Package org.jmol.modelsetbio

Source Code of org.jmol.modelsetbio.AminoPolymer

/* $RCSfile$
* $Author: nicove $
* $Date: 2007-03-25 06:44:28 -0500 (Sun, 25 Mar 2007) $
* $Revision: 7224 $
* Copyright (C) 2004-2005  The Jmol Development Team
* Contact:
*  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
*  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
*  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
*  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  Lesser General Public License for more details.
*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
*  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
*  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package org.jmol.modelsetbio;

import org.jmol.api.JmolEdge;
import org.jmol.i18n.GT;
import org.jmol.modelset.Atom;
import org.jmol.modelset.HBond;
import org.jmol.modelset.Model;
import org.jmol.modelset.Polymer;
import org.jmol.script.Token;
//import org.jmol.util.Escape;
import org.jmol.util.Escape;
import org.jmol.util.Logger;
import org.jmol.util.Measure;
import org.jmol.util.TextFormat;
import org.jmol.viewer.JmolConstants;
import org.jmol.viewer.Viewer;

//import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.vecmath.Point3f;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;

public class AminoPolymer extends AlphaPolymer {

   *  methods herein:
   *  (1) constructor and utilities
   *  (2) Ramachandran angles
   *  (3) dipole/dipole classical hydrogen bond calculation
   *  (4) DSSP secondary structure determination
   *  (5) Ramachandran-angle-based secondary structure determination
   *  See also for alpha-carbon-only SS determination
  AminoPolymer(Monomer[] monomers) {
    type = TYPE_AMINO;
    for (int i = 0; i < monomerCount; ++i)
      if (!((AminoMonomer) monomers[i]).hasOAtom())
    hasWingPoints = true;

  protected void resetHydrogenPoints() {
    ProteinStructure ps;
    ProteinStructure psLast = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < monomerCount; i++) {
      if ((ps = getProteinStructure(i)) != null && ps != psLast)
        (psLast = ps).resetAxes();
      ((AminoMonomer) monomers[i]).resetHydrogenPoint();

  ///////////// Ramachandran angles ///////////////
  // G. N. Ramachandran and V. Sasisekharan,
  // "Conformation of Polypeptides and Proteins"
  // in Advances in Protein Chemistry, D.C. Rees, Ed.,
  // Volume 23, Elsevier, 1969, p 284
  protected boolean calcPhiPsiAngles() {
    for (int i = 0; i < monomerCount - 1; ++i)
      calcPhiPsiAngles((AminoMonomer) monomers[i],
          (AminoMonomer) monomers[i + 1]);
    return true;

  private void calcPhiPsiAngles(AminoMonomer residue1, AminoMonomer residue2) {

     *   N1-Ca1-C1-N2-Ca2-C2
     *    residue1  residue2
     *   low -----------> high   atomIndex
     * UNfortunately, omega is defined for residue 1 (page 294)
     * such that the residue having unusual omega is not the
     * proline itself but the one prior to it.
    Point3f nitrogen1 = residue1.getNitrogenAtom();
    Point3f alphacarbon1 = residue1.getLeadAtom();
    Point3f carbon1 = residue1.getCarbonylCarbonAtom();
    Point3f nitrogen2 = residue2.getNitrogenAtom();
    Point3f alphacarbon2 = residue2.getLeadAtom();
    Point3f carbon2 = residue2.getCarbonylCarbonAtom();

    residue2.setGroupParameter(Token.phi, Measure.computeTorsion(carbon1,
        nitrogen2, alphacarbon2, carbon2, true));
    residue1.setGroupParameter(Token.psi, Measure.computeTorsion(nitrogen1,
        alphacarbon1, carbon1, nitrogen2, true));
    // to offset omega so cis-prolines show up off the plane,
    // we would have to use residue2 here:
    residue1.setGroupParameter(, Measure.computeTorsion(
        alphacarbon1, carbon1, nitrogen2, alphacarbon2, true));

  protected float calculateRamachandranHelixAngle(int m, char qtype) {
    float psiLast = (m == 0 ? Float.NaN : monomers[m - 1]
    float psi = monomers[m].getGroupParameter(Token.psi);
    float phi = monomers[m].getGroupParameter(Token.phi);
    float phiNext = (m == monomerCount - 1 ? Float.NaN : monomers[m + 1]
    float psiNext = (m == monomerCount - 1 ? Float.NaN : monomers[m + 1]
    switch (qtype) {
    case 'p':
    case 'r':
    case 'P':
       * an approximation by Bob Hanson and Steven Braun 7/7/2009
       * P-straightness utilizes phi[i], psi[i] and phi[i+1], psi[i+1]
       * and is approximated as:
       *   1 - 2 acos(|cos(theta/2)|) / PI
       * where
       *   cos(theta/2) = dq[i]\dq[i-1] = cos(dPsi/2)cos(dPhi/2) - cos(alpha)sin(dPsi/2)sin(dPhi/2)
       * and
       *   dPhi = phi[i+1] - phi[i]
       *   dPsi = psi[i+1] - psi[i]
      float dPhi = (float) ((phiNext - phi) / 2 * Math.PI / 180);
      float dPsi = (float) ((psiNext - psi) / 2 * Math.PI / 180);
      return (float) (180 / Math.PI * 2 * Math.acos(Math.cos(dPsi)
          * Math.cos(dPhi) - Math.sin(dPsi) * Math.sin(dPhi) / 3));
    case 'c':
    case 'C':
      /* an approximation by Bob Hanson and Dan Kohler, 7/2008
       * The near colinearity of the C_alpha-C and N'-C_alpha'
       * allows for the remarkably simple relationship
       *  psi[i] - psi[i-1] + phi[i+1] - phi[i]
      return (psi - psiLast + phiNext - phi);

