package dwlab.platform;
import dwlab.base.Obj;
import dwlab.base.Project;
import dwlab.base.images.Font;
import dwlab.base.images.ImageBuffer;
import dwlab.controllers.ButtonAction;
import dwlab.controllers.Button;
import dwlab.shapes.sprites.Camera;
import dwlab.visualizers.Color;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.lwjgl.LWJGLException;
import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;
import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.Display;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.DisplayMode;
import org.newdawn.slick.openal.Audio;
import org.newdawn.slick.openal.AudioLoader;
import org.newdawn.slick.opengl.TextureLoader;
import org.newdawn.slick.util.ResourceLoader;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.*;
public class LWJGL extends Platform {
public static void init() {
current = new LWJGL();
current.init( 800, 600, 25d, true );
* Sets graphics mode.
* Provide width and height of screen in pixels and unit size in pixels for camera.
* @see #parallax example
public void init( int newWidth, int newHeight, double unitSize, boolean loadFont ) {
if( Display.isCreated() ) return;
width =newWidth;
height = newHeight;
try {
Display.setDisplayMode( new DisplayMode( width, height ) );
} catch ( LWJGLException ex ) {
Logger.getLogger( Platform.class.getName() ).log( Level.SEVERE, null, ex );
glShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH );
glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
glDisable( GL_LIGHTING );
glEnable( GL_BLEND );
glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ) ;
glOrtho( 0d, width, height, 0d, -1d, 1d );
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ) ;
for( dwlab.base.images.Texture texture : Texture.textures ) texture.init();
for( ButtonAction action : Platform.controllers ) {
for( Button pushable : action.buttonList ) pushable.init();
try {
} catch ( LWJGLException ex ) {
Logger.getLogger( Platform.class.getName() ).log( Level.SEVERE, null, ex );
if( loadFont ) currentFont = (Font) Obj.loadFromFile( "res/font.lw" );
public void initCamera( double unitSize ) {
Camera.current.viewport.setCoords( 0.5d * width, 0.5d * height );
Camera.current.viewport.setSize( width, height );
Camera.current.setSize( width / unitSize, height / unitSize );
Camera.current.setCoords( 0d, 0d );
public void drawLine( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double width, Color color ) {
glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
glColor4d(,,, color.alpha );
glLineWidth( (float) width );
glBegin( GL_LINES );
glVertex2d( x1, y1 );
glVertex2d( x2, y2 );
glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
public void drawRectangle( double x, double y, double width, double height, double angle, Color color, boolean empty ){
width *= 0.5d ;
height *= 0.5d ;
if( empty ) {
startPolygon( 4, color, empty );
addPolygonVertex( x - width, y - height );
addPolygonVertex( x + width, y - height );
addPolygonVertex( x + width, y + height );
addPolygonVertex( x - width, y + height );
} else {
glColor4d(,,, color.alpha );
glRectd( x - width, y - height, x + width, y + height );
glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
public void drawOval( double x, double y, double width, double height, double angle, Color color, boolean empty ){
width *= 0.5d ;
height *= 0.5d ;
