// **********************************************************************
//BBN Technologies, a Verizon Company
//10 Moulton Street
//Cambridge, MA 02138
//(617) 873-8000
//Copyright (C) BBNT Solutions LLC. All rights reserved.
//$RCSfile: MagicPlanetImageComponent.java,v $
//$Revision: $
//$Date: 2006/09/15 14:11:37 $
//$Author: dietrick $
package com.bbn.openmap.image;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.Timer;
import com.bbn.openmap.Environment;
import com.bbn.openmap.I18n;
import com.bbn.openmap.LatLonPoint;
import com.bbn.openmap.Layer;
import com.bbn.openmap.LayerHandler;
import com.bbn.openmap.MapBean;
import com.bbn.openmap.OMComponent;
import com.bbn.openmap.event.LayerEvent;
import com.bbn.openmap.event.LayerListener;
import com.bbn.openmap.proj.LLXY;
import com.bbn.openmap.proj.Projection;
import com.bbn.openmap.util.Debug;
import com.bbn.openmap.util.PropUtils;
* The MagicPlanetImageComponent is an OpenMap Component designed to create
* images for Global Imagination's MagicPlanet Globe. This component, when added
* to an OpenMap MapHandler, will find the LayerHandler so it can find out when
* the Layer given to the MapBean change, so it knows which ones to use when
* creating an image file. This component also connects to the MapBean as a
* PropertyChangeListener to find out when the ocean color has changed. The
* MagicPlanet software (Storyteller) has the option of displaying images stored
* in a particular directory, either displaying the latest (lexically) image or
* cycling through a set of images in the directory to create a movie on the
* globe.
* <p>
* The class has options that change the format of the images created, where the
* images are stored, how often they are created, and the scale of the images.
* The scale of the image dictates its pixel size, since the proportion of the
* projection has to be constant for it to work on the globe. The projection
* used for the images is always the OpenMap LLXY projection, that's what the
* MagicPlanet expects.
* <p>
* The properties for this component are:
* <pre>
* outputDirectory=path_to_directory_for_writing_images
* # Milliseconds between image creation, 60000 is the default, representing 1 minute
* updateInterval=60000
* # Milliseconds after the timer is created before the MagicPlanetImageComponent takes
* # its first image and starts updating according to the updateInterval. Default is 0,
* # so the first image is taken as soon as the component finds the layers.
* initialDelay=180000
* # The scale of the image, it determines the size of the image. This
* # may be important for certain layers to show particular details.
* # The default is 60000000F, which represents an image approximately 2kx1k
* scale=60000000F
* # Property to tell the component to create a new image and reset the timer if the
* # layers on the MapBean change. True by default.
* autoUpdate=true
* # Property to tell the component to remove old images, default is true
* cleanup=true
* # Property to set the wait time before deleting old images, represented
* # in milliseconds. The default is 86400000, representing one day.
* cleanupInterval=86400000
* # Properties for setting the pixel width and height of the images. These properties
* # provide a more precise way to control the image size, and tell the component to
* # scale the image created with the scale setting set above. The closer you get
* # the scale to provide you the image size you want, the higher quality image
* # you will have. The default values for these properties are -1, which tells
* # the component to not change the size of the image resulting from the scale setting.
* width=-1
* height=-1
* # Property to set the name of the last image written in a file, so other programs
* # can more easily figure out what it was. The property should reflect the path
* # to the file to be written, which will contain 'MagicPlanet.lastFile=YYYYMMDDhhmmss.ext',
* # where YYYYMMDDhhmmss are year, month, day, hour, minute and second the file was created,
* # and ext is the extension for the image type. This information, combined with the directory
* # information stored above, will let you know where the file is. If this property is not set,
* # no text file will be written.
* lastImageFile=path_to_text_file
* # Property that describes a system command that should be run each time an image is created.
* # The property should contain exactly what would be typed into a command line for a script
* # to be run, in the same environment this component is being run in. There are special arguments
* # that can be inserted into this property string that the component will use to replace the current
* # image file name:
* #
* # %FILEPATH% gets replaced with the complete path of the new image file.
