/* Digital Wizard's Lab - game development framework
* Copyright (C) 2013, Matt Merkulov
* All rights reserved. Use of this code is allowed under the
* Artistic License 2.0 terms, as specified in the license.txt
* file distributed with this code, or available from
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php
package dwlab.shapes.sprites;
import dwlab.base.Obj;
import dwlab.base.Project;
import dwlab.base.XMLObject;
import dwlab.base.service.Service;
import dwlab.base.service.Vector;
import static dwlab.platform.Functions.*;
import dwlab.shapes.Line;
import dwlab.shapes.Shape;
import dwlab.shapes.layers.Layer;
import dwlab.shapes.line_segments.LineSegment;
import dwlab.shapes.line_segments.collision.CollisionWithLineSegment;
import dwlab.shapes.maps.SpriteMap;
import dwlab.shapes.maps.tilemaps.TileMap;
import dwlab.shapes.sprites.shape_types.ShapeType;
import dwlab.shapes.sprites.shape_types.collisions.SpritesCollision;
import dwlab.shapes.sprites.shape_types.drawing_shape.DrawingShape;
import dwlab.shapes.sprites.shape_types.overlapping.SpritesOverlapping;
import dwlab.shapes.sprites.shape_types.wedging_off.WedgingOffSprites;
import dwlab.visualizers.Color;
import dwlab.visualizers.Visualizer;
import java.util.Iterator;
* Sprite is the main basic shape of the framework to draw, move and check collisions.
* @see #lTVectorSprite
public class Sprite extends Shape {
private static final Vector serviceVector = new Vector();
private static final Sprite serviceSprite = new Sprite();
* Type of the sprite shape.
* @see #pivot, #oval, #rectangle
public ShapeType shapeType = ShapeType.rectangle;
* Direction of the sprite
* @see #moveForward, #moveTowards
public double angle;
* Angle of displaying image.
* Displaying angle is relative to sprite's direction if visualizer's rotating flag is set to True.
public double displayingAngle;
* Velocity of the sprite in units per second.
* @see #moveForward, #moveTowards
public double velocity;
* Frame of the sprite image.
* Can only be used with visualizer which have images.
public int frame;
public SpriteMap spriteMap;
public static int checkNum = 0;
public int checkValue = 0;
public String getClassTitle() {
return "Sprite";
// ==================== Creating ===================
public Sprite() {
this.shapeType = ShapeType.pivot;
* Creates sprite using given shape type.
* @return Created sprite.
public Sprite( ShapeType shapeType ) {
this.shapeType = shapeType;
this.x = 0d;
this.y = 0d;
if( shapeType == ShapeType.pivot ) {
this.width = 0d;
this.height = 0d;
} else {
this.width = 1d;
this.height = 1d;
public Sprite( double x, double y ) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.shapeType = ShapeType.pivot;
public Sprite( double x, double y, double radius ) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = radius;
this.height = radius;
this.shapeType = ShapeType.oval;
public Sprite( double x, double y, double width, double height ) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.shapeType = ShapeType.rectangle;
public Sprite( ShapeType shapeType, double width, double height ) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.shapeType = shapeType;
* Creates sprite using given coordinates, size, shape type, angle and velocity.
* @return Created sprite.
* See also #overlaps example.
public Sprite( ShapeType shapeType, double x, double y, double width, double height ) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.shapeType = shapeType;
public Sprite( ShapeType shapeType, double x, double y, double width, double height, double angle, double velocity ) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.shapeType = shapeType;
this.angle = angle;
this.velocity = velocity;
public Sprite( Shape shape ) {
this.x = shape.getX();
this.y = shape.getY();
this.width = shape.getWidth();
this.height = shape.getHeight();
// ==================== Drawing ===================
public void draw( Color drawingColor ) {
visualizer.drawUsingSprite( this, this, drawingColor );
public void drawUsingVisualizer( Visualizer vis, Color drawingColor ) {
vis.drawUsingSprite( this, this, drawingColor );
public void drawShape( Color drawingColor, boolean contour ) {
DrawingShape.handlers[ shapeType.getNum() ].perform( this, drawingColor, contour );
// ==================== Collisions ===================
* Checks if this sprite collides with given sprite.