  // RasMol/DSSP dipole/dipole hydrogen bond calculation
  //    W. Kabsch and C. Sander, Biopolymers,
  //    vol 22, 1983, pp 2577-2637
  public void calcRasmolHydrogenBonds(Polymer polymer, BitSet bsA, BitSet bsB,
                                      List vHBonds, int nMaxPerResidue,
                                      int[][][] min, boolean checkDistances,
                                      boolean dsspIgnoreHydrogens) {
    if (polymer == null)
      polymer = this;
    if (!(polymer instanceof AminoPolymer))
    Point3f pt = new Point3f();
    Vector3f vNH = new Vector3f();
    AminoMonomer source;
    int[][] min1 = (min == null ? new int[2][3] : null);
    for (int i = 1; i < monomerCount; ++i) { //not first N
      if (min == null) {
        min1[0][0] = min1[1][0] = bioPolymerIndexInModel;
        min1[0][1] = min1[1][1] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        min1[0][2] = min1[1][2] = 0;
      } else {
        min1 = min[i];
      if ((source = ((AminoMonomer) monomers[i])).getNHPoint(pt, vNH,
          checkDistances, dsspIgnoreHydrogens)) {
        boolean isInA = (bsA == null || bsA.get(source.getNitrogenAtom().index));
        if (!isInA)
        // for DSSP, we also knock out all groups having no carbonyl oxygen
        if (!checkDistances && source.getCarbonylOxygenAtom() == null)
        checkRasmolHydrogenBond(source, polymer, i, pt,
            (isInA ? bsB : bsA), vHBonds, min1, checkDistances);

  // max distance from RasMol  #define MaxHDist ((Long)2250*2250)
  private final static float maxHbondAlphaDistance = 9;
  private final static float maxHbondAlphaDistance2 = maxHbondAlphaDistance
      * maxHbondAlphaDistance;
  // this next was fixed in Jmol 12.1.14; was just 0.5f (0.71*0.71) since Jmol 10.0.00
  private final static float minimumHbondDistance2 = 0.5f * 0.5f;

  private void checkRasmolHydrogenBond(AminoMonomer source, Polymer polymer,
                                       int indexDonor, Point3f hydrogenPoint,
                                       BitSet bsB, List vHBonds,
                                       int[][] min, boolean checkDistances) {
    Point3f sourceAlphaPoint = source.getLeadAtom();
    Point3f sourceNitrogenPoint = source.getNitrogenAtom();
    Atom nitrogen = source.getNitrogenAtom();
    int[] m;
    for (int i = polymer.monomerCount; --i >= 0;) {
      if (polymer == this && (i == indexDonor || i + 1 == indexDonor
          /* || i - 1 == indexDonor*/ ))
      // 3mn5 GLY36->ARG37 is an example where we can have i-1 be the donor 
      AminoMonomer target = (AminoMonomer) ((BioPolymer) polymer).monomers[i];
      Atom oxygen = target.getCarbonylOxygenAtom();
      if (oxygen == null || bsB != null && !bsB.get(oxygen.index))
      Point3f targetAlphaPoint = target.getLeadAtom();
      float dist2 = sourceAlphaPoint.distanceSquared(targetAlphaPoint);
      if (dist2 >= maxHbondAlphaDistance2)
      int energy = calcHbondEnergy(sourceNitrogenPoint, hydrogenPoint, target,
      if (energy < min[0][2]) {
        m = min[1];
        min[1] = min[0];
        min[0] = m;
      } else if (energy < min[1][2]) {
        m = min[1];
      } else {
      m[0] = polymer.bioPolymerIndexInModel;
      m[1] = (energy < -500 ? i : -1 - i); // so that it will not be found, but we can check it
      m[2] = energy;

    if (vHBonds != null)
      for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        if (min[i][1] >= 0)
              ((AminoMonomer) ((AminoPolymer) polymer).monomers[min[i][1]])
                  .getCarbonylOxygenAtom(), (polymer == this ? indexDonor : -99), min[i][1],
              min[i][2] / 1000f, vHBonds);

   * based on RasMol model
   * checkDistances:
   * When we are seriously looking for H bonds, we want to
   * also check that distCN > distCH and that the OH distance
   * is less than 3 Angstroms. Otherwise that's just too strange
   * a hydrogen bond. (We get hydrogen bonds from i to i+2, for example)
   * This check is skipped for an actual DSSP calc., where we want the
   * original definition and are not actually creating hydrogen bonds
   *     H .......... O
   *     |            |
   *     |            |
   *     N            C
   * @param nitrogenPoint
   * @param hydrogenPoint
   * @param target
   * @param checkDistances
   * @return               energy in cal/mol or 0 (none)
  private int calcHbondEnergy(Point3f nitrogenPoint, Point3f hydrogenPoint,
                              AminoMonomer target, boolean checkDistances) {
    Point3f targetOxygenPoint = target.getCarbonylOxygenAtom();

    if (targetOxygenPoint == null)
      return 0;
    float distON2 = targetOxygenPoint.distanceSquared(nitrogenPoint);
    if (distON2 < minimumHbondDistance2)
      return 0;

    float distOH2 = targetOxygenPoint.distanceSquared(hydrogenPoint);
    if (distOH2 < minimumHbondDistance2)
      return 0;

    Point3f targetCarbonPoint = target.getCarbonylCarbonAtom();
    float distCH2 = targetCarbonPoint.distanceSquared(hydrogenPoint);
    if (distCH2 < minimumHbondDistance2)
      return 0;

    float distCN2 = targetCarbonPoint.distanceSquared(nitrogenPoint);
    if (distCN2 < minimumHbondDistance2)
      return 0;

    double distOH = Math.sqrt(distOH2);
    double distCH = Math.sqrt(distCH2);
    double distCN = Math.sqrt(distCN2);
    double distON = Math.sqrt(distON2);

    int energy = HBond.getEnergy(distOH, distCH, distCN, distON);

    boolean isHbond = (energy < -500
        && (!checkDistances || distCN > distCH && distOH <= 3.0f));
    return (!isHbond && checkDistances || energy < -9900 ? 0 : energy);

  private void addResidueHydrogenBond(Atom nitrogen, Atom oxygen,
                                      int indexAminoGroup,
                                      int indexCarbonylGroup, float energy,
                                      List vHBonds) {
    int order;
    switch (indexAminoGroup - indexCarbonylGroup) {
    case 2:
      order = JmolEdge.BOND_H_PLUS_2;
    case 3:
      order = JmolEdge.BOND_H_PLUS_3;
    case 4:
      order = JmolEdge.BOND_H_PLUS_4;
    case 5:
      order = JmolEdge.BOND_H_PLUS_5;
    case -3:
      order = JmolEdge.BOND_H_MINUS_3;
    case -4:
      order = JmolEdge.BOND_H_MINUS_4;
      order = JmolEdge.BOND_H_CALC;
    vHBonds.add(new HBond(nitrogen, oxygen, order, energy));

