Package org.mitre.sipchat.model

Source Code of org.mitre.sipchat.model.ClientStart

// $Id:,v 1.31 2001/10/19 12:28:29 ramsdell Exp $

// Copyright (c) 2000. The MITRE Corporation (
// All rights reserved.
// The SIMP Service comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
// See the SIMP Service License Agreement for details.

package org.mitre.sipchat.model;

import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import org.mitre.sipchat.util.*;
import org.mitre.sipchat.launcher.RegisterResult;
import org.mitre.sipchat.launcher.SipchatLauncher;
import org.mitre.sipchat.launcher.SipchatProperties;

import org.mitre.jsip.*;
import org.mitre.jsip.event.*;
import org.mitre.sipchat.model.presence.Presentity;

* Implements the login protocol and then starts a client.
* @author John D. Ramsdell
* @author Galen B. Williamson
* @version February 2000
public final class ClientStart
//    implements XpListener
     * The following variable controls whether or not to use the
     * workaround for an "incompatibility" with AOL Instant Messenger
     * that causes the GUI to "freeze" whenever blocking input is
     * performed on standard input while AIM is running on Windows
     * NT/2000 machines.  Since the Simp client may be running in
     * "slave" mode with the Windows helper app, it would be listening
     * to standard input, normally using the blocking read operations
     * of the BufferedInputStream class.  If AIM is running, the
     * blocking read operation would lock up the GUI, until standard
     * input is closed.  The workaround is to extend
     * BufferedInputStream, overriding the blocking read methods with
     * polling versions.  We keep the delay between polls relatively
     * long (500ms by default) to keep our CPU usage to a minimum in
     * this "busy wait".  The new class is
     * org.mitre.simp.util.PollingInputStream.
     * Set the following variable to false to disable this workaround.
    private final static boolean USE_POLLING_INPUT_STREAM_HACK = true;

    private final static int CLIENT_MAJOR_VERSION = 1;
    private final static int CLIENT_MINOR_VERSION = 2;
    private final static String AUTH_MECH_KEY = "simp.auth_mech";
    private final static String BASIC_AUTH_MECH = "basic";

    private final Presentity me;
//      private final XpSocket xps;
//      private final SimpSigner signer;
    private final RegisterResult result;
    private final ClientFactory cf;
//      private final XpInputStream xpis;
    private final String regarding;

//      private ClientStart(IMA me, XpSocket xps,
//        SimpSigner signer,
//        LoginResult result,
//        ClientFactory cf,
//        XpInputStream xpis,
//        String regarding) {
    private ClientStart( Presentity me,
       RegisterResult result,
       ClientFactory cf,
       String regarding ) { = me;
//    this.xps = xps;
//    this.signer = signer;
  this.result = result; = cf;
//    this.xpis = xpis;
  this.regarding = regarding;
//    xps.addXpListener(this);

    // This method handles the second response of the login protocol.
//      public void xpReceived(XpEvent e) {
//    xps.removeXpListener(this);
//    XmlProperties xp = e.getXp();
//    String action = xp.remove(Protocol.ACTION);
//    if (Protocol.SELF.equals(action)) {
//        result.loginSucceeded(null);
//        ClientModel cm = new ClientModel(me, xps, xp, xpis, signer);
//        cf.makeClient(cm);
//        cm.init();
//        if (regarding != null)
//      cm.converseWith(regarding);
//    }
//    else {
//        String message = xp.getProperty(Protocol.MESSAGE, "");
//        try {
//      xps.close();
//      if (xpis != null)
//          xpis.close();
//        }
//        catch (IOException ex) { }
//        result.loginFailed(message);
//    }
//      }

    public void closed() {
  result.registerFailed("Connection closed");

     * This routine performs the login protocol, creates the client
     * given by the client factory, and then runs the communication
     * portion of a client.
//      public static void login(String user, char[] password,
//             String host, SimpSigner signer,
//             LoginResult result, ClientFactory cf) {
    public static void start( String user, char[] password, String host,
            RegisterResult result, ClientFactory cf ) {
//  login(user, password, host, signer, result, cf, false);
  start( user, password, host, result, cf, false );

