* Copyright (c) 2002, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
package com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.synth.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.*;
import sun.swing.plaf.synth.*;
import com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKConstants.ArrowType;
import com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKConstants.ExpanderStyle;
import com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKConstants.Orientation;
import com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKConstants.ShadowType;
class GTKIconFactory {
static final int CHECK_ICON_EXTRA_INSET = 1;
static final int DEFAULT_ICON_SPACING = 2;
static final int DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE = 13;
static final int DEFAULT_TOGGLE_MENU_ITEM_SIZE = 12; // For pre-gtk2.4
private static final String RADIO_BUTTON_ICON = "paintRadioButtonIcon";
private static final String CHECK_BOX_ICON = "paintCheckBoxIcon";
private static final String MENU_ARROW_ICON = "paintMenuArrowIcon";
private static final String CHECK_BOX_MENU_ITEM_CHECK_ICON =
private static final String RADIO_BUTTON_MENU_ITEM_CHECK_ICON =
private static final String TREE_EXPANDED_ICON = "paintTreeExpandedIcon";
private static final String TREE_COLLAPSED_ICON = "paintTreeCollapsedIcon";
private static final String ASCENDING_SORT_ICON = "paintAscendingSortIcon";
private static final String DESCENDING_SORT_ICON = "paintDescendingSortIcon";
private static final String TOOL_BAR_HANDLE_ICON = "paintToolBarHandleIcon";
private static Map<String, DelegatingIcon> iconsPool =
Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, DelegatingIcon>());
private static DelegatingIcon getIcon(String methodName) {
DelegatingIcon result = iconsPool.get(methodName);
if (result == null) {
if (methodName == TREE_COLLAPSED_ICON ||
result = new SynthExpanderIcon(methodName);
} else if (methodName == TOOL_BAR_HANDLE_ICON) {
result = new ToolBarHandleIcon();
} else if (methodName == MENU_ARROW_ICON) {
result = new MenuArrowIcon();
} else {
result = new DelegatingIcon(methodName);
iconsPool.put(methodName, result);
return result;
// Sort arrow
public static Icon getAscendingSortIcon() {
return getIcon(ASCENDING_SORT_ICON);
public static Icon getDescendingSortIcon() {
// Tree methods
public static SynthIcon getTreeExpandedIcon() {
return getIcon(TREE_EXPANDED_ICON);
public static SynthIcon getTreeCollapsedIcon() {
return getIcon(TREE_COLLAPSED_ICON);
// Radio button
public static SynthIcon getRadioButtonIcon() {
return getIcon(RADIO_BUTTON_ICON);
// CheckBox
public static SynthIcon getCheckBoxIcon() {
return getIcon(CHECK_BOX_ICON);
// Menus
public static SynthIcon getMenuArrowIcon() {
return getIcon(MENU_ARROW_ICON);
public static SynthIcon getCheckBoxMenuItemCheckIcon() {
public static SynthIcon getRadioButtonMenuItemCheckIcon() {
// ToolBar Handle
public static SynthIcon getToolBarHandleIcon() {
return getIcon(TOOL_BAR_HANDLE_ICON);
static void resetIcons() {
synchronized (iconsPool) {
for (DelegatingIcon di: iconsPool.values()) {
private static class DelegatingIcon extends SynthIcon implements
UIResource {
private static final Class[] PARAM_TYPES = new Class[] {
SynthContext.class, Graphics.class, int.class,
int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class
private Object method;
int iconDimension = -1;
DelegatingIcon(String methodName ){
this.method = methodName;
public void paintIcon(SynthContext context, Graphics g,
int x, int y, int w, int h) {
if (context != null) {
GTKPainter.INSTANCE.paintIcon(context, g,
getMethod(), x, y, w, h);
public int getIconWidth(SynthContext context) {
return getIconDimension(context);
public int getIconHeight(SynthContext context) {
return getIconDimension(context);
void resetIconDimensions() {
iconDimension = -1;
protected Method getMethod() {
if (method instanceof String) {
method = resolveMethod((String)method);
return (Method)method;
protected Class[] getMethodParamTypes() {
private Method resolveMethod(String name) {
try {
return GTKPainter.class.getMethod(name, getMethodParamTypes());
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
assert false;
return null;
int getIconDimension(SynthContext context) {
if (iconDimension >= 0) {
return iconDimension;
if (context == null) {
Region region = context.getRegion();
GTKStyle style = (GTKStyle) context.getStyle();
iconDimension = style.getClassSpecificIntValue(context,
(region == Region.CHECK_BOX_MENU_ITEM ||
region == Region.RADIO_BUTTON_MENU_ITEM) ?