double vertexQuantity = Math.ceil( 2 * Math.PI / Math.acos( 1d - 1d / Math.max( width, height ) ) );
startPolygon( (int) vertexQuantity, color, empty );
for( double n = 0; n < vertexQuantity; n++ ) {
double ang = Math.PI * 2 * n / vertexQuantity;
addPolygonVertex( x + width * Math.cos( ang ), y + height * Math.sin( ang ) );
public void drawLongOval( double x, double y, double width, double height, double angle, Color color, boolean empty ) {
width *= 0.5d ;
height *= 0.5d ;
double vertexQuantity = Math.ceil( Math.PI / Math.acos( 1d - 1d / Math.max( width, height ) ) );
startPolygon( (int) vertexQuantity * 2 + 2, color, empty );
if( width > height ) {
for( int side = 0; side < 2; side++ ) {
double dsize = ( side == 0 ? width - height : height - width );
for( double n = 0; n <= vertexQuantity; n++ ) {
double ang = Math.PI * ( side - 0.5 + n / vertexQuantity );
addPolygonVertex( x + height * Math.cos( ang ) + dsize, y + height * Math.sin( ang ) );
} else {
for( int side = 0; side < 2; side++ ) {
double dsize = ( side == 0 ? height - width: width - height );
for( double n = 0; n <= vertexQuantity; n++ ) {
double ang = Math.PI * ( side + n / vertexQuantity );
addPolygonVertex( x + width * Math.cos( ang ), y + width * Math.sin( ang ) + dsize );
public void startPolygon( int vertexQuantity, Color color, boolean empty ) {
glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
if( empty ) glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP ); else glBegin( GL_POLYGON );
glColor4d(,,, color.alpha );
public void addPolygonVertex( double x, double y ) {
glVertex2d( x, y );
public void drawPolygon() {
glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
public void clearScreen( Color color ) {
glClearColor( (float), (float), (float), 1.0f );
public void setViewport( int vX, int vY, int vWidth, int vHeight ) {
viewportX = vX;
viewportY = vY;
viewportWidth = vWidth;
viewportHeight = vHeight;
glViewport( vX - vWidth / 2, height - ( vY + vHeight / 2 ), vWidth, vHeight );
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ) ;
glOrtho( vX - vWidth / 2, vX + vWidth / 2, vY + vHeight / 2, vY - vHeight / 2, -1d, 1d );
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ) ;
public void swapBuffers() {
public int getChar() {
if( keys.isEmpty() ) return 0;
int code = keys.getFirst();
return code;
public int mouseX() {
return Mouse.getX();
public int mouseY() {
return getScreenHeight() - Mouse.getY();
public void processEvents( Project project ) {
for( ButtonAction controller: controllers ) {
for( Button pushable : controller.buttonList ) {
while ( ) {
for( ButtonAction controller: controllers ) {
for( Button pushable : controller.buttonList ) {
if( project != null ) project.onKeyboardEvent();
if( Keyboard.getEventKeyState() ) keys.add( Keyboard.getEventKey() );
while ( ) {
for( ButtonAction controller: controllers ) {
for( Button pushable : controller.buttonList ) {
if( project != null ) project.onMouseEvent();
if( Display.isCloseRequested() ) if( project != null ) project.onCloseButton();
public void flushControllers() {
boolean exiting = false;
while( !exiting ) {
exiting = true;
processEvents( null );
for( ButtonAction controller: controllers ) {
if( controller.isDown() ) exiting = false;
public boolean getPushable( ButtonAction action ) {
while ( ) {
if( Keyboard.getEventKeyState() ) {
