* Copyright 2004-2009 Luciano Vernaschi
* This file is part of MeshCMS.
* MeshCMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MeshCMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MeshCMS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.meshcms.core;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.activation.MimeType;
import javax.activation.MimeTypeParseException;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import org.meshcms.util.Path;
import org.meshcms.util.Utils;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.tidy.Tidy;
* A collection of utilities related to a web application.
public final class WebUtils {
public static final SimpleDateFormat numericDateFormatter =
new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
* Characters allowed in a file name.
public static final String FN_CHARS =
* Mapping of the ISO-8859-1 characters to characters included in FN_CHARS.
public static final String FN_CHARMAP =
"________________________________" +
"__'____'()..--._0123456789..(-)." +
"'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz(_)-_" +
"________________________________" +
"__cL.Y_P_Ca(__R-o-23'mP._10)423_" +
* Characters that are considered spacers in a file name.
public static final String FN_SPACERS = "_!'()-";
* The default array of welcome file names. This array is used if the welcome
* file names can't be found in the web.xml configuration file.
public static final String[] DEFAULT_WELCOME_FILES =
{"index.html", "index.htm", "index.jsp"};
private static final String AUTH_CODE_PREFIX = "AUTH: ";
private static Random authRandom;
public static Properties NUMBER_TO_ENTITY;
public static Properties ENTITY_TO_NUMBER;
public static final Pattern BODY_REGEX =
// Pattern fixTagsPattern = Pattern.compile("(?s)([^>]*>|[^<>]+)+");
public static final Pattern PRE_REGEX =
public static final Pattern PRE_BR_REGEX =
public static final Pattern HYPERLINK_REGEX =
public static final Pattern EMAIL_REGEX =
static {
String[] entities = {
"39", "#39", "160", "nbsp", "161", "iexcl", "162", "cent", "163", "pound",
"164", "curren", "165", "yen", "166", "brvbar", "167", "sect",
"168", "uml", "169", "copy", "170", "ordf", "171", "laquo", "172", "not",
"173", "shy", "174", "reg", "175", "macr", "176", "deg", "177", "plusmn",
"178", "sup2", "179", "sup3", "180", "acute", "181", "micro",
"182", "para", "183", "middot", "184", "cedil", "185", "sup1",
"186", "ordm", "187", "raquo", "188", "frac14", "189", "frac12",
"190", "frac34", "191", "iquest", "192", "Agrave", "193", "Aacute",
"194", "Acirc", "195", "Atilde", "196", "Auml", "197", "Aring",
"198", "AElig", "199", "Ccedil", "200", "Egrave", "201", "Eacute",
"202", "Ecirc", "203", "Euml", "204", "Igrave", "205", "Iacute",
"206", "Icirc", "207", "Iuml", "208", "ETH", "209", "Ntilde",
"210", "Ograve", "211", "Oacute", "212", "Ocirc", "213", "Otilde",
"214", "Ouml", "215", "times", "216", "Oslash", "217", "Ugrave",
"218", "Uacute", "219", "Ucirc", "220", "Uuml", "221", "Yacute",
"222", "THORN", "223", "szlig", "224", "agrave", "225", "aacute",
"226", "acirc", "227", "atilde", "228", "auml", "229", "aring",
"230", "aelig", "231", "ccedil", "232", "egrave", "233", "eacute",
"234", "ecirc", "235", "euml", "236", "igrave", "237", "iacute",
"238", "icirc", "239", "iuml", "240", "eth", "241", "ntilde",
"242", "ograve", "243", "oacute", "244", "ocirc", "245", "otilde",
"246", "ouml", "247", "divide", "248", "oslash", "249", "ugrave",
"250", "uacute", "251", "ucirc", "252", "uuml", "253", "yacute",
"254", "thorn", "255", "yuml", "402", "fnof", "913", "Alpha",