* @return True if the sprite collides with given sprite, False otherwise.
public boolean collidesWith( Sprite sprite ) {
if( debug ) Project.collisionChecks += 1;
int num1 = shapeType.getNum();
int num2 = sprite.shapeType.getNum();
if( num1 <= num2 ) {
return SpritesCollision.handlers[ num1 ][ num2 ].check( this, sprite );
} else {
return SpritesCollision.handlers[ num2 ][ num1 ].check( sprite, this );
* Checks if the sprite collides with given line.
* @return True if the sprite collides with given line, otherwise false.
* Only collision of line and Oval is yet implemented.
public boolean collidesWith( LineSegment lineSegment ) {
if( debug ) Project.collisionChecks += 1;
return CollisionWithLineSegment.handlers[ shapeType.getNum() ].check( this, lineSegment );
* Checks if the sprite overlaps given sprite.
* @return True if the sprite overlaps given sprite, otherwise false.
* Pivot overlapping is not supported.
public boolean overlaps( Sprite sprite ) {
if( debug ) Project.collisionChecks += 1;
return SpritesOverlapping.handlers[ shapeType.getNum() ][ sprite.shapeType.getNum() ].check( this, sprite );
* Searches the layer for first sprite which collides with given.
* @return First found sprite which collides with given.
* Included layers will be also checked.
* @see #clone example
public Sprite lastCollidedSpriteOf( Layer layer ) {
for ( Iterator<Shape> it = layer.children.descendingIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Shape shape = it.next();
if( shape != this ) {
Sprite collided = shape.layerLastSpriteCollision( this );
if( collided != null ) return collided;
return null;
public Sprite layerLastSpriteCollision( Sprite sprite ) {
if( collidesWith( sprite ) ) return this; else return null;
* Executes given collision handler for collision of sprite with given sprite.
* If sprites collide then HandleCollisionWithSprite() method will be executed and given sprite will be passed to this method.
* You can specify collision type which will be passed to this method too.
* @see #collisionsWithLayer, #collisionsWithTileMap, #collisionsWithLine, #collisionsWithSpriteMap, #horizontal, #vertical
public void collisionsWith( Sprite sprite, SpriteCollisionHandler handler ) {
if( collidesWith( sprite ) ) handler.handleCollision( this, sprite );
* Executes given collision handler for collision of sprite with shapes in given group.
* For every collided shape collision handling method will be executed and corresponding parameters will be passed to this method.
* You can specify collision type which will be passed to this method too.
* @see #collisionsWithSprite, #collisionsWithTileMap, #collisionsWithLine, #collisionsWithSpriteMap, #horizontal, #vertical
public void collisionsWith( Layer layer, SpriteCollisionHandler handler ) {
for( Shape shape: layer.children ) {
if( shape != this ) shape.spriteLayerCollisions( this, handler );
public void spriteLayerCollisions( Sprite sprite, SpriteCollisionHandler handler ) {
if( sprite.collidesWith( this ) ) handler.handleCollision( sprite, this );
* Executes given collision handler for collision of sprite with given line.
* If sprite collides with line then HandleCollisionWithLine() method will be executed and line will be passed to this method.
* You can specify collision type which will be passed to this method too.
* @see #collisionsWithLayer, #collisionsWithSprite, #collisionsWithTileMap, #collisionsWithSpriteMap, #horizontal, #vertical
public void collisionsWith( LineSegment lineSegment, SpriteAndLineSegmentCollisionHandler handler ) {
if( collidesWith( lineSegment ) ) handler.handleCollision( this, lineSegment );
public static final double smallNum = 0.00000000001;
* Executes given collision handler for collision of sprite with tiles in given tilemap.
* For every collided tile HandleCollisionWithTile() method will be executed and tilemap with tile indexes will be passed to this method.
* You can specify collision type which will be passed to this method too.