int key = Keyboard.getEventKey();
for( Entry<Key,Integer> entry : keymap.entrySet() ) {
if( entry.getValue() == key ) {
action.addButton( KeyboardKey.create( entry.getKey() ) );
return true;
while ( ) {
if( Mouse.getEventButtonState() ) {
action.addButton( MouseButton.create( Mouse.getEventButton() ) );
return true;
int dWheel = Mouse.getEventDWheel();
if( dWheel !=0 ) {
action.addButton( MouseWheel.create( dWheel ) );
return true;
return false;
@SuppressWarnings( "empty-statement" )
public void waitForKey() {
ButtonAction action = new ButtonAction();
while( !getPushable( action ) );
private final HashMap<Key, Integer> keymap = new HashMap<Key, Integer>();
public void initKeys() {
keymap.put( Key.ESCAPE, Keyboard.KEY_ESCAPE );
keymap.put( Key._1, Keyboard.KEY_1 );
keymap.put( Key._2, Keyboard.KEY_2 );
keymap.put( Key._3, Keyboard.KEY_3 );
keymap.put( Key._4, Keyboard.KEY_4 );
keymap.put( Key._5, Keyboard.KEY_5 );
keymap.put( Key._6, Keyboard.KEY_6 );
keymap.put( Key._7, Keyboard.KEY_7 );
keymap.put( Key._8, Keyboard.KEY_8 );
keymap.put( Key._9, Keyboard.KEY_9 );
keymap.put( Key._0, Keyboard.KEY_0 );
keymap.put( Key.MINUS, Keyboard.KEY_MINUS );
keymap.put( Key.EQUALS, Keyboard.KEY_EQUALS );
keymap.put( Key.BACK, Keyboard.KEY_BACK );
keymap.put( Key.TAB, Keyboard.KEY_TAB );
keymap.put( Key.Q, Keyboard.KEY_Q );
keymap.put( Key.W, Keyboard.KEY_W );
keymap.put( Key.E, Keyboard.KEY_E );
keymap.put( Key.R, Keyboard.KEY_R );
keymap.put( Key.T, Keyboard.KEY_T );
keymap.put( Key.Y, Keyboard.KEY_Y );
keymap.put( Key.U, Keyboard.KEY_U );
keymap.put( Key.I, Keyboard.KEY_I );
keymap.put( Key.O, Keyboard.KEY_O );
keymap.put( Key.P, Keyboard.KEY_P );
keymap.put( Key.LBRACKET, Keyboard.KEY_LBRACKET );
keymap.put( Key.RBRACKET, Keyboard.KEY_RBRACKET );
keymap.put( Key.RETURN, Keyboard.KEY_RETURN );
keymap.put( Key.LCONTROL, Keyboard.KEY_LCONTROL );
keymap.put( Key.A, Keyboard.KEY_A );
keymap.put( Key.S, Keyboard.KEY_S );
keymap.put( Key.D, Keyboard.KEY_D );
keymap.put( Key.F, Keyboard.KEY_F );
keymap.put( Key.G, Keyboard.KEY_G );
keymap.put( Key.H, Keyboard.KEY_H );
keymap.put( Key.J, Keyboard.KEY_J );
keymap.put( Key.K, Keyboard.KEY_K );
keymap.put( Key.L, Keyboard.KEY_L );
keymap.put( Key.SEMICOLON, Keyboard.KEY_SEMICOLON );
keymap.put( Key.APOSTROPHE, Keyboard.KEY_APOSTROPHE );
keymap.put( Key.GRAVE, Keyboard.KEY_GRAVE );
keymap.put( Key.LSHIFT, Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT );
keymap.put( Key.BACKSLASH, Keyboard.KEY_BACKSLASH );
keymap.put( Key.Z, Keyboard.KEY_Z );
keymap.put( Key.X, Keyboard.KEY_X );
keymap.put( Key.C, Keyboard.KEY_C );
keymap.put( Key.V, Keyboard.KEY_V );
keymap.put( Key.B, Keyboard.KEY_B );
keymap.put( Key.N, Keyboard.KEY_N );
keymap.put( Key.M, Keyboard.KEY_M );
keymap.put( Key.COMMA, Keyboard.KEY_COMMA );
keymap.put( Key.PERIOD, Keyboard.KEY_PERIOD );
keymap.put( Key.SLASH, Keyboard.KEY_SLASH );
keymap.put( Key.RSHIFT, Keyboard.KEY_RSHIFT );
keymap.put( Key.MULTIPLY, Keyboard.KEY_MULTIPLY );
keymap.put( Key.LALT, Keyboard.KEY_LMENU );
keymap.put( Key.SPACE, Keyboard.KEY_SPACE );
keymap.put( Key.CAPITAL, Keyboard.KEY_CAPITAL );
keymap.put( Key.F1, Keyboard.KEY_F1 );
keymap.put( Key.F2, Keyboard.KEY_F2 );
keymap.put( Key.F3, Keyboard.KEY_F3 );
keymap.put( Key.F4, Keyboard.KEY_F4 );
keymap.put( Key.F5, Keyboard.KEY_F5 );
keymap.put( Key.F6, Keyboard.KEY_F6 );
