* MegaMek -
* Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 Ben Mazur (bmazur@sev.org)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
package megamek.common;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
import megamek.common.actions.BAVibroClawAttackAction;
import megamek.common.actions.BreakGrappleAttackAction;
import megamek.common.actions.BrushOffAttackAction;
import megamek.common.actions.ClubAttackAction;
import megamek.common.actions.EntityAction;
import megamek.common.actions.GrappleAttackAction;
import megamek.common.actions.JumpJetAttackAction;
import megamek.common.actions.KickAttackAction;
import megamek.common.actions.LayExplosivesAttackAction;
import megamek.common.actions.ProtomechPhysicalAttackAction;
import megamek.common.actions.PunchAttackAction;
import megamek.common.actions.PushAttackAction;
import megamek.common.actions.ThrashAttackAction;
import megamek.common.actions.TripAttackAction;
import megamek.common.actions.WeaponAttackAction;
import megamek.common.weapons.BayWeapon;
* The compute class is designed to provide static methods for mechs and other
* entities moving, firing, etc.
public class Compute {
public static final int ARC_360 = 0;
public static final int ARC_FORWARD = 1;
public static final int ARC_LEFTARM = 2;
public static final int ARC_RIGHTARM = 3;
public static final int ARC_REAR = 4;
public static final int ARC_LEFTSIDE = 5;
public static final int ARC_RIGHTSIDE = 6;
public static final int ARC_MAINGUN = 7;
public static final int ARC_NORTH = 8;
public static final int ARC_EAST = 9;
public static final int ARC_WEST = 10;
public static final int ARC_NOSE = 11;
public static final int ARC_LWING = 12;
public static final int ARC_RWING = 13;
public static final int ARC_LWINGA = 14;
public static final int ARC_RWINGA = 15;
public static final int ARC_LEFTSIDE_SPHERE = 16;
public static final int ARC_RIGHTSIDE_SPHERE = 17;
public static final int ARC_LEFTSIDEA_SPHERE = 18;
public static final int ARC_RIGHTSIDEA_SPHERE= 19;
public static final int ARC_LEFT_BROADSIDE = 20;
public static final int ARC_RIGHT_BROADSIDE =21;
public static final int ARC_AFT = 22;
public static final int ARC_LEFT_SPHERE_GROUND = 23;
public static final int ARC_RIGHT_SPHERE_GROUND =24;
public static final int ARC_TURRET = 25;
public static final int TYPE_IS = 0;
public static final int TYPE_CLAN = 1;
public static final int TYPE_MD = 2;
public static final int LEVEL_GREEN = 0;
public static final int LEVEL_REGULAR = 1;
public static final int LEVEL_VETERAN = 2;
public static final int LEVEL_ELITE = 3;
public static final int METHOD_TW = 0;
public static final int METHOD_TAHARQA = 1;
public static final int METHOD_CONSTANT = 2;
public static final int WEAPON_DIRECT_FIRE = 0;
public static final int WEAPON_CLUSTER_BALLISTIC = 1;
public static final int WEAPON_PULSE = 2;
public static final int WEAPON_CLUSTER_MISSILE = 3;
public static final int WEAPON_CLUSTER_MISSILE_1D6 = 4;
public static final int WEAPON_CLUSTER_MISSILE_2D6 = 5;
public static final int WEAPON_CLUSTER_MISSILE_3D6 = 6;
private static final int[][] skillLevels = new int[][] {
{ 7, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 },
{ 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 } };
private static MMRandom random = MMRandom.generate(MMRandom.R_DEFAULT);
private static final int[][] clusterHitsTable = new int[][] {
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },
{ 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 },
{ 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3 },
{ 4, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4 },
{ 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5 },
{ 6, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6 },
{ 7, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 7, 7 },
{ 8, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8 },
{ 9, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 9, 9 },
{ 10, 3, 3, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 8, 8, 10, 10 },
{ 11, 4, 4, 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 11, 11 },
{ 12, 4, 4, 5, 8, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 12, 12 },
{ 13, 4, 4, 5, 8, 8, 8, 8, 11, 11, 13, 13 },
{ 14, 5, 5, 6, 9, 9, 9, 9, 11, 11, 14, 14 },
{ 15, 5, 5, 6, 9, 9, 9, 9, 12, 12, 15, 15 },
{ 16, 5, 5, 7, 10, 10, 10, 10, 13, 13, 16, 16 },
{ 17, 5, 5, 7, 10, 10, 10, 10, 14, 14, 17, 17 },
{ 18, 6, 6, 8, 11, 11, 11, 11, 14, 14, 18, 18 },
{ 19, 6, 6, 8, 11, 11, 11, 11, 15, 15, 19, 19 },
{ 20, 6, 6, 9, 12, 12, 12, 12, 16, 16, 20, 20 },
{ 21, 7, 7, 9, 13, 13, 13, 13, 17, 17, 21, 21 },
{ 22, 7, 7, 9, 14, 14, 14, 14, 18, 18, 22, 22 },
{ 23, 7, 7, 10, 15, 15, 15, 15, 19, 19, 23, 23 },
{ 24, 8, 8, 10, 16, 16, 16, 16, 20, 20, 24, 24 },
{ 25, 8, 8, 10, 16, 16, 16, 16, 21, 21, 25, 25 },
{ 26, 9, 9, 11, 17, 17, 17, 17, 21, 21, 26, 26 },
{ 27, 9, 9, 11, 17, 17, 17, 17, 22, 22, 27, 27 },
{ 28, 9, 9, 11, 17, 17, 17, 17, 23, 23, 28, 28 },
{ 29, 10, 10, 12, 18, 18, 18, 18, 23, 23, 29, 29 },
{ 30, 10, 10, 12, 18, 18, 18, 18, 24, 24, 30, 30 },
{ 40, 12, 12, 18, 24, 24, 24, 24, 32, 32, 40, 40 } };
/** Wrapper to random#d6(n) */
public static int d6(int dice) {
Roll roll = random.d6(dice);
return roll.getIntValue();
/** Wrapper to random#d6() */
public static int d6() {
Roll roll = random.d6();
return roll.getIntValue();
/** Wrapper to random#randomInt(n) */
public static int randomInt(int maxValue) {
Roll roll = new MMRoll(random, maxValue);
return roll.getIntValue();
* Sets the RNG to the desired type
public static void setRNG(int type) {
random = MMRandom.generate(type);
* Returns the odds that a certain number or above will be rolled on 2d6.
public static double oddsAbove(int n) {
if (n <= 2) {
return 100.0;
} else if (n > 12) {
return 0;
final double[] odds = { 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 97.2, 91.6, 83.3, 72.2, 58.3, 41.6, 27.7, 16.6, 8.3, 2.78, 0 };
return odds[n];
* Returns an entity if the specified entity would cause a stacking
* violation entering a hex, or returns null if it would not. The returned
* entity is the entity causing the violation.
public static Entity stackingViolation(IGame game, int enteringId, Coords coords) {
Entity entering = game.getEntity(enteringId);
return Compute.stackingViolation(game, entering, coords, null);
* When compiling an unloading step, both the transporter and the unloaded
* unit probably occupy some other position on the board.
public static Entity stackingViolation(IGame game, Entity entering, Coords coords, Entity transport) {
//no stacking violations on the low-atmosphere and space maps
if(!game.getBoard().onGround()) {
return null;
boolean isMech = entering instanceof Mech;
Entity firstEntity = transport;
int totalUnits = 1;
int thisLowStackingLevel = entering.getElevation();
if ((coords != null) && (entering.getPosition() != null)) {
thisLowStackingLevel = entering.calcElevation(game.getBoard()
.getHex(entering.getPosition()), game.getBoard().getHex(
int thisHighStackingLevel = thisLowStackingLevel + entering.height();
// Walk through the entities in the given hex.
for (Enumeration<Entity> i = game.getEntities(coords); i.hasMoreElements();) {
final Entity inHex = i.nextElement();
int lowStackinglevel = inHex.getElevation();
int highStackingLevel = lowStackinglevel + inHex.height();
// Only do all this jazz if they're close enough together on level
// to interfere.
if ((thisLowStackingLevel <= highStackingLevel) && (thisHighStackingLevel >= lowStackinglevel)) {
// Don't compare the entering entity to itself.
if (inHex.equals(entering)) {
// Ignore the transport of the entering entity.
if (inHex.equals(transport)) {
// DFAing units don't count towards stacking
if (inHex.isMakingDfa()) {
// If the entering entity is a mech,
// then any other mech in the hex is a violation.
// Unless grappled
if (isMech && (inHex instanceof Mech) && (((Mech) inHex).getGrappled() != entering.getId())) {
return inHex;
// If the new one is the most
if (totalUnits > 4) {
// Arbitrarily return this one, because we can, and it's
// simpler.
return inHex;
// Otherwise, if there are two present entities controlled
// by this player, returns a random one of the two.
// Somewhat arbitrary, but how else should we resolve it?
if (!inHex.getOwner().isEnemyOf(entering.getOwner())) {
if (firstEntity == null) {
firstEntity = inHex;
} else {
return Compute.d6() > 3 ? firstEntity : inHex;
// okay, all clear
return null;
* Returns true if there is any unit that is an enemy of the specified unit
* in the specified hex. This is only called for stacking purposes, and so
* does not return true if the enemy unit is currenly making a DFA.
public static boolean isEnemyIn(IGame game, Entity entity, Coords coords,
boolean onlyMechs, boolean ignoreInfantry, int enLowEl) {
int enHighEl = enLowEl + entity.getHeight();
for (Enumeration<Entity> i = game.getEntities(coords); i.hasMoreElements();) {
final Entity inHex = i.nextElement();
int inHexEnLowEl = inHex.getElevation();
int inHexEnHighEl = inHexEnLowEl + inHex.getHeight();
if ((!onlyMechs || (inHex instanceof Mech))
&& !(ignoreInfantry && (inHex instanceof Infantry))
&& inHex.isEnemyOf(entity) && !inHex.isMakingDfa()
&& (enLowEl <= inHexEnHighEl) && (enHighEl >= inHexEnLowEl)) {
return true;
return false;
* @return true if a piloting skill roll is needed to traverse the terrain
public static boolean isPilotingSkillNeeded(IGame game, int entityId,
Coords src, Coords dest, int movementType, boolean isTurning,
boolean prevStepIsOnPavement, int srcElevation, int destElevation,
MovePath path) {
final Entity entity = game.getEntity(entityId);
final IHex srcHex = game.getBoard().getHex(src);
final IHex destHex = game.getBoard().getHex(dest);
final boolean isInfantry = (entity instanceof Infantry);
final boolean isPavementStep = Compute.canMoveOnPavement(game, src, dest, path);
// arguments valid?
if (entity == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Entity invalid.");
if (src.distance(dest) > 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Coordinates must be adjacent.");
// let's only worry about actual movement, please
if (src.equals(dest)) {
return false;
// check for rubble
if ((movementType != IEntityMovementType.MOVE_JUMP)
&& (destHex.terrainLevel(Terrains.RUBBLE) > 0)
&& (entity.getMovementMode() != IEntityMovementMode.VTOL)
&& !isInfantry) {
return true;
// check for swamp
if (destHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.SWAMP)
&& !(entity.getElevation() > destHex.getElevation())
&& (entity.getMovementMode() != IEntityMovementMode.HOVER)
&& (entity.getMovementMode() != IEntityMovementMode.VTOL)
&& (movementType != IEntityMovementType.MOVE_JUMP)
&& (entity.getMovementMode() != IEntityMovementMode.WIGE)) {
return true;
// check for thin ice
if (destHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.ICE)
&& destHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER)
&& !(entity.getElevation() > destHex.getElevation())
&& !isPavementStep
&& (movementType != IEntityMovementType.MOVE_JUMP)) {
return true;
// Check for water unless we're a hovercraft or naval or using a bridge
// or flying.
if ((movementType != IEntityMovementType.MOVE_JUMP)
&& !(entity.getElevation() > destHex.surface())
&& !((entity.getMovementMode() == IEntityMovementMode.HOVER)
|| (entity.getMovementMode() == IEntityMovementMode.NAVAL)
|| (entity.getMovementMode() == IEntityMovementMode.HYDROFOIL)
|| (entity.getMovementMode() == IEntityMovementMode.SUBMARINE)
|| (entity.getMovementMode() == IEntityMovementMode.INF_UMU)
|| (entity.getMovementMode() == IEntityMovementMode.BIPED_SWIM)
|| (entity.getMovementMode() == IEntityMovementMode.QUAD_SWIM) || (entity
.getMovementMode() == IEntityMovementMode.WIGE))
&& (destHex.terrainLevel(Terrains.WATER) > 0) && !isPavementStep) {
return true;
// Check for skid. Please note, the skid will be rolled on the
// current step, but starts from the previous step's location.
// TODO: add check for elevation of pavement, road,
// or bridge matches entity elevation.
* Bug 754610: Revert fix for bug 702735. if ( (
* srcHex.contains(Terrain.PAVEMENT) || srcHex.contains(Terrain.ROAD) ||
* srcHex.contains(Terrain.BRIDGE) )
if (((prevStepIsOnPavement && (movementType == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_RUN))
|| ((srcHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.ICE))
&& (movementType != IEntityMovementType.MOVE_JUMP)))
&& (entity.getMovementMode() != IEntityMovementMode.HOVER)
&& (entity.getMovementMode() != IEntityMovementMode.WIGE)
&& isTurning && !isInfantry) {
return true;
// If we entering a building, all non-infantry
// need to make a piloting check to avoid damage.
if ((destElevation < destHex.terrainLevel(Terrains.BLDG_ELEV))
&& !(entity instanceof Infantry)) {
return true;
// check sideslips
if ((entity instanceof VTOL)
|| (entity.getMovementMode() == IEntityMovementMode.HOVER)
|| (entity.getMovementMode() == IEntityMovementMode.WIGE)) {
if (isTurning
&& ((movementType == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_RUN)
|| (movementType == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_VTOL_RUN))) {
return true;
return false;
* Can the defending unit be displaced from the source to the destination?
public static boolean isValidDisplacement(IGame game, int entityId, Coords src, int direction) {
return Compute.isValidDisplacement(game, entityId, src, src.translated(direction));
* Can the defending unit be displaced from the source to the destination?
public static boolean isValidDisplacement(IGame game, int entityId, Coords src, Coords dest) {
final Entity entity = game.getEntity(entityId);
final IHex srcHex = game.getBoard().getHex(src);
final IHex destHex = game.getBoard().getHex(dest);
final ArrayList<Coords> intervening = Coords.intervening(src, dest);
final int direction = src.direction(dest);
// arguments valid?
if (entity == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Entity invalid.");
// an easy check
if (!game.getBoard().contains(dest)) {
if (game.getOptions().booleanOption("push_off_board")) {
return true;
return false;
// can't be displaced into prohibited terrain
// unless we're displacing a tracked or wheeled vee into water
if (entity.isHexProhibited(destHex)
&& !((entity instanceof Tank)
&& destHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER)
&& ((entity.movementMode == IEntityMovementMode.TRACKED)
|| (entity.movementMode == IEntityMovementMode.WHEELED)))) {
return false;
// can't go up more levels than normally possible
for (Coords c : intervening) {
// ignore off-board hexes
if (!game.getBoard().contains(c)) {
final IHex hex = game.getBoard().getHex(c);
int change = entity.elevationOccupied(hex) - entity.elevationOccupied(srcHex);
if (change > entity.getMaxElevationChange()) {
return false;
// if there's an entity in the way, can they be displaced in that
// direction?
Entity inTheWay = Compute.stackingViolation(game, entityId, dest);
if (inTheWay != null) {
return Compute.isValidDisplacement(game, inTheWay.getId(), inTheWay.getPosition(), direction);
// okay, that's about all the checks
return true;
* Gets a valid displacement, from the hexes around src, as close to the
* original direction as is possible.
* @return valid displacement coords, or null if none
public static Coords getValidDisplacement(IGame game, int entityId, Coords src, int direction) {
// check the surrounding hexes, nearest to the original direction first
int[] offsets = { 0, 1, 5, 2, 4, 3 };
for (int offset : offsets) {
Coords dest = src.translated((direction + offset) % 6);
if (Compute.isValidDisplacement(game, entityId, src, dest)) {
return dest;
// have fun being insta-killed!
return null;
* Gets a preferred displacement. Right now this picks the surrounding hex
* with the same elevation as original hex, if not available it picks the
* highest elevation that is a valid displacement.
* This will preferably not displace into friendly units
* @return valid displacement coords, or null if none
public static Coords getPreferredDisplacement(IGame game, int entityId, Coords src, int direction) {
final Entity entity = game.getEntity(entityId);
int highestElev = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
Coords highest = null;
// check the surrounding hexes, nearest to the original direction first
int[] offsets = { 0, 1, 5, 2, 4, 3 };
// first, try not to displace into friendly units
for (int offset : offsets) {
Coords dest = src.translated((direction + offset) % 6);
if (Compute.isValidDisplacement(game, entityId, src, dest)
&& game.getBoard().contains(dest)) {
Enumeration<Entity> entities = game.getFriendlyEntities(dest, game.getEntity(entityId));
if (entities.hasMoreElements()) {
// friendly unit here, try next hex
IHex hex = game.getBoard().getHex(dest);
int elevation = entity.elevationOccupied(hex);
if (elevation > highestElev) {
highestElev = elevation;
highest = dest;
// preferably, go to same elevation
if (elevation == entity.getElevation()) {
return dest;
if (highest != null) {
return highest;
// ok, all hexes occupied, now displace preferably to same elevation,
// else highest
for (int offset : offsets) {
Coords dest = src.translated((direction + offset) % 6);
if (Compute.isValidDisplacement(game, entityId, src, dest)
&& game.getBoard().contains(dest)) {
IHex hex = game.getBoard().getHex(dest);
int elevation = entity.elevationOccupied(hex);
if (elevation > highestElev) {
highestElev = elevation;
highest = dest;
// preferably, go to same elevation
if (elevation == entity.getElevation()) {
return dest;
return highest;
* Gets a hex to displace a missed charge to. Picks left or right, first
* preferring higher hexes, then randomly, or returns the base hex if
* they're impassible.
public static Coords getMissedChargeDisplacement(IGame game, int entityId, Coords src, int direction) {
Coords first = src.translated((direction + 1) % 6);
Coords second = src.translated((direction + 5) % 6);
IHex firstHex = game.getBoard().getHex(first);
IHex secondHex = game.getBoard().getHex(second);
Entity entity = game.getEntity(entityId);
if ((firstHex == null) || (secondHex == null)) {
// leave it, will be handled
} else if (entity.elevationOccupied(firstHex) > entity.elevationOccupied(secondHex)) {
// leave it
} else if (entity.elevationOccupied(firstHex) < entity.elevationOccupied(secondHex)) {
// switch
Coords temp = first;
first = second;
second = temp;
} else if (Compute.d6() > 3) {
// switch randomly
Coords temp = first;
first = second;
second = temp;
if (Compute.isValidDisplacement(game, entityId, src, src.direction(first)) && game.getBoard().contains(first)) {
return first;
} else if (Compute.isValidDisplacement(game, entityId, src, src.direction(second)) && game.getBoard().contains(second)) {
return second;
} else {
return src;
* Finds the best spotter for the attacker. The best spotter is the one with
* the lowest attack modifiers, of course. LOS modifiers and movement are
* considered.
public static Entity findSpotter(IGame game, Entity attacker, Targetable target) {
Entity spotter = null;
int taggedBy = -1;
if (target instanceof Entity) {
taggedBy = ((Entity) target).getTaggedBy();
ToHitData bestMods = new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "");
for (java.util.Enumeration<Entity> i = game.getEntities(); i.hasMoreElements();) {
Entity other = i.nextElement();
if (((other.isSpotting() && (other.getSpotTargetId() == target.getTargetId()))
|| (taggedBy == other.getId())) && !attacker.isEnemyOf(other)) {
// what are this guy's mods to the attack?
