> floater : floaters.entrySet()) {
final RPEntity.TextIndicator indicator = floater.getKey();
final Sprite sprite = floater.getValue();
final int age = indicator.getAge();
final int tx = x + (width - sprite.getWidth()) / 2;
final int ty = y - (int) (age * 5L / 300L);
sprite.draw(g2d, tx, ty);
* Draw the entity HP bar.
* @param g2d
* The graphics context.
* @param x
* The drawn X coordinate.
* @param y
* The drawn Y coordinate.
* @param width
* The drawn width.
protected void drawHPbar(final Graphics2D g2d, final int x, final int y,
final int width) {
final int barWidth = Math.max(width * 2 / 3, IGameScreen.SIZE_UNIT_PIXELS);
final int bx = x + ((width - barWidth) / 2);
final int by = y - 3;
RPEntity rpentity = (RPEntity) entity;
final float hpRatio = rpentity.getHpRatio();
final float r = Math.min((1.0f - hpRatio) * 2.0f, 1.0f);
final float g = Math.min(hpRatio * 2.0f, 1.0f);
g2d.fillRect(bx, by, barWidth, 3);
g2d.setColor(new Color(r, g, 0.0f));
g2d.fillRect(bx, by, (int) (hpRatio * barWidth), 3);
g2d.drawRect(bx, by, barWidth, 3);
* Draw the entity status bar. The status bar show the title and HP bar.
* @param g2d
* The graphics context.
* @param x
* The drawn X coordinate.
* @param y
* The drawn Y coordinate.
* @param width
* The drawn width.
protected void drawStatusBar(final Graphics2D g2d, final int x,
final int y, final int width) {
drawTitle(g2d, x, y, width);
drawHPbar(g2d, x, y, width);
* Draw the entity title.
* @param g2d
* The graphics context.
* @param x
* The drawn X coordinate.
* @param y
* The drawn Y coordinate.
* @param width
* The drawn width.
protected void drawTitle(final Graphics2D g2d, final int x, final int y, final int width) {
if (titleSprite != null) {
final int tx = x + ((width - titleSprite.getWidth()) / 2);
final int ty = y - 3 - titleSprite.getHeight();
titleSprite.draw(g2d, tx, ty);
* Draw the entity ideas. (eating, choking, poisoned, etc)
* @param g2d
* The graphics context.
* @param x
* The drawn X coordinate.
* @param y
* The drawn Y coordinate.
* @param height
* The drawn entity height.
protected void drawIdeas(final Graphics2D g2d, final int x,
final int y, final int height) {
RPEntity rpentity = (RPEntity) entity;
if (rpentity.isEating()) {
if (rpentity.isChoking()) {
chokingSprite.draw(g2d, x, y + height - 2 * ICON_OFFSET);
} else {
eatingSprite.draw(g2d, x, y + height - 2 * ICON_OFFSET);
if (rpentity.isPoisoned()) {
poisonedSprite.draw(g2d, x - ICON_OFFSET, y + height - 2 * ICON_OFFSET);
* Draw the combat indicators.
* @param g2d
* The graphics context.
* @param x
* The drawn X coordinate.
* @param y
* The drawn Y coordinate.
* @param width
* The drawn entity width.
* @param height
* The drawn entity height.
protected void drawCombat(final Graphics2D g2d, final int x,
final int y, final int width, final int height) {
RPEntity rpentity = (RPEntity) entity;
Rectangle2D wrect = rpentity.getArea();
final Rectangle srect = new Rectangle((int) (wrect.getX() * IGameScreen.SIZE_UNIT_PIXELS),
(int) (wrect.getY() * IGameScreen.SIZE_UNIT_PIXELS),
(int) (wrect.getWidth() * IGameScreen.SIZE_UNIT_PIXELS),
(int) (wrect.getHeight() * IGameScreen.SIZE_UNIT_PIXELS));
final double DIVISOR = 1.414213562; // sqrt(2)
if (rpentity.isBeingAttacked()) {
// Draw red box around
//g2d.drawRect(srect.x + 1, srect.y + 1, srect.width - 2, srect.height - 2);
int circleHeight = (int) ((srect.height - 2) / DIVISOR);
// Avoid showing much smaller area than the creature covers
circleHeight = Math.max(circleHeight, srect.height - IGameScreen.SIZE_UNIT_PIXELS / 2);
g2d.drawArc(srect.x, (int) (srect.y + srect.height - circleHeight),
srect.width + 0, circleHeight, 0, 360);
if (rpentity.isAttacking(User.get())) {
// Draw orange box around
//g2d.drawRect(srect.x + 2, srect.y + 2, srect.width - 4, srect.height - 4);
int circleHeight = (int) ((srect.height - 4) / DIVISOR);
// Avoid showing much smaller area than the creature covers
circleHeight = Math.max(circleHeight, srect.height - IGameScreen.SIZE_UNIT_PIXELS / 2 - 2);
g2d.drawArc(srect.x + 1, (int) (srect.y + srect.height - circleHeight - 1),
srect.width - 2, circleHeight, 0, 360);
drawAttack(g2d, x, y, width, height);
if (rpentity.isDefending()) {
// Draw bottom right combat icon
final int sx = srect.x + srect.width - ICON_OFFSET;
final int sy = y + height - 2 * ICON_OFFSET;
switch (rpentity.getResolution()) {
blockedSprite.draw(g2d, sx, sy);
case MISSED:
missedSprite.draw(g2d, sx, sy);
case HIT:
hitSprite.draw(g2d, sx, sy);
// cannot happen we are switching on enum
* Draw the attacking effect.
