Package com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans

Examples of com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Node

        String hostName = null;

        // Get it from the node associated with the server
        String nodeName = server.getNodeRef();
        if (StringUtils.ok(nodeName)) {
            Node node = nodes.getNode(nodeName);
            if (node != null) {
                hostName = node.getNodeHost();
            // XXX Hack to get around the fact that the default localhost
            // node entry is malformed
            if (hostName == null && nodeName.equals("localhost-" + domain.getName())) {
                hostName = "localhost";
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            logFileDetailsForServer = TranslatedConfigView.getTranslatedValue(logFileDetailsForServer).toString();
            return logFileDetailsForServer;
        } else {
            // getting log file for instance from
            String logFileDetailsForInstance = getInstanceLogFileDirectory(targetServer);
            Node node = domain.getNodes().getNode(serverNode);
            String loggingDir = "";
            String loggingFile = "";

            // replacing instanceRoot value if it's there
            if (logFileDetailsForInstance.contains("${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/logs") && node.getNodeDir() != null) {
                // this code is used if no changes made in file
                loggingDir = node.getNodeDir() + File.separator + serverNode
                        + File.separator + targetServerName;
                loggingFile = logFileDetailsForInstance.replace("${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}", loggingDir);
            } else if (logFileDetailsForInstance.contains("${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/logs") && node.getInstallDir() != null) {
                loggingDir = node.getInstallDir() + File.separator + "glassfish" + File.separator + "nodes"
                        + File.separator + serverNode + File.separator + targetServerName;
                loggingFile = logFileDetailsForInstance.replace("${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}", loggingDir);
            } else {
                loggingFile = logFileDetailsForInstance;

            if (node.isLocal()) {
                // if local just returning log file to view
                return loggingFile;
            } else {
                // if remote then need to download log file on DAS and returning that log file for view
                String logFileName = logFileDetailsForInstance.substring(logFileDetailsForInstance.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1, logFileDetailsForInstance.length());
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            // for Instance it's going through this loop. This will use ssh utility to get file from instance machine(remote machine) and
            // store under glassfish/domains/domain1/logs/<instance name>/ directory which is used to get LogFile object.
            // Right now user needs to go through this URL to setup and configure ssh

            String serverNode = targetServer.getNodeRef();
            Node node = domain.getNodes().getNode(serverNode);
            String loggingDir = "";
            String instanceLogFileName = "";
            try {
                // getting lof file details for given target.
                instanceLogFileName = getInstanceLogFileDirectory(targetServer);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, LogFacade.ERROR_EXECUTING_LOG_QUERY, e);
                return new AttributeList();

            if (node.isLocal()) {

                loggingDir = new LogFilterForInstance().getLoggingDirectoryForNode(instanceLogFileName, node, serverNode, instanceName);

                File logsDir = new File(loggingDir);
                File allLogFileNames[] = logsDir.listFiles();
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        // store in domains/domain1/logs/<instance name> which is used to get LogFile object.
        // Right now user needs to go through this URL to setup and configure ssh
        SSHLauncher sshL = getSSHL(habitat);
        String sNode = targetServer.getNodeRef();
        Nodes nodes = domain.getNodes();
        Node node = nodes.getNode(sNode);

        if (node.getType().equals("SSH")) {

            sshL.init(node, logger);

            SFTPClient sftpClient = sshL.getSFTPClient();

            File logFileDirectoryOnServer = makingDirectory(domainRoot + File.separator + "logs"
                    + File.separator + instanceName);

            boolean noFileFound = true;

