* MegaMek - Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Ben Mazur (bmazur@sev.org)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
package megamek.common.xml;
import gd.xml.tiny.ParsedXML;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Vector;
import megamek.common.AmmoType;
import megamek.common.BattleArmor;
import megamek.common.BipedMech;
import megamek.common.Coords;
import megamek.common.CriticalSlot;
import megamek.common.Entity;
import megamek.common.GunEmplacement;
import megamek.common.IArmorState;
import megamek.common.IGame;
import megamek.common.Infantry;
import megamek.common.InfernoTracker;
import megamek.common.Mech;
import megamek.common.Mounted;
import megamek.common.Pilot;
import megamek.common.Player;
import megamek.common.Protomech;
import megamek.common.QuadMech;
import megamek.common.Tank;
import megamek.common.TechConstants;
* Objects of this class can encode a <code>Entity</code> object as XML into
* an output writer and decode one from a parsed XML node. It is used when
* saving games into a version- neutral format.
* @author James Damour <suvarov454@users.sourceforge.net>
public class EntityEncoder {
* Encode a <code>Entity</code> object to an output writer.
* @param entity - the <code>Entity</code> to be encoded. This value must
* not be <code>null</code>.
* @param out - the <code>Writer</code> that will receive the XML. This
* value must not be <code>null</code>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the entity is <code>null</code>.
* @throws IOException if there's any error on write.
public static void encode(Entity entity, Writer out) throws IOException {
Enumeration<Entity> iter; // used when marching through a list of sub-elements
Coords coords;
int turns;
String substr;
// First, validate our input.
if (null == entity) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The entity is null.");
if (null == out) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The writer is null.");
// Make sure any transported entities are written first.
iter = entity.getLoadedUnits().elements();
while (iter.hasMoreElements()) {
EntityEncoder.encode(iter.nextElement(), out);
// Start writing this entity to the file.
out.write("<entity chassis=\"");
out.write("\" model=\"");
out.write("\" type=\"");
out.write("\" typeVal=\"");
out.write("\" techBase=\"");
out.write(entity.getTechLevel() + ":"
+ TechConstants.getLevelName(entity.getTechLevel()));
out.write("\" year=\"");
out.write("\" mass=\"");
out.write("\" walkMp=\"");
out.write("\" jumpMp=\"");
// Add the crew this entity.
final Pilot crew = entity.getCrew();
out.write("<pilot name=\"");
out.write("\" gunnery=\"");
out.write("\" piloting=\"");
if (crew.isDead() || (crew.getHits() > 5)) {
out.write("\" hits=\"Dead");
} else if (crew.getHits() > 0) {
out.write("\" hits=\"");
if (crew.countAdvantages() > 0) {
out.write("\" advantages=\"");
out.write(String.valueOf(crew.getAdvantageList(" ")));
if (crew.countMDImplants() > 0) {
out.write("\" implants=\"");
out.write(String.valueOf(crew.getImplantList(" ")));
// Write the game-specific data.
out.write("<entityData gameId=\"");
out.write("\" externalId=\"");
out.write("\" ownerId=\"");
out.write("\" facing=\"");
out.write("\" secondaryFacing=\"");
out.write("\" walkMpCurrent=\"");
out.write("\" isOmni=\"");
out.write(entity.isOmni() ? "true" : "false");
out.write("\" jumpMpCurrent=\"");
out.write("\" C3MasterId=\"");
out.write("\" transportId=\"");
out.write("\" swarmTargetId=\"");
out.write("\" swarmAttackerId=\"");
out.write("\" removalCondition=\"");
out.write("\" deployRound=\"");
out.write("\" isShutDown=\"");
out.write(entity.isShutDown() ? "true" : "false");
out.write("\" isDoomed=\"");
out.write(entity.isDoomed() ? "true" : "false");
out.write("\" isDestroyed=\"");
out.write(entity.isDestroyed() ? "true" : "false");
out.write("\" isDone=\"");
out.write(entity.isDone() ? "true" : "false");
out.write("\" isProne=\"");
out.write(entity.isProne() ? "true" : "false");
out.write("\" isFindingClub=\"");
out.write(entity.isFindingClub() ? "true" : "false");
out.write("\" isArmsFlipped=\"");
out.write(entity.getArmsFlipped() ? "true" : "false");
out.write("\" isUnjammingRAC=\"");
out.write(entity.isUnjammingRAC() ? "true" : "false");
out.write("\" isSpotting=\"");
out.write(entity.isSpotting() ? "true" : "false");
out.write("\" isClearingMinefield=\"");
out.write(entity.isClearingMinefield() ? "true" : "false");
out.write("\" isSalvage=\"");
out.write(entity.isSalvage() ? "true" : "false");
out.write("\" isDeployed=\"");
out.write(entity.isDeployed() ? "true" : "false");
out.write("\" isUnloadedThisTurn=\"");
out.write(entity.isUnloadedThisTurn() ? "true" : "false");
out.write("\" heat=\"");
out.write("\" heatBuildup=\"");
out.write("\" heatFromExternal=\"");
out.write("\" delta_distance=\"");
out.write("\" mpUsed=\"");
out.write("\" moved=\"");
out.write("\" damageThisPhase=\"");
out.write("\" engineHitsThisRound=\"");
out.write("\" rolledForEngineExplosion=\"");
out.write(entity.rolledForEngineExplosion ? "true" : "false");
out.write("\" dodging=\"");
out.write(entity.dodging ? "true" : "false");
out.write("\" >");
// Now save the entity's coordinates.
