Copyright 2008 Craig Federighi
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
file except in compliance with the License.
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$Id: //ariba/platform/ui/metaui/ariba/ui/meta/core/UIMeta.java#60 $
package ariba.ui.meta.core;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWConcreteServerApplication;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWResponseGenerating;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWRequestContext;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWComponent;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWPage;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWBindingDictionary;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWBinding;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWValidationContext;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWConcreteApplication;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWSession;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWStringLocalizer;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWGenericException;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWResource;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWResourceManager;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWUtil;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWJarWalker;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWFileResource;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWResourceManagerDictionary;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWSingleLocaleResourceManager;
import ariba.ui.validation.AWVIdentifierFormatter;
import ariba.ui.meta.annotations.NavModuleClass;
import ariba.ui.meta.annotations.Localized;
import ariba.util.core.Assert;
import ariba.util.core.ListUtil;
import ariba.util.core.MapUtil;
import ariba.util.fieldvalue.FieldValue;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;
public class UIMeta extends ObjectMeta
public final static String KeyOperation = "operation";
public final static String KeyModule = "module";
public final static String KeyLayout = "layout";
public final static String KeyArea = "area";
public final static String KeyEditing = "editing";
public final static String KeyAfter = "after";
public final static String KeyHidden = "hidden";
public final static String KeyLabel = "label";
public final static String KeyComponentName = "component";
public final static String KeyBindings = "bindings";
public final static String KeyHomePage = "homePage";
public final static String KeyZonePath = "zonePath";
public final static String PropFieldsByZone = "fieldsByZone";
public final static String PropActionsByCategory = "actionsByCategory";
public final static String PropActionCategories = "actionCategories";
public final static String PropFieldPropertyList = "fieldPropertyList";
public final static String PropLayoutsByZone = "layoutsByZone";
static UIMeta _Instance;
protected Map <AWResource, RuleSet> _loadedResources = new HashMap();
protected static List<String> _NavModuleClasses = new ArrayList();
protected static Set<String> _LocalizedClasses = new HashSet();
public static UIMeta getInstance ()
if (_Instance == null) {
_Instance = new UIMeta();
return _Instance;
static protected void initialize () {}
static {
new AWJarWalker.AnnotationListener () {
public void annotationDiscovered(String className, String annotationType)
new AWJarWalker.AnnotationListener () {
public void annotationDiscovered(String className, String annotationType)
public UIMeta()
try {
registerKeyInitObserver(KeyClass, new FileMetaProvider());
// These keys define scopes for their properties
// defineKeyAsPropertyScope(KeyArea);
// Default rule for converting field name to label
// policies for chaining certain well known properties
registerPropertyMerger(KeyArea, PropertyMerger_DeclareList);
registerPropertyMerger(KeyLayout, PropertyMerger_DeclareList);
registerPropertyMerger(KeyModule, PropertyMerger_DeclareList);
mirrorPropertyToContext(KeyEditing, KeyEditing);
mirrorPropertyToContext(KeyLayout, KeyLayout);
mirrorPropertyToContext(KeyComponentName, KeyComponentName);
registerPropertyMerger(KeyEditing, new PropertyMerger_And());
registerValueTransformerForKey("requestContext", Transformer_KeyPresent);
registerValueTransformerForKey("displayGroup", Transformer_KeyPresent);
// define operation hierarchy
