/* Digital Wizard's Lab - game development framework
* Copyright (C) 2013, Matt Merkulov
* All rights reserved. Use of this code is allowed under the
* Artistic License 2.0 terms, as specified in the license.txt
* file distributed with this code, or available from
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php */
package dwlab.shapes.maps;
import dwlab.base.images.Image;
import dwlab.base.service.Service;
import dwlab.base.images.ImageBuffer;
import static dwlab.platform.Functions.*;
* DoubleMap is basicaly a heightmap.
* It is 2d array of Double values which are in 0.0...1.0 interval.
public class DoubleMap extends Map {
public enum Channel {
* Constant for filling red color channel in pixmap.
* @see #pasteToImage, #pasteToPixmap
* Constant for filling green color channel in pixmap.
* @see #pasteToImage, #pasteToPixmap
* Constant for filling blue color channel in pixmap.
* @see #pasteToImage, #pasteToPixmap
* Constant for filling alpha channel in pixmap (transparency).
* @see #pasteToImage, #pasteToPixmap
* Constant for filling all color channels in pixmap (resulting color will be from black to white).
* @see #pasteToImage, #pasteToPixmap
public enum PasteMode {
* Constant for overwriting source heightmap values by destination heightmap values.
* @see #overwrite, #add, #multiply, #maximum, #minimum, #paste
* Constant for adding source heightmap values to destination heightmap values.
* @see #overwrite, #add, #multiply, #maximum, #minimum, #paste, #limit
* Constant for multiplying source heightmap values by destination heightmap values.
* @see #overwrite, #add, #multiply, #maximum, #minimum, #paste
* Constant for selecting maximum value between source heightmap values and destination heightmap values.
* @see #overwrite, #add, #multiply, #maximum, #minimum, #paste
* Constant for selecting minimum value between source heightmap values and destination heightmap values.
* @see #overwrite, #add, #multiply, #maximum, #minimum, #paste
* Array of heightmap values.
public double value[ ][ ];
// ==================== Creating ===================
* Creates double map using given resolution.
* @return Created double map.
* @see #paste example
public DoubleMap( int xQuantity, int yQuantity ) {
setResolution( xQuantity, yQuantity );
// ==================== Parameters ====================
public final void setResolution( int newXQuantity, int newYQuantity ) {
super.setResolution( newXQuantity, newYQuantity );
value = new double[ newYQuantity ][];
for( int yy = 0; yy < newYQuantity; yy++ ) value[ yy ] = new double[ newXQuantity ];
// ==================== Manipulations ====================
* Converts heightmap to new image with single frame.
* @return New image.
* By default every color channel will be filled by heightmap values, but you can specify another channel filling mode.
* @see #toNewPixmap, #pasteToImage, #pasteToPixmap, #paste example
public ImageBuffer toNewImageBuffer( Channel channel ) {
ImageBuffer buffer = new ImageBuffer( xQuantity, yQuantity );
buffer.clear( 0xFF );
paste( buffer, 0, 0, 0, channel );
return buffer;
public ImageBuffer toNewImageBuffer() {
return toNewImageBuffer( Channel.RGB );
public Image toNewImage( Channel channel ) {
return toNewImageBuffer( channel ).toImage();
public Image toNewImage() {
return toNewImage( Channel.RGB );
* Pastes heightmap to existing image frame with given shift.
* By default every color channel will be filled by heightmap values, but you can specify another channel filling mode.
* @see #toNewImage, #toNewPixmap, #pasteToPixmap, #paste example
public void paste( ImageBuffer buffer, int frame, int xShift, int yShift, Channel channel ) {
for( int y1=0; y1 < yQuantity; y1++ ) {
for( int x1=0; x1 < xQuantity; x1++ ) {
int col = (int) Math.round( 255d * value[ y1 ][ x1 ] );
int x2, y2;
if( masked ) {
x2 = ( x1 + xShift ) & xMask;
y2 = ( y1 + yShift ) & yMask;
} else {
x2 = wrapX( x1 + xShift );
y2 = wrapY( y1 + yShift );
int pixel = buffer.getPixel( x2, y2 );
switch( channel ) {
case RGB:
buffer.setPixel( x2, y2, ( col * 0x01010100 ) | ( pixel & 0xFF ) );
case ALPHA:
buffer.setPixel( x2, y2, col | ( pixel & 0xFFFFFF00 ) );
case BLUE:
buffer.setPixel( x2, y2, ( col << 8 ) | ( pixel & 0xFFFF00FF ) );
case GREEN:
buffer.setPixel( x2, y2, ( col << 16 ) | ( pixel & 0xFF00FFFF ) );
case RED:
buffer.setPixel( x2, y2, ( col << 24 ) | ( pixel & 0x00FFFFFF ) );
public void paste( ImageBuffer buffer, Channel channel ) {
paste( buffer, 0, 0, 0, channel );
* Pastes one heightmap over another.
