Package artofillusion.ui

Source Code of artofillusion.ui.ThemeManager

/* Copyright (C) 2007 by Fran�ois Guillet
   Some parts copyright 2007 by Peter Eastman

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details. */

package artofillusion.ui;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;

import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import artofillusion.*;
import artofillusion.math.RGBColor;

* This class holds GUI customization information. Customization consists of
* various colors used in AoI GUI as well as the look and feel of some GUI
* elements (eg buttons). In this respect, the theme manager is thus a factory of GUI elements.
* @author Fran�ois Guillet
public class ThemeManager {

     * This class hold all the colors used by a theme. A theme can propose several color sets.
     * @author Francois Guillet
    public static class ColorSet {
        public final Color appBackground;
        public final Color paletteBackground;
        public final Color viewerBackground;
        public final Color viewerLine;
        public final Color viewerHandle;
        public final Color viewerHighlight;
        public final Color viewerSpecialHighlight;
        public final Color viewerDisabled;
        public final Color viewerSurface;
        public final Color viewerTransparent;
        public final Color viewerLowValue;
        public final Color viewerHighValue;
        public final Color dockableBarColor1;
        public final Color dockableBarColor2;
        public final Color dockableTitleColor;
        public final Color textColor;
        private final String name;

        private ColorSet(Node node)
          name = getAttribute(node, "name");
          NodeList list = node.getChildNodes();
          node = getNodeFromNodeList(list, "applicationbackground");
          appBackground = getColorFromNode(node);
          node = getNodeFromNodeList(list, "palettebackground");
          paletteBackground = getColorFromNode(node);
          node = getNodeFromNodeList(list, "viewerbackground");
          viewerBackground = getColorFromNode(node);
          node = getNodeFromNodeList(list, "viewerline");
          viewerLine = getColorFromNode(node);
          node = getNodeFromNodeList(list, "viewerhandle");
          viewerHandle = getColorFromNode(node);
          node = getNodeFromNodeList(list, "viewerhighlight");
          viewerHighlight = getColorFromNode(node);
          node = getNodeFromNodeList(list, "viewerspecialhighlight");
          viewerSpecialHighlight = getColorFromNode(node);
          node = getNodeFromNodeList(list, "viewerdisabled");
          viewerDisabled = getColorFromNode(node);
          node = getNodeFromNodeList(list, "viewersurface");
          viewerSurface = getColorFromNode(node);
          node = getNodeFromNodeList(list, "viewerlowvalue");
          viewerLowValue = getColorFromNode(node);
          node = getNodeFromNodeList(list, "viewerhighvalue");
          viewerHighValue = getColorFromNode(node);
          node = getNodeFromNodeList(list, "viewertransparent");
          viewerTransparent = getColorFromNode(node);
          node = getNodeFromNodeList(list, "dockablebarcolor1");
          dockableBarColor1 = getColorFromNode(node);
          node = getNodeFromNodeList(list, "dockablebarcolor2");
          dockableBarColor2 = getColorFromNode(node);
          node = getNodeFromNodeList(list, "dockabletitlecolor");
          dockableTitleColor = getColorFromNode(node);
          node = getNodeFromNodeList(list, "textcolor");
          textColor = getColorFromNode(node);

      public String getName()
        return Translate.text(name);

     * This class stores information about a theme. This can be general purpose information such as
     * theme content and author, or very specific information such as the button styling for
     * this theme.
     * @author Francois Guillet
    public static class ThemeInfo
      private final String name;
      public final String author;
      public final String description;
      public final Class buttonClass;
      //this is the button style parameters for this theme.
      //Relevant XML node is passed onto the button class so it can parse
      //it and deliver button style parameters the theme will give the buttons
      //whenever it is selected.
      public final Object buttonProperties;
      //button margin is the space around each button
      public final int buttonMargin;
      //palette margin is the space around the buttons
      public final int paletteMargin;
      //the theme colorsets
      private final ColorSet[] colorSets;
      public final boolean classicToolBarButtons;
      public final PluginRegistry.PluginResource resource;
      public final ClassLoader loader;
        //public final String pathRoot;
      public final boolean selectable;
      protected ButtonStyle buttonStyles;

      private ThemeInfo(PluginRegistry.PluginResource resource) throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException
        InputStream is = resource.getInputStream();
        DocumentBuilder builder;
        builder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
        Document document = builder.parse( is );
        Node rootNode = document.getDocumentElement();
        NodeList themeNodeList = rootNode.getChildNodes();
        this.resource = resource;
        URL url = resource.getURL();

