Projection cadrgProj = projection;
if (!(projection instanceof CADRG)) {
cadrgProj = new CADRG(projection.getCenter(), projection.getScale(), projection.getWidth(), projection.getHeight());
Point ulp = cadrgProj.forward(projection.getUpperLeft());
Point lrp = cadrgProj.forward(projection.getLowerRight());
int w = (int) Math.abs(lrp.getX() - ulp.getX());
int h = (int) Math.abs(lrp.getY() - ulp.getY());
// float cadrgScale =
// ProjMath.getScale(projection.getUpperLeft(),
// projection.getLowerRight(),
// cadrgProj);
cadrgProj = new CADRG(projection.getCenter(), projection.getScale(), w, h);
// Fetch the list with a CADRG projection, generate it with
// the real projection.