keyData(KeyOperation).setParent("view", "inspect");
keyData(KeyOperation).setParent("print", "view");
keyData(KeyOperation).setParent("edit", "inspect");
keyData(KeyOperation).setParent("search", "inspect");
keyData(KeyOperation).setParent("keywordSearch", "search");
keyData(KeyOperation).setParent("textSearch", "keywordSearch");
registerStaticallyResolvable(PropFieldsByZone, new PropertyValue.StaticallyResolvable() {
public Object evaluate(Context context) {
Map m = ((UIMeta)context.meta()).itemNamesByZones(context, KeyField, zones(context));
String zonePath = zonePath(context);
if (zonePath != null) {
m = (Map)FieldValue.getFieldValue(m, zonePath);
if (m == null) m = Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
return m;
}, KeyClass);
registerStaticallyResolvable(PropFieldPropertyList, new PropertyValue.StaticallyResolvable() {
public Object evaluate(Context context) {
return ((UIMeta)context.meta()).fieldList(context);
}, KeyClass);
registerStaticallyResolvable(PropLayoutsByZone, new PropertyValue.StaticallyResolvable() {
public Object evaluate(Context context) {
return ((UIMeta)context.meta()).itemNamesByZones(context, KeyLayout, zones(context));
}, KeyLayout);
/* actions by category caching visibility. need to be fixed before reeneabling this
// Register cached derived properties for actionCategories (list) and actionsByCategory (map)
for (String key : new String[] { KeyModule, KeyLayout, KeyClass, KeyField }) {
registerStaticallyResolvable(PropActionsByCategory, new PropertyValue.StaticallyResolvable() {
public Object evaluate(Context context) {
Map<String, List<ItemProperties>> result = MapUtil.map();
((UIMeta)context.meta()).actionsByCategory(context, result, ActionZones);
return result;
}, key);
registerStaticallyResolvable(PropActionCategories, new PropertyValue.StaticallyResolvable() {
public Object evaluate(Context context) {
return ((UIMeta)context.meta()).itemList(context, KeyActionCategory, ActionZones);
}, key);
PropertyValue.StaticallyResolvable dyn = new PropertyValue.StaticallyResolvable() {
public Object evaluate(Context context) {
return bindingDictionaryForValueMap((Map)context.propertyForKey("bindings"));
registerStaticallyResolvable("bindingsDictionary", dyn, KeyField);
registerStaticallyResolvable("bindingsDictionary", dyn, KeyLayout);
registerStaticallyResolvable("bindingsDictionary", dyn, KeyClass);
registerStaticallyResolvable("bindingsDictionary", dyn, KeyModule);
} finally {
if (AWConcreteServerApplication.IsRapidTurnaroundEnabled) {
AWPage.registerLifecycleListener(new AWPage.LifecycleListener() {
// Listen for new page activations and check for rule file changes
public void pageWillRender(AWPage page)
AWValidationContext validationContext = page.validationContext();
try {
} catch (RuleLoadingException exception) {
validationContext.addGeneralError("MetaUI", exception.getMessage(), exception);
public void pageWillAwake (AWPage page) { }
public void pageWillSleep (AWPage page) { }
public List<String> zones (Context context)
List<String> zones = (List)context.propertyForKey("zones");
return (zones == null) ? Arrays.asList(ZoneMain) : zones;
public String zonePath (Context context)
String zonePath = null;
if (context.values().get(KeyLayout) != null) {
zonePath = (String)context.propertyForKey(KeyZonePath);
return zonePath;
public Context newContext()
return new UIContext(this);
public static class UIContext extends ObjectMetaContext
AWRequestContext _requestContext;
AWResourceManager _resourceManager;
TimeZone _timeZone;
public UIContext(UIMeta meta)
public AWRequestContext requestContext()
return _requestContext;
public void setRequestContext (AWRequestContext requestContext)
_requestContext = requestContext;
_resourceManager = null;
_timeZone = null;
public AWComponent getComponent ()
return _requestContext.getCurrentComponent();
public AWResourceManager resourceManager ()
if (_resourceManager == null) {
HttpSession existingHttpSession = (_requestContext != null) ? _requestContext.existingHttpSession() : null;
if (existingHttpSession != null) {
_resourceManager = AWSession.session(existingHttpSession).resourceManager();
if (_resourceManager == null) {
_resourceManager = AWConcreteApplication.SharedInstance.resourceManager(Locale.US);
return _resourceManager;
public Locale locale ()
return resourceManager().locale();
public TimeZone timezone () {
if (_timeZone == null) {
