import java.util.*;
* KeyManager manages the set of key definitions in a stylesheet, and the indexes
* associated with these key definitions. It handles xsl:sort-key as well as xsl:key
* definitions.
* <p>The memory management in this class is subtle, with extensive use of weak references.
* The idea is that an index should continue to exist in memory so long as both the compiled
* stylesheet and the source document exist in memory: if either is removed, the index should
* go too. The document itself holds no reference to the index. The compiled stylesheet (which
* owns the KeyManager) holds a weak reference to the index. The index, of course, holds strong
* references to the nodes in the document. The Controller holds a strong reference to the
* list of indexes used for each document, so that indexes remain in memory for the duration
* of a transformation even if the documents themselves are garbage collected.</p>
* <p>Potentially there is a need for more than one index for a given key name, depending
* on the primitive type of the value provided to the key() function. An index is built
* corresponding to the type of the requested value; if subsequently the key() function is
* called with the same name and a different type of value, then a new index is built.</p>
* <p>For XSLT-defined keys, equality matching follows the rules of the eq operator, which means
* that untypedAtomic values are treated as strings. In backwards compatibility mode, <i>all</i>
* values are converted to strings.</p>
* <p>This class is also used for internal indexes constructed (a) to support the idref() function,
* and (b) (in Saxon-EE only) to support filter expressions of the form /a/b/c[d=e], where the
* path expression being filtered must be a single-document context-free path rooted at a document node,
* where exactly one of d and e must be dependent on the focus, and where certain other conditions apply
* such as the filter predicate not being positional. The operator in this case may be either "=" or "eq".
* If it is "eq", then the semantics are very similar to xsl:key indexes, except that use of non-comparable
* types gives an error rather than a non-match. If the operator is "=", however, then the rules for
* handling untypedAtomic values are different: these must be converted to the type of the other operand.
* In this situation the following rules apply. Assume that the predicate is [use=value], where use is
* dependent on the focus (the indexed value), and value is the sought value.</p>
* <ul>
* <li>If value is a type other than untypedAtomic, say T, then we build an index for type T, in which any
* untypedAtomic values that arise in evaluating "use" are converted to type T. A conversion failure results
* in an error. A value of a type that is not comparable to T also results in an error.</li>
* <li>If value is untypedAtomic, then we build an index for every type actually encountered in evaluating
* the use expression (treating untypedAtomic as string), and then search each of these indexes. (Note that
* it is not an error if the use expression returns a mixture of say numbers and dates, provided that the
* sought value is untypedAtomic).</li>
* </ul>
* @author Michael H. Kay
public class KeyManager {
private HashMap<StructuredQName, KeyDefinitionSet> keyMap;
// one entry for each named key; the entry contains
// a KeyDefinitionSet holding the key definitions with that name
private transient HashMap<DocumentInfo, HashMap<Long, Object>> docIndexes;
// one entry for each document that is in memory;
// the entry contains a HashMap mapping the fingerprint of
// the key name plus the primitive item type
// to the HashMap that is the actual index
// of key/value pairs.
* Create a KeyManager and initialise variables
public KeyManager() {
keyMap = new HashMap<StructuredQName, KeyDefinitionSet>(10);
docIndexes = new HashMap<DocumentInfo, HashMap<Long, Object>>(10);
* Pre-register a key definition. This simply registers that a key with a given name exists,
* without providing any details.
* @param keyName the name of the key to be pre-registered
public void preRegisterKeyDefinition(StructuredQName keyName) {
KeyDefinitionSet keySet = keyMap.get(keyName);
if (keySet==null) {
keySet = new KeyDefinitionSet(keyName, keyMap.size());
keyMap.put(keyName, keySet);
* Register a key definition. Note that multiple key definitions with the same name are
* allowed
* @param keyName Structured QName representing the name of the key
* @param keydef The details of the key's definition
* @param config The configuration
* @throws XPathException if this key definition is inconsistent with existing key definitions having the same name
public void addKeyDefinition(StructuredQName keyName, KeyDefinition keydef, Configuration config) throws XPathException {
KeyDefinitionSet keySet = keyMap.get(keyName);
if (keySet==null) {
keySet = new KeyDefinitionSet(keyName, keyMap.size());
keyMap.put(keyName, keySet);
boolean backwardsCompatible = keySet.isBackwardsCompatible();
if (backwardsCompatible) {
// In backwards compatibility mode, convert all the use-expression results to sequences of strings
List v = keySet.getKeyDefinitions();
for (int i=0; i<v.size(); i++) {
KeyDefinition kd = (KeyDefinition)v.get(i);
if (!kd.getBody().getItemType(config.getTypeHierarchy()).equals(BuiltInAtomicType.STRING)) {
Expression exp = new AtomicSequenceConverter(kd.getBody(), BuiltInAtomicType.STRING);
* Get all the key definitions that match a particular name
* @param qName The name of the required key
* @return The set of key definitions of the named key if there are any, or null otherwise.
public KeyDefinitionSet getKeyDefinitionSet(StructuredQName qName) {
return keyMap.get(qName);
* Build the index for a particular document for a named key
* @param keySet The set of key definitions with this name
* @param itemType the type of the values to be indexed.