        String path = url.getPath();
        int cut = path.lastIndexOf('/');
        if (cut > 0) path = path.substring(0, cut+1);
        else path = "/";
        url = new URL(url.getProtocol(), url.getHost(), path);
        loader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { url });

        String root = resource.getName();
        if (root.lastIndexOf('/') > -1)
          root = root.substring(0, root.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
          root = "";
        pathRoot = root;

        String s;
        Node node = getNodeFromNodeList(themeNodeList, "name");
        name = (node != null ? node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue() : "");
        node = getNodeFromNodeList(themeNodeList, "author");
        author = (node != null ? node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue() : "");
        node = getNodeFromNodeList(themeNodeList, "description");
        description = (node != null ? node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue() : "");
        node = getNodeFromNodeList(themeNodeList, "selectable");
        selectable = (node != null ? Boolean.valueOf(node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue()).booleanValue() : true);
        node = getNodeFromNodeList(themeNodeList, "button");
        if (node != null) {
            String className = getAttribute(node, "class");
            Object properties = null;
            Class cls = DefaultToolButton.class;
            try {
              cls = resource.getClassLoader().loadClass(className);
              Method m = cls.getMethod("readPropertiesFromXMLNode", Node.class);
                properties = m.invoke(className, node);
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
            } catch (Exception e) {

            // parse the button styles for this theme
            ButtonStyle bstyle = null;
            NodeList list = node.getChildNodes();
            Node kid = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
                kid = list.item(i);
                if (kid.getNodeName().equals("style")) {
                    if (bstyle == null) bstyle = new ButtonStyle(kid);
                    else bstyle.add(kid);

            buttonClass = cls;
            buttonProperties = properties;
            buttonStyles = bstyle;
            s = getAttribute(node, "useintoolbars");
            classicToolBarButtons = (s != null ? !Boolean.valueOf(s).booleanValue() : false);
          buttonClass = DefaultToolButton.class;
          buttonProperties = null;
          classicToolBarButtons = false;
        node = getNodeFromNodeList(themeNodeList, "palettemargin");
        paletteMargin = getIntegerValueFromNode(node);
        node = getNodeFromNodeList(themeNodeList, "buttonmargin");
        buttonMargin = getIntegerValueFromNode(node);
        //color sets
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < themeNodeList.getLength(); i++) {
            node = themeNodeList.item(i);
            if (node.getNodeName() == "colorset") {
        colorSets = new ColorSet[count];
        count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < themeNodeList.getLength(); i++) {
            node = themeNodeList.item(i);
            if (node.getNodeName() == "colorset")
                colorSets[count++] = new ColorSet(node);

      public String getName()
        return Translate.text(name);

      public ColorSet[] getColorSets()
        return (ColorSet[]) colorSets.clone();

     *  nested ButtonStyle class.
     *  Forms a chain of ButtonStyle objects for a particular Theme.
     *  ButtonStyle objects store all the attributes of the defining XML as
     *  elements of a Map. These values can be accessed by calling
     *  {@link #getAttribute(String)}.
    public static class ButtonStyle
        protected Class ownerType;
        protected int width = -1;
        protected int height = -1;

        protected HashMap<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>();
        protected ButtonStyle next;

         *  create a new ButtonStyle by parsing the XML represented by node.
         *  @param node the XML defining the style.
        public ButtonStyle(Node node)
            String name, value;

            // stash all attributes in the attributes map
            NamedNodeMap kids = node.getAttributes();
            for (int i = 0; i < kids.getLength(); i++) {
                node = kids.item(i);
                name = node.getNodeName();
                value = node.getNodeValue();
                attributes.put(name, value);

                if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("owner")) {
                    try {
                        ownerType = ArtOfIllusion.getClass(value);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        String msg = e.getMessage();
                        System.out.println("Unable to identify ButtonStyle.owner: " + (msg != null ? msg : e.toString()));

                if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("size")) {
                    int cut = value.indexOf(',');
                    if (cut >= 0) {
                        width = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(0, cut).trim());
                        height = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(cut+1).trim());
                    else {
                        width = height = Integer.parseInt(value.trim());

            if (ownerType == null) ownerType = EditingTool.class;

         *  add a new ButtonNode to this ButtonNode.
        protected void add(Node node)
            if (next == null) next = new ButtonStyle(node);
            else next.add(node);