* # %FILENAME% gets replaced with the file name if the image file.
* # %FILENAME_WITHOUT_EXTENSION% gets replaced with the file name without a '.' or anything after that.
* #
* # The default is no value being set for the script, which means nothing will happen. Here is an example for
* # creating a .dds file from the current image, using nvidiea's nvdxt script.
* postProcessingScript="c:/Program Files/NVIDIA Corporation/NVIDIA DDS Utilities/nvdxt.exe" -swap -dxt1c -file %FILEPATH% -output c:/%FILENAME_WITHOUT_EXTENSION%.dds
* </pre>
* @author dietrick
public class MagicPlanetImageComponent extends OMComponent implements
LayerListener, PropertyChangeListener, ActionListener {
public final static String OutputDirectoryProperty = "outputDirectory";
public final static String UpdateIntervalProperty = "updateInterval";
public final static String InitialDelayProperty = "initialDelay";
public final static String ScaleProperty = "scale";
public final static String AutoUpdateProperty = "autoUpdate";
public final static String CleanupProperty = "cleanup";
public final static String CleanupIntervalProperty = "cleanupInterval";
public final static String HeightProperty = "height";
public final static String WidthProperty = "width";
public final static String LastImageFileProperty = "lastImageFile";
public final static String PostProcessingScriptProperty = "postProcessingScript";
public final static String LAST_IMAGE_FILE_KEY = "MagicPlanet.lastFile";
public final static String REPLACE_FILEPATH_MARKER = "%FILEPATH%";
public final static String REPLACE_FILENAME_MARKER = "%FILENAME%";
protected boolean DEBUG = false;
// Kept in case replacements are added to the application, so we
// remember who to disconnect from.
protected LayerHandler layerHandler;
protected MapBean mapBean;
* Parent directory for images.
protected String outputDirectoryString;
protected int updateInterval = 60000;
protected int initialDelay = 0;
protected float scale = 60000000F; // Produces 2k x 1k image
protected Projection proj;
protected Paint background;
protected Layer[] layers;
protected boolean autoUpdate = true;
protected ImageFormatter imageFormatter = new SunJPEGFormatter();
protected boolean cleanup = true;
protected int cleanupInterval = 86400000; // one day
protected int height = -1;// unscaled, go with scale
protected int width = -1; // unscaled, go with scale
protected String lastImageFile = null;
protected String postProcessingScript = null;
protected Timer timer;
public MagicPlanetImageComponent() {
DEBUG = Debug.debugging("magicplanet");
* MapHandlerChild method extended through the OMComponent hierarchy. This
* is the method called by the MapHandler with objects added to the
* MapHandler.
public void findAndInit(Object someObj) {
if (someObj instanceof LayerHandler) {
setLayerHandler((LayerHandler) someObj);
if (someObj instanceof MapBean) {
setMapBean((MapBean) someObj);
* MapHandlerChild method extended through the OMComponent hierarchy. This
* is the method called by the MapHandler with objects removed from the
* MapHandler.
public void findAndUndo(Object someObj) {
if (someObj instanceof LayerHandler && someObj == getLayerHandler()) {
if (someObj instanceof MapBean && someObj == getMapBean()) {
* Get the timer being used for automatic updates. May be null if a timer is
* not set.
public Timer getTimer() {
return timer;
* If you want the layer to update itself at certain intervals, you can set
* the timer to do that. Set it to null to disable it. If the current timer
* is not null, the graphic loader is removed as an ActionListener. If the
* new one is not null, the graphic loader is added as an ActionListener.
public void setTimer(Timer t) {
if (timer != null) {
timer = t;
if (timer != null) {
* Creates a timer with the current updateInterval and calls setTimer().
public void createTimer() {
Timer t = new Timer(updateInterval, null);
* The delay between timer pulses, in milliseconds.
public void setUpdateInterval(int delay) {
updateInterval = delay;
if (timer != null) {
if (timer.isRunning()) {
public int getUpdateInterval() {
return updateInterval;
public int getInitialDelay() {
return initialDelay;
public void setInitialDelay(int initialDelay) {
this.initialDelay = initialDelay;
* Called when the timer kicks off.
