Package com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.cluster

Source Code of com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.cluster.DefaultExecuteOn

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package com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.cluster;

import com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.ClusterOperationUtil;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.InstanceStateService;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Domain;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Server;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.LocalStringManagerImpl;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.glassfish.api.ActionReport;
import org.glassfish.api.admin.*;
import org.glassfish.common.util.admin.CommandModelImpl;
import org.glassfish.hk2.api.PostConstruct;
import org.glassfish.hk2.api.ServiceLocator;
import org.glassfish.internal.api.Target;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Service;

* A ClusterExecutor is responsible for remotely executing commands.
* The list of target servers (either clusters or remote instances) is obtained
* from the parameter list.
* @author Vijay Ramachandran
public class GlassFishClusterExecutor implements ClusterExecutor, PostConstruct {

    private Domain domain;

    private ExecutorService threadExecutor;

    private InstanceStateService instanceState;

    private Target targetService;

    private ServiceLocator habitat;

    private static final LocalStringManagerImpl strings =
                        new LocalStringManagerImpl(GlassFishClusterExecutor.class);

    public void postConstruct() {

     * <p>Execute the passed command on targeted remote instances. The list of remote
     * instances is usually retrieved from the passed parameters (with a "target"
     * parameter for instance) or from the configuration.
     * <p>Each remote execution must return a different ActionReport so the user
     * or framework can get feedback on the success or failure or such executions.
     * @param commandName the command to execute
     * @param context the original command context
     * @param parameters the parameters passed to the original local command
     * @return an array of @{link org.glassfish.api.ActionReport} for each remote
     * execution status.
    public ActionReport.ExitCode execute(String commandName, AdminCommand command, AdminCommandContext context, ParameterMap parameters) {

        CommandModel model =
            command instanceof CommandModelProvider ?
                ((CommandModelProvider)command).getModel() :
                new CommandModelImpl(command.getClass());
        org.glassfish.api.admin.ExecuteOn clAnnotation = model.getClusteringAttributes();
        List<RuntimeType> runtimeTypes = new ArrayList<RuntimeType>();
        @ExecuteOn final class DefaultExecuteOn {}
        if(clAnnotation == null) {
            clAnnotation = DefaultExecuteOn.class.getAnnotation(ExecuteOn.class);
        if (clAnnotation.value().length == 0) {
        } else {
        String targetName = parameters.getOne("target");
        if(targetName == null)
                targetName = "server";
        //Do replication only if the RuntimeType specified is ALL or
        //only if the target is not "server" or "domain"
        if( (runtimeTypes.contains(RuntimeType.ALL)) ||
            ((!CommandTarget.DAS.isValid(habitat, targetName)) && (!CommandTarget.DOMAIN.isValid(habitat, targetName))) ) {
            //If the target is a cluster and dynamic reconfig enabled is false and RuntimeType is not ALL, no replication
            if (targetService.isCluster(targetName) && !runtimeTypes.contains(RuntimeType.ALL)) {
                String dynRecfg = targetService.getClusterConfig(targetName).getDynamicReconfigurationEnabled();
                if(Boolean.FALSE.equals(Boolean.valueOf(dynRecfg))) {
                    ActionReport aReport = context.getActionReport().addSubActionsReport();
                            "WARNING: The command was not replicated to all cluster instances because the" +
                                    " dynamic-reconfig-enabled flag is set to false for cluster {0}", targetName));
                    for(Server s : targetService.getInstances(targetName)) {
                        instanceState.setState(s.getName(), InstanceState.StateType.RESTART_REQUIRED, false);
                        instanceState.addFailedCommandToInstance(s.getName(), commandName, parameters);
                    return ActionReport.ExitCode.WARNING;

            List<Server> instancesForReplication = new ArrayList<Server>();

            if (runtimeTypes.contains(RuntimeType.ALL)) {
                List<Server> allInstances = targetService.getAllInstances();
                Set<String> clusterNoReplication = new HashSet<String>();
                for (Server s : allInstances) {
                    String dynRecfg = s.getConfig().getDynamicReconfigurationEnabled();
                    if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(Boolean.valueOf(dynRecfg))) {
                    } else {
                        instanceState.setState(s.getName(), InstanceState.StateType.RESTART_REQUIRED, false);
                        instanceState.addFailedCommandToInstance(s.getName(), commandName, parameters);

                if (!clusterNoReplication.isEmpty()) {
                    ActionReport aReport = context.getActionReport().addSubActionsReport();
                            "WARNING: The command was not replicated to all cluster instances because the"
                            + " dynamic-reconfiguration-enabled flag is set to false for cluster(s) {0}", clusterNoReplication));

            } else {
                instancesForReplication = targetService.getInstances(targetName);

            if(instancesForReplication.isEmpty()) {
                ActionReport aReport = context.getActionReport().addSubActionsReport();
                        "Did not find any suitable instances for target {0}; command executed on DAS only", targetName));
                return ActionReport.ExitCode.SUCCESS;

            return(ClusterOperationUtil.replicateCommand(commandName, clAnnotation.ifFailure(),
                    clAnnotation.ifOffline(), clAnnotation.ifNeverStarted(),
                    instancesForReplication, context, parameters, habitat));
        return ActionReport.ExitCode.SUCCESS;

Related Classes of com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.cluster.DefaultExecuteOn

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