  ////////////////////// DSSP /////////////////////
  //    W. Kabsch and C. Sander, Biopolymers, vol 22, 1983, pp 2577-2637
  //   ------------------license permission-----------------
  //   ---------- Forwarded message ----------
  //   From: Gert Vriend <>
  //   Date: Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 12:28 PM
  //   Subject: Re: DSSP license
  //   To: Robert Hanson <>
  //   Dear Robert Hanson,
  //   Feel free to freely distribute your DSSP-like code with JMOL, using any
  //   license form you want (but preferably one that avoids people from 'stealing'
  //   the code for activities that go against the spirit of free software exchanges).
  //   Please put somewhere (doesn't need to be a prominent place, but should be
  //   clickable/visible one way or another):
  //   "We thank Wolfgang Kabsch and Chris Sander for writing the DSSP software,
  //   and we thank the CMBI for maintaining it to the extent that it was easy to
  //   re-engineer for our purposes."
  //   Greetings
  //   Gert
  //   ------------------end of license permission-----------------
  //   Added note by Bob Hanson 10/7/2010:
  //   Although the DSSP code from CMBI was inspected in order to confirm
  //   conformance with that exact implementation of the algorithm described in
  //   the Kabsch and Sander paper, none of that code was extracted. That is to
  //   say, this is an entirely different implementation.
  //   This implementation of the DSSP algorithm is based solely upon the published
  //   description of that algorithm -- as evidenced by the quoted statements
  //   in the Java doc and comments accompanying each method -- and has essentially
  //   no relationship to the Pascal/C++ code, other than that it produces a
  //   similar result.
  //   My approach to identifying chain breaks (use of the BioPolymer class),
  //   cataloging bridges (using hash tables), and generating the SUMMARY line (using
  //   bit sets), is an entirely different approach than that used by the original
  //   authors of the DSSP code.
  //   This implementation has been verified against 1769 high-resolution structures.
  //   (see
  //   which is from
  //   All structures were verified either via comparison with REST data from RCSB, or for the
  //   few cases for which that was not possible, by direct comparison with DSSP files
  //   provided by
  //   Still, we cannot guarantee that this code will always result in an EXACT MATCH
  //   to the Pascal/C++ code provided by CMBI, and we fully expect that there are
  //   special cases where, particularly, the CMBI code senses a chain break
  //   even though Jmol does not, or vice-versa, resulting in different analyses.
  //   Known differences to CMBI DSSP:
  //     Chain breaks
  //     ------------
  //   Jmol has its own way to calculate chain breaks. In addition,
  //   for these purposes, it does consider amino acids lacking a
  //   carbonyl oxygen to be a chain break, for consistency with DSSP.
  //   When that is the case, no NH hydrogen bond is allowed from that
  //   residue, and no helix is allowed to span it.
  //     Backbone amide hydrogens
  //     ------------------------
  //   This code allows for the use of file-based backbone amide hydrogen
  //   positions (via SET dsspCalculateHydrogenAlways FALSE), which the CMBI code does
  //   not. Certainly for some models (1def, for example) that produces a different
  //   result, because it changes the values of calculated hydrogen bond energies.
  //     Alternative locations
  //     ---------------------
  //   As part of this implementation, the CONFIGURATION command was modified to be
  //   consistent with a proper interpretation of the PDB file - that codes A, B, C,
  //   etc., are only relevant WITHIN a specific residue, not across the entire file,
  //   though in most cases that is true as well.
  //   Jmol allows for setting "configurations" that include only a subset of the
  //   alternative locations across an entire model. Thus, while the CMBI implementation
  //   of DSSP allows for reading the first configuration, Jmol allows for getting
  //   the DSSP secondary structure analysis for any configuration. Simply use
  //   the command CONFIGURATION n, where "n" is a number 1, 2, 3, etc., just prior
  //   to the CALCULATE STRUCTURE command.
  //     Alternative SS methods
  //     ----------------------
  //   Jmol also allows for a strictly geometric method -- without hydrogen bonding --
  //   to identify sheet strands (not ladders or full "sheets") and helices. This is
  //   invoked by
  //     Bend (S)
  //     --------
  //   Jmol does not report S in the summary line, only B, E, H, G, I, and T.
  //     Surface Accessibility
  //     ---------------------
  //   Jmol does not implement surface accessibility.
  //     Detailed Reporting
  //     ------------------
  //   Jmol does not create the detailed report that CMBI DSSP does.
  //   We do not report hydrogen bond energies, C-alpha points, sheet
  //   or ladder designators, or disulfide bonds.
  //   Instead, our report includes the helix-5, helix-4, and helix-3 lines
  //   as well as the summary line similar to that given in the original paper
  //   along with a summary list of stretches of B, E, H, G, I, and T structure.
  //   You can use SET DEBUG TRUE to send voluminous amounts of
  //   information to the Java console if you wish.
  //   One final implementation note: It is curious that the DSSP algorithm
  //   orders the SUMMARY line -- our final assignments -- as: H B E G I T S.
  //   The curious thing is that this TECHNICALLY allows for calculated bridges being
  //   assignable to H groups. As noted below, I don't think this is physically possible,
  //   but it seems to me there must be SOME reason to do this rather than the more
  //   obvious order: B E H G I T S. So there's a bit of a mystery there. My implementation
  //   adds a warning at the end of the helix-4 line if such a bridge should ever appear.
  //   If this warning is seen, it probably means you forgot to use the CONFIGURATION command.
  ////////////////////// DSSP /////////////////////

   * @param bioPolymers 
   * @param bioPolymerCount
   * @param vHBonds
   * @param doReport
   * @param dsspIgnoreHydrogens
   * @param setStructure
   * @return                 helix-5, helix-4, helix-3, and SUMMARY lines       

  protected static String calculateStructuresDssp(Polymer[] bioPolymers,
                                                  int bioPolymerCount,
                                                  List vHBonds,
                                                  boolean doReport,
                                                  boolean dsspIgnoreHydrogens,
                                                  boolean setStructure) {
    if (bioPolymerCount == 0)
      return "";

    Model m = bioPolymers[0].model;
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    sb.append("Jmol ").append(Viewer.getJmolVersion()).append(
        " DSSP analysis for model ").append(m.getModelNumberDotted()).append(
        " - ").append(m.getModelTitle()).append("\n");
    if (m.modelIndex == 0)
      sb.append("\nW. Kabsch and C. Sander, Biopolymers, vol 22, 1983, pp 2577-2637\n")
              "\nWe thank Wolfgang Kabsch and Chris Sander for writing the DSSP software,\n")
              "and we thank the CMBI for maintaining it to the extent that it was easy to\n")
              "re-engineer for our purposes. At this point in time, we make no guarantee\n")
              "that this code gives precisely the same analysis as the code available via license\n")
          .append("from CMBI at\n");

    if (setStructure && m.modelIndex == 0)
      sb.append("\nAll bioshapes have been deleted and must be regenerated.\n");

    if (m.nAltLocs > 0)
      sb.append("\nNote: This model contains alternative locations. Use  'CONFIGURATION 1' to be consistent with CMBI DSSP.\n");

