Package org.xtreemfs.babudb.lsmdb

Examples of org.xtreemfs.babudb.lsmdb.LSN

                return new ReplicationClientAdapter(client, receiver);
        hbt = new HeartbeatThread(states, BASIC_PORT);
        hbt.start(new LSN(0,0L));
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        // infarct the hbt and invalidate the expected lsn
        synchronized (lsn) {
            lsn.set(new LSN(-1, -1L));
        // remain a few beats idle, just to make sure the HBT has a flatline
        Thread.sleep(3 * HeartbeatThread.MAX_DELAY_BETWEEN_HEARTBEATS);
        // update the hbt and re-animate it too
        lsn.set(new LSN(1, 1L));
        lastHeartbeat.set(Long.MAX_VALUE - MAX_DELAY_BETWEEN_HBS_ALLOWED);
        hbt.updateLSN(new LSN(1, 1L));
        // again let it do some work
        Thread.sleep(3 * HeartbeatThread.MAX_DELAY_BETWEEN_HEARTBEATS);
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        final String fileName = "testFile";
        final long offsetStart = 815L;
        final long offsetEnd = 4711L;
        final String chunkResult = "chunkResult";
        final int port = 12345;
        final LSN lsn = new LSN(345, 1337L);
        // registers operations at the handler
        Map<Integer, Operation> ops = new HashMap<Integer, Operation>();
        ops.put(ReplicationServiceConstants.PROC_ID_HEARTBEAT, new Operation() {
            public int getProcedureId() {
                return ReplicationServiceConstants.PROC_ID_HEARTBEAT;
            public Message getDefaultRequest() {
                return HeartbeatMessage.getDefaultInstance();

            public void processRequest(Request rq) {
                HeartbeatMessage hbm = (HeartbeatMessage) rq.getRequestMessage();
                assertEquals(port, hbm.getPort());
                assertEquals(lsn.getViewId(), hbm.getLsn().getViewId());
                assertEquals(lsn.getSequenceNo(), hbm.getLsn().getSequenceNo());
        ops.put(ReplicationServiceConstants.PROC_ID_CHUNK, new Operation() {
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    public LSN checkpoint(boolean incViewId) throws BabuDBException {
        Logging.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_ERROR, this,
            "Mock tried to create CP. With inc. viewID set %s.", incViewId);
        LSN onDisk = txnMan.getLatestOnDiskLSN();
        if (incViewId) {
            txnMan.onDisk.set(new LSN(onDisk.getViewId() + 1, 0L));
        return onDisk;
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        if (lock.get()) {
            throw new BabuDBException(ErrorCode.REPLICATION_FAILURE, "Serivce has been locked!");
        } else {
            synchronized (onDisk) {
                LSN lsn = onDisk.get();
                lsn = new LSN(lsn.getViewId(), lsn.getSequenceNo() + 1L);
                Logging.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_ERROR, this, "TxnMan of mock '%s' has " +
                    "retrieved a new transaction to perform (%s) with LSN %s.", name,
                    txn.toString(), lsn.toString());
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                    if (accessCounter.decrementAndGet() == 0) {
                LSN assignedByDiskLogger = localFuture.getAssignedLSN();
                LogEntry le = new LogEntry(payload, new ListenerWrapper(future, result),
                le.assignId(assignedByDiskLogger.getViewId(), assignedByDiskLogger.getSequenceNo());
                ReplicateResponse rp = replMan.replicate(le);
                if (!rp.hasFailed()) {
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    public ParticipantsStates(int syncN, Set<InetSocketAddress> participants,
            ClientFactory clientFactory) throws UnknownParticipantException {
        latestCommon = new LSN(0,0L);
        this.syncN = ((syncN > 0) ? syncN - 1 : syncN);
        participantsCount = deadSlaves = participants.size();
        availableSlaves = 0;
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         * resets this state to the initial state
        void reset() {
            lastUpdate = 0L;
            dead = true;
            lastAcknowledged = new LSN(0,0L);
            openRequests = 0;
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        final int localSyncN = participantsStates.getLocalSyncN();
        List<ConditionClient> slaves = participantsStates.getConditionClients();
        if (localSyncN > 0) {
            // always get the latest available state of all servers
            LSN latest = null;
            Map<ClientInterface ,LSN> states = getStates(slaves, true);
            // getting enough slaves has failed
            if (states.size() < localSyncN) {
                throw new BabuDBException(ErrorCode.REPLICATION_FAILURE,
                        "Not enough slaves available to synchronize with!");
            } else {
                List<LSN> values = new LinkedList<LSN>(states.values());
                Collections.sort(values, Collections.reverseOrder());
                latest = values.get(0);
            // synchronize with the most up-to-date slave, if necessary
            LSN localState = babuDB.getState();
            if (localState.compareTo(latest) < 0) {
                for (Entry<ClientInterface, LSN> entry : states.entrySet()) {
                    if (entry.getValue().equals(latest)) {  
                        Logging.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_INFO, this,
                                "Starting synchronization from '%s' to '%s'.",
                                localState.toString(), latest.toString());
                        BabuDBRequestResultImpl<Object> ready = babuDB.createRequestFuture();
                        replicationStage.manualLoad(ready, latest);
                        assert(latest.equals(babuDB.getState())) :
                            "Synchronization failed: (expected=" +
                            latest.toString() + ") != (acknowledged=" +
                            babuDB.getState() + ")";
        // take a checkpoint on master-failover (inclusive viewId incrementation), if necessary
        LSN beforeCP = lastOnView.get();
        if (babuDB.getState().getSequenceNo() > 0L) {
            Logging.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG, this, "taking a checkpoint");
            beforeCP = babuDB.checkpoint();
        Logging.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_INFO, this,
                "Agreed to synchronize to %s before the next view.", beforeCP.toString());
        // wait for the slaves to recognize the master-change and for at least N servers to
        // establish a stable state
        LSN syncState = babuDB.getState();
        final ReplicateResponse result = new ReplicateResponse(syncState, listener,
                slaves.size() - localSyncN);
        for (ConditionClient slave : slaves) {
            slave.synchronize(beforeCP, port).registerListener(
                    new ClientResponseAvailableListener<Object>() {

                        public void responseAvailable(Object r) { /* ignored */ }

                        public void requestFailed(Exception e) {
        Logging.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_INFO, this,
                "The next view will start with %s.", syncState.toString());
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     * {@link ReplicationStage}.
     * @param userService
    public void start(ControlLayerInterface topLayer) {
        LSN latest = babuDB.getState();
        LSN normalized = (latest.getSequenceNo() == 0L) ? new LSN(0,0L) : latest;
        // the sequence number of the initial LSN before incrementing the viewID must not be 0
        Logging.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG, this, "Setting last on view " +
           "LSN to '%s', initial was '%s'.", normalized, latest);
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Related Classes of org.xtreemfs.babudb.lsmdb.LSN

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