LosEffects los = LosEffects.calculateLos(game, other.getId(), target);
ToHitData mods = los.losModifiers(game);
mods.append(Compute.getAttackerMovementModifier(game, other.getId()));
if (other.isAttackingThisTurn()) {
mods.addModifier(1, "spotter is making an attack this turn");
// is this guy a better spotter?
if ((spotter == null) || (mods.getValue() < bestMods.getValue())) {
spotter = other;
bestMods = mods;
return spotter;
public static ToHitData getImmobileMod(Targetable target) {
return Compute.getImmobileMod(target, Entity.LOC_NONE, IAimingModes.AIM_MODE_NONE);
public static ToHitData getImmobileMod(Targetable target, int aimingAt, int aimingMode) {
if (target.isImmobile()) {
if ((target instanceof Mech) && (aimingAt == Mech.LOC_HEAD) && (aimingMode == IAimingModes.AIM_MODE_IMMOBILE)) {
return new ToHitData(3, "aiming at head");
return new ToHitData(-4, "target immobile");
return null;
* Determines the to-hit modifier due to range for an attack with the
* specified parameters. Includes minimum range, infantry 0-range mods, and
* target stealth mods. Accounts for friendly C3 units.
* @return the modifiers
public static ToHitData getRangeMods(IGame game, Entity ae, int weaponId, Targetable target) {
Mounted weapon = ae.getEquipment(weaponId);
WeaponType wtype = (WeaponType) weapon.getType();
int[] weaponRanges = wtype.getRanges(weapon);
boolean isAttackerInfantry = (ae instanceof Infantry);
boolean isWeaponInfantry = wtype.hasFlag(WeaponType.F_INFANTRY);
boolean isIndirect = ((wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_LRM) || (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_MML) || (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_EXLRM) || (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_TBOLT_5) || (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_TBOLT_10) || (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_TBOLT_15) || (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_TBOLT_20) || (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_LRM_TORPEDO)) && weapon.curMode().equals("Indirect");
boolean useExtremeRange = game.getOptions().booleanOption("tacops_range");
if(ae instanceof Aero) {
useExtremeRange = true;
ToHitData mods = new ToHitData();
// modifiy the ranges for PPCs when field inhibitors are turned off
// TODO: See above, it should be coded elsewhere...
if (wtype.hasFlag(WeaponType.F_PPC)) {
if (game.getOptions().booleanOption("tacops_ppc_inhibitors")) {
if ((weapon.curMode() != null) && weapon.curMode().equals("Field Inhibitor OFF")) {
weaponRanges[RangeType.RANGE_MINIMUM] = 0;
// Hotloaded weapons
if (weapon.isHotLoaded() && game.getOptions().booleanOption("tacops_hotload")) {
weaponRanges[RangeType.RANGE_MINIMUM] = 0;
// is water involved?
IHex targHex = game.getBoard().getHex(target.getPosition());
int targTop = target.absHeight();
int targBottom = target.getElevation();
boolean targetInPartialWater = false;
boolean targetUnderwater = false;
boolean weaponUnderwater = (ae.getLocationStatus(weapon.getLocation()) == ILocationExposureStatus.WET);
if ((target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_ENTITY) && targHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER) && (targBottom < 0)) {
if (targTop >= 0) {
targetInPartialWater = true;
} else {
targetUnderwater = true;
// allow naval units on surface to be attacked from above or below
Entity te = null;
if (target instanceof Entity) {
te = (Entity) target;
if ((targBottom == 0) && (UnitType.determineUnitTypeCode(te) == UnitType.NAVAL)) {
targetInPartialWater = true;
// allow naval units to target underwater units,
// torpedo tubes are mounted underwater
if ((targetUnderwater || (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_LRM_TORPEDO)
|| (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_SRM_TORPEDO))
&& (UnitType.determineUnitTypeCode(ae) == UnitType.NAVAL)) {
weaponUnderwater = true;
weaponRanges = wtype.getWRanges();
// allow ice to be cleared from below
if (targHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER) && (target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_HEX_CLEAR)) {
targetInPartialWater = true;
if (weaponUnderwater) {
weaponRanges = wtype.getWRanges();
boolean MPM = false;
if ((wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_SRM)
|| (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_MRM)
|| (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_LRM)
|| (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_MML)) {
AmmoType atype = (AmmoType) weapon.getLinked().getType();
if (atype.getMunitionType() == AmmoType.M_TORPEDO) {
weaponRanges = wtype.getRanges(weapon);
} else if (atype.getMunitionType() == AmmoType.M_MULTI_PURPOSE) {
weaponRanges = wtype.getRanges(weapon);
MPM = true;
// HACK on ranges: for those without underwater range,
// long == medium; iteration in rangeBracket() allows this
if (weaponRanges[RangeType.RANGE_SHORT] == 0) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Weapon cannot fire underwater.");
if (!targetUnderwater && !targetInPartialWater && !MPM) {
// target on land or over water
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Weapon underwater, but not target.");
// special case: mechs can only fire upper body weapons at surface
// naval
if ((te != null) && (UnitType.determineUnitTypeCode(te) == UnitType.NAVAL)
&& (ae instanceof Mech) && (ae.height() > 0)
&& (ae.getElevation() == -1)) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Partially submerged mech cannot fire leg weapons at surface naval vessels.");
} else if (targetUnderwater) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target underwater, but not weapon.");
} else if ((wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_LRM_TORPEDO) || (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_SRM_TORPEDO)) {
// Torpedos only fire underwater.
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Weapon can only fire underwater.");
//if Aero then adjust to stanard ranges
if(ae instanceof Aero) {
weaponRanges = wtype.getATRanges();
// determine base distance & range bracket
int distance = Compute.effectiveDistance(game, ae, target);
int range = RangeType.rangeBracket(distance, weaponRanges, useExtremeRange);
int maxRange = wtype.getMaxRange();
//if this is a weapon bay I need to cycle through weapons
if(wtype instanceof BayWeapon) {
for(int wId : weapon.getBayWeapons()) {
Mounted bayW = ae.getEquipment(wId);
WeaponType bayWType = (WeaponType)bayW.getType();
if(bayWType.getMaxRange() > maxRange) {
maxRange = bayWType.getMaxRange();
//if aero and greater than max range then swith to range_out
if((ae instanceof Aero) && (range > maxRange)) {
range = RangeType.RANGE_OUT;
// short circuit if at zero range or out of range
if (range == RangeType.RANGE_OUT) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.AUTOMATIC_FAIL, "Target out of range");
if ((distance == 0) && !isAttackerInfantry && !(ae instanceof Aero)
&& !((ae instanceof Mech) && (((Mech) ae).getGrappled() == target.getTargetId()))) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.AUTOMATIC_FAIL, "Only infantry shoot at zero range");
//Account for "dead zones" between Aeros at different altitudes
if(game.getBoard().inAtmosphere() && (ae instanceof Aero) && (target instanceof Aero)) {
int altDiff = Math.abs(ae.getElevation() - target.getElevation());
int realDistance = distance - altDiff;
if(altDiff >= realDistance) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE,
"Target in dead zone");
// find any c3 spotters that could help
Entity c3spotter = Compute.findC3Spotter(game, ae, target);
if (isIndirect) {
c3spotter = ae; // no c3 when using indirect fire
if (isIndirect && game.getOptions().booleanOption("indirect_fire")
&& !game.getOptions().booleanOption("indirect_always_possible")
&& LosEffects.calculateLos(game, ae.getId(), target).canSee()) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Indirect fire impossible with direct LOS");
int c3dist = Compute.effectiveDistance(game, c3spotter, target);
int c3range = RangeType.rangeBracket(c3dist, weaponRanges, useExtremeRange);
* Tac Ops Extreme Range Rule p. 85 if the weapons normal range is Extreme then C3
* uses the next highest range bracket, i.e. medium instead of short.
if ( range == RangeType.RANGE_EXTREME ) {
// determine which range we're using
int usingRange = Math.min(range, c3range);
String targSysType = "";
// Get the targeting system type string ready, if necessary
if ((ae.getTargSysType() == MiscType.T_TARGSYS_LONGRANGE) && (ae.getTargSysType() == MiscType.T_TARGSYS_SHORTRANGE)) {
targSysType = " (w/" + MiscType.getTargetSysName(ae.getTargSysType()) + ")";
// add range modifier
if (usingRange == range) {
// no c3 adjustment
if (((range == RangeType.RANGE_SHORT) || (range == RangeType.RANGE_MINIMUM)) && (ae.getShortRangeModifier() != 0)) {
mods.addModifier(ae.getShortRangeModifier(), "short range" + targSysType);
} else if (range == RangeType.RANGE_MEDIUM) {
// Right now, the range-mod affecting targeting systems DON'T
// affect medium range, so we won't add that here ever.
mods.addModifier(ae.getMediumRangeModifier(), "medium range");
} else if (range == RangeType.RANGE_LONG) {
// Protos that loose head sensors can't shoot long range.
if ((ae instanceof Protomech) && (2 == ((Protomech) ae).getCritsHit(Protomech.LOC_HEAD))) {
mods.addModifier(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "No long range attacks with destroyed head sensors.");
} else {
mods.addModifier(ae.getLongRangeModifier(), "long range" + targSysType);
} else if (range == RangeType.RANGE_EXTREME) {
// Protos that loose head sensors can't shoot extreme range.
if ((ae instanceof Protomech) && (2 == ((Protomech) ae).getCritsHit(Protomech.LOC_HEAD))) {
mods.addModifier(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "No extreme range attacks with destroyed head sensors.");
} else {
mods.addModifier(ae.getExtremeRangeModifier(), "extreme range" + targSysType);
} else {
// report c3 adjustment
if ((c3range == RangeType.RANGE_SHORT) || (c3range == RangeType.RANGE_MINIMUM)) {
mods.addModifier(ae.getShortRangeModifier(), "short range due to C3 spotter" + targSysType);
} else if (c3range == RangeType.RANGE_MEDIUM) {
mods.addModifier(ae.getMediumRangeModifier(), "medium range due to C3 spotter" + targSysType);
} else if (c3range == RangeType.RANGE_LONG) {
mods.addModifier(ae.getLongRangeModifier(), "long range due to C3 spotter" + targSysType);
// add infantry zero-range modifier
// TODO: this is not the right place to hardcode these
if (isWeaponInfantry && (distance == 0)) {
// Infantry platoons attacking with infantry weapons can attack
// in the same hex with a base of 2, except for flamers and
// SRMs/LRMs, which have a base of 3.
if (wtype.hasFlag(WeaponType.F_FLAMER)) {
mods.addModifier(-1, "infantry flamer assault");
} else if ((wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_SRM) || (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_LRM)) {
mods.addModifier(-1, "infantry missile assault");
} else {
mods.addModifier(-2, "infantry assault");
// add minimum range modifier
int minRange = weaponRanges[RangeType.RANGE_MINIMUM];
if ((minRange > 0) && (distance <= minRange)) {
int minPenalty = (minRange - distance) + 1;
mods.addModifier(minPenalty, "minimum range");
// add any target stealth modifier
if (target instanceof Entity) {
TargetRoll tmpTR = ((Entity) target).getStealthModifier(usingRange, ae);
if (tmpTR.getValue() != 0) {
mods.append(((Entity) target).getStealthModifier(usingRange, ae));
return mods;
* Finds the effective distance between an attacker and a target. Includes
* the distance bonus if the attacker and target are in the same building
* and on different levels.
* @return the effective distance
public static int effectiveDistance(IGame game, Entity attacker, Targetable target) {
int distance = attacker.getPosition().distance(target.getPosition());
// If the attack is completely inside a building, add the difference
// in elevations between the attacker and target to the range.
// TODO: should the player be explcitly notified?
//also for Aeros in atmosphere
if (Compute.isInSameBuilding(game, attacker, target) ||
((attacker instanceof Aero) && (target instanceof Aero) && game.getBoard().inAtmosphere())) {
int aElev = attacker.getElevation();
int tElev = target.getElevation();
distance += Math.abs(aElev - tElev);
return distance;
* Attempts to find a C3 spotter that is closer to the target than the
* attacker.
* @return A closer C3 spotter, or the attack if no spotters are found
private static Entity findC3Spotter(IGame game, Entity attacker, Targetable target) {
//TODO: underwater units can't spot for overwater units and vice versa
if (!attacker.hasC3() && !attacker.hasC3i()) {
return attacker;
if (attacker.hasC3i()) {
return Compute.findC3iSpotter(game, attacker, target);
Entity c3spotter = attacker;
int c3range = attacker.getPosition().distance(target.getPosition());
for (Enumeration<Entity> i = game.getEntities(); i.hasMoreElements();) {
Entity friend = i.nextElement();
// TODO : can units being transported be used for C3 spotting?
if (attacker.equals(friend) || !friend.isActive() || !attacker.onSameC3NetworkAs(friend) || !friend.isDeployed()) {
continue; // useless to us...
int buddyRange = Compute.effectiveDistance(game, friend, target);
if (buddyRange < c3range) {
c3range = buddyRange;
c3spotter = friend;
return c3spotter;
* find a c3i spotter that is closer to the target than the
* attacker.
* @param game
* @param attacker
* @param target
* @return
private static Entity findC3iSpotter(IGame game, Entity attacker, Targetable target) {
if (!attacker.hasC3() && !attacker.hasC3i()) {
return attacker;
Entity c3spotter = attacker;
ArrayList<Entity> network = new ArrayList<Entity>();
for (Enumeration<Entity> i = game.getEntities(); i.hasMoreElements();) {
Entity friend = i.nextElement();
if (attacker.equals(friend) || !attacker.onSameC3NetworkAs(friend, true) || !friend.isDeployed()) {
continue; // useless to us...
int buddyRange = Compute.effectiveDistance(game, friend, target);
boolean added = false;
//but everyone in the C3i network into a list and sort it by range.
for (int pos = 0; pos < network.size(); pos++) {
if (Compute.effectiveDistance(game, network.get(pos), target) >= buddyRange) {
network.add(pos, friend);
added = true;
if ( !added ) {
int position = 0;
for (Entity spotter : network) {
for (int count = position++; count < network.size(); count++) {
if (Compute.canCompleteNodePath(spotter, attacker, network, count)) {
return spotter;
return c3spotter;
private static boolean canCompleteNodePath(Entity start, Entity end, ArrayList<Entity>network, int startPosition) {
Entity spotter = network.get(startPosition);
//Last position cannot get to this one. go to the next person
if ( Compute.isAffectedByECM(spotter, start.getPosition(), spotter.getPosition()) ) {
return false;
if ( !Compute.isAffectedByECM(spotter, spotter.getPosition(), end.getPosition()) ) {
return true;
for (++startPosition ; startPosition < network.size(); startPosition++) {
if ( Compute.canCompleteNodePath(spotter,end, network, startPosition) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Gets the modifiers, if any, that the mech receives from being prone.
* @return any applicable modifiers due to being prone
public static ToHitData getProneMods(IGame game, Entity attacker, int weaponId) {
if (!attacker.isProne()) {
return null; // no modifier
ToHitData mods = new ToHitData();
Mounted weapon = attacker.getEquipment(weaponId);
if (attacker.entityIsQuad()) {
int legsDead = ((Mech) attacker).countBadLegs();
if (legsDead == 0) {
// No legs destroyed: no penalty and can fire all weapons
return null; // no modifier
} else if (legsDead >= 3) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Prone with three or more legs destroyed.");
// we have one or two dead legs...
// Need an intact front leg
if (attacker.isLocationBad(Mech.LOC_RARM) && attacker.isLocationBad(Mech.LOC_LARM)) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Prone with both front legs destroyed.");
// front leg-mounted weapons have addidional trouble
if ((weapon.getLocation() == Mech.LOC_RARM) || (weapon.getLocation() == Mech.LOC_LARM)) {
int otherArm = weapon.getLocation() == Mech.LOC_RARM ? Mech.LOC_LARM : Mech.LOC_RARM;
// check previous attacks for weapons fire from the other arm
if (Compute.isFiringFromArmAlready(game, weaponId, attacker, otherArm)) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Prone and firing from other front leg already.");
// can't fire rear leg weapons
if ((weapon.getLocation() == Mech.LOC_LLEG) || (weapon.getLocation() == Mech.LOC_RLEG)) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Can't fire rear leg-mounted weapons while prone with destroyed legs.");
mods.addModifier(2, "attacker prone");
} else {
int l3ProneFiringArm = Entity.LOC_NONE;
if (attacker.isLocationBad(Mech.LOC_RARM) || attacker.isLocationBad(Mech.LOC_LARM)) {
if (game.getOptions().booleanOption("tacops_prone_fire")) {
// Can fire with only one arm
if (attacker.isLocationBad(Mech.LOC_RARM) && attacker.isLocationBad(Mech.LOC_LARM)) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Prone with both arms destroyed.");
l3ProneFiringArm = attacker.isLocationBad(Mech.LOC_RARM) ? Mech.LOC_LARM : Mech.LOC_RARM;
} else {
// must have an arm intact
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Prone with one or both arms destroyed.");
// arm-mounted weapons have addidional trouble
if ((weapon.getLocation() == Mech.LOC_RARM) || (weapon.getLocation() == Mech.LOC_LARM)) {
if (l3ProneFiringArm == weapon.getLocation()) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Prone and propping up with this arm.");
int otherArm = weapon.getLocation() == Mech.LOC_RARM ? Mech.LOC_LARM : Mech.LOC_RARM;
// check previous attacks for weapons fire from the other arm
if (Compute.isFiringFromArmAlready(game, weaponId, attacker, otherArm)) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Prone and firing from other arm already.");
// can't fire leg weapons
if ((weapon.getLocation() == Mech.LOC_LLEG) || (weapon.getLocation() == Mech.LOC_RLEG)) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Can't fire leg-mounted weapons while prone.");
mods.addModifier(2, "attacker prone");
if (l3ProneFiringArm != Entity.LOC_NONE) {
mods.addModifier(1, "attacker propping on single arm");
return mods;
* Checks to see if there is an attack previous to the one with this weapon
* from the specified arm.