            String loggingDir = getLoggingDirectoryForNode(instanceLogFileName, node, sNode, instanceName);

            try {
                Vector instanceLogFileNames =;

                for (int i = 0; i < instanceLogFileNames.size(); i++) {
                    SFTPv3DirectoryEntry file = (SFTPv3DirectoryEntry) instanceLogFileNames.get(i);
                    String fileName = file.filename;
                    // code to remove . and .. file which is return from sftpclient ls method
                    if (!file.attributes.isDirectory() && !fileName.equals(".") && !fileName.equals("..")
                            && fileName.contains(".log") && !fileName.contains(".log.")) {
                        noFileFound = false;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // if directory doesn't present or missing on remote machine. It happens due to bug 16451
                noFileFound = true;

            if (noFileFound) {
                // this loop is used when user has changed value for server.log but not restarted the server.
                loggingDir = getLoggingDirectoryForNodeWhenNoFilesFound(instanceLogFileName, node, sNode, instanceName);

            String loggingFile = loggingDir + File.separator + logFileName;
            if (!sftpClient.exists(loggingFile)) {
                loggingFile = loggingDir + File.separator + "server.log";
            } else if (!sftpClient.exists(loggingFile)) {
                loggingFile = instanceLogFileName;

            // creating local file name on DAS
            long instanceLogFileSize = 0;
            instanceLogFile = new File(logFileDirectoryOnServer.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator
                    + loggingFile.substring(loggingFile.lastIndexOf(File.separator), loggingFile.length()));

            // getting size of the file on DAS
            if (instanceLogFile.exists())
                instanceLogFileSize = instanceLogFile.length();

            SFTPv3FileAttributes sftPv3FileAttributes = sftpClient._stat(loggingFile);

            // getting size of the file on instance machine
            long fileSizeOnNode = sftPv3FileAttributes.size;

            // if differ both size then downloading
            if (instanceLogFileSize != fileSizeOnNode) {
                BufferedInputStream in = null;
                FileOutputStream file = null;
                BufferedOutputStream out = null;
                try {
                InputStream inputStream =;
                in = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream);
                file = new FileOutputStream(instanceLogFile);
                out = new BufferedOutputStream(file);
                int i;
                while ((i = != -1) {
                } finally {
                    if (out != null) try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ex) {}
                    if (in != null) try { in.close(); } catch (IOException ex) {}

        } else if (node.getType().equals("DCOM")) {

            File logFileDirectoryOnServer = makingDirectory(domainRoot + File.separator + "logs"
                    + File.separator + instanceName);

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        // store in  tempDirectoryOnServer which is used to create zip file.
        // Right now user needs to go through this URL to setup and configure ssh
        SSHLauncher sshL = getSSHL(habitat);
        String sNode = targetServer.getNodeRef();
        Nodes nodes = domain.getNodes();
        Node node = nodes.getNode(sNode);

        if (node.getType().equals("SSH")) {
            sshL.init(node, logger);

            Vector allInstanceLogFileName = getInstanceLogFileNames(habitat, targetServer, domain, logger, instanceName, instanceLogFileDirectory);

            boolean noFileFound = true;
            String sourceDir = getLoggingDirectoryForNode(instanceLogFileDirectory, node, sNode, instanceName);
            SFTPClient sftpClient = sshL.getSFTPClient();

            try {
                Vector instanceLogFileNames =;

                for (int i = 0; i < instanceLogFileNames.size(); i++) {
                    SFTPv3DirectoryEntry file = (SFTPv3DirectoryEntry) instanceLogFileNames.get(i);
                    String fileName = file.filename;
                    // code to remove . and .. file which is return from sftpclient ls method
                    if (!file.attributes.isDirectory() && !fileName.equals(".") && !fileName.equals("..")
                            && fileName.contains(".log") && !fileName.contains(".log.")) {
                        noFileFound = false;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // if directory doesn't present or missing on remote machine. It happens due to bug 16451
                noFileFound = true;

            if (noFileFound) {
                // this loop is used when user has changed value for server.log but not restarted the server.
                sourceDir = getLoggingDirectoryForNodeWhenNoFilesFound(instanceLogFileDirectory, node, sNode, instanceName);

