Package org.datanucleus.metadata

Examples of org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData

        Map props = new HashMap();
            // Try extracting properties from persistence-unit
            NucleusContext nucCtx = new NucleusContext("JDO", null); // Do we need JDO here?
            PersistenceUnitMetaData pumd = nucCtx.getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForPersistenceUnit(factory);
        catch (Exception e)
            LOGGER_REST.error("Exception with persistence-unit ", e);
            // TODO Try extracting properties from jdoconfig
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            else if (localName.equals("persistence-unit"))
                // New "persistence-unit"
                PersistenceFileMetaData filemd = (PersistenceFileMetaData)getStack();
                PersistenceUnitMetaData pumd = new PersistenceUnitMetaData(getAttr(attrs, "name"),
                    getAttr(attrs, "transaction-type"), rootURI);
            else if (localName.equals("properties"))
                // Do nothing
            else if (localName.equals("property"))
                // New "property" for the current persistence unit
                PersistenceUnitMetaData pumd = (PersistenceUnitMetaData)getStack();
                pumd.addProperty(getAttr(attrs, "name"), getAttr(attrs, "value"));
            else if (localName.equals("mapping-file"))
                // Processed elsewhere
            else if (localName.equals("class"))
                // Processed elsewhere
            else if (localName.equals("jar-file"))
                // Processed elsewhere
            else if (localName.equals("jta-data-source"))
                // Processed elsewhere
            else if (localName.equals("non-jta-data-source"))
                // Processed elsewhere
            else if (localName.equals("description"))
                // Processed elsewhere
            else if (localName.equals("provider"))
                // Processed elsewhere
            else if (localName.equals("shared-cache-mode"))
                // Processed elsewhere
            else if (localName.equals("validation-mode"))
                // Processed elsewhere
            else if (localName.equals("exclude-unlisted-classes"))
                PersistenceUnitMetaData pumd = (PersistenceUnitMetaData)getStack();
                String message = LOCALISER.msg("044037",qName);
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        NucleusContext nucleusCtx = new NucleusContext(api, startupProps);
        PersistenceConfiguration propConfig = nucleusCtx.getPersistenceConfiguration();

        // Generate list of properties for SchemaTool usage
        Map props = new HashMap();
        PersistenceUnitMetaData pumd = null;
        if (persistenceUnitName != null)
            // Obtain any props defined for the persistence-unit
            props.put("javax.jdo.option.persistenceunitname", persistenceUnitName);
            pumd = nucleusCtx.getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForPersistenceUnit(persistenceUnitName);
            if (pumd != null)
                // Add the properties for the unit
                if (pumd.getProperties() != null)
                throw new NucleusUserException("SchemaTool has been specified to use persistence-unit with name " +
                    persistenceUnitName + " but none was found with that name");

            if (api.equalsIgnoreCase("JPA"))
                pumd.clearJarFiles(); // Don't use JARs when in J2SE for JPA
        else if (userProps != null)
            // Properties specified by the user in a file
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        catch (URISyntaxException e1)
        if (unitInfo.getTransactionType() == PersistenceUnitTransactionType.JTA)
            unitMetaData = new PersistenceUnitMetaData(unitInfo.getPersistenceUnitName(),
                TransactionType.JTA.toString(), rootURI);
        else if (unitInfo.getTransactionType() == PersistenceUnitTransactionType.RESOURCE_LOCAL)
            unitMetaData = new PersistenceUnitMetaData(unitInfo.getPersistenceUnitName(),
                TransactionType.RESOURCE_LOCAL.toString(), rootURI);
        // Classes
        List<String> classNames = unitInfo.getManagedClassNames();
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        nucleusContext = new NucleusContext("JDO", startupProps);

        // Generate the properties to apply to the PMF
        Map pmfProps = new HashMap();

        PersistenceUnitMetaData pumd = null;
        if (props != null)
            String persistenceUnitName = (String)props.get("datanucleus.PersistenceUnitName");
            if (persistenceUnitName == null)
                persistenceUnitName = (String)props.get("javax.jdo.option.PersistenceUnitName");
            if (persistenceUnitName != null)
                // PMF for a "persistence-unit", so add property so the persistence mechanism knows this
                getConfiguration().setProperty("datanucleus.PersistenceUnitName", persistenceUnitName);