    // for each AminoPolymer, we need:
    // (1) a label reading "...EEE....HHHH...GGG...BTTTB...IIIII..."
    // (2) a residue-bitset to indicate that an assignment has been made already
    // (3) an atom-bitset to indicate we have a bad residue (no carbonyl O)

    char[][] labels = new char[bioPolymerCount][];
    BitSet[] bsDone = new BitSet[bioPolymerCount];
    BitSet bsBad = new BitSet();
    boolean haveWarned = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < bioPolymerCount; i++) {
      if (!(bioPolymers[i] instanceof AminoPolymer))
      AminoPolymer ap = (AminoPolymer) bioPolymers[i];
      if (!haveWarned
          && ((AminoMonomer) ap.monomers[0]).getExplicitNH() != null) {
        if (dsspIgnoreHydrogens)
                      "NOTE: Backbone amide hydrogen positions are present and will be ignored. Their positions will be approximated, as in standard DSSP analysis.\nUse {0} to not use this approximation.\n\n",
                      "SET dsspCalculateHydrogenAlways FALSE"));
                      "NOTE: Backbone amide hydrogen positions are present and will be used. Results may differ significantly from standard DSSP analysis.\nUse {0} to ignore these hydrogen positions.\n\n",
                      "SET dsspCalculateHydrogenAlways TRUE"));
        haveWarned = true;
      labels[i] = new char[bioPolymers[i].monomerCount];
      bsDone[i] = new BitSet();
      // lacking a C=O counts as done or "chain break"
      for (int j = 0; j < ap.monomerCount; j++)
        if (((AminoMonomer) ap.monomers[j]).getCarbonylOxygenAtom() == null)

    // Step 1: Create a polymer-based array of dual-minimum NH->O connections
    //         similar to those used in Rasmol.

    int[][][][] min = getDualHydrogenBondArray(bioPolymers, bioPolymerCount,

    // NOTE: (p. 2587) "Structural overalaps are eliminated in this line by giving
    //                  priority to H,B,E,G,I,T,S in this order."
    // We do B and E first, then H G I. Oddly enough, this technically allows for
    // bridges to helix groups; I think, though, that is impossible.
    // These will be flagged on the helix-3 line with a warning.

    // Step 2: Find the bridges and mark them all as "B".

    List bridgesA = new ArrayList();
    List bridgesP = new ArrayList();
    Map htBridges = new Hashtable();
    Map htLadders = new Hashtable();
    getBridges(bioPolymers, min, bridgesA, bridgesP, htBridges, htLadders,
        bsBad, vHBonds, bsDone);

    // Step 3: Find the ladders and bulges, mark them as "E", and add the sheet structures.

    getSheetStructures(bioPolymers, bridgesA, bridgesP, htBridges, htLadders,
        labels, bsDone, doReport, setStructure);

    // Step 4: Find the helices and mark them as "G", "H", or "I",
    //         mark remaining turn residues as "T", and add the helix and turn structures.

    String[] reports = new String[bioPolymerCount];
    for (int i = 0; i < bioPolymerCount; i++)
      if (min[i] != null)
        reports[i] = ((AminoPolymer) bioPolymers[i]).findHelixes(min[i], i,
            bsDone[i], labels[i], doReport, setStructure, vHBonds, bsBad);

    // Done!

    if (doReport) {
      StringBuffer sbSummary = new StringBuffer();
      for (int i = 0; i < bioPolymerCount; i++)
        if (labels[i] != null) {
          AminoPolymer ap = (AminoPolymer) bioPolymers[i];
              ap.dumpTags("$.1: " + String.valueOf(labels[i]), bsBad, 2));
      if (bsBad.nextSetBit(0) >= 0)
            .append("\nNOTE: '!' indicates a residue that is missing a backbone carbonyl oxygen atom.\n");
      sb.append("\n").append("SUMMARY:" + sbSummary);

    return sb.toString();

   * (p. 2579):
   * Hydrogen bonds in proteins have little wave-function overlap and are well
   * described by an electrostatic model:
   *   E = q1q2(1/r(ON) + 1/r(CH) - 1/r(OH) - 1/r(CN)) * f
   * with q1 = 0.42e and q2 = 0.20e, e being the unit electron charge and r(AB)
   * the interatomic distance from A to B. In chemical units, r is in angstroms,
   * the dimensional factor f = 332, and E is in kcal/mol. We ... assign an H bond
   * between C=O of residue i and N-H of residue j if E is less than the cutoff,
   * i.e., "Hbond(i,j) =: [E < -0.5 kcal/mol]."
   * @param bioPolymers
   * @param bioPolymerCount
   * @param dsspIgnoreHydrogens
   * @return                array of dual-minmum NH-->O=C H bonds
  private static int[][][][] getDualHydrogenBondArray(Polymer[] bioPolymers,
                                                    int bioPolymerCount,
                                                    boolean dsspIgnoreHydrogens) {
    // The min[][][][] array:  min[iPolymer][i][[hb1],[hb2]]
    //   where i is the index of the NH end of the bond,
    //   and [hb1] and [hb2] are [iPolymer2,i2,iEnergy]
    //   and i2 is the index of the C=O end of the bond
    //   if iEnergy is < -500 and -1 - (that number) if iEnergy is >= -500
    //   This part is the same as the Rasmol hydrogen bond calculation

    int[][][][] min = new int[bioPolymerCount][][][];
    for (int i = 0; i < bioPolymerCount; i++) {
      if (!(bioPolymers[i] instanceof AminoPolymer))
      int n = bioPolymers[i].monomerCount;
      min[i] = new int[n][2][3];
      for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
        min[i][j][0][1] = min[i][j][1][1] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        min[i][j][0][2] = min[i][j][1][2] = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < bioPolymerCount; i++)
      if (min[i] != null)
        for (int j = 0; j < bioPolymerCount; j++)
          if (min[j] != null)
            bioPolymers[i].calcRasmolHydrogenBonds(bioPolymers[j], null, null,
                null, 2, min[i], false, dsspIgnoreHydrogens);

    return min;