coords = entity.getPosition();
if (null != coords) {
CoordsEncoder.encode(coords, out);
// Is the entity performing a displacement attack?
if (entity.hasDisplacementAttack()) {
EntityActionEncoder.encode(entity.getDisplacementAttack(), out);
// Add the narc pods attached to this entity (if any are needed).
substr = getNarcString(entity);
if (null != substr) {
// Encode the infernos burning on this entity.
if (entity.infernos.isStillBurning()) {
// Encode the infernos on this entity.
turns = entity.infernos.getArrowIVTurnsLeftToBurn();
// This value may be zero.
if (turns > 0) {
out.write("<arrowiv turns=\"");
out.write("\" />");
// -(Arrow IV turns - All Turns) = Standard Turns.
turns -= entity.infernos.getTurnsLeftToBurn();
turns = -turns;
if (turns > 0) {
out.write("<standard turns=\"");
out.write("\" />");
// Do we have any transporters?
String transporters = Entity.encodeTransporters(entity);
if ((null != transporters) && (0 == transporters.length())) {
out.write("<transporters value=\"");
out.write("\" />");
// Record the IDs of all transported units (if any).
iter = entity.getLoadedUnits().elements();
if (iter.hasMoreElements()) {
while (iter.hasMoreElements()) {
Entity loaded = iter.nextElement();
out.write("<entityRef gameId=\"");
out.write("\" />");
// Handle sub-classes of Entity.
out.write("<class name=\"");
if (entity instanceof BipedMech) {
BipedMechEncoder.encode(entity, out);
} else if (entity instanceof QuadMech) {
QuadMechEncoder.encode(entity, out);
} else if (entity instanceof Tank) {
TankEncoder.encode(entity, out);
} else if (entity instanceof BattleArmor) {
BattleArmorEncoder.encode(entity, out);
} else if (entity instanceof Infantry) {
InfantryEncoder.encode(entity, out);
} else if (entity instanceof Protomech) {
ProtomechEncoder.encode(entity, out);
} else if (entity instanceof GunEmplacement) {
GunEmplacementEncoder.encode(entity, out);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected entity type "
+ entity.getClass().getName());
// Finish the game-specific data.
// Encode this unit's equipment.
Iterator<Mounted> iter2 = entity.getEquipment().iterator();
if (iter2.hasNext()) {
int index = 0;
while (iter2.hasNext()) {
substr = EntityEncoder.formatEquipment(index,iter2.next(), entity);
if (null != substr) {
// Add the locations of this entity (if any are needed).
substr = getLocString(entity);
if (null != substr) {
// Finish the XML stream for this entity.
* Produce a string describing all NARC pods on the entity.
* @param entity - the <code>Entity</code> being examined. This value may
* be <code>null</code>.
* @return a <code>String</code> describing the equipment. This value may
* be <code>null</code>.
private static String getNarcString(Entity entity) {
// null in, null out
if (null == entity) {
return null;
// Show all teams that have NARCed the entity.
StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();
boolean narced = false;
for (int team = Player.TEAM_NONE; team < Player.MAX_TEAMS; team++) {
if (entity.isNarcedBy(team)) {
// Is this the first narc on the entity?
if (!narced) {
narced = true;
// Add this team to the NARC pods.
output.append("<narc type=\"Standard\" team=\"");
output.append("\" />");
// If the entity wasn't narced, return a null.
if (!narced) {
return null;
// Finish off this section, and return the string.
return output.toString();
* Produce a string describing a piece of equipment.