* @param g2d The graphics context
* @param x x coordinate of the attacker
* @param y y coordinate of the attacker
* @param width width of the attacker
* @param height height of the attacker
private void drawAttack(final Graphics2D g2d, final int x, final int y, final int width, final int height) {
RPEntity rpentity = (RPEntity) entity;
if (rpentity.isAttacking() && rpentity.getShownDamageType() != null) {
if (frameBladeStrike < NUM_ATTACK_FRAMES) {
RPEntity target = rpentity.getAttackTarget();
// A hack to check if it's a distance attack for proof
// of concept arrow drawing. Should be specified in the
// attack event itself
final Rectangle2D area = rpentity.getArea();
area.setRect(rpentity.getX() - 0.25, rpentity.getY() - 0.25, rpentity.getWidth()
+ 2 * 0.25, rpentity.getHeight() + 2 * 0.25);
if (area.intersects(target.getArea())) {
drawStrike(g2d, rpentity, x, y, width, height);
} else {
drawDistanceAttack(g2d, rpentity, target, x, y, width, height);
} else {
frameBladeStrike = 0;
* Draw a blade strike.
* @param g2d
* @param entity
* @param x
* @param y
* @param width
* @param height
private void drawStrike(final Graphics2D g2d, final RPEntity entity,
final int x, final int y, final int width, final int height) {
Nature damageType = entity.getShownDamageType();
if (damageType != null) {
final Sprite sprite = bladeStrikeSprites.get(damageType).get(getState(entity))[frameBladeStrike];
final int spriteWidth = sprite.getWidth();
final int spriteHeight = sprite.getHeight();
int sx;
int sy;
* Align swipe image to be 16 px past the facing edge, centering
* in other axis.
* Swipe image is 3x4 tiles, but really only uses partial areas.
* Adjust positions to match (or fix images to be
* uniform/centered).
switch (entity.getDirection()) {
case UP:
sx = x + ((width - spriteWidth) / 2) + 16;
sy = y - 16 - 32;
case DOWN:
sx = x + ((width - spriteWidth) / 2);
sy = y + height - spriteHeight + 16;
case LEFT:
sx = x - 16;
sy = y + ((height - spriteHeight) / 2) - 16;
case RIGHT:
sx = x + width - spriteWidth + 16;
sy = y + ((height - spriteHeight) / 2) - ICON_OFFSET;
sx = x + ((width - spriteWidth) / 2);
sy = y + ((height - spriteHeight) / 2);
sprite.draw(g2d, sx, sy);
* Draw a distance attack line.
* @param g2d
* @param entity
* @param target
* @param x
* @param y
* @param width
* @param height
private void drawDistanceAttack(final Graphics2D g2d, final RPEntity entity, final RPEntity target,
final int x, final int y, final int width, final int height) {
Nature nature = entity.getShownDamageType();
int startX = x + width / 2;
int startY = y + height / 2;
int endX = (int) (32 * (target.getX() + target.getWidth() / 2));
// Target at the upper edge of the occupied area.
// Getting the EntityView from an entity is tedious, and
// still does not work reliable for everything (rats)
int endY = (int) (32 * target.getY());
int yLength = (endY - startY) / NUM_ATTACK_FRAMES;
int xLength = (endX - startX) / NUM_ATTACK_FRAMES;
startY += frameBladeStrike * yLength;
endY = startY + yLength;
startX += frameBladeStrike * xLength;
endX = startX + xLength;
Stroke oldStroke = g2d.getStroke();
g2d.drawLine(startX, startY, endX, endY);
* Get the full directional animation tile set for this entity.
* @return A tile sprite containing all animation images.
protected abstract Sprite getAnimationSprite();
* Get the number of tiles in the X axis of the base sprite.