         *  get the ButtonStyle assocaited with <i>owner</i>
        public ButtonStyle getStyle(Object owner)
            if (ownerType != null && ownerType.isInstance(owner)) return this;
            return (next != null ? next.getStyle(owner) : null);

         *  get the named attribute value.
        public String getAttribute(String name)
        { return (String) attributes.get(name); }

    private static ThemeInfo selectedTheme, defaultTheme;
    private static ColorSet selectedColorSet;
    private static ThemeInfo[] themeList;
    private static Map<String,ThemeInfo> themeIdMap;
    private static DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory; //XML parsing

    /** icon to use if no other icon can be found  */
    private static final ImageIcon notFoundIcon;

    // initialise the ...NotFoundIcon objects
    static {
        URL url = null;
        ImageIcon icon = null;
        try {
            url = Class.forName("artofillusion.ArtOfIllusion").getResource("artofillusion/Icons/iconNotFound.png");
            icon = new ImageIcon(url);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(16, 16, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED);
            Graphics2D graphics = (Graphics2D) image.getGraphics();
            graphics.setColor(new Color(128,128,128));
            graphics.fillRect(0, 0, 16, 16);
            graphics.setColor(new Color(200, 100, 100));
            graphics.fillOval(3, 3, 10, 10);
            graphics.fillRect(7, 4, 2, 4);
            graphics.fillOval(7, 10, 2, 2);
            icon = new ImageIcon(image);

        notFoundIcon = icon;

     * Get the currently selected theme.

    public static ThemeInfo getSelectedTheme()
      return selectedTheme;

     * Set the currently selected theme.

    public static void setSelectedTheme(ThemeInfo theme) {
        selectedTheme = theme;

     * Get the currently selected color set.

    public static ColorSet getSelectedColorSet()
      return selectedColorSet;

     * Set the currently selected color set.

    public static void setSelectedColorSet(ColorSet colorSet)
      selectedColorSet = colorSet;

     * Get a list of all available themes.

    public static List getThemes()
      return Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(themeList));

     * Get the default theme.

    public static ThemeInfo getDefaultTheme()
      return defaultTheme;

    private static void applyThemeColors() {
        ColorSet set = selectedColorSet;
        ViewerCanvas.backgroundColor = new Color(set.viewerBackground.getRed(),
        ViewerCanvas.lineColor = new Color(set.viewerLine.getRed(),
        ViewerCanvas.handleColor = new Color(set.viewerHandle.getRed(),
        ViewerCanvas.highlightColor = new Color(set.viewerHighlight.getRed(),
        ViewerCanvas.specialHighlightColor = new Color(set.viewerSpecialHighlight.getRed(),
        ViewerCanvas.disabledColor = new Color(set.viewerDisabled.getRed(),
        Color viewerSurface = new Color(set.viewerSurface.getRed(),
        Color viewerTransparent = new Color(set.viewerTransparent.getRed(),
        Color viewerLowValue = new Color(set.viewerLowValue.getRed(),
        Color viewerHighValue = new Color(set.viewerHighValue.getRed(),
        ViewerCanvas.surfaceColor = viewerSurface;
        ViewerCanvas.surfaceRGBColor = new RGBColor(viewerSurface.getRed()/255.0, viewerSurface.getGreen()/255.0, viewerSurface.getBlue()/255.0);
        ViewerCanvas.transparentColor = new RGBColor(viewerTransparent.getRed()/255.0, viewerTransparent.getGreen()/255.0, viewerTransparent.getBlue()/255.0);
        ViewerCanvas.lowValueColor = new RGBColor(viewerLowValue.getRed()/255.0, viewerLowValue.getGreen()/255.0, viewerLowValue.getBlue()/255.0);
        ViewerCanvas.highValueColor = new RGBColor(viewerHighValue.getRed()/255.0, viewerHighValue.getGreen()/255.0, viewerHighValue.getBlue()/255.0);

     *  apply the button properties for the selected Theme
    private static void applyButtonProperties()
        Class buttonClass = selectedTheme.buttonClass;
        try {
            Method m = buttonClass.getMethod("setProperties", Object.class);
            m.invoke(buttonClass, selectedTheme.buttonProperties);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            // missing method is quite normal - silently ignore
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            System.out.println("Error applying Button proterties: " + t);