* @see #collisionsWithLayer, #collisionsWithSprite, #collisionsWithLine, #collisionsWithSpriteMap, #horizontal, #vertical, #lTVectorSprite example
public void collisionsWith( TileMap tileMap, SpriteAndTileCollisionHandler handler, int[] tileNums ) {
double x0 = tileMap.leftX();
double y0 = tileMap.topY();
double cellWidth = tileMap.getTileWidth();
double cellHeight = tileMap.getTileHeight();
int xQuantity = tileMap.xQuantity;
int yQuantity = tileMap.yQuantity;
Sprite[][] collisionSprites = tileMap.tileSet.collisionSprites;
if( shapeType == ShapeType.pivot ) {
int tileX = Service.floor( ( x - x0 ) / cellWidth );
int tileY = Service.floor( ( y - y0 ) / cellHeight );
if( tileX >= 0 && tileY >= 0 && tileX < xQuantity && tileY < yQuantity ) {
int tileNum = tileMap.value[ tileY ][ tileX ];
Sprite[] spriteArray = collisionSprites[ tileNum ];
if( spriteArray != null ) {
if( !Service.inArray( tileNums, tileNum ) ) return;
for( int n = 0; n < spriteArray.length; n++ ) {
spriteArray[ n ].transformFrom( x0, y0, cellWidth, cellHeight, tileX, tileY );
if( collidesWith( serviceSprite ) ) handler.handleCollision( this, tileMap, tileX, tileY, serviceSprite );
} else if( shapeType != ShapeType.ray ) {
int x1 = Service.floor( ( x - 0.5d * width - x0 ) / cellWidth );
int y1 = Service.floor( ( y - 0.5d * height - y0 ) / cellHeight );
int x2 = Service.floor( ( x + 0.5d * width - x0 - smallNum ) / cellWidth );
int y2 = Service.floor( ( y + 0.5d * height - y0 - smallNum ) / cellHeight );
if( x2 >= 0 && y2 >= 0 && x1 < xQuantity && y1 < yQuantity ) {
x1 = Service.limit( x1, 0, xQuantity - 1 );
y1 = Service.limit( y1, 0, yQuantity - 1 );
x2 = Service.limit( x2, 0, xQuantity - 1 );
y2 = Service.limit( y2, 0, yQuantity - 1 );
for( int tileY = y1; tileY <= y2; tileY++ ) {
for( int tileX = x1; tileX <= x2; tileX++ ) {
int tileNum = tileMap.value[ tileY ][ tileX ];
Sprite[] spriteArray = collisionSprites[ tileNum ];
if( spriteArray != null ) {
if( !Service.inArray( tileNums, tileNum ) ) continue;
for( int n = 0; n < spriteArray.length; n++ ) {
spriteArray[ n ].transformFrom( x0, y0, cellWidth, cellHeight, tileX, tileY );
if( collidesWith( serviceSprite ) ) handler.handleCollision( this, tileMap, tileX, tileY, serviceSprite );
public void collisionsWith( TileMap tileMap, SpriteAndTileCollisionHandler handler ) {
collisionsWith( tileMap, handler, null );
* Executes reaction for collision of sprite with sprites in sprite map.
* For every collided sprite HandleCollisionWithSprite() method will be executed and collided srite will be passed to this method.
* You can specify collision type which will be passed to this method too.
* Map parameter allows you to specify map to where collided sprites will be added as keys.
* @see #collisionsWithGroup, #collisionsWithSprite, #collisionsWithTileMap, #collisionsWithLine, #horizontal, #vertical, #lTSpriteMap example
public void collisionsWith( SpriteMap spriteMap, SpriteCollisionHandler handler ) {
if( shapeType == ShapeType.pivot ) {
int wrappedCellX = ( (int) Service.floor( x / spriteMap.cellWidth ) ) & spriteMap.xMask;
int wrappedCellY = ( (int) Service.floor( y / spriteMap.cellHeight ) ) & spriteMap.yMask;
Sprite[] sprites = spriteMap.lists[ wrappedCellY ][ wrappedCellX ];
int quantity = spriteMap.listSize[ wrappedCellY ][ wrappedCellX ];
for( int n = 0; n < quantity; n++ ) {
Sprite mapSprite = sprites[ n ];
if( this == mapSprite ) continue;
if( collidesWith( mapSprite ) ) {
if( mapSprite.checkValue != checkNum ) {
mapSprite.checkValue = checkNum;
handler.handleCollision( this, mapSprite );
} else if( shapeType != ShapeType.ray ) {
int mapX1 = Service.floor( ( x - 0.5d * width ) / spriteMap.cellWidth );
int mapY1 = Service.floor( ( y - 0.5d * height ) / spriteMap.cellHeight );
int mapX2 = Service.floor( ( x + 0.5d * width - smallNum ) / spriteMap.cellWidth );
int mapY2 = Service.floor( ( y + 0.5d * height - smallNum ) / spriteMap.cellHeight );
for( int cellY = mapY1; cellY <= mapY2; cellY++ ) {
int wrappedCellY = cellY & spriteMap.yMask;
for( int cellX = mapX1; cellX <= mapX2; cellX++ ) {
int wrappedCellX = cellX & spriteMap.xMask;
Sprite[] sprites = spriteMap.lists[ wrappedCellY ][ wrappedCellX ];
int quantity = spriteMap.listSize[ wrappedCellY ][ wrappedCellX ];
for( int n = 0; n < quantity; n++ ) {
Sprite mapSprite = sprites[ n ];
if( this == mapSprite ) continue;
if( collidesWith( mapSprite ) ) {
if( mapSprite.checkValue != checkNum ) {
mapSprite.checkValue = checkNum;
handler.handleCollision( this, mapSprite );
// ==================== Wedging off ====================
* Wedges off sprite with given sprite.