HttpSession existingHttpSession = (_requestContext != null) ? _requestContext.existingHttpSession() : null;
if (existingHttpSession != null) {
_timeZone = AWSession.session(existingHttpSession).clientTimeZone();
if (_timeZone == null) {
_timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
return _timeZone;
public UIMeta uiMeta ()
return (UIMeta)_meta;
public boolean loadRuleFile (String filename, boolean required, int rank)
AWResourceManager resourceManager = AWConcreteServerApplication.sharedInstance().resourceManager();
AWResource resource = resourceManager.packageResourceNamed(filename);
Assert.that(!required || resource != null, "Rule file not found in resource search path: %s", filename);
if (resource != null) {
beginRuleSet(rank, resource.relativePath());
return true;
return false;
public Map<AWResource, Meta.RuleSet> loadedRuleSets ()
return _loadedResources;
protected void _loadRuleFile (AWResource resource)
try {
String resourceName = resource.name();
boolean editable = resourceName.endsWith("rules.oss");
_loadRules(resource.name(), resource.inputStream(), editable);
} finally {
// Need to set *any* object on resource to get it's hasChanged() timestamp set
_loadedResources.put(resource, endRuleSet());
private long _lastCheckMillis = 0;
public void checkRuleFileChanges (boolean force)
// Only stat every 2 seconds
long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (force || currentTimeMillis - _lastCheckMillis > 2000) {
_lastCheckMillis = currentTimeMillis;
for (AWResource resource : _loadedResources.keySet()) {
if (resource.hasChanged()) {
public void reloadRuleFile (AWResource resource)
Meta.RuleSet ruleSet = _loadedResources.get(resource);
Assert.that(ruleSet != null, "Attempt to reload not previously loaded resource");
Log.meta.debug("Reloading modified rule file: %s", resource.name());
static class _DefaultLabelGenerator implements PropertyValue.StaticallyResolvable
String _key;
public _DefaultLabelGenerator (String key) { _key = key; }
public Object evaluate(Context context) {
Object fieldName = context.values().get(_key);
return (fieldName != null && fieldName instanceof String)
? defaultLabelForIdentifier((String)fieldName)
: null;
static public PropertyValue.Dynamic defaultLabelGeneratorForKey (final String key)
return new _DefaultLabelGenerator(key);
public static String defaultLabelForIdentifier (String fieldName)
int lastDot = fieldName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (lastDot != -1 && lastDot != fieldName.length() -1) fieldName = fieldName.substring(lastDot+1);
return AWVIdentifierFormatter.decamelize(fieldName);
protected void registerDerivedValue (String propKey, PropertyValue.Dynamic dynamicValue,
String contextKey, String contextValue)
Map m = new HashMap();
m.put(propKey, dynamicValue);
addRule(new Rule(Arrays.asList(new Rule.Selector(contextKey, contextValue)),
m, SystemRulePriority));
public void registerStaticallyResolvable (String propKey,
PropertyValue.StaticallyResolvable dynamicValue,
String contextKey)
registerDerivedValue (propKey, new PropertyValue.StaticDynamicWrapper(dynamicValue),
contextKey, KeyAny);
public void registerDefaultLabelGeneratorForKey (String key)
registerDerivedValue(KeyLabel, new LocalizedLabelString(), key, KeyAny);
public List<ItemProperties> fieldList (Context context)
return itemList(context, KeyField, ZonesTLRB);
public Map<String, Object> fieldsByZones (Context context)
return itemsByZones(context, KeyField, ZonesTLRB);
public Map<String, Object> itemNamesByZones (Context context, String key, List<String> zones)
Map<String, Object>itemsByZones = itemsByZones(context, key, zones.toArray(new String[zones.size()]));
return mapItemPropsToNames(itemsByZones);
private Map<String, Object> mapItemPropsToNames(Map<String, Object> itemsByZones)
Map<String, Object> namesByZones = new HashMap();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : itemsByZones.entrySet()) {
Object value = e.getValue();
if (value instanceof List) {
List<String> names = new ArrayList();
for (Object item : (List)value) {
if (item instanceof ItemProperties) names.add(((ItemProperties)item)._name);
namesByZones.put(e.getKey(), names);
else if (value instanceof Map) {
namesByZones.put(e.getKey(), mapItemPropsToNames((Map<String, Object>)value));
return namesByZones;
private static String RootPredecessorKey = "_root";
