package com.l2client.navigation;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.jme3.export.binary.BinaryImporter;
import com.jme3.math.Vector2f;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.l2client.navigation.Cell.ClassifyResult;
* NavigationManager working on TiledNavMeshes.
public class NavigationManager {
protected static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(NavigationManager.class.getName());
* Optimized paths try to get as straight as possible paths, otherwise cell wall midpoints are used for paths
public static boolean USE_OPTIMZED_PATH = false;
protected static NavigationManager singleton = null;
protected volatile HashMap<Integer, TiledNavMesh> meshes = new HashMap<Integer, TiledNavMesh>(cacheSize);
protected volatile ArrayList<Integer> lruCache = new ArrayList<Integer>(cacheSize);
private static int cacheSize = 30;
public static NavigationManager get() {
if(singleton == null){
synchronized (NavigationManager.class) {
if(singleton == null){
singleton = new NavigationManager();
return singleton;
protected NavigationManager() {
public void setCacheSize(int newSize){
synchronized (meshes) {
if(lruCache.size()> newSize)
cacheSize = newSize;
private void clear(){
TiledNavMesh checkCache(int tileId, TiledNavMesh m){
//tile holen, schon drin?
//lrucache id raus und vorne rein
// tile laden
//lrucache nicht voll?
//id aufnemhen, tile in hash rein
//letzte lru id holen, aus hash raus
//id aufnehmen tile in hash rein
long dT = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(m == null){
m = meshes.get(tileId);
if(m == null)
m = loadNavMesh(tileId);
if(m == null)
log.severe("Navmesh not found for tile"+tileId);
if(m.hashCode() != tileId)
log.severe("hashcode of tile != tileid");
synchronized (meshes) {
if(meshes.get(tileId) != null){
//no need for meshes put already in
lruCache.add(tileId);"Navmesh already in lru "+tileId);
} else {
if(lruCache.size() >= cacheSize){
int removed = lruCache.remove(0);
meshes.remove(removed);"Cache full removed "+removed);
lruCache.add(tileId);"Navmesh added to lru "+tileId);
}"Lookup took "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-dT)+" milli seconds");
return m;
TiledNavMesh loadNavMesh(int tileId){
TiledNavMesh ret = null;
tileId -= 100000000;
int x = tileId/10000;
int z = tileId%10000;
if(x>0 && z > 0){
// //From Tile.getTileFromWorldXPosition for L2JServer
// x = (x>>8)+160;// +160 (20*8 tiles) because 0 in x is in tile 160 not in tile 0
// z = (z>>8)+144; //+144 because 0 in z is in tile 144 not in tile 0
InputStream is = NavigationManager.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("tile/"+x+"_"+z+"/nav.jnv");
if(is!= null){
try {
//load tiled namvmesh
ret = (TiledNavMesh) BinaryImporter.getInstance().load(is);
//add it to the navmanager
if(ret != null){
//nav meshes are from 0/0 to tile.x/tile.y for conveniance so move it
//nm.setPosition(new Vector3f(Tile.getWorldPositionOfXTile(x), 0f,Tile.getWorldPositionOfZTile(z)));
ret.setPosition(new Vector3f((x-160)<<8, 0f, (z-144)<<8));
} catch (IOException e) {
return ret;
public void removeMesh(TiledNavMesh m) {
synchronized (meshes) {
}"Removed NavMesh "+m.hashCode()+" at "+m.getPosition().x+"/"+m.getPosition().z);
public void addMesh(TiledNavMesh m) {
checkCache(m.hashCode(), m);"Added NavMesh "+m.hashCode()+" at "+m.getPosition().x+"/"+m.getPosition().z);
public Cell FindClosestCell(Vector3f point, boolean mustBeBorderCell) {
TiledNavMesh na = getNavMesh(point.x, point.z);
Cell c = null;
if(na != null){
c = na.FindClosestCell(point);
if(c != null){
if(mustBeBorderCell && !na.isBorderCell(c)){
c = null;
log.finest("NavigationManager FindClosestCell has no border cell for coordinates "+point);
