package edu.emory.mathcs.csparsej.tfloat;
import edu.emory.mathcs.csparsej.tfloat.Scs_common.Scs;
import edu.emory.mathcs.csparsej.tfloat.Scs_common.Scsn;
import edu.emory.mathcs.csparsej.tfloat.Scs_common.Scss;
* Solves Ax=b where A is symmetric positive definite.
* @author Piotr Wendykier (
public class Scs_cholsol {
* Solves Ax=b where A is symmetric positive definite; b is overwritten with
* solution.
* @param order
* ordering method to use (0 or 1)
* @param A
* column-compressed matrix, symmetric positive definite, only
* upper triangular part is used
* @param b
* right hand side, b is overwritten with solution
* @return true if successful, false on error
public static boolean cs_cholsol(int order, Scs A, float[] b) {
float x[];
Scss S;
Scsn N;
int n;
boolean ok;
if (!Scs_util.CS_CSC(A) || b == null)
return (false); /* check inputs */
n = A.n;
S = Scs_schol.cs_schol(order, A); /* ordering and symbolic analysis */
N = Scs_chol.cs_chol(A, S); /* numeric Cholesky factorization */
x = new float[n]; /* get workspace */
ok = (S != null && N != null);
if (ok) {
Scs_ipvec.cs_ipvec(S.pinv, b, x, n); /* x = P*b */
Scs_lsolve.cs_lsolve(N.L, x); /* x = L\x */
Scs_ltsolve.cs_ltsolve(N.L, x); /* x = L'\x */
Scs_pvec.cs_pvec(S.pinv, x, b, n); /* b = P'*x */
return (ok);