SpagoBI - The Business Intelligence Free Platform
Copyright (C) 2005 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package it.eng.spagobi.engines.qbe;
import it.eng.spagobi.engines.qbe.analysisstateloaders.formbuilder.FormStateLoaderFactory;
import it.eng.spagobi.engines.qbe.analysisstateloaders.formbuilder.IFormStateLoader;
import it.eng.spagobi.engines.qbe.template.QbeJSONTemplateParser;
import it.eng.spagobi.utilities.assertion.Assert;
import it.eng.spagobi.utilities.engines.EngineAnalysisState;
import it.eng.spagobi.utilities.engines.SpagoBIEngineException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
* @author Zerbetto Davide (davide.zerbetto@eng.it)
public class FormState extends EngineAnalysisState {
public static final String CURRENT_VERSION = "1";
public static final String ID_NAME_MAP = "ID_NAME_MAP";
public static final String NAME_ID_MAP = "NAME_ID_MAP";
public static final String FORM_STATE = "FORM_STATE";
public static final String FORM_STATE_VALUES = "FORM_STATE_VALUES";
/** Logger component. */
private static transient Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FormState.class);
public void load(byte[] rowData) throws SpagoBIEngineException {
String str = null;
JSONObject formStateJSON = null;
JSONObject rowDataJSON = null;
String encodingFormatVersion;
try {
str = new String( rowData );
logger.debug("loading form state from row data [" + str + "] ...");
rowDataJSON = new JSONObject(str);
try {
encodingFormatVersion = rowDataJSON.getString("version");
} catch (JSONException e) {
logger.debug("no version found, default is 0");
encodingFormatVersion = "0";
logger.debug("Row data encoding version [" + encodingFormatVersion + "]");
if (encodingFormatVersion.equalsIgnoreCase(CURRENT_VERSION)) {
formStateJSON = rowDataJSON;
} else {
logger.warn("Row data encoding version [" + encodingFormatVersion + "] does not match with the current version used by the engine [" + CURRENT_VERSION + "] ");
logger.debug("Converting from encoding version [" + encodingFormatVersion + "] to encoding version [" + CURRENT_VERSION + "]....");
IFormStateLoader formViewerStateLoader;
formViewerStateLoader = FormStateLoaderFactory.getInstance().getLoader(encodingFormatVersion);
if (formViewerStateLoader == null) {
throw new SpagoBIEngineException("Unable to load data stored in format [" + encodingFormatVersion + "] ");
formStateJSON = (JSONObject) formViewerStateLoader.load(str);
logger.debug("Encoding conversion has been executed succesfully");
logger.debug("analysis state loaded succsfully from row data");
// adding other info that are created dynamically
setProperty( FORM_STATE, formStateJSON);
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new SpagoBIEngineException("Impossible to load form state from raw data", e);
} finally {
public byte[] store() throws SpagoBIEngineException {
JSONObject formStateJSON = null;
String rowData = null;
try {
formStateJSON = (JSONObject) getProperty( FORM_STATE );
formStateJSON.put("version", CURRENT_VERSION);
rowData = formStateJSON.toString();
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new SpagoBIEngineException("Impossible to store form state", e);
return rowData.getBytes();
public JSONObject getConf() {
return (JSONObject) getProperty( FORM_STATE );
public void setConf(JSONObject json) {
Assert.assertNotNull(json, "JSON form state cannot be null");
setProperty(FORM_STATE, json);
public JSONObject getFormStateValues() {
return parseValues((JSONObject) getProperty( FORM_STATE_VALUES ));
public void setFormStateValues(JSONObject json) {
setProperty(FORM_STATE_VALUES, json);
public Map<String, String> getIdNameMap() {
return (Map<String, String>) getProperty(ID_NAME_MAP);
public Map<String, String> getNameIdMap() {
return (Map<String, String>) getProperty(NAME_ID_MAP);
* Used for save the form values:
* For keep the values of the form if the form state changes (id est: if the fields of the form change )
* we need to find the relation between the new fields and the ones saved in the sub object.
* This relation is the name of the field.