"914", "Beta", "915", "Gamma", "916", "Delta", "917", "Epsilon",
"918", "Zeta", "919", "Eta", "920", "Theta", "921", "Iota",
"922", "Kappa", "923", "Lambda", "924", "Mu", "925", "Nu", "926", "Xi",
"927", "Omicron", "928", "Pi", "929", "Rho", "931", "Sigma", "932", "Tau",
"933", "Upsilon", "934", "Phi", "935", "Chi", "936", "Psi",
"937", "Omega", "945", "alpha", "946", "beta", "947", "gamma",
"948", "delta", "949", "epsilon", "950", "zeta", "951", "eta",
"952", "theta", "953", "iota", "954", "kappa", "955", "lambda",
"956", "mu", "957", "nu", "958", "xi", "959", "omicron", "960", "pi",
"961", "rho", "962", "sigmaf", "963", "sigma", "964", "tau",
"965", "upsilon", "966", "phi", "967", "chi", "968", "psi",
"969", "omega", "977", "thetasym", "978", "upsih", "982", "piv",
"8226", "bull", "8230", "hellip", "8242", "prime", "8243", "Prime",
"8254", "oline", "8260", "frasl", "8472", "weierp", "8465", "image",
"8476", "real", "8482", "trade", "8501", "alefsym", "8592", "larr",
"8593", "uarr", "8594", "rarr", "8595", "darr", "8596", "harr",
"8629", "crarr", "8656", "lArr", "8657", "uArr", "8658", "rArr",
"8659", "dArr", "8660", "hArr", "8704", "forall", "8706", "part",
"8707", "exist", "8709", "empty", "8711", "nabla", "8712", "isin",
"8713", "notin", "8715", "ni", "8719", "prod", "8721", "sum",
"8722", "minus", "8727", "lowast", "8730", "radic", "8733", "prop",
"8734", "infin", "8736", "ang", "8743", "and", "8744", "or",
"8745", "cap", "8746", "cup", "8747", "int", "8756", "there4",
"8764", "sim", "8773", "cong", "8776", "asymp", "8800", "ne",
"8801", "equiv", "8804", "le", "8805", "ge", "8834", "sub", "8835", "sup",
"8836", "nsub", "8838", "sube", "8839", "supe", "8853", "oplus",
"8855", "otimes", "8869", "perp", "8901", "sdot", "8968", "lceil",
"8969", "rceil", "8970", "lfloor", "8971", "rfloor", "9001", "lang",
"9002", "rang", "9674", "loz", "9824", "spades", "9827", "clubs",
"9829", "hearts", "9830", "diams", "34", "quot", "38", "amp", "60", "lt",
"62", "gt", "338", "OElig", "339", "oelig", "352", "Scaron",
"353", "scaron", "376", "Yuml", "710", "circ", "732", "tilde",
"8194", "ensp", "8195", "emsp", "8201", "thinsp", "8204", "zwnj",
"8205", "zwj", "8206", "lrm", "8207", "rlm", "8211", "ndash",
"8212", "mdash", "8216", "lsquo", "8217", "rsquo", "8218", "sbquo",
"8220", "ldquo", "8221", "rdquo", "8222", "bdquo", "8224", "dagger",
"8225", "Dagger", "8240", "permil", "8249", "lsaquo", "8250", "rsaquo",
"8364", "euro"
NUMBER_TO_ENTITY = new Properties();
ENTITY_TO_NUMBER = new Properties();
for (int i = 0; i < entities.length; i += 2) {
NUMBER_TO_ENTITY.setProperty(entities[i], entities[i + 1]);
ENTITY_TO_NUMBER.setProperty(entities[i + 1], entities[i]);
private WebUtils() {
public static String convertToHTMLEntities(String s, boolean encodeTags) {
return convertToHTMLEntities(s, null, encodeTags);
public static String convertToHTMLEntities(String s, String charset, boolean encodeTags) {
CharsetEncoder ce = charset == null ? null : Charset.forName(charset).newEncoder();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(s.length());
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
int n = ((int) c) & 0xFFFF;
if (n > 127) {
if (ce != null && ce.canEncode(c)) {
} else {
String ent = NUMBER_TO_ENTITY.getProperty(Integer.toString(c));
if (ent == null) {
} else {
} else if (encodeTags && (n == 34 || /* n == 38 || */ n == 39 || n == 60 || n == 62)) {
} else {
return sb.toString();
* Parses the web.xml configuration file and returns an array of welcome file
* names. If the names can't be found, {@link #DEFAULT_WELCOME_FILES} is
* returned.
