Copyright (c) 2006 Andy Jefferson and others. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package org.datanucleus.metadata.xml;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceFileMetaData;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData;
import org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger;
* Parser handler for "persistence.xml" files to convert them into a PersistenceFileMetaData.
* Implements DefaultHandler and handles the extracting of MetaData from the
* XML elements/attributes. This class simply constructs the MetaData representation
* mirroring what is in the MetaData file.
* <P>Operates the parse process using a Stack. MetaData components are added
* to the stack as they are encountered and created. They are then popped off
* the stack when the end element is encountered.</P>
public class PersistenceFileMetaDataHandler extends AbstractMetaDataHandler
URI rootURI = null;
* Constructor. Protected to prevent instantiation.
* @param mgr the metadata manager
* @param filename The name of the file to parse
* @param resolver Entity Resolver to use (null if not available)
public PersistenceFileMetaDataHandler(MetaDataManager mgr, String filename, EntityResolver resolver)
super(mgr, filename, resolver);
metadata = new PersistenceFileMetaData(filename);
// Get the root URL
String rootFilename = null;
if (filename.endsWith("/META-INF/persistence.xml")) // Presumably the same on Windows?
// Default location "META-INF/persistence.xml"
rootFilename = filename.substring(0, filename.length() - "/META-INF/persistence.xml".length());
// User-defined "persistence.xml" location so go up one level (omit "/persistence-filename")
rootFilename = filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf("/"));
// Some URLs passed to us by ClassLoader.getResources have spaces in the filename so encode
// This was reported by Google but no test-case was forthcoming so unreproduceable
rootFilename = rootFilename.replace(" ", "%20");
rootURI = new URI(rootFilename);
// This is commented out since it breaks standard JPA behaviour where the rootURI.scheme is expected
// e.g orig rootURI=file:/usr/local/datanucleus/test/accessplatform/trunk/test.jpa.general/target/classes
// e.g new rootURI=file%3A%2Fusr%2Flocal%2Fdatanucleus%2Ftest%2Faccessplatform%2Ftrunk%2Ftest.jpa.general%2Ftarget%2Fclasses
// i.e totally different
// rootURI = new URI(URLEncoder.encode(rootFilename, "UTF-8"));
catch (URISyntaxException e)
NucleusLogger.METADATA.warn("Error deriving persistence-unit root URI from " + rootFilename, e);
* Handler method called at the start of an element.
* @param uri URI of the tag
* @param localName Local name
* @param qName Element name
* @param attrs Attributes for this element
* @throws SAXException in parsing errors
public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
throws SAXException
if (localName.length()<1)
localName = qName;
if (localName.equals("persistence"))
// New "persistence" file
// Do nothing - created in our constructor
else if (localName.equals("persistence-unit"))
// New "persistence-unit"
PersistenceFileMetaData filemd = (PersistenceFileMetaData)getStack();
PersistenceUnitMetaData pumd = new PersistenceUnitMetaData(getAttr(attrs, "name"),
getAttr(attrs, "transaction-type"), rootURI);
else if (localName.equals("properties"))
// Do nothing
else if (localName.equals("property"))
// New "property" for the current persistence unit
PersistenceUnitMetaData pumd = (PersistenceUnitMetaData)getStack();
pumd.addProperty(getAttr(attrs, "name"), getAttr(attrs, "value"));
else if (localName.equals("mapping-file"))
// Processed elsewhere
else if (localName.equals("class"))
// Processed elsewhere
else if (localName.equals("jar-file"))
// Processed elsewhere
else if (localName.equals("jta-data-source"))
// Processed elsewhere
else if (localName.equals("non-jta-data-source"))
// Processed elsewhere
else if (localName.equals("description"))
// Processed elsewhere
else if (localName.equals("provider"))
// Processed elsewhere
else if (localName.equals("shared-cache-mode"))
// Processed elsewhere
else if (localName.equals("validation-mode"))
// Processed elsewhere
else if (localName.equals("exclude-unlisted-classes"))
PersistenceUnitMetaData pumd = (PersistenceUnitMetaData)getStack();
String message = LOCALISER.msg("044037",qName);
throw new RuntimeException(message);
catch (RuntimeException ex)
NucleusLogger.METADATA.error(LOCALISER.msg("044042", qName, getStack(), uri), ex);
throw ex;
* Handler method called at the end of an element.
* @param uri URI of the tag
* @param localName local name
* @param qName Name of element just ending
* @throws SAXException in parsing errors
public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName)
throws SAXException
if (localName.length()<1)
localName = qName;
// Save the current string for elements that have a body value
String currentString = getString().trim();
if (currentString.length() > 0)
MetaData md = getStack();
if (localName.equals("description"))
// Unit description
else if (localName.equals("provider"))
// Unit provider
else if (localName.equals("jta-data-source"))
// JTA data source
else if (localName.equals("non-jta-data-source"))
// Non-JTA data source
else if (localName.equals("class"))
// New persistent class
else if (localName.equals("mapping-file"))
// New mapping file
else if (localName.equals("jar-file"))
// New jar file
else if (localName.equals("shared-cache-mode"))
else if (localName.equals("validation-mode"))
// Pop the tag
// If startElement pushes an element onto the stack need a remove here for that type
if (qName.equals("persistence-unit"))