/* $RCSfile$
* $Author: hansonr $
* $Date: 2010-02-15 07:31:37 -0600 (Mon, 15 Feb 2010) $
* $Revision: 12396 $
* Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Miguel, Jmol Development
* Contact: jmol-developers@lists.sf.net, jmol-developers@lists.sf.net
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package org.jmol.viewer;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import javax.vecmath.Point3i;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;
import org.jmol.atomdata.RadiusData;
import org.jmol.g3d.Graphics3D;
import org.jmol.modelset.Atom;
import org.jmol.modelset.Group;
import org.jmol.modelset.ModelSet;
import org.jmol.script.Token;
import org.jmol.shape.Shape;
import org.jmol.util.Logger;
import org.jmol.util.Point3fi;
public class ShapeManager {
private Viewer viewer;
private Graphics3D g3d;
public ShapeManager(Viewer viewer) {
this.viewer = viewer;
g3d = viewer.getGraphics3D();
public ShapeManager(Viewer viewer, ModelSet modelSet) {
private Shape[] shapes;
public Shape[] getShapes() {
return shapes;
public void resetShapes() {
if (!viewer.isDataOnly())
shapes = new Shape[JmolConstants.SHAPE_MAX];
private Shape allocateShape(int shapeID) {
if (shapeID == JmolConstants.SHAPE_HSTICKS || shapeID == JmolConstants.SHAPE_SSSTICKS
|| shapeID == JmolConstants.SHAPE_STRUTS)
return null;
String className = JmolConstants.getShapeClassName(shapeID);
try {
Class shapeClass = Class.forName(className);
Shape shape = (Shape) shapeClass.newInstance();
viewer.setShapeErrorState(shapeID, "allocate");
shape.initializeShape(viewer, g3d, modelSet, shapeID);
viewer.setShapeErrorState(-1, null);
return shape;
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error("Could not instantiate shape:" + className, e);
return null;
public Shape getShape(int i) {
return (shapes == null ? null : shapes[i]);
public void setShapeSize(int shapeID, int size, RadiusData rd, BitSet bsSelected) {
if (shapes == null)
if (bsSelected == null &&
(shapeID != JmolConstants.SHAPE_STICKS || size != Integer.MAX_VALUE))
bsSelected = viewer.getSelectionSet(false);
if (rd != null && rd.value != 0 && rd.vdwType == Token.temperature)
viewer.setShapeErrorState(shapeID, "set size");
if (rd != null && rd.value != 0 || rd == null && size != 0)
if (shapes[shapeID] != null) {
shapes[shapeID].setShapeSize(size, rd, bsSelected);
viewer.setShapeErrorState(-1, null);
public Shape loadShape(int shapeID) {
if (shapes == null)
return null;
if (shapes[shapeID] == null)
shapes[shapeID] = allocateShape(shapeID);
return shapes[shapeID];
public void setShapeProperty(int shapeID, String propertyName, Object value,
BitSet bsSelected) {
if (shapes == null || shapes[shapeID] == null)
viewer.setShapeErrorState(shapeID, "set " + propertyName);
shapes[shapeID].setShapeProperty(propertyName.intern(), value, bsSelected);
viewer.setShapeErrorState(-1, null);
public void releaseShape(int shapeID) {
if (shapes != null)
shapes[shapeID] = null;
public Object getShapeProperty(int shapeID, String propertyName, int index) {
if (shapes == null || shapes[shapeID] == null)
return null;
viewer.setShapeErrorState(shapeID, "get " + propertyName);
Object result = shapes[shapeID].getProperty(propertyName, index);
viewer.setShapeErrorState(-1, null);
return result;
public boolean getShapeProperty(int shapeID, String propertyName, Object[] data) {
if (shapes == null || shapes[shapeID] == null)
return false;
viewer.setShapeErrorState(shapeID, "get " + propertyName);
boolean result = shapes[shapeID].getProperty(propertyName, data);
viewer.setShapeErrorState(-1, null);
return result;
public int getShapeIdFromObjectName(String objectName) {
if (shapes != null)
for (int i = JmolConstants.SHAPE_MIN_SPECIAL; i < JmolConstants.SHAPE_MAX_MESH_COLLECTION; ++i)
if (shapes[i] != null && shapes[i].getIndexFromName(objectName) >= 0)
return i;
return -1;
public void setModelVisibility() {
if (shapes == null || shapes[JmolConstants.SHAPE_BALLS] == null)
//named objects must be set individually
//in the future, we might include here a BITSET of models rather than just a modelIndex
// all these isTranslucent = f() || isTranslucent are that way because
// in general f() does MORE than just check translucency.
