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import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;

import java.util.List;

Tests aspects of LiveOutputParser. This finds FileLinks within text that
is being output constantly.

@author mhunsicker
public class LiveOutputParserTests extends TestCase
   private LiveOutputParser parser;
    private FileLinkDefinitionLord definitionLord;

   protected void setUp() throws Exception
       definitionLord = new FileLinkDefinitionLord();
       parser = new LiveOutputParser(definitionLord, false );

   protected void tearDown() throws Exception
      definitionLord = null;
      parser = null; //clean up after ourselves. Some test runners keep all tests in memory. This makes sure our parser isn't consuming any.

    This does a basic test. Text is output in several waves breaking within lines.
    There is a single file link in it. We should find it. Specifically, this is going
    to break up the file so it comes in multiple parts.
   public void testBasic()
      FileLink expectedFileLink = new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/project/modules/plugins/src/main/java/com/thing/plugins/gradle/ui/" ), 114, 215, 186 );

      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( ":distributionDiskResources " );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "SKIPPED\n:installDiskResources SKIPPED\n" );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( ":idea-plugins:ideagradle:compileJava\n" );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "[ant:javac] /home/user/project/modules/plugins");
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "/src/main/java/com/thing/plugins/gradle/ui/Gradle" );
      appendTextWithFileLinks( " cannot find symbol\n", expectedFileLink )//here's where we expect to get some results
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "[ant:javac] symbol  : constructor Integer()\n" );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "[ant:javac] location: class java.lang.Integer\n"  );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "[ant:javac]       SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Integer() );\n" );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "[ant:javac]                                   ^\n" );

      //at the end, verify we only found what was expected
      TestUtility.assertListContents( parser.getFileLinks(), expectedFileLink );

   private void appendTextWithoutFileLinks( String text )
      List<FileLink> fileLinks = parser.appendText( text );
      if( !fileLinks.isEmpty() )
         throw new AssertionFailedError( "FileLinks list is erroneously not empty: " + TestUtility.dumpList( fileLinks ) );

   private void appendTextWithFileLinks( String text, FileLink ... expectedResults )
      List<FileLink> fileLinks = parser.appendText( text );
      TestUtility.assertListContents( fileLinks, expectedResults );

    This tests live output coming in where the result is multiple FileLinks. We'll just add many lines
    some have FileLinks some don't. We want to make sure the LiveOutputParser tracks all of them correctly.
   public void testMultipleFiles()
      FileLink fileLink1 = new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/org/gradle/util/exec/" ), 120, 243, 38 );
      FileLink fileLink2 = new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-core/src/test/groovy/org/gradle/integtests/" ), 282, 408, -1 );
      FileLink fileLink3 = new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-core/build/checkstyle/main.xml" ), 531, 606, -1 );
      FileLink fileLink4 = new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-ui/ui.gradle" ), 622, 679, -1 );
      FileLink fileLink5 = new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-ui/build/reports/codenarc/test.html" ), 832, 912, -1 );

      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( ":distributionDiskResources SKIPPED\n:installDiskResources" );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( " SKIPPED\n:idea-plugins:ideagradle:compileJava\n\n" );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "[ant:checkstyle] /home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects" );
      appendTextWithFileLinks( "/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/org/gradle/util/exec/ 'if' construct must use '{}'s.\n", fileLink1 );
      appendTextWithFileLinks( "Note: /home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-core/src/test/groovy/org/gradle/integtests/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.\n", fileLink2 );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "\n" );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "Cause: Checkstyle check violations were found in main " );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "Java source. See the report " );
      appendTextWithFileLinks( "at /home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-core/build/checkstyle/main.xml.\n", fileLink3 );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "\n" );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "\n" );
      appendTextWithFileLinks( "Build file '/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-ui/ui.gradle'\n", fileLink4 );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "\n" );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "* What went wrong:\n" );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "Execution failed for task ':ui:codenarcTest'.\n" );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "Cause: CodeNarc check " );
      appendTextWithFileLinks( "violations were found in test Groovy source. See the report at /home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-ui/build/reports/codenarc/test.html.\n", fileLink5 );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "\n" );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "* Try:\n" );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "Run with -s or -d option to get more details. Run with -S option to get the full (very verbose) stacktrace." );

      //at the end, verify we only found what was expected
      TestUtility.assertListContents( parser.getFileLinks(), fileLink1, fileLink2, fileLink3, fileLink4, fileLink5 );

