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import java.util.ArrayList;

import javax.vecmath.GVector;


import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LinearRing;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon;

* Utility class able to transform a polygon with holes into
* one without holes, cutting the original geometry.
* HolesRemover is an implementation of Dave Eberly's ear clipping
* algorithm as described here:
* The code is taken from Triangulator,
* by Nick Gravelyn ( which is
* open sourced under the terms of the Ms-PL.
* Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL), which follows:
* This license governs use of the accompanying software. If you use the software, you accept this license. If you do not accept the license, do not use the software.
* 1. Definitions
* The terms "reproduce," "reproduction," "derivative works," and "distribution" have the same meaning here as under U.S. copyright law.
* A "contribution" is the original software, or any additions or changes to the software.
* A "contributor" is any person that distributes its contribution under this license.
* "Licensed patents" are a contributor's patent claims that read directly on its contribution.
* 2. Grant of Rights
* (A) Copyright Grant- Subject to the terms of this license, including the license conditions and limitations in section 3, each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free copyright license to reproduce its contribution, prepare derivative works of its contribution, and distribute its contribution or any derivative works that you create.
* (B) Patent Grant- Subject to the terms of this license, including the license conditions and limitations in section 3, each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license under its licensed patents to make, have made, use, sell, offer for sale, import, and/or otherwise dispose of its contribution in the software or derivative works of the contribution in the software.
* 3. Conditions and Limitations
* (A) No Trademark License- This license does not grant you rights to use any contributors' name, logo, or trademarks.
* (B) If you bring a patent claim against any contributor over patents that you claim are infringed by the software, your patent license from such contributor to the software ends automatically.
* (C) If you distribute any portion of the software, you must retain all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices that are present in the software.
* (D) If you distribute any portion of the software in source code form, you may do so only under this license by including a complete copy of this license with your distribution. If you distribute any portion of the software in compiled or object code form, you may only do so under a license that complies with this license.
* (E) The software is licensed "as-is." You bear the risk of using it. The contributors give no express warranties, guarantees or conditions. You may have additional consumer rights under your local laws which this license cannot change. To the extent permitted under your local laws, the contributors exclude the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.
* @author m.bartolomeoli
public class HolesRemover {
  // winding directions constants
  public static final int WINDING_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE=0;
  public static final int WINDING_CLOCKWISE=1;

  private LineString shapeVerts=null;
  private LineString holeVerts=null;
  private GeometryFactory gFac=null;
  private IndexableCyclicalLinkedList polygonVertices = new IndexableCyclicalLinkedList();
  private CyclicalList convexVertices = new CyclicalList();
  private CyclicalList reflexVertices = new CyclicalList();

  // minimum area to consider a hole;
  // holes with a lesser area will be skipped
  private static final double HOLE_AREA_TOLERANCE=100.0;
  protected HolesRemover(LineString boundary, LineString hole,
      GeometryFactory fac) {
    this.shapeVerts = boundary;
    this.holeVerts = hole;
    gFac = fac;

   * Gets a new polygon without holes from the given
   * polygon.
   * @param poly
   * @return
  public static Polygon removeHoles(Polygon poly,double scale) {
    GeometryFactory gFac=new GeometryFactory(poly.getPrecisionModel(),poly.getSRID());
    // extracts the exterior ring that will be used as
    // a starting polygon from which holes will be cut
    LineString result=poly.getExteriorRing();
    // cut every hole from the exterior ring
    for(int holeCount=0;holeCount<poly.getNumInteriorRing();holeCount++) {
      LineString hole=poly.getInteriorRingN(holeCount);
      if(!skipHole(hole,scale)) {
        // call holes remover to cut the current hole
        HolesRemover remover=new HolesRemover(result,hole,gFac);
    // return a new polygon from the new boundary
    LinearRing resultRing=gFac.createLinearRing(result.getCoordinates());
    return gFac.createPolygon(resultRing, new LinearRing[] {});

  private static boolean skipHole(LineString hole,double scale) {
    GeometryFactory gFac=new GeometryFactory(hole.getPrecisionModel(),hole.getSRID());
    LinearRing ext=gFac.createLinearRing(hole.getCoordinates());
    Polygon holePoly=gFac.createPolygon(ext, new LinearRing[] {});
    // if hole area is less than the tolerance, skip it
      return true;
    return false;

   * Cuts the configured polygon with the hole.
   * @return
  private LineString cutHole() {
    // boundary must be counterclockwise
    shapeVerts = ensureWindingOrder(shapeVerts, WINDING_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE);
    // hole must be clockwise
    holeVerts = ensureWindingOrder(holeVerts, WINDING_CLOCKWISE);
    //generate the cyclical list of vertices in the polygon
    for (int i = 0; i < shapeVerts.getNumPoints(); i++)
      polygonVertices.addLast(new Vertex(shapeVerts.getCoordinateN(i), i));
    //generate the cyclical list of vertices in the hole
    CyclicalList holePolygon = new CyclicalList();
    for (int i = 0; i < holeVerts.getNumPoints(); i++)
      holePolygon.add(new Vertex(holeVerts.getCoordinateN(i), i + polygonVertices.size()));
    // calc list of convex and reflex vertices
    //find the hole vertex with the largest X value
    Vertex rightMostHoleVertex = (Vertex)holePolygon.get(0);
    for(int count=0;count<holePolygon.size();count++) {
      Vertex v=(Vertex)holePolygon.get(count);
      if (v.getPosition().x > rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().x)
        rightMostHoleVertex = v;
    //construct a list of all line segments where at least one vertex
    //is to the right of the rightmost hole vertex with one vertex
    //above the hole vertex and one below
    ArrayList segmentsToTest = new ArrayList();
    for (int i = 0; i < polygonVertices.size(); i++)
      Vertex a = (Vertex)polygonVertices.get(i);
      Vertex b = (Vertex)polygonVertices.get(i + 1);