* @param sc ServletContext required to access the <code>web.xml</code> file
* @return an array of welcome file names
public static String[] getWelcomeFiles(ServletContext sc) {
File webXml = new File(sc.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/web.xml"));
String[] welcomeFiles = null;
try {
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder parser = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document document = parser.parse(webXml);
Element root = document.getDocumentElement();
Element wfl = (Element)
NodeList wfnl = wfl.getElementsByTagName("welcome-file");
welcomeFiles = new String[wfnl.getLength()];
for (int i = 0; i < welcomeFiles.length; i++) {
welcomeFiles[i] = wfnl.item(i).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (welcomeFiles == null || welcomeFiles.length == 0) {
return welcomeFiles;
* Returns a request parameter in the form <code>&name=value</code>. Returns
* null if the value has not been found.
public static String getFullParameter(HttpServletRequest request, String name) {
String value = request.getParameter(name);
return (value == null) ? "" : "&" + name + "=" + value;
* Returns the full context path of the given path.
public static String getPathInContext(HttpServletRequest request, Path path) {
return request.getContextPath() + "/" + path;
* Reconstructs the full URL of the context home. The URL is returned as a
* StringBuffer so other elements can be added easily.
public static StringBuffer getContextHomeURL(HttpServletRequest request) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String scheme = request.getScheme();
int port = request.getServerPort();
if (!(("http".equals(scheme) && port == 80) ||
("https".equals(scheme) && port == 443))) {
return sb.append(request.getContextPath());
* Returns the complete path of the folder of current theme (context
* path included).
* @param request used to get the theme name
public static String getFullThemeFolder(HttpServletRequest request) {
Path themePath = (Path) request.getAttribute(HitFilter.THEME_PATH_ATTRIBUTE);
return (themePath == null) ? "" :
request.getContextPath() + "/" + themePath;
* Returns the complete path of the <code>main.jsp</code> file (context
* path included).
* @param request used to get the theme name
public static String getFullThemeFile(HttpServletRequest request) {
return getFullThemeFolder(request) + "/" + SiteMap.THEME_DECORATOR;
* Returns the complete path of the <code>main.css</code> file (context
* path included).
* @param request used to get the theme name
public static String getFullThemeCSS(HttpServletRequest request) {
return getFullThemeFolder(request) + "/" + SiteMap.THEME_CSS;
* Returns the complete path of the <code>meshcms.css</code> file (context
* path included). If <code>meshcms.css</code> is not found in the theme
* folder, the default from the admin theme is returned.
* @param request used to get the theme name
public static String getFullMeshCSS(WebSite webSite, HttpServletRequest request) {
Path themePath = (Path) request.getAttribute(HitFilter.THEME_PATH_ATTRIBUTE);
Path cssPath = themePath.add(SiteMap.MESHCMS_CSS);
if (!webSite.getFile(cssPath).exists()) {
cssPath = webSite.getAdminThemePath().add(SiteMap.MESHCMS_CSS);
return request.getContextPath() + "/" + cssPath;
* Returns the path of the folder of current theme, relative to page path.
* @param request used to get the theme name
* @param pageDir path of the requested page folder
public static Path getThemeFolderPath(HttpServletRequest request, Path pageDir) {
Path themePath = (Path) request.getAttribute(HitFilter.THEME_PATH_ATTRIBUTE);
return (themePath == null) ? pageDir : themePath.getRelativeTo(pageDir);
* Returns the path of the <code>main.jsp</code> file, relative to page path.