keymap.put( Key.F7, Keyboard.KEY_F7 );
keymap.put( Key.F8, Keyboard.KEY_F8 );
keymap.put( Key.F9, Keyboard.KEY_F9 );
keymap.put( Key.F10, Keyboard.KEY_F10 );
keymap.put( Key.NUMLOCK, Keyboard.KEY_NUMLOCK );
keymap.put( Key.SCROLL, Keyboard.KEY_SCROLL );
keymap.put( Key.NUMPAD7, Keyboard.KEY_NUMPAD7 );
keymap.put( Key.NUMPAD8, Keyboard.KEY_NUMPAD8 );
keymap.put( Key.NUMPAD9, Keyboard.KEY_NUMPAD9 );
keymap.put( Key.SUBTRACT, Keyboard.KEY_SUBTRACT );
keymap.put( Key.NUMPAD4, Keyboard.KEY_NUMPAD4 );
keymap.put( Key.NUMPAD5, Keyboard.KEY_NUMPAD5 );
keymap.put( Key.NUMPAD6, Keyboard.KEY_NUMPAD6 );
keymap.put( Key.ADD, Keyboard.KEY_ADD );
keymap.put( Key.NUMPAD1, Keyboard.KEY_NUMPAD1 );
keymap.put( Key.NUMPAD2, Keyboard.KEY_NUMPAD2 );
keymap.put( Key.NUMPAD3, Keyboard.KEY_NUMPAD3 );
keymap.put( Key.NUMPAD0, Keyboard.KEY_NUMPAD0 );
keymap.put( Key.DECIMAL, Keyboard.KEY_DECIMAL );
keymap.put( Key.F11, Keyboard.KEY_F11 );
keymap.put( Key.F12, Keyboard.KEY_F12 );
keymap.put( Key.F13, Keyboard.KEY_F13 );
keymap.put( Key.F14, Keyboard.KEY_F14 );
keymap.put( Key.F15, Keyboard.KEY_F15 );
keymap.put( Key.KANA, Keyboard.KEY_KANA );
keymap.put( Key.CONVERT, Keyboard.KEY_CONVERT );
keymap.put( Key.NOCONVERT, Keyboard.KEY_NOCONVERT );
keymap.put( Key.YEN, Keyboard.KEY_YEN );
keymap.put( Key.NUMPADEQUALS, Keyboard.KEY_NUMPADEQUALS );
keymap.put( Key.CIRCUMFLEX, Keyboard.KEY_CIRCUMFLEX );
keymap.put( Key.AT, Keyboard.KEY_AT );
keymap.put( Key.COLON, Keyboard.KEY_COLON );
keymap.put( Key.UNDERLINE, Keyboard.KEY_UNDERLINE );
keymap.put( Key.KANJI, Keyboard.KEY_KANJI );
keymap.put( Key.STOP, Keyboard.KEY_STOP );
keymap.put( Key.AX, Keyboard.KEY_AX );
keymap.put( Key.UNLABELED, Keyboard.KEY_UNLABELED );
keymap.put( Key.NUMPADENTER, Keyboard.KEY_NUMPADENTER );
keymap.put( Key.RCONTROL, Keyboard.KEY_RCONTROL );
keymap.put( Key.NUMPADCOMMA, Keyboard.KEY_NUMPADCOMMA );
keymap.put( Key.DIVIDE, Keyboard.KEY_DIVIDE );
keymap.put( Key.SYSRQ, Keyboard.KEY_SYSRQ );
keymap.put( Key.RALT, Keyboard.KEY_RMENU );
keymap.put( Key.PAUSE, Keyboard.KEY_PAUSE );
keymap.put( Key.HOME, Keyboard.KEY_HOME );
keymap.put( Key.UP, Keyboard.KEY_UP );
keymap.put( Key.PAGE_UP, Keyboard.KEY_PRIOR );
keymap.put( Key.LEFT, Keyboard.KEY_LEFT );
keymap.put( Key.RIGHT, Keyboard.KEY_RIGHT );
keymap.put( Key.END, Keyboard.KEY_END );
keymap.put( Key.DOWN, Keyboard.KEY_DOWN );
keymap.put( Key.PAGE_DOWN, Keyboard.KEY_NEXT );
keymap.put( Key.INSERT, Keyboard.KEY_INSERT );
keymap.put( Key.DELETE, Keyboard.KEY_DELETE );
keymap.put( Key.LMETA, Keyboard.KEY_LMETA );
public int getKeyboardCode( Key keyID ) {
return keymap.get( keyID );
public void processKeyboardKeyEvent( KeyboardKey key ) {
if( Keyboard.getEventKey() == key.code ) {
if( Keyboard.getEventKeyState() ) {
key.state = Button.State.JUST_PRESSED;
} else {
key.state = Button.State.JUST_UNPRESSED;
public void processMouseButtonEvent( MouseButton button ) {
if( Mouse.getEventButton() == button.num ) {
if( Mouse.getEventButtonState() ) {
button.state = Button.State.JUST_PRESSED;
} else {
button.state = Button.State.JUST_UNPRESSED;
public void processMouseWheelEvent( MouseWheel wheel ) {
int dWheel =Mouse.getEventDWheel();
if( dWheel != 0 ) {
if( wheel.direction == dWheel ) wheel.state = Button.State.JUST_PRESSED;
public class Texture extends dwlab.base.images.Texture {
private int textureID;
* Initializes image.