public static final String ZoneMain = "zMain";
public static final String ZoneTop = "zTop";
public static final String ZoneLeft = "zLeft";
public static final String ZoneRight = "zRight";
public static final String ZoneBottom = "zBottom";
public static final String ZoneDetail = "zDetail";
public static String[] ZonesTLRB = {ZoneTop, ZoneLeft, ZoneRight, ZoneBottom };
public static String[] ZonesMTLRB = {ZoneMain, ZoneTop, ZoneLeft, ZoneRight, ZoneBottom };
public static String[] ZonesDetail = {ZoneDetail};
public Map<String, List> predecessorMap (Context context, String key, final String defaultPredecessor)
List<ItemProperties> fieldInfos = itemProperties(context, key, false);
Map<String, List> predecessors = AWUtil.groupBy(fieldInfos,
new AWUtil.ValueMapper() {
public Object valueForObject(Object o) {
Object pred = ((ItemProperties)o).properties().get(KeyAfter);
return pred != null ? pred : defaultPredecessor;
return predecessors;
public List<ItemProperties> itemList (Context context, String key, String[] zones)
Map<String, List> predecessors = predecessorMap(context, key, zones[0]);
List<ItemProperties> result = new ArrayList();
for (String zone : zones) {
accumulatePrecessors(predecessors, zone, result);
return result;
boolean isZoneReference (String key)
// keys of the form "z<Name>" and "foo.bar.z<Name>" are considered zone keys
int lastDot = key.lastIndexOf(".");
String suffix = (lastDot == -1) ? key : key.substring(lastDot+1);
return (suffix.length() > 1) && (suffix.charAt(0) == 'z') && (Character.isUpperCase(suffix.charAt(1)));
public Map<String, Object> itemsByZones (Context context, String property, String[] zones)
Map<String, List> predecessors = predecessorMap(context, property, zones[0]);
Map<String, Object> byZone = new HashMap();
for (String zone : zones) {
List<ItemProperties> list = new ArrayList();
accumulatePrecessors(predecessors, zone, list);
byZone.put(zone, list);
for (Map.Entry<String, List> e : predecessors.entrySet()) {
String zone = e.getKey();
if (isZoneReference(zone)) {
List<ItemProperties> list = new ArrayList();
accumulatePrecessors(predecessors, zone, list);
// use field value for assignment so keys of form "a.b.c" will
// go in nested Maps
FieldValue.setFieldValue(byZone, zone, list);
return byZone;
// recursive decent of predecessor tree...
void accumulatePrecessors (Map<String, List> predecessors, String key, List result)
List<ItemProperties> items = predecessors.get(key);
if (items == null) return;
// Rank sort at this level
Collections.sort(items, new Comparator<ItemProperties>() {
public int compare(ItemProperties o1, ItemProperties o2) {
Integer r1 = (Integer)o1.properties().get(KeyRank);
Integer r2 = (Integer)o2.properties().get(KeyRank);
if (r1 == null) r1 = 100;
if (r2 == null) r2 = 100;
return (r1 == r2) ? 0
: (r1 == null) ? 1
: (r2 == null) ? -1
: (r1 - r2);
// add each field and those inserted as its predecessor
for (ItemProperties item : items) {
if (!item.isHidden()) result.add(item);
accumulatePrecessors(predecessors, item._name, result);
// Called by Parser to handle decls like "zLeft => lastName#required"
public Rule addPredecessorRule(String itemName, List<Rule.Selector>contextPreds,
String predecessor, Object traits, int lineNumber)
if (predecessor == null && traits == null) return null;
// Determine key being used. If selector scope key is "class" use "field"
String key = scopeKeyForSelector(contextPreds);
if (key == null || key.equals(KeyClass)) key = KeyField;
List<Rule.Selector> selector = new ArrayList(contextPreds);
selector.add(new Rule.Selector(key, itemName));
Map props = MapUtil.map();
if (predecessor != null) props.put(KeyAfter, predecessor);
if (traits != null) props.put(KeyTrait, traits);
Rule rule = new Rule(selector, props, 0, lineNumber);
return rule;
public List<String>flattenVisible (Map<String, List> fieldsByZones, String[] zoneList,
String key, Context context)
List<String>result = ListUtil.list();
if (fieldsByZones != null) {
for (String zone : zoneList) {
List<String>fields = fieldsByZones.get(zone);
if (fields == null) continue;
for (String field : fields) {
context.set(key, field);
if (context.booleanPropertyForKey(KeyVisible, false)) result.add(field);
return result;
public String displayKeyForClass (String className)
// performance: should use registerDerivedValue("...", new Context.StaticDynamicWrapper
// to get cached resolution here...