* @param request used to get the theme name
* @param pageDir path of the requested page folder
public static Path getThemeFilePath(HttpServletRequest request, Path pageDir) {
return getThemeFolderPath(request, pageDir).add(SiteMap.THEME_DECORATOR);
* Returns the complete path of the <code>main.css</code> file, relative to
* page path.
* @param request used to get the theme name
* @param pageDir path of the requested page folder
public static Path getThemeCSSPath(HttpServletRequest request, Path pageDir) {
return getThemeFolderPath(request, pageDir).add(SiteMap.THEME_CSS);
* Returns the path of the <code>meshcms.css</code> file, relative to page
* path. If <code>meshcms.css</code> is not found in the theme
* folder, the default from the admin theme is returned.
* @param request used to get the theme name
* @param pageDir path of the requested page folder
public static Path getMeshCSSPath(WebSite webSite, HttpServletRequest request,
Path pageDir) {
Path themePath = (Path) request.getAttribute(HitFilter.THEME_PATH_ATTRIBUTE);
Path cssPath = themePath.add(SiteMap.MESHCMS_CSS);
if (!webSite.getFile(cssPath).exists()) {
cssPath = webSite.getAdminThemePath().add(SiteMap.MESHCMS_CSS);
return cssPath.getRelativeTo(pageDir);
* Returns a numeric code for an object. This code is used in the menu, but
* can be used elsewhere if needed. It is equal to the hash code of the
* object, but never negative, since the minus sign creates problems when
* converted to a string and used as part of a variable name in JavaScript.
public static int getMenuCode(Object o) {
return o.hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF;
* Returns the 2nd level domain from which the request comes.
public static String get2ndLevelDomain(HttpServletRequest request) {
return get2ndLevelDomain(request.getRequestURL().toString());
* Returns the 2nd level domain from the URL.
public static String get2ndLevelDomain(String urlString) {
try {
URL url = new URL(urlString);
String host = url.getHost();
int dot = host.lastIndexOf('.');
if (dot != -1) {
String partial = host.substring(0, dot);
dot = partial.lastIndexOf('.');
if (dot != -1) {
host = host.substring(dot + 1);
return host;
} catch (Exception ex) {}
return null;
* This method must be called to avoid the current page to be cached. For
* example, some modules will call this method to be sure that they
* are parsed again when the page is called another time.
public static void setBlockCache(HttpServletRequest request) {
* Checks the current Request scope to see if some class has called the
* {@link #setBlockCache} method.
public static boolean isCacheBlocked(HttpServletRequest request) {
return request.getAttribute(HitFilter.BLOCK_CACHE_ATTRIBUTE) != null;
* Tries to locate a Locale stored in the Page scope or in the Request scope.
* If none is found, returns the Locale of the request, or at least the
* system default Locale.
public static Locale getPageLocale(PageContext pageContext) {
Locale locale = null;
UserInfo userInfo = (UserInfo) pageContext.getAttribute("userInfo",
if (userInfo != null) {
locale = Utils.getLocale(userInfo.getPreferredLocaleCode());
if (locale == null) {
locale = (Locale) pageContext.getAttribute(HitFilter.LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE,
Enumeration en = pageContext.getAttributeNamesInScope(PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
while (locale == null && en.hasMoreElements()) {
Object obj = pageContext.getAttribute((String) en.nextElement());
if (obj instanceof Locale) {
locale = (Locale) obj;
if (locale == null) {
locale = (Locale) pageContext.getAttribute(HitFilter.LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE,
en = pageContext.getAttributeNamesInScope(PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);
while (locale == null && en.hasMoreElements()) {
Object obj = pageContext.getAttribute((String) en.nextElement(),
if (obj instanceof Locale) {
locale = (Locale) obj;
if (locale == null) {
locale = pageContext.getRequest().getLocale();
if (locale == null) {
locale = Locale.getDefault();
return locale;
* Tries to locate a ResourceBundle stored in the Page scope or in the Request
* scope using the JSTL.