* @param foundItemTypes Optional (may be null). If supplied, a set that is to be populated with
* the set of primitive types actually found among the "use" values.
* @param doc The source document in question
* @param context The dynamic context
* @return the index in question, as a HashMap mapping a key value onto a ArrayList of nodes
private synchronized HashMap buildIndex(KeyDefinitionSet keySet,
BuiltInAtomicType itemType,
Set<BuiltInAtomicType> foundItemTypes,
DocumentInfo doc,
XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
List<KeyDefinition> definitions = keySet.getKeyDefinitions();
HashMap<Object, List<NodeInfo>> index = new HashMap<Object, List<NodeInfo>>(100);
// There may be multiple xsl:key definitions with the same name. Index them all.
for (int k=0; k<definitions.size(); k++) {
constructIndex( doc, index, definitions.get(k), itemType, foundItemTypes, context, k == 0);
return index;
* Process one key definition to add entries to an index
* @param doc the document to be indexed
* @param index the index to be built
* @param keydef the key definition used to build the index
* @param soughtItemType the primitive type of the value that the user is searching for on the call
* to the key() function that triggered this index to be built
* @param foundItemTypes Optional (may be null): if supplied, a Set to be populated with the set of
* primitive types actually found for the use expression
* @param context the XPath dynamic evaluation context
* @param isFirst true if this is the first index to be built for this key
private void constructIndex( DocumentInfo doc,
HashMap<Object, List<NodeInfo>> index,
KeyDefinition keydef,
BuiltInAtomicType soughtItemType,
Set<BuiltInAtomicType> foundItemTypes,
XPathContext context,
boolean isFirst) throws XPathException {
//System.err.println("build index for doc " + doc.getDocumentNumber());
Pattern match = keydef.getMatch();
//NodeInfo curr;
XPathContextMajor xc = context.newContext();
// The use expression (or sequence constructor) may contain local variables.
SlotManager map = keydef.getStackFrameMap();
if (map != null) {
SequenceIterator iter = match.selectNodes(doc, xc);
while (true) {
Item item =;
if (item == null) {
processKeyNode((NodeInfo)item, soughtItemType, foundItemTypes, keydef, index, xc, isFirst);
* Process one matching node, adding entries to the index if appropriate
* @param curr the node being processed
* @param soughtItemType the primitive item type of the argument to the key() function that triggered
* this index to be built
* @param foundItemTypes Optional (may be null): if supplied, a Set to be populated with the set of
* primitive types actually found for the use expression
* @param keydef the key definition
* @param index the index being constructed
* @param xc the context for evaluating expressions
* @param isFirst indicates whether this is the first key definition with a given key name (which means
* no sort of the resulting key entries is required)
private void processKeyNode( NodeInfo curr,
BuiltInAtomicType soughtItemType,
Set<BuiltInAtomicType> foundItemTypes,
KeyDefinition keydef,
HashMap<Object, List<NodeInfo>> index,
XPathContext xc,
boolean isFirst) throws XPathException {
// Make the node we are testing the context node,
// with context position and context size set to 1
AxisIterator si = SingleNodeIterator.makeIterator(curr);; // need to position iterator at first node
StringCollator collation = keydef.getCollation();
// Evaluate the "use" expression against this context node
Expression use = keydef.getUse();
SequenceIterator useval = use.iterate(xc);
while (true) {
AtomicValue item = (AtomicValue);
if (item == null) {
BuiltInAtomicType actualItemType = item.getPrimitiveType();
if (foundItemTypes != null) {
if (!Type.isComparable(actualItemType, soughtItemType, false)) {
// the types aren't comparable
// simply ignore this key value
Object val;
if (soughtItemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.UNTYPED_ATOMIC) ||
soughtItemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.STRING) ||
soughtItemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.ANY_URI)) {
// If the supplied key value is untyped atomic, we build an index using the
// actual type returned by the use expression
// If the supplied key value is a string, there is no match unless the use expression
// returns a string or an untyped atomic value
if (collation == null) {
val = item.getStringValue();
} else {
val = collation.getCollationKey(item.getStringValue());
} else {
// Ignore NaN values
if (item.isNaN()) {
try {
AtomicValue av = item.convert(soughtItemType, true).asAtomic();
val = av.getXPathComparable(false, collation, xc);
} catch (XPathException err) {
// ignore values that can't be converted to the required type
List<NodeInfo> nodes = index.get(val);
if (nodes==null) {
// this is the first node with this key value
nodes = new ArrayList<NodeInfo>(4);
index.put(val, nodes);
} else {
// this is not the first node with this key value.