* You can change coordinate shift and pasting mode.
* All parts of source heightmap which will be outside destination pixmap will be wrapped around destination pixmap.
* @see #overwrite, #add, #multiply, #maximum, #minimum
public void paste( DoubleMap sourceMap, int xx, int yy, PasteMode mode ) {
for( int y0=0; y0 < sourceMap.yQuantity; y0++ ) {
for( int x0=0; x0 < sourceMap.xQuantity; x0++ ) {
int x1, y1;
if( masked ) {
x1 = ( xx + x0 ) & xMask;
y1 = ( yy + y0 ) & yMask;
} else {
x1 = wrapX( xx + x0 );
y1 = wrapY( yy + y0 );
switch( mode ) {
value[ y1 ][ x1 ] = sourceMap.value[ y0 ][ x0 ];
case ADD:
value[ y1 ][ x1 ] = value[ y1 ][ x1 ] + sourceMap.value[ y0 ][ x0 ];
value[ y1 ][ x1 ] = value[ y1 ][ x1 ] * sourceMap.value[ y0 ][ x0 ];
value[ y1 ][ x1 ] = Math.max( value[ y1 ][ x1 ], sourceMap.value[ y0 ][ x0 ] );
value[ y1 ][ x1 ] = Math.min( value[ y1 ][ x1 ], sourceMap.value[ y0 ][ x0 ] );
public void paste( DoubleMap sourceMap, PasteMode mode ) {
paste( sourceMap, 0, 0, mode );
public void paste( DoubleMap sourceMap ) {
paste( sourceMap, 0, 0, PasteMode.ADD );
* Extracts slice of heightmap to the tilemap.
* Areas of Tilemap with corresponding heightmap values between VFrom and VTo will be filled with TileNum tile index.
* Tilemap and heightmap must have same resolution.
* @see #enframe example
public void extractTo( IntMap tileMap, double vFrom, double vTo, int tileNum ) {
if( debug ) if( tileMap.xQuantity != xQuantity || tileMap.yQuantity != yQuantity ) {
error( "Sizes of source heightmap and resulting tilemap are different." );
for( int yy=0; yy < yQuantity; yy++ ) {
for( int xx=0; xx < xQuantity; xx++ ) {
if( value[ yy ][ xx ] >= vFrom && value[ yy ][ xx ] < vTo ) tileMap.value[ yy ][ xx ] = tileNum;
* Blurs the heightmap with simple 3x3 filter.
* @see #perlinNoise, #drawCircle example
public void blur() {
double[][] newArray = new double[ yQuantity ][];
for( int y0 = 0; y0 < yQuantity; y0++ ) {
newArray[ y0 ] = new double[ xQuantity ];
for( int x0=0; x0 < xQuantity; x0++ ) {
double sum = 0;
for( int xX=-1; xX <= 1; xX++ ) {
for( int yY=-1; yY <= 1; yY++ ) {
if( masked ) {
sum += value[ ( y0 + yY ) & yMask ][ ( x0 + xX ) & xMask ];
} else {
sum += value[ wrapY( y0 + yY ) ][ wrapX( x0 + xX ) ];
newArray[ y0 ][ x0 ] = ( sum + value[ y0 ][ x0 ] * 7.0 ) / 16.0;
value = newArray;
* Fills heightmap with perlin noise.
