// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.google.collide.client.editor.input;
import com.google.collide.client.editor.Editor;
import com.google.collide.client.editor.Spacer;
import com.google.collide.client.editor.selection.SelectionModel;
import com.google.collide.client.editor.selection.SelectionModel.MoveAction;
import com.google.collide.client.util.input.CharCodeWithModifiers;
import com.google.collide.client.util.input.KeyCodeMap;
import com.google.collide.client.util.input.ModifierKeys;
import com.google.collide.shared.document.LineInfo;
import com.google.collide.shared.util.SortedList;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.common.util.JsoIntMap;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.common.util.SignalEvent;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.common.util.UserAgent;
import elemental.events.KeyboardEvent;
import java.util.Random;
* The default InputScheme implementation for common keybindings. {@link ModifierKeys#ACTION}
* for action key abstraction details.
* <ul>
* <li>ACTION+S - prevent default save behavior from browser.
* <li>ACTION+A - select all text in the current document.
* <li>TAB - if there is a selection region then insert a tab at the beginning
* of each line the selection passes through, else insert a tab at the current
* position.
* <li>SHIFT+TAB - remove a tab character if possible from the beginning of each
* line the current selection passes through.
* <li>BACKSPACE - delete one character to the left of the cursor. DELETE -
* delete one character to the right of the cursor.
* <li>CUT (ACTION+X)/COPY (ACTION+C)/PASTE (ACTION+V) - same as native
* cut/copy/paste functionality.
* <li>UNDO (ACTION+Z)/REDO (ACTION+Y) - undo or redo the most recent change
* to the document.
* <li>Cursor movement (ARROW_*, PAGE_*) - change the position of the cursor
* based upon the directional key pressed and the unit of movement associated
* with that key. For arrow keys this is one character in the direction of the
* arrow, for page up/down this is an entire page.
* </ul>
public class DefaultScheme extends InputScheme {
private static final boolean ENABLE_DEBUG_SPACER_KEYS = false;
private static final boolean ENABLE_ANIMATION_CONTROL_KEYS = false;
static final JsoIntMap<MoveAction> MOVEMENT_KEYS_MAPPING = JsoIntMap.create();
InputMode defaultMode;
static {
//Initialize key mappings.
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.NONE, KeyCodeMap.ARROW_LEFT, MoveAction.LEFT);
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.NONE, KeyCodeMap.ARROW_RIGHT, MoveAction.RIGHT);
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.NONE, KeyCodeMap.ARROW_UP, MoveAction.UP);
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.NONE, KeyCodeMap.ARROW_DOWN, MoveAction.DOWN);
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.NONE, KeyCodeMap.PAGE_UP, MoveAction.PAGE_UP);
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.NONE, KeyCodeMap.PAGE_DOWN, MoveAction.PAGE_DOWN);
if (UserAgent.isMac()) {
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.ALT, KeyCodeMap.ARROW_LEFT, MoveAction.WORD_LEFT);
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.ALT, KeyCodeMap.ARROW_RIGHT, MoveAction.WORD_RIGHT);
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.ACTION, KeyCodeMap.ARROW_LEFT, MoveAction.LINE_START);
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.ACTION, KeyCodeMap.ARROW_RIGHT, MoveAction.LINE_END);
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.NONE, KeyCodeMap.HOME, MoveAction.TEXT_START);
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.NONE, KeyCodeMap.END, MoveAction.TEXT_END);
* Add Emacs-style bindings on Mac (note that these will not conflict
* with any Collide shortcuts since these chord with CTRL, and Collide
* shortcuts chord with CMD)
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.CTRL, 'a', MoveAction.LINE_START);
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.CTRL, 'e', MoveAction.LINE_END);
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.CTRL, 'p', MoveAction.UP);
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.CTRL, 'n', MoveAction.DOWN);
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.CTRL, 'f', MoveAction.RIGHT);
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.CTRL, 'b', MoveAction.LEFT);
} else {
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.ACTION, KeyCodeMap.ARROW_LEFT, MoveAction.WORD_LEFT);
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.ACTION, KeyCodeMap.ARROW_RIGHT, MoveAction.WORD_RIGHT);
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.NONE, KeyCodeMap.HOME, MoveAction.LINE_START);
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.NONE, KeyCodeMap.END, MoveAction.LINE_END);
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.ACTION, KeyCodeMap.HOME, MoveAction.TEXT_START);
registerMovementKey(ModifierKeys.ACTION, KeyCodeMap.END, MoveAction.TEXT_END);
private static void registerMovementKey(int modifiers, int charCode, MoveAction action) {
MOVEMENT_KEYS_MAPPING.put(CharCodeWithModifiers.computeKeyDigest(modifiers, charCode), action);
* Setup and add single InputMode
public DefaultScheme(InputController inputController) {
defaultMode = new InputMode() {
public void setup() {
public void teardown() {
* By default, check for cursor movement, then add this as text to the
* current document.