   * (p. 2581):
   * A basic turn pattern (Fig. 2) is a single H bond of type (i,i+n). We
   * assign an n-turn at residue i if there is an H bond from CO(i) to NH(i+n)....
   *   When the pattern is found, the ends of the H bond are indicated using ">" at i
   * and "<" at i+n...; the residues bracketed by the H bond are noted "3," "4," or "5"
   * unless they are also end points of other H bonds. Coincidence of ">" and "<" at
   * one residue is indicated by "X." ... Residues bracketed by the hydrogen bond
   * are marked "T," unless they are part of an n-helix (defined below).
   * (p. 2582):
   * A minimal helix is defined by two consecutive n-turns.... Longer helices are
   * defined as overlaps of minimal helices.... Residues bracketed by H bonds are
   * labeled G, H, I.... Long helices can deviate from regularity in that not all
   * possible H bonds are formed. This possibility is implicit in the above helix
   * definition.
   * @param min
   * @param iPolymer
   * @param bsDone
   * @param labels
   * @param doReport
   * @param setStructure
   * @param vHBonds
   * @param bsBad
   * @return             string label
  private String findHelixes(int[][][] min, int iPolymer, BitSet bsDone,
                             char[] labels, boolean doReport, boolean setStructure,
                             List vHBonds, BitSet bsBad) {
    if (Logger.debugging)
      for (int j = 0; j < monomerCount; j++)
        Logger.debug(iPolymer + "." + monomers[j].getResno() + "\t"
            + Escape.escape(min[j]));

    BitSet bsTurn = new BitSet();

    String line4 = findHelixes(4, min, iPolymer,
        JmolConstants.PROTEIN_STRUCTURE_HELIX_ALPHA, JmolEdge.BOND_H_PLUS_4, bsDone,
        bsTurn, labels, doReport, setStructure, vHBonds, bsBad);
    String line3 = findHelixes(3, min, iPolymer,
        JmolConstants.PROTEIN_STRUCTURE_HELIX_310, JmolEdge.BOND_H_PLUS_3,
        bsDone, bsTurn, labels, doReport, setStructure, vHBonds, bsBad);
    String line5 = findHelixes(5, min, iPolymer,
        JmolConstants.PROTEIN_STRUCTURE_HELIX_PI, JmolEdge.BOND_H_PLUS_5,
        bsDone, bsTurn, labels, doReport, setStructure, vHBonds, bsBad);

    // G, H, and I have been set; now set what is left over as turn

    if (setStructure)
      setStructure(bsTurn, JmolConstants.PROTEIN_STRUCTURE_TURN);
    if (doReport) {
      setTag(labels, bsTurn, 'T');
      return dumpTags("$.5: " + line5 + "\n" + "$.4: " + line4 + "\n" + "$.3: "
          + line3, bsBad, 1);

    return "";

  private String findHelixes(int pitch, int[][][] min, int thisIndex,
                             byte subtype, int type, BitSet bsDone,
                             BitSet bsTurn, char[] labels,
                             boolean doReport, boolean setStructure,
                             List vHBonds, BitSet bsBad) {

    // The idea here is to run down the polymer setting bit sets
    // that identify start, stop, N, and X codes: >, <, 3, 4, 5, and X
    // In addition, we create a bit set that will identify G H or I.

    BitSet bsStart = new BitSet();
    BitSet bsNNN = new BitSet();
    BitSet bsX = new BitSet();
    BitSet bsStop = new BitSet();
    BitSet bsHelix = new BitSet();
    String warning = "";

    // index is to the NH (higher index) end, not the C=O end
    for (int i = pitch; i < monomerCount; ++i) {
      int i0 = i - pitch;
      int bpt = 0;
      if (min[i][0][0] == thisIndex && min[i][0][1] == i0
          || min[i][bpt = 1][0] == thisIndex && min[i][1][1] == i0) {

        // the basic indicators are >33< or >444< or >5555<

        // we use bit sets here for efficiency

        int ia = monomers[i0].leadAtomIndex;
        int ipt = bsBad.nextSetBit(ia);
        if (ipt >= ia && ipt <= monomers[i].leadAtomIndex)

        bsStart.set(i0);         //   >
        bsNNN.set(i0 + 1, i);    //    nnnn
        bsStop.set(i);           //        <

        // a run of HHHH or GGG or IIIII is made if:
        // (1) the previous position was a start for this n-helix, and
        // (2) no position within that run has already been assigned one of BEHGI
        // also look for >< and mark those with an X

        // Note: The DSSP assignment priority is HBEGITS, so H must ignore determination of B or E.
        // This would appear as "H" with a bridge connection in DSSP output.
        // I don't think it's possible. An antiparallel bridge would require connections
        // between NH and CO of the same group or NH and CO of adjacent groups, but
        // they would be in a helix and not oriented at all the correct direction;
        // a parallel bridge would require connections between NH and CO for two
        // groups separated by a group. This is certainly impossible in an alpha helix.
        // Still, that is what we are implementing here -- just as described -- H with
        // the possibility of a bridge.
        ipt = bsDone.nextSetBit(i0);
        boolean isClear = (ipt < 0 || ipt >= i);
        boolean addH = false;
        if (i0 > 0 && bsStart.get(i0 - 1) && (pitch == 4 || isClear)) {
          bsHelix.set(i0, i);
          if (!isClear)
            warning += "  WARNING! Bridge to helix at " + monomers[ipt];
          addH = true;
        } else if (isClear || bsDone.nextClearBit(ipt) < i) {
          addH = true;
        if (bsStop.get(i0))
        if (addH && vHBonds != null) {
          addHbond(vHBonds, monomers[i], monomers[i0], min[i][bpt][2], type,

    char[] taglines;
    if (doReport) {
      taglines = new char[monomerCount];
      setTag(taglines, bsNNN, (char) ('0' + pitch)); // 345
      setTag(taglines, bsStart, '>'); // may overwrite n
      setTag(taglines, bsStop, '<'); // may overwrite n or ">"
      setTag(taglines, bsX, 'X'); // may overwrite "<"
    } else {
      taglines = null;

    // update the bit sets based on this type of helix

    bsDone.or(bsHelix); // add HELIX to DONE
    bsNNN.andNot(bsDone); // remove DONE from nnnnn
    bsTurn.or(bsNNN); // add nnnnn to TURN
    bsTurn.andNot(bsHelix); // remove HELIX from TURN

    // create the Jmol helix structures of the given subtype

    if (setStructure)
      setStructure(bsHelix, subtype); // GHI;

    if (doReport) {
      setTag(labels, bsHelix, (char) ('D' + pitch));
      return String.valueOf(taglines) + warning;
    return "";