* Pushes sprites from each other until they stops colliding. More the moving resistance, less the sprite will be moved.
* <ul>
* <li> If each sprite's moving resistance is zero, or each sprite's moving resistance is less than 0 then sprites will be moved on same distance.
* <li> If one of the sprite has zero moving resistance and other's moving resistance is non-zero, only zero-moving-resistance sprite will be moved
* <li> If one of the sprite has moving resistance less than 0 and other has moving resistance more or equal to 0, then only zero-or-more-moving-resistance sprite will be moved.
* </ul>
public void wedgeOffWith( Sprite sprite, double selfMovingResistance, double spriteMovingResistance ) {
int num1 = shapeType.getNum();
int num2 = sprite.shapeType.getNum();
if( num1 <= num2 ) {
WedgingOffSprites.handlers[ num1 ][ num2 ].calculateVector( this, sprite, serviceVector );
WedgingOffSprites.separate( this, sprite, serviceVector, selfMovingResistance, spriteMovingResistance );
} else {
WedgingOffSprites.handlers[ num2 ][ num1 ].calculateVector( sprite, this, serviceVector );
WedgingOffSprites.separate( sprite, this, serviceVector, spriteMovingResistance, selfMovingResistance );
public void wedgeOffWith( Sprite sprite ) {
wedgeOffWith( sprite, 0.5d, 0.5d );
* Pushes sprite from given sprite.
* See also : #wedgeOffWithSprite, #pushFromTile
public void pushFrom( Sprite sprite ) {
wedgeOffWith( sprite, 0.0, 1.0 );
* Pushes sprite from given tile.
* See also : #pushFromSprite
public void pushFrom( TileMap tileMap, int tileX, int tileY ) {
double x0 = tileMap.leftX();
double y0 = tileMap.topY();
double cellWidth = tileMap.getTileWidth();
double cellHeight = tileMap.getTileHeight();
Sprite[] spriteArray = tileMap.tileSet.collisionSprites[ tileMap.value[ tileY ][ tileX ] ];
if( spriteArray != null ) {
for( int n = 0; n < spriteArray.length; n++ ) {
spriteArray[ n ].transformFrom( x0, y0, cellWidth, cellHeight, tileX, tileY );
pushFrom( serviceSprite );
* Forces sprite to bounce off the inner bounds of the shape.
