PlAr is Platform Arena: a 2D multiplayer shooting game
Copyright (c) 2010, Antonio Ragagnin <spocchio@gmail.com>
All rights reserved.
This file is licensed under the New BSD License.
package plar.core;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.jbox2d.collision.AABB;
import org.jbox2d.collision.shapes.PolygonShape;
import org.jbox2d.common.Vec2;
import org.jbox2d.dynamics.Body;
import org.jbox2d.dynamics.BodyDef;
import org.jbox2d.dynamics.BodyType;
import org.jbox2d.dynamics.Fixture;
import org.jbox2d.dynamics.FixtureDef;
import plar.core.Element;
import plar.core.ActionTimer;
* Define the basic functions of character, the guns, manage the keyboard input.
* @author Antonio Ragagnin
public class ElementPlayer extends Element {
* the list of guns aviable the player.
public List<Gun> gl;
* the chat username
public String username;
* the x direction of the mouse
public float directionX;
* the y direction of the mouse
public float directionY;
* running direction
public int isRunning=0;
* times the player is killed by someone, do not modify
public int killed=0;
* times the player killed someone,do not modify
public int kills=0;
* the duration of the jump, needed by the class to decide how much time leave the jumping sprite on
public float jumpTime=0.1f;
* the life of the player
public float energy;
* current gun
public int currentGunIndex;
* the path of an image that represent the player.
public String presentation;
* is true if the player is firing, used by the sprite manager
public boolean isFiring = false;
* is true if the player is jumping, used by the sprite manager
public boolean isJumping = false;
* is true if the player is bended down
public boolean isBending = false;
* the speed of running
public float runSpeed;
* the vertical speed made by a jumping
public float jumpSpeed;
* size after a bending down
public Vec2 reducedSize;
* size of the player
public Vec2 standardSize;
* name of the player, it define the kind of the character. it is NOT related to the username of the client.
public String name;
* a brief description of the element
public String description;
* save the last element he touched, used to know who killed who.
public ElementPlayer lastTouch;
* used to know how much time leave the fire sprite on.
public float fireTime;
private java.util.Random generator;
public ElementPlayer() {
type = Common.ElementType.PLAYER;
isRunnable = true;
username = new String();
jumpSpeed = 7f;
runSpeed = 6f;
reducedSize = new Vec2(0.3f, 0.35f);
standardSize = new Vec2(0.3f, 0.7f);
setBoxShape(standardSize.x, standardSize.y);
ActionTimer at = new ActionTimer("",fireTime,0,true) {
public Object force(Object o)
return null;
ActionTimer jt = new ActionTimer("",jumpTime,0,true) {
public Object force(Object o)
// Common.info(1,"jumpin:"+((ElementPlayer)me).isJumping);
return null;
actions.addAction("input", new ActionUserInput());
actions.addAction("firetime", at);
actions.addAction("jumptime", jt);
actions.addAction("status", new ActionCharacterStatus());
gl = new ArrayList<Gun>();
generator = new java.util.Random();
public void setBodyDef(BodyDef bd)
bd.type = BodyType.DYNAMIC;
public void setBody(Body b)
public void input(KeyFlag k) {
isJumping = isOnAir();
float hSpeed=runSpeed;
/*if (isJumping)
hSpeed = airySpeed;
hSpeed = runSpeed;
if (k.check(KeyFlag.LEFT))
//this.setSpeed(new Vec2(-hSpeed, generator.nextFloat() ));
this.setSpeed(new Vec2(-hSpeed, 0f));
if(!isJumping) this.applySpeed(new Vec2(0f, (generator.nextFloat()-0.5f) *0.5f));
if(isRunning!=-1) this.directionX=-1;
isRunning = -1;
if (k.check(KeyFlag.RIGHT))
//this.setSpeed(new Vec2(hSpeed, generator.nextFloat()));
this.setSpeed(new Vec2(hSpeed, 0f));
if(!isJumping) this.applySpeed(new Vec2(0f,(generator.nextFloat()-0.5f)*0.5f ));
if(isRunning!=1) this.directionX=1;
isRunning = 1;
if (k.check(KeyFlag.JUMP) && !isJumping)
this.setSpeed(new Vec2(0, -jumpSpeed));
if (k.check(KeyFlag.FIRE))
if (k.check(KeyFlag.SPECIAL)) {
if (k.check(KeyFlag.DOWN) && !isJumping ||(!k.check(KeyFlag.DOWN) && isBending)) {
Vec2 oldPos = getPosition().clone();
Vec2 oldSize = getSize().clone();
Vec2 newPos = new Vec2();
Vec2 newSize = new Vec2();
// Common.info(1,"DOWN: oldPOS="+getPosition()+" oldSIZE="+getSize());
PolygonShape newShape = new PolygonShape();
//bodydef = new BodyDef();
if (isBending) {
newPos = new Vec2(oldPos.x, oldPos.y + oldSize.y / 2f- standardSize.y / 2);
newSize = new Vec2(standardSize.x, standardSize.y);
isBending = false;
} else {
newPos = new Vec2(oldPos.x, oldPos.y + oldSize.y / 2f - reducedSize.y / 2);
newSize = new Vec2(reducedSize.x, reducedSize.y);
isBending = true;
// Common.info(1,"DOWN: oldPOS="+getPosition()+" oldSIZE="+getSize());
//FixtureDef fd = new FixtureDef();
setBoxShape(newSize.x, newSize.y);
if (k.number()!=0) {
int n=k.number()-1;
if(gl.get(n)!=null) currentGunIndex=n;
if (k.Key == KeyFlag.NONE)
applySpeed(new Vec2(-getSpeed().x,0));
isRunning = 0;
//Common.info(1,"bodu:"+body.isActive()+" mass:"+body.getMass()+ " waawakw"+body.isAwake());
public void allKeysReleased() {
public void specialMove(KeyFlag k) {
private boolean isOnAir() {
AABB r = new AABB(getAABB());
r.lowerBound.x += body.getPosition().x;
r.lowerBound.y += body.getPosition().y+0.2f;
r.upperBound.x += body.getPosition().x;
r.upperBound.y += body.getPosition().y;
ArrayList<Fixture> af=Common.queryAABB(level.world, r);
//Common.info(7, " is it jumping?" + af.size());
return (af.size() == 1);
//return false;
public void initComponents() {