   * (p. 2581):
   * Two nonoverlapping stretches of three residues each, i-1,i,i+1 and
   * j-1,j,j+1, form either a parallel or antiparallel bridge, depending on
   * which of two basic patterns (Fig. 2) is matched. We assign a bridge
   * between residues i and j if there are two H bonds characteristic of
   * beta-structure; in particular:
   *      Parallel Bridge(i,j) =: [Hbond(i-1,j) and Hbond(j,i+1)] or
   *                              [Hbond(j-1,i) and Hbond(i,j+1)]
   *  Antiparallel Bridge(i,j) =: [Hbond(i,j) and Hbond(j,i)] or
   *                              [Hbond(i-1,j+1) and Hbond(j-1,i+1)]
   * @param bioPolymers
   * @param min
   * @param bridgesA
   * @param bridgesP
   * @param htBridges
   * @param htLadders
   * @param bsBad
   * @param vHBonds
   * @param bsDone
  private static void getBridges(Polymer[] bioPolymers, int[][][][] min,
                                 List bridgesA, List bridgesP,
                                 Map htBridges,
                                 Map htLadders, BitSet bsBad,
                                 List vHBonds, BitSet[] bsDone) {
    // ooooooh! It IS possible to have 3 bridges to the same residue. (3A5F)
    Atom[] atoms = bioPolymers[0].model.getModelSet().atoms;
    Bridge bridge = null;

    Map htTemp = new Hashtable();
    for (int p1 = 0; p1 < min.length; p1++)
      if (bioPolymers[p1] instanceof AminoPolymer) {
        AminoPolymer ap1 = ((AminoPolymer) bioPolymers[p1]);
        int n = min[p1].length - 1;
        for (int a = 1; a < n; a++) {
          int ia = ap1.monomers[a].leadAtomIndex;
          if (bsBad.get(ia))
          for (int p2 = p1; p2 < min.length; p2++)
            if (bioPolymers[p2] instanceof AminoPolymer)
              for (int b = (p1 == p2 ? a + 3 : 1); b < min[p2].length - 1; b++) {
                AminoPolymer ap2 = (AminoPolymer) bioPolymers[p2];
                int ib = ap2.monomers[b].leadAtomIndex;
                if (bsBad.get(ib))
                if ((bridge = getBridge(min, p1, a, p2, b, bridgesP, atoms[ia],
                    atoms[ib], ap1, ap2, vHBonds, htTemp, false, htLadders)) != null) {
                } else if ((bridge = getBridge(min, p1, a, p2, b, bridgesA,
                    atoms[ia], atoms[ib], ap1, ap2, vHBonds, htTemp, true,
                    htLadders)) != null) {
                  bridge.isAntiparallel = true;
                } else {
                if (Logger.debugging)
                  Logger.debug("Bridge found " + bridge);
                //setDone(bsDone1, bsDone2, ia);
                //setDone(bsDone1, bsDone2, ib);
                htBridges.put(ia + "-" + ib, bridge);

  private static int[][] sheetOffsets = {
    new int[] {0, -1, 1, 0, 10, 0, -1 },
    new int[] {00, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1 }
  private static Bridge getBridge(int[][][][] min, int p1, int a, int p2, int b,
                                 List bridges, Atom atom1, Atom atom2,
                                 AminoPolymer ap1, AminoPolymer ap2,
                                 List vHBonds,
                                 Map htTemp,
                                 boolean isAntiparallel,
                                 Map htLadders) {

    int[] b1 = null, b2 = null;
    int ipt = 0;
    int[] offsets = (isAntiparallel ? sheetOffsets[1] : sheetOffsets[0]);
    if ((b1 = isHbonded(a + offsets[0], b + offsets[1], p1, p2, min)) != null
        && (b2 = isHbonded(b + offsets[2], a + offsets[3], p2, p1, min)) != null
        || (b1 = isHbonded(a + offsets[ipt = 4], b + offsets[5], p1, p2, min)) != null
        && (b2 = isHbonded(b + offsets[6], a + offsets[7], p2, p1, min)) != null) {
      Bridge bridge = Bridge(atom1, atom2, htLadders);
      if (vHBonds != null) {
        int type = (isAntiparallel ? JmolEdge.BOND_H_MINUS_3
            : JmolEdge.BOND_H_PLUS_2);
        addHbond(vHBonds, ap1.monomers[a + offsets[ipt]], ap2.monomers[b
            + offsets[++ipt]], b1[2], type, htTemp);
        addHbond(vHBonds, ap2.monomers[b + offsets[++ipt]], ap1.monomers[a
            + offsets[++ipt]], b2[2], type, htTemp);
      return bridge;
    return null;

  private static void addHbond(List vHBonds, Monomer donor,
                               Monomer acceptor, int iEnergy, int type, Map htTemp) {
    Atom nitrogen = ((AminoMonomer)donor).getNitrogenAtom();
    Atom oxygen = ((AminoMonomer) acceptor).getCarbonylOxygenAtom();
    if (htTemp != null) {
      String key = nitrogen.index + " " + oxygen.index;
      if (htTemp.containsKey(key))
      htTemp.put(key, Boolean.TRUE);
    vHBonds.add(new HBond(nitrogen, oxygen, type, iEnergy / 1000f));

   * "sheet =: a set of one or more ladders connected by shared residues" (p. 2582)
   * @param bioPolymers
   * @param bridgesA
   * @param bridgesP
   * @param htBridges
   * @param htLadders
   * @param labels
   * @param bsDone
   * @param doReport
   * @param setStructure
  private static void getSheetStructures(Polymer[] bioPolymers,
                                         List bridgesA,
                                         List bridgesP,
                                         Map htBridges,
                                         Map htLadders, char[][] labels,
                                         BitSet[] bsDone,
                                         boolean doReport,
                                         boolean setStructure) {

    // check to be sure all bridges are part of bridgeList

    if (bridgesA.size() == 0 && bridgesP.size() == 0)
    createLadders(bridgesA, htBridges, htLadders, true);
    createLadders(bridgesP, htBridges, htLadders, false);