// so isTranslucent = isTranslucent || f() would NOT work.
BitSet bs = viewer.getVisibleFramesBitSet();
//NOT balls (that is done later)
for (int i = 1; i < JmolConstants.SHAPE_MAX; i++)
if (shapes[i] != null)
// BALLS sets the JmolConstants.ATOM_IN_MODEL flag.
//set clickability -- this enables measures and such
for (int i = 0; i < JmolConstants.SHAPE_MAX; ++i) {
Shape shape = shapes[i];
if (shape != null)
float getAtomShapeValue(int tok, Group group, int atomIndex) {
int iShape = JmolConstants.shapeTokenIndex(tok);
if (iShape < 0 || shapes[iShape] == null)
return 0;
int mad = shapes[iShape].getSize(atomIndex);
if (mad == 0) {
if ((group.shapeVisibilityFlags & shapes[iShape].myVisibilityFlag) == 0)
return 0;
mad = shapes[iShape].getSize(group);
return mad / 2000f;
public boolean frankClicked(int x, int y) {
Shape frankShape = shapes[JmolConstants.SHAPE_FRANK];
return (frankShape != null && frankShape.wasClicked(x, y));
public boolean checkObjectHovered(int x, int y, BitSet bsVisible, boolean checkBonds) {
Shape shape = shapes[JmolConstants.SHAPE_STICKS];
if (checkBonds && shape != null
&& shape.checkObjectHovered(x, y, bsVisible))
return true;
shape = shapes[JmolConstants.SHAPE_ECHO];
if (shape != null && shape.checkObjectHovered(x, y, bsVisible))
return true;
shape = shapes[JmolConstants.SHAPE_ISOSURFACE];
if (shape != null && shape.checkObjectHovered(x, y, bsVisible))
return true;
shape = shapes[JmolConstants.SHAPE_DRAW];
if (shape != null && viewer.getDrawHover()
&& shape.checkObjectHovered(x, y, bsVisible))
return true;
shape = shapes[JmolConstants.SHAPE_FRANK];
if (viewer.getShowFrank() && shape != null
&& shape.checkObjectHovered(x, y, bsVisible))
return true;
return false;
public Token checkObjectClicked(int x, int y, int modifiers,
BitSet bsVisible) {
Shape shape;
Point3fi pt = null;
if ((shape = shapes[JmolConstants.SHAPE_ISOSURFACE]) != null
&& (viewer.getDrawPicking() || viewer.getNavigationMode() && viewer.getNavigateSurface())
&& (pt = shape.checkObjectClicked(x, y, modifiers, bsVisible)) != null)
return new Token(Token.isosurface, pt);
if (modifiers != 0 && viewer.getBondPicking()
&& (pt = shapes[JmolConstants.SHAPE_STICKS].checkObjectClicked(x, y,
modifiers, bsVisible)) != null)
return new Token(Token.bonds, pt);
if ((shape = shapes[JmolConstants.SHAPE_ECHO])!= null && modifiers != 0
&& (pt = shape.checkObjectClicked(x, y, modifiers, bsVisible)) != null)
return new Token(Token.echo, pt);
if ((shape = shapes[JmolConstants.SHAPE_DRAW]) != null &&
(pt = shape.checkObjectClicked(x, y, modifiers, bsVisible)) != null)
return new Token(Token.draw, pt);
return null;
public boolean checkObjectDragged(int prevX, int prevY, int x, int y,
int modifiers, BitSet bsVisible, int iShape) {
for (int i = iShape; i < JmolConstants.SHAPE_MAX; ++i) {
Shape shape = shapes[i];
if (shape != null
&& shape.checkObjectDragged(prevX, prevY, x, y, modifiers, bsVisible)
|| iShape > 0)
return true;
return false;
public Hashtable getShapeInfo() {
Hashtable info = new Hashtable();
StringBuffer commands = new StringBuffer();
if (shapes != null)
for (int i = 0; i < JmolConstants.SHAPE_MAX; ++i) {
Shape shape = shapes[i];
if (shape != null) {
String shapeType = JmolConstants.shapeClassBases[i];