* @see #blur, #enframe example
public void perlinNoise( int startingXFrequency, int startingYFrequency, double startingAmplitude, double dAmplitude, int layersQuantity ) {
int xFrequency = startingXFrequency;
int yFrequency = startingYFrequency;
double amplitude = startingAmplitude;
for( int xx = 0; xx < xQuantity; xx++ ) {
for( int yy = 0; yy < yQuantity; yy++ ) {
value[ yy ][ xx ] = 0.5d;
for( int n=1; n <= layersQuantity; n++ ) {
double array[][] = new double[ yFrequency ][];
for( int aY = 0; aY < yFrequency; aY++ ) {
array[ aY ] = new double[ xFrequency ];
for( int aX = 0; aX < xFrequency; aX++ ) {
array[ aY ][ aX ] = Service.random( -amplitude, amplitude );
int fXMask = xFrequency - 1;
int fYMask = yFrequency - 1;
double kX = 1.0 * xFrequency / xQuantity;
double kY = 1.0 * yFrequency / yQuantity;
for( int yy = 0; yy < yQuantity; yy++ ) {
for( int xx = 0; xx < xQuantity; xx++ ) {
double xK = kX * xx;
double yK = kY * yy;
int arrayX = Service.floor( xK );
int arrayY = Service.floor( yK );
xK = ( 1.0 - Math.cos( 180.0 * ( xK - arrayX ) ) ) * 0.5;
yK = ( 1.0 - Math.cos( 180.0 * ( yK - arrayY ) ) ) * 0.5;
double z00 = array[ arrayY ][ arrayX ] ;
double z10 = array[ arrayY ][ ( arrayX + 1 ) & fXMask ] ;
double z01 = array[ ( arrayY + 1 ) & fYMask ][ arrayX ] ;
double z11 = array[ ( arrayY + 1 ) & fYMask ][ ( arrayX + 1 ) & fXMask ] ;
double z0 = z00 + ( z10 - z00 ) * xK;
double z1 = z01 + ( z11 - z01 ) * xK;
value[ yy ][ xx ] = value[ yy ][ xx ] + z0 + ( z1 - z0 ) * yK;
xFrequency = 2 * xFrequency;
yFrequency = 2 * yFrequency;
amplitude = amplitude * dAmplitude;
public final double circleBound = 0.707107d;
* Draws anti-aliased circle on the heightmap.
* Parts of circle which will be ouside the heightmap, will be wrapped around.
* @see #paste example
public void drawCircle( double xCenter, double yCenter, double radius, double color ) {
for( int y0 = Service.floor( yCenter - radius ); y0 < Math.ceil( yCenter + radius ); y0++ ) {
for( int x0 = Service.floor( xCenter - radius ); x0 < Math.ceil( xCenter + radius ); x0++ ) {
int xx, yy;
if( masked ) {
xx = x0 & xMask;
yy = y0 & yMask;
} else {
xx = wrapX( x0 );
yy = wrapY( y0 );
double dist = radius - Math.sqrt( ( x0 - xCenter ) * ( x0 - xCenter ) + ( y0 - yCenter ) * ( y0 - yCenter ) );
if( dist > circleBound ) {
value[ yy ][ xx ] = color;
} else if( dist < -circleBound ) {
} else {
double x1 = x0 - 0.5d - xCenter;
double y1 = y0 - 0.5d - yCenter;
double x2 = x0 + 0.5d - xCenter;
double y2 = y0 + 0.5d - yCenter;
double dist00 = radius - Math.sqrt( x1 * x1 + y1 * y1 );
double dist01 = radius - Math.sqrt( x1 * x1 + y2 * y2 );
double dist10 = radius - Math.sqrt( x2 * x2 + y1 * y1 );
double dist11 = radius - Math.sqrt( x2 * x2 + y2 * y2 );
double k = Service.limit( 0.125d / circleBound * ( dist00 + dist01 + dist10 + dist11 ) + 0.5d, 0d, 1d );
value[ yy ][ xx ] = value[ yy ][ xx ] * ( 1d - k ) + k * color;
* Limits the heightmap values by standard interval.
* @return
* This method will force heighmap values to be in 0.0...1.0 interval.
* Use this method after applying unsafe operations on heightmap, for example adding another heightmap to it.
* @see #paste example
public void limit() {
for( int yy = 0; yy < yQuantity; yy++ ) {
for( int xx = 0; xx < xQuantity; xx++ ) {
if( value[ yy ][ xx ] < 0.0 ) value[ yy ][ xx ] = 0d;
if( value[ yy ][ xx ] > 1.0 ) value[ yy ][ xx ] = 1d;