    BitSet bsEEE = new BitSet();
    BitSet bsB = new BitSet();
    Iterator e = htLadders.keySet().iterator();
    while (e.hasNext()) {
      int[][] ladder = (int[][]);
      if (ladder[0][0] == ladder[0][1] && ladder[1][0] == ladder[1][1]) {
      } else {
        bsEEE.set(ladder[0][0], ladder[0][1] + 1);
        bsEEE.set(ladder[1][0], ladder[1][1] + 1);
    // add Jmol structures and set sheet labels to "E"
    BitSet bsSheet = new BitSet();
    BitSet bsBridge = new BitSet();

    for (int i = bioPolymers.length; --i >= 0;) {
      if (!(bioPolymers[i] instanceof AminoPolymer))
      AminoPolymer ap = (AminoPolymer) bioPolymers[i];
      for (int iStart = 0; iStart < ap.monomerCount; ) {
        int index = ap.monomers[iStart].leadAtomIndex;
        if (bsEEE.get(index)) {
          int iEnd = iStart + 1;
          while (iEnd < ap.monomerCount
              && bsEEE.get(ap.monomers[iEnd].leadAtomIndex))
          bsSheet.set(iStart, iEnd);
          iStart = iEnd;
        } else {
          if (bsB.get(index))
      if (doReport) {
        ap.setTag(labels[i], bsBridge, 'B');
        ap.setTag(labels[i], bsSheet, 'E');
      if (setStructure) {
        ap.setStructure(bsSheet, JmolConstants.PROTEIN_STRUCTURE_SHEET);

  private class Bridge {
    protected Atom a, b;
    protected int[][] ladder;
    protected boolean isAntiparallel;
    protected Bridge(Atom a, Atom b, Map htLadders) {
      this.a = a;
      this.b = b;
      ladder = new int[2][2];
      ladder[0][0] = ladder[0][1] = Math.min(a.index, b.index);
      ladder[1][0] = ladder[1][1] = Math.max(a.index, b.index);
    private void addLadder(Map htLadders) {
      htLadders.put(ladder, (isAntiparallel ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE));

    public String toString() {
      return (isAntiparallel ? "a " : "p ") + a + " - " + b + "\t" + Escape.escape(ladder);
    protected boolean addBridge(Bridge bridge,  Map htLadders) {
      if (bridge == null || bridge.isAntiparallel != isAntiparallel
          || !canAdd(bridge) || !bridge.canAdd(this))
        return false;
      extendLadder(bridge.ladder[0][0], bridge.ladder[1][0]);
      extendLadder(bridge.ladder[0][1], bridge.ladder[1][1]);
      bridge.ladder = ladder;
      if (bridge.ladder != ladder) {
      return true;

    private boolean canAdd(Bridge bridge) {
      int index1 = bridge.a.index;
      int index2 = bridge.b.index;
      // no crossing of ladder rungs (2WUJ)
      return (isAntiparallel ?
          (index1 >= ladder[0][1] && index2 <= ladder[1][0]
          || index1 <= ladder[0][0] && index2 >= ladder[1][1])
        : (index1 <= ladder[0][0] && index2 <= ladder[1][0]
          || index1 >= ladder[0][1] && index2 >= ladder[1][1]));

    private void extendLadder(int index1, int index2) {
      if (ladder[0][0] > index1)
        ladder[0][0] = index1;
      if (ladder[0][1] < index1)
        ladder[0][1] = index1;
      if (ladder[1][0] > index2)
        ladder[1][0] = index2;
      if (ladder[1][1] < index2)
        ladder[1][1] = index2;
   * "ladder =: one or more consecutive bridges of identical type" (p. 2582)
   * "For beta structures, we define explicitly: a bulge-linked ladder consists
   *  of two (perfect) ladder or bridges of the same type connected by at most one
   *  extra residue on one strand and at most four extra resideus on the other
   *  strand.... all residues in bulge-linked ladders are marked "E," including
   *  the extra residues." (p. 2585)
   * @param bridges
   * @param htBridges
   * @param htLadders
   * @param isAntiparallel
  private static void createLadders(List bridges,
                                 Map htBridges,
                                 Map htLadders,
                                 boolean isAntiparallel) {
    int dir = (isAntiparallel ? -1 : 1);
    int n = bridges.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      checkBridge((Bridge) bridges.get(i), htBridges, htLadders, isAntiparallel, 1, dir);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      checkBulge((Bridge) bridges.get(i), htBridges, htLadders, isAntiparallel, 1);

   * check to see if another bridge exists offset by n1 and n2 from the two ends of a bridge
   * @param bridge
   * @param htBridges
   * @param htLadders
   * @param isAntiparallel
   * @param n1
   * @param n2
   * @return TRUE if bridge is part of a ladder
  private static boolean checkBridge(Bridge bridge,
                                     Map htBridges,
                                     Map htLadders,
                                     boolean isAntiparallel, int n1, int n2) {
    Bridge b = (Bridge) htBridges.get(bridge.a.getOffsetResidueAtom("0", n1) + "-"
        + bridge.b.getOffsetResidueAtom("0", n2));
    return (b != null && bridge.addBridge(b, htLadders));

  private static void checkBulge(Bridge bridge, Map htBridges,
                                 Map htLadders, boolean isAntiparallel,
                                 int dir) {
    int dir1 = (isAntiparallel ? -1 : 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      for (int j = (i == 0 ? 1 : 0); j < 6; j++) {
        checkBridge(bridge, htBridges, htLadders, isAntiparallel, i * dir, j * dir1);
        if (j > i)
          checkBridge(bridge, htBridges, htLadders, isAntiparallel, j * dir, i * dir1);

  private void setStructure(BitSet bs, byte type) {
    for (int i = bs.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = bs.nextSetBit(i + 1)) {
      int i2 = bs.nextClearBit(i);
      if (i2 < 0)
        i2 = monomerCount;
      addSecondaryStructure(type, null, 0, 0, i, i2 - 1);
      i = i2;

  private static int[] isHbonded(int indexDonor, int indexAcceptor, int pDonor,
                                 int pAcceptor, int[][][][] min) {
    if (indexDonor < 0 || indexAcceptor < 0)
      return null;
    int[][][] min1 = min[pDonor];
    int[][][] min2 = min[pAcceptor];
    if (indexDonor >= min1.length || indexAcceptor >= min2.length)
      return null;
    return (min1[indexDonor][0][0] == pAcceptor
        && min1[indexDonor][0][1] == indexAcceptor ? min1[indexDonor][0]
        : min1[indexDonor][1][0] == pAcceptor
            && min1[indexDonor][1][1] == indexAcceptor ? min1[indexDonor][1]
            : null);

  private void setTag(char[] tags, BitSet bs, char ch) {
    for (int i = bs.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = bs.nextSetBit(i + 1))
      tags[i] = ch;

