
Examples of

        int modifiers = ModifierKeys.computeModifiers(signal);
        modifiers = modifiers & ~ModifierKeys.SHIFT;
        int strippedKeyDigest = CharCodeWithModifiers.computeKeyDigest(modifiers, letter);
        JsoIntMap<MoveAction> movementKeysMapping = getMovementKeysMapping();
        if (movementKeysMapping.containsKey(strippedKeyDigest)) {
          MoveAction action = movementKeysMapping.get(strippedKeyDigest);
          getScheme().getInputController().getSelection().move(action, inVisualMode);
          return true;

        if (tryAddNumericPrefix((char) letter)) {
          return true;

        return false;

       * Paste events. These can come in from native Command+V or forced via
       * holding a local clipboard/buffer of any text copied within the editor.
      public boolean onDefaultPaste(SignalEvent signal, String text) {
        handlePaste(text, true);
        return true;

    addMode(Modes.COMMAND, commandMode);

     * Command+Alt+V - Switch from Vim to Default Scheme
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.ACTION | ModifierKeys.ALT, 'v') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        return true;

     * ESC, ACTION+[ - reset state in command mode
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, KeyCodeMap.ESC) {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        return true;
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.ACTION, '[') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        return true;

     * TODO: extract common visual mode switching code.
     * v - Switch to visual mode (character)
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, 'v') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        setStatus("-- VISUAL (char) --");
        inVisualMode = true;
        visualMoveUnit = MoveUnit.CHARACTER;
        // select the character the cursor is over now
        SelectionModel selectionModel = getInputController().getEditor().getSelection();
        LineInfo cursorLineInfo =
            new LineInfo(selectionModel.getCursorLine(), selectionModel.getCursorLineNumber());
        int cursorColumn = selectionModel.getCursorColumn();
        selectionModel.setSelection(cursorLineInfo, cursorColumn, cursorLineInfo, cursorColumn + 1);
        return true;

     * V - Switch to visual mode (line)
     * TODO: Doesn't exactly match vim's visual-line mode, force
     * selections of entire lines.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, 'V') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        setStatus("-- VISUAL (line) --");
        inVisualMode = true;
        visualMoveUnit = MoveUnit.LINE;
        // move cursor to beginning of current line, select to column 0 of next
        // line
        SelectionModel selectionModel = getInputController().getEditor().getSelection();
        LineInfo cursorLineInfo =
            new LineInfo(selectionModel.getCursorLine(), selectionModel.getCursorLineNumber());
        LineInfo nextLineInfo =
            new LineInfo(cursorLineInfo.line().getNextLine(), cursorLineInfo.number() + 1);
        selectionModel.setSelection(cursorLineInfo, 0, nextLineInfo, 0);
        return true;

     * i - Switch to insert mode
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, 'i') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        return true;

     * A - Jump to end of line, enter insert mode.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, 'A') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        SelectionModel selectionModel = getInputController().getEditor().getSelection();
        LineInfo cursorLineInfo =
            new LineInfo(selectionModel.getCursorLine(), selectionModel.getCursorLineNumber());
        int lastColumn = LineUtils.getLastCursorColumn(cursorLineInfo.line());
        selectionModel.setCursorPosition(cursorLineInfo, lastColumn);
        return true;

     * O - Insert line above, enter insert mode.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, 'O') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        SelectionModel selectionModel = getInputController().getEditor().getSelection();
        Document document = getInputController().getEditor().getDocument();
        Line cursorLine = selectionModel.getCursorLine();
        int cursorLineNumber = selectionModel.getCursorLineNumber();
        document.insertText(cursorLine, 0, "\n");
        selectionModel.setCursorPosition(new LineInfo(cursorLine, cursorLineNumber), 0);
        return true;

     * o - Insert line below, enter insert mode.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, 'o') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        SelectionModel selectionModel = getInputController().getEditor().getSelection();
        Document document = getInputController().getEditor().getDocument();
        Line cursorLine = selectionModel.getCursorLine();
        int cursorLineNumber = selectionModel.getCursorLineNumber();
        document.insertText(cursorLine, LineUtils.getLastCursorColumn(cursorLine), "\n");
        selectionModel.setCursorPosition(new LineInfo(cursorLine.getNextLine(),
            cursorLineNumber + 1), 0);
        return true;

