/* $RCSfile$
* $Author: hansonr $
* $Date: 2010-10-13 19:38:58 +0200 (mer., 13 oct. 2010) $
* $Revision: 14473 $
* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 The Jmol Development Team
* Contact: jmol-developers@lists.sf.net
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package org.jmol.modelset;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.jmol.util.BitSetUtil;
import org.jmol.util.Escape;
import org.jmol.viewer.StateManager.Orientation;
public final class Model {
* In Jmol all atoms and bonds are kept as a set of arrays in
* the AtomCollection and BondCollection objects.
* Thus, "Model" is not atoms and bonds.
* It is a description of all the:
* chains (as defined in the file)
* and their associated file-associated groups,
* polymers (same, I think, but in terms of secondary structure)
* and their associated monomers
* molecules (as defined by connectivity)
* Note that "monomer" extends group. A group only becomes a
* monomer if it can be identified as one of the following
* PDB/mmCIF types:
* amino -- has an N, a C, and a CA
* alpha -- has just a CA
* nucleic -- has C1',C2',C3',C4',C5',O3', and O5'
* phosphorus -- has P
* The term "conformation" is a bit loose. It means "what you get
* when you go with one or another set of alternative locations.
* A Model then is just a small set of fields, a few arrays pointing
* to other objects, and a couple of hash tables for information storage
* Additional information here includes
* how many atoms there were before symmetry was applied
* as well as a bit about insertions and alternative locations.
* one model = one animation "frame", but we don't use the "f" word
* here because that would confuse the issue.
* If multiple files are loaded, then they will appear here in
* at least as many Model objects. Each vibration will be a complete
* set of atoms as well.
* Jmol 11.3.58 developed the trajectory idea -- where
* multiple models may share the same structures, bonds, etc., but
* just differ in atom positions, saved in the Trajectories Vector
* in ModelCollection.
ModelSet modelSet;
* @return associated ModelSet
public ModelSet getModelSet() {
return modelSet;
public int modelIndex; // our 0-based reference
int fileIndex; // 0-based file reference
int hydrogenCount;
boolean isPDB;
String loadState = "";
StringBuffer loadScript = new StringBuffer();
boolean isModelKit;
public boolean isModelkit() {
return isModelKit;
boolean isTrajectory;
int trajectoryBaseIndex;
int selectedTrajectory = -1;
boolean hasRasmolHBonds;
Hashtable dataFrames;
int dataSourceFrame = -1;
String jmolData; // from a PDB remark "Jmol PDB-encoded data"
String jmolFrameType;
// set in ModelLoader phase:
int firstAtomIndex;
int atomCount = 0; // includes deleted atoms
final BitSet bsAtoms = new BitSet();
final BitSet bsDeleted = new BitSet();
// this one is variable and calculated only if necessary:
public int getTrueAtomCount() {
return bsAtoms.cardinality() - bsDeleted.cardinality();
private int bondCount = -1;
public void resetBoundCount() {
bondCount = -1;
int getBondCount() {
if (bondCount >= 0)
return bondCount;
Bond[] bonds = modelSet.getBonds();
bondCount = 0;
for (int i = modelSet.getBondCount(); --i >= 0;)
if (bonds[i].atom1.modelIndex == modelIndex)
return bondCount;
int firstMoleculeIndex;
int moleculeCount;
public int nAltLocs;
int nInsertions;
int groupCount = -1;
int chainCount = 0;
Chain[] chains = new Chain[8];
int bioPolymerCount = 0;
Polymer[] bioPolymers = new Polymer[8];
int biosymmetryCount;
Hashtable auxiliaryInfo;
Properties properties;
float defaultRotationRadius;
Orientation orientation;
Model(ModelSet modelSet, int modelIndex, int trajectoryBaseIndex,
String jmolData, Properties properties, Hashtable auxiliaryInfo) {
this.modelSet = modelSet;
dataSourceFrame = this.modelIndex = modelIndex;
isTrajectory = (trajectoryBaseIndex >= 0);
this.trajectoryBaseIndex = (isTrajectory ? trajectoryBaseIndex : modelIndex);
if (auxiliaryInfo == null)
auxiliaryInfo = new Hashtable();
this.auxiliaryInfo = auxiliaryInfo;
if (auxiliaryInfo.containsKey("biosymmetryCount"))
biosymmetryCount = ((Integer)auxiliaryInfo.get("biosymmetryCount")).intValue();
this.properties = properties;
if (jmolData == null) {
jmolFrameType = "modelSet";
} else {
this.jmolData = jmolData;
isJmolDataFrame = true;
auxiliaryInfo.put("jmolData", jmolData);
auxiliaryInfo.put("title", jmolData);
jmolFrameType = (jmolData.indexOf("ramachandran") >= 0 ? "ramachandran"
: jmolData.indexOf("quaternion") >= 0 ? "quaternion"
: "data");
void setNAltLocs(int nAltLocs) {
this.nAltLocs = nAltLocs;