Context context = newContext();
context.set(KeyLayout, "LabelField");
context.set(KeyClass, className);
List<ItemProperties> fields = itemProperties(context, KeyField, true);
return fields.isEmpty() ? "toString" : fields.get(0).name();
public static String[] ModuleActionZones = { "zNav", "zGlobal" };
public static String[] ActionZones = { "zGlobal", "zMain", "zGeneral" };
public enum ModuleMatch { AsHome, AsShow, NoMatch };
public static class ModuleProperties extends ItemProperties
List<String> _homeForTypes;
List<String> _usableForTypes;
List<String> _allTypes;
public ModuleProperties(String name, Map properties, boolean hidden,
List<String> homeForTypes, List<String> usableForTypes)
super(name, properties, hidden);
_homeForTypes = homeForTypes;
_usableForTypes = usableForTypes;
_allTypes = ListUtil.copyList(homeForTypes);
public List<String> getHomeForTypes()
return _homeForTypes;
public List<String> getUsableForTypes()
return _usableForTypes;
public List<String> getAllTypes()
return _allTypes;
ModuleMatch matches (Map <String, String> matchContext)
String moduleName = matchContext.get(KeyModule);
if (moduleName != null && moduleName.equals(name())) {
return ModuleMatch.AsHome;
String homePage = matchContext.get(KeyHomePage);
if (homePage != null && homePage.equals(properties().get(KeyHomePage))) {
return ModuleMatch.AsHome;
String className = matchContext.get(KeyClass);
return (className == null) ? ModuleMatch.NoMatch
: (_homeForTypes.contains(className)
? ModuleMatch.AsHome
: (_usableForTypes.contains(className)
? ModuleMatch.AsShow : ModuleMatch.NoMatch));
public static class ModuleInfo
public List<ModuleProperties> modules;
public List<String> moduleNames;
public List<String> classNames;
public List<ItemProperties> actionCategories;
public Map<String, List<ItemProperties>> actionsByCategory;
public ModuleInfo computeModuleInfo (Context context, boolean checkVisibility)
ModuleInfo moduleInfo = new ModuleInfo();
// List<ItemProperties> items = itemList(context, KeyModule, ActionZones);
moduleInfo.modules = ListUtil.list();
Set<String> classesSet = new HashSet();
List<ItemProperties> allModuleProps = itemList(context, KeyModule, ActionZones);
moduleInfo.moduleNames = ListUtil.list();
for (ItemProperties module : allModuleProps) {
context.set(KeyModule, module.name());
if (checkVisibility && !context.booleanPropertyForKey(KeyVisible, true)) {
context.set("homeForClasses", true);
List<String> homeClasses = itemNames(context, KeyClass);
context.set("showsClasses", true);
List<String> showsClasses = itemNames(context, KeyClass);
moduleInfo.modules.add(new ModuleProperties(module.name(), context.allProperties(), false,
homeClasses, showsClasses));
moduleInfo.classNames = ListUtil.list();
context.set(KeyModule, moduleInfo.moduleNames);
context.set(KeyClass, moduleInfo.classNames);
moduleInfo.actionsByCategory = MapUtil.map();
moduleInfo.actionCategories = actionsByCategory(context, moduleInfo.actionsByCategory, ModuleActionZones);
return moduleInfo;
// Implemented by pages to express what they're displaying
public interface NavContextProvider
// Should return map of the form [class:example.app.SomeClass]
Map<String, String> currentNavContext ();
// get nav context for current page
public Map<String, String> contextForPage (AWComponent pageComponent)
if (pageComponent instanceof NavContextProvider) {
Map<String, String> navContext = ((NavContextProvider)pageComponent).currentNavContext();
if (navContext != null) return navContext;
return Collections.singletonMap(UIMeta.KeyHomePage, pageComponent.componentDefinition().componentName());
// find which of the given modules are the best fit for the given page
