* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.livingstories.server.rpcimpl;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RemoteServiceServlet;
import com.google.livingstories.client.AssetContentItem;
import com.google.livingstories.client.AssetType;
import com.google.livingstories.client.BaseContentItem;
import com.google.livingstories.client.ContentItemType;
import com.google.livingstories.client.ContentItemTypesBundle;
import com.google.livingstories.client.LivingStory;
import com.google.livingstories.client.LivingStoryRpcService;
import com.google.livingstories.client.NarrativeContentItem;
import com.google.livingstories.client.PublishState;
import com.google.livingstories.client.StartPageBundle;
import com.google.livingstories.client.Theme;
import com.google.livingstories.client.util.DateUtil;
import com.google.livingstories.server.dataservices.LivingStoryDataService;
import com.google.livingstories.server.dataservices.ThemeDataService;
import com.google.livingstories.server.dataservices.impl.DataImplFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Implementation of the RPC calls related to getting data for living stories and themes.
public class LivingStoryRpcImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements LivingStoryRpcService {
private LivingStoryDataService livingStoryDataService;
private ThemeDataService themeDataService;
private ContentRpcImpl contentRpcService;
public LivingStoryRpcImpl() {
this.livingStoryDataService = DataImplFactory.getLivingStoryService();
this.themeDataService = DataImplFactory.getThemeService();
this.contentRpcService = new ContentRpcImpl();
private static final Logger logger =
public synchronized LivingStory createLivingStory(String url, String title) {
LivingStory story = livingStoryDataService.save(null, url, title, PublishState.DRAFT, "");
return story;
public synchronized List<LivingStory> getAllLivingStories(boolean onlyPublished) {
List<LivingStory> allLivingStories = Caches.getLivingStories();
if (allLivingStories == null) {
allLivingStories = livingStoryDataService.retrieveAll(null, true);
if (!onlyPublished) {
return allLivingStories;
} else {
List<LivingStory> publishedLivingStories = Lists.newArrayList();
for (LivingStory story : allLivingStories) {
if (story.getPublishState() == PublishState.PUBLISHED) {
return publishedLivingStories;
public synchronized List<LivingStory> getLivingStoriesForContentManager() {
return livingStoryDataService.retrieveAll(null, true);
public LivingStory getLivingStoryById(long id, boolean allSummaryRevisions) {
return livingStoryDataService.retrieveById(id, !allSummaryRevisions);
public LivingStory getLivingStoryByUrl(String url) {
return livingStoryDataService.retrieveByUrlName(url, true);
public synchronized LivingStory saveLivingStory(long id, String url, String title,
PublishState publishState, String summary) {
LivingStory story = livingStoryDataService.save(id, url, title, publishState, summary);
return story;
public synchronized void deleteLivingStory(long id) {
public synchronized List<Theme> getThemesForLivingStory(long livingStoryId) {
List<Theme> themes = Caches.getLivingStoryThemes(livingStoryId);
if (themes == null) {
themes = themeDataService.retrieveByLivingStory(livingStoryId);
Caches.setLivingStoryThemes(livingStoryId, themes);
return themes;
* Returns a map from theme id to ContenItemTypesBundles. It lists the published content item
* type and asset types for the story, broken down by theme id. Each ContentItemTypeBundle
* includes an theme name field, so this call will give client-facing code all the information
* it needs to present themes and filters to the user.
* @param livingStoryId living story id
* @return a map of ContentItemTypeBundles appropriately filled in.
public synchronized Map<Long, ContentItemTypesBundle> getThemeInfoForLivingStory(
long livingStoryId) {
Map<Long, ContentItemTypesBundle> result = Caches.getLivingStoryThemeInfo(livingStoryId);
if (result != null) {
return result;
result = Maps.newHashMap();
ContentItemTypesBundle globalBundle = new ContentItemTypesBundle("");
result.put(null, globalBundle);
// put an entry in the map for each theme, too. Since some themes may have no content items,
// we should do this up-front, not lazily.
for (Theme theme : getThemesForLivingStory(livingStoryId)) {
result.put(theme.getId(), new ContentItemTypesBundle(theme.getName()));
// In principle, we could try to track when we've found every content item type that we care
// about, in every possible theme, terminating the loop early if our dance card is completely
// filled, but it's such a micro-optimization at this point that it's not worthwhile.