* @return the ResourceBundle, or null if not found
public static ResourceBundle getPageResourceBundle(PageContext pageContext) {
Enumeration en = pageContext.getAttributeNamesInScope(PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
Object obj = pageContext.getAttribute((String) en.nextElement());
if (obj instanceof ResourceBundle) {
return (ResourceBundle) obj;
} else if (obj instanceof javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.LocalizationContext) {
return ((javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.LocalizationContext) obj).getResourceBundle();
en = pageContext.getAttributeNamesInScope(PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);
while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
Object obj = pageContext.getAttribute((String) en.nextElement(),
if (obj instanceof ResourceBundle) {
return (ResourceBundle) obj;
} else if (obj instanceof javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.LocalizationContext) {
return ((javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.LocalizationContext) obj).getResourceBundle();
return null;
* Returns a modified name that does not contain characters not recommended
* in a file name.
public static String fixFileName(String name, boolean useSpacers) {
name = name.trim();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(name.length());
boolean addSpacer = false;
char spacer = FN_SPACERS.charAt(0);
char c;
for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) {
c = name.charAt(i);
if (c < 256) {
c = FN_CHARMAP.charAt(c);
} else {
c = spacer;
if (FN_SPACERS.indexOf(c) < 0) { // not a spacer
if (addSpacer) { // needs to add a spacer due to previous characters
if (useSpacers && sb.length() > 0) { // add a spacer only if not as first char
addSpacer = false;
} else {
addSpacer = true; // it's a spacer, will be added next if needed
while(sb.length() > 0 && sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) == '.') {
sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1);
if (sb.length() == 0) {
return sb.toString();
* Returns a nicer representation of the number as a file length. The number
* is returned as bytes, kilobytes or megabytes, with the unit attached.
public static String formatFileLength(long length, Locale locale,
ResourceBundle bundle) {
NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale);
DecimalFormat format = (DecimalFormat) numberFormat;
double num = length;
String unit;
if (length < Utils.KBYTE) {
unit = "genericUnitBytes";
} else if (length < Utils.MBYTE) {
num /= Utils.KBYTE;
unit = "genericUnitKilobytes";
} else if (length < Utils.GBYTE) {
num /= Utils.MBYTE;
unit = "genericUnitMegabytes";
} else {
num /= Utils.GBYTE;
unit = "genericUnitGigabytes";
return format.format(num) + bundle.getString(unit);
public static String getCharsetCanonicalName(String charsetName) {
Charset suggestedCharset;
try {
suggestedCharset = Charset.forName(charsetName);
charsetName = suggestedCharset.name();
} catch (Exception ex) {}
return charsetName;
public static String parseCharset(String fullValue) {
try {
return new MimeType(fullValue).getParameter("charset");
} catch (MimeTypeParseException ex) {
return null;
public static void updateLastModifiedTime(HttpServletRequest request, File file) {
updateLastModifiedTime(request, file.lastModified());
public static void updateLastModifiedTime(HttpServletRequest request, long time) {
if (time > getLastModifiedTime(request)) {
request.setAttribute(HitFilter.LAST_MODIFIED_ATTRIBUTE, new Long(time));
public static long getLastModifiedTime(HttpServletRequest request) {
long time = 0L;
try {
time = ((Long) request.getAttribute(HitFilter.LAST_MODIFIED_ATTRIBUTE)).longValue();
} catch (Exception ex) {}
return time;
public static javax.mail.Session getMailSession(WebSite webSite) {
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("mail.smtp.host", webSite.getConfiguration().getMailServer());
final String smtpUsername = webSite.getConfiguration().getSmtpUsername();
final String smtpPassword = webSite.getConfiguration().getSmtpPassword();
if (!Utils.isNullOrWhitespace(smtpUsername)) {
props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
javax.mail.Session mailSession = javax.mail.Session.getInstance(props,
new javax.mail.Authenticator() {