} else {
log.finest("NavigationManager FindClosestCell found borderCell:"+c);
return c;
} else
log.finest("NavigationManager FindClosestCell has no Cell near:"+point);
} else
log.warning("NavigationManager FindClosestCell has no NavigationMesh for coordinates "+point);
log.severe("NavigationManager FindClosestCell has no mesh for coordinates "+point);
return c;
* returns the mesh of position p
* meshes are a part of a terrain tile and occupy the same area, or at least should
* the will in no case contain less (for overlapping sometimes the do contain more space
* As it is supposed to contain maximally 9 meshes this should be no problem
* regarding computation time
* @param x, z (groundplane) in worldcoordinates
* @return
TiledNavMesh getNavMesh(float x, float z) {
// for(TiledNavMesh mesh : meshes) {
// if(mesh.isPointInTile(x, z)){
// return mesh;
// }
// }
return checkCache(TiledNavMesh.getHashCode(x, z), null);
TiledNavMesh getNavMesh(int meshId) {
return checkCache(meshId, null);
* Juts for debug use
* @return
public TiledNavMesh[] getNavMeshes() {
return meshes.values().toArray(new TiledNavMesh[meshes.size()]);
int resolveMotionNewWay(Vector3f startPos, int startCell, int startMesh, Vector3f endPos) {
TiledNavMesh me = getNavMesh(startMesh);
Cell ce = me.getCell(startCell);
ce = resolveMotionNewWay(startPos, ce, endPos);
if(ce != null)
return -1;
Cell resolveMotionNewWay(Vector3f StartPos, Cell StartCell, Vector3f EndPos) {
// create a 2D motion path from our Start and End positions, tossing out
// their Y values to project them
// down to the XZ plane.
Line2D MotionPath = new Line2D(new Vector2f(StartPos.x, StartPos.z),
new Vector2f(EndPos.x, EndPos.z));
// these three will hold the results of our tests against the cell walls
ClassifyResult Result = null;
// TestCell is the cell we are currently examining.
Cell TestCell = StartCell;
Result = TestCell.ClassifyPathToCell(MotionPath);
// if exiting the cell...
if (Result.result == Cell.PATH_RESULT.EXITING_CELL) {
// Set if we are moving to an adjacent cell or we have hit a
// solid (unlinked) edge
if (Result.cell != null) {
// moving on. Set our motion origin to the point of
// intersection with this cell
// and continue, using the new cell as our test cell.
TestCell = Result.cell;
} else {
//FIXME this could also be the case of switching meshes :-< check this !!
Cell c = FindClosestCell(EndPos, true);
if(c!= null && c != TestCell){
//System.out.println("Mesh switching");
TestCell =c;
//FIXME thid should push the entity more away from a wall than it does at the moment and make it move more perpendicular to the wall
//System.out.println("Hitting a wall!");
// we have hit a solid wall. Resolve the collision and
// correct our path.
TestCell.ProjectPathOnCellWall(Result.side, MotionPath);
// add some friction to the new MotionPath since we are
// scraping against a wall.
// we do this by reducing the magnatude of our motion by 10%
Vector2f Direction = MotionPath.EndPointB().subtract(
// Direction.mult(0.9f);
} else if (Result.result == Cell.PATH_RESULT.NO_RELATIONSHIP) {
//System.out.println("NO RELATION");
//FIXME this could also be the case of optimized meshes
Cell c = FindClosestCell(EndPos, true);
if(c!= null && c != TestCell){
TestCell =c;
} else {
// Although theoretically we should never encounter this case,
// we do sometimes find ourselves standing directly on a vertex
// of the cell.
// This can be viewed by some routines as being outside the
// cell.
// To accomodate this rare case, we can force our starting point
// to be within
// the current cell by nudging it back so we may continue.
