
Examples of

    //generate the cyclical list of vertices in the polygon
    for (int i = 0; i < shapeVerts.getNumPoints(); i++)
      polygonVertices.addLast(new Vertex(shapeVerts.getCoordinateN(i), i));
    //generate the cyclical list of vertices in the hole
    CyclicalList holePolygon = new CyclicalList();
    for (int i = 0; i < holeVerts.getNumPoints(); i++)
      holePolygon.add(new Vertex(holeVerts.getCoordinateN(i), i + polygonVertices.size()));
    // calc list of convex and reflex vertices
    //find the hole vertex with the largest X value
    Vertex rightMostHoleVertex = (Vertex)holePolygon.get(0);
    for(int count=0;count<holePolygon.size();count++) {
      Vertex v=(Vertex)holePolygon.get(count);
      if (v.getPosition().x > rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().x)
        rightMostHoleVertex = v;
    //construct a list of all line segments where at least one vertex
    //is to the right of the rightmost hole vertex with one vertex
    //above the hole vertex and one below
    ArrayList segmentsToTest = new ArrayList();
    for (int i = 0; i < polygonVertices.size(); i++)
      Vertex a = (Vertex)polygonVertices.get(i);
      Vertex b = (Vertex)polygonVertices.get(i + 1);

      if ((a.getPosition().x > rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().x || b.getPosition().x > rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().x) &&
        ((a.getPosition().y >= rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().y && b.getPosition().y <= rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().y) ||
        (a.getPosition().y <= rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().y && b.getPosition().y >= rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().y)))
        segmentsToTest.add(new LineSegment(a, b));
    //now we try to find the closest intersection point heading to the right from
    //our hole vertex.
    Float closestPoint = null;
    LineSegment closestSegment = new LineSegment();
    for (int count=0;count<segmentsToTest.size();count++)     
      LineSegment segment=(LineSegment)segmentsToTest.get(count);
      Float intersection = segment.intersectsWithRay(rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition(), new Coordinate(1.0,0.0));
      if (intersection != null)
        if (closestPoint == null || closestPoint.floatValue()> intersection.floatValue())
          closestPoint = intersection;
          closestSegment = segment;
    //if closestPoint is null, there were no collisions (likely from improper input data),
    //but we'll just return without doing anything else
    if (closestPoint == null)
      return shapeVerts;

    //otherwise we can find our mutually visible vertex to split the polygon
    Coordinate I = rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition();
    GVector i=new GVector(new double[] {I.x,I.y});
    i.add(new GVector(new double[] {closestPoint.floatValue(),0.0}));
    Vertex P = (closestSegment.A.getPosition().x > closestSegment.B.getPosition().x)
      ? closestSegment.A
      : closestSegment.B;
    //construct triangle MIP
    Triangle mip = new Triangle(rightMostHoleVertex, new Vertex(I, 1), P);
    //see if any of the reflex vertices lie inside of the MIP triangle
    ArrayList interiorReflexVertices = new ArrayList();
    for (int count=0;count<reflexVertices.size();count++) {
      Vertex v=(Vertex)reflexVertices.get(count);
      if (mip.ContainsPoint(v))
    //if there are any interior reflex vertices, find the one that, when connected
    //to our rightMostHoleVertex, forms the line closest to Vector2.UnitX
    if (interiorReflexVertices.size() > 0)
      float closestDot = -1f;
      for (int count=0;count<interiorReflexVertices.size();count++)
        Vertex v=(Vertex)interiorReflexVertices.get(count);
        GVector n=new GVector(new double[] {v.getPosition().x,v.getPosition().y});
        n.sub(new GVector(new double[] {rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().x,rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().y}));
        GVector m=new GVector(new double[] {1.0,0.0});
        float dot=(float);

        //if this line is the closest we've found
        if (dot > closestDot)
          //save the value and save the vertex as P
          closestDot = dot;
          P = v;
    //now we just form our output array by injecting the hole vertices into place
    //we know we have to inject the hole into the main array after point P going from
    //rightMostHoleVertex around and then back to P.
    int mIndex = holePolygon.indexOf(rightMostHoleVertex);
    int injectPoint = polygonVertices.indexOf(P)+1;

    for (int count = mIndex; count <= mIndex + holePolygon.size(); count++)
      polygonVertices.add(injectPoint++, holePolygon.get(count));
    polygonVertices.add(injectPoint, P);