* @return true if there is a previous attack from this arm
private static boolean isFiringFromArmAlready(IGame game, int weaponId, final Entity attacker, int armLoc) {
int torsoLoc = Mech.getInnerLocation(armLoc);
for (Enumeration<EntityAction> i = game.getActions(); i.hasMoreElements();) {
EntityAction ea = i.nextElement();
if (!(ea instanceof WeaponAttackAction)) {
WeaponAttackAction prevAttack = (WeaponAttackAction) ea;
// stop when we get to this weaponattack (does this always work?)
if ((prevAttack.getEntityId() == attacker.getId()) && (prevAttack.getWeaponId() == weaponId)) {
if (((prevAttack.getEntityId() == attacker.getId()) && (attacker.getEquipment(prevAttack.getWeaponId()).getLocation() == armLoc)) || ((prevAttack.getEntityId() == attacker.getId()) && (attacker.getEquipment(prevAttack.getWeaponId()).getLocation() == torsoLoc) && attacker.getEquipment(prevAttack.getWeaponId()).isSplit())) {
return true;
return false;
* Adds any damage modifiers from arm critical hits or sensor damage.
* @return Any applicable damage modifiers
public static ToHitData getDamageWeaponMods(Entity attacker, Mounted weapon) {
ToHitData mods = new ToHitData();
if (attacker instanceof Protomech) {
// Head criticals add to target number of all weapons.
int hits = ((Protomech) attacker).getCritsHit(Protomech.LOC_HEAD);
if (hits > 0) {
mods.addModifier(hits, hits + " head critical(s)");
// Arm mounted (and main gun) weapons get DRMs from arm crits.
switch (weapon.getLocation()) {
case Protomech.LOC_LARM:
case Protomech.LOC_RARM:
hits = ((Protomech) attacker).getCritsHit(weapon.getLocation());
if (hits > 0) {
mods.addModifier(hits, hits + " arm critical(s)");
case Protomech.LOC_MAINGUN:
// Main gun is affected by crits in *both* arms.
hits = ((Protomech) attacker).getCritsHit(Protomech.LOC_LARM);
hits += ((Protomech) attacker).getCritsHit(Protomech.LOC_RARM);
if (4 == hits) {
mods.addModifier(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Cannot fire main gun with no arms.");
} else if (hits > 0) {
mods.addModifier(hits, hits + " arm critical(s)");
} // End attacker-is-Protomech
// Is the shoulder destroyed?
else {
// split weapons need to account for arm actuator hits, too
// see bug 1363690
// we don't need to specifically check for weapons split between
// torso and leg, because for those, the location stored in the
// Mounted is the leg.
int location = weapon.getLocation();
if (weapon.isSplit()) {
switch (location) {
case Mech.LOC_LT:
location = Mech.LOC_LARM;
case Mech.LOC_RT:
location = Mech.LOC_RARM;
if (attacker.getBadCriticals(CriticalSlot.TYPE_SYSTEM, Mech.ACTUATOR_SHOULDER, location) > 0) {
mods.addModifier(4, "shoulder actuator destroyed");
} else {
// no shoulder hits, add other arm hits
int actuatorHits = 0;
if (attacker.getBadCriticals(CriticalSlot.TYPE_SYSTEM, Mech.ACTUATOR_UPPER_ARM, location) > 0) {
if (attacker.getBadCriticals(CriticalSlot.TYPE_SYSTEM, Mech.ACTUATOR_LOWER_ARM, location) > 0) {
if (actuatorHits > 0) {
mods.addModifier(actuatorHits, actuatorHits + " destroyed arm actuators");
// sensors critical hit to attacker
int sensorHits = attacker.getBadCriticals(CriticalSlot.TYPE_SYSTEM, Mech.SYSTEM_SENSORS, Mech.LOC_HEAD);
if ((attacker instanceof Mech) && (((Mech) attacker).getCockpitType() == Mech.COCKPIT_TORSO_MOUNTED)) {
sensorHits += attacker.getBadCriticals(CriticalSlot.TYPE_SYSTEM, Mech.SYSTEM_SENSORS, Mech.LOC_CT);
if (sensorHits > 1) {
mods.addModifier(4, "attacker sensors badly damaged");
} else if (sensorHits > 0) {
mods.addModifier(2, "attacker sensors damaged");
} else if (sensorHits > 0) {
mods.addModifier(2, "attacker sensors damaged");
return mods;
* Determines if the current target is a secondary target, and if so,
* returns the appropriate modifier.
* @return The secondary target modifier.
* @author Ben
public static ToHitData getSecondaryTargetMod(IGame game, Entity attacker, Targetable target) {
return Compute.getSecondaryTargetMod(game, attacker, target, false);
public static ToHitData getSecondaryTargetMod(IGame game, Entity attacker, Targetable target, boolean isSwarm) {
//large craft do not get secondary target mod
if((attacker instanceof Dropship) || (attacker instanceof Jumpship)) {
return null;
boolean curInFrontArc = Compute.isInArc(attacker.getPosition(), attacker.getSecondaryFacing(), target.getPosition(), ARC_FORWARD);
int primaryTarget = Entity.NONE;
for (Enumeration<EntityAction> i = game.getActions(); i.hasMoreElements();) {
Object o = i.nextElement();
if (!(o instanceof WeaponAttackAction)) {
WeaponAttackAction prevAttack = (WeaponAttackAction) o;
if (prevAttack.getEntityId() == attacker.getId()) {
// first front arc target is our primary.
// if first target is non-front, and either a later target or
// the current one is in front, use that instead.
Targetable pte = game.getTarget(prevAttack.getTargetType(), prevAttack.getTargetId());
// in double blind play, we might not have the target in our
// local copy of the game. In that case, the sprite won't
// have the correct to-hit number, but at least we don't crash
if (pte == null) {
// When targeting a stealthed Mech, you can _only_ target it,
// not anything else (BMRr, pg. 147)
if ((pte instanceof Mech) && ((Entity) pte).isStealthActive() && (pte != target) && !isSwarm) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "When targeting a stealthed Mech, can not attack secondary targets");
if (Compute.isInArc(attacker.getPosition(), attacker.getSecondaryFacing(), pte.getPosition(), ARC_FORWARD)) {
primaryTarget = prevAttack.getTargetId();
} else if ((primaryTarget == Entity.NONE) && !curInFrontArc) {
primaryTarget = prevAttack.getTargetId();
if ((primaryTarget == Entity.NONE) || (primaryTarget == target.getTargetId())) {
// current target is primary target
return null; // no modifier
// current target is secondary
// Infantry can't attack secondary targets, but BA can (TW, page 109).
if ((attacker instanceof Infantry) && !(attacker instanceof BattleArmor)) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Can't have multiple targets.");
// Stealthed Mechs can't be secondary targets (BMRr, pg. 147)
if ((target instanceof Mech) && ((Entity) target).isStealthActive()) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Can't target Mech with active stealth armor as secondary target");
if (curInFrontArc || (attacker instanceof BattleArmor)) {
return new ToHitData(1, "secondary target modifier");
return new ToHitData(2, "secondary target modifier");
* Damage that a mech does with a accidental fall from above.
public static int getAffaDamageFor(Entity entity) {
return (int) entity.getWeight() / 10;
* Modifier to attacks due to attacker movement
public static ToHitData getAttackerMovementModifier(IGame game, int entityId) {
return Compute.getAttackerMovementModifier(game, entityId, game.getEntity(entityId).moved);
* Modifier to attacks due to attacker movement
public static ToHitData getAttackerMovementModifier(IGame game, int entityId, int movement) {
final Entity entity = game.getEntity(entityId);
ToHitData toHit = new ToHitData();
// infantry aren't affected by their own movement.
if (entity instanceof Infantry) {
return toHit;
if ((entity.getMovementMode() == IEntityMovementMode.BIPED_SWIM) || (entity.getMovementMode() == IEntityMovementMode.QUAD_SWIM)) {
return toHit;
if ((movement == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_WALK) || (movement == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_VTOL_WALK) || (movement == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_CAREFUL_STAND)) {
toHit.addModifier(1, "attacker walked");
} else if ((movement == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_RUN) || (movement == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_VTOL_RUN)) {
toHit.addModifier(2, "attacker ran");
} else if (movement == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_SKID) {
toHit.addModifier(3, "attacker ran and skidded");
} else if (movement == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_JUMP) {
toHit.addModifier(3, "attacker jumped");
} else if (movement == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_OVER_THRUST) {
toHit.addModifier(2, "over thrust used");
return toHit;
* Modifier to attacks due to spotter movement
public static ToHitData getSpotterMovementModifier(IGame game, int entityId) {
return Compute.getSpotterMovementModifier(game, entityId, game.getEntity(entityId).moved);
* Modifier to attacks due to spotter movement
public static ToHitData getSpotterMovementModifier(IGame game, int entityId, int movement) {
ToHitData toHit = new ToHitData();
Entity e = game.getEntity(entityId);
if ((e != null) && (e instanceof Infantry)) {
return toHit;
if ((movement == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_WALK) || (movement == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_VTOL_WALK)) {
toHit.addModifier(1, "spotter walked");
} else if ((movement == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_RUN) || (movement == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_VTOL_RUN) || (movement == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_SKID)) {
toHit.addModifier(2, "spotter ran");
} else if (movement == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_JUMP) {
toHit.addModifier(3, "spotter jumped");
return toHit;
* Modifier to physical attack BTH due to pilot advantages
public static void modifyPhysicalBTHForAdvantages(Entity attacker, Entity target, ToHitData toHit, IGame game) {
if (attacker.getCrew().getOptions().booleanOption("melee_specialist") && (attacker instanceof Mech) && (Compute.getAttackerMovementModifier(game, attacker.getId()).getValue() > 0)) {
toHit.addModifier(-1, "melee specialist");
if (attacker.getCrew().getOptions().booleanOption("clan_pilot_training")) {
toHit.addModifier(1, "clan pilot training");
// Mek targets that are dodging are harder to hit.
if ((target != null) && (target instanceof Mech) && target.getCrew().getOptions().booleanOption("dodge_maneuver") && (target.dodging )) {
toHit.addModifier(2, "target is dodging");
* Modifier to attacks due to target movement
public static ToHitData getTargetMovementModifier(IGame game, int entityId) {
Entity entity = game.getEntity(entityId);
if(entity instanceof Aero) {
return new ToHitData();
if (game.getOptions().booleanOption("tacops_standing_still") &&
(entity.moved==IEntityMovementType.MOVE_NONE) &&
!entity.isImmobile() &&
!((entity instanceof Infantry) || (entity instanceof VTOL) ||
(entity instanceof GunEmplacement))) {
ToHitData toHit = new ToHitData();
toHit.addModifier(-1, "target didn't move");
return toHit;
ToHitData toHit = Compute.getTargetMovementModifier(entity.delta_distance, ((entity.moved == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_JUMP) || (entity.moved == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_VTOL_RUN) || (entity.moved == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_VTOL_WALK)), (entity.moved == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_VTOL_RUN) || (entity.moved == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_VTOL_WALK) || (entity.getMovementMode() == IEntityMovementMode.VTOL));
// Did the target skid this turn?
if (entity.moved == IEntityMovementType.MOVE_SKID) {
toHit.addModifier(2, "target skidded");
if ((entity.getElevation() > 0) && (entity.getMovementMode() == IEntityMovementMode.WIGE)) {
toHit.addModifier(1, "target is a flying WiGE");
return toHit;
* Target movement modifer for the specified delta_distance
public static ToHitData getTargetMovementModifier(int distance, boolean jumped, boolean isVTOL) {
ToHitData toHit = new ToHitData();
if (distance == 0) {
return toHit;
if ((distance >= 3) && (distance <= 4)) {
toHit.addModifier(1, "target moved 3-4 hexes");
} else if ((distance >= 5) && (distance <= 6)) {
toHit.addModifier(2, "target moved 5-6 hexes");
} else if ((distance >= 7) && (distance <= 9)) {
toHit.addModifier(3, "target moved 7-9 hexes");
} else if ((distance >= 10) && (distance <= 17)) {
toHit.addModifier(4, "target moved 10-17 hexes");
} else if ((distance >= 18) && (distance <= 24)) {
toHit.addModifier(5, "target moved 18-24 hexes");
} else if (distance >= 25) {
toHit.addModifier(6, "target moved 25+ hexes");
if (jumped) {
if (isVTOL) {
toHit.addModifier(1, "target VTOL used MPs");
} else {
toHit.addModifier(1, "target jumped");
return toHit;
* Modifier to attacks due to attacker terrain
public static ToHitData getAttackerTerrainModifier(IGame game, int entityId) {
final Entity attacker = game.getEntity(entityId);
final IHex hex = game.getBoard().getHex(attacker.getPosition());
ToHitData toHit = new ToHitData();
//space screens; bonus depends on number (level)
if(hex.terrainLevel(Terrains.SCREEN) > 0) {
toHit.addModifier(hex.terrainLevel(Terrains.SCREEN) + 1, "attacker in screen(s)");
return toHit;
* Modifier to attacks due to target terrain TODO:um....should VTOLs get
* modifiers for smoke, etc.
public static ToHitData getTargetTerrainModifier(IGame game, Targetable t) {
return Compute.getTargetTerrainModifier(game, t, 0);
public static ToHitData getTargetTerrainModifier(IGame game, Targetable t, int eistatus) {
return Compute.getTargetTerrainModifier(game, t, eistatus, false);
public static ToHitData getTargetTerrainModifier(IGame game, Targetable t, int eistatus, boolean attackerInSameBuilding) {
Entity entityTarget = null;
IHex hex = game.getBoard().getHex(t.getPosition());
if (t.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_ENTITY) {
entityTarget = (Entity) t;
if (hex == null) {
hex = game.getBoard().getHex(game.getEntity(entityTarget.getId()).getPosition());
boolean isAboveWoods = ((entityTarget != null) && (hex != null)) && (entityTarget.absHeight() >= 2);
boolean isAboveSmoke = ((entityTarget != null) && (hex != null)) && (entityTarget.absHeight() >= 3);
ToHitData toHit = new ToHitData();
// if we have in-building combat, it's a +1
if (attackerInSameBuilding) {
toHit.addModifier(1, "target in a building hex");
// Smoke and woods. With L3, the effects STACK.
int woodsLevel = hex.terrainLevel(Terrains.WOODS);
int jungleLevel = hex.terrainLevel(Terrains.JUNGLE);
String woodsText = "woods";
if (woodsLevel < jungleLevel) {
woodsLevel = jungleLevel;
woodsText = "jungle";
if (woodsLevel == 1) {
woodsText = "target in light " + woodsText;
} else if (woodsLevel == 2) {
woodsText = "target in heavy " + woodsText;
} else if (woodsLevel == 3) {
woodsText = "target in ultra heavy " + woodsText;
if (!game.getOptions().booleanOption("tacops_woods_cover") && !isAboveWoods && !((t.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_HEX_CLEAR) || (t.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_HEX_IGNITE) || (t.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_HEX_BOMB) || (t.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_HEX_ARTILLERY) || (t.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_MINEFIELD_DELIVER))) {
if ((woodsLevel == 1) && (eistatus != 2)) {
toHit.addModifier(1, woodsText);
} else if (woodsLevel > 1) {
if (eistatus > 0) {
toHit.addModifier(woodsLevel - 1, woodsText);
} else {
toHit.addModifier(woodsLevel, woodsText);
if (!isAboveSmoke) {
if (hex.terrainLevel(Terrains.SMOKE) == 1) {
toHit.addModifier(1, "target in light smoke");
} else if (hex.terrainLevel(Terrains.SMOKE) > 1) {
if (eistatus > 0) {
toHit.addModifier(1, "target in heavy smoke");
} else {
toHit.addModifier(2, "target in heavy smoke");
if (hex.terrainLevel(Terrains.GEYSER) == 2) {
if (eistatus > 0) {
toHit.addModifier(1, "target in erupting geyser");
} else {
toHit.addModifier(2, "target in erupting geyser");
if(hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.INDUSTRIAL)) {
toHit.addModifier(+1, "target in heavy industrial zone");
//space screens; bonus depends on number (level)
if(hex.terrainLevel(Terrains.SCREEN) > 0) {
toHit.addModifier(hex.terrainLevel(Terrains.SCREEN) + 1, "target in screen(s)");
// only entities get remaining terrain bonuses
// TODO: should this be changed for buildings???