Vector2f NewOrigin = MotionPath.EndPointA();
// MotionPath.SetEndPointA(NewOrigin);
//we do not want to iterate we just want them to stop at the wall and not cet out
// Update the new control point position,
// solving for Y using the Plane member of the NavigationCell
EndPos.x = MotionPath.EndPointB().x;
EndPos.y = 0.0f;
EndPos.z = MotionPath.EndPointB().y;
return TestCell;
* Builds a path across meshes, or builds a path from start to end (direct route)
* The NavigationMesh is not responsible for mesh crossing. This is done in resolve motion on mesh and
* the path planning tool
* @param NavPath
* @param StartPos
* @param EndPos
* @return
public boolean buildNavigationPath(Path navPath, Vector3f startPos, Vector3f endPos) {
long dT = System.currentTimeMillis();
boolean ret = buildNavigationPath(navPath, getNavMesh(startPos.x, startPos.z), startPos, getNavMesh(endPos.x, endPos.z), endPos);"path building took "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-dT)+" milli seconds");
return ret;
boolean buildNavigationPath(Path navPath, TiledNavMesh startMesh,
Vector3f startPos, TiledNavMesh endMesh, Vector3f endPos) {
//check params, as we can be fed from the outside
if(navPath != null){
if(startMesh!= null && endMesh != null){
if(startMesh != endMesh){
log.finer(" Building - path between borders ? "+startMesh+"-"+startPos+" to:"+endMesh+"-"+endPos);
//check for neighboring path
log.finer(" - path for neighbors :"+startMesh+"-"+startPos+" to:"+endMesh+"-"+endPos);
if(startMesh.buildNavigationPathToBorder(navPath, null, startPos, endPos)){
Path endPath = new Path();
log.finer(" - path part 1 to border found :"+startPos+" to:"+endPos+" with crossing at:"+navPath.internalEndPoint().Position);
//FIXME this one is direction dependant, so we have to invert search direction
if(endMesh.buildNavigationPathToBorder(endPath, null, endPos, navPath.internalEndPoint().Position)){
log.fine(" - path part 2 to border found :"+navPath.internalEndPoint().Position+" to:"+endPos);
//do the crossing points match ?
if(!(navPath.internalEndPoint().Position.distanceSquared(endPath.internalEndPoint().Position)< 0.000001f)){
log.finer("NO PATH - no path between border crosses:"+startMesh+"-"+navPath.internalEndPoint().Position+" to:"+endMesh+"-"+endPath.internalEndPoint().Position);
return false;
// log.finest("PRE OPT\n"+endPath.toString());
// log.finest("POST OPT\n"+endPath.toString());
//reverse addition needed because of direction dependency
//add all, because the waypoint crossing will be in twice, but with different cells
// for(int i=endPath.m_WaypointList.size()-1;i>=0;i--)
// navPath.m_WaypointList.add(endPath.m_WaypointList.get(i));
// //same for optimized
// for(int i=endPath.m_OptimalWaypointList.size()-1;i>=0;i--)
// navPath.m_OptimalWaypointList.add(endPath.m_OptimalWaypointList.get(i));
// //TODO not needed, check and remove this
// navPath.EndPoint().Cell.MapVectorHeightToCell(navPath.EndPoint().position);
// log.finest("FINAL \n"+navPath.toString());
// if(Level.FINEST.equals(log.getLevel())){
// }
return true;
} else {
log.finer("NO PATH - no path between borders:"+startMesh+"-"+startPos+" to:"+endMesh+"-"+endPos);
}log.finer("NO PATH - no path to border:"+startMesh+"-"+endPos);
} else log.finer("NO PATH - Path for non neighbors requested:"+startMesh+" to:"+endMesh);
} else {
if(startMesh.buildNavigationPath(navPath, startPos, endPos)){
// //TODO not needed, check and remove this
// navPath.EndPoint().Cell.MapVectorHeightToCell(navPath.EndPoint().position);
// if(Level.FINEST.equals(log.getLevel())){
// }
return true;
return false;
} else
log.warning("NO PATH - start or end param missing:"+startMesh+" to:"+endMesh);
} else
log.severe("NO PATH - Path param missing");
return false;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(this.getClass().getSimpleName());
str.append(" Meshes total:").append(meshes.size());
for(Integer n : meshes.keySet())
str.append('\n').append("Mesh:"+n+" ").append(meshes.get(n));
for(Integer i : lruCache)
return str.toString();
public int getMeshCount() {
return meshes.size();
public void snapToGround(Vector3f p) {
log.fine("Snap to Ground around "+p);
Cell c = FindClosestCell(p, false);
if(c != null) {
log.fine("Snap to Ground succeeded at "+p);
} else
log.fine("Snap to Ground FAILED around "+p);