     * : - Switch to colon capture mode for commands.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, ':') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        return true;

     * "/" - Switch to search mode.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, '/') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        return true;

    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, '*') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        SelectionModel selectionModel = getInputController().getEditor().getSelection();
        String word =
        if (word == null) {
          return true;
        return true;

     * Movement
     * ^,0 - Move to first character in line.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, '^') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        SelectionModel selectionModel = getInputController().getEditor().getSelection();
        LineInfo cursorLineInfo =
            new LineInfo(selectionModel.getCursorLine(), selectionModel.getCursorLineNumber());
        selectionModel.setCursorPosition(cursorLineInfo, 0);
        return true;
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, '0') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        if (tryAddNumericPrefix('0')) {
          return true;
        SelectionModel selectionModel = getInputController().getEditor().getSelection();
        LineInfo cursorLineInfo =
            new LineInfo(selectionModel.getCursorLine(), selectionModel.getCursorLineNumber());
        selectionModel.setCursorPosition(cursorLineInfo, 0);
        return true;

     * $ - Move to end of line.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, '$') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        SelectionModel selectionModel = getInputController().getEditor().getSelection();
        Line cursorLine = selectionModel.getCursorLine();
        LineInfo cursorLineInfo = new LineInfo(cursorLine, selectionModel.getCursorLineNumber());
        selectionModel.setCursorPosition(cursorLineInfo, LineUtils.getLastCursorColumn(cursorLine));
        return true;

     * w - move the cursor to the first character of the next word.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, 'w') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        SelectionModel selectionModel = getInputController().getSelection();
        LineInfo cursorLineInfo =
            new LineInfo(selectionModel.getCursorLine(), selectionModel.getCursorLineNumber());
        String text = selectionModel.getCursorLine().getText();
        int column = selectionModel.getCursorColumn();
        column = TextUtils.moveByWord(text, column, true, false);
        if (column == -1) {
          Line cursorLine = cursorLineInfo.line().getNextLine();
          if (cursorLine != null) {
            cursorLineInfo = new LineInfo(cursorLine, cursorLineInfo.number() + 1);
            column = 0;
          } else {
            column = LineUtils.getLastCursorColumn(cursorLine); // at last character
                                                          // in document

        selectionModel.setCursorPosition(cursorLineInfo, column);
        return true;

     * b - move the cursor to the first character of the previous word.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, 'b') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        SelectionModel selectionModel = getInputController().getSelection();
        LineInfo cursorLineInfo =
            new LineInfo(selectionModel.getCursorLine(), selectionModel.getCursorLineNumber());
        String text = selectionModel.getCursorLine().getText();
        int column = selectionModel.getCursorColumn();
        column = TextUtils.moveByWord(text, column, false, false);
        if (column == -1) {
          Line cursorLine = cursorLineInfo.line().getPreviousLine();
          if (cursorLine != null) {
            cursorLineInfo = new LineInfo(cursorLine, cursorLineInfo.number() - 1);
            column = LineUtils.getLastCursorColumn(cursorLine);
          } else {
            column = 0; // at first character in document

        selectionModel.setCursorPosition(cursorLineInfo, column);
        return true;

     * e - move the cursor to the last character of the next word.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, 'e') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        SelectionModel selectionModel = getInputController().getSelection();
        LineInfo cursorLineInfo =
            new LineInfo(selectionModel.getCursorLine(), selectionModel.getCursorLineNumber());
        String text = selectionModel.getCursorLine().getText();
        int column = selectionModel.getCursorColumn();
        column = TextUtils.moveByWord(text, column, true, true);
        if (column == -1) {
          Line cursorLine = cursorLineInfo.line().getNextLine();
          if (cursorLine != null) {
            cursorLineInfo = new LineInfo(cursorLine, cursorLineInfo.number() + 1);
            column = 0;
          } else {
            // at the last character in the document
            column = LineUtils.getLastCursorColumn(cursorLine);

        selectionModel.setCursorPosition(cursorLineInfo, column);
        return true;