public ModuleProperties matchForPage (List<ModuleProperties> modules,
AWComponent pageComponent,
ModuleProperties currentlySelected)
Map<String, String> navContext = contextForPage(pageComponent);
ModuleProperties homeMatch = null, showMatch = null;
for (ModuleProperties m : modules) {
ModuleMatch match = m.matches(navContext);
if (match == ModuleMatch.AsHome
&& (homeMatch == null || m == currentlySelected)) {
homeMatch = m;
if (match == ModuleMatch.AsShow
&& (showMatch == null || m == currentlySelected)) {
showMatch = m;
return (homeMatch != null) ? homeMatch
: ((showMatch != null) ? showMatch
: ((currentlySelected != null) ? currentlySelected
: (modules.isEmpty()) ? null : modules.get(0)));
public List<String> actionCategories (Context context)
// context.set(KeyAction, KeyAny);
context.set(KeyDeclare, KeyAction);
List <String> categoryNames = context.listPropertyForKey(KeyActionCategory);
return categoryNames;
// caller must push/pop!
public List<ItemProperties> actionsByCategory(Context context, Map<String, List<ItemProperties>> result, String[] zones)
List actionCategories = itemList(context, KeyActionCategory, zones);
List<String> catNames = AWUtil.collect(actionCategories, new AWUtil.ValueMapper () {
public Object valueForObject(Object object)
return ((ItemProperties)object).name();
addActionsForCategories(context, result, catNames);
return actionCategories;
private void addActionsForCategories (Context context, Map<String, List<ItemProperties>> result, List<String> catNames)
for (String cat : catNames) {
if (!cat.equals(DefaultActionCategory)) context.set(KeyActionCategory, cat);
collectActionsByCategory(context, result, cat);
public void collectActionsByCategory (Context context, Map <String, List<ItemProperties>> result, String targetCat)
// assume "module" has been asserted in context, now get classes
List<ItemProperties> actionInfos = itemProperties(context, KeyAction, true);
for (ItemProperties actionInfo : actionInfos) {
context.set(KeyAction, actionInfo.name());
Boolean visible = context.booleanPropertyForKey(KeyVisible, true);
if (visible != null && visible.booleanValue()) {
String category = (String)actionInfo.properties().get(KeyActionCategory);
if (category == null) category = DefaultActionCategory;
if (!targetCat.equals(category)) continue;
List<ItemProperties> forCategory = result.get(category);
if (forCategory == null) {
forCategory = new ArrayList();
result.put(category, forCategory);
private AWResponseGenerating _fireAction(Context context, AWRequestContext requestContext)
Object result = context.propertyForKey("actionResults");
// deal permissively with action scripts that return non-AWResponseGenerating results
if (!(result instanceof AWResponseGenerating)) return null;
preparePage(context, (AWResponseGenerating)result);
return (AWResponseGenerating)result;
public AWResponseGenerating fireAction (ItemProperties action, Context context,
AWRequestContext requestContext)
context.set(KeyActionCategory, action.properties().get(KeyActionCategory));
context.set(KeyAction, action.name());
AWResponseGenerating result = _fireAction(context, requestContext);
return result;
public AWResponseGenerating fireAction (Context context,
AWRequestContext requestContext)
AWResponseGenerating result = _fireAction(context, requestContext);
return result;
public void preparePage (Context context, AWResponseGenerating result)
if (result instanceof AWComponent) {
Object pageBindings = context.propertyForKey("pageBindings");
if (pageBindings != null) applyValues(result, (Map)pageBindings, context);
public static void applyValues (Object target, Map <String, Object> values, Context context)