  private String dumpSummary(char[] labels) {
    char id = monomers[0].getLeadAtom().getChainID();
    String prefix = (id == '\0' ? "" : String.valueOf(id) + ":");
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    char lastChar = '\0';
    char insCode1 = '\0';
    char insCode2 = '\0';
    int firstResno = -1, lastResno = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i <= monomerCount; i++) {
      if (i == monomerCount || labels[i] != lastChar) {
        if (lastChar != '\0')
          sb.append('\n').append(lastChar).append(" : ").append(prefix).append(firstResno)
          .append(insCode1 == '\0' ? "" : String.valueOf(insCode1))
              .append(insCode2 == '\0' ? "" : String.valueOf(insCode2));
        if (i == monomerCount)
        lastChar = labels[i];
        firstResno = monomers[i].getResno();
        insCode1 = monomers[i].getInsertionCode();
      lastResno = monomers[i].getResno();
      insCode2 = monomers[i].getInsertionCode();
    return sb.toString();

  private String dumpTags(String lines, BitSet bsBad, int mode) {
    String prefix = monomers[0].getLeadAtom().getChainID()
    + "." + (bioPolymerIndexInModel + 1);
    lines = TextFormat.simpleReplace(lines, "$", prefix);
    int iFirst = monomers[0].getResno();
    String pre = "\n" + prefix;
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer sb0 = new StringBuffer(pre + ".8: ");
    StringBuffer sb1 = new StringBuffer(pre + ".7: ");
    StringBuffer sb2 = new StringBuffer(pre + ".6: ");
    StringBuffer sb3 = new StringBuffer(pre + ".0: ");
    int i = iFirst;
    for (int ii = 0; ii < monomerCount; ii++) {
      i = monomers[ii].getResno();
      sb0.append(i % 100 == 0 ? "" + ((i / 100) % 100) : " ");
      sb1.append(i % 10 == 0 ? "" + ((i / 10) % 10) : " ");
      sb2.append(i % 10);
      sb3.append(bsBad.get(monomers[ii].leadAtomIndex) ?
          '!' : monomers[ii].getGroup1());
    if ((mode & 1) == 1)
    if ((mode & 2) == 2) {
    return sb.toString().replace('\0', '.');

  // Ramachandran-angle-based structure determination
   * New code for assigning secondary structure based on
   * phi-psi angles instead of hydrogen bond patterns.
   * molvisions 2005 10 12

  public void calculateStructures(boolean alphaOnly) {
    if (alphaOnly)
    char[] structureTags = new char[monomerCount];
    for (int i = 0; i < monomerCount - 1; ++i) {
      AminoMonomer leadingResidue = (AminoMonomer) monomers[i];
      AminoMonomer trailingResidue = (AminoMonomer) monomers[i + 1];
      float phi = trailingResidue.getGroupParameter(Token.phi);
      float psi = leadingResidue.getGroupParameter(Token.psi);
      if (isHelix(psi, phi)) {
        //this next is just Bob's attempt to separate different helices
        //it is CONSERVATIVE -- it displays fewer helices than before
        //thus allowing more turns and (presumably) better rockets.

        structureTags[i] = (phi < 0 && psi < 25 ? '4' : '3');
      } else if (isSheet(psi, phi)) {
        structureTags[i] = 's';
      } else if (isTurn(psi, phi)) {
        structureTags[i] = 't';
      } else {
        structureTags[i] = 'n';

      if (Logger.debugging)
        Logger.debug((0 + this.monomers[0].getChainID()) + " aminopolymer:" + i
            + " " + trailingResidue.getGroupParameter(Token.phi) + ","
            + leadingResidue.getGroupParameter(Token.psi) + " "
            + structureTags[i]);

    // build alpha helix stretches
    for (int start = 0; start < monomerCount; ++start) {
      if (structureTags[start] == '4') {
        int end;
        for (end = start + 1; end < monomerCount && structureTags[end] == '4'; ++end) {
        if (end >= start + 3) {
          addSecondaryStructure(JmolConstants.PROTEIN_STRUCTURE_HELIX, null, 0,
              0, start, end);
        start = end;

    for (int start = 0; start < monomerCount; ++start) {
      if (structureTags[start] == '3') {
        int end;
        for (end = start + 1; end < monomerCount && structureTags[end] == '3'; ++end) {
        if (end >= start + 3) {
          addSecondaryStructure(JmolConstants.PROTEIN_STRUCTURE_HELIX, null, 0,
              0, start, end);
        start = end;

    // build beta sheet stretches
    for (int start = 0; start < monomerCount; ++start) {
      if (structureTags[start] == 's') {
        int end;
        for (end = start + 1; end < monomerCount && structureTags[end] == 's'; ++end) {
        if (end >= start + 2) {
          addSecondaryStructure(JmolConstants.PROTEIN_STRUCTURE_SHEET, null, 0,
              0, start, end);
        start = end;

    // build turns
    for (int start = 0; start < monomerCount; ++start) {
      if (structureTags[start] == 't') {
        int end;
        for (end = start + 1; end < monomerCount && structureTags[end] == 't'; ++end) {
        if (end >= start + 2) {
          addSecondaryStructure(JmolConstants.PROTEIN_STRUCTURE_TURN, null, 0,
              0, start, end);
        start = end;

   * @param psi N-C-CA-N torsion for NEXT group
   * @param phi C-CA-N-C torsion for THIS group
   * @return whether this corresponds to a helix
  private boolean isTurn(float psi, float phi) {
    return checkPhiPsi(structureList[JmolConstants.PROTEIN_STRUCTURE_TURN],
        psi, phi);

  private boolean isSheet(float psi, float phi) {
    return checkPhiPsi(structureList[JmolConstants.PROTEIN_STRUCTURE_SHEET],
        psi, phi);

  private boolean isHelix(float psi, float phi) {
    return checkPhiPsi(structureList[JmolConstants.PROTEIN_STRUCTURE_HELIX],
        psi, phi);

  private static boolean checkPhiPsi(float[] list, float psi, float phi) {
    for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i += 4)
      if (phi >= list[i] && phi <= list[i + 1] && psi >= list[i + 2]
          && psi <= list[i + 3])
        return true;
    return false;

  // static because we don't plan to be changing these
  private static final float[][] structureList = new float[][] {
    null, // none
    new float[] { // turn
        30, 90, -15, 95,
    new float[] { // sheet
        -180, -10,   70180,
        -180, -45, -180, -130,
         140, 180,   90, 180,
    new float[] {  // helix
      -160, 0, -100, 45,


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