/* Digital Wizard's Lab - game development framework
* Copyright (C) 2013, Matt Merkulov
* All rights reserved. Use of this code is allowed under the
* Artistic License 2.0 terms, as specified in the license.txt
* file distributed with this code, or available from
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php
package dwlab.shapes.maps.tilemaps;
import dwlab.base.Obj;
import dwlab.base.XMLObject;
import dwlab.base.images.Image;
import dwlab.shapes.Shape;
import dwlab.shapes.layers.Layer;
import dwlab.shapes.sprites.Sprite;
import java.util.LinkedList;
* Tileset stores image and collision shapes of tiles for tilemaps. Also tile replacing/enframing rules are stored here.
public class TileSet extends Obj {
* Prolonging tiles flag.
* Defines the method of recognizing tiles outside tilemap for tile replacing/enframing algorythm.
* @see #enframe example
public static boolean prolongTiles = true;
public String name;
public Image image;
public Sprite[][] collisionSprites;
public LinkedList tileBlocks = new LinkedList();
public LinkedList<TileCategory> categories = new LinkedList<TileCategory>();
public int tilesQuantity;
public int[] tileCategory;
* Number of undrawable tile.
* If this number will be set to 0 or more, the tile with this index will not be drawn.
public int emptyTile = -1;
public TileSet() {
* Creates tileset with given image and empty tile number.
* @return Created tileset.
public TileSet( Image image, int emptyTile ) {
this.image = image;
this.emptyTile = emptyTile;
public TileSet( Image image ) {
this.image = image;
* Updates tileset when tiles quantity was changed.
* Execute this method every time you change TilesQuantity parameter.
public final void refreshTilesQuantity() {
if( image == null ) return;
int newTilesQuantity = image.framesQuantity();
Sprite newCollisionSprites[][] = new Sprite[ newTilesQuantity ][];
for( int n = 0; n < Math.min( tilesQuantity, newTilesQuantity ); n++ ) newCollisionSprites[ n ] = collisionSprites[ n ];
collisionSprites = newCollisionSprites;
tilesQuantity = newTilesQuantity;
* Enframes the tile of given tilemap with given coordinates.
public void enframe( TileMap tileMap, int x, int y ) {
int catNum = tileCategory[ tileMap.value[ y ][ x ] ];
if( catNum < 0 ) return;
TileCategory category = categories.get( catNum );
for( TileRule rule: category.tileRules ) {
if( x % rule.xDivider != rule.x || y % rule.yDivider != rule.y ) continue;
boolean passed = true;
for( TilePos pos: rule.tilePositions ) {
int tileCat = getTileCategory( tileMap, x + pos.dX, y + pos.dY );
if( pos.category == -1 ) {
if( tileCat == catNum ) {
passed = false;
} else {
if( tileCat != pos.category ) {
passed = false;
if( passed ) {
for( int tileNum: rule.tileNums ) {
if( tileNum == tileMap.value[ y ][ x ] ) return;
tileMap.value[ y ][ x ] = rule.tileNums[ 0 ];
public int getTileCategory( TileMap tileMap, int x, int y ) {
if( tileMap.wrapped ) {
if( tileMap.masked ) {
x = x & tileMap.xMask;
y = y & tileMap.yMask;
} else {
x = tileMap.wrapX( x );
y = tileMap.wrapY( y );
} else {
if( prolongTiles ) {
if( x < 0 ) {
x = 0;
} else if( x >= tileMap.xQuantity ) {
x = tileMap.xQuantity - 1;
if( y < 0 ) {
y = 0;
} else if( y >= tileMap.yQuantity ) {
y = tileMap.yQuantity - 1;
} else {
if( x < 0 || x >= tileMap.xQuantity || y < 0 || y >= tileMap.yQuantity ) return -1;
return tileCategory[ tileMap.value[ y ][ x ] ];
* Updates tileset information.
* This method will be automatically executed after loading tileset. Also execute it after forming or changing tileset categories.
public void update() {
tileCategory = new int[ tilesQuantity ];
for( int n=0; n < tilesQuantity; n++ ) {
tileCategory[ n ] = -1;
int catNum = 0;
for( TileCategory category: categories ) {
category.num = catNum;
for( TileRule rule: category.tileRules ) {
for( int n=0; n < rule.tileNums.length; n++ ) {
if( rule.tileNums[ n ] >= tilesQuantity ) rule.tileNums[ n ] = tilesQuantity - 1;
tileCategory[ rule.tileNums[ n ] ] = category.num;
catNum += 1;
for( TileCategory category: categories ) {
for( TileRule rule: category.tileRules ) {
if( rule.x >= rule.xDivider ) rule.x = rule.xDivider - 1;
if( rule.y >= rule.yDivider ) rule.y = rule.yDivider - 1;
for( TilePos pos: rule.tilePositions ) {
if( pos.tileNum >= tilesQuantity ) pos.tileNum = tilesQuantity - 1;
pos.category = tileCategory[ pos.tileNum ];
public void xMLIO( XMLObject xMLObject ) {
super.xMLIO( xMLObject );
name = xMLObject.manageStringAttribute( "name", name );
image = xMLObject.manageObjectField( "image", image );
tilesQuantity = xMLObject.manageIntAttribute( "tiles-quantity", tilesQuantity );
tileBlocks = xMLObject.manageListField( "tile-blocks", tileBlocks );
emptyTile = xMLObject.manageIntAttribute( "empty-tile", emptyTile, -1 );
categories = xMLObject.manageChildList( categories );
//collisionSprites = xMLObject.manageObjectDoubleArrayField( "collision-sprites", collisionSprites );
if( XMLObject.xMLGetMode() ) {
Shape[] shapes = xMLObject.manageObjectArrayField( "collision-shapes", null, Shape.class );
if( shapes != null ) {
collisionSprites = new Sprite[ shapes.length ][];
for( int n = 0; n < shapes.length; n++ ) {
if( shapes[ n ] == null ) continue;
Layer layer = shapes[ n ].toLayer();
if( layer == null ) {
if( shapes[ n ] != null ) {
collisionSprites[ n ] = new Sprite[ 1 ];
collisionSprites[ n ][ 0 ] = shapes[ n ].toSprite();
} else {
collisionSprites[ n ] = new Sprite[ layer.children.size() ];
int m = 0;
for( Shape shape : layer.children ) {
collisionSprites[ n ][ m ] = shape.toSprite();