Package javax.vecmath

Examples of javax.vecmath.Point3i


  void setRotationPointXY(Point3f center) {
    Point3i newCenterScreen = transformPoint(center);
    fixedTranslation.set(newCenterScreen.x, newCenterScreen.y, 0);
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    for (int i = modelSet.getAtomCount(); --i >= 0;) {
      Atom atom = atoms[i];
      if ((atom.getShapeVisibilityFlags() & JmolConstants.ATOM_IN_FRAME) == 0)
      Point3i screen;
      if (vibrationVectors != null && atom.hasVibration())
        screen = viewer.transformPoint(atom, vibrationVectors[i]);
        screen = viewer.transformPoint(atom);
      // ultimately I would like to dissociate the rendering
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    // from draw for drawhover on
    if (eval != null && isScriptExecuting())
    setShapeProperty(JmolConstants.SHAPE_HOVER, "xy", new Point3i(x, y, 0));
    setShapeProperty(JmolConstants.SHAPE_HOVER, "target", null);
    setShapeProperty(JmolConstants.SHAPE_HOVER, "specialLabel", null);
    setShapeProperty(JmolConstants.SHAPE_HOVER, "text", text);
    hoverAtomIndex = -1;
    hoverText = text;
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      actionRotateBond(deltaX, deltaY, x, y);
    } else {
      bsSelected = setMovableBitSet(bsSelected, !dragAtoms);
      if (isTranslation) {
        Point3f ptCenter = getAtomSetCenter(bsSelected);
        Point3i ptScreen = transformPoint(ptCenter);
        Point3f ptScreenNew = new Point3f(ptScreen.x + deltaX + 0.5f,
            ptScreen.y + deltaY + 0.5f, ptScreen.z);
        Point3f ptNew = new Point3f();
        unTransformPoint(ptScreenNew, ptNew);
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            // cubeVertexOffsets just gets us the specific grid point relative
            // to our base x,y,z cube position

            boolean isInside;
            Point3i offset = cubeVertexOffsets[i];
            pti = pt + linearOffsets[i];
            switch (mode) {
            case MODE_GETXYZ:
              v = vertexValues[i] = getValue(x + offset.x, y + offset.y, z
                  + offset.z, pti, yzPlanes[yzPlanePts[i]]);
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  void generateSolventCube(boolean isFirstPass) {
    float distance = params.distance;
    float rA, rB;
    Point3f ptA;
    Point3f ptY0 = new Point3f(), ptZ0 = new Point3f();
    Point3i pt0 = new Point3i(), pt1 = new Point3i();
    float value = Float.MAX_VALUE;
    if (Logger.debugging)
    for (int x = 0; x < nPointsX; ++x)
      for (int y = 0; y < nPointsY; ++y)
        for (int z = 0; z < nPointsZ; ++z)
          voxelData[x][y][z] = value;
    if (dataType == Parameters.SURFACE_NOMAP)
    int atomCount = myAtomCount;
    float maxRadius = 0;
    float r0 = (isFirstPass && isCavity ? cavityRadius : 0);
    boolean isWithin = (isFirstPass && distance != Float.MAX_VALUE && point != null);
    AtomIndexIterator iter = (doCalculateTroughs ?
        atomDataServer.getSelectedAtomIterator(bsMySelected, true, false) : null);
    for (int iAtom = 0; iAtom < atomCount; iAtom++) {
      ptA = atomXyz[iAtom];
      rA = atomRadius[iAtom];
      if (rA > maxRadius)
        maxRadius = rA;
      if (isWithin && ptA.distance(point) > distance + rA + 0.5)
      boolean isNearby = (iAtom >= firstNearbyAtom);
      float rA0 = rA + r0;
      setGridLimitsForAtom(ptA, rA0, pt0, pt1);
      volumeData.voxelPtToXYZ(pt0.x, pt0.y, pt0.z, ptXyzTemp);
      for (int i = pt0.x; i < pt1.x; i++) {
        for (int j = pt0.y; j < pt1.y; j++) {
          for (int k = pt0.z; k < pt1.z; k++) {
            float v = ptXyzTemp.distance(ptA) - rA;
            if ((r0 == 0 || v <= rA0) && v < voxelData[i][j][k]) {
              voxelData[i][j][k] = (isNearby || isWithin
                  && ptXyzTemp.distance(point) > distance ? Float.NaN : v);
    if (isCavity && isFirstPass)
    if (doCalculateTroughs) {
      Point3i ptA0 = new Point3i();
      Point3i ptB0 = new Point3i();
      Point3i ptA1 = new Point3i();
      Point3i ptB1 = new Point3i();
      for (int iAtom = 0; iAtom < firstNearbyAtom - 1; iAtom++)
        if (atomNo[iAtom] > 0) {
          ptA = atomXyz[iAtom];
          rA = atomRadius[iAtom] + solventRadius;
          int iatomA = atomIndex[iAtom];
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    bondCount0 = bondCount;