            String[] remoteFileNames = new String[allInstanceLogFileName.size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < allInstanceLogFileName.size(); i++) {
                remoteFileNames[i] = sourceDir + File.separator + allInstanceLogFileName.get(i);


            SCPClient scpClient = sshL.getSCPClient();
            scpClient.get(remoteFileNames, tempDirectoryOnServer);
        } else if (node.getType().equals("DCOM")) {

            Vector instanceLogFileNames = getInstanceLogFileNames(habitat, targetServer, domain, logger, instanceName, instanceLogFileDirectory);

            String sourceDir = getLoggingDirectoryForNode(instanceLogFileDirectory, node, sNode, instanceName);
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    public Vector getInstanceLogFileNames(ServiceLocator habitat, Server targetServer, Domain domain, Logger logger,
                                          String instanceName, String instanceLogFileDirectory) throws IOException {

        // helper method to get all log file names for given instance
        String sNode = targetServer.getNodeRef();
        Node node = domain.getNodes().getNode(sNode);
        Vector instanceLogFileNames = null;
        Vector instanceLogFileNamesAsString = new Vector();

        // this code is used when DAS and instances are running on the same machine
        if (node.isLocal()) {
            String loggingDir = getLoggingDirectoryForNode(instanceLogFileDirectory, node, sNode, instanceName);

            File logsDir = new File(loggingDir);
            File allLogFileNames[] = logsDir.listFiles();

            boolean noFileFound = true;

            if (allLogFileNames != null) { // This check for,  if directory doesn't present or missing on machine. It happens due to bug 16451
                for (int i = 0; i < allLogFileNames.length; i++) {
                    File file = allLogFileNames[i];
                    String fileName = file.getName();
                    // code to remove . and .. file which is return
                    if (file.isFile() && !fileName.equals(".") && !fileName.equals("..") && fileName.contains(".log")
                            && !fileName.contains(".log.")) {
                        noFileFound = false;

            if (noFileFound) {
                // this loop is used when user has changed value for server.log but not restarted the server.
                loggingDir = getLoggingDirectoryForNodeWhenNoFilesFound(instanceLogFileDirectory, node, sNode, instanceName);
                logsDir = new File(loggingDir);
                allLogFileNames = logsDir.listFiles();

                for (int i = 0; i < allLogFileNames.length; i++) {
                    File file = allLogFileNames[i];
                    String fileName = file.getName();
                    // code to remove . and .. file which is return
                    if (file.isFile() && !fileName.equals(".") && !fileName.equals("..") && fileName.contains(".log")
                            && !fileName.contains(".log.")) {
        } else if (node.getType().equals("SSH")) {
            // this code is used if DAS and instance are running on different machine
            SSHLauncher sshL = getSSHL(habitat);
            sshL.init(node, logger);
            SFTPClient sftpClient = sshL.getSFTPClient();

            boolean noFileFound = true;

            String loggingDir = getLoggingDirectoryForNode(instanceLogFileDirectory, node, sNode, instanceName);

            try {
                instanceLogFileNames =;
                for (int i = 0; i < instanceLogFileNames.size(); i++) {
                    SFTPv3DirectoryEntry file = (SFTPv3DirectoryEntry) instanceLogFileNames.get(i);
                    String fileName = file.filename;
                    // code to remove . and .. file which is return from sftpclient ls method
                    if (!file.attributes.isDirectory() && !fileName.equals(".") && !fileName.equals("..")
                            && fileName.contains(".log") && !fileName.contains(".log.")) {
                        noFileFound = false;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // if directory doesn't present or missing on remote machine. It happens due to bug 16451
                noFileFound = true;

            if (noFileFound) {
                // this loop is used when user has changed value for server.log but not restarted the server.
                loggingDir = getLoggingDirectoryForNodeWhenNoFilesFound(instanceLogFileDirectory, node, sNode, instanceName);
                instanceLogFileNames =;

                for (int i = 0; i < instanceLogFileNames.size(); i++) {
                    SFTPv3DirectoryEntry file = (SFTPv3DirectoryEntry) instanceLogFileNames.get(i);
                    String fileName = file.filename;
                    // code to remove . and .. file which is return from sftpclient ls method
                    if (!file.attributes.isDirectory() && !fileName.equals(".") && !fileName.equals("..")
                            && fileName.contains(".log") && !fileName.contains(".log.")) {