if (entityTarget == null) {
return toHit;
} else if (entityTarget.isMakingDfa()) {
// you don't get terrain modifiers in midair
// should be abstracted more into a 'not on the ground'
// flag for vtols and such
return toHit;
if (entityTarget.isStuck()) {
toHit.addModifier(-2, "target stuck in swamp");
if((entityTarget instanceof Infantry) && hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.FIELDS)) {
toHit.addModifier(+1, "target in planted fields");
return toHit;
* Returns the weapon attack out of a list that has the highest expected
* damage
public static WeaponAttackAction getHighestExpectedDamage(IGame g, Vector<WeaponAttackAction> vAttacks, boolean assumeHit) {
float fHighest = -1.0f;
WeaponAttackAction waaHighest = null;
for (int x = 0, n = vAttacks.size(); x < n; x++) {
WeaponAttackAction waa = vAttacks.elementAt(x);
float fDanger = Compute.getExpectedDamage(g, waa, assumeHit);
if (fDanger > fHighest) {
fHighest = fDanger;
waaHighest = waa;
return waaHighest;
// store these as constants since the tables will never change
private static float[] expectedHitsByRackSize = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.58f, 2.0f, 2.63f, 3.17f, 4.0f, 4.49f, 4.98f, 5.47f, 6.31f, 7.23f, 8.14f, 8.59f, 9.04f, 9.5f, 10.1f, 10.8f, 11.42f, 12.1f, 12.7f };
* | No Modifier | +2 (Artemis, Narc) | -2 (HAG, AMS v Art)| -4 (AMS) | |
* Avg | Avg | Avg | Avg | | Hits Pct | Hits Pct | Hits Pct | Hits Pct | |
* Avg Per vs | Avg Per vs | Avg Per vs | Avg Per vs | Size| Hits Size Avg |
* Hits Size Avg | Hits Size Avg | Hits Size Avg |
* ----+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+
* 2 | 1.42 0.708 9.1 | 1.72 0.861 10.3 | 1.17 0.583 10.7 | 1.03 0.514 21.9 |
* 3 | 2.00 0.667 2.7 | 2.39 0.796 2.0 | 1.61 0.537 2.0 | 1.28 0.426 1.0 | 4 |
* 2.64 0.660 1.6 | 3.11 0.778 -0.4 | 2.11 0.528 0.2 | 1.67 0.417 -1.2 | 5 |
* 3.17 0.633 -2.5 | 3.83 0.767 -1.8 | 2.50 0.500 -5.1 | 1.86 0.372 -11.7 |
* 6 | 4.00 0.667 2.7 | 4.78 0.796 2.0 | 3.22 0.537 2.0 | 2.58 0.431 2.1 | 7 |
* 4.39 0.627 -3.4 | 5.42 0.774 -0.9 | 3.47 0.496 -5.8 | 2.69 0.385 -8.7 | 8 |
* 5.08 0.635 -2.1 | 6.06 0.757 -3.0 | 4.22 0.528 0.2 | 3.58 0.448 6.2 | 9 |
* 5.47 0.608 -6.4 | 6.69 0.744 -4.7 | 4.47 0.497 -5.7 | 3.69 0.410 -2.7 |
* 10 | 6.31 0.631 -2.9 | 7.67 0.767 -1.8 | 5.06 0.506 -4.0 | 3.97 0.397
* -5.8 | 11 | 7.31 0.664 2.3 | 8.67 0.788 0.9 | 6.06 0.551 4.5 | 4.97 0.452
* 7.2 | 12 | 8.14 0.678 4.5 | 9.64 0.803 2.9 | 6.64 0.553 5.0 | 5.25 0.438
* 3.7 | 13 | 8.42 0.647 -0.3 | 10.22 0.786 0.7 | 6.72 0.517 -1.8 | 5.25
* 0.404 -4.2 | 14 | 9.22 0.659 1.5 | 10.92 0.780 -0.1 | 7.64 0.546 3.6 |
* 6.25 0.446 5.9 | 15 | 9.50 0.633 -2.5 | 11.50 0.767 -1.8 | 7.72 0.515
* -2.3 | 6.25 0.417 -1.2 | 16 | 10.42 0.651 0.3 | 12.50 0.781 0.1 | 8.44
* 0.528 0.2 | 6.67 0.417 -1.2 | 17 | 10.69 0.629 -3.1 | 13.08 0.770 -1.4 |
* 8.53 0.502 -4.8 | 6.67 0.392 -7.0 | 18 | 11.50 0.639 -1.6 | 13.78 0.765
* -1.9 | 9.44 0.525 -0.4 | 7.67 0.426 1.0 | 19 | 11.78 0.620 -4.5 | 14.36
* 0.756 -3.2 | 9.53 0.501 -4.8 | 7.67 0.404 -4.3 | 20 | 12.69 0.635 -2.2 |
* 15.36 0.768 -1.6 | 10.25 0.512 -2.7 | 8.08 0.404 -4.2 | 21 | 13.61 0.648
* -0.2 | 16.33 0.778 -0.4 | 11.11 0.529 0.4 | 8.94 0.426 1.0 | 22 | 14.44
* 0.657 1.1 | 17.31 0.787 0.8 | 11.69 0.532 0.9 | 9.22 0.419 -0.6 | 23 |
* 15.36 0.668 2.9 | 18.31 0.796 2.0 | 12.42 0.540 2.5 | 9.64 0.419 -0.6 |
* 24 | 16.28 0.678 4.5 | 19.28 0.803 2.9 | 13.28 0.553 5.0 | 10.50 0.438
* 3.7 | 25 | 16.56 0.662 2.0 | 19.86 0.794 1.8 | 13.36 0.534 1.5 | 10.50
* 0.420 -0.4 | 26 | 17.36 0.668 2.8 | 20.56 0.791 1.3 | 14.28 0.549 4.2 |
* 11.50 0.442 4.9 | 27 | 17.64 0.653 0.6 | 21.14 0.783 0.3 | 14.36 0.532
* 1.0 | 11.50 0.426 1.0 | 28 | 17.92 0.640 -1.4 | 21.72 0.776 -0.6 | 14.44
* 0.516 -2.1 | 11.50 0.411 -2.6 | 29 | 18.72 0.646 -0.6 | 22.42 0.773 -1.0 |
* 15.36 0.530 0.6 | 12.50 0.431 2.2 | 30 | 19.00 0.633 -2.5 | 23.00 0.767
* -1.8 | 15.44 0.515 -2.3 | 12.50 0.417 -1.2 | 40 | 25.39 0.635 -2.2 |
* 30.72 0.768 -1.6 | 20.50 0.512 -2.7 | 16.17 0.404 -4.2 | ----- -----
* ----- ----- Average: 0.649 0.781 0.527 0.422 1.202 0.811 0.649
* Determines the expected damage of a weapon attack, based on to-hit, salvo
* sizes, etc.
public static float getExpectedDamage(IGame g, WeaponAttackAction waa, boolean assumeHit) {
boolean use_table = false;
AmmoType loaded_ammo = new AmmoType();
Entity attacker = g.getEntity(waa.getEntityId());
Infantry inf_attacker = new Infantry();
BattleArmor ba_attacker = new BattleArmor();
Mounted weapon = attacker.getEquipment(waa.getWeaponId());
Mounted lnk_guide;
ToHitData hitData = waa.toHit(g);
if (attacker instanceof BattleArmor) {
ba_attacker = (BattleArmor) g.getEntity(waa.getEntityId());
if ((attacker instanceof Infantry) && !(attacker instanceof BattleArmor)) {
inf_attacker = (Infantry) g.getEntity(waa.getEntityId());
WeaponType wt = (WeaponType) weapon.getType();
float fDamage = 0.0f;
float fChance = 0.0f;
if (assumeHit) {
fChance = 1.0f;
} else {
if ((hitData.getValue() == TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) || (hitData.getValue() == TargetRoll.AUTOMATIC_FAIL)) {
return 0.0f;
if (hitData.getValue() == TargetRoll.AUTOMATIC_SUCCESS) {
fChance = 1.0f;
} else {
fChance = (float) Compute.oddsAbove(hitData.getValue()) / 100.0f;
// Missiles, LBX cluster rounds, and ultra/rotary cannons (when spun up)
// use the missile hits table
if (wt.getDamage() == WeaponType.DAMAGE_MISSILE) {
use_table = true;
if ((wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_LBX) || (wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_LBX_THB) || (wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_LBX_THB)) {
loaded_ammo = (AmmoType) weapon.getLinked().getType();
if (((loaded_ammo.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_LBX) || (loaded_ammo.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_LBX_THB)) && (loaded_ammo.getMunitionType() == AmmoType.M_CLUSTER)) {
use_table = true;
if ((wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ULTRA) || (wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ULTRA_THB) || (wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ROTARY)) {
if ((weapon.curMode().getName() == "Ultra") || (weapon.curMode().getName() == "2-shot") || (weapon.curMode().getName() == "3-shot") || (weapon.curMode().getName() == "4-shot") || (weapon.curMode().getName() == "5-shot") || (weapon.curMode().getName() == "6-shot")) {
use_table = true;
// Kinda cheap, but lets use the missile hits table for Battle armor
// weapons too
if (attacker instanceof BattleArmor) {
if ((wt.getInternalName() != Infantry.SWARM_MEK) && (wt.getInternalName() != Infantry.LEG_ATTACK)) {
use_table = true;
if (use_table == true) {
if (!(attacker instanceof BattleArmor)) {
if (weapon.getLinked() == null) {
return 0.0f;
AmmoType at = null;
if (weapon.getLinked() != null) {
at = (AmmoType) weapon.getLinked().getType();
fDamage = at.getDamagePerShot();
float fHits = 0.0f;
if ((wt.getRackSize() != 40) && (wt.getRackSize() != 30)) {
fHits = expectedHitsByRackSize[wt.getRackSize()];
} else {
fHits = 2.0f * expectedHitsByRackSize[wt.getRackSize() / 2];
if (((wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_SRM_STREAK) || (wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_MRM_STREAK) || (wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_LRM_STREAK)) && !Compute.isAffectedByAngelECM(attacker, attacker.getPosition(), waa.getTarget(g).getPosition())) {
fHits = wt.getRackSize();
if ((wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ULTRA) || (wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ULTRA_THB) || (wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ROTARY)) {
if ((weapon.curMode().getName() == "Ultra") || (weapon.curMode().getName() == "2-shot")) {
fHits = expectedHitsByRackSize[2];
if (weapon.curMode().getName() == "3-shot") {
fHits = expectedHitsByRackSize[3];
if (weapon.curMode().getName() == "4-shot") {
fHits = expectedHitsByRackSize[4];
if (weapon.curMode().getName() == "5-shot") {
fHits = expectedHitsByRackSize[5];
if (weapon.curMode().getName() == "6-shot") {
fHits = expectedHitsByRackSize[6];
// Most Battle Armor units have a weapon per trooper, plus their
// weapons do odd things when mounting multiples
if (attacker instanceof BattleArmor) {
// The number of troopers hitting
fHits = expectedHitsByRackSize[ba_attacker.getShootingStrength()];
if (wt.getDamage() == WeaponType.DAMAGE_MISSILE) {
fHits *= expectedHitsByRackSize[wt.getRackSize()];
if (wt.getDamage() != WeaponType.DAMAGE_MISSILE) {
if (wt.getDamage() != WeaponType.DAMAGE_VARIABLE) {
fDamage = wt.getDamage();
} else {
fDamage = wt.getRackSize();
if (wt.hasFlag(WeaponType.F_MISSILE_HITS)) {
fHits *= expectedHitsByRackSize[wt.getRackSize()];
// If there is no ECM coverage to the target, guidance systems are
// good for another 1.20x damage on missile weapons
if ((!Compute.isAffectedByECM(attacker, attacker.getPosition(), g.getEntity(waa.getTargetId()).getPosition())) && (wt.getDamage() == WeaponType.DAMAGE_MISSILE)) {
// Check for linked artemis guidance system
if ((wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_LRM) || (wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_MML) || (wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_SRM)) {
lnk_guide = weapon.getLinkedBy();
if ((lnk_guide != null) && (lnk_guide.getType() instanceof MiscType) && !lnk_guide.isDestroyed() && !lnk_guide.isMissing() && !lnk_guide.isBreached() && lnk_guide.getType().hasFlag(MiscType.F_ARTEMIS)) {
// Don't use artemis if this is indirect fire
// -> Hook for Artemis V Level 3 Clan tech here; use
// 1.30f multiplier when implemented
if (((weapon.curMode() == null) || !weapon.curMode().equals("Indirect")) && (at.getMunitionType() == AmmoType.M_ARTEMIS_CAPABLE)) {
fHits *= 1.2f;
// Check for ATMs, which have built in Artemis
if (wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_ATM) {
fHits *= 1.2f;
// Check for target with attached Narc or iNarc homing pod from
// friendly unit
if (g.getEntity(waa.getTargetId()).isNarcedBy(attacker.getOwner().getTeam()) || g.getEntity(waa.getTargetId()).isINarcedBy(attacker.getOwner().getTeam())) {
if (((at.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_LRM) || (at.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_MML) || (at.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_SRM)) && (at.getMunitionType() == AmmoType.M_NARC_CAPABLE)) {
fHits *= 1.2f;
if (wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_MRM) {
lnk_guide = weapon.getLinkedBy();
if ((lnk_guide != null) && (lnk_guide.getType() instanceof MiscType) && !lnk_guide.isDestroyed() && !lnk_guide.isMissing() && !lnk_guide.isBreached() && lnk_guide.getType().hasFlag(MiscType.F_APOLLO)) {
fHits *= .9f;
// adjust for previous AMS
if (wt.getDamage() == WeaponType.DAMAGE_MISSILE) {
ArrayList<Mounted> vCounters = waa.getCounterEquipment();
if (vCounters != null) {
for (int x = 0; x < vCounters.size(); x++) {
EquipmentType type = vCounters.get(x).getType();
if ((type instanceof WeaponType) && type.hasFlag(WeaponType.F_AMS)) {
fHits *= 0.6;
fDamage *= fHits;
if ((wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ULTRA) || (wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ULTRA_THB) || (wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ROTARY)) {
fDamage = fHits * wt.getDamage();
} else {
// Direct fire weapons (and LBX slug rounds) just do a single shot
// so they don't use the missile hits table
fDamage = wt.getDamage();
if ((attacker.getPosition() != null) && (g.getEntity(waa.getTargetId()).getPosition() != null)) {
if (wt.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_GAUSS_HEAVY) {
fDamage = 25.0f;
int rtt = attacker.getPosition().distance(g.getEntity(waa.getTargetId()).getPosition());
if (rtt > 13) {
fDamage = 10.0f;
} else if (rtt > 6) {
fDamage = 20.0f;
// Infantry follow some special rules, but do fixed amounts of
// damage
// Anti-mek attacks are weapon-like in nature, so include them here
// as well
if (attacker instanceof Infantry) {
if (wt.getInternalName() == Infantry.LEG_ATTACK) {
fDamage = 10.0f; // Actually 5, but the chance of crits
// deserves a boost
if (inf_attacker.isPlatoon()) {
if (wt.getInternalName() == Infantry.SWARM_MEK) {
// If the target is a Mek that is not swarmed, this is a
// good thing
if ((g.getEntity(waa.getTargetId()).getSwarmAttackerId() == Entity.NONE) && (g.getEntity(waa.getTargetId()) instanceof Mech)) {
* fDamage = 1.5f * inf_attacker
* .getDamage(inf_attacker .getShootingStrength());
// TODO: Fix me
fDamage = 4;
// Otherwise, call it 0 damage
else {
fDamage = 0.0f;
else {
// conventional weapons; field guns should be handled
// under the standard weapons section
* fDamage = 0.6f * inf_attacker.getDamage(inf_attacker
* .getShootingStrength());
// TODO: Fix me
fDamage = 2;
} else {
// Battle armor units conducting swarm attack
if (wt.getInternalName() == Infantry.SWARM_MEK) {
// If the target is a Mek that is not swarmed, this is a
// good thing
if ((g.getEntity(waa.getTargetId()).getSwarmAttackerId() == Entity.NONE) && (g.getEntity(waa.getTargetId()) instanceof Mech)) {
// Overestimated, but the chance at crits and head
// shots deserves a boost
fDamage = 5.0f * ba_attacker.getShootingStrength();
// Otherwise, call it 0 damage
else {
fDamage = 0.0f;
fDamage *= fChance;
// Conventional infantry take double damage in the open
if ((g.getEntity(waa.getTargetId()) instanceof Infantry) && !(g.getEntity(waa.getTargetId()) instanceof BattleArmor)) {
IHex e_hex = g.getBoard().getHex(g.getEntity(waa.getTargetId()).getPosition().x, g.getEntity(waa.getTargetId()).getPosition().y);
if (!e_hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WOODS) && !e_hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.JUNGLE) && !e_hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.BUILDING)) {
fDamage *= 2.0f;
// Cap damage to prevent run-away values
fDamage = Math.min(inf_attacker.getShootingStrength(), fDamage);
return fDamage;
* If the unit is carrying multiple types of ammo for the specified weapon,
* cycle through them and choose the type best suited to engage the
* specified target Value returned is expected damage Note that some ammo
* types, such as infernos, do no damage or have special properties and so
* the damage is an estimation of effectiveness
public static double getAmmoAdjDamage(IGame cgame, WeaponAttackAction atk) {
boolean no_bin = true;
boolean multi_bin = false;
double ammo_multiple, ex_damage, max_damage;
Entity shooter, target;
Mounted fabin, best_bin;
AmmoType abin_type = new AmmoType();
AmmoType fabin_type = new AmmoType();
WeaponType wtype = new WeaponType();
WeaponType target_weapon = new WeaponType();
// Get shooter entity, target entity, and weapon being fired
target = cgame.getEntity(atk.getTargetId());
shooter = atk.getEntity(cgame);
wtype = (WeaponType) shooter.getEquipment(atk.getWeaponId()).getType();
max_damage = 0.0;
// If the weapon doesn't require ammo, just get the estimated damage
if (wtype.hasFlag(WeaponType.F_ENERGY) || wtype.hasFlag(WeaponType.F_ONESHOT) || wtype.hasFlag(WeaponType.F_INFANTRY) || (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_NA)) {
return Compute.getExpectedDamage(cgame, atk, false);
// Get a list of ammo bins and the first valid bin
fabin = null;
best_bin = null;
for (Mounted abin : shooter.getAmmo()) {
if (shooter.loadWeapon(shooter.getEquipment(atk.getWeaponId()), abin)) {
if (abin.getShotsLeft() > 0) {
abin_type = (AmmoType) abin.getType();
if (!AmmoType.canDeliverMinefield(abin_type)) {
fabin = abin;
fabin_type = (AmmoType) fabin.getType();
// To save processing time, lets see if we have more than one type of
// bin
// Thunder-type ammos and empty bins are excluded from the list
for (Mounted abin : shooter.getAmmo()) {
if (shooter.loadWeapon(shooter.getEquipment(atk.getWeaponId()), abin)) {
if (abin.getShotsLeft() > 0) {
abin_type = (AmmoType) abin.getType();
if (!AmmoType.canDeliverMinefield(abin_type)) {
no_bin = false;
if (abin_type.getMunitionType() != fabin_type.getMunitionType()) {
multi_bin = true;
// If no_bin is true, then either all bins are empty or contain
// Thunder-type rounds and
// we can safely say that the expected damage is 0.0
// If no_bin is false, then we have at least one good bin
if (no_bin) {
return 0.0;
// If multi_bin is true, then multiple ammo types are present and an
// appropriate type must be selected
// If multi_bin is false, then all bin types are the same; skip down
// to getting the expected damage
if (!multi_bin) {
return Compute.getExpectedDamage(cgame, atk, false);
if (multi_bin) {
// Set default max damage as 0, and the best bin as the first
// bin
max_damage = 0.0;
best_bin = fabin;
// For each valid ammo bin
for (Mounted abin : shooter.getAmmo()) {
if (shooter.loadWeapon(shooter.getEquipment(atk.getWeaponId()), abin)) {
if (abin.getShotsLeft() > 0) {
abin_type = (AmmoType) abin.getType();
if (!AmmoType.canDeliverMinefield(abin_type)) {
// Load weapon with specified bin
shooter.loadWeapon(shooter.getEquipment(atk.getWeaponId()), abin);
// Get expected damage
ex_damage = Compute.getExpectedDamage(cgame, atk, false);
// Calculate any modifiers due to ammo type
ammo_multiple = 1.0;
// Frag missiles, flechette AC rounds do double
// damage against conventional infantry
// and 0 damage against everything else
// Any further anti-personnel specialized rounds
// should be tested for here