        .setFinalOperations(atoms, iAtomFirst, noSymmetryCount, doNormalize);
    int operationCount = symmetry.getSpaceGroupOperationCount();
    minXYZ = new Point3i();
    maxXYZ = new Point3i(maxX, maxY, maxZ);
    getSymmetry().setMinMaxLatticeParameters(minXYZ, maxXYZ);
    if (doPackUnitCell || symmetryRange != 0 && maxXYZ.x - minXYZ.x == 1
        && maxXYZ.y - minXYZ.y == 1 && maxXYZ.z - minXYZ.z == 1)
      switch ((int) getSymmetry()
          .getUnitCellAsArray(JmolConstants.INFO_DIMENSIONS)) {
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    if (fill) {
      dDiameterFirstHalf = 2 * (diameterMid - diameterBeg);
      dDiameterSecondHalf = 2 * (diameterEnd - diameterMid);
    do {
      Point3i a = pLeft[sp];
      Point3i b = pRight[sp];
      int dx = b.x - a.x;
      if (dx >= -1 && dx <= 1) {
        int dy = b.y - a.y;
        if (dy >= -1 && dy <= 1) {
          // mth 2003 10 13
          // I tried drawing short cylinder segments here,
          // but drawing spheres was faster
          float s = sLeft[sp];
          if (fill) {
            int d =(s < 0.5f
                    ? diameterBeg + (int)(dDiameterFirstHalf * s)
                    : diameterMid + (int)(dDiameterSecondHalf * (s - 0.5f)));
            g3d.fillSphere(d, a);
          } else {
      double s = (sLeft[sp] + sRight[sp]) / 2;
      double s2 = s * s;
      double s3 = s2 * s;
      double h1 = 2*s3 - 3*s2 + 1;
      double h2 = -2*s3 + 3*s2;
      double h3 = s3 - 2*s2 + s;
      double h4 = s3 - s2;
      if (sp >= 15)
      Point3i pMid = pRight[sp+1];
      pMid.x = (int) (h1*x1 + h2*x2 + h3*xT1 + h4*xT2);
      pMid.y = (int) (h1*y1 + h2*y2 + h3*yT1 + h4*yT2);
      pMid.z = (int) (h1*z1 + h2*z2 + h3*zT1 + h4*zT2);
      pRight[sp+1] = pRight[sp];
      sRight[sp+1] = sRight[sp];
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       currentInt = interval;
       do {
         Point3i a = pLeft[sp];
         Point3i b = pRight[sp];
         int dx = b.x - a.x;
         int dy = b.y - a.y;
         int dist2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
         if (dist2 <= 2) {
           // mth 2003 10 13
           // I tried drawing short cylinder segments here,
           // but drawing spheres was faster
           float s = sLeft[sp];

           g3d.fillSphere(3, a);
           //draw outside edges of mesh

           if (s < 1.0f - currentInt) { //if first point over the interval
             Point3i temp = new Point3i();
             points.add(temp); //store it
             currentInt += interval; // increase to next interval
             if (strands == 2) {
         else {
           double s = (sLeft[sp] + sRight[sp]) / 2;
           double s2 = s * s;
           double s3 = s2 * s;
           double h1 = 2 * s3 - 3 * s2 + 1;
           double h2 = -2 * s3 + 3 * s2;
           double h3 = s3 - 2 * s2 + s;
           double h4 = s3 - s2;
           if (sp >= 15)
           Point3i pMid = pRight[sp + 1];
           pMid.x = (int) (h1 * x1 + h2 * x2 + h3 * xT1 + h4 * xT2);
           pMid.y = (int) (h1 * y1 + h2 * y2 + h3 * yT1 + h4 * yT2);
           pMid.z = (int) (h1 * z1 + h2 * z2 + h3 * zT1 + h4 * zT2);
           pRight[sp + 1] = pRight[sp];
           sRight[sp + 1] = sRight[sp];
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            // cubeVertexOffsets just gets us the specific grid point relative
            // to our base x,y,z cube position
            boolean isInside;
            Point3i offset = cubeVertexOffsets[i];
            int pti = pt + linearOffsets[i];
            switch (mode) {
            case MODE_GETXYZ:
              vertexValues[i] = getValue(i, x + offset.x, y + offset.y, z
                  + offset.z, pti, xyPlanes[xyPlanePts[i]]);
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Related Classes of javax.vecmath.Point3i

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