"Cause: CodeNarc check violations were found in test Groovy source. See the report at /home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-ui/build/reports/codenarc/test.html.\n" +
"\n" +
"* Try:\n" +
"Run with -s or -d option to get more details. Run with -S option to get the full (very verbose) stacktrace.";
parseOutputTest( outputText, new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/org/gradle/util/exec/ExecHandleShutdownHookAction.java" ), 120, 243, 38 ),
new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-core/src/test/groovy/org/gradle/integtests/DistributionIntegrationTestRunner.java" ), 282, 408, -1 ),
new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-core/build/checkstyle/main.xml" ), 531, 606, -1 ),
new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-ui/ui.gradle" ), 622, 679, -1 ),
new FileLink( new File( "/home/user/modules/gradle/subprojects/gradle-ui/build/reports/codenarc/test.html" ), 832, 912, -1 ) );