* @see #active example
public Sprite bounceInside( Sprite sprite, boolean leftSide, boolean topSide, boolean rightSide, boolean bottomSide, SpriteCollisionHandler handler ) {
if( leftSide ) {
if( leftX() < sprite.leftX() ) {
x = sprite.leftX() + 0.5 * width;
angle = 180 - angle;
if( handler != null ) handler.handleCollision( this, sprite );
if( topSide ) {
if( topY() < sprite.topY() ) {
y = sprite.topY() + 0.5 * height;
angle = -angle;
if( handler != null ) handler.handleCollision( this, sprite );
if( rightSide ) {
if( rightX() > sprite.rightX() ) {
x = sprite.rightX() - 0.5 * width;
angle = 180 - angle;
if( handler != null ) handler.handleCollision( this, sprite );
if( bottomSide ) {
if( bottomY() > sprite.bottomY() ) {
y = sprite.bottomY() - 0.5 * height;
angle = -angle;
if( handler != null ) handler.handleCollision( this, sprite );
return this;
public Sprite bounceInside( Sprite sprite, SpriteCollisionHandler handler ) {
bounceInside( sprite, true, true, true, true, handler );
return this;
public Sprite bounceInside( Sprite sprite ) {
bounceInside( sprite, true, true, true, true, null );
return this;
// ==================== Position and size ====================
public Shape setCoords( double newX, double newY ) {
if( spriteMap != null ) spriteMap.removeSprite( this, false, false );
x = newX;
y = newY;
if( spriteMap != null ) spriteMap.insertSprite( this, false, false );
return this;
public Shape setCoordsAndSize( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 ) {
if( spriteMap != null ) spriteMap.removeSprite( this, false, false );
x = 0.5d * ( x1 + x2 );
y = 0.5d * ( y1 + y2 );
width = x2 - x1;
height = y2 - y1;
if( spriteMap != null ) spriteMap.insertSprite( this, false, false );
return this;
* Moves sprite forward.
* @see #move, #moveBackward, #turn example
public Sprite moveForward() {
setCoords( x + Math.cos( angle ) * velocity * Project.deltaTime, y + Math.sin( angle ) * velocity * Project.deltaTime );
return this;
* Moves sprite backward.
* @see #move, #moveForward, #turn example
public Sprite moveBackward() {
setCoords( x - Math.cos( angle ) * velocity * Project.deltaTime, y - Math.sin( angle ) * velocity * Project.deltaTime );
return this;
public Shape setSize( double newWidth, double newHeight ) {
if( spriteMap != null ) spriteMap.removeSprite( this, false, false );
width = newWidth;
height = newHeight;
if( spriteMap != null ) spriteMap.insertSprite( this, false, false );
return this;
* Sets the sprite as a tile.
* Position, size, visualizer and frame will be changed. This method can be used to cover other shapes with the tile or voluntary moving the tile.
* @see #getTileForPoint example
public Sprite setAsTile( TileMap tileMap, int tileX, int tileY ) {
width = tileMap.getTileWidth();
height = tileMap.getTileHeight();
x = tileMap.leftX() + width * ( 0.5 + tileX );
y = tileMap.topY() + height * ( 0.5 + tileY );
visualizer = tileMap.visualizer.clone();
visualizer.image = tileMap.tileSet.image;
frame = tileMap.getTile( tileX, tileY );
return this;
// ==================== Limiting ====================
public Shape limitLeftWith( Shape rectangle, SpriteCollisionHandler handler ) {
double rectLeftX = rectangle.leftX();
if( leftX() < rectLeftX ) {
setX( rectLeftX + 0.5 * width );
if( handler != null ) handler.handleCollision( this, null );
return this;
public Shape limitTopWith( Shape rectangle, SpriteCollisionHandler handler ) {
double rectTopY = rectangle.topY();
if( topY() < rectTopY ) {
setY( rectTopY + 0.5 * height );
if( handler != null ) handler.handleCollision( this, null );
return this;
public Shape limitRightWith( Shape rectangle, SpriteCollisionHandler handler ) {
double rectRightX = rectangle.rightX();
if( rightX() > rectRightX ) {
setX( rectRightX - 0.5 * width );
if( handler != null ) handler.handleCollision( this, null );
return this;
public Shape limitBottomWith( Shape rectangle, SpriteCollisionHandler handler ) {
double rectBottomY = rectangle.bottomY();
if( bottomY() > rectBottomY ) {
setY( rectBottomY - 0.5 * height );
if( handler != null ) handler.handleCollision( this, null );
return this;
// ==================== Angle ====================
* Directs sprite as given angular sprite.
* @see #directTo
public Sprite directAs( Sprite sprite ) {
angle = sprite.angle;
return this;
* Turns the sprite.
* Turns the sprite with given speed per second.
public Sprite turn( double turningSpeed ) {
angle += Project.deltaTime * turningSpeed;
return this;
* Direct the sprite to center of the given shape.