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : values.entrySet()) {
FieldValue.setFieldValue(target, e.getKey(), context.resolveValue(e.getValue()));
public static String beautifyClassName (String className)
int dot = className.lastIndexOf('.');
if (dot != -1) className = className.substring(dot+1);
return AWVIdentifierFormatter.decamelize(className);
public static String beautifyFileName (String path)
return AWVIdentifierFormatter.decamelize(AWUtil.pathToLastComponent(AWUtil.lastComponent(path, "/"), "."));
AWBindingDictionary bindingDictionaryForValueMap (Map<String, Object> map)
if (MapUtil.nullOrEmptyMap(map)) return null;
Map <String, AWBinding> bindingMap = new HashMap(map.size());
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : map.entrySet()) {
String name = e.getKey();
Object val = e.getValue();
AWBinding binding = null;
if (val instanceof PropertyValue.Dynamic) {
binding = new MetaIncludeComponent.DynamicValueBinding();
((MetaIncludeComponent.DynamicValueBinding)binding).init(name, (PropertyValue.Dynamic)val);
} else {
binding = AWBinding.bindingWithNameAndConstant(name, val);
bindingMap.put(name, binding);
return new AWBindingDictionary(bindingMap);
Set<String> _loadedNames = new HashSet();
public void loadRuleFromResourceNamed (String name)
if (!name.endsWith(".oss")) name += ".oss";
if (!_loadedNames.contains(name)) {
AWResourceManager resourceManager = AWConcreteServerApplication.sharedInstance().resourceManager();
AWResource resource = resourceManager.resourceNamed(name);
if (resource != null) {
Generate rules on-demand for classes based on introspection
boolean _didDeclareModules = false;
void ensureDidDeclareModules()
if (_didDeclareModules) return;
_didDeclareModules = true;
void declareModulesForClasses (List<String> moduleClasses)
if (moduleClasses.size() == 0) return;
Log.meta.debug("Auto declaring modules for classes: %s ", moduleClasses);
for (String className : moduleClasses) {
String classFileName = className.replace(".", "/") + ".java";
try {
List <Rule.Selector> selectors = Arrays.asList(new Rule.Selector(KeyModule, className));
ListUtil.lastElement(selectors)._isDecl = true;
Map properties = new HashMap();
addTrait("ModuleClassPage", properties);
properties.put("moduleClassName", className);
Rule r = new Rule(selectors, properties, ClassRulePriority);
// Add decl rule for this module being home for this class
addRule(new Rule(
Arrays.asList(new Rule.Selector(KeyModule, className),
new Rule.Selector("homeForClasses", true),
new Rule.Selector(KeyClass, className, true)),
new HashMap(),
} finally {
class FileMetaProvider implements Meta.ValueQueriedObserver
public void notify(Meta meta, String key, Object value)
Log.meta_detail.debug("FileMetaProvider notified of first use of class: %s ", value);
String className = ((String)value);
int dot = className.lastIndexOf(".");
if (dot != -1) {
String pkg = className.substring(0, dot);
String pkgRuleFile = pkg.replace(".", "/").concat("/rules.oss");
// loadName(className);
// Marker interface
public interface AutoLocalized
String packageName ();
String fileKey ();
String key ();
LocalizedString createLocalizedString (String key, String defaultValue)
Assert.that(_currentRuleSet != null, "Attempt to create localized string without currentRuleSet in place");
return new LocalizedString(_currentRuleSet.filePath(), key, defaultValue);
public static class LocalizedStringCache
private AWResourceManagerDictionary _localizedStringsHashtable = new AWResourceManagerDictionary();
AWResourceManager resourceManager (Context context)
AWResourceManager resourceManager = null;
if (context instanceof UIContext) {
