
Examples of

                    throw de;

        Controller controller = c.getController();

        // Resolve relative URI
        DocumentURI documentKey = computeDocumentKey(href, baseURI);

        // see if the document is already loaded

        DocumentInfo doc = config.getGlobalDocumentPool().find(documentKey);
        if (doc != null) {
            return doc;

        DocumentPool pool = controller.getDocumentPool();
        doc = pool.find(documentKey);
        if (doc != null) {
            return getFragment(doc, fragmentId, c);

        // check that the document was not written by this transformation

        if (!controller.checkUniqueOutputDestination(documentKey)) {
            XPathException err = new XPathException(
                    "Cannot read a document that was written during the same transformation: " + documentKey);
            throw err;

        try {

            if (pool.isMarkedUnavailable(documentKey)) {
                XPathException err = new XPathException(
                        "Document has been marked not available: " + documentKey);
                throw err;

            DocumentInfo newdoc = config.buildDocument(documentKey.toString());
            controller.registerDocument(newdoc, documentKey);
            return getFragment(newdoc, fragmentId, c);

        } catch (XPathException err) {
            String code = (err.getCause() instanceof URI.URISyntaxException) ? "FODC0005" : "FODC0002";
            return null;
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     * @return the constructed element node
     * @throws XPathException
    private NodeInfo constructElement(XPathContext context, NodeInfo copiedNode) throws XPathException {
        try {
            Controller controller = context.getController();
            XPathContext c2 = context.newMinorContext();
            SequenceOutputter seq = controller.allocateSequenceOutputter(1);
            PipelineConfiguration pipe = controller.makePipelineConfiguration();

            int nameCode = getNameCode(c2, copiedNode);

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     * are generated by XQuery, there will always be a valueExpression to evaluate
     * the content

    public Item evaluateItem(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
        Controller controller = context.getController();
        XPathContext c2 = context.newMinorContext();
        SequenceOutputter seq = controller.allocateSequenceOutputter(1);
        PipelineConfiguration pipe = controller.makePipelineConfiguration();
        Item item = seq.getFirstItem();
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    public TailCall processLeavingTail(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {

        Controller controller = context.getController();
        // handle parameters if any

        ParameterSet params = assembleParams(context, actualParams);
        ParameterSet tunnels = assembleTunnelParams(context, tunnelParams);

        Rule currentTemplateRule = context.getCurrentTemplateRule();
        if (currentTemplateRule==null) {
            dynamicError("There is no current template rule", "XTDE0560", context);

        int min = currentTemplateRule.getMinImportPrecedence();
        int max = currentTemplateRule.getPrecedence()-1;
        Mode mode = context.getCurrentMode();
        if (mode == null) {
            mode = controller.getRuleManager().getUnnamedMode();
        if (context.getCurrentIterator()==null) {
            dynamicError("Cannot call xsl:apply-imports when there is no context item", "XTDE0565", context);
        Item currentItem = context.getCurrentIterator().current();
        if (!(currentItem instanceof NodeInfo)) {
            dynamicError("Cannot call xsl:apply-imports when context item is not a node", "XTDE0565", context);
        NodeInfo node = (NodeInfo)currentItem;
        Rule rule = controller.getRuleManager().getTemplateRule(node, mode, min, max, context);

    if (rule==null) {             // use the default action for the node
            mode.getBuiltInRuleSet().process(node, params, tunnels, context, getSourceLocator());
        } else {
            XPathContextMajor c2 = context.newContext();
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        if (indexRef==null) {
            indexList = new HashMap<Long, Object>(10);
            // Ensure there is a firm reference to the indexList for the duration of a transformation
            // But for keys associated with temporary trees, or documents that have been discarded from
            // the document pool, keep the reference within the document node itself.
            Controller controller = context.getController();
            if (controller.getDocumentPool().contains(doc)) {
                context.getController().setUserData(doc, "saxon:key-index-list", indexList);
            } else {
                doc.setUserData("saxon:key-index-list", indexList);
            docIndexes.put(doc, new HashMap<Long, Object>(indexList));
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        ItemType contextItemType = Type.ITEM_TYPE;
        ExpressionVisitor visitor = ExpressionVisitor.make(staticContext, staticContext.getExecutable());
        expr = visitor.typeCheck(expr, contextItemType);
        SlotManager stackFrameMap = new SlotManager();
        ExpressionTool.allocateSlots(expr, stackFrameMap.getNumberOfVariables(), stackFrameMap);
        Controller controller = new Controller(getConfiguration());
        // TODO:CLAXON ensure calls on doc() are unsuccessful
                // this is to ensure that all use-when expressions in a module use the same date and time
        XPathContext dynamicContext = controller.newXPathContext();
        dynamicContext = dynamicContext.newCleanContext();
        return expr.effectiveBooleanValue(dynamicContext);
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    * Evaluate the variable

    public ValueRepresentation evaluateVariable(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
        final Controller controller = context.getController();
        final Bindery b = controller.getBindery();

        final ValueRepresentation v = b.getGlobalVariable(getSlotNumber());

        if (v != null) {
            return v;
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     * @return the value of the variable
     * @throws XPathException if evaluation fails

    protected ValueRepresentation actuallyEvaluate(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
        final Controller controller = context.getController();
        final Bindery b = controller.getBindery();
        try {
            // Set a flag to indicate that the variable is being evaluated. This is designed to prevent
            // (where possible) the same global variable being evaluated several times in different threads
            boolean go = b.setExecuting(this);
            if (!go) {
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                if (it==null) break;
                out.append(it, NodeInfo.ALL_NAMESPACES);
        } else {
            state = BUSY;
            Controller controller = context.getController();
            XPathContext c2 = savedXPathContext.newMinorContext();
            // Fork the output: one copy goes to a SequenceOutputter which remembers the contents for
            // use next time the variable is referenced; another copy goes to the current output destination.
            SequenceOutputter seq = controller.allocateSequenceOutputter(20);
            TeeOutputter tee = new TeeOutputter(context.getReceiver(), seq);


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    public int getNameCode(XPathContext context, NodeInfo copiedNode)
            throws XPathException {

        Controller controller = context.getController();
        NamePool pool = controller.getNamePool();

        String prefix = null;
        String localName = null;
        String uri = null;

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