//      public static void start(String user, char[] password,
//             String host, SimpSigner signer,
//             LoginResult result, ClientFactory cf,
//             boolean superUser) {
    public static void start( String user, char[] password,
            String host, RegisterResult result,
            ClientFactory cf, boolean superUser ) {
  // attempt to register
  try {
      register( user, password, host, result, cf );
      result.registerSucceeded( "User " + user + " registered on local domain" );
      result.showStatus( "You are registered" );
  } catch ( Exception e ) {
      System.err.println("Error registering: " + e );
      result.registerFailed( "User " + user + " couldn't register on local domain" );
//    if (user == null || host == null) {
//        try {    // Read connection info on stdin
//        new ClientConnection(signer, result, cf).run();
//        }
//        catch (IOException iox) {
//      result.registerFailed("For standard input: " + iox.getMessage());
//      return;
//        }
//    }
//    else {      // Login directly to server
//        XmlProperties resp;
//        try {
//      XmlProperties req = Protocol.login(user);
//      if (superUser)
//          req.setProperty(Protocol.PASSWORD, "true");
//      resp =, req);
//      connect(user, password, host, signer, result, cf, resp, null);
//        }
//        catch (ConnectException iox) {
//      result.loginFailed("Failed to connect to host");
//      return;
//        }
//        catch (NoRouteToHostException iox) {
//      result.loginFailed("Failed to find route to host");
//      return;
//        }
//        catch (IOException iox) {
//      result.loginFailed(iox.getMessage());
//      return;
//        }
//        catch (Throwable t) {
//      result.loginFailed(t.getMessage());
//      t.printStackTrace();
//      return;
//        }
//        finally {
//      if (password != null)
//          for (int i = 0; i < password.length; i++)
//        password[i] = 0;
//        }
//    }

    private static void register( String user, char[] password,
          String host, RegisterResult result,
          ClientFactory cf ) {
  Presentity me = new Presentity( user );

  SipClient client = SipClient.getSipClient();
  // set the IM capabilities in the SIP library
  client.setContactCapabilities( SipUri.METHOD_SUBSCRIBE |
               SipUri.METHOD_MESSAGE );

  client.setDefaultUserMode( true );
  SipUser myUser = new SipUser( client, me );

  // Create the model
  ClientModel cm = new ClientModel( me, null );
  cf.makeClient( cm );

  final SipRegister regServer = myUser.addServer( host );

  // set up a listener for call events
  CallListener regCallListener = new CallListener() {
    public void responseReceived( CallEvent ce) {
        System.out.println( "REGCALLLISTENER activated" );
        SipResponseMessage respMessage = (SipResponseMessage) ce.getMessage();
        if ( respMessage.getStatus().getCode() == 401 ) {
      try {
          regServer.setAuthentication( respMessage );
      } catch ( RegisterException re ) {
          System.err.println( re.toString() );
      try {
          regServer.requestRegister( false );
      } catch ( RegisterException re ) {
          System.err.println("Error registering" );
        } else if ( respMessage.getStatus().getCode() == 200 ) {
      // everything's ok. Remove this listener
      SipClient sc = SipClient.getSipClient();

      // remove this listener
      sc.removeCallListener( this );

    public void requestReceived( CallEvent ce ) {}
  client.addCallListener( regCallListener );

  try {
      regServer.requestRegister( new String( password ) );
  } catch ( RegisterException re ) {
      System.err.println("Error registering with password" );

  // set this user as the default user
  client.setDefaultUser( myUser );
//      private static void connect(String user, char[] password,
//          String host, SimpSigner signer,
//          LoginResult result, ClientFactory cf,
//          XmlProperties resp, XpInputStream xpis) {
//    SimpProperties props = SimpLauncher.getSimpProperties();
//    boolean basic = false;
//    if (props != null) {
//        String authMech = props.getProperty(AUTH_MECH_KEY);
//        basic = password != null && BASIC_AUTH_MECH.equals(authMech);
//    }