protected javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
return new javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication(smtpUsername, smtpPassword);
return mailSession;
public static File getCacheFile(WebSite webSite, SiteMap siteMap, Path pagePath) {
if (siteMap == null) {
siteMap = webSite.getSiteMap();
pagePath = siteMap.getServedPath(pagePath);
File cacheFile = webSite.getRepositoryFile(pagePath, HitFilter.CACHE_FILE_NAME);
// a cached page too small is suspicious
if (cacheFile.exists() && cacheFile.length() > 256 &&
cacheFile.lastModified() > siteMap.getLastModified()) {
return cacheFile;
return null;
public static boolean isCached(WebSite webSite, SiteMap siteMap, Path pagePath) {
if (siteMap == null) {
siteMap = webSite.getSiteMap();
int cacheType = webSite.getConfiguration().getCacheType();
pagePath = siteMap.getServedPath(pagePath);
if (cacheType == Configuration.IN_MEMORY_CACHE) {
return siteMap.isCached(pagePath);
} else if (cacheType == Configuration.ON_DISK_CACHE ||
cacheType == Configuration.MIXED_CACHE) {
return getCacheFile(webSite, siteMap, pagePath) != null;
return false;
public static void removeFromCache(WebSite webSite, SiteMap siteMap, Path pagePath) {
if (siteMap == null) {
siteMap = webSite.getSiteMap();
int cacheType = webSite.getConfiguration().getCacheType();
pagePath = siteMap.getServedPath(pagePath);
if (cacheType == Configuration.IN_MEMORY_CACHE ||
cacheType == Configuration.MIXED_CACHE) {
if (cacheType == Configuration.ON_DISK_CACHE ||
cacheType == Configuration.MIXED_CACHE) {
File cacheFile = getCacheFile(webSite, siteMap, pagePath);
if (cacheFile != null && cacheFile.exists()) {
public static Path getCorrespondingPath(WebSite webSite, Path path,
String otherRoot) {
Path cPath = path.replace(0, otherRoot);
return webSite.getFile(cPath).exists() ? cPath : new Path(otherRoot);
public static String[] getAcceptedLanguages(HttpServletRequest request) {
Enumeration alEnum = request.getHeaders("Accept-Language");
List list = new ArrayList();
while (alEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
String s = (String) alEnum.nextElement();
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, ",");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String token = st.nextToken();
int sc = token.indexOf(';');
if (sc >= 0) {
token = token.substring(0, sc);
token = token.trim();
token = Utils.replace(token, '-', "_");
if (!list.contains(token)) {
// add main language codes as fallback (e.g. it_IT, en, en_US becomes
// it_IT, en, en_US, it
int n = list.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
String token = (String) list.get(i);
int us = token.indexOf('_');
if (us >= 0) {
token = token.substring(0, us);
if (!list.contains(token)) {
return (String[]) list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);
public static String fixRelativeURLs(String html, Path root, boolean relative) {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(<(?:a|img)(?:[^>]*?)(?:src|href)=\")([^\":?]*)(\"[^>]*?>)",
Matcher m = p.matcher(html);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(html.length());
while(m.find()) {
Path path = relative ? new Path(m.group(2)).getRelativeTo(root) :
new Path(root, m.group(2));
m.appendReplacement(sb, m.group(1) + path.getAsLink() + m.group(3));
return sb.toString();
private static Pattern jspBlockPattern;
public static Pattern getJSPBlockPattern() {
if (jspBlockPattern == null) {
jspBlockPattern = Pattern.compile("<(?!%@\\s*taglib[^>]*\\buri\\s*=\\s*\"" +
"meshcms-taglib\"[^>]*\\bprefix\\s*=\\s*\"cms\"|%@\\s*page|%--|" +
return jspBlockPattern;
public static boolean verifyJSP(WebSite webSite, Path jspPath) {
if (webSite instanceof VirtualWebSite) {
VirtualWebSite vws = (VirtualWebSite) webSite;
MainWebSite mws = vws.getMainWebSite();
if (mws.getMultiSiteManager().isJSPBlocked(vws) &&
!jspPath.isContainedIn(vws.getAdminPath())) {
Pattern p = getJSPBlockPattern();
try {
Matcher m = p.matcher(Utils.readFully(vws.getFile(jspPath)));
return !m.find();
} catch (IOException ex) {
vws.log("Error while verifying /" + jspPath + " in " +
vws.getDirName(), ex);
return true;
public static String tidyHTML(WebSite webSite, String html) {
// First, we need to fix a bug when <br> tags are enclosed in <pre> tags.