* @see #directAs
public Sprite directTo( Shape shape ) {
angle = Math.atan2( shape.getY() - y, shape.getX() - x );
return this;
public Sprite reverseDirection() {
angle = angle + 180;
return this;
* Alters angle by given value.
* @see #clone example
public Sprite alterAngle( double dAngle ) {
angle += dAngle;
return this;
// ==================== Animation ====================
* Animates the sprite.
public Sprite animate( double speed, int framesQuantity, int frameStart, double startingTime, boolean pingPong ) {
if( framesQuantity == 0 ) framesQuantity = visualizer.getImage().framesQuantity();
int modFactor = framesQuantity;
if( pingPong ) modFactor = framesQuantity * 2 - 2;
frame = ( int ) Math.floor( ( Project.current.time - startingTime ) / speed ) % modFactor;
if( pingPong && frame >= framesQuantity ) frame = modFactor - frame;
frame += frameStart;
return this;
// ==================== Methods for oval ====================
public Sprite toCircle( Sprite pivot1, Sprite circleSprite ) {
if( width == height ) return this;
if( circleSprite !=null ) circleSprite = new Sprite( ShapeType.oval );
if( width > height ) {
circleSprite.x = Service.limit( pivot1.getX(), x - 0.5 * ( width - height ), x + 0.5 * ( width - height ) );
circleSprite.y = y;
circleSprite.width = height;
circleSprite.height = height;
} else {
circleSprite.x = x;
circleSprite.y = Service.limit( pivot1.getY(), y - 0.5 * ( height - width ), y + 0.5 * ( height - width ) );
circleSprite.width = width;
circleSprite.height = width;
return circleSprite;
public Sprite toCircleUsingLine( Line line, Sprite circleSprite ) {
if( width == height ) return circleSprite;
if( width > height ) {
double dWidth = 0.5 * ( width - height );
double o1 = line.a * ( x - dWidth ) + line.b * y + line.c;
double o2 = line.a * ( x + dWidth ) + line.b * y + line.c;
if( Math.signum( o1 ) != Math.signum( o2 ) ) {
circleSprite.x = -( line.b * y + line.c ) / line.a;
} else if( Math.abs( o1 ) < Math.abs( o2 ) ) {
circleSprite.x = x - dWidth;
} else {
circleSprite.x = x + dWidth;
circleSprite.y = y;
} else {
double dHeight = 0.5 * ( height - width );
double o1 = line.a * x + line.b * ( y - dHeight ) + line.c;
double o2 = line.a * x + line.b * ( y + dHeight ) + line.c;
if( Math.signum( o1 ) != Math.signum( o2 ) ) {
circleSprite.y = -( line.a * x + line.c ) / line.b;
} else if( Math.abs( o1 ) < Math.abs( o2 ) ) {
circleSprite.y = y - dHeight;
} else {
circleSprite.y = y + dHeight;
circleSprite.x = x;
return circleSprite;
public Sprite toCircleUsingLine( Line line ) {
return toCircleUsingLine( line, new Sprite( ShapeType.oval ) );
// ==================== Methods for ray ====================
public void toLine( Line line ) {
line.usePoints( x, y, x + Math.cos( angle ), y + Math.sin( angle ) );
public Line toLine() {
Line line = new Line();
toLine( line );
return line;
public boolean hasPoint( double x1, double y1 ) {
double ang = Service.wrap( angle, 360.0 );
if( ang < 45.0 || ang >= 315.0 ) {
return x1 >= x;
} else if( ang < 135.0 ) {
return y1 >= y;
} else if( ang < 225.0 ) {
return x1 <= x;
} else {
return y1 <= y;
public boolean hasPivot( Sprite pivot ) {
return hasPoint( pivot.x, pivot.y );
// ==================== Methods for triangle ====================
public static void getMedium( Sprite pivot1, Sprite pivot2, Sprite medium ) {
medium.setCoords( 0.5 * ( pivot1.x + pivot2.x ), 0.5 * ( pivot1.y + pivot2.y ) );
public static Sprite getMedium( Sprite pivot1, Sprite pivot2 ) {
Sprite medium = new Sprite();
getMedium( pivot1, pivot2, medium );
return medium;