                    // Obtain any props defined for the persistence-unit
                    pumd = nucleusContext.getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForPersistenceUnit(persistenceUnitName);
                    if (pumd != null)
                        // Add the properties for the unit
                        if (pumd.getProperties() != null)
                        throw new JDOUserException(LOCALISER.msg("012004", persistenceUnitName));

                    if (nucleusContext.getApiName().equalsIgnoreCase("JPA"))
                        pumd.clearJarFiles(); // Don't use JARs when in J2SE for JPA
                catch (NucleusException jpe)
                    throw new JDOUserException(LOCALISER.msg("012005", persistenceUnitName));
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                        filemds = filemdsColl.toArray(new FileMetaData[filemdsColl.size()]);

                case EnhanceComponent.PERSISTENCE_UNIT :
                    PersistenceUnitMetaData pumd = null;
                        pumd = getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForPersistenceUnit((String)comp.getValue());
                    catch (NucleusException ne)
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                        filemds = filemdsColl.toArray(new FileMetaData[filemdsColl.size()]);

                case EnhanceComponent.PERSISTENCE_UNIT :
                    PersistenceUnitMetaData pumd = null;
                        pumd = getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForPersistenceUnit((String)comp.getValue());
                    catch (NucleusException ne)
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        catch (URISyntaxException e1)
        if (unitInfo.getTransactionType() == PersistenceUnitTransactionType.JTA)
            unitMetaData = new PersistenceUnitMetaData(unitInfo.getPersistenceUnitName(),
                TransactionType.JTA.toString(), rootURI);
        else if (unitInfo.getTransactionType() == PersistenceUnitTransactionType.RESOURCE_LOCAL)
            unitMetaData = new PersistenceUnitMetaData(unitInfo.getPersistenceUnitName(),
                TransactionType.RESOURCE_LOCAL.toString(), rootURI);
        // Classes
        List<String> classNames = unitInfo.getManagedClassNames();
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        // Generate the properties to apply to the PMF
        Map pmfProps = new HashMap();

        PersistenceUnitMetaData pumd = null;
        if (props != null)
            String persistenceUnitName = (String)props.get("datanucleus.PersistenceUnitName");
            if (persistenceUnitName == null)
                persistenceUnitName = (String)props.get("javax.jdo.option.PersistenceUnitName");
            if (persistenceUnitName != null)
                // PMF for a "persistence-unit", so add property so the persistence mechanism knows this
                setProperty("datanucleus.PersistenceUnitName", persistenceUnitName);

                    // Obtain any props defined for the persistence-unit
                    pumd = omfContext.getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForPersistenceUnit(persistenceUnitName);
                    if (pumd != null)
                        // Add the properties for the unit
                        if (pumd.getProperties() != null)
                        throw new JDOUserException(LOCALISER_JDO.msg("012004", persistenceUnitName));

                    if (omfContext.getApi().equalsIgnoreCase("JPA"))
                        pumd.clearJarFiles(); // Don't use JARs when in J2SE for JPA
                catch (NucleusException jpe)
                    throw new JDOUserException(LOCALISER_JDO.msg("012005", persistenceUnitName));
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            else if (localName.equals("persistence-unit"))
                // New "persistence-unit"
                PersistenceFileMetaData filemd = (PersistenceFileMetaData)getStack();
                PersistenceUnitMetaData pumd = new PersistenceUnitMetaData(getAttr(attrs, "name"),
                    getAttr(attrs, "transaction-type"), rootURI);
            else if (localName.equals("properties"))
                // Do nothing
            else if (localName.equals("property"))
                // New "property" for the current persistence unit
                PersistenceUnitMetaData pumd = (PersistenceUnitMetaData)getStack();
                pumd.addProperty(getAttr(attrs, "name"), getAttr(attrs, "value"));
            else if (localName.equals("mapping-file"))
                // Processed elsewhere
            else if (localName.equals("class"))
                // Processed elsewhere
            else if (localName.equals("jar-file"))
                // Processed elsewhere
            else if (localName.equals("jta-data-source"))
                // Processed elsewhere
            else if (localName.equals("non-jta-data-source"))
                // Processed elsewhere
            else if (localName.equals("description"))
                // Processed elsewhere
            else if (localName.equals("provider"))
                // Processed elsewhere
            else if (localName.equals("caching"))
                // Processed elsewhere
            else if (localName.equals("exclude-unlisted-classes"))
                PersistenceUnitMetaData pumd = (PersistenceUnitMetaData)getStack();
                String message = LOCALISER.msg("044037",qName);
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Related Classes of org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData

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