//    XpSocket xps;
//    try {
//        host = resp.getProperty(Protocol.HOST, host);
//        IMA ima = new IMA(user, host);
//        String action = resp.getProperty(Protocol.ACTION);
//        String nonce = resp.getProperty(Protocol.NONCE);
//        String opaque = resp.getProperty(Protocol.OPAQUE);
//        String auth = resp.getProperty(Protocol.AUTHORIZATION);
//        String alg = resp.getProperty(Protocol.ALGORITHM, "MD5");
//        String p = resp.getProperty(Protocol.PORT);
//        String regarding = resp.remove(Protocol.REGARDING);
//        if (!Protocol.CHALLENGE.equals(action)
//      || nonce == null
//      || opaque == null
//      || alg == null
//      || p == null) {
//      String msg = resp.getProperty(Protocol.MESSAGE,
//                  "Login protocol error");
//      result.loginFailed(msg);
//      return;
//        }
//        int port = 0;
//        if (p != null) {
//      try {
//          port = Integer.parseInt(p);
//      }
//      catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { }
//        }
//        if (port <= 0) {
//      result.loginFailed("Bad port " + p);
//      return;
//        }
//        Authorization authorization = null;
//        try {
//      authorization = new Authorization(alg);
//        }
//        catch ( nsae) {
//      result.loginFailed("Digest algorithm " + alg + " missing");
//      return;
//        }
//        try {
//      if (!basic && auth == null)
//          auth = authorization.getAuthorization(user.toLowerCase(),
//                  password,
//                  nonce);
//        }
//        catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
//      result.loginFailed("Unsupported encoding in login");
//      return;
//        }
//        catch (IOException iox) {
//      result.loginFailed("I/O exception in login");
//      return;
//        }
//        Socket s = new Socket(host, port);
//        xps = new XpSocket(s);
//        // Build and send the second request of the login protocol.
//        XmlProperties conn;
//        if (basic)
//      conn = Protocol.connect(password, opaque,
//            CLIENT_MINOR_VERSION);
//        else
//      conn = Protocol.connect(auth, opaque,
//            CLIENT_MINOR_VERSION);
//        auth = null;
//        xps.write(conn);
//        conn = null;
//        // The second response of the login protocol is handled
//        // by this object.
//        new ClientStart(ima, xps, signer, result, cf, xpis, regarding);
//    }
//    catch (UnknownHostException ue) {
//        result.loginFailed("Host not known");
//        return;
//    }
//    catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
//        result.loginFailed("Address invalid");
//        return;
//    }
//    catch (ConnectException iox) {
//        result.loginFailed("Failed to connect to host");
//        return;
//    }
//    catch (NoRouteToHostException iox) {
//        result.loginFailed("Failed to find route to host");
//        return;
//    }
//    catch (Throwable t) {
//        result.loginFailed(t.getMessage());
//        t.printStackTrace();
//        return;
//    }
//    finally {
//        if (password != null)
//      for (int i = 0; i < password.length; i++)
//          password[i] = 0;
//    }
//      }

//      private static class ClientConnection
//    implements XpListener, Runnable
//      {
//    private final SimpSigner signer;
//    private final LoginResult result;
//    private final ClientFactory cf;
//    private final XpInputStream xpis;

//    ClientConnection(SimpSigner signer,
//         LoginResult result,
//         ClientFactory cf)
//        throws IOException
//    {
//        this.signer = signer;
//        this.result = result;
// = cf;
//      xpis = new XpInputStream(new PollingInputStream(, 500));
//        }
//        else {
//      xpis = new XpInputStream(;
//        }
//        xpis.addXpListener(this);
//    }

//    // This method starts up the second response of the login protocol.
//    public void xpReceived(XpEvent e) {
//        xpis.removeXpListener(this);
//        final XmlProperties xp = e.getXp();
//        final String user = xp.remove(Protocol.USER);
//        if (user != null) {
//      Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
//        public void run() {
//            connect(user, null, null, signer,
//              result, cf, xp, xpis);
//        }
//          });
//      t.start();
//        }
//        else {
//      String message = xp.getProperty(Protocol.MESSAGE,
//              "User name missing");
//      result.loginFailed(message);
//      try {
//          xpis.close();
//      }
//      catch (IOException iox) { }
//        }
//    }

//    public void closed() {
//        result.loginFailed("Standard input closed");
//    }

//    public void run() {
//    }
//      }

Related Classes of org.mitre.sipchat.model.ClientStart

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