* Splits image by XCells x YCells grid. Will be executed after loading image object from XML file.
public final void init() {
if( Platform.current == null ) return;
if( !fileName.isEmpty() ) {
textureID = glGenTextures();
try {
org.newdawn.slick.opengl.Texture texture = TextureLoader.getTexture( fileName.substring( fileName.length() - 3 ).toUpperCase(),
ResourceLoader.getResourceAsStream( fileName ) );
textureID = texture.getTextureID();
width = texture.getTextureWidth();
height = texture.getTextureHeight();
} catch ( IOException ex ) {
Logger.getLogger( Texture.class.getName() ).log( Level.SEVERE, null, ex );
public ImageBuffer getBuffer() {
ImageBuffer buffer = new ImageBuffer( width, height );
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureID );
glGetTexImage( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_INT, buffer.buffer );
return buffer;
public void applyBuffer( ImageBuffer buffer ) {
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureID );
glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, buffer.getWidth(), buffer.getHeight(), 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer.buffer );
width = buffer.getWidth();
height = buffer.getHeight();
public void pasteBuffer( ImageBuffer buffer, int x, int y ) {
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureID );
glTexSubImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, x, y, buffer.getWidth(), buffer.getHeight(), GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer.buffer );
public void draw( double x, double y, double width, double height, double tx1, double ty1, double tx2, double ty2, double angle, Color color ){
width *= 0.5d;
height *= 0.5d;
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureID );
glBegin( GL_QUADS );
glColor4d(,,, color.alpha );
if( angle == 0d ) {
glTexCoord2d( tx1, ty1 );
glVertex2d( x - width, y - height );
glTexCoord2d( tx2, ty1 );
glVertex2d( x + width, y - height );
glTexCoord2d( tx2, ty2 );
glVertex2d( x + width, y + height );
glTexCoord2d( tx1, ty2 );
glVertex2d( x - width, y + height );
} else {
double sin = Math.sin( angle );
double cos = Math.cos( angle );
glTexCoord2d( tx1, ty1 );
glVertex2d( x + cos * -width - sin * -height, y + sin * -width + cos * -height );
glTexCoord2d( tx2, ty1 );
glVertex2d( x + cos * width - sin * -height, y + sin * width + cos * -height );
glTexCoord2d( tx2, ty2 );
glVertex2d( x + cos * width - sin * height, y + sin * width + cos * height );
glTexCoord2d( tx1, ty2 );
glVertex2d( x + cos * -width - sin * height, y + sin * -width + cos * height );
public dwlab.base.images.Texture createTexture( String fileName ) {
Texture texture = new Texture();
texture.fileName = fileName;
Texture.textures.add( texture );
return texture;
public class Sound extends dwlab.base.Sound {
Audio sound;
public Sound( String fileName ) {
String format;
fileName = fileName.toLowerCase();
if( fileName.endsWith( ".wav" ) ) {
format = "WAV";
} else if( fileName.endsWith( ".ogg" ) ) {
format = "OGG";
} else {
try {
sound = AudioLoader.getAudio( format, ResourceLoader.getResourceAsStream( fileName ) );
} catch ( IOException ex ) {
Logger.getLogger( Sound.class.getName() ).log( Level.SEVERE, null, ex );
public void play() {
sound.playAsSoundEffect( 1f, 1f, false );
public void playLooped() {
sound.playAsSoundEffect( 1f, 1f, true );
public void stop() {
public boolean isPlaying() {
return sound.isPlaying();
public dwlab.base.Sound createSound( String filename ) {
return new Sound( filename );