* @return The number of tiles.
protected int getTilesX() {
return 3;
* Get the number of tiles in the Y axis of the base sprite.
* @return The number of tiles.
protected int getTilesY() {
return 4;
* Determine is the user can see this entity while in ghostmode.
* @return <code>true</code> if the client user can see this entity while in
* ghostmode.
protected boolean isVisibleGhost() {
return false;
// StateEntity2DView
* Populate keyed state sprites.
* @param entity the entity to build sprites for
* @param map
* The map to populate.
protected void buildSprites(IEntity entity, final Map<Object, Sprite> map) {
final Sprite tiles = getAnimationSprite();
width = tiles.getWidth() / getTilesX();
height = tiles.getHeight() / getTilesY();
buildSprites(map, tiles, width, height);
calculateOffset(entity, width, height);
// Entity2DView
* Build a list of entity specific actions. <strong>NOTE: The first entry
* should be the default.</strong>
* @param list
* The list to populate.
protected void buildActions(final List<String> list) {
RPEntity rpentity = (RPEntity) entity;
if (rpentity.isAttackedBy(User.get())) {
} else {
* Draw the entity.
* @param g2d
* The graphics context.
* @param x
* The drawn X coordinate.
* @param y
* The drawn Y coordinate.
* @param width
* The drawn entity width.
* @param height
* The drawn entity height.
protected void draw(final Graphics2D g2d, final int x, final int y,
final int width, final int height) {
drawCombat(g2d, x, y, width, height);
super.draw(g2d, x, y, width, height);
if (!ideasontop) {
drawIdeas(g2d, x, y, height);
g2d.drawRect(x, y, width, height);
drawFloaters(g2d, x, y, width);
* Draw the top layer parts of an entity. This will be on down after all
* other game layers are rendered.
* @param g2d
* The graphics context.
* @param x
* The drawn X coordinate.
* @param y
* The drawn Y coordinate.
* @param width
* The drawn entity width.
* @param height
* The drawn entity height.
protected void drawTop(final Graphics2D g2d, final int x, final int y,
final int width, final int height) {
drawStatusBar(g2d, x, y, width);
if (ideasontop) {
drawIdeas(g2d, x, y, height);
* Get the height.
* @return The height (in pixels).
public int getHeight() {
return height;
* Get the entity's visibility.
* @return The visibility value (0-100).
protected int getVisibility() {
* Hide while in ghostmode.
if (((RPEntity) entity).isGhostMode()) {
if (isVisibleGhost()) {
return super.getVisibility() / 2;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return super.getVisibility();
* Get the width.
* @return The width (in pixels).
public int getWidth() {
return width;
* Determines on top of which other entities this entity should be drawn.
* Entities with a high Z index will be drawn on top of ones with a lower Z
* index.
* Also, players can only interact with the topmost entity.
* @return The drawing index.
public int getZIndex() {
return 8000;
protected void update() {
if (titleChanged) {
titleSprite = createTitleSprite();
titleChanged = false;
// EntityChangeListener
* An entity was changed.
* @param entity
* The entity that was changed.
* @param property
* The property identifier.
public void entityChanged(final IEntity entity, final Object property) {
super.entityChanged(entity, property);
if (property == RPEntity.PROP_ADMIN_LEVEL) {
titleChanged = true;
visibilityChanged = true;
} else if (property == RPEntity.PROP_GHOSTMODE) {
visibilityChanged = true;
} else if (property == RPEntity.PROP_OUTFIT) {
representationChanged = true;
} else if (property == IEntity.PROP_TITLE) {
titleChanged = true;
} else if (property == RPEntity.PROP_TITLE_TYPE) {
titleChanged = true;
} else if (property == RPEntity.PROP_TEXT_INDICATORS) {
private void onFloatersChanged() {
Iterator<RPEntity.TextIndicator> it = ((RPEntity) entity).getTextIndicators();
Map<RPEntity.TextIndicator, Sprite> newFloaters = new HashMap<RPEntity.TextIndicator, Sprite>();
while (it.hasNext()) {
RPEntity.TextIndicator floater = it.next();
Sprite sprite = floaters.get(floater);
if (sprite == null) {
sprite = TextSprite.createTextSprite(floater.getText(), floater.getType().getColor());
newFloaters.put(floater, sprite);
floaters = newFloaters;
* Perform an action.
* @param at
* The action.
public void onAction(final ActionType at) {
if (isReleased()) {
RPAction rpaction;
switch (at) {
case PUSH:
case ATTACK:
rpaction = new RPAction();
rpaction.put("type", at.toString());
rpaction.put("attack", "");