//float availableWidth = formatWidth - ParagraphUtil.getSegmentOffset(nextTabStopHolder[0], rightX); // nextTabStop can be null here; and that's OK
float availableWidth = endX - textElement.getParagraph().getLeftIndent() - ParagraphUtil.getSegmentOffset(nextTabStopHolder[0], rightX); // nextTabStop can be null here; and that's OK
// creating a text layout object for each tab segment
TextLayout layout =
if (layout != null)
maxAscent = Math.max(maxAscent, layout.getAscent());
maxDescent = Math.max(maxDescent, layout.getDescent());
maxLeading = Math.max(maxLeading, layout.getLeading());
characterCount += layout.getCharacterCount();
isLeftToRight = isLeftToRight && layout.isLeftToRight();
//creating the current segment
crtSegment = new TabSegment();
crtSegment.layout = layout;
int leftX = ParagraphUtil.getLeftX(nextTabStopHolder[0], layout.getAdvance()); // nextTabStop can be null here; and that's OK
if (rightX > leftX)
crtSegment.leftX = rightX;
crtSegment.rightX = (int)(rightX + layout.getAdvance());//FIXMETAB some rounding issues here
crtSegment.leftX = leftX;
// we need this special tab stop based utility call because adding the advance to leftX causes rounding issues
crtSegment.rightX = ParagraphUtil.getRightX(nextTabStopHolder[0], layout.getAdvance()); // nextTabStop can be null here; and that's OK
requireNextWordHolder[0] = true;
if (lineMeasurer.getPosition() == tabIndexOrEndIndex)
// the segment limit was a tab; going to the next tab
currentTabHolder[0] = currentTabHolder[0] + 1;
if (lineMeasurer.getPosition() == paragraph.getEndIndex())
// the segment limit was the paragraph end; line completed and next line should start at normal zero x offset
lineComplete = true;
nextTabStopHolder[0] = null;
// there is paragraph text remaining
if (lineMeasurer.getPosition() == tabIndexOrEndIndex)
// the segment limit was a tab
if (crtSegment.rightX >= ParagraphUtil.getLastTabStop(jrParagraph, endX).getPosition())
// current segment stretches out beyond the last tab stop; line complete
lineComplete = true;
// next line should should start at first tab stop indent
nextTabStopHolder[0] = ParagraphUtil.getFirstTabStop(jrParagraph, endX);
//nothing; this leaves lineComplete=false
// the segment did not fit entirely
lineComplete = true;
if (layout == null)
// nothing fitted; next line should start at first tab stop indent
if (nextTabStopHolder[0].getPosition() == ParagraphUtil.getFirstTabStop(jrParagraph, endX).getPosition())//FIXMETAB check based on segments.size()
// at second attempt we give up to avoid infinite loop
nextTabStopHolder[0] = null;
requireNextWordHolder[0] = false;
//provide dummy maxFontSize because it is used for the line height of this empty line when attempting drawing below
AttributedString tmpText =
new AttributedString(
startIndex + 1
LineBreakMeasurer lbm = new LineBreakMeasurer(tmpText.getIterator(), getFontRenderContext());
TextLayout tlyt = lbm.nextLayout(100);
maxAscent = tlyt.getAscent();
maxDescent = tlyt.getDescent();
maxLeading = tlyt.getLeading();
nextTabStopHolder[0] = ParagraphUtil.getFirstTabStop(jrParagraph, endX);