// add the node to the list of nodes for this key,
// unless it's already there
if (isFirst) {
// if this is the first index definition that we're processing,
// then this node must be after all existing nodes in document
// order, or the same node as the last existing node
if (nodes.get(nodes.size()-1)!=curr) {
} else {
// otherwise, we need to insert the node at the correct
// position in document order. This code does an insertion sort:
// not ideal for performance, but it's very unusual to have more than
// one key definition for a key.
LocalOrderComparer comparer = LocalOrderComparer.getInstance();
boolean found = false;
for (int i=0; i<nodes.size(); i++) {
int d =, nodes.get(i));
if (d<=0) {
if (d==0) {
// node already in list; do nothing
} else {
// add the node at this position
nodes.add(i, curr);
found = true;
// else continue round the loop
// if we're still here, add the new node at the end
if (!found) {
* Get the nodes with a given key value
* @param keySet The set of key definitions identified by the key name used in the call to the key() function
* @param doc The source document in question
* @param soughtValue The required key value
* @param context The dynamic context, needed only the first time when the key is being built
* @return an iteration of the selected nodes, always in document order with no duplicates
public SequenceIterator selectByKey(
KeyDefinitionSet keySet,
DocumentInfo doc,
AtomicValue soughtValue,
XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
//System.err.println("*********** USING KEY ************");
if (soughtValue == null) {
return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
List definitions = keySet.getKeyDefinitions();
// if (definitions == null) {
// throw new XPathException("Key " + context.getNamePool().getDisplayName(keyNameFingerprint) +
// " has not been defined", "XTDE1260", context);
// }
KeyDefinition definition = (KeyDefinition)definitions.get(0);
// the itemType and collation and BC mode will be the same for all keys with the same name
StringCollator collation = definition.getCollation();
if (keySet.isBackwardsCompatible()) {
// if backwards compatibility is in force, treat all values as strings
soughtValue = soughtValue.convert(BuiltInAtomicType.STRING, true).asAtomic();
} else {
// If the key value is numeric, promote it to a double
// TODO: this could result in two decimals comparing equal because they convert to the same double
BuiltInAtomicType itemType = soughtValue.getPrimitiveType();
if (itemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.INTEGER) ||
itemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.DECIMAL) ||
itemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.FLOAT)) {
soughtValue = new DoubleValue(((NumericValue)soughtValue).getDoubleValue());
// NOTE: This is much more elaborate than it needs to be. The option convertUntypedToOther
// is used for an index used to support a general comparison. This reports an error if two
// non-comparable values are compared. We could report an error immediately if foundItemTypes
// includes a type that is not comparable to the soughtValue. In practice we only need a maximum
// of two indexes: one for the sought item type, and one for untypedAtomic.
HashSet<BuiltInAtomicType> foundItemTypes = null;
AtomicValue value = soughtValue;
// No special action needed for anyURI to string promotion (it just seems to work: tests idky44, 45)
int keySetNumber = keySet.getKeySetNumber();
BuiltInAtomicType itemType = value.getPrimitiveType();
HashMap index;
Object indexObject = getIndex(doc, keySetNumber, itemType);
if (indexObject instanceof String) {
// index is under construction
XPathException de = new XPathException("Key definition is circular");
throw de;
index = (HashMap)indexObject;
// If the index does not yet exist, then create it.
if (index==null) {
// Mark the index as being under construction, in case the definition is circular
putIndex(doc, keySetNumber, itemType, "Under Construction", context);
index = buildIndex(keySet, itemType, foundItemTypes, doc, context);
putIndex(doc, keySetNumber, itemType, index, context);
if (foundItemTypes != null) {
// build indexes for each item type actually found
for (Iterator<BuiltInAtomicType> f = foundItemTypes.iterator(); f.hasNext();) {
BuiltInAtomicType t =;
if (!t.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.STRING)) {
putIndex(doc, keySetNumber, t, "Under Construction", context);
index = buildIndex(keySet, t, null, doc, context);
putIndex(doc, keySetNumber, t, index, context);
if (foundItemTypes == null) {
ArrayList nodes = (ArrayList)index.get(getCollationKey(value, itemType, collation, context));
if (nodes==null) {
return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
} else {
return new;
} else {
// we need to search the indexes for all possible types, and combine the results.