// Simply replace <br> with \n using regular expressions
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
Matcher preM = PRE_REGEX.matcher(html);
while (preM.find()) {
String preTag = preM.group();
Matcher brM = PRE_BR_REGEX.matcher(preTag);
preTag = brM.replaceAll("\n").replaceAll("\\$", "\\\\\\$");
preM.appendReplacement(sb, preTag);
// Now we can safely use jTidy
Tidy tidy = new Tidy();
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
tidy.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(sb.toString().getBytes("utf-8")), baos);
return WebUtils.convertToHTMLEntities(baos.toString("utf-8"),
Utils.SYSTEM_CHARSET, false);
} catch (Exception ex) {
webSite.log("Error while tidying HTML code", ex);
return null;
public static String createExcerpt(WebSite webSite, String body, int length,
String contextPath, Path oldPage, Path newPage) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(length + 20);
StringReader sr = new StringReader(body);
int n;
char c;
int count = 0;
boolean text = true;
try {
while ((n = sr.read()) != -1) {
c = (char) n;
if (c == '<') {
text = false;
} else if (text) {
if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
if (count >= length) {
} else {
} else if (c == '>') {
text = true;
} catch (IOException ex) {
webSite.log("Error while creating page excerpt", ex);
String excerpt = sb.toString();
String tidy = tidyHTML(webSite, excerpt);
if (tidy != null) {
Matcher m = BODY_REGEX.matcher(tidy);
if (m.find()) {
excerpt = m.group(1);
excerpt = fixLinks(webSite, excerpt, contextPath, oldPage, newPage);
if (webSite.getConfiguration().isReplaceThumbnails()) {
excerpt = replaceThumbnails(webSite, excerpt, contextPath, newPage);
return excerpt;
public static String fixLinks(WebSite webSite, String body,
String contextPath, Path oldPage, Path newPage) {
oldPage = webSite.getDirectory(oldPage);
newPage = webSite.getDirectory(newPage);
if (oldPage.equals(newPage)) {
return body;
Pattern tagPattern = Pattern.compile("<(?:img|a)\\b[^>]*>");
Pattern attrPattern = Pattern.compile("(src|href)\\s*=\\s*([\"'])(.*?)\\2");
Matcher tagMatcher = tagPattern.matcher(body);
StringBuffer sb = null;
while (tagMatcher.find()) {
if (sb == null) {
sb = new StringBuffer(body.length());
String tag = tagMatcher.group();
Matcher attrMatcher = attrPattern.matcher(tag);
if (attrMatcher.find()) {
String url = attrMatcher.group(3).trim();
if (url.indexOf("://") < 0) {
Path path = null;
if (url.startsWith("/")) {
if (contextPath.length() > 0 && url.startsWith(contextPath)) {
url = url.substring(contextPath.length());
path = new Path(url);
} else {
path = new Path(oldPage, url);
if (path != null) {
path = path.getRelativeTo(newPage);
if (path.isRoot()) {
path = new Path(webSite.getSiteMap().getCurrentWelcome(newPage));
String newTag = attrMatcher.replaceFirst(attrMatcher.group(1) +
"=\"" + path + "\"");
tagMatcher.appendReplacement(sb, newTag);
if (sb != null) {
body = sb.toString();
return body;
public static String replaceThumbnails(WebSite webSite, String body,
String contextPath, Path pagePath) {
ResizedThumbnail thumbMaker = new ResizedThumbnail();