public void getHypotenuse( Line line ) {
if( shapeType == ShapeType.topLeftTriangle || shapeType == ShapeType.bottomRightTriangle ) {
line.usePoints( x, y, x - width, y + height );
} else if( shapeType == ShapeType.topRightTriangle || shapeType == ShapeType.bottomLeftTriangle ) {
line.usePoints( x, y, x + width, y + height );
public Line getHypotenuse() {
Line line = new Line();
getHypotenuse( line );
return line;
public void getRightAngleVertex( Sprite vertex ) {
if( shapeType == ShapeType.topLeftTriangle || shapeType == ShapeType.bottomLeftTriangle ) {
vertex.setX( x - 0.5 * width );
} else if( shapeType == ShapeType.topRightTriangle || shapeType == ShapeType.bottomRightTriangle ) {
vertex.setX( x + 0.5 * width );
if( shapeType == ShapeType.topLeftTriangle || shapeType == ShapeType.topRightTriangle ) {
vertex.setY( y - 0.5 * height );
} else if( shapeType == ShapeType.bottomLeftTriangle || shapeType == ShapeType.bottomRightTriangle ) {
vertex.setY( y + 0.5 * height );
public Sprite getRightAngleVertex() {
Sprite vertex = new Sprite();
getRightAngleVertex( vertex );
return vertex;
public void getOtherVertices( Sprite pivot1, Sprite pivot2 ) {
if( shapeType == ShapeType.topRightTriangle || shapeType == ShapeType.bottomLeftTriangle ) {
getPivots( pivot1, null, pivot2, null );
} else {
getPivots( null, pivot1, null, pivot2 );
// ==================== Cloning ===================
public Sprite clone() {
Sprite newSprite = new Sprite();
copySpriteTo( newSprite );
return newSprite;
public void copySpriteTo( Sprite sprite ) {
copyShapeTo( sprite );
sprite.shapeType = shapeType;
sprite.angle = angle;
sprite.displayingAngle = displayingAngle;
sprite.velocity = velocity;
sprite.frame = frame;
public void copyTo( Shape shape ) {
copySpriteTo( shape.toSprite() );
public Sprite toSprite() {
return this;
// ==================== Other ====================
private class SpriteMapRemover extends Obj {
SpriteMap map;
Sprite sprite;
public void act() {
map.removeSprite( sprite, true, true );
public void removeFrom( SpriteMap map ) {
SpriteMapRemover remover = new SpriteMapRemover();
remover.map = map;
remover.sprite = this;
Project.managers.add( remover );
private class SpriteMapInserter extends Obj {
SpriteMap map;
Sprite sprite;
public void act() {
map.insertSprite( sprite, true, true );
public void insertTo( SpriteMap map ) {
SpriteMapInserter inserter = new SpriteMapInserter();
inserter.map = map;
inserter.sprite = this;
Project.managers.add( inserter );
public void updateFromAngularModel() {
private void transformFrom( double x0, double y0, double cellWidth, double cellHeight, int tileX, int tileY ) {
serviceSprite.setCoords( x0 + ( x + tileX ) * cellWidth, y0 + ( y + tileY ) * cellHeight );
serviceSprite.setSize( width * cellWidth, height * cellHeight );
serviceSprite.shapeType = shapeType;
public void xMLIO( XMLObject xMLObject ) {
super.xMLIO( xMLObject );
if( XMLObject.xMLGetMode() ) {
if( xMLObject.fieldExists( "shape-type" ) ) {
shapeType = xMLObject.manageObjectField( "shape-type", shapeType );
} else {
shapeType = ShapeType.getByNum( xMLObject.getIntegerAttribute( "shape" ) );
} else if( shapeType.singleton() ) {
xMLObject.setAttribute( "shape", String.valueOf( shapeType.getNum() ) );
} else {
shapeType = xMLObject.manageObjectField( "shape-type", shapeType );
angle = xMLObject.manageDoubleAttribute( "angle", angle );
displayingAngle = xMLObject.manageDoubleAttribute( "disp_angle", displayingAngle );
velocity = xMLObject.manageDoubleAttribute( "velocity", velocity, 1.0 );
frame = xMLObject.manageIntAttribute( "frame", frame );