SequenceIterator result = null;
HashMap<Long, Object> docIndex = docIndexes.get(doc);
if (docIndex != null) {
for (Iterator<Long> i= index.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
long key = (;
if (((key >> 32)) == keySetNumber) {
int typefp = (int)key;
BuiltInAtomicType type = (BuiltInAtomicType)BuiltInType.getSchemaType(typefp);
Object indexObject2 = getIndex(doc, keySetNumber, type);
if (indexObject2 instanceof String) {
// index is under construction
XPathException de = new XPathException("Key definition is circular");
throw de;
HashMap index2 = (HashMap)indexObject2;
// NOTE: we've been known to encounter a null index2 here, but it doesn't seem possible
if (!index2.isEmpty()) {
value = soughtValue.convert(type, true).asAtomic();
ArrayList nodes = (ArrayList)index2.get(getCollationKey(value, type, collation, context));
if (nodes != null) {
if (result == null) {
result = new ListIterator(nodes);
} else {
result = new UnionEnumeration(result, new ListIterator(nodes), LocalOrderComparer.getInstance());
if (result == null) {
return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
} else {
return result;
private static Object getCollationKey(AtomicValue value, BuiltInAtomicType itemType,
StringCollator collation, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
Object val;
if (itemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.STRING) ||
itemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.UNTYPED_ATOMIC) ||
itemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.ANY_URI)) {
if (collation==null) {
val = value.getStringValue();
} else {
val = collation.getCollationKey(value.getStringValue());
} else {
val = value.getXPathComparable(false, collation, context);
return val;
* Save the index associated with a particular key, a particular item type,
* and a particular document. This
* needs to be done in such a way that the index is discarded by the garbage collector
* if the document is discarded. We therefore use a WeakHashMap indexed on the DocumentInfo,
* which returns HashMap giving the index for each key fingerprint. This index is itself another
* HashMap.
* The methods need to be synchronized because several concurrent transformations (which share
* the same KeyManager) may be creating indexes for the same or different documents at the same
* time.
* @param doc the document being indexed
* @param keyFingerprint represents the name of the key definition
* @param itemType the primitive type of the values being indexed
* @param index the index being saved
* @param context the dynamic evaluation context
private synchronized void putIndex(DocumentInfo doc, int keyFingerprint,
AtomicType itemType, Object index, XPathContext context) {
if (docIndexes==null) {
// it's transient, so it will be null when reloading a compiled stylesheet
docIndexes = new HashMap<DocumentInfo, HashMap<Long, Object>>(10);
HashMap<Long, Object> indexRef = docIndexes.get(doc);
HashMap<Long, Object> indexList;
if (indexRef==null) {
indexList = new HashMap<Long, Object>(10);
// Ensure there is a firm reference to the indexList for the duration of a transformation
// But for keys associated with temporary trees, or documents that have been discarded from
// the document pool, keep the reference within the document node itself.
Controller controller = context.getController();
if (controller.getDocumentPool().contains(doc)) {
context.getController().setUserData(doc, "saxon:key-index-list", indexList);
} else {
doc.setUserData("saxon:key-index-list", indexList);
docIndexes.put(doc, new HashMap<Long, Object>(indexList));
} else {
indexList = indexRef;
indexList.put(Long.valueOf(((long)keyFingerprint)<<32 | itemType.getFingerprint()), index);
* Get the index associated with a particular key, a particular source document,
* and a particular primitive item type
* @param doc the document whose index is required
* @param keyFingerprint the name of the key definition
* @param itemType the primitive item type of the values being indexed
* @return either an index (as a HashMap), or the String "under construction", or null
private synchronized Object getIndex(DocumentInfo doc, int keyFingerprint, AtomicType itemType) {
if (docIndexes==null) {
// it's transient, so it will be null when reloading a compiled stylesheet
docIndexes = new HashMap<DocumentInfo, HashMap<Long, Object>>(10);
HashMap<Long, Object> docIndex = docIndexes.get(doc);
if (docIndex==null) return null;
return docIndex.get(Long.valueOf(((long)keyFingerprint)<<32 | itemType.getFingerprint()));
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