Package org.gradle.gradleplugin.userinterface.swing.generic

Source Code of org.gradle.gradleplugin.userinterface.swing.generic.OutputPanel

* Copyright 2010 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.gradle.gradleplugin.userinterface.swing.generic;

import org.gradle.BuildResult;
import org.gradle.StartParameter;
import org.gradle.gradleplugin.userinterface.AlternateUIInteraction;

import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.Box;
import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JProgressBar;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;

* This is a panel that displays the results of executing a gradle command. It shows gradle's output as well as
* progress.
* @author mhunsicker
public class OutputPanel extends JPanel implements ExecuteGradleCommandServerProtocol.ExecutionInteraction {

    private OutputPanelParent parent;
    private AlternateUIInteraction alternateUIInteraction;

    private JPanel gradleOutputTextPanel;
    private OutputTextPane gradleOutputTextPane;

    private JPanel progressPanel;
    private JLabel progressLabel;
    private JProgressBar progressBar;

    private JPanel statusPanel;
    private JLabel statusLabel;

    private JButton executeAgainButton;

    private JLabel forceShowOutputButtonLabel;   //a label that acts like a button

    private boolean isBusy;     //is this actively showing output?
    private boolean isPending;  //is this waitin got show output?
    private boolean isPinned;   //keeps this panel open and disallows it from being re-used.
    private boolean showProgress = true;
    private boolean onlyShowOutputOnErrors;

    private Request request;

   public interface OutputPanelParent {

       public void removeOutputPanel( OutputPanel outputPanel );

       void reportExecuteFinished( Request request, boolean wasSuccessful );

       void executeAgain( Request request, OutputPanel outputPanel );

       public FileLinkDefinitionLord getFileLinkDefinitionLord();

    public OutputPanel( OutputPanelParent parent, AlternateUIInteraction alternateUIInteraction ) {
       this.parent = parent;
       this.alternateUIInteraction = alternateUIInteraction;

    Call this after initializing this, but after setting any additional swing properties (actually, just the font for now).
    I really only added this as an optimization. Since we'll always be setting the font, I didn't want the various style
    objects created only to be thrown away and re-created. This way, you can set the font before we create the styles.

   public void initialize() {

    * This is called whenever a new request is made. It associates this request with this output panel.
    * @param request
    * @param onlyShowOutputOnErrors
   public void setRequest( Request request, boolean onlyShowOutputOnErrors )
      this.request = request;
      if( request.forceOutputToBeShown() ) {
      else {
         setOnlyShowOutputOnErrors( onlyShowOutputOnErrors );

      //set this to indeterminate until we figure out how many tasks to execute.
      progressBar.setIndeterminate( true );
      progressBar.setStringPainted( false ); //And don't show '0%' in the mean time.

      showProgress(true);   //make sure the progress is shown. It may have been turned off if we're reusing this component

      appendGradleOutput( getPrefixText() );

    * Returns a string stating the command we're currently executing. This is placed at the beginning of
    * the output text. This is called when we start and when the command is finished (where we replace all
    * of our text with the total output)
   private String getPrefixText() {return "Executing command: \"" + request.getFullCommandLine() + "\"\n";}

   public boolean isPinned() {
        return isPinned;

    public void setPinned(boolean pinned) {
        isPinned = pinned;

    public boolean isBusy() {
        return isBusy;

    protected void setBusy(boolean busy) {
        isBusy = busy;
    }   //this should be the only way to isBusy.

    public boolean isPending() {
        return isPending;

    private void setPending(boolean pending) {
        isPending = pending;
        if (isPending) {
           statusLabel.setText("Waiting to execute");


    public Request getRequest() {
        return request;

    private void setupUI() {
        setLayout(new BorderLayout());

        add(createInfoPanel(), BorderLayout.NORTH);
        add(createGradleOutputPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER);

    private Component createGradleOutputPanel() {
        gradleOutputTextPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());

        gradleOutputTextPane = new OutputTextPane( new OutputTextPane.Interaction()
           public void fileClicked( File file, int line )
              alternateUIInteraction.openFile( file, line );
        }, alternateUIInteraction.doesSupportEditingOpeningFiles(), getFont(), parent.getFileLinkDefinitionLord() );

        gradleOutputTextPanel.add( gradleOutputTextPane.asComponent(), BorderLayout.CENTER);

        return gradleOutputTextPanel;

    private Component createInfoPanel() {
        JPanel panel = new JPanel();
        panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));


        return panel;

    private Component createProgressPanel() {
        progressPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
        progressLabel = new JLabel("Progress");
        progressBar = new JProgressBar();

        progressPanel.add(progressBar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
        progressPanel.add(progressLabel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

        progressPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(2, 2, 2, 2));

        return progressPanel;

    private Component createStatusPanel() {
        statusPanel = new JPanel();
        statusPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(statusPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
        statusLabel = new JLabel();
       executeAgainButton = Utility.createButton( OutputPanel.class, "/org/gradle/gradleplugin/userinterface/swing/generic/tabs/execute.png", "Execute Again", new AbstractAction()
           public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
              parent.executeAgain( request, OutputPanel.this );
        executeAgainButton.setVisible( false );

        //this button is only shown when the output is hidden
        forceShowOutputButtonLabel = new JLabel("Show Output");

        forceShowOutputButtonLabel.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
            public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {

            public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {

            public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {

        statusPanel.add( executeAgainButton );
        statusPanel.add( Box.createHorizontalStrut( 2 ) );

        statusPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(2, 2, 2, 2));
        return statusPanel;