List<BaseContentItem> allContentItems =
contentRpcService.getContentItemsForLivingStory(livingStoryId, true);
for (BaseContentItem contentItem : allContentItems) {
if (!addContentItemToTypesBundle(contentItem, globalBundle)) {
for (Long themeId : contentItem.getThemeIds()) {
ContentItemTypesBundle themeBundle = result.get(themeId);
if (themeBundle == null) {
logger.warning("contentItem " + contentItem.getId() + " refers to themeId " + themeId
+ ", but this theme does not appear to be in the story.");
} else {
addContentItemToTypesBundle(contentItem, themeBundle);
Caches.setLivingStoryThemeInfo(livingStoryId, result);
return result;
* Adds information on contentItem to bundle.
* @return false if this is a content item that should be ignored completely. Handy to the caller,
* which can then avoid adding contentItem to other, theme-specific types bundles.
private boolean addContentItemToTypesBundle(BaseContentItem contentItem,
ContentItemTypesBundle bundle) {
ContentItemType contentItemType = contentItem.getContentItemType();
// We don't want to show background and reaction items in the filters, so skip those entirely
if (contentItemType == ContentItemType.BACKGROUND
|| contentItemType == ContentItemType.REACTION) {
return false;
if (contentItemType == ContentItemType.NARRATIVE
&& ((NarrativeContentItem)contentItem).isOpinion()) {
bundle.opinionAvailable = true;
} else {
if (contentItemType == ContentItemType.ASSET) {
AssetType assetType = ((AssetContentItem) contentItem).getAssetType();
if (assetType == AssetType.DOCUMENT) {
assetType = AssetType.LINK;
return true;
public synchronized Theme getThemeById(long id) {
return themeDataService.retrieveById(id);
public synchronized Theme saveTheme(Theme theme) {
Theme result = themeDataService.save(theme);
// Clear caches
return result;
public synchronized void deleteTheme(long id) {
// Clear caches
public StartPageBundle getStartPageBundle() {
StartPageBundle bundle = Caches.getStartPageBundle();
if (bundle == null) {
List<LivingStory> unsortedLivingStories = getAllLivingStories(true);
Map<Long, List<BaseContentItem>> storyIdToUpdateMap =
new HashMap<Long, List<BaseContentItem>>();
List<LivingStoryAndLastUpdateTime> livingStoriesAndUpdateTimes =
new ArrayList<LivingStoryAndLastUpdateTime>();
// For each living story, get the last 3 updates - the updates are sorted in reverse
// chronological order
for (LivingStory livingStory : unsortedLivingStories) {
List<BaseContentItem> updates =
storyIdToUpdateMap.put(livingStory.getId(), updates);
new LivingStoryAndLastUpdateTime(livingStory,
updates.isEmpty() ? null : updates.get(0).getTimestamp()));
// After we have the updates for each story, we want to sort them such that the story with
// the latest update is first
Collections.sort(livingStoriesAndUpdateTimes, LivingStoryAndLastUpdateTime.getComparator());
List<LivingStory> sortedLivingStories = new ArrayList<LivingStory>();
for (LivingStoryAndLastUpdateTime story : livingStoriesAndUpdateTimes) {
bundle = new StartPageBundle(sortedLivingStories, storyIdToUpdateMap);
return bundle;
private static class LivingStoryAndLastUpdateTime {
public LivingStory livingStory;
public Date timeOfLatestUpdate;
public LivingStoryAndLastUpdateTime(LivingStory livingStory, Date timeOfLatestUpdate) {
this.livingStory = livingStory;
this.timeOfLatestUpdate = timeOfLatestUpdate;
public Date timeOfLastChange() {
return DateUtil.laterDate(livingStory.getLastChangeTimestamp(), timeOfLatestUpdate);
public static Comparator<LivingStoryAndLastUpdateTime> getComparator() {
return new Comparator<LivingStoryAndLastUpdateTime>() {
public int compare(LivingStoryAndLastUpdateTime lhs, LivingStoryAndLastUpdateTime rhs) {
Date lhsTime = lhs.timeOfLastChange();
Date rhsTime = rhs.timeOfLastChange();
// Sort stories with no updates to the end.
if (rhsTime == null && lhsTime == null) {
return 0;
} else if (rhsTime == null) {
return 1;
} else if (lhsTime == null) {
return -1;
} else {
return rhsTime.compareTo(lhsTime);