* Only add printable text, not control characters.
public boolean onDefaultInput(SignalEvent event, char character) {
// Check for movement here.
int letter = KeyCodeMap.getKeyFromEvent(event);
int modifiers = ModifierKeys.computeModifiers(event);
boolean withShift = (modifiers & ModifierKeys.SHIFT) != 0;
modifiers &= ~ModifierKeys.SHIFT;
int strippedKeyDigest = CharCodeWithModifiers.computeKeyDigest(modifiers, letter);
if (MOVEMENT_KEYS_MAPPING.containsKey(strippedKeyDigest)) {
MoveAction action = MOVEMENT_KEYS_MAPPING.get(strippedKeyDigest);
getScheme().getInputController().getSelection().move(action, withShift);
return true;
if (event.getAltKey()) {
// Don't process Alt+* combinations.
return false;
if (event.getCommandKey() || event.getKeySignalType() != SignalEvent.KeySignalType.INPUT) {
// Don't insert any Action+* / non-input combinations as text.
return false;
InputController input = this.getScheme().getInputController();
SelectionModel selection = input.getSelection();
int column = selection.getCursorColumn();
if (KeyCodeMap.isPrintable(letter)) {
String text = Character.toString((char) letter);
// insert a single character
selection.getCursorLineNumber(), column, text);
return true;
// let it fall through
return false;
* Insert more than one character directly into the document
public boolean onDefaultPaste(SignalEvent event, String text) {
SelectionModel selection = this.getScheme().getInputController().getSelection();
int column = selection.getCursorColumn();
.insertText(selection.getCursorLine(), selection.getCursorLineNumber(), column, text);
return true;
* ACTION+S - prevent the default browser behavior because the document is
* saved automatically.
defaultMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.ACTION, 's') {
public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
// prevent ACTION+S
return true;
* ACTION+A - select all text in the current document.
* @see SelectionModel#selectAll()
defaultMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.ACTION, 'a') {
public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
return true;
defaultMode.bindAction(CommonActions.GOTO_DEFINITION, ModifierKeys.ACTION, 'b');
defaultMode.bindAction(CommonActions.GOTO_SOURCE, ModifierKeys.NONE, KeyCodeMap.F4);
defaultMode.bindAction(CommonActions.SPLIT_LINE, ModifierKeys.ACTION, KeyCodeMap.ENTER);
defaultMode.bindAction(CommonActions.START_NEW_LINE, ModifierKeys.SHIFT, KeyCodeMap.ENTER);
// Single / multi-line comment / uncomment.
ModifierKeys.ACTION, KeyboardEvent.KeyCode.SLASH);
// Multi-line indenting and dedenting.
* TAB - add a tab at the current position, or at the beginning of each line
* if there is a selection.
* @see InputController#indentSelection()
defaultMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, KeyCodeMap.TAB) {
public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
return true;
* SHIFT+TAB - remove a tab from the beginning of each line in the
* selection.
* @see InputController#dedentSelection()
defaultMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.SHIFT, KeyCodeMap.TAB) {
public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
return true;
* BACKSPACE - native behavior
* @see InputController#deleteCharacter(boolean)
defaultMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, KeyCodeMap.BACKSPACE) {
public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
return true;
* SHIFT+BACKSPACE - native behavior
* @see InputController#deleteCharacter(boolean)
// This is common due to people backspacing while typing uppercase chars
new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.SHIFT, KeyCodeMap.BACKSPACE) {
public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
return true;
* ACTION+BACKSPACE - delete previous word
defaultMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(wordGrainModifier(), KeyCodeMap.BACKSPACE) {
public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
return true;
* DELETE - native behavior
* @see InputController#deleteCharacter(boolean)
defaultMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, KeyCodeMap.DELETE) {
public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
return true;
* ESC - Broadcasts clear message
defaultMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, KeyCodeMap.ESC) {
public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
// TODO: Make this broadcast event.
return true;
* ACTION+DELETE - delete next word
defaultMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(wordGrainModifier(), KeyCodeMap.DELETE) {
public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
return true;
* UNDO (ACTION+Z) - undo the most recent document action
* @see Editor#undo()
defaultMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.ACTION, 'z') {
public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
return true;
* REDO (ACTION+Y) - redo the last undone document action
* @see Editor#redo()
defaultMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.ACTION, 'y') {
public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
return true;
* Find Next (ACTION+G) - Goto next match
defaultMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.ACTION, 'g') {
public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
return true;
* Find Previous (ACTION+SHIFT+G) - Goto previous match
defaultMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.ACTION, 'G') {
public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
return true;
* ACTION+ALT+V - Switch from Default to Vim Scheme
* TODO: Removed VIM keybinding access until we're ready to launch
* it
if (false) {
// Disabled due to prioritization
.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.ACTION | ModifierKeys.ALT, 'v') {
public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
return true;
final SortedList<Spacer> spacers =
new SortedList<Spacer>(new Spacer.Comparator());
final Spacer.OneWaySpacerComparator spacerFinder = new Spacer.OneWaySpacerComparator();
defaultMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.ACTION, 'i') {
public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
final Editor editor = scheme.getInputController().getEditor();
new LineInfo(editor.getSelection().getCursorLine(), editor.getSelection()
.getCursorLineNumber()), new Random().nextInt(500) + 1));
return true;
defaultMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.ACTION, 'd') {
public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
final Editor editor = scheme.getInputController().getEditor();
int spacerIndex = spacers.findInsertionIndex(spacerFinder, false);
if (spacerIndex >= 0) {
return true;
defaultMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.ACTION, 'u') {
public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
final Editor editor = scheme.getInputController().getEditor();
int spacerIndex = spacers.findInsertionIndex(spacerFinder, false);
if (spacerIndex >= 0) {
// spacers.get(spacerIndex).setHeight(new Random().nextInt(500)+1);
return true;
defaultMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.ACTION, 'e') {
public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
final Editor editor = scheme.getInputController().getEditor();
return true;
defaultMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.ACTION, 'd') {
public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
final Editor editor = scheme.getInputController().getEditor();
return true;
addMode(1, defaultMode);
private static int wordGrainModifier() {
return UserAgent.isMac() ? ModifierKeys.ALT : ModifierKeys.ACTION;
public void setup() {