package net.suberic.pooka.gui;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.mail.Address;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetHeaders;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import net.suberic.crypto.EncryptionKey;
import net.suberic.crypto.EncryptionManager;
import net.suberic.crypto.EncryptionUtils;
import net.suberic.pooka.MessageCryptoInfo;
import net.suberic.pooka.NewMessageInfo;
import net.suberic.pooka.Pooka;
import net.suberic.pooka.PookaEncryptionManager;
import net.suberic.pooka.UserProfile;
import net.suberic.pooka.gui.crypto.CryptoKeySelector;
//import net.suberic.pooka.gui.crypto.NewMessageCryptoDisplay;
* Encapsulates the encryption info for a new message.
public class NewMessageCryptoInfo extends MessageCryptoInfo {
int cryptoType = NO_CRYPTO;
public static final int NO_CRYPTO = 0;
public static final int SMIME_SIGN = 1;
public static final int SMIME_ENCRYPT = 2;
public static final int SMIME_BOTH = 3;
public static final int PGP_SIGN = 4;
public static final int PGP_ENCRYPT = 5;
public static final int PGP_BOTH = 6;
public void setCryptoType(int type){
cryptoType = type;
List mAttachKeys = new LinkedList();
List mRecipientMatches = new LinkedList();
public static int CRYPTO_YES = 0;
public static int CRYPTO_DEFAULT = 5;
public static int CRYPTO_NO = 10;
// whether or not we want to encrypt this message.
int mEncryptMessage = CRYPTO_DEFAULT;
// whether or not we want to sign this message
int mSignMessage = CRYPTO_DEFAULT;
// the configured list of recipients.
CryptoRecipientsInfo mRecipientsInfo;
* Creates a new NewMessageCryptoInfo.
public NewMessageCryptoInfo(NewMessageInfo nmi) {
// keys
// the signature key.
Key mSignatureKey = null;
// the encryption key
Key[] mEncryptionKeys = null;
* The Signature Key for this set of recipients.
public Key getSignatureKey() {
return mSignatureKey;
* Sets the encryption key for encrypting this message.
public void setSignatureKey(Key pSignatureKey) {
mSignatureKey = pSignatureKey;
* Sets the encryption key for encrypting this message.
public void setEncryptionKeys(Key[] pEncryptionKeys) {
mEncryptionKeys = pEncryptionKeys;
* Gets the encryption key we're using for this message.
public Key[] getEncryptionKeys() {
return mEncryptionKeys;
// sign message.
* Returns whether we're planning on signing this message or not.
public int getSignMessage() {
return mSignMessage;
* Sets whether or not we want to sign this message.
public void setSignMessage(int pSignMessage) {
mSignMessage = pSignMessage;
// encrypt message.
* Returns whether we're planning on encrypting this message or not.
public int getEncryptMessage() {
return mEncryptMessage;
* Sets whether or not we want to encrypt this message.
public void setEncryptMessage(int pEncryptMessage) {
mEncryptMessage = pEncryptMessage;
// attach keys.
* Attaches an encryption key to this message.
public synchronized void attachEncryptionKey(Key key) {
if (! mAttachKeys.contains(key))
* Attaches an encryption key to this message.
public synchronized void removeEncryptionKey(Key key) {
if (mAttachKeys.contains(key)) {
* Returns the keys to be attached.
public List getAttachKeys() {
return new LinkedList(mAttachKeys);
// methods.
* Creates the attached key parts for this message.
public List createAttachedKeyParts() {
LinkedList keyParts = new LinkedList();
List attachKeys = getAttachKeys();
if (attachKeys != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < attachKeys.size(); i++) {
EncryptionKey currentKey = (EncryptionKey)attachKeys.get(i);
try {
EncryptionUtils utils = currentKey.getEncryptionUtils();
keyParts.add(utils.createPublicKeyPart(new Key[] { currentKey }));
} catch (Exception e) {
// FIXME ignore for now.