* @param index - the <code>int</code> index of this equipment on the
* given entity.
* @param mount - the <code>Mounted</code> object of the equipment. This
* value should not be <code>null</code>.
* @param entity - the <code>Entity</code> that has this mount.
* @return a <code>String</code> describing the equipment. This value will
* be <code>null</code> if a <code>null</code> was passed.
private static String formatEquipment(int index, Mounted mount,
Entity entity) {
StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();
// null in, null out.
if (null == mount) {
return null;
// Format this piece of equipment.
output.append("<equipment index=\"");
output.append("\" type=\"");
output.append("\" location=\"");
output.append("\" isRear=\"");
output.append(mount.isRearMounted() ? "true" : "false");
if (mount.getType() instanceof AmmoType) {
output.append("\" shots=\"");
output.append("\" curMode=\"");
output.append("\" pendingMode=\"");
output.append("\" linkedRef=\"");
if (null == mount.getLinked()) {
} else {
output.append("\" foundCrits=\"");
output.append("\" isUsedThisRound=\"");
output.append(mount.isUsedThisRound() ? "true" : "false");
output.append("\" isBreached=\"");
output.append(mount.isBreached() ? "true" : "false");
output.append("\" isHit=\"");
output.append(mount.isHit() ? "true" : "false");
output.append("\" isDestroyed=\"");
output.append(mount.isDestroyed() ? "true" : "false");
output.append("\" isMissing=\"");
output.append(mount.isMissing() ? "true" : "false");
output.append("\" isJammed=\"");
output.append(mount.isJammed() ? "true" : "false");
output.append("\" isPendingDump=\"");
output.append(mount.isPendingDump() ? "true" : "false");
output.append("\" isDumping=\"");
output.append(mount.isDumping() ? "true" : "false");
output.append("\" isSplit=\"");
output.append(mount.isSplit() ? "true" : "false");
output.append("\" isFired=\"");
output.append(mount.isFired() ? "true" : "false");
// Return a String.
return output.toString();
* Produce a string describing the equipment in a critical slot.
* @param slot - the <code>CriticalSlot</code> being encoded.
* @param mount - the <code>Mounted</code> object of the equipment. This
* value should be <code>null</code> for a slot with system
* equipment.
* @return a <code>String</code> describing the slot.
private static String formatSlot(CriticalSlot slot, Mounted mount) {
StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();
// Don't forget... slots start at index 1.
output.append("<slot index=\"");
output.append(String.valueOf(slot.getIndex() + 1));
output.append("\" type=\"");
if (mount == null) {
} else {
if (mount.isRearMounted()) {
output.append("\" isRear=\"true");
if (mount.getType() instanceof AmmoType) {
output.append("\" shots=\"");
output.append("\" isHit=\"");
output.append(slot.isHit() ? "true" : "false");
output.append("\" isDestroyed=\"");
output.append(slot.isDestroyed() ? "true" : "false");
output.append("\" isMissing=\"");
output.append(slot.isMissing() ? "true" : "false");
output.append("\" isBreached=\"");
output.append(slot.isBreached() ? "true" : "false");
output.append("\" isHittable=\"");
output.append(slot.isEverHittable() ? "true" : "false");
// Return a String.
return output.toString();
* Helper function that generates a string identifying the state of the
* locations for an entity.
* @param entity - the <code>Entity</code> whose location state is needed
private static String getLocString(Entity entity) {
boolean isMech = entity instanceof Mech;
StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();
// Walk through the locations for the entity,
// and only record damage and ammo.
for (int loc = 0; loc < entity.locations(); loc++) {
// Add this location to the output string.
output.append("<location index=\"");
output.append("\"> ");
// Record values of armor and internal structure,
// unless the section never has armor.
if (entity.getOInternal(loc) != IArmorState.ARMOR_NA) {
output.append("<armor points=\"");
output.append("<armor points=\"");
output.append("\" type=\"Internal\"/>");
if (entity.hasRearArmor(loc)) {
output.append("<armor points=\"");
output.append(String.valueOf(entity.getArmor(loc, true)));
output.append("\" type=\"Rear\"/>");
// Walk through the slots in this location.
for (int loop = 0; loop < entity.getNumberOfCriticals(loc); loop++) {
// Get this slot.