resourceManager = ((UIContext)context).resourceManager();
return (resourceManager != null) ? resourceManager
: AWConcreteApplication.SharedInstance.resourceManager(Locale.US);
public String cacheLookup (Context context, String key)
AWSingleLocaleResourceManager resourceManager = (AWSingleLocaleResourceManager)resourceManager(context);
return (String)_localizedStringsHashtable.get(resourceManager);
public String fullLookup (Context context, String key, String stringTable, String fileKey, String defaultString)
AWSingleLocaleResourceManager resourceManager = (AWSingleLocaleResourceManager)resourceManager(context);
synchronized (this) {
String localizedString = (String)_localizedStringsHashtable.get(resourceManager);
if (localizedString == null) {
AWStringLocalizer localizer = AWConcreteApplication.SharedInstance.getStringLocalizer();
Map localizedStringsHashtable = localizer.getLocalizedStrings (stringTable, fileKey, resourceManager);
if (localizedStringsHashtable != null) {
localizedString = (String)localizedStringsHashtable.get(key);
if (localizedString == null) {
localizedString = resourceManager.pseudoLocalizeUnKeyed(defaultString);
if (!AWConcreteApplication.IsRapidTurnaroundEnabled) {
_localizedStringsHashtable.put(resourceManager, localizedString);
return localizedString;
public static class LocalizedString extends LocalizedStringCache implements PropertyValue.Dynamic
String _filePath;
String _key;
String _defaultString;
public LocalizedString (String filePath, String key, String defaultValue)
_filePath = filePath;
_key = key;
_defaultString = defaultValue;
public Object evaluate (Context context)
String localizedString = cacheLookup(context, _key);
if (localizedString == null) {
String stringTable = AWUtil.fileNameToJavaPackage(_filePath);
String fileKey = AWUtil.stripToBaseFilename(_filePath);
localizedString = fullLookup(context, _key, stringTable, fileKey, _defaultString);
return localizedString;
public void throwSampleException ()
try {
} catch (Exception t) {
throw new AWGenericException("Exception called _throwSample", t);
void _throwSampleException ()
throw new AWGenericException("_throwSampleException always throws!");
public static void registerLocalizedClass (String className)
public static Set<String> localizedClasses ()
return _LocalizedClasses;
public static class LocalizedLabelString extends LocalizedString
implements Meta.PropertyMapAwaking, AutoLocalized
public LocalizedLabelString ()
super(null, null, null);
public Object evaluate (Context context)
if (_key == null) {
// our contextKey scope determines our declaration location (file / package)
Rule.Wrapper wrapper = (Rule.Wrapper)context.propertyForKey(DeclRule);
if (wrapper != null) {
_filePath = wrapper.rule.getRuleSet().filePath();
} else {
Log.meta.debug("Mising rule wrapper for localized string!");
// if declaration was in java file, then key is just field/method name
boolean isJava = (_filePath != null && _filePath.endsWith(".java"));
String scopeKey = (String)context.values().get(Meta.ScopeKey);
String scopeVal = (String)context.values().get(scopeKey);
if (UIMeta.KeyClass.equals(scopeKey) || UIMeta.KeyModule.equals(scopeKey)) {
scopeVal = AWUtil.lastComponent(scopeVal, ".");
_defaultString = defaultLabelForIdentifier(scopeVal);
_key = isJava ? scopeVal : (scopeKey + "_" + scopeVal);
return _filePath != null ? super.evaluate(context) : _defaultString;
public Object awakeForPropertyMap (Meta.PropertyMap map)
return new LocalizedLabelString();
public String packageName ()
return AWUtil.fileNameToJavaPackage(_filePath);
public String fileKey ()
return AWUtil.stripToBaseFilename(_filePath);
public String key ()
return _key;