     * search for the named icon in the selected and default themes, retiurning
     * the URL of the first found icon.
     * @param name the name of the icon (without path or suffix)
     * @return the URL of the first found icon, or <i>null</i> if no icon
     *                were found.
    private static URL getIconURL(String name)
      ThemeInfo source = selectedTheme;
      ThemeInfo defaultSource = defaultTheme;
      int colon = name.indexOf(':');
      if (colon > -1)
        defaultSource = (ThemeInfo) themeIdMap.get(name.substring(0, colon));
        name = name.substring(colon+1);
      URL url = null;
      url = source.loader.getResource(name+".png");
      if (url == null)
        url = source.loader.getResource(name+".gif");
      if (url == null && defaultSource != null)
        url = defaultSource.loader.getResource(name+".png");
      if (url == null && defaultSource != null)
        url = defaultSource.loader.getResource(name+".gif");

      return url;

     *  return the URL for the "notFound" icon for the selected Theme and the
     *  style associated with the specified owner.
     *  @param owner the owner of the button icon that could not be found.
     *  @return the URL of the matching notFound icon, or <i>null</i> if no
     *                matching icon were found.
    public static URL getNotFoundURL(Object owner)
        String notFound = null;
        ButtonStyle bstyle = getButtonStyle(owner);

        if (bstyle != null) notFound = bstyle.getAttribute("notFound");
        if (notFound == null) notFound = "iconNotFound";

        return getIconURL(notFound);

     *  return the notFound icon most appropriate to the slected Theme and the
     *  specified owner.
     *  @param owner the owner of the button icon which could not be found.
     *  @return an ImageIcon of the notFound icon. The method never returns
     *                <i>null</i>.
    public static ImageIcon getNotFoundIcon(Object owner)
        URL url = getNotFoundURL(owner);
        if (url != null) return new ImageIcon(url);
        else return notFoundIcon;

     *  compatibility method.
     *  @deprecated this method allows pre 2.7 plugins to continue to function.
     *                Such code should be ported to the new API as soon as possible.
    public static ToolButton getToolButton(Object owner, String iconName, String selectedIconName)
        System.out.println("**Deprecated method called: ThemeManager.getToolButton(Object, String, String)");

        Exception e = new Exception();
        StackTraceElement[] trace = e.getStackTrace();

        if (trace.length > 1) {
            StackTraceElement frame = trace[1];
            String name = frame.getClassName();
            int cut = name.lastIndexOf('.');

            System.out.print("\tcalled from ");
            if (frame.getFileName() != null) {
            else {
                System.out.print(cut > 0 ? name.substring(cut+1) : name);
                System.out.print("() (unknown source)");


        return getToolButton(owner, iconName);

     * Creates a ToolButton according to the current theme
     * @param owner The button owner
     * @param iconName The name of the icon to display on the button, without extension
     * @return the ToolButton generated according to the selected Theme.
    public static ToolButton getToolButton(Object owner, String iconName)
        Class buttonClass = selectedTheme.buttonClass;
        Constructor ctor;
        URL url = getIconURL(iconName);
        ImageIcon selected = null;

        if (url != null) {

             * look for the selected icon from the *same classloader*
             * Simply calling getIconURL() would allow the selectedIcon to
             * be loaded from a different theme, with strange results.

            // generate a URL on the same path (classlaoder) as icon
            String path = url.getFile();
            int cut = path.lastIndexOf('/');
            if (cut > 0)
                path = path.substring(0, cut) + "/selected" + path.substring(cut);
            try {
                selected = new ImageIcon(new URL(url.getProtocol(), url.getHost(), path));
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                selected = null;

        // warning: ImageIcon is happy to return a non-null Image with size<=0
        if (selected != null && selected.getIconWidth() > 0) {
            try {
                ctor = buttonClass.getConstructor(Object.class, ImageIcon.class, ImageIcon.class);
                return (ToolButton) ctor.newInstance(owner, new ImageIcon(url), selected);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                System.out.println("Could not find a usable Ctor for ToolButton: "
                                   + buttonClass.getName() + ": " + iconName + "\n\t" + t);

        if (url == null) url = getNotFoundURL(owner);

        // if we found a single icon of some form, then use that
        if (url != null) {
            try {
                ctor = buttonClass.getConstructor(Object.class, ImageIcon.class);
                return (ToolButton) ctor.newInstance(owner, new ImageIcon(url));
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                System.out.println("Could not find a usable Ctor for ToolButton: "
                                   + buttonClass.getName() + ": " + iconName + "\n\t" + t);