void setNInsertions(int nInsertions) {
this.nInsertions = nInsertions;
void addSecondaryStructure(byte type,
String structureID, int serialID, int strandCount,
char startChainID, int startSeqcode,
char endChainID, int endSeqcode) {
for (int i = bioPolymerCount; --i >= 0; ) {
Polymer polymer = bioPolymers[i];
polymer.addSecondaryStructure(type, structureID, serialID, strandCount, startChainID, startSeqcode,
endChainID, endSeqcode);
boolean structureTainted;
boolean isJmolDataFrame;
public String getModelNumberDotted() {
return modelSet.getModelNumberDotted(modelIndex);
public String getModelTitle() {
return modelSet.getModelTitle(modelIndex);
String calculateStructures(boolean asDSSP, boolean doReport,
boolean dsspIgnoreHydrogen, boolean setStructure,
boolean includeAlpha) {
structureTainted = modelSet.proteinStructureTainted = true;
if (bioPolymerCount == 0 || !setStructure && !asDSSP)
return "";
if (setStructure)
for (int i = bioPolymerCount; --i >= 0;)
if (!asDSSP || bioPolymers[i].getGroups()[0].getNitrogenAtom() != null)
if (!asDSSP || includeAlpha)
for (int i = bioPolymerCount; --i >= 0;)
return (asDSSP ? bioPolymers[0].calculateStructures(bioPolymers, bioPolymerCount,
null, doReport, dsspIgnoreHydrogen, setStructure) : "");
public boolean isStructureTainted() {
return structureTainted;
void setConformation(BitSet bsConformation) {
if (nAltLocs > 0)
for (int i = bioPolymerCount; --i >= 0; )
boolean getPdbConformation(BitSet bsConformation, int conformationIndex) {
if (!isPDB)
return false;
if (nAltLocs > 0)
for (int i = bioPolymerCount; --i >= 0;)
bioPolymers[i].getConformation(bsConformation, conformationIndex);
return true;
public Chain[] getChains() {
return chains;
public int getChainCount(boolean countWater) {
if (chainCount > 1 && !countWater)
for (int i = 0; i < chainCount; i++)
if (chains[i].chainID == '\0')
return chainCount - 1;
return chainCount;
public int getGroupCount(boolean isHetero) {
int n = 0;
for (int i = chainCount; --i >= 0;)
for (int j = chains[i].groupCount; --j >= 0;)
if (chains[i].groups[j].isHetero() == isHetero)
return n;
public int getBioPolymerCount() {
return bioPolymerCount;
void calcSelectedGroupsCount(BitSet bsSelected) {
for (int i = chainCount; --i >= 0; )
void calcSelectedMonomersCount(BitSet bsSelected) {
for (int i = bioPolymerCount; --i >= 0; )
void selectSeqcodeRange(int seqcodeA, int seqcodeB, char chainID, BitSet bs,
boolean caseSensitive) {
for (int i = chainCount; --i >= 0;)
if (chainID == '\t' || chainID == chains[i].chainID || !caseSensitive
&& chainID == Character.toUpperCase(chains[i].chainID))
for (int index = 0; index >= 0;)
index = chains[i].selectSeqcodeRange(index, seqcodeA, seqcodeB, bs);
int getGroupCount() {
if (groupCount < 0) {
groupCount = 0;
for (int i = chainCount; --i >= 0;)
groupCount += chains[i].getGroupCount();
return groupCount;
Chain getChain(char chainID) {
for (int i = chainCount; --i >= 0; ) {
Chain chain = chains[i];
if (chain.getChainID() == chainID)
return chain;
return null;
Chain getChain(int i) {
return (i < chainCount ? chains[i] : null);
public Polymer getBioPolymer(int polymerIndex) {
return bioPolymers[polymerIndex];
void getDefaultLargePDBRendering(StringBuffer sb, int maxAtoms) {
BitSet bs = new BitSet();
if (getBondCount() == 0)
bs = bsAtoms;
// all biopolymer atoms...
if (bs != bsAtoms)
for (int i = 0; i < bioPolymerCount; i++)
if (bs.nextSetBit(0) < 0)
// ...and not connected to backbone:
BitSet bs2 = new BitSet();
if (bs == bsAtoms) {
bs2 = bs;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < bioPolymerCount; i++)
if (bioPolymers[i].getType() == Polymer.TYPE_NOBONDING)
if (bs2.nextSetBit(0) >= 0)
sb.append("select ").append(Escape.escape(bs2)).append(";backbone only;");
if (atomCount <= maxAtoms)
// ...and it's a large model, to wireframe:
sb.append("select ").append(Escape.escape(bs)).append(" & connected; wireframe only;");
// ... and all non-biopolymer and not connected to stars...
if (bs != bsAtoms) {
if (bs2.nextSetBit(0) >= 0)
sb.append("select " + Escape.escape(bs2) + " & !connected;stars 0.5;");
public boolean isAtomHidden(int index) {
return modelSet.isAtomHidden(index);
public int getModelIndex() {
return modelIndex;
void fixIndices(int modelIndex, int nAtomsDeleted, BitSet bsDeleted) {
if (dataSourceFrame > modelIndex)
if (trajectoryBaseIndex > modelIndex)
firstAtomIndex -= nAtomsDeleted;
for (int i = 0; i < chainCount; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < bioPolymerCount; i++)
BitSetUtil.deleteBits(bsAtoms, bsDeleted);
BitSetUtil.deleteBits(this.bsDeleted, bsDeleted);