if (region == Region.CHECK_BOX || region == Region.RADIO_BUTTON) {
iconDimension += 2 * style.getClassSpecificIntValue(context,
"indicator-spacing", DEFAULT_ICON_SPACING);
} else if (region == Region.CHECK_BOX_MENU_ITEM ||
region == Region.RADIO_BUTTON_MENU_ITEM) {
iconDimension += 2 * CHECK_ICON_EXTRA_INSET;
return iconDimension;
private static class SynthExpanderIcon extends DelegatingIcon {
SynthExpanderIcon(String method) {
public void paintIcon(SynthContext context, Graphics g, int x, int y,
int w, int h) {
if (context != null) {
super.paintIcon(context, g, x, y, w, h);
int getIconDimension(SynthContext context) {
return (iconDimension == -1) ? DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE :
private void updateSizeIfNecessary(SynthContext context) {
if (iconDimension == -1 && context != null) {
iconDimension = context.getStyle().getInt(context,
"Tree.expanderSize", 10);
// GTK has a separate widget for the handle box, to mirror this
// we create a unique icon per ToolBar and lookup the style for the
// HandleBox.
private static class ToolBarHandleIcon extends DelegatingIcon {
private static final Class[] PARAM_TYPES = new Class[] {
SynthContext.class, Graphics.class, int.class,
int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class, Orientation.class,
private SynthStyle style;
public ToolBarHandleIcon() {
protected Class[] getMethodParamTypes() {
public void paintIcon(SynthContext context, Graphics g, int x, int y,
int w, int h) {
if (context != null) {
JToolBar toolbar = (JToolBar)context.getComponent();
Orientation orientation =
(toolbar.getOrientation() == JToolBar.HORIZONTAL ?
Orientation.HORIZONTAL : Orientation.VERTICAL);
if (style == null) {
style = SynthLookAndFeel.getStyleFactory().getStyle(
context.getComponent(), GTKRegion.HANDLE_BOX);
context = new SynthContext(toolbar, GTKRegion.HANDLE_BOX,
style, SynthConstants.ENABLED);
GTKPainter.INSTANCE.paintIcon(context, g,
getMethod(), x, y, w, h, orientation);
public int getIconWidth(SynthContext context) {
if (context == null) {
return 10;
if (((JToolBar)context.getComponent()).getOrientation() ==
return 10;
} else {
return context.getComponent().getWidth();
public int getIconHeight(SynthContext context) {
if (context == null) {
return 10;
if (((JToolBar)context.getComponent()).getOrientation() ==
return context.getComponent().getHeight();
} else {
return 10;
private static class MenuArrowIcon extends DelegatingIcon {
private static final Class[] PARAM_TYPES = new Class[] {
SynthContext.class, Graphics.class, int.class,
int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class, ArrowType.class,
public MenuArrowIcon() {
protected Class[] getMethodParamTypes() {
public void paintIcon(SynthContext context, Graphics g, int x, int y,
int w, int h) {
if (context != null) {
ArrowType arrowDir = ArrowType.RIGHT;
if (!context.getComponent().getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight()) {
arrowDir = ArrowType.LEFT;
GTKPainter.INSTANCE.paintIcon(context, g,
getMethod(), x, y, w, h, arrowDir);