        // if all else fails, use the notFoundIcon.
        return new DefaultToolButton(owner, notFoundIcon);

     * Given an icon file name, this method returns the icon according to the
     * currently selected theme. If no such icon is available within the
     * current theme, the icon is looked for in the default theme.
     * This method will first look for a .gif file, then for a.png one.
     * @param iconName The file name of the icon, without extension.
     * @return the ImageIcon matching the name. If no such icon were found,
     *                then <i>null</i> is returned.
    public static ImageIcon getIcon(String iconName)
      URL url = getIconURL(iconName);
      if (url == null)
        return null;
      return new ImageIcon(url);

     * Returns the background color of the application (not to be mistaken for the view background)
    public static Color getAppBackgroundColor() {
        return selectedColorSet.appBackground;

     * Returns the tool palette background color
    public static Color getPaletteBackgroundColor() {
        return selectedColorSet.paletteBackground;

     * Returns the first color of the dockable widgets title bar gradient painting
    public static Color getDockableBarColor1() {
        return selectedColorSet.dockableBarColor1;

     * Returns the second color of the dockable widgets title bar gradient painting
    public static Color getDockableBarColor2() {
        return selectedColorSet.dockableBarColor2;

     * Returns the text color of the dockable widgets title bar text
    public static Color getDockableTitleColor() {
        return selectedColorSet.dockableTitleColor;

     * Returns the color of the text to use for widgets.
     * Can also be used as foreground color.
    public static Color getTextColor() {
        return selectedColorSet.textColor;

     * This is invoked during startup to initialize the list of installed themes.

    public static void initThemes()
      if (themeList != null)
        throw new IllegalStateException("The themes have already been initialized.");
      themeIdMap = new HashMap<String, ThemeInfo>();
      documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
      List resources = PluginRegistry.getResources("UITheme");
      ArrayList<ThemeInfo> list = new ArrayList<ThemeInfo>();
      for (int i = 0; i < resources.size(); i++)
          ThemeInfo themeInfo = new ThemeInfo((PluginRegistry.PluginResource) resources.get(i));
        catch (Exception ex)
      themeList = list.toArray(new ThemeInfo[list.size()]);
      for (int i = 0; i < themeList.length; i++)
        themeIdMap.put(themeList[i].resource.getId(), themeList[i]);
      defaultTheme = themeIdMap.get("default");

    private static int getIntegerValueFromNode(Node node) {
        if (node != null) {
            String s = getAttribute(node, "value");
            if (s != null) {
                return Integer.parseInt(s);
        return 0;

    private static Color getColorFromNode(Node node) {
        if (node == null) {
            return new Color(0, 0, 0);
        String s = getAttribute(node, "R");
        int r = 0;
        if (s != null) {
            r = Integer.valueOf(s).intValue();
        int g = 0;
        s = getAttribute(node, "G");
        if (s != null) {
            g = Integer.valueOf(s).intValue();
        int b = 0;
        s = getAttribute(node, "B");
        if (s != null) {
            b = Integer.valueOf(s).intValue();
        return new Color(r, g, b);
     * Returns the palette margin to use for tool palette display
    public static int getPaletteMargin() {
        return selectedTheme.paletteMargin;

     * Returns the button margin to use for tool palette display
    public static int getButtonMargin() {
        return selectedTheme.buttonMargin;

     *  returns the ButtonStyle for the current Theme and the specified owner.
    public static ButtonStyle getButtonStyle(Object owner)
        return (selectedTheme.buttonStyles != null ? selectedTheme.buttonStyles.getStyle(owner) : null);

     *  Utility for parsing XML Documents: gets a named node from a node list. Returns null if the node does not
     *  exist.
     *@param  nl        The node list
     *@param  nodeName  The node name
     *@return           The node named nodeName
    private static Node getNodeFromNodeList( NodeList nl, String nodeName )
        for ( int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); ++i )
            Node n = nl.item( i );
            if ( n.getNodeName().equals( nodeName ) )
                return n;
        return null;

     *  Utility for parsing XML Documents: gets a named attribute value from a node
     *@param  name  The attribute name
     *@param  node  Description of the Parameter
     *@return       The attribute value
    private static String getAttribute( Node node, String name )
        NamedNodeMap nm = node.getAttributes();
        if ( nm == null )
            return null;
        Node nn = nm.getNamedItem( name );
        if ( nn == null )
            return null;
        return nn.getNodeValue();

Related Classes of artofillusion.ui.ThemeManager

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