     * % - jump to the next matching {}, [] or () character if the cursor is
     * over one of the two.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, '%') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        final SelectionModel selectionModel = getInputController().getSelection();
        Document document = getInputController().getEditor().getDocument();
        LineInfo cursorLineInfo =
            new LineInfo(selectionModel.getCursorLine(), selectionModel.getCursorLineNumber());
        String text = selectionModel.getCursorLine().getText();
        final char cursorChar = text.charAt(selectionModel.getCursorColumn());
        final char searchChar;
        final boolean searchingForward = OPENING_GROUPS.indexOf(cursorChar) >= 0;
        final Position searchingTo;
        if (searchingForward) {
          searchChar = CLOSING_GROUPS.charAt(OPENING_GROUPS.indexOf(cursorChar));
          searchingTo =
              new Position(new LineInfo(document.getLastLine(), document.getLastLineNumber()),
        } else if (CLOSING_GROUPS.indexOf(cursorChar) >= 0) {
          searchChar = OPENING_GROUPS.charAt(CLOSING_GROUPS.indexOf(cursorChar));
          searchingTo = new Position(new LineInfo(document.getFirstLine(), 0), 0);
        } else {
          return true; // not on a valid starting character

        Position startingPosition = new Position(cursorLineInfo, selectionModel.getCursorColumn()
            + (searchingForward ? 0 : 1));
        PositionUtils.visit(new LineUtils.LineVisitor() {
          // keep a stack to match the correct corresponding bracket
          ScopeMatcher scopeMatcher = new ScopeMatcher(searchingForward, cursorChar, searchChar);
          public boolean accept(Line line, int lineNumber, int beginColumn, int endColumn) {
            int column;
            String text = line.getText().substring(beginColumn, endColumn);
            column = scopeMatcher.searchNextLine(text);
            if (column >= 0) {
                  .setCursorPosition(new LineInfo(line, lineNumber), column + beginColumn);
              return false;
            return true;
        }, startingPosition, searchingTo);
        return true;

     * } - next paragraph.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, '}') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        SelectionModel selectionModel = getInputController().getSelection();
        LineInfo cursorLineInfo =
            new LineInfo(selectionModel.getCursorLine(), selectionModel.getCursorLineNumber());
        int lineNumber = cursorLineInfo.number();
        boolean skippingEmptyLines = true;
        Line line;
        for (line = cursorLineInfo.line(); line.getNextLine() != null; line = line.getNextLine(),
            lineNumber++) {
          String text = line.getText();
          text = text.substring(0, text.length() - (text.endsWith("\n") ? 1 : 0));
          boolean isEmptyLine = text.trim().length() > 0;
          if (skippingEmptyLines) {
            // check if this line is empty
            if (isEmptyLine) {
              skippingEmptyLines = false; // non-empty line
          } else {
            // check if this line is not empty
            if (!isEmptyLine) {
        selectionModel.setCursorPosition(new LineInfo(line, lineNumber), 0);
        return true;

     * TODO: merge both paragraph searching blocks together.
     * { - previous paragraph.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, '{') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        SelectionModel selectionModel = getInputController().getSelection();
        LineInfo cursorLineInfo =
            new LineInfo(selectionModel.getCursorLine(), selectionModel.getCursorLineNumber());
        int lineNumber = cursorLineInfo.number();
        boolean skippingEmptyLines = true;
        Line line;
        for (line = cursorLineInfo.line(); line.getPreviousLine() != null; line =
            line.getPreviousLine(), lineNumber--) {
          String text = line.getText();
          text = text.substring(0, text.length() - (text.endsWith("\n") ? 1 : 0));
          if (skippingEmptyLines) {
            // check if this line is empty
            if (text.trim().length() > 0) {
              skippingEmptyLines = false; // non-empty line
          } else {
            // check if this line is not empty
            if (text.trim().length() > 0) {
              // not empty, continue
            } else {
        selectionModel.setCursorPosition(new LineInfo(line, lineNumber), 0);
        return true;

     * Cmd+u - page up.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.ACTION, 'u') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        getInputController().getSelection().move(MoveAction.PAGE_UP, inVisualMode);
        return true;