System.out.println("caught exception adding key to message: " + e);
return keyParts;
* Returns the encrypted and/or signed message(s), as appropriate.
public MimeMessage createEncryptedMessage(UserProfile profile, MimeMessage mm) throws MessagingException,, {
if (cryptoType == NO_CRYPTO)
return mm;
Key signKey = null;
signKey = getSignatureKey();
if (signKey == null){
switch (cryptoType) {
signKey = profile.getEncryptionKey(EncryptionManager.SMIME, true);
case PGP_SIGN:
case PGP_BOTH:
signKey = profile.getEncryptionKey(EncryptionManager.PGP, true);
PookaEncryptionManager cryptoManager = Pooka.getCryptoManager();
InternetAddress from = (InternetAddress) mm.getFrom()[0];
// Find the keys to sign and encrypt the messages
if(signKey == null && (cryptoType == SMIME_SIGN || cryptoType == SMIME_BOTH)){
Key[] keys = cryptoManager.getPrivateKeysForAddress(from.getAddress(), EncryptionManager.SMIME, true);
if (keys == null || keys.length == 0) {
// show dialog
signKey = CryptoKeySelector.selectPrivateKey(Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.crypto.privateKey.forSign", "Select key to sign this message."), EncryptionManager.SMIME, true);
} else {
signKey = keys[0];
if (signKey == null) {
throw new GeneralSecurityException("No signature key selected.");
if(signKey == null && (cryptoType == PGP_SIGN || cryptoType == PGP_BOTH)){
Key[] keys = cryptoManager.getPrivateKeysForAddress(from.getAddress(), EncryptionManager.PGP, true);
if (keys == null || keys.length == 0) {
// show dialog
signKey = CryptoKeySelector.selectPrivateKey(Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.crypto.privateKey.forSign", "Select key to sign this message."), EncryptionManager.PGP, true);
} else {
signKey = keys[0];
if (signKey == null) {
throw new GeneralSecurityException("No signature key selected.");
List encKeys = new LinkedList();
//TODO: get the encKey from the available public keys
if (cryptoType == SMIME_ENCRYPT || cryptoType == SMIME_BOTH || cryptoType == PGP_ENCRYPT || cryptoType == PGP_BOTH) {
String type = (cryptoType == SMIME_ENCRYPT || cryptoType == SMIME_BOTH) ? EncryptionManager.SMIME : EncryptionManager.PGP;
// Get the public key of the senders
Address[] froms = mm.getFrom();
for (int i = 0; i < froms.length; i++) {
from = (InternetAddress) froms[i];
Key[] keys = cryptoManager.getPublicKeys(from.getAddress(), type, false);
if (keys != null && keys.length > 0) {
// Get the public key of the receivers
Address[] receivers = mm.getAllRecipients();
for (int i = 0; i < receivers.length; i++) {
InternetAddress rec = (InternetAddress) receivers[i];
Key[] keys = cryptoManager.getPublicKeys(rec.getAddress(), type, false);
if (keys != null && keys.length > 0) {
} else {
Key key = CryptoKeySelector.selectPublicKey(Pooka.getProperty("Pooka.crypto.publicKey.forEncrypt", "Select key to encrypt this message."), EncryptionManager.PGP, false);
if (key != null)
throw new GeneralSecurityException("found no certificate for " + rec.getAddress());
/*Key encKey = CryptoKeySelector.selectPublicKey(
"Select key to encrypt this message."),
EncryptionManager.SMIME, false);
if (encKeys.size() > 0) {
Key[] encKeysArray = (Key[]) encKeys.toArray(new Key[0]);
if (signKey != null) {
return mRecipientsInfo.handleMessage(mm);
* Returns the configured CryptoRecipientInfos.
public CryptoRecipientsInfo getCryptoRecipientsInfo() {
return mRecipientsInfo;
* Updates the CryptoRecipientInfos with information from the
* MessageUI.
public boolean updateRecipientInfos(UserProfile profile, InternetHeaders headers) throws javax.mail.internet.AddressException, javax.mail.MessagingException {
// just use the defaults for now.
String toHeader = headers.getHeader("To", ",");
if (toHeader == null) {
throw new MessagingException(Pooka.getProperty("error.NewMessage.noTo", "No To: recipient"));
InternetAddress[] toAddresses = InternetAddress.parse(headers.getHeader("To", ","), false);
if (toAddresses == null || toAddresses.length == 0) {
throw new MessagingException(Pooka.getProperty("error.NewMessage.noTo", "No To: recipient"));
String ccHeaderLine = headers.getHeader("CC", ",");
InternetAddress[] ccAddresses;
if (ccHeaderLine != null && ccHeaderLine.length() > 0) {
ccAddresses = InternetAddress.parse(ccHeaderLine, false);
} else {
ccAddresses = new InternetAddress[0];
String bccHeaderLine = headers.getHeader("BCC", ",");
InternetAddress[] bccAddresses;
if (bccHeaderLine != null && bccHeaderLine.length() > 0) {
bccAddresses = InternetAddress.parse(bccHeaderLine, false);
} else {
bccAddresses = new InternetAddress[0];
Key[] cryptKeys = null;
if (getEncryptMessage() != CRYPTO_NO)
cryptKeys = getEncryptionKeys();
Key sigKey = null;
if (getSignMessage() != CRYPTO_NO)
sigKey = getSignatureKey();
mRecipientsInfo = new CryptoRecipientsInfo(sigKey, cryptKeys, toAddresses, ccAddresses, bccAddresses);
return true;
// Recipient/encryption key matches.