* @see java.awt.event.ActionListener#actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent)
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (false && DEBUG) {
+ e.getSource().getClass().getName() + ")");
* @return the object currently known as the LayerHandler by this object.
protected LayerHandler getLayerHandler() {
return layerHandler;
* Set the LayerHandler, become a LayerListener object to it to know when
* the layers on the MapBean change. If there is already a LayerHandler
* known to this component, this component will remove itself as a listener
* to the previous LayerHandler.
* @param lh LayerHandler.
protected void setLayerHandler(LayerHandler lh) {
if (layerHandler != null) {
layerHandler = lh;
if (layerHandler != null) {
// calling setLayers() will kick off an image creation.
// Don't want that right now, just setting the layers for
// initialization purposes, we'll let events or timer
// create the image.
layers = layerHandler.getMapLayers();
Timer timer = getTimer();
if (timer == null) {
* @return the object currently known as the MapBean by this object.
protected MapBean getMapBean() {
return mapBean;
* Set the MapBean, become a PropertyChangeListener object to it to know
* when the background color on the MapBean changes. If there is already a
* MapBean known to this component, this component will remove itself as a
* listener to the previous MapBean.
* @param mb MapBean.
protected void setMapBean(MapBean mb) {
if (mapBean != null) {
mapBean = mb;
if (mapBean != null) {
public void setProperties(String prefix, Properties props) {
super.setProperties(prefix, props);
prefix = PropUtils.getScopedPropertyPrefix(prefix);
+ OutputDirectoryProperty));
setAutoUpdate(PropUtils.booleanFromProperties(props, prefix
+ AutoUpdateProperty, isAutoUpdate()));
prefix + HeightProperty,
prefix + WidthProperty,
prefix + ScaleProperty,
setUpdateInterval(PropUtils.intFromProperties(props, prefix
+ UpdateIntervalProperty, getUpdateInterval()));
setInitialDelay(PropUtils.intFromProperties(props, prefix
+ InitialDelayProperty, getInitialDelay()));
setCleanup(PropUtils.booleanFromProperties(props, prefix
+ CleanupProperty, isCleanup()));
setCleanupInterval(PropUtils.intFromProperties(props, prefix
+ CleanupIntervalProperty, getCleanupInterval()));
setLastImageFile(props.getProperty(prefix + LastImageFileProperty,
+ PostProcessingScriptProperty, getPostProcessingScript()));
public Properties getProperties(Properties props) {
props = super.getProperties(props);
String prefix = PropUtils.getScopedPropertyPrefix(this);
props.put(prefix + OutputDirectoryProperty,
props.put(prefix + AutoUpdateProperty, Boolean.toString(isAutoUpdate()));
props.put(prefix + HeightProperty, Integer.toString(getHeight()));
props.put(prefix + WidthProperty, Integer.toString(getWidth()));
props.put(prefix + ScaleProperty, Float.toString(getScale()));
props.put(prefix + UpdateIntervalProperty,
props.put(prefix + InitialDelayProperty,
props.put(prefix + CleanupProperty, Boolean.toString(isCleanup()));
props.put(prefix + CleanupIntervalProperty,
props.put(prefix + LastImageFileProperty,
props.put(prefix + PostProcessingScriptProperty,
return props;
public Properties getPropertyInfo(Properties props) {
props = super.getPropertyInfo(props);
String interString;
// -------
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Path to directory that holds created images.");
props.put(OutputDirectoryProperty, interString);
props.put(OutputDirectoryProperty + ScopedEditorProperty,
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Directory Path");
props.put(OutputDirectoryProperty + LabelEditorProperty, interString);
// -------
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Immediately create new images when the layers/background color changes.");
props.put(AutoUpdateProperty, interString);
props.put(AutoUpdateProperty + ScopedEditorProperty,
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
props.put(AutoUpdateProperty + LabelEditorProperty, interString);
// -------
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Image pixel height (-1 defers to scale setting).");
props.put(HeightProperty, interString);
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Image Height");
props.put(HeightProperty + LabelEditorProperty, interString);
// -------
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Image pixel width (-1 defers to scale setting).");
props.put(WidthProperty, interString);
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Image Width");
props.put(WidthProperty + LabelEditorProperty, interString);
// -------
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Scale to use for image projection (larger numbers make smaller maps).");
props.put(ScaleProperty, interString);
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Projection Scale");
props.put(ScaleProperty + LabelEditorProperty, interString);
// -------
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Number of milliseconds until next image.");