      if ((a.getPosition().x > rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().x || b.getPosition().x > rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().x) &&
        ((a.getPosition().y >= rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().y && b.getPosition().y <= rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().y) ||
        (a.getPosition().y <= rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().y && b.getPosition().y >= rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().y)))
        segmentsToTest.add(new LineSegment(a, b));
    //now we try to find the closest intersection point heading to the right from
    //our hole vertex.
    Float closestPoint = null;
    LineSegment closestSegment = new LineSegment();
    for (int count=0;count<segmentsToTest.size();count++)     
      LineSegment segment=(LineSegment)segmentsToTest.get(count);
      Float intersection = segment.intersectsWithRay(rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition(), new Coordinate(1.0,0.0));
      if (intersection != null)
        if (closestPoint == null || closestPoint.floatValue()> intersection.floatValue())
          closestPoint = intersection;
          closestSegment = segment;
    //if closestPoint is null, there were no collisions (likely from improper input data),
    //but we'll just return without doing anything else
    if (closestPoint == null)
      return shapeVerts;

    //otherwise we can find our mutually visible vertex to split the polygon
    Coordinate I = rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition();
    GVector i=new GVector(new double[] {I.x,I.y});
    i.add(new GVector(new double[] {closestPoint.floatValue(),0.0}));
    Vertex P = (closestSegment.A.getPosition().x > closestSegment.B.getPosition().x)
      ? closestSegment.A
      : closestSegment.B;
    //construct triangle MIP
    Triangle mip = new Triangle(rightMostHoleVertex, new Vertex(I, 1), P);
    //see if any of the reflex vertices lie inside of the MIP triangle
    ArrayList interiorReflexVertices = new ArrayList();
    for (int count=0;count<reflexVertices.size();count++) {
      Vertex v=(Vertex)reflexVertices.get(count);
      if (mip.ContainsPoint(v))
    //if there are any interior reflex vertices, find the one that, when connected
    //to our rightMostHoleVertex, forms the line closest to Vector2.UnitX
    if (interiorReflexVertices.size() > 0)
      float closestDot = -1f;
      for (int count=0;count<interiorReflexVertices.size();count++)
        Vertex v=(Vertex)interiorReflexVertices.get(count);
        GVector n=new GVector(new double[] {v.getPosition().x,v.getPosition().y});
        n.sub(new GVector(new double[] {rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().x,rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().y}));
        GVector m=new GVector(new double[] {1.0,0.0});
        float dot=(float);

        //if this line is the closest we've found
        if (dot > closestDot)
          //save the value and save the vertex as P
          closestDot = dot;
          P = v;
    //now we just form our output array by injecting the hole vertices into place
    //we know we have to inject the hole into the main array after point P going from
    //rightMostHoleVertex around and then back to P.
    int mIndex = holePolygon.indexOf(rightMostHoleVertex);
    int injectPoint = polygonVertices.indexOf(P)+1;

    for (int count = mIndex; count <= mIndex + holePolygon.size(); count++)
      polygonVertices.add(injectPoint++, holePolygon.get(count));
    polygonVertices.add(injectPoint, P);

    Coordinate[] newShapeVerts = new Coordinate[polygonVertices.size()];
    for (int count = 0; count < polygonVertices.size(); count++)
      newShapeVerts[count] = ((Vertex)polygonVertices.get(count)).getPosition();

    return gFac.createLineString(newShapeVerts);
  private void findConvexAndReflexVertices()
    for (int i = 0; i < polygonVertices.size(); i++)
      Vertex v = (Vertex)polygonVertices.get(i);

      if (isConvex(v))
  private boolean isConvex(Vertex c)
    Vertex p = (Vertex)polygonVertices.get(polygonVertices.indexOf(c) - 1);
    Vertex n = (Vertex)polygonVertices.get(polygonVertices.indexOf(c) + 1);
    Coordinate cc=c.getPosition();
    Coordinate pc=p.getPosition();
    Coordinate nc=n.getPosition();
    GVector d1=new GVector(new double[] {cc.x,cc.y});
    d1.sub(new GVector(new double[] {pc.x,pc.y}));
    GVector d2=new GVector(new double[] {nc.x,nc.y});
    d2.sub(new GVector(new double[] {cc.x,cc.y}));
    GVector n2=new GVector(new double[] {-d2.getElement(1),d2.getElement(0)});
  public static LineString ensureWindingOrder(LineString vertices,int windingOrder)
    if (determineWindingOrder(vertices) != windingOrder)
      return reverseWindingOrder(vertices);

    return vertices;

  private static LineString reverseWindingOrder(LineString vertices)
    return (LineString) vertices.reverse();   

  private static int determineWindingOrder(LineString vertices) {
    int clockWiseCount = 0;
    int counterClockWiseCount = 0;
    Coordinate p1 = vertices.getCoordinateN(0);

    for (int i = 1; i < vertices.getNumPoints(); i++)
      Coordinate p2 = vertices.getCoordinateN(i);
      Coordinate p3 = vertices.getCoordinateN((i + 1) % vertices.getNumPoints());
      GVector e1=new GVector(new double[] {p1.x,p1.y});
      e1.sub(new GVector(new double[] {p2.x,p2.y}));
      GVector e2=new GVector(new double[] {p3.x,p3.y});
      e2.sub(new GVector(new double[] {p2.x,p2.y}));

      if (e1.getElement(0)* e2.getElement(1) - e1.getElement(1) * e2.getElement(0) >= 0)

      p1 = p2;

    return (clockWiseCount > counterClockWiseCount)


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