CriticalSlot slot = entity.getCritical(loc, loop);
// Did we get a slot?
if (null == slot) {
// Nope. Record missing actuators on Biped Mechs.
if (isMech && !entity.entityIsQuad()
&& ((loc == Mech.LOC_RARM) || (loc == Mech.LOC_LARM))
&& ((loop == 2) || (loop == 3))) {
output.append("<slot index=\"");
output.append(String.valueOf(loop + 1));
output.append("\" type=\"Empty\"/>");
} else {
// Yup. If the equipment isn't a system, get it.
Mounted mount = null;
if (CriticalSlot.TYPE_EQUIPMENT == slot.getType()) {
mount = entity.getEquipment(slot.getIndex());
// Format the slot.
output.append(formatSlot(slot, mount));
} // End have-slot
} // Check the next slot in this location
// Tanks don't have slots, and Protomechs only have
// system slots, so we have to handle their ammo specially.
if ((entity instanceof Tank) || (entity instanceof Protomech)) {
for (Mounted mount : entity.getAmmo()) {
// Is this ammo in the current location?
if (mount.getLocation() == loc) {
output.append("<slot index=\"N/A\" type=\"");
output.append("\" shots=\"");
} // Check the next ammo.
} // End is-tank-or-proto
// Finish off the location
} // Handle the next location
// Convert the output into a String and return it.
return output.toString();
} // End private static String getLocString( Entity )
* Helper function to decode the pilot (crew) of an <code>Entity</code>
* object from the passed node.
* @param node - the <code>ParsedXML</code> node for this object. This
* value must not be <code>null</code>.
* @param entity - the <code>Entity</code> the decoded object belongs to.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the node is <code>null</code>.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the node does not contain a valid
* <code>Entity</code>.
private static void decodePilot(ParsedXML node, Entity entity) {
// TODO : implement me
* Helper function to decode the equipment of an <code>Entity</code>
* object from the passed node.
* @param node - the <code>ParsedXML</code> node for this object. This
* value must not be <code>null</code>.
* @param entity - the <code>Entity</code> the decoded object belongs to.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the node is <code>null</code>.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the node does not contain a valid
* <code>Entity</code>.
private static void decodeEntityEquipment(ParsedXML node, Entity entity) {
// TODO : implement me
* Helper function to decode a location of an <code>Entity</code> object
* from the passed node.
* @param node - the <code>ParsedXML</code> node for this object. This
* value must not be <code>null</code>.
* @param entity - the <code>Entity</code> the decoded object belongs to.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the node is <code>null</code>.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the node does not contain a valid
* <code>Entity</code>.
private static void decodeLocation(ParsedXML node, Entity entity) {
// TODO : implement me
* Helper function to decode the inferno rounds on an <code>Entity</code>
* object from the passed node.
* @param node - the <code>ParsedXML</code> node for this object. This
* value must not be <code>null</code>.
* @param entity - the <code>Entity</code> the decoded object belongs to.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the node is <code>null</code>.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the node does not contain a valid
* <code>Entity</code>.
private static void decodeInferno(ParsedXML node, Entity entity) {
String attrStr = null;
int attrVal = 0;
// Did we get a null node?
if (null == node) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The inferno is null.");
// Make sure that the node is for a EntityData object.
if (!node.getName().equals("inferno")) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Not passed a inferno node.");
// Try to find the inferno detail nodes.
Enumeration<?> details = node.elements();
while (details.hasMoreElements()) {
ParsedXML detail = (ParsedXML) details.nextElement();
// Have we found the Arrow IV inferno detail?
if (detail.getName().equals("arrowiv")) {
// Get the burn turns attribute.
attrStr = detail.getAttribute("turns");
if (null == attrStr) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't decode the burn turns for an Arrow IV inferno round.");
// Try to pull the value from the string
try {
attrVal = Integer.parseInt(attrStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException exp) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't get an integer from " + attrStr);
// Add the number of Arrow IV burn turns.
entity.infernos.add(InfernoTracker.INFERNO_IV_TURN, attrVal);
} // End found-arrowiv-detail
// Have we found the standard inferno entry?
else if (detail.getName().equals("standard")) {
// Get the burn turns attribute.
attrStr = detail.getAttribute("turns");
if (null == attrStr) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't decode the burn turns for a standard inferno round.");
// Try to pull the value from the string
try {
attrVal = Integer.parseInt(attrStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException exp) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't get an integer from " + attrStr);
// Add the number of standard burn turns.
entity.infernos.add(InfernoTracker.STANDARD_TURN, attrVal);
} // End found-standard-detail
} // Handle the next detail node.