props.put(UpdateIntervalProperty, interString);
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Update Interval");
props.put(UpdateIntervalProperty + LabelEditorProperty, interString);
// -------
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Number of milliseconds until the first image is created.");
props.put(InitialDelayProperty, interString);
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Initial Delay");
props.put(InitialDelayProperty + LabelEditorProperty, interString);
// -------
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Delete old images automatically.");
props.put(CleanupProperty, interString);
props.put(CleanupProperty + ScopedEditorProperty,
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Delete Old Images");
props.put(CleanupProperty + LabelEditorProperty, interString);
// -------
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Number of milliseconds to keep old images (86400000 is one day).");
props.put(CleanupIntervalProperty, interString);
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Cleanup Interval");
props.put(CleanupIntervalProperty + LabelEditorProperty, interString);
// -------
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Path to file containing name of last image file created.");
props.put(LastImageFileProperty, interString);
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Last Image Name");
props.put(LastImageFileProperty + LabelEditorProperty, interString);
// -------
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Script to run on the image file after it's been created.");
props.put(PostProcessingScriptProperty, interString);
interString = i18n.get(MagicPlanetImageComponent.class,
"Post Processing Script");
props.put(PostProcessingScriptProperty + LabelEditorProperty,
props.put(initPropertiesProperty, OutputDirectoryProperty + " "
+ ScaleProperty + " " + InitialDelayProperty + " "
+ UpdateIntervalProperty + " " + AutoUpdateProperty + " "
+ CleanupProperty + " " + CleanupIntervalProperty + " "
+ HeightProperty + " " + WidthProperty + " "
+ LastImageFileProperty + " " + PostProcessingScriptProperty);
return props;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.bbn.openmap.event.LayerListener#setLayers(com.bbn.openmap.event.LayerEvent)
public void setLayers(LayerEvent evt) {
if (evt.getType() == LayerEvent.REPLACE) {
* Checks to see if there is a timer, and if the component wants to
* automatically update the current image. If the timer isn't running, it's
* started.
public void handleUpdate() {
Timer timer = getTimer();
if (timer != null && (isAutoUpdate() || !timer.isRunning())) {
// Else do nothing, the timer is running and will pick up the
// changes.
* Create a new image.
public void createImage() {
if (isCleanup()) {
String fileName = getFileNameForTime(System.currentTimeMillis());
String filePath = getOutputDirectoryString() + "/" + fileName;
if (DEBUG) {
Debug.output("MagicPlanetImageComponent: creating image: "
+ filePath);
Layer[] layers = getLayers();
if (layers == null) {
ImageServer is = new ImageServer(layers, new SunJPEGFormatter());
try {
} catch (NoSuchMethodError nsme) {
// Older version of OpenMap, going to just use what the
// MapBean has
byte[] imageBytes = is.createImage(getProj(), getWidth(), getHeight());
FileOutputStream fos;
try {
fos = new FileOutputStream(filePath);
if (DEBUG) {
Debug.output(" MP: done writing image");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
String launchCmd = generatePostProcessingCmd(postProcessingScript,
if (launchCmd != null) {
try {
if (DEBUG)
Debug.output("MP post processing: " + launchCmd);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("MP post processing: " + e);
if (lastImageFile != null) {
try {
File lastImageFileFile = new File(lastImageFile);
fos = new FileOutputStream(lastImageFileFile);
fos.write(new String(LAST_IMAGE_FILE_KEY + "=" + fileName).getBytes());
if (DEBUG) {
Debug.output(" MP: done writing file noting last image file name: "
+ lastImageFile);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
Debug.error("MP: error writing file to note last image file name:\n"
+ ioe.getMessage());
lastImageFile = null;
protected String generatePostProcessingCmd(String script, String filePath) {
String ret = null;
if (script != null && filePath != null) {
// nvdxt.exe -file Image.jpg -all -swap -dxt1c -output
// Image.dds
// nvdxt.exe -file %FILENAME% -all -swap -dxt1c -output
if (DEBUG) {
Debug.output(" Replacing script: |" + script + "|" + filePath);
ret = script.replaceAll(REPLACE_FILEPATH_MARKER, filePath);
ret = ret.replaceAll(REPLACE_FILENAME_MARKER,
filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));
filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1,
try {
if (Environment.get("os.name").startsWith("Windows")) {
ret = ret.replace('/', '\\');
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
// Applet, or Environment not set up.