    This tests is we can successfully find FileLinks if several of them come in at once in one big block of multi-lined text.
    We'll add some text one line at a time, then add a single FileLink (on a single line), then add many many lines at once that
    has 4 FileLinks in it.
   public void testMultiplesAtOnce()
      FileLink fileLink1 = new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/org/gradle/util/exec/" ), 120, 243, 38 );
      FileLink fileLink2 = new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-core/src/test/groovy/org/gradle/integtests/" ), 282, 408, -1 );
      FileLink fileLink3 = new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-core/build/checkstyle/main.xml" ), 531, 606, -1 );
      FileLink fileLink4 = new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-ui/ui.gradle" ), 622, 679, -1 );
      FileLink fileLink5 = new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-ui/build/reports/codenarc/test.html" ), 832, 912, -1 );

      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( ":distributionDiskResources SKIPPED\n" );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( ":installDiskResources SKIPPED\n" );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( ":idea-plugins:ideagradle:compileJava\n\n" );
      appendTextWithFileLinks( "[ant:checkstyle] /home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/org/gradle/util/exec/ 'if' construct must use '{}'s.\n", fileLink1 );
      appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "Note: /home/user/modules/gradle/" ); //does NOT end with a newline. This is just to push a potential edge case

      String remaindingOutputText = "subprojects/gradle-core/src/test/groovy/org/gradle/integtests/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.\n" +
            "\n" +
            "Cause: Checkstyle check violations were found in main Java source. See the report at /home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-core/build/checkstyle/main.xml.\n" +
            "\n" +
            "\n" +
            "Build file '/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-ui/ui.gradle'\n" +
            "\n" +
            "* What went wrong:\n" +
            "Execution failed for task ':ui:codenarcTest'.\n" +
            "Cause: CodeNarc check violations were found in test Groovy source. See the report at /home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-ui/build/reports/codenarc/test.html.\n" +
            "\n" +
            "* Try:\n" +
            "Run with -s or -d option to get more details. Run with -S option to get the full (very verbose) stacktrace.";

      //now add that one large chunk. We should find the last four
      appendTextWithFileLinks( remaindingOutputText, fileLink2, fileLink3, fileLink4, fileLink5 );

      //at the end, verify we only found what was expected
      TestUtility.assertListContents( parser.getFileLinks(), fileLink1, fileLink2, fileLink3, fileLink4, fileLink5 );

     * This verifies that we can find a link to a groovy file as well as its line number. This was actually
     * a bug and this test is based off of actual data (tests failed due to a compile error in groovy).
     * I tracked the problem down to the space after the delimiter (".groovy: 24" vs. ".groovy:24" ).
     * After running this test with actual data, I'm going to test it with a line that doesn't have a space
     * just to make sure both work.
   public void testGroovyFileLineDelimiter()
       FileLink fileLink1 = new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/gradle/subprojects/gradle-open-api/src/integTest/groovy/org/gradle/integtests/GradleRunnerFactoryTest.groovy" ), 183, 306, 24 );
       FileLink fileLink2 = new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/gradle/subprojects/gradle-open-api/src/integTest/groovy/org/gradle/integtests/GradleRunnerFactoryTest.groovy" ), 481, 603, 85 );

       appendTextWithoutFileLinks( ":distributionDiskResources SKIPPED\n" );
       appendTextWithoutFileLinks( ":installDiskResources SKIPPED\n" );
       appendTextWithoutFileLinks( ":idea-plugins:ideagradle:compileJava\n\n" );
       appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:\n" );

       //notice the space between "GradleRunnerFactoryTest.groovy:" and "24:". That was causing our problem
       appendTextWithFileLinks( "/home/user/gradle/subprojects/gradle-open-api/src/integTest/groovy/org/gradle/integtests/GradleRunnerFactoryTest.groovy: 24: unable to find class 'DistributionIntegrationTestRunner.class' for annotation attribute constant\n", fileLink1 );
       appendTextWithoutFileLinks( " @ line 24, column 10.\n" );
       appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "   @RunWith(DistributionIntegrationTestRunner.class)\n" );

       //now test it without a space between the delimiter and line number to make sure it works both ways
       appendTextWithFileLinks( "/home/user/gradle/subprojects/gradle-open-api/src/integTest/groovy/org/gradle/integtests/GradleRunnerFactoryTest.groovy:85: unable to find class 'DistributionIntegrationTestRunner.class' for annotation attribute constant\n", fileLink2 );

     * This tests that you can dynamically add file extensions to the parser.
     * We're going to add 2 fake extensions (one with line number delimiter, one without)
     * then verify that the parser correctly parses the output with said extensions.
   public void testAddingFileExtensions()
       String myExtension1 = ".mytxtextension";
       String myExtension2 = ".othertxtextension";