List shapeDetail = shape.getShapeDetail();
if (shapeDetail != null)
info.put(shapeType, shapeDetail);
if (commands.length() > 0)
info.put("shapeCommands", commands.toString());
return info;
public void loadDefaultShapes(ModelSet modelSet) {
public void refreshShapeTrajectories(int baseModel, BitSet bs) {
Integer Imodel = Integer.valueOf(baseModel);
for (int i = 0; i < JmolConstants.SHAPE_MAX; i++)
if (shapes[i] != null)
setShapeProperty(i, "refreshTrajectories", Imodel, bs);
public void deleteShapeAtoms(Object[] value, BitSet bs) {
if (shapes != null)
for (int j = 0; j < JmolConstants.SHAPE_MAX; j++)
if (shapes[j] != null)
setShapeProperty(j, "deleteModelAtoms", value, bs);
public void setLabel(String strLabel, BitSet bsSelection) {
if (strLabel != null) { // force the class to load and display
setShapeSize(JmolConstants.SHAPE_LABELS, 0, null, bsSelection);
setShapeProperty(JmolConstants.SHAPE_LABELS, "label", strLabel, bsSelection);
public void setAtomLabel(String strLabel, int i) {
if (shapes == null)
shapes[JmolConstants.SHAPE_LABELS].setProperty("label:"+strLabel, Integer.valueOf(i), null);
public void findNearestShapeAtomIndex(int x, int y, Atom[] closest, BitSet bsNot) {
if (shapes != null)
for (int i = 0; i < shapes.length && closest[0] == null; ++i)
if (shapes[i] != null)
shapes[i].findNearestAtomIndex(x, y, closest, bsNot);
public void getShapeState(StringBuffer commands, boolean isAll) {
if (shapes == null)
String cmd;
for (int i = 0; i < JmolConstants.SHAPE_MAX; ++i) {
Shape shape = shapes[i];
if (shape != null && (isAll || JmolConstants.isShapeSecondary(i))
&& (cmd = shape.getShapeState()) != null && cmd.length() > 1)
commands.append(" select *;\n");
public void resetBioshapes(BitSet bsAllAtoms) {
if (shapes == null)
for (int i = 0; i < shapes.length; ++i)
if (shapes[i] != null && shapes[i].isBioShape) {
shapes[i].setShapeSize(0, null, bsAllAtoms);
new Byte(JmolConstants.PALETTE_NONE), bsAllAtoms);
private ModelSet modelSet;
private void setShapeModelSet(ModelSet newModelSet) {
modelSet = newModelSet;
if (shapes == null)
for (int i = 0; i < shapes.length; ++i)
if (shapes[i] != null)
public void mergeShapes(Shape[] newShapes) {
if (newShapes == null)
if (shapes == null)
shapes = newShapes;
for (int i = 0; i < newShapes.length; ++i)
if (newShapes[i] != null) {
if (shapes[i] == null)
private final BitSet bsOK = new BitSet();
public BitSet transformAtoms(boolean firstPass) {
if (!firstPass)
return bsOK;
Atom[] atoms = modelSet.atoms;
Vector3f[] vibrationVectors = modelSet.vibrationVectors;
for (int i = modelSet.getAtomCount(); --i >= 0;) {
Atom atom = atoms[i];
if ((atom.getShapeVisibilityFlags() & JmolConstants.ATOM_IN_FRAME) == 0)
Point3i screen;
if (vibrationVectors != null && atom.hasVibration())
screen = viewer.transformPoint(atom, vibrationVectors[i]);
screen = viewer.transformPoint(atom);
// ultimately I would like to dissociate the rendering
// from the modelSet completely.
atom.screenX = screen.x;
atom.screenY = screen.y;
atom.screenZ = screen.z;
atom.screenDiameter = viewer.scaleToScreen(screen.z, Math
// System.out.println("shapeman " + atom + " scaleToScreen(" + screen.z + "," + atom.madAtom + ")=" + atom.screenDiameter);
return bsOK;