if (DEBUG) {
Debug.output(" returning script: " + ret);
return ret;
* @param l unix time in milliseconds
* @return String representing file name for the given time.
protected String getFileNameForTime(long l) {
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
DecimalFormat twoDigits = new DecimalFormat("00");
String tMarker = Integer.toString(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR))
+ twoDigits.format(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1)
+ twoDigits.format(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))
+ twoDigits.format(cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY))
+ twoDigits.format(cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE))
+ twoDigits.format(cal.get(Calendar.SECOND));
return tMarker + "."
+ getImageFormatter().getFormatLabel().toLowerCase();
* Decode the file name to see what time the file was created.
* @param fileName
* @return milliseconds from unix epoch.
* @throws NumberFormatException if the filename can't be decoded.
protected long getTimeForFileName(String fileName)
throws NumberFormatException {
int dotIndex = fileName.indexOf(".");
if (dotIndex == -1) {
// Not something we care about
throw new NumberFormatException();
fileName = fileName.substring(0, dotIndex);
if (fileName.length() == 14) {
// Fits our naming convention.
int year = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(0, 4));
int month = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(4, 6));
int day = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(6, 8));
int hour = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(8, 10));
int minute = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(10, 12));
int sec = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(12));
if (false && DEBUG) {
Debug.output(year + " " + month + " " + day + " " + hour + " "
+ minute + " " + sec);
return new GregorianCalendar(year, month - 1, day, hour, minute, sec).getTimeInMillis();
throw new NumberFormatException();
* Remove old files. Checks the current time against the timestamps decoded
* by the names of files found in the output directory, and deletes them if
* the difference between those times is greater than the cleanupInterval.
* @param deleteAll if true, all images will be deleted, regardless of when
* they were created.
public void cleanup(boolean deleteAll) {
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
File file = new File(getOutputDirectoryString());
if (file.isDirectory()) {
File[] files = file.listFiles();
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
File f = files[i];
if (!deleteAll) {
try {
long ft = getTimeForFileName(f.getName());
long tdiff = currentTime - ft;
if (DEBUG) {
Debug.output("MagicPlanetImageComponent considering deleting "
+ f.getName()
+ ", file time:"
+ ft
+ ", current time:"
+ currentTime
+ ", interval:"
+ getCleanupInterval()
+ ", diff:" + tdiff);
if (tdiff > getCleanupInterval()) {
if (DEBUG)
Debug.output(" deleting...");
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
// skip it.
} else {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.beans.PropertyChangeListener#propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent)
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
if (evt.getPropertyName() == MapBean.BackgroundProperty) {
setBackground((Paint) evt.getNewValue());
* Set the 'ocean' color of the planet. The MagicPlanetImageComponent
* listens for events from the MapBean and will call this method if the
* ocean color on the MapBean is changed.
* @param paint
protected void setBackground(Paint paint) {
background = paint;
* Return the 'ocean' color of the planet.