if (((((abin_type.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_LRM) || (abin_type.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_MML) || (abin_type.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_SRM))) && (abin_type.getMunitionType() == AmmoType.M_FRAGMENTATION)) || (((abin_type.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC) || (abin_type.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_LAC)) && (abin_type.getMunitionType() == AmmoType.M_FLECHETTE))) {
ammo_multiple = 0.0;
if (target instanceof Infantry) {
if (!(target instanceof BattleArmor)) {
ammo_multiple = 2.0;
// LBX cluster rounds work better against units
// with little armor, vehicles, and Meks in
// partial cover
// Other ammo that deliver lots of small
// submunitions should be tested for here too
if (((abin_type.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_LBX) || (abin_type.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_LBX_THB) || (abin_type.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_SBGAUSS)) && (abin_type.getMunitionType() == AmmoType.M_CLUSTER)) {
if (target.getArmorRemainingPercent() <= 0.25) {
ammo_multiple = 1.0 + (wtype.getRackSize() / 10);
if (target instanceof Tank) {
ammo_multiple += 1.0;
// AP autocannon rounds work much better against
// Meks and vehicles than infantry,
// give a damage boost in proportion to calibre
// to reflect scaled crit chance
// Other armor-penetrating ammo types should be
// tested here, such as Tandem-charge SRMs
if (((abin_type.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC) || (abin_type.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_LAC)) && (abin_type.getMunitionType() == AmmoType.M_ARMOR_PIERCING)) {
if ((target instanceof Mech) || (target instanceof Tank)) {
ammo_multiple = 1.0 + (wtype.getRackSize() / 10);
if (target instanceof Infantry) {
ammo_multiple = 0.6;
// Inferno SRMs work better against overheating
// Meks that are not/almost not on fire,
// and against vehicles and protos if allowed by
// game option
if (((abin_type.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_SRM) || (abin_type.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_MML)) && (abin_type.getMunitionType() == AmmoType.M_INFERNO)) {
ammo_multiple = 0.5;
if (target instanceof Mech) {
if ((target.infernos.getTurnsLeftToBurn() < 4) && (target.heat >= 5)) {
ammo_multiple = 1.1;
if ((target instanceof Tank) && !(cgame.getOptions().booleanOption("vehicles_safe_from_infernos"))) {
ammo_multiple = 1.1;
if ((target instanceof Protomech) && !(cgame.getOptions().booleanOption("protos_safe_from_infernos"))) {
ammo_multiple = 1.1;
// Narc beacon doesn't really do damage but if
// the target is not infantry and doesn't have
// one, give 'em one by making it an attractive
// option
if ((wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_NARC) && (abin_type.getMunitionType() == AmmoType.M_STANDARD)) {
if (!(target.isNarcedBy(shooter.getOwner().getTeam())) && !(target instanceof Infantry)) {
ex_damage = 5.0;
} else {
ex_damage = 0.5;
// iNarc beacon doesn't really do damage, but if
// the target is not infantry and doesn't have
// one, give 'em one by making it an attractive
// option
if (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_INARC) {
if ((abin_type.getMunitionType() == AmmoType.M_STANDARD) && !(target instanceof Infantry)) {
if (!(target.isINarcedBy(shooter.getOwner().getTeam()))) {
ex_damage = 7.0;
} else {
ex_damage = 1.0;
// iNarc ECM doesn't really do damage, but
// if the target has a C3 link or missile
// launchers
// make it a priority
// Checking for actual ammo types carried
// would be nice, but can't be sure of exact
// loads
// when "true" double blind is implemented
if ((abin_type.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_INARC) && (abin_type.getMunitionType() == AmmoType.M_ECM) && !(target instanceof Infantry)) {
if (!target.isINarcedWith(AmmoType.M_ECM)) {
if (!(target.getC3MasterId() == Entity.NONE) || target.hasC3M() || target.hasC3MM() || target.hasC3i()) {
ex_damage = 8.0;
} else {
ex_damage = 0.5;
for (Mounted weapon : shooter.getWeaponList()) {
target_weapon = (WeaponType) weapon.getType();
if ((target_weapon.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_LRM) || (target_weapon.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_MML) || (target_weapon.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_SRM)) {
ex_damage = ex_damage + (target_weapon.getRackSize() / 2);
// iNarc Nemesis doesn't really do damage,
// but if the target is not infantry and
// doesn't have
// one give it a try; make fast units a
// priority because they are usually out
// front
if ((abin_type.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_INARC) && (abin_type.getMunitionType() == AmmoType.M_NEMESIS) && !(target instanceof Infantry)) {
if (!target.isINarcedWith(AmmoType.M_NEMESIS)) {
ex_damage = (double) (target.getWalkMP() + target.getJumpMP()) / 2;
} else {
ex_damage = 0.5;
// If the adjusted damage is highest, store the
// damage and bin
if ((ex_damage * ammo_multiple) > max_damage) {
max_damage = ex_damage * ammo_multiple;
best_bin = abin;
// Now that the best bin has been found, reload the weapon with
// it
shooter.loadWeapon(shooter.getEquipment(atk.getWeaponId()), best_bin);
return max_damage;
* If this is an ultra or rotary cannon, lets see about 'spinning it up' for
* extra damage
* @return the <code>int</code> ID of weapon mode
public static int spinUpCannon(IGame cgame, WeaponAttackAction atk) {
int threshold = 12;
int test, final_spin;
Entity shooter;
Mounted weapon;
WeaponType wtype = new WeaponType();
// Double check this is an Ultra or Rotary cannon
shooter = atk.getEntity(cgame);
weapon = shooter.getEquipment(atk.getWeaponId());
wtype = (WeaponType) shooter.getEquipment(atk.getWeaponId()).getType();
if (!((wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ULTRA) || (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ULTRA_THB) || (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ROTARY))) {
return 0;
// Get the to-hit number
threshold = atk.toHit(cgame).getValue();
// Set the weapon to single shot mode
final_spin = 0;
// If weapon can't hit target, exit the function with the weapon on
// single shot
if ((threshold == TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) || (threshold == TargetRoll.AUTOMATIC_FAIL)) {
return final_spin;
// Set a random 2d6 roll
test = Compute.d6(2);
// If random roll is >= to-hit + 1, then set double-spin
if (test >= threshold + 1) {
final_spin = 1;
if ((wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ULTRA) || (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ULTRA_THB)) {
if (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ROTARY) {
// If this is a Rotary cannon
if (wtype.getAmmoType() == AmmoType.T_AC_ROTARY) {
// If random roll is >= to-hit + 2 then set to quad-spin
if (test >= threshold + 2) {
final_spin = 2;
// If random roll is >= to-hit + 3 then set to six-spin
if (test >= threshold + 3) {
final_spin = 3;
return final_spin;
* Checks to see if a target is in arc of the specified weapon, on the
* specified entity
public static boolean isInArc(IGame game, int attackerId, int weaponId, Targetable t) {
Entity ae = game.getEntity(attackerId);
if ((ae instanceof Mech) && (((Mech) ae).getGrappled() == t.getTargetId())) {
return true;
int facing = ae.isSecondaryArcWeapon(weaponId) ? ae.getSecondaryFacing() : ae.getFacing();
Coords aPos = ae.getPosition();
Coords tPos = t.getPosition();
//aeros in the same hex in space may still be able to fire at one another. First I need to translate
//their positions to see who was further back
if(game.getBoard().inSpace() && ae.getPosition().equals(t.getPosition())
&& (ae instanceof Aero) && (t instanceof Aero)) {
if(((Aero)ae).shouldMoveBackHex((Aero)t)) {
aPos = ae.getPriorPosition();
if(((Aero)t).shouldMoveBackHex((Aero)ae)) {
tPos = ((Entity)t).getPosition();
return Compute.isInArc(aPos, facing, tPos, ae.getWeaponArc(weaponId));
* Returns true if the line between source Coords and target goes through
* the hex in front of the attacker
public static boolean isThroughFrontHex(IGame game, Coords src, Entity t) {
Coords dest = t.getPosition();
int fa = dest.degree(src) - t.getFacing() * 60;
if (fa < 0) {
fa += 360;
return (fa > 330) || (fa < 30);
* Returns true if the target is in the specified arc.
* @param src
* the attacker coordinate
* @param facing
* the appropriate attacker sfacing
* @param dest
* the target coordinate
* @param arc
* the arc
public static boolean isInArc(Coords src, int facing, Coords dest, int arc) {
if ((src == null) || (dest == null)) {
return true;
// calculate firing angle
int fa = src.degree(dest) - facing * 60;
if (fa < 0) {
fa += 360;
// is it in the specifed arc?
switch (arc) {
return (fa >= 300) || (fa <= 60);
case Compute.ARC_RIGHTARM:
return (fa >= 300) || (fa <= 120);
case Compute.ARC_LEFTARM:
return (fa >= 240) || (fa <= 60);
case ARC_REAR:
return (fa > 120) && (fa < 240);
return (fa > 60) && (fa <= 120);
return (fa < 300) && (fa >= 240);
return (fa >= 240) || (fa <= 120);
case ARC_360:
return true;
return (fa >= 270) || (fa <= 30);
case ARC_EAST:
return (fa >= 30) && (fa <= 150);
case ARC_WEST:
return (fa >= 150) && (fa <= 270);
case ARC_NOSE:
return (fa > 300) || (fa < 60);
return (fa > 300) || (fa <= 0);
return (fa >= 0) && (fa < 60);
return (fa >= 180) && (fa < 240);
return (fa > 120) && (fa <= 180);
case ARC_AFT:
return (fa > 120) && (fa < 240);
return (fa > 240) || (fa < 0);
return (fa > 0) && (fa < 120);
return (fa > 180) && (fa < 300);
return (fa > 60) && (fa < 180);
return (fa >= 240) && (fa <= 300);
return (fa >= 60) && (fa <= 120);
return (fa >= 180) && (fa < 360);
return (fa >= 0) && (fa < 180);
return (fa >= 330) || (fa <= 30);
return false;
* checks to see whether the target is within visual range of the entity, but not necessarily LoS
public static boolean inVisualRange(IGame game, Entity ae, Targetable target) {
boolean teSpotlight = false;
if (target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_ENTITY) {
Entity te = (Entity) target;
teSpotlight = te.usedSearchlight();
if (te.isOffBoard()) {
return false;
//if either does not have a position then return false
if((ae.getPosition() == null) || (target.getPosition() == null)) {
return false;
//check visual range based on planetary conditions
int visualRange = game.getPlanetaryConditions().getVisualRange(ae, teSpotlight);
//smoke in los
visualRange -= LosEffects.calculateLos(game, ae.getId(), target).getLightSmoke();
visualRange -= (2 * LosEffects.calculateLos(game, ae.getId(), target).getHeavySmoke());
//check for camo and null sig on the target
if(target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_ENTITY) {
Entity te = (Entity) target;
if ( game.getTeamForPlayer(ae.getOwner()).equals(game.getTeamForPlayer(te.getOwner())) ){
return true;
if(te.isVoidSigActive()) {
visualRange = visualRange / 4;
} else if(te.hasWorkingMisc(MiscType.F_VISUAL_CAMO, -1)) {
visualRange = visualRange / 2;
} else if(te.isChameleonShieldActive()) {
visualRange = visualRange / 2;
visualRange = Math.max(visualRange, 1);
return ae.getPosition().distance(target.getPosition()) <= visualRange;
* Checks to see whether the target is within sensor range (but not necessarily LoS or visual range)
public static boolean inSensorRange(IGame game, Entity ae, Targetable target) {
//if either does not have a position then return false
if((ae.getPosition() == null) || (target.getPosition() == null)) {
return false;
int bracket = Compute.getSensorRangeBracket(ae, target);
int range = Compute.getSensorRangeByBracket(game, ae, target);
int maxSensorRange = bracket*range;
int minSensorRange = Math.max((bracket-1)*range,0);
if(game.getOptions().booleanOption("inclusive_sensor_range")) {
minSensorRange = 0;
int distance = ae.getPosition().distance(target.getPosition());
return (distance > minSensorRange) && (distance <= maxSensorRange);
* Slightly misnamed. Checks to see if the target is visible to the unit, either visually or through sensors
public static boolean canSee(IGame game, Entity ae, Targetable target) {
if(!ae.getCrew().isActive()) {
return false;
if (target.isOffBoard()) {
return false;
return (LosEffects.calculateLos(game, ae.getId(), target).canSee() && Compute.inVisualRange(game, ae, target)) || Compute.inSensorRange(game, ae, target);
private static int getSensorRangeBracket(Entity ae, Targetable target) {
Sensor sensor = ae.getActiveSensor();
if(null == sensor) {
return 0;
//only works for entities
if(target.getTargetType() != Targetable.TYPE_ENTITY) {
return 0;
Entity te = (Entity)target;
//if this sensor is an active probe and it is critted, then no can see
if(sensor.isBAP() && !ae.hasBAP(false)) {
return 0;
int check = ae.getSensorCheck();
check += sensor.getModsForStealth(te);
//ECM bubbles
check += sensor.getModForECM(ae);
//get the range bracket (0 - none; 1 - short; 2 - medium; 3 - long)
int bracket = 0;
if((check == 7) || (check == 8)) {
bracket = 1;
if((check == 5) || (check == 6)) {
bracket = 2;
if(check < 5) {
bracket = 3;
return bracket;
* Checks whether the target is within sensor range of the current entity
private static int getSensorRangeByBracket(IGame game, Entity ae, Targetable target) {
Sensor sensor = ae.getActiveSensor();
if(null == sensor) {
return 0;
//only works for entities
if(target.getTargetType() != Targetable.TYPE_ENTITY) {
return 0;
Entity te = (Entity)target;
//if this sensor is an active probe and it is critted, then no can see
if(sensor.isBAP() && !ae.hasBAP(false)) {
return 0;
//if we are crossing water then only magscan will work unless we are a naval vessel
if(LosEffects.calculateLos(game, ae.getId(), target).isBlockedByWater()
&& (sensor.getType() != Sensor.TYPE_MEK_MAGSCAN) && (sensor.getType() != Sensor.TYPE_VEE_MAGSCAN)
&& (ae.getMovementMode() != IEntityMovementMode.HYDROFOIL) && (ae.getMovementMode() != IEntityMovementMode.NAVAL)) {
return 0;
//now get the range
int range = sensor.getRangeByBracket();
//adjust the range based on LOS and planetary conditions
range = sensor.adjustRange(range, game, LosEffects.calculateLos(game, ae.getId(), target));
//now adjust for anything about the target entity (size, heat, etc)
range = sensor.entityAdjustments(range, te, game);
if(range < 0) {
range = 0;
return range;
public static int targetSideTable(Coords inPosition, Targetable target) {
return target.sideTable(inPosition);
public static int targetSideTable(Entity attacker, Targetable target) {
Coords attackPos = attacker.getPosition();
boolean usePrior = false;
//aeros in the same hex in space need to adjust position to get side table
if(attacker.game.getBoard().inSpace() && attacker.getPosition().equals(target.getPosition())
&& (attacker instanceof Aero) && (target instanceof Aero)) {
if(((Aero)attacker).shouldMoveBackHex((Aero)target)) {
attackPos = attacker.getPriorPosition();
usePrior = ((Aero)target).shouldMoveBackHex((Aero)attacker);
if((target instanceof Aero) && (attacker instanceof Aero)) {
return ((Entity)target).sideTable(attackPos, usePrior);
return target.sideTable(attackPos);
* Maintain backwards compatability.
* @param missiles -
* the <code>int</code> number of missiles in the pack.
public static int missilesHit(int missiles) {
return Compute.missilesHit(missiles, 0);
* Maintain backwards compatability.
* @param missiles
* @param nMod
* @return
public static int missilesHit(int missiles, int nMod) {
return Compute.missilesHit(missiles, nMod, false);
* Maintain backwards compatability.
* @param missiles
* @param nMod
* @param hotloaded
* @return
public static int missilesHit(int missiles, int nMod, boolean hotloaded) {
return Compute.missilesHit(missiles, nMod, hotloaded, false, false);
* Roll the number of missiles (or whatever) on the missile hit table, with
* the specified mod to the roll.
* @param missiles -
* the <code>int</code> number of missiles in the pack.
* @param nMod -
* the <code>int</code> modifier to the roll for number of
* missiles that hit.
* @param hotloaded -
* roll 3d6 take worst 2
* @param streak -
* force a roll of 11 on the cluster table
* @param advancedAMS -
* the roll can now go below 2, indicating no damage
public static int missilesHit(int missiles, int nMod, boolean hotloaded, boolean streak, boolean advancedAMS) {
int nRoll = Compute.d6(2);
if (hotloaded) {
int roll1 = Compute.d6();
int roll2 = Compute.d6();
int roll3 = Compute.d6();
int lowRoll1 = 0;
int lowRoll2 = 0;
if ((roll1 <= roll2) && (roll1 <= roll3)) {
lowRoll1 = roll1;
lowRoll2 = Math.min(roll2, roll3);
} else if ((roll2 <= roll1) && (roll2 <= roll3)) {
lowRoll1 = roll2;
lowRoll2 = Math.min(roll1, roll3);
} else if ((roll3 <= roll1) && (roll3 <= roll2)) {
lowRoll1 = roll3;
lowRoll2 = Math.min(roll2, roll1);
nRoll = lowRoll1 + lowRoll2;
if (streak) {
nRoll = 11;
nRoll += nMod;
if (!advancedAMS) {
nRoll = Math.min(Math.max(nRoll, 2), 12);
} else {
nRoll=Math.min(nRoll, 12);
if (nRoll<2) {
return 0;
for (int[] element : clusterHitsTable) {
if (element[0] == missiles) {
return element[nRoll - 1];
// BA missiles may have larger number of missiles than max entry on the
// table
// if so, take largest, subtract value and try again
for (int i = clusterHitsTable.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (missiles > clusterHitsTable[i][0]) {
return clusterHitsTable[i][nRoll - 1] + Compute.missilesHit(missiles - clusterHitsTable[i][0], nMod, hotloaded, streak, advancedAMS);
throw new RuntimeException("Could not find number of missiles in hit table");
* Returns the consciousness roll number
* @param hit -
* the <code>int</code> number of the crew hit currently being
* rolled.