    * Call this if you're going to reuse this. it resets its output.
    public void reset() {
        executeAgainButton.setVisible( false );

       * Call this to append text to the gradle output field. We'll also move the caret to the end.
       * @param  text       the text to add
    private void appendGradleOutput(final String text) {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                gradleOutputTextPane.appendText( text );

    private void setProgress( final String text, final float percentComplete) {
       SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable()
          public void run()
              progressBar.setValue((int) percentComplete);
       } );

       Notification that execution of a task or tasks has been started.
    public void reportExecutionStarted() {
       SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable()
          public void run()
             setProgress("Starting", 0);
             if (showProgress) {


             //give the user the option to override this.
       } );

    * Notification of the total number of tasks that will be executed. This is called after reportExecutionStarted and before any tasks are executed.
    * @param size the total number of tasks.
   public void reportNumberOfTasksToExecute( final int size )
   {  //if we only have a single task, then the intire process will be indeterminately long (it'll just from 0 to 100)
      SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable()
          public void run()
            boolean isIndeterminate = size == 1;
            progressBar.setIndeterminate( isIndeterminate );
            progressBar.setStringPainted( !isIndeterminate );
      } );

     * Notification that execution of all tasks has completed. This is only called once at the end.
     * @param wasSuccessful whether or not gradle encountered errors.
     * @param buildResult   contains more detailed information about the result of a build.
     * @param output        the text that gradle produced. May contain error information, but is usually just status.
    public void reportExecutionFinished(boolean wasSuccessful, BuildResult buildResult, String output) {
        reportExecutionFinished(wasSuccessful, output, buildResult.getFailure());

     * Notification that execution of a task has completed. This is the task you initiated and not for each subtask or dependent task.
     * @param  wasSuccessful whether or not gradle encountered errors.
     * @param  output        the text that gradle produced. May contain error information, but is usually just status.
     * @param throwable
    public void reportExecutionFinished( final boolean wasSuccessful, final String output, final Throwable throwable) {
       SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable()
          public void run()
              setPending(false); //this can be called before we actually get a start message if it fails early. This clears the pending flag so we know we can reuse it.

              //Make the output equal to all of our output. There are some timing issues where we don't get the last live output from gradle.
              //This 'output' is the entire text. This way we always get all output.
              String newText = getPrefixText() + output;
              gradleOutputTextPane.setText( newText );

              //show the user the time we finished this.
              SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("h:mm:ss aa");
              String formattedTime = formatter.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());

              if (wasSuccessful) {
                  statusLabel.setText("Completed successfully at " + formattedTime);
                  appendGradleOutput("\nCompleted Successfully");
              } else {
                  statusLabel.setText("Completed with errors at " + formattedTime);

                  //since errors occurred, show the output. If onlyShowOutputOnErrors is false, this textPanel will already be visible.

              executeAgainButton.setVisible( true );


              //lastly, if the text output is not visible, make the 'show output' button visible

              parent.reportExecuteFinished( request, wasSuccessful );

       } );

    private void appendThrowable(Throwable throwable) {
        if (throwable != null) {
            String output = GradlePluginLord.getGradleExceptionMessage(throwable, StartParameter.ShowStacktrace.ALWAYS_FULL);

     * Notification that a single task has completed. Note: the task you kicked off probably executes other tasks.
     * @param currentTaskName the task being executed
     * @param percentComplete the percent complete of all the tasks that make up the task you requested.
    public void reportTaskStarted(String currentTaskName, float percentComplete) {
        setProgress(currentTaskName, percentComplete);

    public void reportTaskComplete(String currentTaskName, float percentComplete) {
        setProgress(currentTaskName, percentComplete);

    public void reportFatalError(String message) {
        appendGradleOutput('\n' + message + "\n\nFailed.\n");

     * Report real-time output from gradle and its subsystems (such as ant).
     * @param output a single line of text to show.
     * @author mhunsicker
    public void reportLiveOutput(String output) {

     * Determines if this panel is ready to be reused. Currently, if its not busy or pinned, it can be reused.
     * @author mhunsicker
    public boolean canBeReusedNow() {
        return !isPending && !isBusy && !isPinned;

     * Call this to show progress. Some tasks have no useful progress, so this allows you to disable it.
     * @param showProgress true to show a progress bar, false not to.
    private void showProgress(boolean showProgress) {
        this.showProgress = showProgress;

     * This overrides the onlyShowOutputOnErrors
    private void forciblyShowOutput() {

    public void setOnlyShowOutputOnErrors(boolean value) {
        this.onlyShowOutputOnErrors = value;

    public boolean getOnlyShowOutputOnErrors() {
        return onlyShowOutputOnErrors;

    public boolean close() {
        if (request != null)   //if we have a request, we can only close if it allows us to.
            if (!request.cancel()) {
               return false;

        parent.removeOutputPanel( this );

        setPinned(false)//unpin it when it is removed
        return true;

    Sets the font for this component.

    @param font the desired <code>Font</code> for this component
    @beaninfo preferred: true
    bound: true
    attribute: visualUpdate true
    description: The font for the component.
    @see Component#getFont
   public void setFont( Font font )
      super.setFont( font );
      if( gradleOutputTextPane != null //this gets called by internal Swing APIs, so we may not have this yet.
         gradleOutputTextPane.setFont( font );

Related Classes of org.gradle.gradleplugin.userinterface.swing.generic.OutputPanel

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