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$Id: //ariba/platform/ui/widgets/ariba/ui/wizard/core/WizardAction.java#2 $
package ariba.ui.wizard.core;
import ariba.ui.wizard.meta.WizardActionMeta;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWStringLocalizer;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWConcreteApplication;
import ariba.util.core.StringUtil;
import java.util.Map;
The WizardAction class encapsulates an instance of some action, built-in
or custom, within a particular wizard. It has holds immutable state like
name & label, as well as dynamic state like whether the action is
currently enabled.
@aribaapi ariba
// subclassed by demoshell/AWXWizardAction.java
public class WizardAction
// immutable meta-data for this wizard action
private WizardActionMeta _meta;
// cached localized values from our meta-data
private String _label;
private String _hint;
// immutable state
private Wizard _wizard;
private boolean _shouldTakeValues;
// dynamic state
private boolean _isEnabled;
@aribaapi private
protected WizardAction (
WizardActionMeta meta,
Wizard wizard,
boolean shouldTakeValues)
// setup immutable state
_meta = meta;
_wizard = wizard;
_shouldTakeValues = shouldTakeValues;
// defaults to enabled
_isEnabled = true;
@aribaapi private
protected WizardAction (WizardActionMeta meta, Wizard wizard)
this(meta, wizard, true);
* Added for use by demoshell
* @aribaapi private
public WizardAction (Wizard wizard,
String name, String label, String button,
String hintKey, boolean ignoreValidation)
this (new WizardActionMeta (name, label, button, hintKey, ignoreValidation),
wizard, true);
Public Methods
@aribaapi ariba
public Wizard getWizard ()
return _wizard;
@aribaapi ariba
public String getName ()
return _meta.name();
@aribaapi ariba
public String getTarget ()
return _meta.target();
@aribaapi private
public String getLabel ()
if (_label == null) {
String label = _meta.label();
_label = getLocalizedString(label);
if (StringUtil.nullOrEmptyString(_label)) {
_label = label;
return _label;
@aribaapi private
public String getHint ()
if (_hint == null) {
_hint = getLocalizedString(_meta.hintKey());
if (StringUtil.nullOrEmptyString(_hint)) {
_hint = getLabel();
return _hint;
private String getLocalizedString (String key)
String stringTable = _meta.stringTable();
if (stringTable != null) {
AWStringLocalizer localizer = AWConcreteApplication.SharedInstance.getStringLocalizer();
Map map = localizer.getLocalizedStrings(stringTable, _meta.stringsGroup(), _wizard.resourceManager());
String value = (String)map.get(key);
return value == null ? key : value;
return _wizard.localizedStringForKey(key);
@aribaapi private
public boolean shouldTakeValues ()
return _shouldTakeValues;
@aribaapi private
public boolean ignoreValidation ()
return _meta.ignoreValidation();
@aribaapi private
public boolean isEnabled ()
return _isEnabled;
@aribaapi private
public void setEnabled (boolean isEnabled)
_isEnabled = isEnabled;
@aribaapi private
public boolean isDefault ()
return (getName().equals(_wizard.getCurrentFrame().getDefaultAction()));