* @return The <code>int</code> number that must be rolled on 2d6 for the
* crew to stay conscious.
public static int getConsciousnessNumber(int hit) {
switch (hit) {
case 0:
return 2;
case 1:
return 3;
case 2:
return 5;
case 3:
return 7;
case 4:
return 10;
case 5:
return 11;
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* This method checks to see if a line from a to b is affected by an ECM
* field of the enemy of ae
* @param ae
* @param a
* @param b
* @return
public static boolean isAffectedByECM(Entity ae, Coords a, Coords b) {
return Compute.getECMFieldSize(ae, a, b) > 0;
* This method checks to see if a line from a to b is affected by an ECCM
* field of the enemy of ae
* @param ae
* @param a
* @param b
* @return
public static boolean isAffectedByECCM(Entity ae, Coords a, Coords b) {
return Compute.getECCMFieldSize(ae, a, b) > 0;
* This method returns the highest number of enemy ECM fields of ae between points a and b
* @param ae
* @param a
* @param b
* @return
public static double getECMFieldSize(Entity ae, Coords a, Coords b) {
if(ae.getGame().getBoard().inSpace()) {
//normal ECM effects don't apply in space
return 0;
if ((a == null) || (b == null)) {
return 0;
// Only grab enemies with active ECM
Vector<Coords> vEnemyECMCoords = new Vector<Coords>(16);
Vector<Integer> vEnemyECMRanges = new Vector<Integer>(16);
Vector<Double> vEnemyECMStrengths = new Vector<Double>(16);
Vector<Coords> vFriendlyECCMCoords = new Vector<Coords>(16);
Vector<Integer> vFriendlyECCMRanges = new Vector<Integer>(16);
Vector<Double> vFriendlyECCMStrengths = new Vector<Double>(16);
for (Enumeration<Entity> e = ae.game.getEntities(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
Entity ent = e.nextElement();
Coords entPos = ent.getPosition();
if (ent.isEnemyOf(ae) && ent.hasActiveECM() && (entPos != null)) {
vEnemyECMRanges.addElement(new Integer(ent.getECMRange()));
vEnemyECMStrengths.addElement(new Double(ent.getECMStrength()));
if (!ent.isEnemyOf(ae) && ent.hasActiveECCM() && (entPos != null)) {
vFriendlyECCMRanges.addElement(new Integer(ent.getECMRange()));
vFriendlyECCMStrengths.addElement(new Double(ent.getECCMStrength()));
// Check the ECM effects of the entity's passengers.
for (Entity other : ent.getLoadedUnits()) {
if (other.isEnemyOf(ae) && other.hasActiveECM() && (entPos != null)) {
vEnemyECMRanges.addElement(new Integer(other.getECMRange()));
vEnemyECMStrengths.addElement(new Double(other.getECMStrength()));
if (!other.isEnemyOf(ae) && ent.hasActiveECCM() && (entPos != null)) {
vFriendlyECCMRanges.addElement(new Integer(ent.getECMRange()));
vFriendlyECCMStrengths.addElement(new Double(ent.getECCMStrength()));
// none? get out of here
if (vEnemyECMCoords.size() == 0) {
return 0;
// get intervening Coords.
ArrayList<Coords> coords = Coords.intervening(a, b);
// loop through all intervening coords, check each if they are ECM
// affected
double worstECM = 0;
for (Coords c : coords) {
// > 0: in friendly ECCM
// 0: unaffected by enemy ECM
// <0: affected by enemy ECM
double ecmStatus = 0;
// if we're at ae's Position, figure in a possible
// iNarc ECM pod
if (c.equals(ae.getPosition()) && ae.isINarcedWith(INarcPod.ECM)) {
// first, subtract 1 for each enemy ECM that affects us
Enumeration<Integer> ranges = vEnemyECMRanges.elements();
Enumeration<Double> strengths = vEnemyECMStrengths.elements();
for (Coords enemyECMCoords : vEnemyECMCoords) {
int range = ranges.nextElement().intValue();
int nDist = c.distance(enemyECMCoords);
double strength = strengths.nextElement().doubleValue();
if (nDist <= range) {
ecmStatus += strength;
// now, add one for each friendly ECCM
ranges = vFriendlyECCMRanges.elements();
strengths = vFriendlyECCMStrengths.elements();
for (Coords friendlyECCMCoords : vFriendlyECCMCoords) {
int range = ranges.nextElement().intValue();
int nDist = c.distance(friendlyECCMCoords);
double strength = strengths.nextElement().doubleValue();
if (nDist <= range) {
ecmStatus -= strength;
// if any coords in the line are affected, the whole line is
if (ecmStatus > worstECM) {
worstECM = ecmStatus;
return worstECM;
* This method returns the highest number of enemy ECCM fields of ae between points a and b
* @param ae
* @param a
* @param b
* @return
public static double getECCMFieldSize(Entity ae, Coords a, Coords b) {
if(ae.getGame().getBoard().inSpace()) {
//normal ECM effects don't apply in space
return 0;
if ((a == null) || (b == null)) {
return 0;
// Only grab enemies with active ECM
Vector<Coords> vEnemyECCMCoords = new Vector<Coords>(16);
Vector<Integer> vEnemyECCMRanges = new Vector<Integer>(16);
Vector<Double> vEnemyECCMStrengths = new Vector<Double>(16);
Vector<Coords> vFriendlyECMCoords = new Vector<Coords>(16);
Vector<Integer> vFriendlyECMRanges = new Vector<Integer>(16);
Vector<Double> vFriendlyECMStrengths = new Vector<Double>(16);
for (Enumeration<Entity> e = ae.game.getEntities(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
Entity ent = e.nextElement();
Coords entPos = ent.getPosition();
if (ent.isEnemyOf(ae) && ent.hasActiveECCM() && (entPos != null)) {
vEnemyECCMRanges.addElement(new Integer(ent.getECMRange()));
vEnemyECCMStrengths.addElement(new Double(ent.getECMStrength()));
if (!ent.isEnemyOf(ae) && ent.hasActiveECM() && (entPos != null)) {
vFriendlyECMRanges.addElement(new Integer(ent.getECMRange()));
vFriendlyECMStrengths.addElement(new Double(ent.getECCMStrength()));
// Check the ECM effects of the entity's passengers.
for (Entity other : ent.getLoadedUnits()) {
if (other.isEnemyOf(ae) && other.hasActiveECCM() && (entPos != null)) {
vEnemyECCMRanges.addElement(new Integer(other.getECMRange()));
vEnemyECCMStrengths.addElement(new Double(other.getECMStrength()));
if (!other.isEnemyOf(ae) && ent.hasActiveECM() && (entPos != null)) {
vFriendlyECMRanges.addElement(new Integer(ent.getECMRange()));
vFriendlyECMStrengths.addElement(new Double(ent.getECCMStrength()));
// none? get out of here
if (vEnemyECCMCoords.size() == 0) {
return 0;
// get intervening Coords.
ArrayList<Coords> coords = Coords.intervening(a, b);
// loop through all intervening coords, check each if they are ECCM
// affected
double worstECCM = 0;
for (Coords c : coords) {
// > 0: in friendly ECM
// 0: unaffected by enemy ECCM
// <0: affected by enemy ECCM
double eccmStatus = 0;
// if we're at ae's Position, figure in a possible
// iNarc ECM pod
if (c.equals(ae.getPosition()) && ae.isINarcedWith(INarcPod.ECM)) {
// first, subtract 1 for each enemy ECCM that affects us
Enumeration<Integer> ranges = vEnemyECCMRanges.elements();
Enumeration<Double> strengths = vEnemyECCMStrengths.elements();
for (Coords enemyECCMCoords : vEnemyECCMCoords) {
int range = ranges.nextElement().intValue();
int nDist = c.distance(enemyECCMCoords);
double strength = strengths.nextElement().doubleValue();
if (nDist <= range) {
eccmStatus += strength;
// now, add one for each friendly ECCM
ranges = vFriendlyECMRanges.elements();
strengths = vFriendlyECMStrengths.elements();
for (Coords friendlyECMCoords : vFriendlyECMCoords) {
int range = ranges.nextElement().intValue();
int nDist = c.distance(friendlyECMCoords);
double strength = strengths.nextElement().doubleValue();
if (nDist <= range) {
eccmStatus -= strength;
// if any coords in the line are affected, the whole line is
if (eccmStatus > worstECCM) {
worstECCM = eccmStatus;
return worstECCM;
* This method checks to see if a line from a to b is affected by an Angel
* ECM field of the enemy of ae
* @param ae
* @param a
* @param b
* @return count that shows if you are in an friendly ECCM field positive
* number means you are in an friendly ECCM field Negative number
* means you are in a enemy ECM field 0 means you are not effect by
* enemy or friendly fields.
public static boolean isAffectedByAngelECM(Entity ae, Coords a, Coords b) {
return Compute.getAngelECMFieldSize(ae, a, b) > 0;
public static double getAngelECMFieldSize(Entity ae, Coords a, Coords b) {
if(ae.getGame().getBoard().inSpace()) {
//normal Angel ECM effects don't apply in space
return 0;
if ((a == null) || (b == null)) {
return 0;
// Only grab enemies with active angel ECM
Vector<Coords> vEnemyAngelECMCoords = new Vector<Coords>(16);
Vector<Integer> vEnemyAngelECMRanges = new Vector<Integer>(16);
Vector<Double> vEnemyAngelECMStrengths = new Vector<Double>(16);
Vector<Coords> vFriendlyECCMCoords = new Vector<Coords>(16);
Vector<Integer> vFriendlyECCMRanges = new Vector<Integer>(16);
Vector<Double> vFriendlyECCMStrengths = new Vector<Double>(16);
for (Enumeration<Entity> e = ae.game.getEntities(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
Entity ent = e.nextElement();
Coords entPos = ent.getPosition();
// add each angel ECM at its ECM strength
if (ent.isEnemyOf(ae) && ent.hasActiveAngelECM() && (entPos != null)) {
vEnemyAngelECMRanges.addElement(new Integer(ent.getECMRange()));
if (!ent.isEnemyOf(ae) && ent.hasActiveECCM() && (entPos != null)) {
vFriendlyECCMRanges.addElement(new Integer(ent.getECMRange()));
// Check the angel ECM effects of the entity's passengers.
for (Entity other : ent.getLoadedUnits()) {
if (other.isEnemyOf(ae) && other.hasActiveAngelECM() && (entPos != null)) {
vEnemyAngelECMRanges.addElement(new Integer(other.getECMRange()));
if (!other.isEnemyOf(ae) && ent.hasActiveECCM() && (entPos != null)) {
vFriendlyECCMRanges.addElement(new Integer(ent.getECMRange()));
// none? get out of here
if (vEnemyAngelECMCoords.size() == 0) {
return 0;
// get intervening Coords.
ArrayList<Coords> coords = Coords.intervening(a, b);
// loop through all intervening coords, check each if they are ECM
// affected
double worstECM = 0;
for (Coords c : coords) {
// > 0: in friendly ECCM
// 0: unaffected by enemy ECM
// <0: affected by enemy angel ECM
double ecmStatus = 0;
// first, subtract 2 for each enemy angel ECM that affects us
Enumeration<Integer> ranges = vEnemyAngelECMRanges.elements();
Enumeration<Double> strengths = vEnemyAngelECMStrengths.elements();
for (Coords enemyECMCoords : vEnemyAngelECMCoords) {
int range = ranges.nextElement().intValue();
int nDist = c.distance(enemyECMCoords);
double strength = strengths.nextElement().doubleValue();
if (nDist <= range) {
ecmStatus += strength;
// now, add one for each friendly ECCM
ranges = vFriendlyECCMRanges.elements();
strengths = vFriendlyECCMStrengths.elements();
for (Coords friendlyECCMCoords : vFriendlyECCMCoords) {
int range = ranges.nextElement().intValue();
int nDist = c.distance(friendlyECCMCoords);
double strength = strengths.nextElement().doubleValue();
if (nDist <= range) {
ecmStatus -= strength;
// if any coords in the line are affected, the whole line is
if (ecmStatus > worstECM) {
worstECM = ecmStatus;
return worstECM;
* Check for ECM bubbles in Ghost Target mode along the path from a to b and return the highest
* target roll. -1 if no Ghost Targets
public static int getGhostTargetNumber(Entity ae, Coords a, Coords b) {
if(ae.getGame().getBoard().inSpace()) {
//ghost targets don't work in space
return 0;
if ((a == null) || (b == null)) {
return 0;
// Only grab enemies with active ECM
//need to create two hashtables for ghost targeting, one with mods
//and one with booleans indicating that this ghost target was intersected
//the keys will be the entity id
Hashtable<Integer, Boolean> hEnemyGTCrossed = new Hashtable<Integer, Boolean>();
Hashtable<Integer, Integer> hEnemyGTMods = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer>();
Vector<Coords> vEnemyECMCoords = new Vector<Coords>(16);
Vector<Integer> vEnemyECMRanges = new Vector<Integer>(16);
Vector<Double> vEnemyECMStrengths = new Vector<Double>(16);
Vector<Coords> vEnemyGTCoords = new Vector<Coords>(16);
Vector<Integer> vEnemyGTRanges = new Vector<Integer>(16);
Vector<Integer> vEnemyGTId = new Vector<Integer>(16);
Vector<Coords> vFriendlyECCMCoords = new Vector<Coords>(16);
Vector<Integer> vFriendlyECCMRanges = new Vector<Integer>(16);
Vector<Double> vFriendlyECCMStrengths = new Vector<Double>(16);
for (Enumeration<Entity> e = ae.game.getEntities(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
Entity ent = e.nextElement();
Coords entPos = ent.getPosition();
if (ent.isEnemyOf(ae) && ent.hasGhostTargets(true) && (entPos != null)) {
vEnemyGTRanges.addElement(new Integer(ent.getECMRange()));
vEnemyGTId.addElement(new Integer(ent.getId()));
hEnemyGTCrossed.put(ent.getId(), false);
hEnemyGTMods.put(ent.getId(), ent.getGhostTargetRollMoS());
if (ent.isEnemyOf(ae) && ent.hasActiveECM() && (entPos != null)) {
vEnemyECMRanges.addElement(new Integer(ent.getECMRange()));
if (!ent.isEnemyOf(ae) && ent.hasActiveECCM() && (entPos != null)) {
vFriendlyECCMRanges.addElement(new Integer(ent.getECMRange()));
// Check the ECM effects of the entity's passengers.
for (Entity other : ent.getLoadedUnits()) {
if (other.isEnemyOf(ae) && other.hasGhostTargets(true) && (entPos != null)) {
vEnemyGTRanges.addElement(new Integer(other.getECMRange()));
vEnemyGTId.addElement(new Integer(ent.getId()));
hEnemyGTCrossed.put(ent.getId(), false);
hEnemyGTMods.put(ent.getId(), ent.getGhostTargetRollMoS());
if (other.isEnemyOf(ae) && other.hasActiveECM() && (entPos != null)) {
vEnemyECMRanges.addElement(new Integer(other.getECMRange()));
if (!other.isEnemyOf(ae) && ent.hasActiveECCM() && (entPos != null)) {
vFriendlyECCMRanges.addElement(new Integer(ent.getECMRange()));
// none? get out of here
if (vEnemyGTCoords.size() == 0) {
return -1;
// get intervening Coords.
ArrayList<Coords> coords = Coords.intervening(a, b);
// loop through all intervening coords, if they are not eccm'ed by the enemy then add any Ghost Targets
//to the hashlist
for (Coords c : coords) {
// < 0: in friendly ECCM
// 0: unaffected by enemy ECM
// >0: affected by enemy ECM
int ecmStatus = 0;
// first, subtract 1 for each enemy ECM that affects us
Enumeration<Integer> ranges = vEnemyECMRanges.elements();
Enumeration<Double> strengths = vEnemyECMStrengths.elements();
for (Coords enemyECMCoords : vEnemyECMCoords) {
int range = ranges.nextElement().intValue();
int nDist = c.distance(enemyECMCoords);
double strength = strengths.nextElement().doubleValue();
if (nDist <= range) {
ecmStatus += strength;
// now, add one for each friendly ECCM
ranges = vFriendlyECCMRanges.elements();
strengths = vFriendlyECCMStrengths.elements();
for (Coords friendlyECCMCoords : vFriendlyECCMCoords) {
int range = ranges.nextElement().intValue();
int nDist = c.distance(friendlyECCMCoords);
double strength = strengths.nextElement().doubleValue();
if (nDist <= range) {
ecmStatus -= strength;
if(ecmStatus >= 0) {
//find any new Ghost Targets that we have crossed
ranges = vEnemyGTRanges.elements();
Enumeration<Integer> ids = vEnemyGTId.elements();
for (Coords enemyGTCoords : vEnemyGTCoords) {
int range = ranges.nextElement().intValue();
int id = ids.nextElement().intValue();
int nDist = c.distance(enemyGTCoords);
if ((nDist <= range) && !hEnemyGTCrossed.get(id)) {
hEnemyGTCrossed.put(id, true);
//ok so now we have a hashtable that tells us which Ghost Targets have been crossed
//lets loop through that and identify the highest bonus and count the total number crossed
int totalGT = 0;
int highestMod = -1;
Enumeration<Integer> ids = hEnemyGTCrossed.keys();
while(ids.hasMoreElements()) {
int id = ids.nextElement();
if(hEnemyGTCrossed.get(id)) {
if(hEnemyGTMods.get(id) > highestMod) {
highestMod = hEnemyGTMods.get(id);
} else {
return highestMod + totalGT;
* Check for the total number of fighter/small craft ECM bubbles in space along the path from a to b
public static int getSmallCraftECM(Entity ae, Coords a, Coords b) {
if(!ae.getGame().getBoard().inSpace()) {
//only matters in space
return 0;
//Only grab enemies with active ECM
Vector<Coords> vEnemyECMCoords = new Vector<Coords>(16);
Vector<Integer> vEnemyECMRanges = new Vector<Integer>(16);
Vector<Coords> vFriendlyECCMCoords = new Vector<Coords>(16);
Vector<Integer> vFriendlyECCMRanges = new Vector<Integer>(16);
Vector<Coords> vFriendlyBAPCoords = new Vector<Coords>(16);
Vector<Integer> vFriendlyBAPRanges = new Vector<Integer>(16);
Vector<Integer> vFriendlyBAPFacings = new Vector<Integer>(16);
for (Enumeration<Entity> e = ae.game.getEntities(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
Entity ent = e.nextElement();
Coords entPos = ent.getPosition();
if((entPos == null) && (ent.getTransportId() != Entity.NONE)) {
Entity carrier = ae.game.getEntity(ent.getTransportId());
if((null != carrier) && carrier.loadedUnitsHaveActiveECM()) {
entPos = carrier.getPosition();
if (ent.isEnemyOf(ae) && ent.hasActiveECM() && (entPos != null) && !ent.isLargeCraft()) {
vEnemyECMRanges.addElement(new Integer(ent.getECMRange()));
if (!ent.isEnemyOf(ae) && ent.hasActiveECCM() && (entPos != null) && !ent.isLargeCraft()) {
vFriendlyECCMRanges.addElement(new Integer(ent.getECMRange()));
if(!ent.isEnemyOf(ae) && ent.hasBAP(false) && (entPos != null)) {
vFriendlyBAPRanges.addElement(new Integer(ent.getBAPRange()));
vFriendlyBAPFacings.addElement(new Integer(ent.getFacing()));
//TODO: do docked dropships give ECM benefit?