        } else if (node.getType().equals("DCOM")) {

            String loggingDir = getLoggingDirectoryForNode(instanceLogFileDirectory, node, sNode, instanceName);

            try {
                DcomInfo info = new DcomInfo(node);
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                    if (t==null)
                        return null;

                    for( NodeAgent na: agList){
                        String host=null;
                        Node node = nodes.createChild(Node.class);

                        JmxConnector jc = na.getJmxConnector();
                        if (jc != null){
                            List<Property> agentProp =jc.getProperty()//get the properties and see if host name is specified
                            for ( Property p : agentProp)  {
                                String name = p.getName();
                                if (name.equals("client-hostname")) {
                                    node.setNodeHost(p.getValue()); //create the node with a host name
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    private void createDefaultNode(Domain d, Nodes nodes)
            throws TransactionFailure, PropertyVetoException {
        Property domainProp = d.getProperty("");
        String domainName = domainProp.getValue();
        Node node = nodes.createChild(Node.class);
        node.setName("localhost" + "-" + domainName);
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    protected abstract String validateSubType(Node node);

    protected final void executeInternal(AdminCommandContext context) {
        ActionReport report = context.getActionReport();
        StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
        Node theNode = null;

        logger = context.getLogger();
        NodeUtils nodeUtils = new NodeUtils(habitat, logger);

        // Make sure Node is valid
        theNode = nodes.getNode(name);
        if (theNode == null) {
            String m = Strings.get("noSuchNode", name);

        String err = validateSubType(theNode);
        if (err != null) {

        try {
            String version = "";
            if (validate) {
                // Validates all parameters
                version = Strings.get("ping.glassfish.version",
                        nodeUtils.getGlassFishVersionOnNode(theNode, context));
            else {
                // Just does a basic connection check
            String m1 = Strings.get("ping.node.success", name,
                    theNode.getNodeHost(), theNode.getType());
            if (StringUtils.ok(version)) {
                m1 = m1 + NL + version;
        catch (CommandValidationException e) {
            String m1 = Strings.get("ping.node.failure", name,
                    theNode.getNodeHost(), theNode.getType());
            msg.append(, m1, e.getMessage()));
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    public void execute(AdminCommandContext context) {
        ActionReport report = context.getActionReport();
        Logger logger= context.getLogger();

        Node node= nodes.getNode(name);
        if (node == null) {
            //node doesn't exist
            String msg = Strings.get("noSuchNode", name);
        //validate installdir if passed and running on localhost
        if (StringUtils.ok(nodehost)){
            if (NetUtils.isThisHostLocal(nodehost) && StringUtils.ok(installdir)){
                TokenResolver resolver = null;

                // Create a resolver that can replace system properties in strings
                Map<String, String> systemPropsMap =
                        new HashMap<String, String>((Map)(System.getProperties()));
                resolver = new TokenResolver(systemPropsMap);
                String resolvedInstallDir = resolver.resolve(installdir);
                File actualInstallDir = new File( resolvedInstallDir+"/" + NodeUtils.LANDMARK_FILE);

                if (!actualInstallDir.exists()){
        // If the node is in use then we can't change certain attributes
        // like the install directory or node directory.
        if (node.nodeInUse()) {
            String badparam = null;
            String configNodedir = node.getNodeDir();
            String configInstalldir = node.getInstallDir();

            if (!allowableChange(nodedir, configNodedir)){
                badparam = "nodedir";
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Related Classes of com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Node

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