* @return Returns the background.
public Paint getBackground() {
return background;
public Layer[] getLayers() {
return layers;
public void setLayers(Layer[] layers) {
this.layers = layers;
public String getOutputDirectoryString() {
return outputDirectoryString;
* Set the directory where the images should be written to.
* @param outputDirectoryString
public void setOutputDirectoryString(String outputDirectoryString) {
this.outputDirectoryString = outputDirectoryString;
try {
File dir = new File(outputDirectoryString);
if (dir.exists() || dir.mkdirs()) {
} catch (SecurityException se) {
// Ran into a problem
"I can't access this directory to store the Magic Planet images in:\n"
+ outputDirectoryString
+ "\n\nPlease check the permissions for that directory.",
"Problem Creating Directory",
* Get the image projection.
* @return current Projection of image.
public Projection getProj() {
return proj;
* Set the image projection.
* @param proj
public void setProj(Projection proj) {
this.proj = proj;
* @return the scale value of the projection.
public float getScale() {
return scale;
* Sets the scale for the projection, which directly affects the size of the
* image. Larger numbers make smaller images. Calling this method causes the
* setProj() method to be called with the new projection to use for images.
* @param scale
public void setScale(float scale) {
this.scale = scale;
LatLonPoint center = new LatLonPoint();
LLXY llxy = new LLXY(center, scale, 2000, 1000);
Point p1 = llxy.forward(90f, -180f);
Point p2 = llxy.forward(-90f, 180f);
int w = (int) (p2.getX() - p1.getX());
int h = (int) (p2.getY() - p1.getY());
Projection proj = new LLXY(center, scale, w, h);
if (DEBUG) {
Debug.output("Created projection " + proj + " from " + p1 + ", "
+ p2);
* @return check if a new image should be created if the layers or
* background color changes.
public boolean isAutoUpdate() {
return autoUpdate;
* Set whether a new image should be created immediately if the MapBean's
* layers change, or if the MapBean's background color changes. If false, a
* new image will be created on the next normal timer cycle.
* @param autoUpdate
public void setAutoUpdate(boolean autoUpdate) {
this.autoUpdate = autoUpdate;
public ImageFormatter getImageFormatter() {
return imageFormatter;
* Set the ImageFormatter to use for creating the image files.
* @param iFormatter
public void setImageFormatter(ImageFormatter iFormatter) {
imageFormatter = iFormatter;
if (imageFormatter == null) {
imageFormatter = new SunJPEGFormatter();
public boolean isCleanup() {
return cleanup;
* Set whether the component should delete old images.
* @param cleanup
public void setCleanup(boolean cleanup) {
this.cleanup = cleanup;
public int getCleanupInterval() {
return cleanupInterval;
* Set the interval, in milliseconds, between the current time and the time
* old images were created before they are deleted. This setting only
* matters if isCleanup() returns true.
* @param cleanupInterval
public void setCleanupInterval(int cleanupInterval) {
this.cleanupInterval = cleanupInterval;
public int getHeight() {
return height;
* Set the scaled pixel height of the images.-1 maintains what the scale
* setting decides.
* @param height pixels.
public void setHeight(int height) {
this.height = height;
public int getWidth() {
return width;
* Set the scaled pixel width of the images. -1 maintains what the scale
* setting decides.
* @param width pixels.
public void setWidth(int width) {
this.width = width;
* Get the location of a file that can be read to find out the name of the
* last image to be created. If null, that means no such file is being
* created.
* @return the file name.
public String getLastImageFile() {
return lastImageFile;
* Set the location of a file that can be read to find out the name of the
* last image to be created. If null, that means no such file is being
* created.
* @param lastImageFile
public void setLastImageFile(String lastImageFile) {
this.lastImageFile = checkTrimAndNull(lastImageFile);
public String getPostProcessingScript() {
return postProcessingScript;
public void setPostProcessingScript(String postProcessingScript) {
this.postProcessingScript = checkTrimAndNull(postProcessingScript);
protected String checkTrimAndNull(String s) {
if (s != null) {
s = s.trim();
if (s.length() == 0) {
s = null;
return s;