     * Cmd+d - page down.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.ACTION, 'd') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        getInputController().getSelection().move(MoveAction.PAGE_DOWN, inVisualMode);
        return true;

     * Ngg - move cursor to line N, or first line by default.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new StreamShortcut("gg") {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        moveCursorToLine(getPrefixValue(), true);
        return true;

     * NG - move cursor to line N, or last line by default.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, 'G') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        moveCursorToLine(getPrefixValue(), false);
        return true;

     * Text manipulation
     * x - Delete one character to right of cursor, or the current selection.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, 'x') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        return true;

     * X - Delete one character to left of cursor.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, 'X') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        return true;

     * p - Paste after cursor.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, 'p') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        if (clipboard != null && clipboard.length() > 0) {
          handlePaste(clipboard, true);
        return true;

     * P - Paste before cursor.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, 'P') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        if (clipboard != null && clipboard.length() > 0) {
          handlePaste(clipboard, false);
        return true;

     * Nyy - Copy N lines. If there is already a selection, copy that instead.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new StreamShortcut("yy") {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        SelectionModel selectionModel = getInputController().getEditor().getSelection();
        if (selectionModel.hasSelection()) {
          isLineCopy = (visualMoveUnit == MoveUnit.LINE);
        } else {
          int numLines = getPrefixValue();
          if (numLines <= 0) {
            numLines = 1;
          isLineCopy = false;

        Position[] selectionRange = selectionModel.getSelectionRange(true);
        clipboard =
            LineUtils.getText(selectionRange[0].getLine(), selectionRange[0].getColumn(),
                selectionRange[1].getLine(), selectionRange[1].getColumn());
        return false;

     * Ndd - Cut N lines.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new StreamShortcut("dd") {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        int numLines = getPrefixValue();
        if (numLines <= 0) {
          numLines = 1;
        SelectionModel selectionModel = getInputController().getEditor().getSelection();

        Position[] selectionRange = selectionModel.getSelectionRange(true);
        clipboard =
            LineUtils.getText(selectionRange[0].getLine(), selectionRange[0].getColumn(),
                selectionRange[1].getLine(), selectionRange[1].getColumn());
        return false;

     * >> - indent line.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new StreamShortcut(">>") {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        return true;

     * << - dedent line.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new StreamShortcut("<<") {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        return true;

     * u - Undo.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, 'u') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        return true;

     * ACTION+r - Redo.
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.ACTION, 'r') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        return true;

     * n - next search match
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, 'n') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        return true;

     * N - previous search match
    commandMode.addShortcut(new EventShortcut(ModifierKeys.NONE, 'N') {
      public boolean event(InputScheme scheme, SignalEvent event) {
        return true;

    insertMode = new InputMode() {
      public void setup() {
        setStatus("-- INSERT --");

      public void teardown() {

      public boolean onDefaultInput(SignalEvent signal, char character) {
        int letter = KeyCodeMap.getKeyFromEvent(signal);

        int modifiers = ModifierKeys.computeModifiers(signal);
        modifiers = modifiers & ~ModifierKeys.SHIFT;
        int strippedKeyDigest = CharCodeWithModifiers.computeKeyDigest(modifiers, letter);
        JsoIntMap<MoveAction> movementKeysMapping = DefaultScheme.MOVEMENT_KEYS_MAPPING;
        if (movementKeysMapping.containsKey(strippedKeyDigest)) {
          MoveAction action = movementKeysMapping.get(strippedKeyDigest);
          getScheme().getInputController().getSelection().move(action, false);
          return true;

        InputController input = getInputController();
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        int modifiers = ModifierKeys.computeModifiers(event);
        boolean withShift = (modifiers & ModifierKeys.SHIFT) != 0;
        modifiers &= ~ModifierKeys.SHIFT;
        int strippedKeyDigest = CharCodeWithModifiers.computeKeyDigest(modifiers, letter);
        if (MOVEMENT_KEYS_MAPPING.containsKey(strippedKeyDigest)) {
          MoveAction action = MOVEMENT_KEYS_MAPPING.get(strippedKeyDigest);
          getScheme().getInputController().getSelection().move(action, withShift);
          return true;

        if (event.getAltKey()) {
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