* This method maps the id of the field and the name.. In this way we save in the subobject
* the name of the field
public void setIdNameMap(){
Map<String, String> idNameMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
Map<String, String> nameIdMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
JSONObject formState = (JSONObject) getProperty(FORM_STATE);
if(formState!=null && formState.length()!=0){
JSONArray staticOpenFilters = formState.optJSONArray("staticOpenFilters");
fillMaps(staticOpenFilters, idNameMap, nameIdMap, "id", "text","staticOpenFilters");
JSONArray dynamicFilters = formState.optJSONArray("dynamicFilters");
fillMaps(dynamicFilters, idNameMap, nameIdMap, "id", "title","dynamicFilters");
JSONArray staticClosedFilters = formState.optJSONArray("staticClosedFilters");
fillMaps(staticClosedFilters, idNameMap, nameIdMap, "id", "title","staticClosedFilters");
}catch (Exception e){
logger.error("Error getting the map id-->name of the form fields",e);
setProperty(ID_NAME_MAP, idNameMap);
setProperty(NAME_ID_MAP, nameIdMap);
private void fillMaps(JSONArray filters, Map<String, String> idNameMap, Map<String, String> nameIdMap, String idRap, String nameRap, String prefix) throws JSONException{
String id, name;
for(int i=0; i<filters.length(); i++){
JSONObject jo = filters.getJSONObject(i);
id = jo.optString(idRap);
name = prefix+jo.optString(nameRap);
idNameMap.put(id, name);
nameIdMap.put(name, id);
* Get the form state of the subobject and changes the names of the fields
* of the form with the ids
* @param formState the values of the form
* @return the values of the form but with the name of the fields instead of the ids
private JSONObject parseValues(JSONObject formState){
JSONObject formStructure = getConf();
JSONObject parsedForm = new JSONObject();
Map<String, String> nameIdMap = getNameIdMap();
logger.debug("The nameIdMap is null.. THE STORE STATE VALUES WILL NOT BE PARSED.. It's ok if the engine is worksheet");
return formState;
logger.debug("formStateValues: "+formState);
logger.debug("formState: "+getProperty( FORM_STATE ));
logger.debug("nameIdMap: "+nameIdMap);
JSONObject newDynamicFilters, newStaticOpenFilters, newStaticClosedFilters, newStaticClosedFiltersAnd, newStaticClosedFiltersXor;
JSONObject staticOpenFilters = formState.optJSONObject("staticOpenFilters");
newStaticOpenFilters = getPropertyNames(staticOpenFilters, nameIdMap, "staticOpenFilters");
parsedForm.put("staticOpenFilters", newStaticOpenFilters);
JSONObject dynamicFilters = formState.optJSONObject("dynamicFilters");
filterAdmissibleValues(dynamicFilters, formStructure.getJSONArray("dynamicFilters"), "dynamicFilters");
newDynamicFilters = getPropertyNames(dynamicFilters, nameIdMap,"dynamicFilters");
parsedForm.put("dynamicFilters", newDynamicFilters);
JSONObject staticClosedFilters = formState.optJSONObject("staticClosedFilters");
JSONObject staticClosedFiltersAnd = staticClosedFilters.optJSONObject("onOffFilters");
JSONObject staticClosedFiltersXor = staticClosedFilters.optJSONObject("xorFilters");
newStaticClosedFiltersAnd = getPropertyNames(staticClosedFiltersAnd, nameIdMap, "onOffFilters");
newStaticClosedFiltersXor = getPropertyNames(staticClosedFiltersXor, nameIdMap, "xorFilters");
newStaticClosedFilters= new JSONObject();
parsedForm.put("staticClosedFilters", newStaticClosedFilters);
newStaticClosedFilters.put("onOffFilters", newStaticClosedFiltersAnd);
newStaticClosedFilters.put("xorFilters", newStaticClosedFiltersXor);
JSONObject groupingVariables = formState.optJSONObject("groupingVariables");
filterAdmissibleGroups(groupingVariables, formStructure.getJSONArray("groupingVariables"));
parsedForm.put("groupingVariables", groupingVariables);
}catch (Exception e){
logger.error("Error getting the map id-->name of the form fields",e);
return formState;
return parsedForm;
return formState;
private JSONObject getPropertyNames(JSONObject filters, Map<String, String> nameIdMap, String prefix) throws JSONException{
JSONObject newFilters = new JSONObject();
String key, newKey;
Iterator<String> keys = filters.keys();
key = keys.next();
newKey = nameIdMap.get(key);
newFilters.put(newKey, filters.get(key));
newFilters.put(key, filters.get(key));
return newFilters;
return null;
* Filter the values of the subobject. It removes the selected field value if the form is changed and the values
* are not consistent with the new configuration.
* @param valuesJSON the selected values of the subobject
* @param admissibleJSON the admissible values
* @param prefix
* @throws JSONException
private void filterAdmissibleValues(JSONObject valuesJSON, JSONArray admissibleJSON, String prefix) throws JSONException{
List<String> deprecatedValues = new ArrayList<String>();
for(int y=0; y<admissibleJSON.length(); y++){
Iterator<String> keyIter = valuesJSON.keys();
String key = keyIter.next();
if(!filterAdmissibleValues(valuesJSON.getJSONObject(key).getString("field"), admissibleJSON.getJSONObject(y).getJSONArray("admissibleFields"))){
logger.debug("field [" + key + "] does not exist anymore in the form");
for(int i = 0; i < deprecatedValues.size(); i++) {
* Filter the group fields of the subobject. It removes the selected field value if the form is changed and the values
* are not consistent with the new configuration.
* @param valuesJSON the selected values of the subobject
* @param admissibleJSON the admissible values
* @throws JSONException
private void filterAdmissibleGroups(JSONObject valuesJSON, JSONArray admissibleJSON) throws JSONException{
List<String> deprecatedValues = new ArrayList<String>();
for(int y=0; y<admissibleJSON.length(); y++){
Iterator<String> keyIter = valuesJSON.keys();
String key = keyIter.next();
if(!filterAdmissibleValues(valuesJSON.getString(key), admissibleJSON.getJSONObject(y).getJSONArray("admissibleFields"))){
logger.debug("field [" + key + "] does not exist anymore in the form");
for(int i = 0; i < deprecatedValues.size(); i++) {
private boolean filterAdmissibleValues(String JSNONValue, JSONArray admissibleJSON) throws JSONException{
for(int y=0; y<admissibleJSON.length(); y++){
return true;
return false;