       //make sure this fake extension isn't already in use
       assertFalse( "Fake extension 1 already present. This test is not setup correctly!", definitionLord.getFileExtensions().contains(myExtension1) );
       assertFalse( "Fake extension 2 already present. This test is not setup correctly!", definitionLord.getFileExtensions().contains(myExtension2) );

       definitionLord.addFileExtension(myExtension1, ":" );
       definitionLord.addFileExtension(myExtension2, null ); //this one has no line delimiter

       //make sure it was added
       assertTrue( "Fake extension 1 was not added. ", definitionLord.getFileExtensions().contains(myExtension1) );
       assertTrue( "Fake extension 2 was not added. ", definitionLord.getFileExtensions().contains(myExtension2) );

       //now verify the extension is used

       FileLink fileLink1 = new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/gradle/subprojects/gradle-open-api/src/integTest/groovy/org/gradle/integtests/GradleRunnerFactoryTest.mytxtextension" ), 183, 313, 24 );
       FileLink fileLink2 = new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/gradle/subprojects/gradle-open-api/src/integTest/groovy/org/gradle/integtests/GradleRunnerFactoryTest.othertxtextension" ), 488, 618, -1 );
       FileLink fileLink3 = new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/org/gradle/util/exec/" ), 632, 755, 38 );

       appendTextWithoutFileLinks( ":distributionDiskResources SKIPPED\n" );
       appendTextWithoutFileLinks( ":installDiskResources SKIPPED\n" );
       appendTextWithoutFileLinks( ":idea-plugins:ideagradle:compileJava\n\n" );
       appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:\n" );
       appendTextWithFileLinks( "/home/user/gradle/subprojects/gradle-open-api/src/integTest/groovy/org/gradle/integtests/GradleRunnerFactoryTest.mytxtextension:24: unable to find class 'DistributionIntegrationTestRunner.class' for annotation attribute constant\n", fileLink1 );
       appendTextWithoutFileLinks( " @ line 24, column 10.\n" );
       appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "   @RunWith(DistributionIntegrationTestRunner.class)\n" );
       appendTextWithFileLinks( "/home/user/gradle/subprojects/gradle-open-api/src/integTest/groovy/org/gradle/integtests/GradleRunnerFactoryTest.othertxtextension: other error\n", fileLink2 );

       //do this just to make sure adding our custom extension didn't break existing extensions
       appendTextWithFileLinks( "/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/org/gradle/util/exec/ 'if' construct must use '{}'s.\n", fileLink3 );

   * This tests that you can dynamically add file prefixes to the parser.
   * We're going to add 2 fake prefixes (one with line number delimiter, one without)
   * then verify that the parser correctly parses the output with said prefixes.
   public void testAddingPrefixedFileLink()
       definitionLord.addPrefixedFileLink( "Test Crap 1", "Some Garbage:", ".txt", ":" );
       definitionLord.addPrefixedFileLink( "Test Crap 2", "Some Trash:", ".txt", null );    //no line delimiter on this one

       FileLink fileLink1 = new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/gradle/subprojects/gradle-open-api/src/integTest/groovy/org/gradle/integtests/GradleRunnerFactoryTest.txt" ), 206, 325, 24 );
       FileLink fileLink2 = new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/gradle/subprojects/gradle-open-api/src/integTest/groovy/org/gradle/integtests/GradleRunnerFactoryTest.txt" ), 517, 633, -1 );
       FileLink fileLink3 = new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/org/gradle/util/exec/" ), 651, 774, 38 );

       appendTextWithoutFileLinks( ":distributionDiskResources SKIPPED\n" );
       appendTextWithoutFileLinks( ":installDiskResources SKIPPED\n" );
       appendTextWithoutFileLinks( ":idea-plugins:ideagradle:compileJava\n\n" );
       appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:\n" );
       appendTextWithFileLinks( "Blah blah Some Garbage:/home/user/gradle/subprojects/gradle-open-api/src/integTest/groovy/org/gradle/integtests/GradleRunnerFactoryTest.txt:24: unable to find class 'DistributionIntegrationTestRunner.class' for annotation attribute constant\n", fileLink1 );
       appendTextWithoutFileLinks( " @ line 24, column 10.\n" );
       appendTextWithoutFileLinks( "   @RunWith(DistributionIntegrationTestRunner.class)\n" );
       appendTextWithFileLinks( "Blah Some Trash: /home/user/gradle/subprojects/gradle-open-api/src/integTest/groovy/org/gradle/integtests/GradleRunnerFactoryTest.txt Some other error\n", fileLink2 );

       //do this just to make sure adding our prefixed links didn't break existing extensions
       appendTextWithFileLinks( "/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/org/gradle/util/exec/ 'if' construct must use '{}'s.\n", fileLink3 );

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