* This represents a match between a recipient set and an encryption
* configuration. The assumption is that all of the following recipients
* can receive the same message.
public class CryptoRecipientsInfo {
// the signature key.
Key mSignatureKey = null;
// the encryption key
Key[] mEncryptionKeys = null;
// the recipients
Address[] toList = null;
Address[] ccList = null;
Address[] bccList = null;
* Creteas a new CryptoRecipieintInfo.
public CryptoRecipientsInfo() {
* Creates a new CryptoRecipieintInfo with the given signatureKey,
* encryptionKey, toList, ccList, and bccList.
public CryptoRecipientsInfo(Key pSignatureKey, Key[] pEncryptionKeys,
Address[] pToList, Address[] pCcList, Address[] pBccList) {
setRecipients(pToList, Message.RecipientType.TO);
setRecipients(pCcList, Message.RecipientType.CC);
setRecipients(pBccList, Message.RecipientType.BCC);
* The recipients for this crypto configuration.
public Address[] getRecipients(Message.RecipientType type) {
if (type == Message.RecipientType.TO)
return toList;
else if (type == Message.RecipientType.CC)
return ccList;
else if (type == Message.RecipientType.BCC)
return bccList;
return null;
* The recipients for this crypto configuration.
public Address[] getAllRecipients() {
Address[] returnValue = new Address[0];
returnValue = appendToArray(returnValue, toList);
returnValue = appendToArray(returnValue, ccList);
returnValue = appendToArray(returnValue, bccList);
return returnValue;
* Appends to an array of Addresses.
private Address[] appendToArray(Address[] original, Address[] toAdd) {
if (toAdd != null && toAdd.length > 0) {
int oldSize = original.length;
Address[] newReturnValue = new Address[original.length + toAdd.length];
System.arraycopy(original, 0, newReturnValue, 0, original.length);
System.arraycopy(toAdd, 0, newReturnValue, original.length, toAdd.length);
return newReturnValue;
} else {
return original;
* Sets the recipients for the particular type.
public void setRecipients(Address[] pRecipients, Message.RecipientType type) {
if (type == Message.RecipientType.TO)
toList = pRecipients;
else if (type == Message.RecipientType.CC)
ccList = pRecipients;
else if (type == Message.RecipientType.BCC)
bccList = pRecipients;
* The Signature Key for this set of recipients.
public Key getSignatureKey() {
return mSignatureKey;
* Sets the encryption key for encrypting this message.
public void setSignatureKey(Key pSignatureKey) {
mSignatureKey = pSignatureKey;
* Sets the encryption key for encrypting this message.
public void setEncryptionKeys(Key[] pEncryptionKeys) {
mEncryptionKeys = pEncryptionKeys;
* Gets the encryption key we're using for this message.
public Key[] getEncryptionKeys() {
return mEncryptionKeys;
* Creates a new MimeMessage using the given recipients and encryption.
public MimeMessage handleMessage(MimeMessage mm)
throws MessagingException,, {
//MimeMessage returnValue = new MimeMessage(mm);
returnValue.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO));
returnValue.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC));
returnValue.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC));
Key sigKey = getSignatureKey();
Key[] cryptoKeys = getEncryptionKeys();
/* if (sigKey instanceof EncryptionKey && cryptoKey instanceof EncryptionKey) {
if (((EncryptionKey)sigKey).getType() != ((EncryptionKey)cryptoKey).getType()) {
throw new MessagingException(Pooka.getProperty("error.NewMessage.differentEncryption", "Encryption and Signature Keys must be of same type (PGP or S/MIME)"));
PookaEncryptionManager cryptoManager = Pooka.getCryptoManager();
if (getSignatureKey() != null) {
mm = cryptoManager.signMessage(mm, null, sigKey);
if (cryptoKeys != null) {
mm = cryptoManager.encryptMessage(mm,
return mm;