// none? get out of here
if (vEnemyECMCoords.size() == 0) {
return 0;
// get intervening Coords.
ArrayList<Coords> coords = Coords.intervening(a, b);
// loop through all intervening coords, check each if they are ECM
// affected
int totalECM = 0;
//check for split hexes
boolean bDivided = (a.degree(b) % 60 == 30);
int x = 0;
int prevEcmStatus = 0;
boolean prevEccmPresent = false;
for (Coords c : coords) {
int ecmStatus = 0;
boolean eccmPresent = false;
// first, subtract 1 for each enemy ECM that affects us
Enumeration<Integer> ranges = vEnemyECMRanges.elements();
for (Coords enemyECMCoords : vEnemyECMCoords) {
int range = ranges.nextElement().intValue();
int nDist = c.distance(enemyECMCoords);
if (nDist <= range) {
//now check for friendly eccm
ranges = vFriendlyECCMRanges.elements();
for (Coords friendlyECCMCoords : vFriendlyECCMCoords) {
int range = ranges.nextElement().intValue();
int nDist = c.distance(friendlyECCMCoords);
if (nDist <= range) {
eccmPresent = true;
//if eccm still not present, check for BAP
if(!eccmPresent) {
ranges = vFriendlyBAPRanges.elements();
Enumeration<Integer> facings = vFriendlyBAPFacings.elements();
for (Coords friendlyBAPCoords : vFriendlyBAPCoords) {
int range = ranges.nextElement().intValue();
int nDist = c.distance(friendlyBAPCoords);
int facing = facings.nextElement().intValue();
if (nDist <= range) {
//still might need to check for right arc if using medium range
if((range < 7) || Compute.isInArc(friendlyBAPCoords, facing, c, ARC_NOSE)) {
eccmPresent = true;
// if any coords in the line are affected, the whole line is
if(!bDivided || (x % 3 == 0)) {
if ((ecmStatus > 0) && !eccmPresent) {
} else if ((x % 3 == 2)) {
//if we are looking at the second split hex then both this one and the prior need to have ECM
//becaue the advantage should go to the defender
if ((ecmStatus > 0) && !eccmPresent && (prevEcmStatus > 0) && !prevEccmPresent) {
prevEccmPresent = eccmPresent;
prevEcmStatus = ecmStatus;
return totalECM;
* Check for the total number of fighter/small craft ECM bubbles in space along the path from a to b
public static int getLargeCraftECM(Entity ae, Coords a, Coords b) {
if(!ae.getGame().getBoard().inSpace()) {
//only matters in space
return 0;
//Only grab enemies with active ECM
Vector<Coords> vEnemyECMCoords = new Vector<Coords>(16);
Vector<Integer> vEnemyECMRanges = new Vector<Integer>(16);
Vector<Coords> vFriendlyECCMCoords = new Vector<Coords>(16);
Vector<Integer> vFriendlyECCMRanges = new Vector<Integer>(16);
Vector<Coords> vFriendlyBAPCoords = new Vector<Coords>(16);
Vector<Integer> vFriendlyBAPRanges = new Vector<Integer>(16);
Vector<Integer> vFriendlyBAPFacings = new Vector<Integer>(16);
for (Enumeration<Entity> e = ae.game.getEntities(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
Entity ent = e.nextElement();
Coords entPos = ent.getPosition();
if((entPos == null) && (ent.getTransportId() != Entity.NONE)) {
Entity carrier = ae.game.getEntity(ent.getTransportId());
if((null != carrier) && carrier.loadedUnitsHaveActiveECM()) {
entPos = carrier.getPosition();
if (ent.isEnemyOf(ae) && ent.hasActiveECM() && (entPos != null) && ent.isLargeCraft()) {
vEnemyECMRanges.addElement(new Integer(ent.getECMRange()));
if (!ent.isEnemyOf(ae) && ent.hasActiveECCM() && (entPos != null) && !ent.isLargeCraft()) {
vFriendlyECCMRanges.addElement(new Integer(ent.getECMRange()));
if(!ent.isEnemyOf(ae) && ent.hasBAP(false) && (entPos != null)) {
vFriendlyBAPRanges.addElement(new Integer(ent.getBAPRange()));
vFriendlyBAPFacings.addElement(new Integer(ent.getFacing()));
//TODO: do docked dropships give ECM benefit?
// none? get out of here
if (vEnemyECMCoords.size() == 0) {
return 0;
// get intervening Coords.
ArrayList<Coords> coords = Coords.intervening(a, b);
// loop through all intervening coords, check each if they are ECM
// affected
int totalECM = 0;
boolean bDivided = (a.degree(b) % 60 == 30);
int x = 0;
int prevEcmStatus = 0;
for (Coords c : coords) {
// > 0: in friendly ECCM
// 0: unaffected by enemy ECM
// <0: affected by enemy ECM
int ecmStatus = 0;
// first, subtract 1 for each enemy ECM that affects us
Enumeration<Integer> ranges = vEnemyECMRanges.elements();
for (Coords enemyECMCoords : vEnemyECMCoords) {
int range = ranges.nextElement().intValue();
int nDist = c.distance(enemyECMCoords);
if (nDist <= range) {
//now check for friendly small craft eccm
ranges = vFriendlyECCMRanges.elements();
for (Coords friendlyECCMCoords : vFriendlyECCMCoords) {
int range = ranges.nextElement().intValue();
int nDist = c.distance(friendlyECCMCoords);
if (nDist <= range) {
//now check BAP
ranges = vFriendlyBAPRanges.elements();
Enumeration<Integer> facings = vFriendlyBAPFacings.elements();
for (Coords friendlyBAPCoords : vFriendlyBAPCoords) {
int range = ranges.nextElement().intValue();
int nDist = c.distance(friendlyBAPCoords);
int facing = facings.nextElement().intValue();
if (nDist <= range) {
//still might need to check for right arc if using medium range
if((range < 7) || Compute.isInArc(friendlyBAPCoords, facing, c, ARC_NOSE)) {
ecmStatus = ecmStatus - 2;
// if any coords in the line are affected, the whole line is
if(!bDivided || (x % 3 == 0)) {
if (ecmStatus > 0) {
} else if(x % 3 == 2) {
//if we are looking at the second split hex then both this one and the prior need to have ECM
//becaue the advantage should go to the defender
if ((ecmStatus > 0) && (prevEcmStatus > 0)) {
prevEcmStatus = ecmStatus;
return totalECM;
* Get the base to-hit number of a space bomb attack by the given attacker upon the
* given defender
* @param attacker -
* the <code>Entity</code> conducting the leg attack.
* @param defender -
* the <code>Entity</code> being attacked.
* @return The base <code>ToHitData</code> of the attack.
public static ToHitData getSpaceBombBaseToHit(Entity attacker,
Entity defender, IGame game) {
int base = TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE;
StringBuffer reason = new StringBuffer();
if(!(attacker instanceof Aero)) {
return new ToHitData(base, "attacker is not an Aero");
Aero a = (Aero)attacker;
//the fighters nose must be aligned with its direction of travel
boolean rightFacing = false;
//using normal movement, I think this means that the last move can't be a turn
if(!game.useVectorMove()) {
rightFacing = true;
//for advanced movement, it must be aligned with largest vector
if(game.useVectorMove()) {
for(int h:attacker.getHeading()) {
if(h == attacker.facing) {
rightFacing = true;
boolean canTarget = false;
Coords attackCoords = null;
for(Coords c:attacker.getPassedThrough()) {
for (Enumeration<Entity> e = game.getEntities(c); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
Entity target = e.nextElement();
if(target.getId() == defender.getId()) {
canTarget = true;
if(canTarget) {
} else {
attackCoords = c;
if(null == attackCoords) {
attackCoords = attacker.getPosition();
//must be in control
if(a.isOutControlTotal()) {
reason.append("the attacker is out of control");
else if(a.getSpaceBombs().size() < 1) {
reason.append("the attacker has no useable bombs");
} else if(!rightFacing) {
reason.append("the attacker is not facing the direction of travel");
//attacker and defender must both be in space hex
else if(!game.getBoard().getHex(attacker.getPosition()).containsTerrain(Terrains.SPACE)) {
reason.append("attacker not in space hex");
} else if(!game.getBoard().getHex(defender.getPosition()).containsTerrain(Terrains.SPACE)) {
reason.append("defender not in space hex");
} else if(!canTarget) {
reason.append("defender is not in hex passed through by attacker this turn");
//the defender must weight 10000+ tons
else if(defender.weight < 10000) {
reason.append("the defender weighs less than 10,000 tons");
//ok if we are still alive then lets calculate the tohit
else {
base = attacker.getCrew().getGunnery();
ToHitData toHit = new ToHitData(base, reason.toString(), ToHitData.HIT_NORMAL,
toHit.addModifier(+4,"space bomb attack");
if(attacker.mpUsed > 0) {
toHit.addModifier(attacker.mpUsed, "attacker thrust");
if(defender.mpUsed > 0) {
toHit.addModifier(defender.mpUsed, "defender thrust");
if((defender instanceof SpaceStation) || (defender.getWalkMP() == 0)) {
toHit.addModifier(-4, "immobile");
if(defender.weight < 100000) {
int penalty = (int)Math.ceil((100000 - defender.weight)/10000);
toHit.addModifier(penalty, "defender weight");
return toHit;
* Get the base to-hit number of a Leg Attack by the given attacker upon the
* given defender
* @param attacker -
* the <code>Entity</code> conducting the leg attack.
* @param defender -
* the <code>Entity</code> being attacked.
* @return The base <code>ToHitData</code> of the attack.
public static ToHitData getLegAttackBaseToHit(Entity attacker, Entity defender) {
int men = 0;
int base = TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE;
StringBuffer reason = new StringBuffer();
// Can only attack a Mek's legs.
if (!(defender instanceof Mech)) {
reason.append("Defender is not a Mek.");
// Can't attack if flying
else if (attacker.getElevation()>defender.getElevation()) {
reason.append("Cannot do leg attack while flying.");
// Can't target a transported entity.
else if (Entity.NONE != defender.getTransportId()) {
reason.append("Target is a passenger.");
// Can't target a entity conducting a swarm attack.
else if (Entity.NONE != defender.getSwarmTargetId()) {
reason.append("Target is swarming a Mek.");
// Attacker can't be swarming.
else if (Entity.NONE != attacker.getSwarmTargetId()) {
reason.append("Attacker is swarming.");
// Handle BattleArmor attackers.
else if (attacker instanceof BattleArmor) {
BattleArmor inf = (BattleArmor) attacker;
// Battle Armor units can't Leg Attack if they're burdened.
if (inf.isBurdened()) {
reason.append("Launcher not jettisoned.");
} else {
men = inf.getShootingStrength();
if (men >= 4) {
base = inf.getCrew().getPiloting();
} else if (men >= 3) {
base = inf.getCrew().getPiloting() + 2;
} else if (men >= 2) {
base = inf.getCrew().getPiloting() + 5;
} else if (men >= 1) {
base = inf.getCrew().getPiloting() + 7;
reason.append(" trooper(s) active");
} else if (attacker instanceof Infantry) {
// Non-BattleArmor infantry need many more men.
Infantry inf = (Infantry) attacker;
men = inf.getShootingStrength();
if (men >= 22) {
base = inf.getCrew().getPiloting();
} else if (men >= 16) {
base = inf.getCrew().getPiloting() + 2;
} else if (men >= 10) {
base = inf.getCrew().getPiloting() + 5;
} else if (men >= 5) {
base = inf.getCrew().getPiloting() + 7;
reason.append(" men alive");
} else {
// No one else can conduct leg attacks.
reason.append("Attacker is not infantry.");
ToHitData toReturn = new ToHitData(base, reason.toString(), ToHitData.HIT_KICK, ToHitData.SIDE_FRONT);
if ((defender instanceof Mech) && ((Mech)defender).isIndustrial()) {
toReturn.addModifier(-1, "targeting industrial mech");
// Return the ToHitData for this attack.
// N.B. we attack the legs.
return toReturn;
* Get the base to-hit number of a Swarm Mek by the given attacker upon the
* given defender.
* @param attacker -
* the <code>Entity</code> swarming.
* @param defender -
* the <code>Entity</code> being swarmed.
* @return The base <code>ToHitData</code> of the mek.
public static ToHitData getSwarmMekBaseToHit(Entity attacker, Entity defender) {
int men = 0;
int base = TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE;
StringBuffer reason = new StringBuffer();
// Can only swarm a Mek.
if (!(defender instanceof Mech) && !(defender instanceof Tank)) {
reason.append("Defender is not a Mek or vehicle.");
// Can't target a transported entity.
else if (Entity.NONE != defender.getTransportId()) {
reason.append("Target is a passenger.");
// Attacker can't be swarming.
else if (Entity.NONE != attacker.getSwarmTargetId()) {
reason.append("Attacker is swarming.");
// Can't target a entity invloved in a swarm attack.
else if (Entity.NONE != defender.getSwarmAttackerId()) {
reason.append("Target is already being swarmed.");
// Can't target a entity conducting a swarm attack.
else if (Entity.NONE != defender.getSwarmTargetId()) {
reason.append("Target is swarming a Mek.");
// Can't swarm a friendly Mek.
// See http://www.classicbattletech.com/w3t/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=ask&Number=632321&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=0&fpart=
else if (!attacker.isEnemyOf(defender) && !attacker.getGame().getOptions().booleanOption("friendly_fire")) {
reason.append("Can only swarm an enemy.");
// Handle BattleArmor attackers.
else if (attacker instanceof BattleArmor) {
BattleArmor inf = (BattleArmor) attacker;
// Battle Armor units can't Leg Attack if they're burdened.
if (inf.isBurdened()) {
reason.append("Launcher not jettisoned.");
} else {
men = inf.getShootingStrength();
if (men >= 4) {
base = inf.getCrew().getPiloting() + 2;
} else if (men >= 1) {
base = inf.getCrew().getPiloting() + 5;
reason.append(" trooper(s) active");
// Non-BattleArmor infantry need many more men.
else if (attacker instanceof Infantry) {
Infantry inf = (Infantry) attacker;
men = inf.getShootingStrength();
if (men >= 22) {
base = inf.getCrew().getPiloting() + 2;
} else if (men >= 16) {
base = inf.getCrew().getPiloting() + 5;
reason.append(" men alive");
// No one else can conduct leg attacks.
else {
reason.append("Attacker is not infantry.");
ToHitData toReturn = new ToHitData(base, reason.toString());
if ((defender instanceof Mech) && ((Mech)defender).isIndustrial()) {
toReturn.addModifier(-1, "targeting industrial mech");
// Return the ToHitData for this attack.
return toReturn;
public static boolean canPhysicalTarget(IGame game, int entityId, Targetable target) {
if (PunchAttackAction.toHit(game, entityId, target, PunchAttackAction.LEFT).getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
return true;
if (PunchAttackAction.toHit(game, entityId, target, PunchAttackAction.RIGHT).getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
return true;
if (KickAttackAction.toHit(game, entityId, target, KickAttackAction.LEFT).getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
return true;
if (KickAttackAction.toHit(game, entityId, target, KickAttackAction.RIGHT).getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
return true;
if ((game.getEntity(entityId) instanceof QuadMech) && ((KickAttackAction.toHit(game, entityId, target, KickAttackAction.LEFTMULE).getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) || (KickAttackAction.toHit(game, entityId, target, KickAttackAction.RIGHTMULE).getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE))) {
return true;
if (BrushOffAttackAction.toHit(game, entityId, target, BrushOffAttackAction.LEFT).getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
return true;
if (BrushOffAttackAction.toHit(game, entityId, target, BrushOffAttackAction.RIGHT).getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
return true;
if (new ThrashAttackAction(entityId, target).toHit(game).getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
return true;
if (ProtomechPhysicalAttackAction.toHit(game, entityId, target).getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
return true;
if (PushAttackAction.toHit(game, entityId, target).getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
return true;
if (LayExplosivesAttackAction.toHit(game, entityId, target).getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
return true;
if (TripAttackAction.toHit(game, entityId, target).getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
return true;
if (GrappleAttackAction.toHit(game, entityId, target).getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
return true;
if (BreakGrappleAttackAction.toHit(game, entityId, target).getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
return true;
for (Mounted club : game.getEntity(entityId).getClubs()) {
if (null != club) {
if (ClubAttackAction.toHit(game, entityId, target, club, ToHitData.HIT_NORMAL).getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
return true;
if (JumpJetAttackAction.toHit(game, entityId, target, JumpJetAttackAction.BOTH).getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
return true;
if (JumpJetAttackAction.toHit(game, entityId, target, JumpJetAttackAction.LEFT).getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
return true;
if (JumpJetAttackAction.toHit(game, entityId, target, JumpJetAttackAction.RIGHT).getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
return true;
if (BAVibroClawAttackAction.toHit(game, entityId, target).getValue() != TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE) {
return true;
return false;
* Can movement between the two coordinates be on pavement (which includes
* roads and bridges)? If so it will override prohibited terrain, it may
* change movement costs, and it may lead to skids.
* @param game -
* the <code>IGame</code> object.
* @param src -
* the <code>Coords</code> being left.
* @param dest -
* the <code>Coords</code> being entered.