* Helper function to decode a <code>Entity</code> object from the passed
* node.
* @param node - the <code>ParsedXML</code> node for this object. This
* value must not be <code>null</code>.
* @param game - the <code>IGame</code> the decoded object belongs to.
* @return the <code>Entity</code> object based on the node.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the node is <code>null</code>.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the node does not contain a valid
* <code>Entity</code>.
// supressing unused warnings.
private static Entity decodeEntityData(ParsedXML node, IGame game) {
String attrStr = null;
int attrVal = 0;
boolean attrTrue = false;
Entity entity = null;
Coords coords = null;
ParsedXML actionNode = null;
ParsedXML narcNode = null;
ParsedXML infernoNode = null;
ParsedXML loadedUnitsNode = null;
// Did we get a null node?
if (null == node) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The entityData is null.");
// Make sure that the node is for a EntityData object.
if (!node.getName().equals("entityData")) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Not passed a entityData node.");
// TODO : perform version checking.
// Walk the entityData node's children.
Enumeration<?> children = node.elements();
while (children.hasMoreElements()) {
ParsedXML child = (ParsedXML) children.nextElement();
String childName = child.getName();
// Handle null child names.
if (null == childName) {
// No-op.
// Did we find the coords node?
else if (childName.equals("coords")) {
// We can decode the coords immediately.
coords = CoordsEncoder.decode(child, game);
} // End found-"coords"-child
// Did we find the action node?
// TODO : rename me
else if (childName.equals("action")) {
// Save the action node for later decoding.
actionNode = child;
} // End found-"action"-child
// Did we find the narcs node?
else if (childName.equals("narcs")) {
// Save the narc node for later decoding.
narcNode = child;
} // End found-"narc"-child
// Did we find the inferno node?
else if (childName.equals("inferno")) {
// Save the inferno node for later decoding.
infernoNode = child;
} // End found-"inferno"-child
// Did we find the loadedUnits node?
else if (childName.equals("loadedUnits")) {
// Save the loadedUnits node for later decoding.
loadedUnitsNode = child;
} // End found-"loadedUnits"-child
// Did we find the class node?
else if (childName.equals("class")) {
// Create the appropriate sub-class of Entity.
attrStr = child.getAttribute("name");
if (null == attrStr) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't decode the name of a class node.");
} else if (attrStr.equals("BipedMech")) {
entity = BipedMechEncoder.decode(child, game);
} else if (attrStr.equals("QuadMech")) {
entity = QuadMechEncoder.decode(child, game);
} else if (attrStr.equals("Tank")) {
entity = TankEncoder.decode(child, game);
} else if (attrStr.equals("BattleArmor")) {
entity = BattleArmorEncoder.decode(child, game);
} else if (attrStr.equals("Infantry")) {
entity = InfantryEncoder.decode(child, game);
} else if (attrStr.equals("Protomech")) {
entity = ProtomechEncoder.decode(child, game);
} else if (attrStr.equals("GunEmplacement")) {
entity = GunEmplacementEncoder.decode(child, game);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Unexpected name for a class node: " + attrStr);
} // End found-"class"-child
} // Look at the next child.
// Did we find the entity yet?
if (null == entity) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't locate the class for an entityData node.");
// Decode the inferno node.
EntityEncoder.decodeInferno(infernoNode, entity);
// TODO : a whole lot more decoding needed.
return entity;
* Decode a <code>Entity</code> object from the passed node.
* @param node - the <code>ParsedXML</code> node for this object. This
* value must not be <code>null</code>.
* @param game - the <code>IGame</code> the decoded object belongs to.
* @return the <code>Entity</code> object based on the node.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the node is <code>null</code>.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the node does not contain a valid
* <code>Entity</code>.
public static Entity decode(ParsedXML node, IGame game) {
String attrStr = null;
int attrVal = 0;
Entity entity = null;
Vector<ParsedXML> locations = new Vector<ParsedXML>();
ParsedXML pilotNode = null;
ParsedXML equipNode = null;
Enumeration<?> children = null;
ParsedXML child = null;
String childName;
// Did we get a null node?
if (null == node) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The entity is null.");
// Make sure that the node is for a Entity object.
if (!node.getName().equals("entity")) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Not passed a entity node.");
// TODO : perform version checking.