    Coordinate[] newShapeVerts = new Coordinate[polygonVertices.size()];
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    //generate the cyclical list of vertices in the polygon
    for (int i = 0; i < shapeVerts.getNumPoints(); i++)
      polygonVertices.addLast(new Vertex(shapeVerts.getCoordinateN(i), i));
    //generate the cyclical list of vertices in the hole
    CyclicalList holePolygon = new CyclicalList();
    for (int i = 0; i < holeVerts.getNumPoints(); i++)
      holePolygon.add(new Vertex(holeVerts.getCoordinateN(i), i + polygonVertices.size()));
    // calc list of convex and reflex vertices
    //find the hole vertex with the largest X value
    Vertex rightMostHoleVertex = (Vertex)holePolygon.get(0);
    for(int count=0;count<holePolygon.size();count++) {
      Vertex v=(Vertex)holePolygon.get(count);
      if (v.getPosition().x > rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().x)
        rightMostHoleVertex = v;
    //construct a list of all line segments where at least one vertex
    //is to the right of the rightmost hole vertex with one vertex
    //above the hole vertex and one below
    ArrayList segmentsToTest = new ArrayList();
    for (int i = 0; i < polygonVertices.size(); i++)
      Vertex a = (Vertex)polygonVertices.get(i);
      Vertex b = (Vertex)polygonVertices.get(i + 1);

      if ((a.getPosition().x > rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().x || b.getPosition().x > rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().x) &&
        ((a.getPosition().y >= rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().y && b.getPosition().y <= rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().y) ||
        (a.getPosition().y <= rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().y && b.getPosition().y >= rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().y)))
        segmentsToTest.add(new LineSegment(a, b));
    //now we try to find the closest intersection point heading to the right from
    //our hole vertex.
    Float closestPoint = null;
    LineSegment closestSegment = new LineSegment();
    for (int count=0;count<segmentsToTest.size();count++)     
      LineSegment segment=(LineSegment)segmentsToTest.get(count);
      Float intersection = segment.intersectsWithRay(rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition(), new Coordinate(1.0,0.0));
      if (intersection != null)
        if (closestPoint == null || closestPoint.floatValue()> intersection.floatValue())
          closestPoint = intersection;
          closestSegment = segment;
    //if closestPoint is null, there were no collisions (likely from improper input data),
    //but we'll just return without doing anything else
    if (closestPoint == null)
      return shapeVerts;

    //otherwise we can find our mutually visible vertex to split the polygon
    Coordinate I = rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition();
    GVector i=new GVector(new double[] {I.x,I.y});
    i.add(new GVector(new double[] {closestPoint.floatValue(),0.0}));
    Vertex P = (closestSegment.A.getPosition().x > closestSegment.B.getPosition().x)
      ? closestSegment.A
      : closestSegment.B;
    //construct triangle MIP
    Triangle mip = new Triangle(rightMostHoleVertex, new Vertex(I, 1), P);
    //see if any of the reflex vertices lie inside of the MIP triangle
    ArrayList interiorReflexVertices = new ArrayList();
    for (int count=0;count<reflexVertices.size();count++) {
      Vertex v=(Vertex)reflexVertices.get(count);
      if (mip.ContainsPoint(v))
    //if there are any interior reflex vertices, find the one that, when connected
    //to our rightMostHoleVertex, forms the line closest to Vector2.UnitX
    if (interiorReflexVertices.size() > 0)
      float closestDot = -1f;
      for (int count=0;count<interiorReflexVertices.size();count++)
        Vertex v=(Vertex)interiorReflexVertices.get(count);
        GVector n=new GVector(new double[] {v.getPosition().x,v.getPosition().y});
        n.sub(new GVector(new double[] {rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().x,rightMostHoleVertex.getPosition().y}));
        GVector m=new GVector(new double[] {1.0,0.0});
        float dot=(float);

        //if this line is the closest we've found
        if (dot > closestDot)
          //save the value and save the vertex as P
          closestDot = dot;
          P = v;
    //now we just form our output array by injecting the hole vertices into place
    //we know we have to inject the hole into the main array after point P going from
    //rightMostHoleVertex around and then back to P.
    int mIndex = holePolygon.indexOf(rightMostHoleVertex);
    int injectPoint = polygonVertices.indexOf(P)+1;

    for (int count = mIndex; count <= mIndex + holePolygon.size(); count++)
      polygonVertices.add(injectPoint++, holePolygon.get(count));
    polygonVertices.add(injectPoint, P);

    Coordinate[] newShapeVerts = new Coordinate[polygonVertices.size()];
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