Pattern whPattern = Pattern.compile
Pattern srcPattern = Pattern.compile("src\\s*=\\s*([\"'])(.*?)\\1");
Pattern imgPattern = Pattern.compile("<img\\b[^>]*>");
Matcher imgMatcher = imgPattern.matcher(body);
StringBuffer sb = null;
while (imgMatcher.find()) {
if (sb == null) {
sb = new StringBuffer(body.length());
String imgTag = imgMatcher.group();
Matcher whMatcher = whPattern.matcher(imgTag);
int styleWidth = 0;
int attrWidth = 0;
int styleHeight = 0;
int attrHeight = 0;
while (whMatcher.find()) {
styleWidth = Utils.parseInt(whMatcher.group(1), styleWidth);
attrWidth = Utils.parseInt(whMatcher.group(2), attrWidth);
styleHeight = Utils.parseInt(whMatcher.group(3), styleHeight);
attrHeight = Utils.parseInt(whMatcher.group(4), attrHeight);
int w = (styleWidth < 1) ? attrWidth : styleWidth;
int h = (styleHeight < 1) ? attrHeight : styleHeight;
if (w > 0 || h > 0) {
Matcher srcMatcher = srcPattern.matcher(imgTag);
if (srcMatcher.find()) {
String imgURL = srcMatcher.group(2).trim();
if (imgURL.indexOf("://") < 0) {
Path imgPath = null;
if (imgURL.startsWith("/")) {
if (contextPath.length() > 0 && imgURL.startsWith(contextPath)) {
imgURL = imgURL.substring(contextPath.length());
imgPath = new Path(imgURL);
} else {
imgPath = new Path(webSite.getDirectory(pagePath), imgURL);
if (imgPath != null) {
String thumbName = thumbMaker.getSuggestedFileName();
Path thumbPath = thumbMaker.checkAndCreate(webSite, imgPath, thumbName);
if (thumbPath != null) {
String newImgTag = srcMatcher.replaceAll("src=\"" +
webSite.getLink(thumbPath, pagePath) + "\"");
imgMatcher.appendReplacement(sb, newImgTag);
if (sb != null) {
body = sb.toString();
return body;
public static String addToQueryString(String url, String name, String value,
boolean encodeValue) {
char sep = url.indexOf('?') < 0 ? '?' : '&';
return url + sep + name + '=' + (encodeValue ? Utils.encodeURL(value) : value);
public static String findLinks(String text, boolean noFollow) {
String rel = noFollow ? " rel=\"nofollow\"" : "";
Matcher m = HYPERLINK_REGEX.matcher(text);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(text.length());
while (m.find()) {
String link = m.group();
String url = link;
if (url.indexOf("://") < 0) {
url = "http://" + url;
String tag = "<a href=\"" + url + "\"" + rel + '>' + link + "</a>";
m.appendReplacement(sb, tag);
return sb.toString();
public static String findEmails(String text) {
Matcher m = EMAIL_REGEX.matcher(text);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(text.length());
while (m.find()) {
String email = m.group();
String tag = "<a href=\"mailto:" + email + "\">" + email + "</a>";
m.appendReplacement(sb, tag);
return sb.toString();
public static String setAuthCode(HttpSession session, String page) {
if (authRandom == null) {
authRandom = new Random();
String code = Integer.toString(authRandom.nextInt());
session.setAttribute(AUTH_CODE_PREFIX + page, code);
return code;
public static String getAuthCode(HttpSession session, String page) {
String key = AUTH_CODE_PREFIX + page;
String code = (String) session.getAttribute(key);
return Utils.noNull(code);