// Walk the entity node's children, finding bits for later parsing..
children = node.elements();
while (children.hasMoreElements()) {
child = (ParsedXML) children.nextElement();
childName = child.getName();
// Handle null child childNames.
if (null == childName) {
// No-op.
// Did we find the pilot node?
else if (childName.equals("pilot")) {
// Save the entity's pilot for later decoding.
pilotNode = child;
} // End found-"entityEquipment"-node
// Did we find the entityData node?
else if (childName.equals("entityData")) {
// Did we find the entity already?
if (null != entity) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Found two entityData nodes for an Entity node.");
// Decode the entity data.
entity = EntityEncoder.decodeEntityData(child, game);
} // End found-"entityData"-node
// Did we find the entityEquipment node?
else if (childName.equals("entityEquipment")) {
// Save the entity equipment for later decoding.
equipNode = child;
} // End found-"entityEquipment"-node
// Did we find the location node?
else if (childName.equals("location")) {
// Save this location for later decoding.
} // End found-"location"-node
} // Look at the next child.
// Did we find the needed elements?
if (null == entity) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't locate the entityData for an Entity node.");
} else if (null == pilotNode) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't locate the pilot for an Entity node.");
} else if (null == equipNode) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't locate the entityEquipment for an Entity node.");
} else if (locations.size() != entity.locations()) {
StringBuffer msgBuf = new StringBuffer();
msgBuf.append("Found ").append(locations.size()).append(
" locations for an Entity node. ").append(
"Was expecting to find ").append(entity.locations())
throw new IllegalStateException(msgBuf.toString());
// Decode the entity node's chassis.
attrStr = node.getAttribute("chassis");
if (null == attrStr) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't decode the chassis from an Entity node.");
// Decode the entity node's model.
attrStr = node.getAttribute("model");
if (null == attrStr) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't decode the model from an Entity node.");
// Decode the entity node's movement type.
attrStr = node.getAttribute("typeVal");
if (null == attrStr) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't decode the typeVal from an Entity node.");
// Try to pull the value from the string
try {
attrVal = Integer.parseInt(attrStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException exp) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't get an integer from "
+ attrStr);
// Decode the entity node's year.
attrStr = node.getAttribute("year");
if (null == attrStr) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't decode the year from an Entity node.");
// Try to pull the value from the string
try {
attrVal = Integer.parseInt(attrStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException exp) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't get an integer from "
+ attrStr);
// Decode the entity node's techBase.
attrStr = node.getAttribute("techBase");
if (null == attrStr) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't decode the techBase from an Entity node.");
// Try to pull the value from the string
try {
attrVal = Integer.parseInt(attrStr.substring(0, 1));
} catch (NumberFormatException exp) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't get an integer from "
+ attrStr.substring(0, 1));
// Decode the entity node's mass.
attrStr = node.getAttribute("mass");
if (null == attrStr) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't decode the mass from an Entity node.");
// Try to pull the value from the string
try {
attrVal = Integer.parseInt(attrStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException exp) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't get an integer from "
+ attrStr);
// Decode the entity node's walkMp.
attrStr = node.getAttribute("walkMp");
if (null == attrStr) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't decode the walkMp from an Entity node.");
// Try to pull the value from the string
try {
attrVal = Integer.parseInt(attrStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException exp) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't get an integer from "
+ attrStr);
// Decode the entity node's jumpMp.
attrStr = node.getAttribute("jumpMp");
if (null == attrStr) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't decode the jumpMp from an Entity node.");
// Try to pull the value from the string
try {
attrVal = Integer.parseInt(attrStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException exp) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't get an integer from "
+ attrStr);
// Try to pull the value from the string
try {
attrVal = Integer.parseInt(attrStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException exp) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't get an integer from "
+ attrStr);
// Decode the entity's pilot.
EntityEncoder.decodePilot(pilotNode, entity);
// Decode the entity's equipment.
EntityEncoder.decodeEntityEquipment(equipNode, entity);
// Decode the entity's locations.
children = locations.elements();
while (children.hasMoreElements()) {
child = (ParsedXML) children.nextElement();
EntityEncoder.decodeLocation(child, entity);
return entity;