* @param entity -
* the <code>Entity</code> that is moving
* @return <code>true</code> if movement between <code>src</code> and
* <code>dest</code> can be on pavement; <code>false</code>
* otherwise.
public static boolean canMoveOnPavement(IGame game, Coords src, Coords dest, MovePath movePath) {
final IHex srcHex = game.getBoard().getHex(src);
final IHex destHex = game.getBoard().getHex(dest);
final int src2destDir = src.direction(dest);
final int dest2srcDir = (src2destDir + 3) % 6;
boolean result = false;
// We may be moving in the same hex.
if (src.equals(dest) && (srcHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.PAVEMENT) || srcHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.ROAD) || srcHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.BRIDGE))) {
result = true;
// If the source is a pavement hex, then see if the destination
// hex is also a pavement hex or has a road or bridge that exits
// into the source hex and the entity is climbing onto the bridge.
else if (srcHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.PAVEMENT)
&& (destHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.PAVEMENT)
|| destHex.containsTerrainExit(Terrains.ROAD,dest2srcDir)
|| (destHex.containsTerrainExit(Terrains.BRIDGE, dest2srcDir)
&& movePath.getFinalClimbMode()))) {
result = true;
// See if the source hex has a road or bridge (and the entity is on the
// bridge) that exits into the destination hex, and the dest hex has
// pavement or a corresponding exit to the src hex
else if ((srcHex.containsTerrainExit(Terrains.ROAD, src2destDir)
|| (srcHex.containsTerrainExit(Terrains.BRIDGE, src2destDir)
&& (movePath.getLastStep().getElevation() == srcHex.terrainLevel(Terrains.BRIDGE_ELEV))))
&& (destHex.containsTerrainExit(Terrains.ROAD, dest2srcDir)
|| (destHex.containsTerrainExit(Terrains.BRIDGE, dest2srcDir)
&& movePath.getFinalClimbMode())
|| destHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.PAVEMENT))) {
result = true;
return result;
* Determines whether the attacker and the target are in the same building.
* @return true if the target can and does occupy the same building, false
* otherwise.
public static boolean isInSameBuilding(IGame game, Entity attacker, Targetable target) {
if (!(target instanceof Entity)) {
return false;
Entity targetEntity = (Entity) target;
if (!Compute.isInBuilding(game, attacker) || !Compute.isInBuilding(game, targetEntity)) {
return false;
Building attkBldg = game.getBoard().getBuildingAt(attacker.getPosition());
Building targBldg = game.getBoard().getBuildingAt(target.getPosition());
return attkBldg.equals(targBldg);
* Determine if the given unit is inside of a building at the given
* coordinates.
* @param game -
* the <code>IGame</code> object. This value may be
* <code>null</code>.
* @param entity -
* the <code>Entity</code> to be checked. This value may be
* <code>null</code>.
* @return <code>true</code> if the entity is inside of the building at
* those coordinates. <code>false</code> if there is no building
* at those coordinates or if the entity is on the roof or in the
* air above the building, or if any input argument is
* <code>null</code>.
public static boolean isInBuilding(IGame game, Entity entity) {
// No game, no building.
if (game == null) {
return false;
// Null entities can't be in a building.
if (entity == null) {
return false;
// Call the version of the function that requires coordinates.
return Compute.isInBuilding(game, entity, entity.getPosition());
* Determine if the given unit is inside of a building at the given
* coordinates.
* @param game -
* the <code>IGame</code> object. This value may be
* <code>null</code>.
* @param entity -
* the <code>Entity</code> to be checked. This value may be
* <code>null</code>.
* @param coords -
* the <code>Coords</code> of the building hex. This value may
* be <code>null</code>.
* @return <code>true</code> if the entity is inside of the building at
* those coordinates. <code>false</code> if there is no building
* at those coordinates or if the entity is on the roof or in the
* air above the building, or if any input argument is
* <code>null</code>.
public static boolean isInBuilding(IGame game, Entity entity, Coords coords) {
// No game, no building.
if (game == null) {
return false;
// Null entities can't be in a building.
if (entity == null) {
return false;
// Null coordinates can't have buildings.
if (coords == null) {
return false;
// Get the Hex at those coordinates.
return Compute.isInBuilding(game, entity.getElevation(), coords);
static boolean isInBuilding(IGame game, int entityElev, Coords coords) {
// Get the Hex at those coordinates.
final IHex curHex = game.getBoard().getHex(coords);
if (curHex == null) {
// probably off board artillery or reinforcement
return false;
// The entity can't be inside of a building that isn't there.
if (!curHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.BLDG_ELEV)) {
return false;
// Get the elevations occupied by the building.
int bldgHeight = curHex.terrainLevel(Terrains.BLDG_ELEV);
int basement = 0;
if (curHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.BLDG_BASEMENT)) {
basement = curHex.terrainLevel(Terrains.BLDG_BASEMENT);
// Return true if the entity is in the range of building elevations.
if ((entityElev >= (-basement)) && (entityElev < (bldgHeight))) {
return true;
// Entity is not *inside* of the building.
return false;
* scatter from hex according to dive bombing rules
* (1d6 of scatter distance)
* @param coords The <code>Coords</code> to scatter from
* @return the <code>Coords</code> scattered to
public static Coords scatterDiveBombs(Coords coords) {
return Compute.scatter(coords, Compute.d6());
* scatter from hex according to direct fire artillery rules
* (1d6 of scatter distance)
* @param coords The <code>Coords</code> to scatter from
* @return the <code>Coords</code> scattered to
public static Coords scatterDirectArty(Coords coords) {
return Compute.scatter(coords, Compute.d6());
* scatter from a hex according, roll d6 to choose scatter direction
* @param coords The <code>Coords</code> to scatter from
* @param margin the <code>int</code> margin of failure,
* scatter distance will be the margin of failure
* @return the <code>Coords</code> scattered to
public static Coords scatter(Coords coords, int margin) {
int scatterDirection = Compute.d6(1) - 1;
return coords.translated(scatterDirection, margin);
* scatter from hex according to atmospheric drop rules
* d6 for direction, 1d6 per point of MOF
* @param coords The <code>Coords</code> to scatter from
* @param margin the <code>int</code> margin of failure
* @return the <code>Coords</code> scattered to
public static Coords scatterAssaultDrop(Coords coords, int margin) {
int scatterDirection = Compute.d6(1) - 1;
int distance = Compute.d6(margin);
return coords.translated(scatterDirection, distance);
* Gets a ring of hexes at a specified distance from the centre
* @param centre
* The centre point of the ring
* @param range
* The radius of the ring
public static ArrayList<Coords> coordsAtRange(Coords centre, int range) {
ArrayList<Coords> result = new ArrayList<Coords>(range * 6);
if (range < 1) {
return result;
for (int dir = 0; dir < 6; dir++) {
Coords corner = centre.translated(dir, range);
for (int count = 0; count < range; count++) {
corner = corner.translated((dir + 2) % 6);
return result;
* Gets a new target for a flight of swarm missiles that was just shot at an
* entity and has missiles left
* @param game
* @param aeId
* The attacking <code>Entity</code>
* @param te
* The <code>Entity</code> that was shot at.
* @param weaponId
* The <code>int</code> ID of the launcher used to fire this
* volley
* @return the new target <code>Entity</code>. May return null if no new
* target available
public static Entity getSwarmMissileTarget(IGame game, int aeId, Entity te, int weaponId) {
Coords coords = te.getPosition();
Entity tempEntity = null;
// first, check the hex of the original target
Enumeration<Entity> entities = game.getEntities(coords);
Vector<Entity> possibleTargets = new Vector<Entity>();
while (entities.hasMoreElements()) {
tempEntity = entities.nextElement();
if (!tempEntity.getTargetedBySwarm(aeId, weaponId)) {
// we found a target
// if there is at least one target, get a random one of them
if (!possibleTargets.isEmpty()) {
return possibleTargets.get(Compute.randomInt(possibleTargets.size()));
// loop through adjacent hexes
for (int dir = 0; dir <= 5; dir++) {
Coords tempcoords = coords.translated(dir);
if (!game.getBoard().contains(tempcoords)) {
if (coords.equals(tempcoords)) {
entities = game.getEntities(tempcoords);
if (entities.hasMoreElements()) {
tempEntity = entities.nextElement();
if (!tempEntity.getTargetedBySwarm(aeId, weaponId)) {
// we found a target
// if there is at least one target, get a random one of them
if (!possibleTargets.isEmpty()) {
return possibleTargets.get(Compute.randomInt(possibleTargets.size()));
return null;
public static int[] getRandomSkills(int method, int type, int level, boolean isVee) {
int[] skills = { 4, 5 };
// constant is the easy one
if (method == METHOD_CONSTANT) {
if (level == LEVEL_GREEN) {
skills[0] = 5;
skills[1] = 6;
if (level == LEVEL_VETERAN) {
skills[0] = 3;
skills[1] = 4;
if (level == LEVEL_ELITE) {
skills[0] = 2;
skills[1] = 3;
if ((type == TYPE_CLAN) || (type == TYPE_MD)) {
return skills;
// if using Taharqa's method, then the base skill level for each entity
// is determined
// separately
if (method == METHOD_TAHARQA) {
int lbonus = 0;
if (level == LEVEL_GREEN) {
lbonus -= 2;
if (level == LEVEL_VETERAN) {
lbonus += 2;
if (level == LEVEL_ELITE) {
lbonus += 4;
int lvlroll = Compute.d6(2) + lbonus;
// restate level based on roll
if (lvlroll < 6) {
level = LEVEL_GREEN;
} else if (lvlroll < 10) {
} else if (lvlroll < 12) {
} else {
level = LEVEL_ELITE;
// first get the bonus
int bonus = 0;
if (type == TYPE_CLAN) {
if (isVee) {
} else {
if (type == TYPE_MD) {
int gunroll = Compute.d6(1) + bonus;
int pilotroll = Compute.d6(1) + bonus;
int glevel = 0;
int plevel = 0;
switch (level) {
glevel = (int) Math.ceil(gunroll / 2.0) + 2;
plevel = (int) Math.ceil(pilotroll / 2.0) + 2;
glevel = (int) Math.ceil(gunroll / 2.0) + 3;
plevel = (int) Math.ceil(pilotroll / 2.0) + 3;
glevel = (int) Math.ceil(gunroll / 2.0) + 4;
plevel = (int) Math.ceil(pilotroll / 2.0) + 4;
glevel = (int) Math.ceil((gunroll + 0.5) / 2.0);
plevel = (int) Math.ceil((pilotroll + 0.5) / 2.0);
if (gunroll <= 0) {
glevel = 0;
if (pilotroll <= 0) {
plevel = 0;
skills[0] = skillLevels[0][glevel];
skills[1] = skillLevels[1][plevel];
return skills;
public static FighterSquadron compileSquadron(Vector<Entity> squadron) {
//cycle through the entity vector and create a fighter squadron
FighterSquadron fs = new FighterSquadron();
String chassis = squadron.elementAt(0).getChassis();
int si = 99;
boolean alike = true;
int armor = 0;
int heat = 0;
int safeThrust = 99;
int n = 0;
float weight = 0.0f;
int fuel = 0;
int bv = 0;
double cost = 0.0;
int nTC = 0;
for(Entity e : squadron) {
if(!chassis.equals(e.getChassis())) {
alike = false;
fs.fighters.add(e.getChassis() + " " + e.getModel());
armor += e.getTotalArmor();
heat += e.getHeatCapacity();
weight += e.getWeight();
bv += e.calculateBattleValue();
cost += e.getCost();
//safe thrust
if(e.getWalkMP() < safeThrust)
safeThrust = e.getWalkMP();
Aero a = (Aero)e;
if(a.getSI() < si) {
si = a.getSI();
//fuel - give the minimum fuel
if(a.getFuel() < fuel || fuel == 0) {
fuel = a.getFuel();
Mounted newmount;
for(Mounted m : e.getEquipment() ) {
if(m.getType() instanceof WeaponType) {
//first load the weapon onto the squadron
WeaponType wtype = (WeaponType)m.getType();
newmount = fs.addEquipment(wtype, m.getLocation());
} catch (LocationFullException ex) {
System.out.println("Unable to compile weapons"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
return fs;
//skip to the next if it has no AT class
if(wtype.getAtClass() == WeaponType.CLASS_NONE) {
//now find the right bay
Mounted bay = fs.getFirstBay(wtype, newmount.getLocation(), newmount.isRearMounted());
//if this is null, then I should create a new bay
if(bay == null) {
EquipmentType newBay = WeaponType.getBayType(wtype.getAtClass());
bay = fs.addEquipment(newBay, newmount.getLocation());
} catch (LocationFullException ex) {
System.out.println("Unable to compile weapons"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
return fs;
//now add the weapon to the bay
} else {
//just add the equipment normally
//check if this is a TC
if (m.getType() instanceof MiscType && m.getType().hasFlag(MiscType.F_TARGCOMP)) {
fs.addEquipment(m.getType(), m.getLocation());
} catch (LocationFullException ex) {
System.out.println("Unable to add equipment"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
return fs;
armor = (int)Math.round(armor / 10.0);
if(nTC >= n) {
//if all the same chassis, name by chassis
//otherwise name by weight
if(alike) {
fs.setChassis(chassis + " Squadron");
} else {
int aveWeight = Math.round(weight/n);
if(aveWeight <= 45) {
fs.setChassis("Mixed Light Squadron");
} else if(aveWeight <= 70) {
fs.setChassis("Mixed Medium Squadron");
} else {
fs.setChassis("Mixed Heavy Squadron");
return fs;
public static Coords getFinalPosition(Coords curpos, int[] v) {
if((v == null) || (v.length != 6)) {
return curpos;
//step through each vector and move the direction indicated
int thrust = 0;
Coords endpos = curpos;
for(int dir = 0; dir < 6; dir++) {
thrust = v[dir];
while(thrust > 0) {
endpos = endpos.translated(dir);
return endpos;
* method to change a set of active vectors for a one-point thrust
* expenditure in the giving facing
* @param v
* @param facing
* @return
public static int[] changeVectors(int[] v, int facing) {
if((v == null) || (v.length != 6)) {
return v;
//first look at opposing vectors
int oppv = facing + 3;
if(oppv > 5) {
oppv -= 6;
//is this vector active
if(v[oppv] > 0) {
//then decrement it by one and return
return v;
//now check oblique vectors
int oblv1 = facing + 2;
if(oblv1 > 5) {
oblv1 -= 6;
int oblv2 = facing - 2;
if(oblv2 < 0) {
oblv2 += 6;
//check both of these and if either is active
//deal with it and then return
if((v[oblv1] > 0) || (v[oblv2] > 0)) {
int newface = facing + 1;
if(newface > 5) {
newface = 0;
if(v[oblv1] > 0) {
newface = facing - 1;
if(newface < 0) {
newface = 0;
if(v[oblv2] > 0) {
return v;
//if nothing was found, then just increase velocity in this vector
return v;
* compare two vectors and determine if they are the same
* @param v1
* @param v2
* @return
public static boolean sameVectors(int[] v1, int[] v2) {
for(int i = 0; i<6; i++) {
if(v1[i] != v2[i]) {
return false;
return true;
* Get the net velocity of two aeros for ramming attacks
public static int getNetVelocity(Coords src, Aero te, int avel, int tvel) {
int angle = te.sideTableRam(src);
switch(angle) {
return Math.max(avel+tvel,1);
return Math.max(avel+(tvel/2),1);
case Aero.RAM_AWAY_OBL:
return Math.max(avel-(tvel/2),1);
case Aero.RAM_AWAY_DIR:
return Math.max(avel-tvel,1);
return 0;
* Method replicates the Non-Conventional Damage against Infantry damage table
* as well as shifting for direct blows.
* also adjust for non-infantry damaging mechanized infantry
* @param damage
* @param mos
* @param damageType
* @return
public static int directBlowInfantryDamage(double damage, int mos, int damageType, boolean isNonInfantryAgainstMechanized){
damageType += mos;
damage /= 10;
damage /= 10;
case Compute.WEAPON_PULSE:
damage /= 10;
damage += 2;
damage /= 5;
damage /=5;
damage += Compute.d6();
damage /=5;
damage += Compute.d6(2);
damage /=5;
damage += Compute.d6(3);
damage = Math.ceil(damage);
if (isNonInfantryAgainstMechanized) {
damage *= 2;
return (int)damage;
* Method computes how much damage a dial down weapon has done
* @param weapon
* @param wtype
* @returnnew damage
public static int dialDownDamage(Mounted weapon, WeaponType wtype){
return Compute.dialDownDamage(weapon, wtype, 1);
* Method computes how much damage a dial down weapon has done
* @param weapon
* @param wtype
* @param range
* @return new damage
public static int dialDownDamage(Mounted weapon, WeaponType wtype, int range){
int toReturn = wtype.getDamage(range);
if ( !wtype.hasModes() ) {
return toReturn;
String damage = weapon.curMode().getName();
//Vehicle flamers have damage and heat modes so lets make sure this is an actual dial down Damage.
if ( (damage.trim().toLowerCase().indexOf("damage") == 0) && (damage.trim().length() > 6)){
toReturn = Integer.parseInt(damage.substring(6).trim());
return Math.min(wtype.getDamage(range), toReturn);
* Method computes how much heat a dial down weapon generates
* @param weapon
* @param wtype
* @return Heat, minimum of 1;
public static int dialDownHeat(Mounted weapon, WeaponType wtype){
return Compute.dialDownHeat(weapon, wtype,1);
* Method computes how much heat a dial down weapon generates
* @param weapon
* @param wtype
* @param range
* @return Heat, minimum of 1;
public static int dialDownHeat(Mounted weapon, WeaponType wtype, int range){
int toReturn = wtype.getHeat();
if ( !wtype.hasModes() ) {
return toReturn;
int damage = wtype.getDamage(range);
int newDamage = Compute.dialDownDamage(weapon, wtype, range);
toReturn = Math.max(1, wtype.getHeat()-Math.max(0,damage-newDamage));
return toReturn;
* @param ae - attacking entity
* @param te - targeted entity
* @return a vector of all the entities that are adjacent to the targeted entity and would fall along the angle
* of attack
public static ArrayList<Entity> getAdjacentEntitiesAlongAttack(Coords aPos, Coords tPos, IGame game) {
ArrayList<Entity> entities = new ArrayList<Entity>();
ArrayList<Coords> coords = Coords.intervening(aPos, tPos);
// loop through all intervening coords
for (Coords c : coords) {
//must be adjacent to the target
if((c.distance(tPos) > 1) || c.equals(tPos)) {
//now lets add all the entities here
for (Enumeration<Entity> i = game.getEntities(c); i.hasMoreElements();) {
Entity en = i.nextElement();
return entities;
} // End public class Compute